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I. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................

II. OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES ..................................................................

III. METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................

a. Methods of Data Collection

b. Data Analysis & Findings

c. Sample Questionnaire

IV. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE..........................................................

V. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION ......................................................

VI. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................


This study is the fruit of patience, love and sacrifice. This would not have been

possible without the support and help of the people who have extended their hands and

contributed throughout the study. My deepest gratitude to the following who guided me all

the way.

I express my great thanks to our professor and adviser on this subject Arch. Irene G.

Florendo for her unending guidance and knowledge to the subject and patience and

teachings. And for sharing her expertise on the aspect of preparing a research paper.

To my family and friends, thank you for all the support and encouragements


And above all, I am very thankful to our Almighty God, the Divine and Grand

Architect, who is always by my side guiding me, keeping me on the right track and giving

me the strength, I need to carry on.

Chapter 1

Background of the Study
Sports Park is proposed in the nineteen nineties, which is very popular in the

European countries. They were largely constructed by the development of the city, the

lacking of green space, the lacking of outdoor sports for city residents. Since the sports

leisure park can integrate the green space and sports activity, it’s important to consider the

integration of landscapes and the outdoor sports, so that it will try to reach an organic

coordination between people, nature and environment. So the essence of this project is to

supply a beautiful park for people, although the park was designed in outdoor sports themes

and can provide many public sports place. (Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 409-410,


Most of People today, they value and spend their time in city parks, whether jogging,

walking a dog, playing basketball, or having a picnic. Along with these expected leisure

amenities, Park provide a direct contact with nature and a cleaner environment, to

opportunities for physical activity and social interaction (American Planning Association,


It will become a great asset for the community, providing a new Sports Garden

where the people of and surrounding areas can engage in sports both as participants in daily

activities or spectators at major events. Their daily usage by the surrounding communities

will build a strong user base for the Sports Park. There have been many Sports centres, which

have aspired to the goal of transforming their communities. But most have not succeeded

because they have been designed around a specific sporting event (with no long term facility

plan), or they have failed to capture the character and culture of their cities. They are only
able to inspire people at a distance and for a short time during events (Suzhou-industrial-

park-sports-center-nbbj, 2015).

This study provides insights in developing active sports place, According to the

(Planning Policy Statement and Guidance of Active design), it identifies the contribution of

open spaces, sport and recreation to people’s quality of life. Green spaces in urban areas

perform vital functions as areas for nature conservation and biodiversity. By acting as ‘green

lungs’ they can assist in meeting objectives to improve air quality. The existence of urban

biodiversity can have positive impacts on quality of life as well as environmental

improvement. Green areas such as parks can provide interactions between human and nature

it can also influence the form of the city and its inhabitants. Furthermore, the conservation of

urban biodiversity is an important issue in managing urban landscape especially in mega-

cities (Qureshi & Breuste 2010).

Well planned and maintained open spaces and good quality sports and recreational

facilities can play a major part in improving people’s sense of well-being in the place they

live. As a focal point for community activities, they can provide opportunities for people to

socially interact. Open spaces, sports and recreational facilities have a vital role to play in

promoting healthy living and preventing illness, and in the social development of children of

all ages through play, sporting activities and interaction with others. Given these

comprehensive approach, the motivation of this study is to plan and design an active Sports

Complex in Lallo, Cagayan.

Objective of the Study

The main objective of this study is to plan and design a Sports Garden Complex in Lallo,

Cagayan – a Sports Complex development that promote opportunities for sports and physical

activity, with optimized layout of spaces responding to the occupant’s needs that promotes

high quality of sports architecture and visual interest. Specifically, it intends to:

1. Design new sporting facilities that cater sports and physical activities for the athletes,

delegates and all residents of Lallo, Cagayan.

2. Apply active design principles that lead to make communities more active and


3. Apply landscape and sustainable Architectural strategies in the development.

Achieve measurable health benefits, from providing direct contact with nature and
opportunities for physical activity and social interaction.

