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Candidate Name: Yovendra Singh
Candidate Number: 090003
School: Anna Regina Secondary School
School Code: 090003
Subject: Physical Education
Topic: First Aid
Territory: Guyana
Teachers Name: A. Bisnauth, N. Hastings


Candidate Name: Yovendra Singh
Candidate Number: 090003
School: Anna Regina Secondary School
School Code: 090003
Subject: Physical Education
Topic: First Aid
Territory: Guyana
Teachers Name: A. Bisnauth, N. Hastings

Due to the successful completion of this project, the researcher would like to extend
gratitude to all persons who abetted and co-operated with him to put together and to ensure the
successful completion of this project. The researcher would like to express his profound thanks
to the persons who assisted him to complete the project on time successfully.

Inaugurally the researcher would like to blissfully extend gratitude to the almighty God
for compassionately guiding and bestowing him with courage, strength, faith and a creative and
constructive mindset, which would have helped him to successfully complete this project. The
researcher would go on to extend sincere gratitude to his parents who esoterically provided
unerring adoration and profoundly providing funds to clear the expenses for the purchase of
materials for the completion of the project therefore making it successful.

Moreover the researcher would like to extend a heartfelt gratitude to his subject teacher
Sir A Bisnauth and Sir N. Hastings who tutored him step by step and coordinating with his
parents to get the project done successfully and more so on time.

Finally the researcher once again would like to extend thanks to all persons whose names
are too numerous to mention. He is optimistic that all people’s time and effect was well noted
and accepted.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

FULL NAME: Yovendra Singh
AGE: 16
RELIGION: Hinduism
HEIGHT: 152.4cm (60 Inches)
WEIGHT: 58kg (127.8lbs)
ETHNICITY: East Indian
HOBBIES: Drawing, Building ornaments and Making
FUTURE JOB: Civil Engineer
to be a Civil Engineer because I Have a keen interest in
Civil Engineer and also because it is a very profitable
career. It enables me to express technical skills which I
would have acquired through reading and teaching in
school. It is my dream job from a young age as I was
inspired by my dad.
TECHNOLOGY?: I chose Physical Education because
it trains a person methods and ways of Training the
body to become fit and healthy and to perform at their
maximum potential with their fitness. Since my dream
job involves Physical Exertion it is best to be fit and
YEARS?: I see myself in the next five years as a
trained Civil Engineer self-employed owning a
contracting company along with a metal workshop to cater for the needs of fellow citizens in
metal work.

Content Page
Item Page Number

Introduction 1

Definition of Terms 2

History of First Aid 3-4

Qualifications, Qualities, Duties and Aims of a first Aider 5-6

Universal drills First Aid 7-10

Injuries (definition, symptoms, causes, treatment, pictures) 11-22

First Aid Kit 23

Accident Report Form 24

Reference 25

Appendix 26

Glossary 27

Firstly the researcher would like to thank the Ministry of Education for implementing
this School Based Assessment, as it would significantly help in obtaining a great score at the

First aid is a revolutionary achievement that has potentially saved many lives. First Aid
is the immediate medical treatment given to an injured or ill person before professional help
from a doctor or and medical Professional is offered. The person performing the act is referred to
as a first aider and utilizes items in a kit know as a first aid kit or first aid station. First aid is
there to prevent pain suffering and to some extent reduce the chances of death.

First aid has become a key principle in many work and sporting environments so that
persons can get immediate medical attention and prevent the situation from getting worse.
However the person offering first aid must be able to offer it correctly in the proper procedure so
as not to worsen the situation.

