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Written question
1. Update statement in set clause subquery is allowed or not? Ans:- Allowed
2. Oracle 8 & 7 what is size of VARCHAR? Ans:- oracle-8 4000
Oracle 7 2000
3. What is maximum number of compound key Ans :: 32
4. Month_between first date is later than second date than value is ________ Ans : postive
5. LOB date type is allowed in table only one column or not?
6 What is default in LPAD funtion? Ans: Space
7.what is stand for OFA. Ans Oracle flexible Architecture
8. What is latest date in oracle 8 ? Ans Jan 1, 4712 BC to dec 31,9999AD
9.Length function is return from CHAR datatype
Ans. It return size of datatype whether data is less than the size is store.
10.Without define in package specification we can write the procedure or function package body or not?
Yes we can write that is called private type procedure or function in package.
11. In oracle 7 & 8 How we create read only view
1. use expression in view select statement
2. take multiple table in view.
12. What value display ?
Select empno from emp
Where deptno in (Select deptno from dept order by deptno)
13.Which true about summary query?
Column of the base table in query select clause is essentially present in group by clause.
14. What must the second parameter if where the first is negative?
Ans. There is no restriction.
15. What happen when sum() function NULL value?
Ans. Ignore NULL.
16. Can you delete rows from two table at time ? Ans: - No.
17. The default character for specified substitution variable select status is Ampersand.
18. How rename the table ? Ans:- Rename command
19. Can you pass length of the data in function and procedure parameter ? Ans:- No
20. Each DDL command procedure commit before or after of execution itself?
Ans. DDL command produce commit both before and after even if it execute successfully.
21.It is optional that we produce the return data type of a function in package specification ? Ans:- No.
22. To protect irrelevant data from user we create a _______? Ans.View

Interview question
1. Can you use if then else in SQL statement ? Ans. Yes by decode
2. Can you use if then else in SQL loader script? Ans. Yes by When clause
3. Through Shell script in Unix how you run the oracle procedure ?
Ans. Sqlplus username/password@connectstring @filenameofSQLcommand
4. How you write file through DBMS_OUTPUT package?
Ans. This is tricky question through DBMS_OUTPUT you cann’t write file for this other package is
5. How you can drop the partition of table?
6. What is local Index and global index in partition table?
7. When partition drop in table what effect come in local index and global index?
8. What is prefix Index and nonprefix Index in table ?
9. When at the procedure compile it come error “The 10 character is truncated .“ Why this error come ?
10. Through procedure you can drop partition or not ?
11. Through procedure you can create or drop Index or not??
12. If same name procedure you want to create What you do first drop the table and then create it??
Ans. No for this we use CREATE OR REPLACE.
13. ls –l|grep –v ‘..\.’ What it does in unix?
14. How you pass array in procedure write the code?
15. How you pass array in procedure write the code?
16. How define VARRAY in oracle ?
17. Through IMMEDIATE EXECUTE we can use DDL command or not ?
Ans :- Yes you can create table by this.
18. What materlise view?
19. If table is drop the what about the Materlise view?

Oracle Banglore (telephonic interview)

1. You want the go block in the when_validate_item trigger? Ans. NO

2. If you want to write go block in the when_validate_item then what you do? Ans :- Use when_timer_expire
3. Program unit have procedure and function and object library have also what is difference between them ?
4. To display the all employee name with end of ‘S’ without using like operator ?
Select ename
From emp
Where instr(ename,-1,1) = ‘S’
5. In form there is control block but I want uniqueness the value of item How can do it?
6. One check box is their person want to populate detail block. How you will do it at run time ?
Ans. In relation object in block one property is Deffered set yes and the time of check box click go detail
block and write execute_query?
7. To attach the path name for library file to form what is name of registry you use?
8. In Package global variable value access in different session or not? Ans. No.
8. What is difference between composite key & Primary key?
Ans :- define composite primary in table label but primary key in filed label .
9. What is dependency? How oracle check the dependency ?
Ans:- it is check by signature and timestamp.
10. How many of status in form ? Ans. Query,new,changed
11. What is difference between RunProduct and SRW.RUNREPORT ? Ans SRW.RUNREPORT is run on same
process which is invoke by RUNPRODUCT if BATCH parameter is Yes
12. What is Modal window and Modeless window?
13. Between page tigger fired Report and formulate the report and again back if again fire or not?
Ans. Always fire when again return.
14. Through nested block How handled the transaction ,I want some operation and Rollback only those operation
1. Savepoint
2. create procedure with Autonomous transaction and call that procedure.
15. What is Conditional Predicate ?
16. How many types of Record group? Ans Static, SQL generated.
17. You can replace all the query from report? Ans Yes , But is select clause must be alias to map.
18. Without repeating frame you make report or not? Ans. Yes But we can not fetch data from database.
19. In report you have to write any validation trigger?
Ans:- In parameter validation trigger.
20. In PL/SQL if we write select statement with into clause it may be return tow exception NO_DATA_FOUND or
TOO_MANY_ROW . To avoid these exeception how we write SQL statement in alternative way?
Ans. Write a Cursor.
21. Without closing the cursor person want to open the cursor what will happen . If error get what is the error?
22. What is difference between function and procedure?
1. Function must return value but procedure not.
2. Function can call in SQL statement but procedure not.
23. In select statement what is the order of writing having clause and group by clause?
Ans. You can write any order but it is recommended first group by and having clause.
24. In PL/SQL we can user DCL (grant, revoke) ? NOT.
25. Write the SQL to delete duplicate row?
26. Write the SQL top 3 salary of employee and explain how it works?
Oracle Banglore (By project manager in banglore office)

