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Hadoop Certification
(Developer, Administrator
HBase & Data Science)
CCD-410, CCA-410 and
CCB-400 and DS-200

Author: Hadoop Learning Resource

Hadoop Training in Just $60/3000INR

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Hadoop Interview Questions on Page 7

Hadoop Certification Exam Simulator + Study Material

o Contains 4 practice Question Paper
o 240 realistic Hadoop Developer Certification
o 238 realistic Hadoop Administrator Certification
o 225 realistic HBase Certification Questions
o All Questions are on latest Pattern
o End time 15 Page revision notes (Save lot of time)
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Note: There is 50% talent gap in BigData domain, get Hadoop certification with the
Hadoop Learning Resources Hadoop Exam Simulator.
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Best Quality Hadoop Training is in Just $60/3000INR

(Guarantee you love it...the way trainer is teaching... just watch sample two modules..)

First two modules are free (Best Quality is Promise, watch it right now) Best Hadoop Training Quality Guaranteed among

all Vendors. Believe in us you will say’s Great. after watching first two modules

Module 1 : Introduction to BigData, Hadoop (HDFS and MapReduce) : Available (Length 35 Minutes)

1. BigData Inroduction
2. Hadoop Introduction
3. HDFS Introduction
4. MapReduce Introduction

Video URL :

Module 2 : Deep Dive in HDFS : Available (Length 48 Minutes)

1. HDFS Design
2. Fundamental of HDFS (Blocks, NameNode, DataNode, Secondary Name Node)
3. Rack Awareness
4. Read/Write from HDFS
5. HDFS Federation and High Availability
6. Parallel Copying using DistCp
7. HDFS Command Line Interface
Video URL :

Module 3 : Understanding MapReduce : Available (Length 60 Minutes)

1. JobTracker and TaskTracker
2. Topology Hadoop cluster
3. Example of MapReduce
Map Function
Reduce Function
4. Java Implementation of MapReduce
5. DataFlow of MapReduce
6. Use of Combiner

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 4 : MapReduce Internals -1 (In Detail) : Available (Length 57 Minutes)

1. How MapReduce Works

2. Anatomy of MapReduce Job (MR-1)
3. Submission & Initialization of MapReduce Job (What Happen ?)
4. Assigning & Execution of Tasks
5. Monitoring & Progress of MapReduce Job
6. Completion of Job
©Hadoop Learning Resources 4
7. Handling of MapReduce Job
- Task Failure
- TaskTracker Failure
- JobTracker Failure

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 5 : MapReduce-2 (YARN : Yet Another Resource Negotiator) : Available (Length 52 Minutes)

1. Limitation of Current Architecture (Classic)

2. What are the Requirement ?
3. YARN Architecture
4. JobSubmission and Job Initialization
5. Task Assignment and Task Execution
6. Progress and Monitoring of the Job
7. Failure Handling in YARN
- Task Failure
- Application Master Failure
- Node Manager Failure
- Resource Manager Failure

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 6 : Advanced Topic for MapReduce (Performance and Optimization) : Available (Length 58 Minutes)

1. Job Sceduling
2. In Depth Shuffle and Sorting
3. Speculative Execution
4. Output Committers
5. JVM Reuse in MR1
6. Configuration and Performance Tuning

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 7 : Advanced MapReduce Algorithm : Available (Length 87 Minutes)

File Based Data Structure

- Sequence File
- MapFile
Default Sorting In MapReduce
- Data Filtering (Map-only jobs)
- Partial Sorting
Data Lookup Stratgies
- In MapFiles
Sorting Algorithm
- Total Sort (Globally Sorted Data)
- InputSampler
- Secondary Sort

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 8 : Advanced MapReduce Algorithm -2 : Available : Private (Length 67 Minutes)

©Hadoop Learning Resources 5

1. MapReduce Joining
- Reduce Side Join
- MapSide Join
- Semi Join
2. MapReduce Job Chaining
- MapReduce Sequence Chaining
- MapReduce Complex Chaining

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 9 : Features of MapReduce : Available : Private (Length 61 Minutes)

Introduction to MapReduce Counters

Types of Counters
Task Counters
Job Counters
User Defined Counters
Propagation of Counters
Side Data Distribution
Using JobConfiguration
Distributed Cache
Steps to Read and Delete Cache File

