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MTR Student Travel Scheme (2021/2022)

港鐵學生乘車優惠計劃 (2021/2022)

Student Travel Scheme Online Application

學生乘車優惠計劃 – 網上申請

Concessionary Travel Office

乘車優惠辦事處 English Version Chinese Version Via MTR Mobile
英文版本 中文版本 透過 MTR Mobile

Page 1
Types of Application
New application [1] - Need to obtain a New Application [2] - Already carrying Renewal Application
Personalised Octopus (with photo) a Personalised Octopus (with photo)

新申請 [1] - 須一併申請附相片的個人八達通 新申請 [2] - 已持有附相片的個人八達通 延續申請

1st + X

First time to apply Without Octopus with First time to apply With Octopus with photo Applied before With Octopus with photo
第一次申請 photo 第一次申請 已有附相片八達通 曾經申請 已有附相片八達通

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Tutorial Video 教學影片

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Early Bird Application Reward Program 早鳥申請獎賞
Eligibility 登記資格
Register for
Early Bird Applicants who have submitted their Student Travel Scheme
Reward now to application through MTR Mobile or MTR Website within the Early
receive 3,000 Bird period (1 September - 31 October 2021), with all the required
MTR Points information submitted and payment (if applicable) settled

已於早鳥時段(2021年9月1日至10月31日)透過 MTR Mobile或港


Registration Method 登記獎賞方法

Applicants should register for the Early Bird Reward on or before 3
November 2021 with the same mobile number and date of birth
used in the Student Travel Scheme application


Redemption Method 兌換獎賞方法

Successful applicants will be notified via email during 15 - 20
November 2021. The entitled MTR Points must be collected on or
before 31 December 2021 by redeeming the given Promotion Code
on MTR Mobile

請者,請於2021年12月31日或之前於MTR Mobile兌換電郵內的
Application in 2 Steps (A → B)
申請流程兩部曲 (A → B)

Submit online application Activate “Student Status” via Octopus App#

A 遞交網上申請 B 透過八達通App# 啓動八達通上的「學生身分」

Upon Successful Scan the QR code


掃瞄QR code

Via MTR Mobile Via MTR Website

經 MTR Mobile 經 港鐵網站 If new Personalised Octopus (with photo) is
needed, the new Octopus will be mailed, with no
Student Travel Scheme – Online Application Platform need to collect at stations
學生乘車優惠計劃 – 網上申請平台 如須同時申請附相片的個人八達通,申請者將收到透
#You may also choose to visit MTR Customer Service Centre
in person to activate the “Student Status”

Page 6
Submit online application
Steps for Online Application Platform A 遞交網上申請
Fill in Application Form
Enter Application Select Application Type 填寫電子表格
1 2 3-1 Upload Applicant’s Photo
Platform 選擇 申請類別
Via MTR Mobile:
經 MTR Mobile:

Via MTR Website:

經 港鐵網站:

English Version New application [1]

英文版本 新申請 [1]
Please follow the instruction in photo
requirement to upload applicant photo for
the new Octopus Card
Chinese Version
MTR Corporation 中文版本 30/08/2021 Page 7
Submit online application
Steps for Online Application Platform A 遞交網上申請
Fill in Application Form
3-2 填寫電子表格

Upload valid Student Identity Card 上載有效的學生證

New application [1] New Application [2]

新申請 [1] 新申請 [2]
If you could not provide the Student Identity Card at the moment, may upload the Student
Identity Card within 60 days from the Date of Application


Renewal Application
Late submission of Student Identity Card is not entertained

If latest student card is not issued yet, you may upload last year’s student card of same
school (applicable for secondary schools and international schools only)

MTR Corporation 30/08/2021 Page 8

Upload valid Student Identity Card A
Submit online application
Student photo, Octopus and HKID card are not accepted 遞交網上申請
上載有效的學生證 不接受學生相,八達通及香港身分證

