Securing Windows Server 2003

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Hands on Advice for Securing and Implementing

Windows Server 2003

Securing Windows
Server 2003

Mike Danseglio
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Chapter 4 CHAPTER 4
File System Security

Whenever data is stored on physical media, it has the potential to become compro-
mised. For example, secret notes between Napoleon and his generals were compro-
mised and led, in part, to his defeat. Napoleon’s secret notes were written on leather
or paper and sent by fast riders. In a computer context, those secret notes are stored
on a hard drive and either used locally or transmitted across a network to a friend,
coworker, Internet site, or other location beyond your server or organization. In this
chapter, you’ll see who can access those secret notes on the local hard drive and how
to ensure only the desired people and groups can access them. Techniques for ensur-
ing that your data remains secret when transmitted on a network will be covered in
subsequent chapters.
The use of long-term computer data storage, whose benefits are numerous, raises
special security consideration for the system administrator: how do you protect data
so that only the intended user has access while ensuring some level of recoverability
over time? In this chapter, you’ll learn how to use file permissions and EFS—the two
main file protection mechanisms provided by Windows Server 2003—to control user
access to files. You’ll see how to use these mechanisms appropriately and how they
are often misconfigured in ways that prevent desired access. You’ll also learn how to
plan for a number of special security concerns specific to the use of portable comput-
ers. These plans may include Syskey, a special tool for protecting the account data-
base, which I show you how to use properly.

Protecting Files with NTFS File Permissions

The primary technique for protecting data on a hard drive is to use the built-in NTFS
file permissions to allow or restrict specific users and groups. A user could allow his
user account to access his personal research data while restricting other users. He
could also designate some files as readable by all users but writable by only his
coworkers and manager. At home, he could restrict certain folders so that only he
could read their contents, while allowing only himself and his wife to read others.


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You may want to share files on Windows Server 2003 and allow only the HR group
access. File permissions are configurable and flexible enough to work in many differ-
ent scenarios.

How File Permissions Work

When a user logs into a Windows system, as described in Chapter 7, an access token
is granted to the user’s session, which the operating system uses to prove her iden-
tity to local and network resources. Every access token contains the security identi-
fier (SID) of the user as its key component and the SIDs of the groups she belongs to.
This information allows operating system components that are concerned about
security to simply check to see whether any of the SIDs provided in the access token
have been granted or denied access to their data or services.
File permissions simply attach a list of SIDs and the access rights granted or denied
for each SID to a file or directory. This list of SIDs is known as an access control list
(ACL), and each entry in the list is an access control entry (ACE). An ACL is com-
posed of one or more ACEs. Whenever a user or process makes a request to access a
file or directory, NTFS retrieves the corresponding ACL for that object. It then runs
down the list of ACEs on the object, comparing each to every SID in the access token
of the requesting entity (usually a user). NTFS accumulates the permissions it finds
and determines whether the permissions are enough to meet the requested needs of
the requester. If the permissions are sufficient, the process succeeds and the
requester accesses the object. When all the requested permissions are not granted,
the request fails.

Permissions can be set on individual files or on the folders that con-

tain them. When permissions are set on files, there is no effect on the
other files in the same folder. Setting permissions on folders allows
NTFS to configure all subfolders and files with the same permissions.
This also ensures that new files within that folder inherit the same per-
missions. This can be beneficial when setting up secure file shares and
when one wants to ensure that both existing and new files have appro-
priate permissions configured.

Consider our user David Loudon. David has an account in an Active Directory
domain that he logs into daily to perform his work. David is a member of several
security groups, as shown in Figure 4-1.
David wants to open a file on the local hard drive called Super Secret Info.txt.
Because David is concerned with security, he sets permissions on it. He doesn’t want
any other users, including domain administrators, to access the file. He configures
the file with the permissions shown in Figure 4-2.

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File Security and NTFS

It is worth noting at this point that all Windows operating systems rely on the NT File
System (NTFS) for providing file system security. Windows XP and the Windows
Server 2003 family also support older versions of the File Allocation Table (FAT) file
system in its many variations, including FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32. These file sys-
tems were not designed to incorporate access control and security mechanisms in their
data storage. They provide no data security whatsoever. You should always use NTFS
unless you have a strong need for one of the older file systems, such as a need to boot
multiple operating systems on a single computer. Because this configuration is unwise
and unsupported, you should avoid it.
Using NTFS also helps to prevent another insecure computer configuration—the dual-
boot configuration. Having more than one operating system on a computer at any
given time allows an attacker a far greater attack surface. Often one operating system
can bypass or ignore security measures implemented by another. Though there are
some technical means that you can employ to prevent this configuration, a strong
administrative policy and an educated IT staff will most likely prevent such configura-

Figure 4-1. David Loudon’s group memberships

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Figure 4-2. David has restricted the file permissions so that he is the only user with access

David now has full control of the file, and members of the Domain Admins group are
explicitly denied access. Notice that there are no other entries in the ACL. Because
the default behavior of Windows Server 2003 is to deny permission unless granted,
any user that is not on the list will be denied access to Super Secret Info.txt. David
doesn’t need to add a Deny ACE for every user or group in the domain. He simply
needs to ensure that no unintended users or groups are granted permission.
Let’s assume that at some point David is promoted or transferred into a job that
requires him to have different permission on the domain. Don, our security adminis-
trator, adds David to the Domain Admins group to ensure he has the proper permis-
sions. David thinks nothing of this change, as he is being granted additional
permissions that should allow him to perform any task on any computer within the
domain. However, when David attempts to open Super Secret Info.txt, he gets an
“Access denied” error message. This is because NTFS considers the Deny permis-
sion to be most important. Whenever an ACL is interpreted, an explicitly denied per-
mission takes precedence over all other permissions. If David or any group he is a
member of is explicitly denied permission, he is denied permission to access the file,
even in the case of conflicting levels of permission.

A good administrative practice is to add groups, not individual users,

to permissions for file and folder objects. Then you can rely on proper
group maintenance to ensure that access is maintained.

A quick way to verify David’s access to the file is the Effective Permissions tab of the
Advanced Security Settings dialog box shown in Figure 4-2. This tab allows an
administrator to type a username and view the effective permissions that the user will

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receive. In this case, providing David’s name would show that he has no access. This
tab is currently available only in Windows Server 2003.
To allow David to access his file again, Don temporarily removes him from the
Domain Admins group.