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 10: MapReduce DataTypes and Formats : Available : Private (Length 77 Minutes)
1.Serialization In Hadoop
2. Hadoop Writable and Comparable
3. Hadoop RawComparator and Custom Writable
4. MapReduce Types and Formats
5. Understand Difference Between Block and InputSplit
6. Role of RecordReader
7. FileInputFormat
8. ComineFileInputFormat and Processing whole file Single Mapper
9. Each input File as a record
10. Text/KeyValue/NLine InputFormat
11. BinaryInput processing
12. MultipleInputs Format
13. DatabaseInput and Output
14. Text/Biinary/Multiple/Lazy OutputFormat MapReduce Types

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 11 : Apache Pig : Available (Length 52 Minutes)

1. What is Pig ?
2. Introduction to Pig Data Flow Engine
3. Pig and MapReduce in Detail
4. When should Pig Used ?
5. Pig and Hadoop Cluster
6. Pig Interpreter and MapReduce
©Hadoop Learning Resources 6
7. Pig Relations and Data Types
8. PigLatin Example in Detail
9. Debugging and Generating Example in Apache Pig

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 12 : Fundamental of Apache Hive Part-1 : Available (Length 60 Minutes)

1. What is Hive ?
2. Architecture of Hive
3. Hive Services
4. Hive Clients
5. how Hive Differs from Traditional RDBMS
6. Introduction to HiveQL
7. Data Types and File Formats in Hive
8. File Encoding
9. Common problems while working with Hive
Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 13 : Apache Hive : Available (Length 73 Minutes )

1. HiveQL
2. Managed and External Tables
3. Understand Storage Formats
4. Querying Data
- Sorting and Aggregation
- MapReduce In Query
- Joins, SubQueries and Views
5. Writing User Defined Functions (UDFs)
3. Data types and schemas
4. Querying Data
5. HiveODBC
6. User-Defined Functions

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 14 : Hands On : Single Node Hadoop Cluster Set Up In Amazon Cloud : Available (Length 60 Minutes Hands

On Practice Session)
1. � How to create instance on Amazon EC2
2. � How to connect that Instance Using putty
3. � Installing Hadoop framework on this instance
4. � Run sample wordcount example which come with Hadoop framework.
In 30 minutes you can create Hadoop Single Node Cluster in Amazon cloud, does it interest you ?

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 15 : Hands On : Implementation of NGram algorithm : Available (Length 48 Minutes Hands On Practice
1. Understand the NGram concept using (Google Books NGram )
2. Step by Step Process creating and Configuring eclipse for writing MapReduce Code
3. Deploying the NGram application in Hadoop Installed in Amazon EC2
4. Analyzing the Result by Running NGram application (UniGram, BiGram, TriGram etc.)
©Hadoop Learning Resources 7

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 16 : Hands On : Hadoop MultiNode Cluster Setup and Running a BigData Example : Available (Length 70

1. Hadoop MultiNode Cluster
2. Setup Three Node Hadoop cluster
3. Running NGram Application on cluster
4. Analyze the cluster using
-- NameNode UI (Multiple Blocks and effect of Replication Factor)
-- JobTracker UI (Multiple MapTask running on different Nodes)
5. SettingUp Replication Factor

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Hadoop Interview Questions

1. What is Hadoop framework?

Ans: Hadoop is a open source framework which is written in java by apche
software foundation. This framework is used to wirite software application which
requires to process vast amount of data (It could handle multi tera bytes of data).
It works in-paralle on large clusters which could have 1000 of computers (Nodes)
on the clusters. It also process data very reliably and fault-tolerant manner. See
the below image how does it looks.

2. On What concept the Hadoop framework works?

Ans : It works on MapReduce, and it is devised by the Google.
3. What is MapReduce ?
Ans: Map reduce is an algorithm or concept to process Huge amount of data in a
faster way. As per its name you can divide it Map and Reduce.
 The main MapReduce job usually splits the input data-set into independent chunks.

(Big data sets in the multiple small datasets)

©Hadoop Learning Resources 8
 MapTask: will process these chunks in a completely parallel manner (One node can

process one or more chunks).

©Hadoop Learning Resources 9

 The framework sorts the outputs of the maps.

