Andrie A. Abejo BSCE 3-B Gen Ed 006 Ethics Unit 1: What Is Ethics? Activity 1 Reflection Paper

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Andrie A.

Abejo BSCE 3-B Gen Ed 006


When I was a kid, my goal was already fixed to the program in

engineering or having a career in engineering. I always thought
that it was easy because of my acquired skills in math and as I
grow up, I learned that it was not easy and I need to work hard
more considering the decisions I made during my senior high school
days. I am now in college with the program in engineering and now
is struggling to learn the program especially during the pandemic
wherein there are a lot of factors that affects a student in
learning. I learned that culture can affect the way or how can a
building be made which can truly affect the way of thinking of an
engineer. One of the factors that can truly effect on how a
building is made is through ethics wherein it states that ethics
can be defined as the practical science dealing with human
conflicts. It is where one has to know the theories or principles
of knowing what is right and what is wrong and good and bad actions.
As stated in the module. One example of an ethical issue related
to my program Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering that can be
found in the Philippines is the famous “National Photobomber of
“Torre de Manila” the name of the National Photobomber in the
Philippines, the construction of Torre de Manila has been hit for
violating Manila City zoning laws where it stated that its floor-
to-area ratio far exceeds the limit set for its location, thereby
burdening the utilities and vehiclc capacity of the area. It can
lead to a possible demolition considering these statements that
were used against DMCI homes the one in charge in the making of
the building by Sen. Pia Cayetano, (Randa, 2014). I can say that
it is a pretty valid to do a possible demolition on the building.
It falls in one of the moral principles of ethics – Precriptivity
and it also falls in the category of Ignorance, Ignorance in its
object primarily the Ignorance of law and penalty that the DMCI
Homes did not obey in making the building and did it anyway and
the locals together with the senator did not approve the decision
they made. Other than the zoning laws that DMCI Homes did not obey
they also chosen to trivialize the mounting public protest against
Torre de Manila by claiming that all photographs showing its condo
tower photobombing the Rizal Monument were manipulated or merely
Andrie A. Abejo BSCE 3-B Gen Ed 006
used an application called “Photoshop”. The locals and the senator
did not like the statement released by DMCI Homes and was really
keen on demolishing the said building.
I can say that ethics is really the practical science dealing
with human conflict and it is shown in this ethical issue on the
National Photobomber of the Philippines. We also can conclude that
there are a lot of ethical issues to be investigated in our country
and to prevent this we can study more on Ethics and apply it to
the real world.

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