Even though David is getting an access denied message, security is

working properly. This concept will be detailed later in this chapter.

David may have another file that he wants to share among his peers. He wants to
ensure that only his group has access. He also wants to avoid ongoing maintenance
of the ACL on this file, allowing users who enter and leave his workgroup to be auto-
matically added and removed from the file permissions. He sets security on the file as
shown in Figure 4-3. This security has no permissions for individual users, only the
Corporate Accounts Payable group. So as long as the group membership is main-
tained, the file will be accessible by the appropriate users.

Figure 4-3. File permissions

This configuration works well for David. Because only the Corporate Accounts Pay-
able group is given access to the file, only members of that group can access the file.
All other users receive the default permission, which is no access. As users join and
leave the corporate accounts payable staff, the group is updated by human resources
and the IT department’s Domain Admins groups. David needs to take no action to
maintain access on the file now that it is configured correctly.

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How to Configure File Permissions

You learned in the previous section that setting appropriate file permissions is not
terribly difficult when some basic guidelines are considered. These guidelines can be
summarized as follows:
• Apply only granted permissions whenever possible. Avoid Deny permissions, as
they override all other permissions and can be difficult to implement when many
permissions are assigned to one file.
• Use the Deny—Full Control permission sparingly for the same reason. This is
especially true when you think about assigning Deny to Everyone. At that point,
you’ve essentially rendered the data inaccessible to anyone except administra-
tors, who can manually take ownership and reestablish the proper permissions
on the object.
• Permit groups of users instead of individual users when possible. This permits
you to allow and deny user access to files by simply modifying a group’s mem-
bership, rather than having to reapply permissions to all files and folders.
• Permit access to folders instead of individual files.

Example: setting up a secure file share

Imagine an employee of your company, David, asks you to set up a place where he
can share files within his branch office. He plans to store a few spreadsheets and doc-
uments on this share, consuming a minimum of space. He wants the files to remain
confidential to only the employees at his branch. While he is not the least-savvy com-
puter user in the organization, you do not want him to have to maintain any of this
security manually.
To set up the file share and configure it for the appropriate level of security, you
would perform these tasks:
1. Create a folder on the appropriate hard drive using Windows Explorer. This can
be right off the root directory or in a subdirectory based on organizational
boundaries, geographical region of the user, and so on. The location of the direc-
tory does not matter.
2. Right-click the folder, click Properties, and then click Security. The default ACL
for folders on this drive is displayed as shown in Figure 4-4.
3. Click Advanced to display the advanced folder permissions dialog as shown in
Figure 4-5.
4. Deselect the option of “Inherit from parent the permission entries that apply to
child objects. Include these with entries explicitly defined here.” Deselecting this
option allows explicit ACLs to be set on this folder without inheriting other
ACLs from the parent folder. This is not required but allows Don, the adminis-
trator, to ensure that even administrators do not have access to this folder.

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Figure 4-4. Default access control list

5. Click Remove on the dialog box that appears for all the existing ACEs. The ACL
will now be blank.
6. Add the desired groups and users as shown in Figure 4-6. In our example, David
Loudon’s branch users in Valdosta are the only users with access permission.
Because this group is administered by the IT and HR departments, we can con-
figure the folder so that it will not require maintenance every time an employee
joins or leaves the branch.
7. Click OK to finish configuring the file permissions. Click Sharing to share this
folder on the network. Select Share This Folder and click OK.
You will notice that permissions can also be set on the share. These permissions are
similar to the permissions you just set on the folder, although folder permissions are
more granular. The difference is that you configured the folder permissions so that
access is restricted both locally and on the network. Although share permissions can
be set to be similar to the file and folder permissions, it is not required to meet the
goal of securing the files.

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Figure 4-5. The advanced folder permissions list

Figure 4-6. Adding the Valdosta users

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Deciding whether to use NTFS or share permissions is a bit like decid-

ing which hair color is best. There’s no perfect answer, and whichever
option suits you and meets the security goal should be used. The most
important thing to remember is that NTFS permissions apply both
locally and over the network, while share permissions affect only net-
work access. While many argue that this means NTFS permissions are
universally a better practice than share permissions, I leave it to you to
decide. Personally, I apply both just to be sure.

Now the folder is secure. David’s group can access the folder and all its files and sub-
folders. No other users can access the contents, as they are not explicitly granted per-
missions. The permissions will dynamically change as David’s group grows or
shrinks, because the group membership is managed separately. No further security
maintenance on this folder is needed to ensure its security.

Example: implementing local file security for a shared computer

Frequently, computers are shared by two or more users. This is often the case in
manufacturing departments with multiple shifts when it makes no sense to provide
individual computers for each shift worker.
Consider a fictional company, Woodgrove Bank. In Woodgrove Bank, two or three
receptionists share one computer during the day. One receptionist, Brian Valentine,
wants to keep personal data on the local computer but protect it from being accessed
by the other receptionists. Because the data is of a personal nature, he wants to
ensure that the most security possible is applied to these files.
Brian can use the following procedure to apply strong security to his local folder and
its contents:
1. Create a folder on a local hard drive or choose an existing folder with the files
already in place. The location of the directory does not matter.
2. Right-click the folder, click Properties, and then click Security. The default ACL
for folders on this drive is displayed.
3. Click Advanced to display the advanced folder permissions dialog.
4. Deselect the option to “Inherit from parent the permission entries that apply to
child objects. Include these with entries explicitly defined here.” Deselecting this
option allows explicit ACLs to be set on this folder without inheriting other
ACLs from the parent folder.
5. Select the option to “Replace permission entries on all child objects with entries
shown here that apply to child objects.” This ensures that all existing files and
subfolders receive the new ACL.
6. Click Remove on the dialog box that appears for all the existing ACEs. The ACL
will now be blank.

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7. Add only Brian’s account with Full Control configured as Allow. Because Brian
is a bit paranoid, also add Domain Admins with Full Control configured as
Deny. This is shown in Figure 4-7.
8. Click OK to finish configuring the permissions.