 Reduce Task : And the above output will be the input for the reducetasks, produces

the final result.

Your business logic would be written in the MappedTask and ReducedTask.

Typically both the input and the output of the job are stored in a file-system (Not
database). The framework takes care of scheduling tasks, monitoring them and
re-executes the failed tasks.

4. What is compute and Storage nodes?

Compute Node: This is the computer or machine where your actual business
logic will be executed.
Storage Node: This is the computer or machine where your file system reside to
store the processing data.
In most of the cases compute node and storage node would be the same
5. How does master slave architecture in the Hadoop?
Ans: The MapReduce framework consists of a single master JobTracker and
multiple slaves, each cluster-node will have one TaskskTracker.
The master is responsible for scheduling the jobs' component tasks on the
slaves, monitoring them and re-executing the failed tasks. The slaves execute the
tasks as directed by the master.
6. How does an Hadoop application look like or their basic components?
Ans: Minimally an Hadoop application would have following components.
 Input location of data

 Output location of processed data.

 A map task.

 A reduced task.

 Job configuration

The Hadoop job client then submits the job (jar/executable etc.) and configuration
to the JobTracker which then assumes the responsibility of distributing the
software/configuration to the slaves, scheduling tasks and monitoring them,
providing status and diagnostic information to the job-client.

7. Explain how input and output data format of the Hadoop framework?
©Hadoop Learning Resources 10

Ans: The MapReduce framework operates exclusively on pairs, that is, the
framework views the input to the job as a set of pairs and produces a set of pairs
as the output of the job, conceivably of different types. See the flow mentioned below
(input) -> map -> -> combine/sorting -> -> reduce -> (output)

8. What are the restriction to the key and value class ?

Ans: The key and value classes have to be serialized by the framework. To make them
serializable Hadoop provides a Writable interface. As you know from the java itself that
the key of the Map should be comparable, hence the key has to implement one more
interface WritableComparable.

9. Explain the WordCount implementation via Hadoop framework ?

Ans: We will count the words in all the input file flow as below
 input

Assume there are two files each having a sentence

Hello World Hello World (In file 1)
Hello World Hello World (In file 2)
 Mapper : There would be each mapper for the a file

For the given sample input the first map output:

< Hello, 1>
< World, 1>
< Hello, 1>
< World, 1>
The second map output:
< Hello, 1>
< World, 1>
< Hello, 1>
< World, 1>
 Combiner/Sorting (This is done for each individual map)
So output looks like this
The output of the first map:
< Hello, 2>
< World, 2>
The output of the second map:
< Hello, 2>
< World, 2>
 Reducer :

It sums up the above output and generates the output as below

< Hello, 4>
< World, 4>
 Output
©Hadoop Learning Resources 11

Final output would look like

Hello 4 times
World 4 times
10. Which interface needs to be implemented to create Mapper and Reducer
for the Hadoop?
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Hadoop Certification Exam Simulator + Study Material

o Contains 4 practice Question Paper
o 240 realistic Hadoop Certification Questions
o All Questions are on latest Pattern
o End time 30 Page revision notes (Save lot of time)
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Note: There is 50% talent gap in BigData domain, get Hadoop certification with the
Hadoop Learning Resources Hadoop Exam Simulator.

11. What Mapper does?

Ans: Maps are the individual tasks that transform i
nput records into intermediate records. The transformed intermediate records do not need
to be of the same type as the input records. A given input pair may map to zero or many
output pairs.
12. What is the InputSplit in map reduce software?
©Hadoop Learning Resources 13

Ans: An InputSplit is a logical representation of a unit (A chunk) of input work for a

map task; e.g., a filename and a byte range within that file to process or a row set in a text

13. What is the InputFormat ?

Ans: The InputFormat is responsible for enumerate (itemise) the InputSplits, and
producing a RecordReader which will turn those logical work units into actual physical
input records.
14. Where do you specify the Mapper Implementation?
Ans: Generally mapper implementation is specified in the Job itself.
15. How Mapper is instantiated in a running job?
©Hadoop Learning Resources 14

Ans: The Mapper itself is instantiated in the running job, and will be passed a
MapContext object which it can use to configure itself.