Definition of Terms
First Aid- First aid is the initial assistance or treatment given to a causality for an injury
or sudden illness before the arrival of an ambulance or a doctor or other medically
qualified persons.
First Aid Officer- this is someone who has undergone a training course to administer first
aid and holds a current first aid Certificate.
First Aid Kit- is a kit containing medical supplies and equipment and used to issue
assistance to an injured persons during the First Aid Treatment.
Accident- an unexpected happening causing loss or injury which can be injurious or
Emergency- an Unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that callas
for immediate action.
Treatment- the techniques or actions used and applied in a specific situation particularly
injuries that would help to suppress, ease or remove pain or suffering etc.
Symptoms- is an evidence or indication that indicates the existence of something.
Injury- an act which involves bodily harm, damages or pain.
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)- is an emergency procedure that combines chest
compressions often with artificial ventilation in an effort to manually preserve intact
brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation
and breathing in a person who is in Cardiac Arrest
Recovery Position- refers to one of a series of variations on a lateral recumbent or three
quarters prone position of the body, in which an unconscious but breathing causality can
be placed as part of first aid treatment.
Fatal- this means deadly or detrimental
Airway, Breathing Circulation (ABC)- Is an initial systematic test carried out on an
injured or ill persons for which the first aider checks if the person’s blood is in
circulation, if he or she is breathing properly and is not having breathing disorders. These
are the main first aid signs to look for.

History of First Aid

The history of First Aid dates back to 500Bc where the Bandaging of wounded Greek
soldiers fighting during war. In the 18th Century, rowing was a highly frequent Event and
became a major Concern. In 1767 a Society for the preservation of Life from accidents in
water was started in Amsterdam, and in 1773, physician William Hawes began publicizing
the power of Artificial Respiration as means of ‘resuscitation’ of those who appeared
Drowned. Here is where CPR started. This achievement Eventually led to the Formation in
the year 1774 of the Society for the Recovery of persons Apparently Drowned, and then
subsequently the royal Humane Society and which they did not encourage resuscitation.

The Greek Emperor Napoleon, his surgeon Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey, is given credit for
creating an ambulance corps which they called Ambulance Volantes, in which its main aim is
to carry medical assistance to offer First Aid in a battle. In the 1859 the aftermath of the
Battle of Solferino left Jean Henri Dunant with grave shock and such it lead to him
developing the Red Cross, with a key stated aim of “aid to sick and wounded soldiers in the
field.” The Red Cross and the Red Crescent are still the largest providers of first aid
worldwide. In the year 1870 a Prussian military Surgeon by the name of Friedrich von
Esmarch was the guy who formalized first aid to the military and named the act as “erste
hilfe” which translates to first aid and started preparing and training soldiers for the
upcoming Franco Prussian War in preparation of offering care to wounded comrades as they
used their pretrained skills of bandaging and splinting skills and also the use of Esmarch
bandage which he designed. The bandages were issued to the soldiers and included pictures
demonstrating their use.

Two years later the order of Saint Jerusalem in England would have changed their focus
From Hospice care and set out to starting a system of practical medical help which involved
offering a grant to the United Kingdom’s first Ambulance Service. This lead to the
Formation of the St John’s Ambulance litter. Their aim was to Train men and women for the
benefit of the sick and wounded.

After the advantages of von Esmarch’s teaching, surgeon Major peter shepherd had seen the
advantage and introduced a programme for the British army. Later Colonel Francis Duncan
took advantage of the focus of St John and starting teaching first aid to civilians. The first
classes were conducted in the hall of the Presbyterian School in Woolwhich. Eventually first
aid began spreading around the world to the point it is at today.

Qualifications of a First Aid Officer

 The minimal Acceptable level of Training- Senior first aid Certificate or level 2 first
aid qualification.
 For higher Risk workplaces- completed occupational first aid training or level 3 first
aid qualification.

Qualities of a First Aid Officer

 Communication Skills- having great communication skills enables the officer to

effectively communicate with other persons so as to develop trust amongst the injured
person and the officer and the officer will be skilled in delivering news so as not to
scare the injured person.
 Ability to work under pressure- offering first aid requires a person to work fast and
efficiently and this means to work under pressure as there may be person’s lives at
stake. It is not good to panic as it will only make the situation worse especially in
tense situations.
 Initiative and Leadership- time plays a key factor is first aid being able to take charge
and think quickly is necessary and vital skills are also necessary.
 Ability to work in a team- sometimes task are too difficult for one person to handle
and as such team work is necessary.
 Positivity- this is highly needed as negativity can lead to negative things happening, a
first aider should always think positive of every situation.