I said earlier that setting Deny permissions on files and folders is a bad
idea. If Brian is ever added to the Domain Admins group, he will be
denied access to the files in this folder. Because this is highly unlikely,
Brian will probably never encounter problems with this permission.

Figure 4-7. Denying the Domain Admins group access

The result of this procedure is that Brian is the only user who has access to his folder
and its contents. Any other user attempting to view his data will receive an “Access
denied” message. However, an administrator could still gain access by simply add-
ing himself to the ACL list. Because Brian is not a local administrator, he cannot pre-
vent this possibility.

Protecting Data with the

Encrypting File System
As I discussed in the previous section, NTFS checks the ACL for each file and folder
a user accesses and compares it against her access token. Access is granted only when
the appropriate permissions are held by the the requester. However, this architec-
ture has the potential to be circumvented. If NTFS isn’t used to access the hard disk,

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the data can be read just like any other data. Because Windows Server 2003 and
Windows XP allow only NTFS to access its own partitions, this security is effective.
If another operating system is used, or if special disk-reading equipment is con-
nected to the hard disk, the data is completely unprotected.
The only way to ensure that data on the hard disk is not susceptible to this type of
attack is to protect it with encryption. Storing the data on the hard drive in an
encrypted state means that the requester must provide the decryption key for the
data to be usable. Without the decryption key, the data is useless to the requester—
regardless of the operating system making the request. Windows XP and Windows
Server 2003 allow files on the hard disk to be encrypted using the Encrypting File
System, or EFS.

How EFS Works

To discuss the concepts and processes of EFS, I must first dispel a myth. EFS is not
really a file system at all. It is a set of functions that work in conjunction with NTFS
to encrypt and decrypt files that are stored on the hard drive. NTFS provides the core
mechanics of fetching data from the hard drive, writing to the hard drive, checking
ACLs, and so on. EFS does the added work of determining when a file must be
encrypted or decrypted and performing that action.
Specifically, EFS works by generating a random symmetric key for a file, called the
file encryption key (FEK), and encrypting the data portion of the file with that key. It
then takes the requester’s public key from the local key store and encrypts the FEK
with that public key. This chunk of encrypted data that allows the requester to
decrypt the file is called the data decryption field (DDF). There is always at least one
DDF for an encrypted file.
EFS then checks to see if any data recovery agents (DRAs) have been defined in a
recovery policy. A recovery agent is an optional user who holds a specific type of cer-
tificate private key that, when configured properly, allows him to decrypt EFS files. If
recovery agents have been defined, their public key is also used to encrypt a copy of
the FEK. This chunk of encrypted data that allows a recovery agent to decrypt a file
is called a data recovery field (DRF). Because more than one recovery agent can be
defined through a recovery policy, there may be more than one DRF per encrypted

In Windows 2000, EFS required at least one recovery agent to oper-

ate. When no recovery agents were available, EFS would refuse to
encrypt files. In Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, EFS allows
full functionality without a recovery agent in place. This allows config-
urations in which only one unique key can decrypt data. To disable
EFS in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, a Group Policy Object
must be defined or a group of registry settings must be made.

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The result of all these operations is encrypted data, one or more DDFs, and zero or
more DRFs. This data is then handed back to NTFS. NTFS writes all this data as
provided to the hard drive and additionally marks the file as being encrypted with
EFS. This process of encrypting files with EFS is shown in Figure 4-8.

File encryption key Data stored on hard drive


Data recovery
field (DRF)
DRA’s public key

Data decryption
field (DDF)
User’s public key

If I had a 3#*2nP1'13

Figure 4-8. The EFS encryption process

Another common myth about EFS is that folders can be encrypted.

While folders can be flagged to encrypt their contents, the folders
themselves are not encrypted. Rather, new files within those folders
will be automatically encrypted when they are created in that folder,
and optionally, any existing files in the folder will be encrypted. This is
a desired configuration for EFS, as it will ensure that new datafiles or
temporary copies of encrypted files in the same directory will be pro-
tected. When individual files are marked for encryption and not the
parent directory, data may unwittingly be written to the hard drive

When an application requests data from an encrypted file, EFS has to decrypt it. To
do so, NTFS retrieves the entire file and passes the information to EFS. EFS exam-
ines the public and private keys of the requester to determine whether any of these
keys can be used to decrypt a DDF or DRF associated with the file. When such a key
is found, the FEK is decrypted and used to decrypt the file data. This decrypted data
is then passed back to NTFS, which provides it to the original requester. Because all
this is handled by NTFS and EFS, applications do not need to be aware of EFS files
or take any special actions to handle them. This process of decrypting files with EFS
is shown in Figure 4-9.

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Data decryption File encryption

field (DDF) key (FEK)
User’s private key


If I had a 3#*2nP1'13

Figure 4-9. EFS decryption

The process of decryption with a data recovery agent’s private key is

the same as with the user’s private key, except that the DRF is
decrypted instead of the DDF.

A new feature of EFS in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 is the ability to have
more than one DDF per file. This allows a user to add users to a file and give those
users the ability to decrypt the file without being recovery agents. This EFS file shar-
ing provides a highly secure way to share data between users when the data is located
either on a local hard drive or on a network file share. The ability to have more than
one DRF recovery agent per file has existed since EFS was first implemented in Win-
dows 2000; it is only the ability to have multiple DDFs that’s new.
This new ability of EFS has one roadblock. The public keys of all additional users
must be available to the file’s owner to add them as potential decryptors of the data.
There are a few mechanisms to aid in locating public key certificates, such as Active
Directory, but this is still largely a manual process. In most cases, the file owner must
ask the desired user to identify, export, and then transfer a public key certificate.
This can be time-consuming and is not a simple operation to perform for the major-
ity of users. For more information on certificate stores and operations, see Chapter 9.

Benefits of the Encrypting File System

The true benefit of EFS is that the encrypted files are stored in a secure manner.
Physical compromise of the computer does not necessarily compromise the data.
Consider our IT manager, Don Fink. Don uses a laptop as his primary work com-
puter. He stores all his data on it, whether sensitive or not. He carries it to work and
back home every day. When the laptop is at work, he keeps it chained to his desk
there, and when at home, he chains it to his home desk. Don also happens to travel
frequently by air and is no stranger to airports.