16. Which are the methods in the Mapper interface?

Ans : The Mapper contains the run() method, which call its own setup() method
only once, it also call a map() method for each input and finally calls it cleanup()
method. All above methods you can override in your code.
17. What happens if you don’t override the Mapper methods and keep them as
it is?
Ans: If you do not override any methods (leaving even map as-is), it will act as
the identity function, emitting each input record as a separate output.

18. What is the use of Context object?

Ans: The Context object allows the mapper to interact with the rest of the Hadoop
system. It
Includes configuration data for the job, as well as interfaces which allow it to emit
19. How can you add the arbitrary key-value pairs in your mapper?
Ans: You can set arbitrary (key, value) pairs of configuration data in your Job,
e.g. with Job.getConfiguration().set("myKey", "myVal"), and then retrieve this data
in your mapper with Context.getConfiguration().get("myKey"). This kind of
functionality is typically done in the Mapper's setup() method.
20. How does Mapper’s run() method works?
Ans: The method then calls map(KeyInType, ValInType, Context) for each
key/value pair in the InputSplit for that task

21. Which object can be used to get the progress of a particular job ?
Ans: Context
22. What is next step after Mapper or MapTask?
Ans : The output of the Mapper are sorted and Partitions will be created for the
output. Number of partition depends on the number of reducer.

23. How can we control particular key should go in a specific reducer?

Ans: Users can control which keys (and hence records) go to which Reducer by
implementing a custom Partitioner.
24. What is the use of Combiner?
Ans: It is an optional component or class, and can be specify via
Job.setCombinerClass(ClassName), to perform local aggregation of the
©Hadoop Learning Resources 15

intermediate outputs, which helps to cut down the amount of data transferred
from the Mapper to the

25. How many maps are there in a particular Job?
Ans: The number of maps is usually driven by the total size of the inputs, that is,
the total number of blocks of the input files.
Generally it is around 10-100 maps per-node. Task setup takes awhile, so it is
best if the maps take at least a minute to execute.
Suppose, if you expect 10TB of input data and have a blocksize of 128MB, you'll
end up with
82,000 maps, to control the number of block you can use the
mapreduce.job.maps parameter (which only provides a hint to the framework).
Ultimately, the number of tasks is controlled by the number of splits returned by
the InputFormat.getSplits() method (which you can override).
26. What is the Reducer used for?
Ans: Reducer reduces a set of intermediate values which share a key to a
(usually smaller) set of values.
The number of reduces for the job is set by the user via

27. Explain the core methods of the Reducer?

Ans: The API of Reducer is very similar to that of Mapper, there's a run() method
that receives a Context containing the job's configuration as well as interfacing
methods that return data from the reducer itself back to the framework. The run()
method calls setup() once, reduce() once for each key associated with the
reduce task, and cleanup() once at the end. Each of these methods can access
the job's configuration data by using Context.getConfiguration().
As in Mapper, any or all of these methods can be overridden with custom
implementations. If none of these methods are overridden, the default reducer
operation is the identity function; values are passed through without further
The heart of Reducer is its reduce() method. This is called once per key; the
second argument is an Iterable which returns all the values associated with that

28. What are the primary phases of the Reducer?

Ans: Shuffle, Sort and Reduce
29. Explain the shuffle?
Ans: Input to the Reducer is the sorted output of the mappers. In this phase the
framework fetches the relevant partition of the output of all the mappers, via HTTP.
30. Explain the Reducer’s Sort phase?
©Hadoop Learning Resources 16

Ans: The framework groups Reducer inputs by keys (since different mappers may
have output the same key) in this stage. The shuffle and sort phases occur simultaneously;
while map-outputs are being fetched they are merged (It is similar to merge-sort).