Duties of a First Aid Officer

 Provide immediate, fast and effective Action when there is an accident

 Manage the incident and ensure the continuing of safety of themselves and witnesses and
the casualty
 Asses casualties and find out the nature of their injuries
 Arrange for further medical help or other emergency services to attend if necessary.
 If trained prioritize causalities based upon medical need
 Provide appropriate first aid treatment as trained
 If able, make notes/observations of causalities
 Fill out any paper work as required
 Provide a handover when further medical help arrives

Aims of a First Aider

 To preserve life- this is the main aim of medical care is to save lives and minimize death
and reduce the patients pain level and keep the calm
 Prevent further harm- prevention of further harm means to cure or treat an injury so that
is does not become worse therefore causing more pain to the injured person.
 Promote recovery- the act of first aid involves attempting to start the recovery process
from the illness or injury in which it involves offering a treatment to the wound or injury
that does not require professional medical help.

Universal Drills of First Aid

R.I.C.E- Rest, Ice, Compression and Direct Pressure
C.P.R- Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
F.A.S.T- Facial Drooping, Arm Weakness, Speech Difficulty, and Time to call
A.B.C- Airway, Breathing And Circulation
 Rest- rest to cure the sore or injured area. Decease from all activities that may
cause more pain or injury
 Ice- Coldness will help to reduce pain and swelling. Immediate application of ice
will minimize Swelling. Apply the ice or cold substance for at least 10-15 mins.
 Compression- Compression or wrapping can be used to prevent swelling in an
area but will not help if wrapped extremely tight.
 Elevation- this is a method of raising the sored area to a level where it is above
the heart so as to reduce swelling in that area. The sored area can be placed on
pillows which will raise its level.

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

C.P.R is a procedure used in emergency situations that involves compressing the chest along
with artificial respiration or ventilation in a way to assist a person in distress so that can
maintain intact brain function until professional or better help is offered to restore blood
circulation and respiration to a person who is usually in cardiac arrest, no respiration or
abnormal respiration. The number of chest compressions as well as artificial ventilation
measures differ between Adults and Children and also based on the reason for failure.

The following procedures are necessary to perform Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation:

 Call 911 or ask for assistance

 Lay the person on their back and open their airways
 Check to see if they are breathing
 Start the CPR by interlacing fingers and apply 30 chest compressions
 Then two rescue breaths
 Continue until professional medical help arrives or the persons regains cons

FAST (stroke)
FAST is an acronym used to denote that a person is having a stroke and ways of detecting
bodily responses to determine such. Hence the acronym stand s for Facial dropping, Arm
weakness, Speech Difficulties and Time to call emergency.

 Facial drooping- a section of the face, particularly one side is drooping and difficult
to move and can easily be recognized by a disfigured smile.
 Arm weakness- this is where the person is unable to raise or move one’s arm fully
and also being unable to hold or squeeze something.
 Speech Difficulty- this is where the person is unable or finding it very difficult to
speak or to understand someone else.
 Time- one these symptoms are witnessed time is key in calling the emergency
services to immediately tend to the person having the stroke.

Airway Breathing and Circulation was invented to remind First aiders about CPR. It is now
called the ABC of first aid.

Airway- opening the persons airway by lifting the chin and tilting the head backwards

Breathing- observing for signs that the person is able to breathe and if he or she is breathing

Circulation- observing for signs of blood not circulating such as change in colour of skin,
movement of eyes and feeling a pulse.

1) Sprain

Definition- A sprain is an injury whereby the stretching or tearing of a ligament occurs. The
ligaments are tough fibrous tissues that connect two or more bones together.


Symptoms include

 Pain
 Swelling
 Bruising
 Limited ability to move affect joint
 The sound or feeling of a pop in the joint at the time of the injury


Sprains can occur in various joints most commonly the ankle

 Ankle- from exercising or walking on an uneven surface, landing awkwardly from a jump
 Knee- from pivoting during sporting activities
 Wrist- Landing or excess pressure on a stretch out wrist
 Thumb- overextending the thumb especially due racquet sports such as tennis


 The initial treatment is RICE Rest, Ice Compression and Elevation.