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Karen Shaughnnessy, a would-be corporate espionage operative, has been hired by a

rival to learn key information about Woodgrove Bank. Karen has targeted Don as a
potential wealth of information. She feels Don will have enough information stored
on his laptop to make overt theft worthwhile. Although Don doesn’t know it yet,
he’s about to become a victim.
Through a process of careful observation and intelligence gathering, Karen knows
what type of laptop Don has, as well as the briefcase he uses when traveling. She also
learns when Don’s next trip is scheduled. Karen obtains a duplicate of the briefcase
and ensures she is in line directly behind Don when going through the airport secu-
rity checkpoint. This allows Karen to switch briefcases and leave with Don’s laptop.
Don may not notice for a few minutes or even until he’s on his airplane. Either way,
once the laptop is out of Don’s possession it’s too late.
Karen knows that there may be security safeguards on the computer. To work
around any potential traps or protections, she removes the laptop’s hard drive. She
then connects it to a computer already running another operating system, one that
recognizes NTFS but doesn’t interpret ACLs (there are many of them). From there,
it’s a simple matter for Karen to copy the contents of Don’s hard drive to her com-
puter and begin sifting through the data.
This scenario happens more often than people realize. I periodically see news arti-
cles about laptops being stolen from corporate employees during transport. Unfortu-
nately, there is no supplemental data to cite which laptops are business-oriented
versus personal, but common sense says that a majority of laptops carried while trav-
eling are corporate laptops. In all likelihood, a majority of these laptops contained at
least a small amount of sensitive data. However, most corporations simply refuse to
publicly admit that this happens to them. They may put procedures in place to try to
avoid future repeats of the same incident, but often these attempts fail. If you use
EFS to protect the data correctly, however, the problem can be solved.
Let’s assume Karen stole Don’s laptop as mentioned earlier. If Don has encrypted his
sensitive data with EFS, Karen must obtain Don’s private key to decrypt the data. As
long as Don’s password is sufficiently complex, this will take Karen a very long time.
If Don were carrying particularly sensitive data, he may have removed the private key
entirely from the computer and stored it on a floppy that he kept separate from his
laptop. In that case, Karen must use a brute force attack to try to decrypt the data.
Assuming Don is using AES encryption for his file (Don can configure the encryp-
tion EFS uses, though it’s not advisable), there are 2256, or about 1.158 x 1077, possi-
ble keys. Considering current technology, this type of attack would take so long to
break that the data would be useless long before the attack succeeded. Also, remem-
ber that each EFS file has its own unique FEK. This means that the number of possi-
ble keys applies to each encrypted file individually.

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Laptop Lost and Found at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

I read about the most alarming cases—laptops and hard drives with secret data being
lost—in the news periodically. But the reality of data compromise due to lost laptops
exists every day. Because of the frequency of business travel, the loss of laptops at
major airports is far more common than you might think. Monique Reed-Jones, oper-
ations manager of lost and found at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, was kind
enough to furnish us with statistics and current trends.
Monique is not a computer person by trade. In fact, she works for the subcontractor
that holds the lost and found contract—the YWCA. She receives all items lost at the
airport and is responsible for reuniting these items with their rightful owners. She
speaks with a certain pride in her work: “In virtually all cases involving laptops, we’re
able to return them to their owners quickly.” This is great news from a capital stand-
point, as the individual or company won’t have to purchase a new laptop to replace the
loss. However, it’s the frequency with which Monique has to do this task and her inves-
tigative methods that should alarm security professionals.
During 2002, Monique had 697 laptops come through her lost and found department.
Of those laptops, every single one was reunited with its owner. Monique has developed
a very basic flow for identifying the owner of each laptop. First, she visually scans the
outside of the laptop and any containers it came in for identification. Wise business
travelers, Monique says, keep some basic contact information outside the computer,
such as a laminated business card. She also looks for any corporate property tags.
Next, she boots the computer. “Very few computers need a password,” says Monique.
Once she reaches the desktop, she looks for recently used documents or scans the My
Documents folder. More often than not she can find a document with identifying infor-
mation there and quickly make contact with the owner. The most common document
found? A resume.
If she fails to locate a resume or other suitable document, Monique starts the laptop’s
email program and scans the inbox and address book. She’s looking for easily identi-
fied parties such as correspondence with family members or coworkers.
Monique’s last resort is to call the laptop manufacturer and provide the serial number
of the laptop. Some manufacturers are able to associate registered laptops with their
owners and either provide contact information or initiate the contact themselves.
The fact that Monique gets information from computer manufacturers shouldn’t
alarm you. Neither should the fact that one of her investigative tools is to attempt to
boot the operating system. What should make your jaw drop open is the fact that this
is her most successful method. The vast majority of the laptops Monique sees are com-
pletely unprotected—both the operating system and the data on the hard drive. If there
is any sensitive data on the computer, she now has unfettered access to it. She could
easily sell this information on the black market, snipe patent filings, or commit insider
trading depending on the laptop. Although this behavior is illegal (and Monique cer-
tainly never does it), it’s quite profitable and happens frequently.


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There is some good news. Monique says lost laptop instances have signifigantly
dropped off since the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) took over airport
security screening procedures. This is primarily due to the TSA’s security screening
procedures. They now ensure that at least one TSA employee is responsible for ensur-
ing that each screened passenger leaves the area with exactly what she arrived with.
When individuals are screened with greater scrutiny or taken aside, the employee
ensures her items follow. In the long run, this may reduce the number of all items left
in the screening area and help prevent data compromise.
And that would be fine by Monique.

Karen might use an attack commonly referred to as the Nordahl attack to gain access
to Don’s files. In this attack, Karen installs another operating system or boots to
another operating system with the compromised hard drive attached. Karen then
uses tools to reset or overwrite the security information in Don’s SAM database. Very
often, the attacker can overwrite the administrator password with her own. It’s then
a simple matter of booting to the target OS and logging in. The two mitigations to
this type of attack—removing the DRA’s key from the local computer and using Sys-
key to protect the operating system’s account database integrity—are both discussed
in this chapter.