31. Explain the Reducer’s reduce phase?

Ans: In this phase the reduce(MapOutKeyType, Iterable, Context) method is called for
each pair in the grouped inputs. The output of the reduce task is typically written to the
FileSystem via Context.write(ReduceOutKeyType, ReduceOutValType). Applications
can use the Context to report progress, set application-level status messages and update
Counters, or just indicate that they are alive. The output of the Reducer is not sorted.
32. How many Reducers should be configured?
Ans: The right number of reduces seems to be 0.95 or 1.75 multiplied by (<no. of
nodes> * mapreduce.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum).
With 0.95 all of the reduces can launch immediately and start transfering map outputs as
the maps finish. With 1.75 the faster nodes will finish their first round of reduces and
launch a second wave of reduces doing a much better job of load balancing. Increasing
the number of reduces increases the framework overhead, but increases load balancing
and lowers the cost of failures.
33. It can be possible that a Job has 0 reducers?
Ans: It is legal to set the number of reduce-tasks to zero if no reduction is desired.
34. What happens if number of reducers are 0?
Ans: In this case the outputs of the map-tasks go directly to the FileSystem, into the
output path set by setOutputPath(Path). The framework does not sort the map-outputs
before writing them out to the FileSystem.
35. How many instances of JobTracker can run on a Hadoop Cluser?
Ans: Only one
36. What is the JobTracker and what it performs in a Hadoop Cluster?
Ans: JobTracker is a daemon service which submits and tracks the MapReduce
tasks to the Hadoop cluster. It runs its own JVM process. And usually it run on a
separate machine, and each slave node is configured with job tracker node
The JobTracker is single point of failure for the Hadoop MapReduce service. If it
goes down, all running jobs are halted.

JobTracker in Hadoop performs following actions

 Client applications submit jobs to the Job tracker.
 The JobTracker talks to the NameNode to determine the location of the data
 The JobTracker locates TaskTracker nodes with available slots at or near the
 The JobTracker submits the work to the chosen TaskTracker nodes.
©Hadoop Learning Resources 17

 The TaskTracker nodes are monitored. If they do not submit heartbeat signals
often enough, they are deemed to have failed and the work is scheduled on a
different TaskTracker.
 A TaskTracker will notify the JobTracker when a task fails. The JobTracker
decides what to do then: it may resubmit the job elsewhere, it may mark that
specific record as something to avoid, and it may may even blacklist the
TaskTracker as unreliable.
 When the work is completed, the JobTracker updates its status.
 Client applications can poll the JobTracker for information.

37. How a task is scheduled by a JobTracker?

Ans: The TaskTrackers send out heartbeat messages to the JobTracker, usually
every few minutes, to reassure the JobTracker that it is still alive. These
messages also inform the JobTracker of the number of available slots, so the
JobTracker can stay up to date with where in the cluster work can be delegated.
When the JobTracker tries to find somewhere to schedule a task within the
MapReduce operations, it first looks for an empty slot on the same server that
hosts the DataNode containing the data, and if not, it looks for an empty slot on a
machine in the same rack.
38. How many instances of Tasktracker run on a Hadoop cluster?
Ans: There is one Daemon Tasktracker process for each slave node in the
Hadoop cluster.
39. What are the two main parts of the Hadoop framework?
Ans: Hadoop consists of two main parts
 Hadoop distributed file system, a distributed file system with high throughput,

 Hadoop MapReduce, a software framework for processing large data sets.

40. Explain the use of TaskTracker in the Hadoop cluster?

Ans: A Tasktracker is a slave node in the cluster which that accepts the tasks
from JobTracker like Map, Reduce or shuffle operation. Tasktracker also runs in
its own JVM Process.
Every TaskTracker is configured with a set of slots; these indicate the number of
tasks that it can accept. The TaskTracker starts a separate JVM processes to do
the actual work (called as Task Instance) this is to ensure that process failure
does not take down the task tracker.
©Hadoop Learning Resources 18

The Tasktracker monitors these task instances, capturing the output and exit
codes. When the Task instances finish, successfully or not, the task tracker
notifies the JobTracker.
The TaskTrackers also send out heartbeat messages to the JobTracker, usually
every few minutes, to reassure the JobTracker that it is still alive. These
messages also inform the JobTracker of the number of available slots, so the
JobTracker can stay up to date with where in the cluster work can be delegated .

41. What do you mean by TaskInstance?

Ans: Task instances are the actual MapReduce jobs which run on each slave
node. The TaskTracker starts a separate JVM processes to do the actual work
(called as Task Instance) this is to ensure that process failure does not take down
the entire task tracker.Each Task Instance runs on its own JVM process. There
can be multiple processes of task instance running on a slave node. This is
based on the number of slots configured on task tracker. By default a new task
instance JVM process is spawned for a task.
42. How many daemon processes run on a Hadoop cluster?
Ans: Hadoop is comprised of five separate daemons. Each of these daemons
runs in its own JVM.

