Oakland Alameda County Coliseum JPA Board Package 9.17.21

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NOTICE AND AGENDA BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS September 17, 2021 Friday, OAKLAND-ALAMEDA COUNTY COLISEUM AUTHORITY Zoom Meeting When: Sep 17, 2021 08:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Topic: OACCA Board Meeting 9.17.21 Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us06web.z00m.us/j/84920797329 Or One tap mobile : US: +16699006833,,84920797329# or +13462487799,,84920797329# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 Webinar ID: 849 2079 7329 International numbers available: https://usO6web.zoom,us/u/kb93aHNdea 1, CALLTO ORDER 2. ROLLCALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4, OPEN FORUM 5. REPORTS a, Executive Director Report 1. Capital Improvement Needs 2. Refunding of the Authority's Lease Revenue Bonds 2012 3. Food and Beverage Services at the Arena 5b. General Manager Report 6. NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RETENTION OF ORRICK, HERRINGTON AND SUTCLIFFE LLP AS BOND ‘COUNSEL, CURLS BARTLING P.C. AS DISCLOSURE COUNSEL, AND KNN PUBLIC FINANCE LLC AS FINANCIAL [ADVISOR TO THE OAKLAND-ALAMEDA COUNTY COLISEUM AUTHORITY FOR THE 2021 REFUNDING OF THE OAKLAND-ALAMEDA COUNTY COLISEUM AUTHORITY LEASE REVENUE BONDS, 2012 REFUNDING SERIES A. 7. CLOSED SESSION 8. ADJOURNMENT steer Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority July 16, 2021 Zoom Board Meeting Minutes cau To oA0eR Chair Mlle called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m. ROLL CALL Chair Maley Commissioner ll V. Chale Kaplan Commissioner Thomason (arrived at 8:40) ‘Commissioner Reid ‘commissioner Vukasin (arrived at 9:00) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ‘The minutes for June 17, 2021, was submitted for approval. Correction to minutes company is written as Luke and should be ‘Loop, Commissioner Kaplan moved to approve minutes with correction. and Commissioner Haubert seconded the motion. Roll Cll: Commissioners: Miley, Kaplan, Reld, Haubert, Hill, and Thompson approved, The mation was approved by six aye votes. ‘OPEN FORUM ‘Andrea Crawtord an Oakland resident spoke In agreement of the WNEA coming tothe Coliseum Complex EXECUTIVE DIREC T ‘Mr. Gardner, Executive Director reported to the Board the termination of discussions with the Panthers use ofthe Arena for indoor football. Mr. Gardner explained the decision to revert to the pre-existing cost structure for nonprofits religious and ‘government rental atthe Coliseum Complex parking lots. Mr. Gardner highlighted the interest, support, and pracess for ‘Commemorative Art atthe Complex. The artwork would represent the COVID-19 vaccination process that occurred at the ‘Complex. Mr. Gardner discussed and summarized the refunding of the Stadium Debt. He will engage services of a financial ‘advisor and report tothe Board witha proposal. (GENERAL MANAGER REPORT Nicole Strange, General Manages updated on the new warehouse bult in parking lot C. Ncolerevlewed upcoming, canceled, ‘and postponed events atthe Coliseum Complex. Highlighted, also was full and part time staff employment back to work. NEW BUSINESS 66a:Commissioner Kaplan spoke in support of the resolution and agreement with the WNBA. ‘Commissioner Reld asked to explain how the market forthe team is assignet ‘Commissioner Kaubert ask to explain financial negotiations other proposals that may be Interested inthe facility and. ‘uration of the agreement. ‘Commissioner Vukasin ask to speak to WNBA and ASEG Is Oakland a viable home and market for WNBA team, ‘Mr, Gardner explained financial negotiations are ongoing. No other partes have expressed an Interest. ‘No contact with WNBA ‘Speakers: Fay Bobbitt we spoke and received authority from WNBA for team expansion he explained the financial benefit of hosting the team atthe Oakland Arena. Mr. Bobbitt gave a period of 2021 through 2026. It has not yet been determined ithe team. “willbe an expansion ora relocated team. COO of WNBA Is the polnt of contact for discussions. [WNBA will need 2 financial analysis. Would like to have a commitment from the Oakland Arena before fully moving forward. Robert Bobb spoke in agreement with Nenry and his guiding principles of minimum break even and profitable. ACCA Board Commissioners should speak to the WNBA to validate the interest in the team coming to Oakland market ‘Shonda Scott AASEG supports bringing sport team to Oakland complex Gideon Price, Breathe Day Spa, Trina lackson, 1Plus and Ramnasses Head all spoke giving their support of a WNGA team coming tothe Oakland Coliseum Arena. Having WNBA team at the Oakland Arena which represents multiple positive images for young girls. ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE AFRICAN AMERICAN SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, LLC REGARDING THE TERMS OF A LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE OAKLAND-ALAMEDA COUNTY ARENA BY A FUTURE LOCAL TEAM TO BE AFFILIATED WITH THE PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S BASKETBALL LEAGUE KNOWN AS THE WOMEN’S NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION was submitted for approval. Commissioner Kaplan moved to approve, and Commissioner Haubert seconded the motion. Rol Call: Commissioners: Milley, Kaplan, Hill Vukasin, Hauber, Reid and Thompson all approved. The motion was approved by saven aye votes. 6b, RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR, CCONSUTING SERVICES BETWEEN HENRY GARDNER AND THE OAKLAND ALAMEDA COUNTY COLISEUM AUTHORITY was ‘resented for approval. Commissioner Kaplan moved to approve, and Commissioner Hubert seconded the motion. Roll call: CCornmissioner: Miley, Kaplan, Mil, Vkasin, Haubert, Reld and Thompsom all approved. The motion was approved by seven aye votes. 6c. NON-ACTION ITEM Discussion Regarding Future Development of Coliseum Complex Mr. Gardner reviewed the original plan presented when the Coliseum Complex was first bullt. Which envistoned sports, entertainment, and residential district. County Counsel Andrea Weddle spoke and gave a summary of the County's transaction with the A's. speakers: {Plus spoke informing the board the confusion and understanding of the purchase transaction between County and A's K. Abdul spoke saying the community is frustrated with the A's and rebuilding a stadium and development should be at the Coliseum site, Rebecca Kaplan spoke clarifying the City’s land ownership and 50% of Coliseum Complex property city of Oakland's Dave Kaval would like to present a plan to city on affordable housing and neighborhood services for the development of the Coliseum Complex and East Oakland area. Mr. Kaval stated the A’s has held 20-30 meetings within the community seeking focal neighborhood Input on the redevelopment. Mr. Kaval stated they are waiting approval of the new ballpark in downtown Oakland. losed Sess Moved ta closed session Report from Counsel on Closed Session ‘The Board has nothing to report Adiournment Meeting adjourned at 10:10am, Secretary- Erin Roseman as Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority Oakiand-Alameda County Coliseum Authority July 30, 2021 Special Zoom Board Meeting Minutes ‘CALL TO ORDER ‘Chair Miley called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m. ROLL CALL Chale Miley ‘Commissioner Hil V. Chair Kaplan ‘Commissioner Thompson Commissioner Commissioner Vukatin Commissioner Houbort ‘OPEN FORUM No Speakers NEW BUSINESS 43, A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A NON-BINDING TERM SHEET WITH THE AFRICAN AMERICAN SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, LLC, ESTABLISHING GENERAL TERMS OF A LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE OAKLAND-ALAMEDA COUNTY ARENA BY A FUTURE LOCAL TEAM TO BE AFFILIATED WITH THE PROFESSIONAL [WOMEN’S BASKETBALL LEAGUE KNOWN AS THE WOMEN'S NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION was submitted for approval. ‘Speakers ‘Commissioners Haubert ask how many home games and playoff games. Ray Bobbitt reported there is eighteen home games and playotf to be determined ‘Commissioner Reid noted corrections needed tothe resolution and term sheet. Commissioner Reid questioned utility and ‘maintenance cost. GM Nicole Strange answered the costs included in the monthly rent. Commissioners: Haubert, Reld and Kaplan gave their support to ED Gardner for his work on this item Chair Reld commended the AASEG group Including Ray Bobbitt and Robert Bobb on thelr work and dedication. ‘OPEN FORUM ‘Speakers: ay Bobbit from AASEG gave his fll appreciation te the Commissioners for the opportunity ané supper forthe WNBA team ‘coming to the Coliseum in Oakland Robert Bobb from AASEG commended €D Henry Gardner on his strong negotiations and GM Nicol Strange for her valueble ‘Support. Bobb also thanked the Oakiand City Council and OACCA Commissioners for thelr support Oakland First, Septina McDonnell, Desmond Gumbs, Trina Jackson, Derrin Lanier, Labene Shepherd, Andrea Crawford, Coach Ron Willams, and Zakiya Jenday! all supported the resolution and statee, WBNA is an outstanding benefit for young African American women, vital conomie support forthe ares and postive showease