Drawbacks of the Encrypting File System

As you can see, EFS is a strong and effective way to protect data. Although it has
enormous benefits, it does have some drawbacks. For example, encrypting a large
amount of data with a strong key can take a noticeable amount of time. With the
computing power available today to most users, this isn’t usually a problem. How-
ever, when used inappropriately, EFS can degrade a system’s performance. Consider
the suggestions in the next section to ensure that it is used to maximum benefit while
avoiding potential performance pitfalls.
Another feature that’s often considered a drawback is EFS’ reliance on private keys.
Now that you know how EFS works, you can see that it requires the private key of a
configured user or DRA to decrypt the data in a file. Without an appropriate private
key, the data is lost. This makes the private key very valuable—without it, your data
is lost! Sadly, most users and administrators do not realize this and reformat or rein-
stall their computers without backing up their private key stores. This often results in
lost data.
You can avoid lost data in many ways. Simply backing up the private key is a very
effective preventative measure. You can also configure a DRA in your domain and
ensure that the DRA’s private key is kept safe. Both of these measures prevent EFS
data loss, and both are discussed in this book.

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Using the Encrypting File System Correctly

EFS is simple to use and is only slightly more difficult to use correctly. Remember
these few basic guidelines when using and deploying EFS:
• Encrypt at the folder level instead of at the file level. This marks the folder so
that new files created in the folder are encrypted at creation and continue to be
• Remove the private key of both the user and recovery agent when not in use. If a
valid private key exists on the hard drive when it is compromised, it may be eas-
ier to attack that private key storage than to attack the EFS-protected files.
Although this is cumbersome and temporarily prevents authorized users from
reading files, it’s necessary to separate the key from the data to maximize the
effectiveness of any encrypted data. For detailed guidance on this, see Chapter 9.
• Encrypt only data that must be protected. Judicious use of EFS helps ensure sys-
tem performace remains as high as possible.
• Wipe the hard drive free of unencrypted data remnants after encrypting sensi-
tive data. The process for doing this is covered later in this chapter.
• Ensure an appropriate data recovery strategy is deployed throughout your orga-
nization before EFS is used. Clients lose their private keys more often than you
might think. If there’s no way for you or a designated recovery agent to decrypt
the files, the protected data may be lost. Either back up each user’s private key
or establish a DRA to prevent against data loss.

Example: Ensuring New Files are Encrypted

Don Fink knows that his laptop is susceptible to theft. Unfortunately, he cannot
avoid storing sensitive and proprietary data on it when traveling between offices.
Don wants to store data securely so that, no matter what the situation, his data will
remain confidential and only he can retrieve it. He would rather lose the data entirely
than have the data fall into the hands of his competitors.
Don’s Windows Server 2003 infrastructure does not yet include a centralized certifi-
cation authority (CA). He knows very little about public key cryptography and certif-
icates. He only knows that he must keep his data confidential. Here are the steps that
Don would take to create a new directory and ensure that its contents are encrypted:
1. Create a new folder on the hard drive to store his sensitive files. The path to
Don’s folder is C:\Secrets, although this name could be anything.
2. Right-click on the folder and choose Properties.
3. Click Advanced.
4. Select the Encrypt Contents to Protect Data checkbox.
5. Click OK, then click OK. If the Confirm Attribute Changes dialog box appears,
choose “Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files.”

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Security Showdown: EFS Data Recovery Strategies

Most security policies recognize that recovery of protected data is important. EFS has
two distinct approaches to providing that data recovery. In this segment of Security
Showdown, Don and Mike will debate the benefits of each.
Mike: My preference in this technology is to implement a PKI-based key recovery agent
and provide for centralized key distribution and archival. The EFS recovery agent con-
figuration is more work than it’s worth. Every time any of my users encrypts a file, he
must use that RA’s certificate to create the DRF. When you add up the number of files
and users in an enterprise, it adds up to an unacceptable level of waste.
This does require that a PKI is established. But even creating a single certification
authority (CA) in its own hierarchy will allow you to provide for this type of certificate
issuance. Then you get the benefits of an enterprise CA—including autoenrollment,
customizable templates, and so on—as well as a single private key repository. How can
you go wrong? And if you already have a PKI, you need do nothing more than issue
EFS certificates from that existing hierarchy.
In addition, if I’m already archiving keys in my PKI, I can leverage that for EFS. I don’t
have to establish a new set of recovery agents, establish trust in them, obtain senior-
level buyoff on the configuration, and so forth. I can simply tack on the EFS-specific
needs and hit the ground running.
Finally, the Windows Server 2003 enterprise CAs provide a highly functional key
recovery technology. The CA database stores the private keys, which are cryptograph-
ically protected. You can even configure it to require more than one party to recover a
key—which is great for accountability and auditing. EFS RAs have no such require-
ment, as any RA can recover the files single-handedly and without scrutiny.
Don: Good points, but a centralized recovery isn’t always the right answer. In smaller
organizations, for example, implementing the PKI necessary to support a key recovery
agent is overkill—something like building a dedicated highway from your house to the
convenience store. Might be nice, but it’s expensive and a lot of work.
On the other hand, you could just distribute the RA’s certificate via Group Policy.
Group Policy is definitely the thousand-pound gorilla of centralized control, so you
can’t argue that it’s too much work—even in a large organization. Instead of distribut-
ing certificates to each and every user manually, you just have Group Policy configure
their client computers to have the certificate. It’s automatic and transparent and
requires very little effort. At the same time, you don’t have to fuss with a PKI, worry
about revocation lists, and so forth. Heck, with PKI, you’ll still have to use Group Pol-
icy to configure client computers to trust your CA; why not use Group Policy to solve
the problem directly by distributing the RA certificate?
Mike: I’ve got to admit you have a point. A full PKI solution just for EFS is a bit of over-
kill. Using Group Policy to distribute the RA’s certificate is elegant and well distrib-
uted. I still prefer a full PKI, because I think most organizations could benefit from
deploying PKI. But in some cases, an EFS RA might be acceptable.

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The folder and all its contents, including files and subfolders, are now encrypted.
Because Don did not already have a certificate and private key that EFS could use,
EFS generated one before encrypting the contents.

A public key certificate and associated private key may already exist
for Don. This depends on whether a certification authority has been
installed and configured within Woodgrove Bank and, if so, whether it
is configured to issue EFS-usable certificates. In many cases, Don will
have such a certificate and not know he has one. The only way Don
can determine what certificate is used for EFS is to use the Certificates
MMC snap-in as described later to identify the certificate with the
Encrypting File System listed as its Intended Purpose.