Accepted Sample Too Dark Too Bright

Not Centered
合格樣本 光線不足 曝光

With Background Incomplete Too Blur

有背景相片 不完整 不清晰
MTR Corporation 30/08/2021 Page 9
Submit online application
Steps for Online Application Platform A 遞交網上申請
Fill in Application Form
3-3 填寫電子表格
Fill in your address in English

Flat A, 15/F

Block A, Happy Building New application [1]

新申請 [1]
The new Personalised Octopus will be
No. 2 Happy Road mailed to this address. Please fill in in
English correctly
KWUN TONG New Application [2] Renewal Application
新申請 [2] 延續申請

No need to fill in your address

KOWLOON 毋須填寫通訊地址

MTR Corporation 30/08/2021 Page 10

Submit online application
Steps for Online Application Platform A 遞交網上申請
Confirmation and Submit Pay the Application Fee
4 確認並提交資料 5 繳交申請費用

New application [1]

新申請 [1]
Input your email again for
confirmation Pay the application fee of $90 via Online
請重新輸入電郵作確認 Payment immediately or Payment at MTR
Customer Service Centre within 7 days
New Application [2] Renewal Application
新申請 [2] 延續申請

Pay after your application is accepted


MTR Corporation 30/08/2021 Page 11

Submit online application
Steps for Online Application Platform A 遞交網上申請
Please read the attached document to complete any
outstanding application step(s),
Confirmation Email 請細閱電郵內的附件,以跟進任何未完成之申請程序
6 確認電郵

New application [1] New Application [2]

新申請 [1] 新申請 [2]
For late submission, you may click the link in the
attachment to upload Student Identity Card


A notification email will be sent the next

day of your submitted application New application [1]
遞交申請後翌日將會收到一封電郵 新申請 [1]
Please pay for $90 within 7 days from Date of Application,
otherwise your application will be cancelled

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Notification Upon Successful Application Activate “Student Status”
via Octopus App
申請成功通知 透過八達通App啓動八達通上

Upon successful application, a letter/ email will be sent to you

New application [1] New Application [2] Renewal Application
新申請 [1] 新申請 [2] 延續申請
A letter with new Octopus from Octopus Card Limited An email from MTR
由八達通公司發出的信件及新八達通 由港鐵公司發出的電郵

Scan the QR code on letter to proceed with

card activation
掃瞄信件上的QR Code以辦理啓動手續
Click the link inside email to proceed
with payment and renewal

MTR Corporation 30/08/2021 Page 14

Reminders for Getting your Octopus App In Place

Download the latest version of Octopus App


Make sure the remaining value on your Octopus or Octopus Wallet account is sufficient for
payment (at least HK$20)
(Only applicable for New application [2] and Renewal Application)


Payment that requires tapping card is available for both Android and iPhone users*
*Android – NFC enabled mobile devices;
*iOS – iPhone 7 or newer with iOS 13 or above, or connected with Octopus Mobile Reader
*Android – 具備近場通訊功能(NFC);

*iOS – 已安裝 iOS 13或以上或已連接八達通流動讀寫器的iPhone 7或之後型號

MTR Corporation Page 15

Activate “Student Status”
Steps for Octopus App via Octopus App
B 透過八達通App啓動八達通上
使用八達通App步驟 的「學生身分」

Tap MTR Student Travel Scheme Select Application Type

1 2 選擇 申請類別

New application [1]

New Octopus Activation 新申請 [1]

New Application Renewal

Renewal / Existing Octopus Activation Application
新申請 [2] 延續申請
MTR Corporation Page 16
Activate “Student Status”
Steps for Octopus App via Octopus App
B 透過八達通App啓動八達通上
使用八達通App步驟 的「學生身分」

New application [1]

Input data for verification 新申請 [1]
3 輸入資料作核實
Tap Octopus Card Completed
4 拍八達通卡 5 完成