1. If transaction is very big and rollback segment is all time full then what you do?
Ans Create big rollback segment and before that transaction write
2. Write SQL from emp table how many employee working in particular manager?
3. In function and procedure the parameter pass is call by value or call by reference?
4. How you debug the PL/SQL ?
5. How you create the dynamic SQL?

Oracle Banglore (Client interview)

1. Why you like to join oracle?

2. In present project what you like most?
3. In present project what you dislike ?

Oracle Hyderabad (Written test)

1. Select * from temp, temp; how many row return ?

1 2
2 4
Ans: 16
2. A CHAR(5) = ‘Hello’
B CHAR(10) = ‘Hello ‘;
Both are equal or not? Ans. equal
3.Enter query mode which is fired
a. When_new_item_instance
b. When_validate_record
c. When_validate_item
d. Pre_query Ans. Pre_query
4. How will you initial the field in form at sequence in item ? Ans. Sequence.s1.nextval
5. How to connect two independent query in report ? Ans data link
6. To which repeating frame attached ? Ans Group
7.When parameter form is suppressed ? Ans. After parameter still fire and subsequent validation of that parameter.
8. When we use foreign key with primary/unique ?
9. How we get database date in form? $$DBDATE$$
10. Data block can based on ________? Ans. Both table and view
11. item_code qty
100 500
200 500
300 NULL
400 0
500 200
600 100
700 NULL
select count(distinct qty) from item_tax

Interview question
1. How you implement view on block?
Ans Retrieval is easy but at the time of insert it take care on_insert trigger but different insert statement for
different table.
2. How you access of form global variable, system variable in library function ? Ans. NAME_IN function
3. How you change the user in form ?
Ans. In On_logon trigger write logon function with user name and password?

4. What thing you like most in oracle ? Ans. Security, Durability,Relability

5. If primary key is not in table what problem you face.
1. Duplicate record may be insert.
2. All Null value may be insert.
3. Greater feather of RDBMS relationship is not stabilized without primary key.
4. without primary key oracle cannot fast search of record.

M.B.T (Interview)
1. Why not create table in procedure or function ? Because PL/SQL early binding of variable
2. Can you hide the code of procedure from client? Ans. Yes by wrap command.
4. In sql*plus what is quit command and what effect in database ?
5. Write the SQL to find 10,11,12 position of sql code?
6. select from A table through cursor and update B table if it update successfully then insert into another table
handled every type of exception in the code ? Ans. There is no exception fired.
7. In declare section exception is fired then others exception of same block is catch or not ?
Ans. Not it is handled by parent block.
8. In synonym of table you can write trigger on that table or not ? Ans You can write do any thing with table
9. If we want to fetch data from dump file of the into the table only first 200 rows only How will do that?
10. Can you write >= with rownum in where clause it not why?
11. If you disable the index then it is used or not ?
12. If install SQL*PLUS in client where SQL engine in run server side or client side?
13. Can you create index on the ROWID? Ans . No
14. What oracle feather you have to like most ?
15. When relationship put isolated and master record is deleted or not ? Ans. You can do in form but in database
you cann’t save it.
16. How write the condition in where clause in select statement ? Ans Left to right processing
17. You can write insert statement in row trigger or not?
18. what sequence of trigger fired when cursor navigate one text box to other text box?
19. What is Ref cursor?
20. Sysdate contain current time or not?
21. Can you raise exception in exception clause?
22. What is difference between pre_query and post_query ?
23. What difference between TRANSALATE AND REPLACE function ?
24. How many repeating frame is required to create deptwise display the employee detail report?
25. What is output of this SQL where current value of sequence is 3?
Select seq.curval,seq.Nextval,seq.Nextval from dual ?
26. In form for create relationship in block it is necessary in database relationship is their ?
27. If change in code part of the library procedure then it is required to recompile or not ? Ans not required
28. What is the sequence of the firing of these trigger?
1. before insert
2. after insert
3. before insert for each row
4. after insert for each row
29. We can put commit in trigger or not ? Ans NO

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