Example: Managing the Private Key to Ensure

Maximum Protection
Don knows that retaining the private key on the hard disk is inadvisable and that he
must export the certificate and private key to a floppy disk for safekeeping. He can
do this by completing the following steps whenever he is finished working with his
encrypted data:
1. Click Start, click Run, type mmc.exe, then press Enter.
2. Click File, then click Add/Remove Snap-in.
3. Click Add.
4. Click Certificates, then click Add.
5. Select My User Account and then click Finish.
6. Click Close, then click OK.
7. Expand the Certificates—Current User container, expand the Personal con-
tainer, then click Certificates.
8. Click the certificate that lists Encrypting File System under the Intended Pur-
poses column. This is shown in Figure 4-10.
9. Click Action, click All tasks, then click Export.
10. Within the Certificate Export Wizard:
a. Select “Yes, export the private key.”
b. Select “Delete the private key if the export is successful.”
c. Enter a strong password that is difficult to guess.
d. Enter a save path to a floppy disk and click OK.
Now the private key is removed from Don’s saved private keys. EFS can continue to
operate using the private key it has cached, but once Don logs off the computer, this
cache will be erased. Don must import the private key from the floppy disk before he

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Figure 4-10. Selecting the EFS certificate based on the Intended Purposes field

can decrypt any files encrypted with that private key. Importing a private key from a
saved file is extremely simple:
1. Insert the floppy disk in the disk drive.
2. Click Start, click My Computer, then double-click the floppy drive.
3. Double-click the file saved earlier to import the private key.
4. Enter the password when prompted.

I frequently refer to the use of a floppy disk throughout the book. This
is because the floppy drive is the most universal removable media
device available and has been installed in computers as standard
equipment for decades. However, floppy disks can go bad over time or
with minimal abuse. Many other portable storage solutions—such as
USB key drives, memory cards, and rewritable CDs—are available. In
many cases, these removable solutions will work exactly the same as a
floppy disk. When a floppy disk is specifically required, a note will be
added to indicate that fact.

Example: Using cipher.exe to Remove Old Unencrypted Data

In our example, Don creates the folder for his encrypted data and marks it for
encryption before any data is actually created. However, this may not always be pos-
sible. He may want the same level of protection for the data that he has already saved
on his hard disk. He can follow the previous steps to mark a folder as encrypted and
remove the private key. He would then drag files into the folder and they would
become encrypted. However, because the files were previously stored as unen-
crypted on the hard disk, portions of those files may still exist unencrypted on the
disk. Those file portions are often called data remnants. And although this data
would not be easy to retrieve, a dedicated attacker with sophisticated equipment
could do so.

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To avoid data remnants on the disk for an indeterminant period, the disk should be
wiped clean of unused data. This process, while fairly lengthy, can ensure that cur-
rent technology cannot recover the old unencrypted data remnants. The procedure
can be done by following these steps:
1. Click Start ➝ All Programs ➝ Accessories ➝ Command Prompt.
2. Type cipher.exe /w:directory where directory is a directory on the desired
hard drive.
cipher.exe then identifies any portions of the hard drive that are not currently in use
and may contain old unencrypted portions of protected files. It completely eradi-
cates the data from these portions, one at a time, across the entire hard disk. Because
of its thoroughness and the size of most current hard drives, this process can take a
very long time to complete. Use the cipher /w command only occasionally when the
above circumstances exist.

Identifying the EFS recovery agent

In Don’s scenario, I assume that there is either no EFS recovery agent or that the
recovery agent is configured by Group Policy. Don knows that the recovery agent can
decrypt any files on the hard drive. He must identify the recovery agents, if any, and
if their private key is located on his computer, it must be removed. This is to ensure
that an unintended private key stored on the local hard drive cannot be compro-
mised by an intruder and used to decrypt the files. To identify the EFS recovery
agent(s) in use, Don will:
1. Right-click on an encrypted file in his encrypted folder and choose Properties.
2. Click Advanced.
3. Click Details.
4. The data recovery agents are identified in the list labeled “Data recovery agents
for this file as defined by recovery policy,” as shown in Figure 4-11.
If any of the private keys for the listed recovery agent(s) are on the local computer,
they should be removed using the procedure described earlier in this chapter.

Example: Storing Shared Encrypted Files

on a Windows Server 2003 File Server
EFS is primarily designed to encrypt local files. However, files stored on a file server
can also be encrypted. Windows Server 2003 supports two methods of file sharing
that can be used with EFS—the classic SMB file sharing and WebDAV file sharing.
This complements file permissions on the remotely stored files and ensures that even
with server compromise, only individuals with the appropriate private key can
decrypt the files.

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Figure 4-11. Administrator is the data recovery agent for this file

Remember that EFS works in conjunction with NTFS. When using a

normal file share to save or open files, the NTFS operations are done
at the file server. This means that all encryption and decryption of EFS
files is done by the file server. The data on the network between your
computer and the file server is not protected by EFS. To ensure true
end-to-end security of your data, you must protect the data as it trav-
els on the network. IP Security (IPSec) is a great way to do that and is
the topic of discussion in Chapter 8.

David wants to save some files in a place where both he and Don can access them.
He applies NTFS file permissions to these files and their parent directory. However,
David is aware that many administrators have access to the file server. Because the
data is extremely sensitive, David wants to ensure that even in the event of compro-
mise of the file server, only he and Don can access the files. David also wants to
ensure the availability and redundancy of the data, both of which are provided by a
well-managed and -maintained file server.
To configure EFS to allow only himself and Don to access the files on a file share,
David can take the following steps:
1. Contact the file server administrator and request access to a file share.
2. Map a drive letter to the file share.
3. Create a new subfolder on the file share or identify an existing folder to contain
the protected data.
4. Apply file permissions to the folder as described earlier in this chapter. Ensure
that only he and Don have access to the folder and files.
5. Right-click on each file and choose Properties.