Card Owner Verification

Octopus Number

Please place your Octopus at the

upper back of your mobile phone

Identification Document

First 6 digits of HKID

New Application [2] Renewal Application
新申請 [2] 延續申請

Confirm renewal and pay $20


Expiry Date of “Student Status”

Renewal Fee

MTR Corporation Page 17

Activate “Student Status”
Steps for Octopus App via Octopus App
B 透過八達通App啓動八達通上
使用八達通App步驟 的「學生身分」

New Application [2] Renewal Application

新申請 [2] 延續申請

Select Payment Method Tap Octopus Card Completed

5 選擇付款方法
6 拍八達通卡 7 完成
Activation Completed

Renewal Fee

Payment Method

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Application in 2 Steps (A → B)
申請流程兩部曲 (A → B)
Drop the application form into Activate “Student Status” via Octopus
A Collection Box B App#
將填妥的表格放到收集箱 透過八達通App# 啓動八達通上的「學生
After 15 Oct, please submit it to any MTR Customer Service

Scan the QR code

Upon Successful
掃瞄QR code

School endorsement after student The new Personalised Octopus will be mailed to
filled in the hardcopy from you directly. No need to collect at stations.
學生填寫表格後蓋上校印 如須同時申請附相片的個人八達通,申請者將收到透
If new Personalised Octopus (with photo) is needed, please #You may also choose to visit MTR Customer Service Centre
submit your application form and pay the application fee of in person to activate the “Student Status”
$90 at any MTR Customer Service Centre#. A receipt will
be issued to you after submitted the application form.
任何港鐵車站客務中心#及繳交申請費用 ($90)。遞交申請表
後,你將獲發收據。 Page 20

MTR Corporation 30/08/2021 Page 21

Special Highlights – Purchase of “Temporary Student Octopus”
特別注意事項 - 購買「臨時學生八達通」

Online Application 網上申請

Please print the attachment in the email and go to
any MTR Customer Service Centre* to purchase
“Temporary Student Octopus” ($70) . If you
haven’t uploaded Student Identity Card in online
application, please seek for school endorsement.

買「臨時學生八達通」 ($70) 。如你在網上申請時未能

Hardcopy Application 紙本申請表申請

You can go to any MTR Customer Service
Centre* and purchase the “Temporary Student
Octopus” ($70) after received the receipt.
你可以憑收據到任何一個港鐵車站客務中心*購買 *Except Airport Express stations, Racecourse, Wong
Chuk Hang, Lei Tung, South Horizons, Hin Keng, Kai
「臨時學生八達通」($70) Tak, Sung Wong Toi and To Kwa Wan stations


MTR Corporation 30/08/2021 Page 22

Validity of “Student Status” 「學生身分」有效期

班級 有效年期 (年) 到期日

Class Validity (Year) Expiry Date
Primary 4 or below (students aged 12 or above) 6 31/10/2027

小學五年級 (12歲或以上學生)
Primary 5 (students aged 12 or above) 5 31/10/2026

小學六年級 (12歲或以上學生)
Primary 6 (students aged 12 or above) 4 31/10/2025

中學一年級 Form 1 3 31/10/2024

中學二年級 Form 2 2 31/10/2023

中學三年級 Form 3 1 31/10/2022

中學四年級 Form 4 3 31/10/2024

中學五年級 Form 5 2 31/10/2023

中學六年級或以上 31/10/2022
Form 6 or above 1 (其後須逐年申請延續 Validity to be renewed on a yearly basis)
特殊學校 按課程而定 同,但不會早於2024年10月31日(以較長年期者為準)。其他班級/課程
Special School Subject to the 的有效期至2024年10月31日。
For curriculum similar to the “Class” listed above, the validity
granted will be the same as the associated class, but will not be
earlier than 31 October 2024 (whichever validity is longer). For
other classes / curricula, the expiry date is 31 October 2024.

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Student Travel Scheme Online Application

學生乘車優惠計劃 – 網上申請

English Version Chinese Version Via MTR Mobile

英文版本 中文版本 透過 MTR Mobile

Page 24

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