Following 3 Daemons run on Master nodes.NameNode - This daemon stores

and maintains the metadata for HDFS.
Secondary NameNode - Performs housekeeping functions for the NameNode.
JobTracker - Manages MapReduce jobs, distributes individual tasks to machines
running the Task Tracker. Following 2 Daemons run on each Slave nodes
DataNode – Stores actual HDFS data blocks.
TaskTracker – It is Responsible for instantiating and monitoring individual Map
and Reduce tasks.
43. How many maximum JVM can run on a slave node?

Ans: One or Multiple instances of Task Instance can run on each slave node.
Each task instance is run as a separate JVM process. The number of Task
instances can be controlled by configuration. Typically a high end machine is
configured to run more task instances.
©Hadoop Learning Resources 19

44. What is NAS?

Ans: It is one kind of file system where data can reside on one centralized
machine and all the cluster member will read write data from that shared
database, which would not be as efficient as HDFS.

45. How HDFA differs with NFS?

Ans: Following are differences between HDFS and NAS

o In HDFS Data Blocks are distributed across local drives of all machines in a
cluster. Whereas in NAS data is stored

on dedicated hardware.
o HDFS is designed to work with MapReduce System, since computation is
moved to data. NAS is not suitable for MapReduce since data is stored
separately from the computations.
o HDFS runs on a cluster of machines and provides redundancy using
replication protocol. Whereas NAS is provided by a single machine
therefore does not provide data redundancy.

46. How does a NameNode handle the failure of the data nodes?
Ans: HDFS has master/slave architecture. An HDFS cluster consists of a single
NameNode, a master server that manages the file system namespace and regulates
access to files by clients.
In addition, there are a number of DataNodes, usually one per node in the cluster,
which manage storage attached to the nodes that they run on.
The NameNode and DataNode are pieces of software designed to run on commodity
NameNode periodically receives a Heartbeat and a Block report from each of the
DataNodes in the cluster. Receipt of a Heartbeat implies that the DataNode is
functioning properly. A Blockreport contains a list of all blocks on a DataNode. When
NameNode notices that it has not received a heartbeat message from a data node
after a certain amount of time, the data node is marked as dead. Since blocks will be
under replicated the system begins replicating the blocks that were stored on the
dead DataNode. The NameNode Orchestrates the replication of data blocks from
©Hadoop Learning Resources 20

one DataNode to another. The replication data transfer happens directly between
DataNode and the data never passes through the NameNode.

47. Can Reducer talk with each other?

Ans: No, Reducer runs in isolation.

48. Where the Mapper’s Intermediate data will be stored?

Ans: The mapper output (intermediate data) is stored on the Local file system
(NOT HDFS) of each individual mapper nodes. This is typically a temporary
directory location which can be setup in config by the Hadoop administrator. The
intermediate data is cleaned up after the Hadoop Job completes.

49. What is the use of Combiners in the Hadoop framework?

Ans: Combiners are used to increase the efficiency of a MapReduce program.
They are used to aggregate intermediate map output locally on individual mapper
outputs. Combiners can help you reduce the amount of data that needs to be
transferred across to the reducers.
You can use your reducer code as a combiner if the operation performed is
commutative and associative.
The execution of combiner is not guaranteed; Hadoop may or may not execute a
combiner. Also, if required it may execute it more than 1 times. Therefore your
MapReduce jobs should not depend on the combiners’ execution.

50. What is the Hadoop MapReduce API contract for a key and value Class?
◦The Key must implement the
◦The value must implement the interface.

51. What is a IdentityMapper and IdentityReducer in MapReduce?

◦org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.IdentityMapper: Implements the identity function,
mapping inputs directly to outputs. If MapReduce programmer does not set the
Mapper Class using JobConf.setMapperClass then IdentityMapper.class is used
as a default value.
©Hadoop Learning Resources 21

◦org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.IdentityReducer : Performs no reduction, writing

all input values directly to the output. If MapReduce programmer does not set the
Reducer Class using JobConf.setReducerClass then IdentityReducer.class is
used as a default value.

52. What is the meaning of speculative execution in Hadoop? Why is it

Ans: Speculative execution is a way of coping with individual Machine performance.
In large clusters where hundreds or thousands of machines are involved there may
be machines which are not performing as fast as others.
This may result in delays in a full job due to only one machine not performaing well.
To avoid this, speculative execution in hadoop can run multiple copies of same map
or reduce task on different slave nodes. The results from first node to finish are used.