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How cipher /w Works

The cipher /w command, also known as the wipe command, is one of the most pow-
erful security features in Windows Server 2003. In many cases, it can mean the differ-
ence between an unsuccessful attack and having otherwise–well-protected data
When the wipe command is called, cipher obtains a list of unused hard drive sectors
from NTFS. It then goes to the first sector in the list and performs the following
1. Writes all zeros
2. Writes all ones
3. Requests a pseudorandom number from the Cryptographic API (CAPI)
4. Writes the pseudorandom number
cipher then moves to the next sector in the list and repeats the set of wipe actions. Once
all sectors on the list are written in such a fashion, cipher requests a list of unused NTFS
metadata sectors (metadata is the set of files that NTFS uses internally to manage the
file system). The wipe operation is then performed on each unused NTFS metadata
Because of the extensive amount of work done by the wipe operation, it takes a very
long time to complete. Unfortunately, NTFS is operating the entire time the wipe oper-
ation is being performed. During this time, sectors can be used or released by NTFS,
thereby changing the list without informing cipher. In addition, some small files may
reside entirely within NTFS metadata sectors and therefore may not be entirely eradi-
cated by the wipe operation.
The best solution to this situation is to ensure that files are created in an encrypted state
and are never written to the hard drive as plain text. Wiping the hard drive will almost
certainly remove plain text slack from previously encrypted files, but it is not guaran-

6. Click Advanced.
7. Click Details.
8. Because David is the creator of the folder and file, he already exists as a valid
user. To add Don to the list of users able to decrypt this file, click Add.
9. Select Don’s EFS certificate from the list, or click Find User to browse Active
Directory for Don’s certificate. The former requires that Don’s certificate was
imported to this computer, and the latter requires a CA configured to publish
issued certificates to Active Directory.
Because of the way EFS encrypts the FEK with the user’s public key, Don does not
share his private key with David. David can add any user whose public key certifi-
cate he can access, as long as that public key is configured to support EFS. When a

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user attempts to access the file, she must provide her private key, securely, to the file
server. This is because the decryption occurs at the file server. Because this obvi-
ously assumes a high level of trust for the file server, any file server that will work
with EFS must be configured within Active Directory as trusted for delegation. For
more information about trusting a computer for delegation, see Chapter 7.

Configuring EFS with Group Policy

As discussed earlier, EFS works well without any administrative control. EFS can
request a self-signed certificate and private key and is configured to work well with
default settings. However, to provide centralized management and configuration, a
number of settings can be configured. These settings determine whether EFS is
enabled on the computer as well as identify the EFS recovery agent and the encryp-
tion algorithm used by EFS. All these settings are configured by Group Policy.
Don wants to ensure that a specific certificate is used as the recovery agent and that
EFS uses the AES algorithm for file encryption. He also requires that users in the
Interns organizational unit be unable to use EFS to encrypt their data. To stop the
Interns users from using EFS, he configures a Group Policy Object (GPO) on the
Interns OU, using the following steps:
1. Log on to a domain controller or a computer that has the Windows Server 2003
Administration Tools Pack installed as a Domain Admin.
2. Click Start ➝ All Programs ➝ Administration Tools ➝ Active Directory Users and
3. Right-click the Interns OU and click Properties.
4. Click the Group Policy tab.
5. Click New and name the new policy EFS Lockout.
6. Click Edit to edit the EFS Lockout GPO.
7. Expand Computer Configuration ➝ Windows Settings ➝ Security Settings ➝
Public Key Policies ➝ Encrypting File System.
8. Right-click Encrypting File System and choose Properties.
9. Clear the checkbox for “Allow users to encrypt files using Encrypting File Sys-
tem (EFS).”
This policy will be applied to all interns and ensure that they do not encrypt files on
their local hard drive. Because it is applied at the OU that contains the actual user
and computer accounts, these policies will be enforced. For more information on
how Group Policy applies to users and computers, see Chapter 5.
For the rest of the users in the domain, Don wants to configure them to use EFS
properly as discussed earlier. He modifies the Default Domain Policy to correctly
configure EFS using the following steps:

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1. Log on to a domain controller or a computer that has the Administrative Tools

Pack installed as a Domain Admin.
2. Click Start ➝ All Programs ➝ Administrative Tools ➝ Active Directory Users and
3. Right-click the domain name and click Properties.
4. Click the Group Policy tab.
5. Click New and name the new policy EFS Configuration.
6. Click Edit to edit the EFS Configuration GPO.
7. Expand Computer Configuration ➝ Windows Settings ➝ Security Settings ➝
Public Key Policies ➝ Encrypting File System.
8. Right-click Encrypting File System and choose Add Data Recovery Agent.
9. Provide the public key certificate of the desired recovery agent.
10. Expand Computer Configuration ➝ Windows Settings ➝ Security Settings ➝
Local Policies ➝ Security Options.
11. Double-click the policy object labeled System Cryptography: Use FIPS-compli-
ant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing.
12. Check Define This Policy Setting and choose Disabled.
These two policy settings will configure EFS with the desired recovery agent and con-
figure it to use the AES encryption algorithm. Note that the algorithm policy setting
may seem a bit backward in that you disable FIPS-compliant algorithms. In this case,
the FIPS-compliant algorithm included with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
is triple-DES. When the non-FIPS algorithm is selected, the strongest algorithm EFS
supports is used. In Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later,
that is the AES algorithm.
Don has now configured EFS for proper use within Woodgrove Bank. For some
users, EFS is disabled entirely. For others, EFS is configured to use the strong AES
algorithm and use a specific certificate as a recovery agent. This allows Don to be
confident that EFS is being used consistently and securely, and that he can recover
sensitive files when required.

Protecting System Information with Syskey

EFS protects files on the hard disk against attack, but the storage location of the pri-
vate keys for the EFS-protected files presents unique challenges for the system
As previously discussed, EFS files are encrypted with a FEK that is itself encrypted
with the user’s public key. The user must possess the corresponding private key to
decrypt that data. During normal operation, that private key must obviously be

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stored somewhere on the hard drive—if it were stored only in protected volatile
memory, EFS files would not be accessible once a computer was restarted.
The location of a user’s private keys is not a big secret, although it is obfuscated to
keep casual attackers away. The keys are stored in a protected key store database.
These keys are all protected by a single key called a master key. Other keys used by
the system for various cryptographic operations, called protection keys, are also
stored in a similar fashion.
Because an attacker who is able to obtain the master key for that account can decrypt
the stored private keys, it must be protected. To counter this type of attack,
Microsoft provides a utility called Syskey.

