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S t . V i n c e n t ’ s H i g h S c h o o l of B o n i f a c i o , M i s . O c c . , I n c .

7215 Poblacion, Bonifacio, Misamis Occidental

Your Partner in Christian Formation Since 1946”
Government Recognition No. 346 S.1950

Values Education 7

I Start
The Gospels are more than records of the events in the life of Jesus. They contain the
Good News of salvation. They narrate the salvific message and actions of Jesus, centering on
His Paschal Mystery. In this lesson you are expected to
 Learn about the Gospels, stories of Jesus.
 Encourage and appreciate the stories of Jesus.
 Apply all the learnings about the Gospels, stories of Jesus in their daily lives.
I Know
Find out from the narrative below what makes a person a credible witness to the truth he

Lolo Cardo’s Molasses Jar

One of the joys of summer is the regular visit to our ancestral house in Barangay Maasim. We
enjoyed not only the fresh air that passes through the large open windows, and cool breeze at
the azotea on summer evenings; but also the sweet and succulent fruits that grow in the
backyard: chico, mango, sineguelas, melon, caimito, aratiles, and macopa. The greatest
excitement for me was Lolo Cardo’s jar collection of different sizes and colors. His collection
reminded me of The Wedding Feast in Cana where Jesus changed the water inside the jars into
real wine.
One afternoon, my eighty –seven-year-old Lolo Cardo had a guest, Mr.Hoffman, an
Buyer.Mr. Hoffman tested Lolo Cardo about the authenticity of the jar .Lolo Cardo claimed that
the molasses jar was more than a century old.

MR. HOFFMAN: How do you know this jar is that old?

LOLO CARDO: When I was thirteen, mother used to store molasses in this molasses jar.
MR. HOFFMAN: And where did this molasses jar come from?
LOLO CARDO: It’s a wedding gift from my parents ‘“ninong ‘and ‘ninang”.
MR.HOFFMAN: I see that’s quite a number of years, Lolo Cardo. Your testimony is very
helpful. You are very good witness.
LOLO CARDO: I just tell the truth as I experienced it. I witnessed the aging process of this
precious jar. That’s why I can attest to its authencity.
MR. HOFFMAN: I’m convinced this molasses jar is really a century- old piece.
Now let’s talk about the price.
Answer the following questions.

1. Why is Lolo Cardo a credible witness to the authenticity and genuineness of his molasses jar?

2. Was the buyer of the molasses jar convinced that it was as old as Lolo Cardo claimed it to
be? Present an evidence to support your answer.

3. What is your idea of credibility? How important is it for a person to be credible?

4. How can the testimony of a credible witness be handed down from one generation to the

5. How is the credibility of a person giving a testimony related to the acceptability of his/her
I Learn

The Testimony of John

It is this disciple who testifies to these things and has written them, and we know that his
testimony is true. There are also many other things that Jesus did, but if were to be described
individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written.

Knowing and Remembering Our Roots

Our experience of growing up and learning new things is an experience of believing. It is
impossible for us to develop into mature persons if we will always be doubtful of the people
around us. It is impossible for us to be happy if we are afraid of trusting the people around us.
Yet we also know that we just cannot believe or give our trust to anyone because we only trust
those who have proven themselves to be credible. Credible people do not lie nor deceive, that is
why we believe them. What they say comes from their experiences and is not mere hearsay that
is why we can be assured that it is true.

The four Gospels

The Gospel of John is one of the four Gospels that from part of the New Testament. The
other three are the Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Luke. Matthew is
one of the apostles of Jesus. He is the tax collector. Luke is not an apostle in the same way that
Matthew and John are he is respected member of the community of early Christians. Mark is
the companion of Paul in his missionary journeys.
How did the Gospels come to be? The Gospels were formed in three stages
1. The first stage is the life and teaching of Jesus.
2. The second stage is called oral tradition.
3. The third stage is the writing of the Gospels.

I Accomplish

 Why the Gospels are considered the most important books of the Bible?

 How can we be sure that what the writers of the Gospels have written about Jesus are
 Do we show that we believe and share in the apostles’ testimony of our faith tradition?

I Achieve
The Gospels can lead us to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the gift of
salvation that Jesus brings. Choose three teachings of Jesus from any of the four Gospels.
Give a short explanation of the teachings and explain how you will apply them to your
Teaching of Jesus (indicate the name of
the book, chapter, and verse number of My explanation of the How I will apply the
the teachings ) teachings teachings to my life

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