Significance of the Study

The proposed development of this study is to improve sports centres throughout

Lallo, Cagayan and promote an active design to achieve a true transformation by engaging

the community and citizens of Santiago. It also improves public health by providing physical

activity opportunities in parks help to enhance well-being. The development designed as a

community asset, all facilities will be integrated within a lush “Sports Garden”. This

development gives a powerful identity unique among all sports complex. The result of the

study will help the Local Government Unit in improving their sports facilities and also in

economic aspect. It will be used also as a research based input which serves as reference for

colleges and universities offering Architecture courses. The result of the study will serve as

additional reference material for future researchers who are interested in designing sports

complex and also for the researcher it will be a fulfilment in her course that gives her insights

and improved her research skills. It will be her contribution in the course and sharing ideas in

improving design of sports complex.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The proposal focuses on developing innovative design for sports complex that

promote an active and healthy community by building sport and active recreation into

people’s everyday lives. It will also look into considerations in terms of design and generally

accepted standards and parameters. It limited to featured areas which offer both aesthetic and

functional aspects to the development and their functions are classified into different types of

activities as follows:

Communal : Sports, recreational facilities and green parks

Recreational : Sports, Fitness and other physical activities
Environmental : Lush of Green Spaces and Pedestrian Walkways
Commercial : Sports Complex and Commercial center
Residential : Quarters
Open spaces : Parks and Gardens
Institutional : Administration building
Utility : Utility and Maintenance

The review of related literature and studies for this study focuses on exploring the design and

planning principles that could be applied in designing the development. A number of

different studies, articles and journals that is related with the study is also elaborated and

discussed on the following reviews:

I. Local Literature and Studies

A. Marikina Sports Complex

The Marikina Sports Complex, also known as Marikina Sports Park. It hosts an Olympic-

size swimming pool, grandstands seating, a running track oval, a sports building, an indoor

gymnasium and several courts. It has been host to several sports competitions – both national

and regional including the 2014 ASEAN School Games which serves as the main venue, as

well as entertainment such as grand concerts, finals night and live television shows, and other

events such as for private uses and other community and local government activities.

Assessment to the Study

The features facilities of Marikina sports complex will be adapt as a basis in the propose

development. It will be useful in the preparation of technical phase and also in designing the

facilities needed in the development.

II. Foreign Literature and Studies

A. Suzhou Industrial Park Sports Center

Multifunctional industrial sports complex for the residents of Suzhou, China.

Designed as a community asset, the cultural sports hub will include a commercial center,

aquatics facility, gymnasium, arena, professional sports stadium and more. All facilities will

be integrated within a lush “Sports Garden” that features an abundance of pedestrian

walkways, gardens and sport fields. 

Assessment to the Study

The proposed development shall be adapting the objectives of the Suzhou industrial

park sport centre to plan and design sporting facilities with lush of “sports garden” that will

last for a long term, and to inspire people and engaging them in sports both as participants in

daily activities or major events.

B. Integration of architecture, people and environment- a case of sports park design in

Beijing Huangcun satellite town

This paper introduced the planning of a sport and leisure park in Huangcun Town,

Daxing District, Beijing, The design scheme revolved on four aspects: the planning concept,

the overall layout, the design of single building, the landscape design. All the aspects are

strived to achieve harmony for natural and humane, ecological and landscape, tradition and

modern. The development of Modern Park in American represents the world park

development trend.

Assessment to the study

The article presents design schemes and aspects of Sports Park in achieving an ideal

sport leisure park in cities. It shows also the contributions of environmental factors or roles in

establishing a successful sports park. This article will provide a specific background in the

planning concept and it serve as a basis in the preparation of planning phase.

C. How Cities Use Parks to Improve Public Health

People value the time they spend in city parks, whether walking a dog, playing

basketball, or having a picnic. Along with these expected leisure amenities, parks can also

provide measurable health benefits, from providing direct contact with nature and a cleaner

environment, to opportunities for physical activity and social interaction.

Assessment to the Study

This article shows the roles of sports and park in cities which proves the importance

and contributions in terms of providing measurable health benefits through an organic

approach between sports, physical activities and nature. It will give also an insight in terms

of environmental impact and mitigating environmental pollution. The information from this

article shall be useful in the preparation of healthy environment design responses.

D. Sports England – Active Design Creating an Active Nation through Sport

According to (Richard Caborn Minister for Sport), “Active Design is an innovative

new approach to urban design and the challenge of getting people active. Active Design is an

innovative set of design guidelines to promote opportunities for sport and physical activity in

the design and layout of development. The guidance promotes sport and activity through

three key Active Design principles of - improving accessibility, enhancing amenity and

increasing awareness.

Assessment to the Study

The article presents the three key elements that have been developed into a criteria

based approach to be adapt at the master planning stage of major developments to help create

environments that maximise opportunities for participation in sport and physical activity.

The criteria can be used as a guide during the planning process.


The development mainly highlights in outdoor sports themes. It follows complex mix

sports and physical activities. Functionality and aesthetics will depend on the combination of

different elements such as planning, design standards and parameters, space configuration

and planning concepts, environmental strategies, character. These substantially affect the

over-all planning and designing for the development.

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