53. When the reducers are are started in a MapReduce job?

Ans: In a MapReduce job reducers do not start executing the reduce method until
the all Map jobs have completed. Reducers start copying intermediate key-value
pairs from the mappers as soon as they are available. The programmer defined
reduce method is called only after all the mappers have finished.
If reducers do not start before all mappers finish then why does the progress on
MapReduce job shows something like Map(50%) Reduce(10%)? Why reducers
progress percentage is displayed when mapper is not finished yet?
Reducers start copying intermediate key-value pairs from the mappers as soon as
they are available. The progress calculation also takes in account the processing of
data transfer which is done by reduce process, therefore the reduce progress starts
showing up as soon as any intermediate key-value pair for a mapper is available to
be transferred to reducer.
Though the reducer progress is updated still the programmer defined reduce method
is called only after all the mappers have finished.

54. What is HDFS ? How it is different from traditional file systems?

HDFS, the Hadoop Distributed File System, is responsible for storing huge data on
the cluster. This is a distributed file system designed to run on commodity hardware.
©Hadoop Learning Resources 22

It has many similarities with existing distributed file systems. However, the
differences from other distributed file systems are significant.
◦HDFS is highly fault-tolerant and is designed to be deployed on low-cost hardware.
◦HDFS provides high throughput access to application data and is suitable for
applications that have large data sets.

◦HDFS is designed to support very large files. Applications that are compatible with
HDFS are those that deal with large data sets. These applications write their data
only once but they read it one or more times and require these reads to be satisfied
at streaming speeds. HDFS supports write-once-read-many semantics on files.

55. What is HDFS Block size? How is it different from traditional file system
block size?
In HDFS data is split into blocks and distributed across multiple nodes in the cluster.
Each block is typically 64Mb or 128Mb in size.
Each block is replicated multiple times. Default is to replicate each block three times.
Replicas are stored on different nodes. HDFS utilizes the local file system to store
each HDFS block as a separate file. HDFS Block size can not be compared with the
traditional file system block size.

57. What is a NameNode? How many instances of NameNode run on a Hadoop

The NameNode is the centerpiece of an HDFS file system. It keeps the directory tree
of all files in the file system, and tracks where across the cluster the file data is kept.
It does not store the data of these files itself.
There is only One NameNode process run on any hadoop cluster. NameNode runs
on its own JVM process. In a typical production cluster its run on a separate
The NameNode is a Single Point of Failure for the HDFS Cluster. When the
NameNode goes down, the file system goes offline.
Client applications talk to the NameNode whenever they wish to locate a file, or
when they want to add/copy/move/delete a file. The NameNode responds the
successful requests by returning a list of relevant DataNode servers where the data
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58. What is a DataNode? How many instances of DataNode run on a Hadoop

A DataNode stores data in the Hadoop File System HDFS. There is only One
DataNode process run on any hadoop slave node. DataNode runs on its own JVM
process. On startup, a DataNode connects to the NameNode. DataNode instances
can talk to each other, this is mostly during replicating data.

59. How the Client communicates with HDFS?

The Client communication to HDFS happens using Hadoop HDFS API. Client
applications talk to the NameNode whenever they wish to locate a file, or when they
want to add/copy/move/delete a file on HDFS. The NameNode responds the
successful requests by returning a list of relevant DataNode servers where the data
lives. Client applications can talk directly to a DataNode, once the NameNode has
provided the location of the data.

60. How the HDFS Blocks are replicated?

HDFS is designed to reliably store very large files across machines in a large cluster.
It stores each file as a sequence of blocks; all blocks in a file except the last block
are the same size.
The blocks of a file are replicated for fault tolerance. The block size and replication
factor are configurable per file. An application can specify the number of replicas of a
file. The replication factor can be specified at file creation time and can be changed
later. Files in HDFS are write-once and have strictly one writer at any time.
The NameNode makes all decisions regarding replication of blocks. HDFS uses
rack-aware replica placement policy. In default configuration there are total 3 copies
of a datablock on HDFS, 2 copies are stored on datanodes on same rack and 3rd
copy on a different rack.
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