 Mild sprains can be treated at home with the RICE method
 Severe sprains may require surgical operations to repair the ligaments

2) Fracture
Definition- a fracture may be defined as the injury whereby a bone is broken or cracked


 Pain
 Swelling
 Bruising
 Discoloured skin around the affected area
 Angulation whereby the affected area is bent or turned in an unusual angle
 Inability to apply weight or pressure in the injured area
 The inability to move the affected area
 The affected area may feeling a grating sensation from bones rubbing against each other
 Show there be a punctured of the skin there will be bleeding


 A very heavy or hard falls placing a lot of pressure on the bone

 An illness that weakens the bone and makes it very fragile thereby easy to fracture
 A stress fracture cause by repeated stress and strain on the bones and very common
around athletes


A doctor is necessary to perform a proper method of healing

 The bones must be aligned and then immobilized by either: Plaster cast or Plastic
functional Braces, metal plates and screws, intra medullary nails, external fixators.
 Then the natural healing process takes place and time may vary depending on the severity
of the fracture

3) Bruise
Definition- a bruise is an injury that occurs to soft tissues resulting in breakage of the local
capillaries and a leakage of red blood cells into the skin.


 Discolouration or blue black appearance in skin

 The area is usually tender
 May be painful for the first few days


 Vigorously exercising leads to microscopic tears in blood vessels

 Bleeding disorders
 A hit or knock to a part of the body
 Thin skin and blood


The RICE method can be applied to help treat bruises with rest, ice, compression and elevation

4) Minor cuts and scrapes

Definition- this is an injury where the skin is broken or worn away.


 Discharge or pus coming from the cut or scrape

 Pain
 Fever
 Odour from the cut
 Redness of the area
 Swelling
 Warmth in the area
 Sometimes bleeding is a blood vessel is cut


 Falling against an object

 Slipping onto a sharp object
 Intensive rubbing of the skin against an object


 Keep the cuts or scrape clean

 Apply a clean dressing gauze with a firm pressure to slow down blood flow
 When bleeding stops apply a bandage to the cut
 If bleeding does not stop or the injury is in an import part of the body medical attention
may be needed.

5) Hamstring strain
Definition- The hamstring is a group of three muscles found at the back of the leg that help with
bending the knee. A hamstring strain is where one or more of these muscles are overloaded and
sometimes tear.


 Sudden and severe pain during the activity while also hearing a popping sound or
 Pain at the back of the thigh or lower buttock when walking
 Tenderness
 Bruising


 Excessive running and jumping exercises

 Not warming up before exercises
 Lack of coordination with quadriceps and hamstring
 Weak glutes


 The RICE method may be used

 Rest the leg and avoiding pressuring it
 Ice the leg to reduce the pain
 Compress the leg by using an elastic bandage
 Elevate the leg

6) Muscle pull
Definition- Muscle pull, muscle strain or even a muscle tear refers to damage to a muscle r its
attaching tendons as a result of overloading the muscles with excessive pressure


 Pain
 Bruising
 Swelling or redness
 Weakness of the muscles or tendons
 Inability to use the muscle at all


 Poor flexibility
 Poor conditioning
 Overexertion and fatigue
 Not warming up before exercise


 Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen to reduce pain and improve
your ability to move around.
 Remove all unnecessary clothing
 Use RICE method to rest the muscle, apply ice to the muscle, compress the muscle
occasionally and elevate the muscle to prevent swelling.

7) Shin splints
Definition- shin splints also referred to as tibial stress syndrome is an injury where by stress
causes connective tissues that attach muscles to the bones to become inflamed and painful.


 Pain or tenderness along the tibia

 Potential swelling of the lower legs
 In a chronic case there may be lumps or bumps felt along the bones
 In severe cases, there may be red patches on the skin around painful areas


 Incorrect shoes with little or no comfort

 Working without warm up and cool down stretches
 Having weak ankles or core muscles
 Hard impacts to the foot bottom


 Ice you shin 20-30 minutes every 4 hours

 Use insoles or orthotics to add comfort to your shoes
 Take anti-inflammatory medication or pain killers

8) Concussion
Definition- a concussion may be defined as a mild brain injury


 Confusion
 A headache
 Dizziness
 Ringing in ears
 Nausea
 Tiredness
 Loss of consciousness


 Falls
 Sudden jolts
 Sports injuries
 Cycling accidents


 Rest to help the brain get well faster by removing stress and strain
 Use painkillers such as Tylenol
 Do not engage in sporting and others activities in a hurry
 Should symptoms get worse seek medical attention

9) Sunburn
Definition- is an injury where your skin is exposed to extreme sun light and heat and starts to


 Skin colour changes to red or other colours depending on skin colour

 It pains
 Severe burns cause swelling
 Blisters
 Fever


 No protection to protect the skin

 Sitting in the sun for too long
 Extreme Ultra Violent heat and light exposure


 Apply cold compresses against skin

 Apply creams of gels
 Stay hydrated
 Avoid the sun

10) Tennis elbow

Definition- this is a type of injury where there is swelling of the tendons that causes pain to the
elbow and arms.