for Oakland. [RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A NON-BINDING TERM SHEET WITH THE AFRICAN AMERICAN ‘SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, LLC, ESTABLISHING GENERAL TERMS OF & LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE ‘AKLAND-ALAMEDA COUNTY ARENA BY A FUTURE LOCAL TEAM TO E AFFILIATED WITH THE PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S BASKETBALL LEAGUE KNOWN AS THE WOMEN'S NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION was submitted for approval. ‘Commissioner Kaplan moved to approve, and Commissioner Reid seconded the motion. Roll Call vate: Commissione Kaplan, Reld, Hauer, Hil, Thompson and Vukasin approved. The motion was approved by seven commissioners ‘lated Session No Closed Session ley, REPORT FROM COUNSEL ON CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:29 a.m. Secretary- Erin Roseman September 17, 2021 Honorable Chairperson Nate Miley and Commissioners of the Authority 5a 1, Capital Improvement Needs There are three (3) capital improvement projects that need to be undertaken in the next year: (1) new roof for the Arena at a cost of approximately $1,500,000; (2) sealing of the plaza area to prevent water intrusion that is leaking into the office spaces below at a cost of approximately $600,000; and (3) Ice plant refrigeration to accommodate events like Disney on Ice at a cost of approximately $1,200,000. While all three projects are important, the Arena roof is the most urgent. The Arena roof is aging and is past its useful life. It has been patched several times and further patching is not the best use of resources, given it will continue to leak and will eventually need to be replaced. Lack of a ready source of funding has caused replacement to be delayed. The second priority is to seal the plaza area to prevent water intrusion which damages the ceilings below and leaks into the office spaces. The third priority is the ice plant refrigeration. For the last two years we have experienced substantial reductions in revenues due to the cancellation of events and not being able to book new events because of the pandemic. While we are slowly recovering from these losses, it is unlikely that we will be able to pay for these capital improvements without a new source of funding. It is possible to address the roof issue and the plaza sealing issue by refunding the current outstanding Stadium bonds as described in the proposed refunding under Item 6. 2. Refunding of the Authority's Lease Revenue Bonds 2012 Series The Authority currently has approximately $38 million outstanding bonds on the Stadium, maturing on February 1, 2025. Our preliminary analysis indicates that we can refund these bonds and save approximately $2.5 million, after paying the costs of issuance. In order to attain these savings, we would not extend the current maturity, there would be no increase financial burden on the City or County, there would be no impact on the Oakland A's, and there would be sufficient savings to pay for the Arena roof, the sealing of the plaza area, and partially pay for the ice refrigeration. With the approval of the proposed resolution under item 6, we can engage the professional services of a financial advisor, bond counsel, and disclosure counsel to prepare the necessary legal and funding strategies to undertake the refunding. There would also be costs for rating agency fees, underwriter's discount, and other customary fees to complete the financing. All of these costs will be paid as part of the transaction costs and have been netted out to achieve a net savings to the Authority of $2.5 million. There being no financial impacts on the Authority, City or County, and we are not extending the maturity of the current outstanding bonds, | strongly recommend that we proceed with the proposed financing. We will bring the matter back to the Authority, the City, and the County for final action to issue the new bonds. 3. Food and Beverage Services at the Arena In May 2021 the Board approved the contract with Levy for food and beverage services at the Arena. Under the terms of the contract, we included an amount of $75,000 for repairs, cleaning, and equipment to recommence operations of the kitchen facilities. The estimate was based on the then known areas that would need to be addressed. Once ASM staff, Levy staff and the County Health Department did a more thorough review of needed repairs, equipment replacement and health compliance issues, the total expenditures currently total approximately $125,000. Most of the costs in excess of $75,000 are related to areas that the County Health Department requires be addressed before the kitchen is approved for operations. Our first scheduled event is September 17, 2021. These compliance areas would our responsibility as landlord. | believe that these costs can be absorbed in our current budget and no budget amendments are required at this time. Respectfully submitted, Henry L. Gardner Executive Director ASM Global Oakland General Manager's Board Report September 17, 2021 Event Activity Added Events: © Pepe Aguilar (September 17, 2021) Porter Robinson's Second Sky Festival (September 18-19, 2021) Parking Lot Lil Baby (September 25, 2021) Los Bukis (October 1 & 2, 2021) Stadium Shows Myke Towers (October 8, 2021) Disney on Ice (October 14-17, 2021) DJ Snake (October 15, 2021) Emerge Warehouse Deadmaus (October 16, 2021) Emerge Warehouse System of a Down (October 18, 2021) J. Cole (October 20, 2021) Real Life Comedy Tour (October 23, 2021) El Alfa (November 5, 2021) Tiesto (November 15, 2021) Emerge Warehouse Monster Jam (January 8-9, 2022) Stadium Harlem Globetrotters (January 14-15, 2022) Monster Energy AMA Supercross (January 15, 2022) Stadium ‘Ana Gabriel (February 10, 2022) Kacey Musgraves (February 19, 2022) Tyler the Creator (April 1, 2022) © JBalvin (May 1, 2022) Postponed Events (new date): The Millennium Tour (October 2, 2021) Martin Lawrence (November 20, 2021) ‘The Weeknd (March 8, 2022) ‘Andre Rieu (March 21, 2022) Celine Dion (April 3, 2022) Rage Against the Machine (April 26, 2022) Rage Against the Machine (April 28, 2022) My Chemical Romance (October 5, 2022) Pearl Jam (TBD) Other Events: ‘© Camp Kee Tov Summer Camp (August 13, 2021) Stadium * Modelo Commercial Shoot (August 14-16, 2021) Arena * Household Hazardous Waste Collection (August 15, 2021) Parking Lot OAKLAND-ALAMEDA COUNTY COLISEUM AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO, 2021-_44__ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RETENTION OF ORRICK, HERRINGTON AND SUTCLIFFE LLP AS BOND COUNSEL, CURLS BARTLING P.C. AS DISCLOSURE COUNSEL, AND KNN PUBLIC FINANCE LLC AS FINANCIAL ADVISOR TO THE OAKLAND-ALAMEDA COUNTY COLISEUM AUTHORITY FOR THE 2021 REFUNDING OF THE OAKLAND-ALAMEDA COUNTY COLISEUM AUTHORITY LEASE REVENUE BONDS, 2012 REFUNDING SERIES A. WHEREAS, the Amended and Restated Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (“UPA Agreement’) between the City of Oakland (‘City’) and the County of Alameda (‘County’) established the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority (‘Authority’) whose powers are exercised by a Board of Commissioners ("Board") appointed by the City and the County: and WHEREAS, in May of 2012 the Authority issued Lease Revenue Bonds for the Oakland Coliseum Project (the 2012 Refunding Series A Lease Revenue Bonds) to refund and redeem the then outstanding 2000 Refunding Series C Lease Revenue Bonds; and WHEREAS, the 2012 Refunding Series A Lease Revenue Bonds are secured by and payable from base rental payments made to the Authority by the City and County pursuant to a Master Lease for the RingCentral Stadium; and WHEREAS, the 2012 Refunding Series A Lease Revenue Bonds have an optional redemption date of February 1, 2022; and WHEREAS, exercising the optional redemption right and refunding the 2012 Refunding Series A Lease Revenue Bonds is anticipated to yield savings to the Authority, the City and County of approximately $2.9 million without extending the February 1, 2025 repayment maturity date of the bonds; and WHEREAS, the finance team of Orrick, Herrington and Sutcliffe LLP, Curis Bartling P.C., and KNN Public Finance LLC are each well qualified to assist the Authority with the refunding, they will be compensated for their services from the bond proceeds as a cost of issuance of the 2021 Refunding Bonds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners does hereby authorize the Executive Director to retain (a) Orrick, Herrington and Sutcliffe LLP as Bond Counsel, at a sum not to exceed $80,000, (b) Curls Bartiing P.C. as Disclosure Counsel, at a ‘sum not to exceed $70,000, and (c) KNN Public Finance LLC as Financial Advisor, at a sum not to exceed $55,000, for the 2021 Refunding of the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority Lease Revenue Bonds, 2012 Refunding Series A, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the governing board of the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority, this 17th day of September, 2021, by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent NATE MILEY, CHAIR ATTEST: ERIN ROSEMAN, SECRETARY

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