 Pain
 Shock in arm if jerked suddenly
 Painful to raise or straighten hand


 Playing tennis for excessive hours

 Swinging of arm repetitively and obtaining shock e.g. hammering
 Playing squash for excessive hours


 Ice the elbow 30 minutes every 3 hours

 Use of elbow strap
 Taking pain killers
 Getting therapy
 Having injections should pain be severe
 Performing some mild exercises

11) Groin Pull

Definition- a groin pull or a groin strain results from putting too much pressure and stress on
the muscles in the thigh and groin area. When they are tensed too forcefully or too suddenly
they get over stretched or torn.


 Pain and tenderness in the groin and inside of the thigh

 Pain when you bring your legs together
 A popping or snapping feeling when you bring your legs together
 Pain when you raise your knee


 Not warming up before exercises

 Rapidly increasing the intensity on the muscle
 Wearing shoes that offer grip and comfort so as to prevent slippage


 Apply the RICE treatment

 Rest the leg, apply ice 20 minutes every 3 hours, compress the thigh, and take pain

12) Dislocation
Definition- Dislocation occurs when a bone slips out of its joint. The most common on being the
shoulder but can also happen to many body parts


 Loss of motion or movement

 Pain during the movement
 Numbness around the area
 Tingling Feeling


 Sudden and unexpected jerk

 An impact where the bone is balanced at the time
 Hard falls


 Manipulating the dislocated area

 Immobilizing the area
 Medication
 Some serious dislocations may result in surgery being necessary

Items in a First Aid Kit and Their Uses

First Aid kit- a box containing medical supplies and equipment to be used in the instance of a
medical emergency.

Accident report form

Name of Causality:




Location of Incident:

Time of Incident:

Date of Incident:

Action taken:

Injury detail:

Emergency Contact:

Witness: (1)


Hospital attended:

First Aid Officer:



Accident report form

Name of Causality: Tmothy Griffith

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Address: !3 Pomona Essequibo Coast

Location of Incident: A.R.M.S Play Field

Time of Incident: 13:45hrs

Date of Incident: 20th December, 2020

Action taken: Placed Victim in the recovery position. Application of Ice along with
Bandage for Compression.

Injury detail: Dislocation of right Shoulder

Emergency Contact: 913 (Ambulance)

Witness: (1) Sase Singh

(2) Rave Singh

Hospital attended: Suddie Public Hospital

First Aid Officer: Yovendra Singh


First Aid- First aid is the initial assistance or treatment given to a causality for an injury
or sudden illness before the arrival of an ambulance or a doctor or other medically
qualified persons.
First Aid Officer- this is someone who has undergone a training course to administer first
aid and holds a current first aid Certificate.
First Aid Kit- is a kit containing medical supplies and equipment and used to issue
assistance to an injured persons during the First Aid Treatment.
Accident- an unexpected happening causing loss or injury which can be injurious or
Emergency- an Unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that callas
for immediate action.
Treatment- the techniques or actions used and applied in a specific situation particularly
injuries that would help to suppress, ease or remove pain or suffering etc.
Symptoms- is an evidence or indication that indicates the existence of something.
Injury- an act which involves bodily harm, damages or pain.
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)- is an emergency procedure that combines chest
compressions often with artificial ventilation in an effort to manually preserve intact
brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation
and breathing in a person who is in Cardiac Arrest
Recovery Position- refers to one of a series of variations on a lateral recumbent or three
quarters prone position of the body, in which an unconscious but breathing causality can
be placed as part of first aid treatment.
Fatal- this means deadly or detrimental
Airway, Breathing Circulation (ABC)- Is an initial systematic test carried out on an
injured or ill persons for which the first aider checks if the person’s blood is in
circulation, if he or she is breathing properly and is not having breathing disorders. These
are the main first aid signs to look for.

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