How Syskey Works

When activated as shown later, the Syskey utility simply encrypts the private key
store and the SAM using a 128-bit symmetric key called the system key, or syskey.
The syskey must be read into system memory during boot to decrypt the SAM and
private key store to allow the operating system to start. Without this information,
the operating system itself cannot start and will fail. This is a minor benefit, as fail-
ure to boot may thwart lightweight attackers. Syskey also prevents offline attackers
from copying the SAM and using brute force attacks against stored passwords.

One other very important piece of information protected by Syskey is

the administrator’s safe mode password. If you are unable to provide
the information necessary for Syskey to start the operating system (in
mode 2 or 3, described in this section), safe mode will not be avail-
able. This is done to ensure that data is not compromised by a specific
attack against the safe mode password.

The syskey must be stored somewhere, just as the master and protection keys are
stored somewhere. Syskey allows you to choose one of three methods, or modes, of
protection. These modes correspond to different locations and protection levels for
the 128-bit syskey. These modes are:
Mode 1
The syskey is stored on the local computer in the registry. It is hidden from
casual access, but a dedicated attacker can quickly access the key. This mode is
the most insecure, as the key is stored with the data it is protecting. However, it
is the simplest from a user’s perspective. There is no additional interaction or
change of functionality from the user’s perspective when Syskey mode 1 is
Mode 2
The syskey is generated from a user-supplied password. This password and its
derivitave key are never stored on the hard disk. The user must supply the pass-

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word during system startup. This provides a huge benefit over mode 1, because
the cryptographic key is never stored with the data—in fact, it’s never stored on
disk at all. The downside is that if the user forgets the password, all data pro-
tected by the syskey, including the master key and all protection keys, is lost for-
ever. In addition, someone must type the password onto the local console
whenever the computer is restarted This can be problematic if the computer is in
a remote data center.

Syskey mode 2 allows you to specify any password. There are no mini-
mum criteria applied, even if you have applied password policy on
your domain user accounts. This does not mean that Syskey pass-
words should be any shorter or less complex than your domain user
accounts. Passwords should be as long and complex as possible while
remaining easily remembered. Because this password is supplied only
once per operating system boot, a more aggressive Syskey password
shouldn’t present usability issues.

Mode 3
A pseudorandom syskey is generated and stored on a floppy disk. The mecha-
nism behind this is very simple: a file is created on the disk that contains only
the syskey. During system startup, the user inserts the disk and the syskey is read
into memory to decrypt the data. This mode provides the same benefits as mode
2 and also eliminates the need for a user to memorize a static password. How-
ever, the user must be very careful with the floppy disk. The disk should never
be stored in or near the computer, as this would reduce the security to the same
as mode 1 (by storing the key and data together). Also, floppy disks have a ten-
dency to fail over time. A backup of the disk should be made and stored securely
in case it’s needed.

Syskey mode 3 requires a floppy disk. No other type of removable

media is supported for syskey storage.

Syskey does not take the place of other data protection mechanisms such as EFS or
NTFS permissions. It is a complementary technology that protects the operating sys-
tem against a different type of attack. Syskey primarily prevents an attacker from
conducting an offline brute force attack against its password database. Other data,
such as confidential documents and email, must be protected using the other secu-
rity mechanisms described earlier in this chapter.
Rather than showing you how to use Syskey as a standalone utility, it’s much more
useful to look at it as a part of a complete security solution. The following example
shows how Syskey is used as part of an end-to-end procedure for protecting the
information on a portable computer.

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Protecting a Portable Computer

A number of techniques should be used to stop theft of data from laptop computers.
I described in great detail earlier how vulnerable these objects are. But one single
solution will never be enough to stop a motivated attacker. You need to provide mul-
tiple complementary layers of security. One of the most important, Syskey, is
described in the previous section. I’ve summarized many of the other important ones
Consider a user, David, who has had a company-owned laptop running Windows
XP Professional for a year. David hasn’t traveled as part of his job; he uses a portable
computer because that’s what he was allocated. His manager has determined that
he’ll be going on a series of short business trips over the following months. He’d like
your help to ensure that the data on his laptop is secure. David does keep some con-
fidential files on his laptop. His laptop is joined to your company’s domain and he
logs in using a domain account. He does not share this laptop with other users.

Configure Syskey mode 2

The first step in securing David’s computer is to run Syskey to prevent any offline
attacks against his SAM and private key information. You determine that Syskey
mode 2 or 3 would be best, as mode 1 is not secure enough for a portable computer.
You also determine that traveling with a floppy disk is not a preferred option, as
David may either lose or damage the disk or potentially leave it in the laptop at all
times. Therefore, you decide to implement Syskey mode 2. You take the following
1. Back up all important data and store it in a secure location.
2. Run a command prompt.
3. Type Syskey.exe and then press Enter. The Syskey dialog box, as shown in
Figure 4-12, appears.
4. Click Encryption Enabled to activate Syskey, then click OK. The account data-
base key dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-13, appears.
5. Click Password Startup, then provide the password used for Syskey mode 2.
This can be up to 128 characters.
6. Reboot the computer to begin Syskey protection and ensure that the password is
working correctly.
The user should select the Syskey password. It should be a strong password but one
that the user remembers easily. In some cases, IT departments keep a secure log of
Syskey passwords for recoverability. Since domain membership and other security
policies do not give the network administrators the ability to recover Syskey pass-
words, this may be a good strategy. Extreme caution should be exercised in the
employment of such a database to ensure that only authorized security personnel are
able to access the passwords.

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Figure 4-12. The initial Syskey dialog allows you to enable Syskey; however, once enabled, it can
never be disabled

Figure 4-13. The Syskey dialog box that allows you to choose the mode for Syskey protection

Encrypt data directories

Although you could encrypt all data on the hard drive, this would be an enormous
waste of resources. Instead, all datafiles that David uses should be kept in a specific
directory or set of directories. Those directories should be protected using EFS. For
simplicity (which is beneficial in providing security), one directory with multiple sub-
directories is the desired configuration.
Why not use both NTFS and EFS? David is the only user of this laptop. David will
normally be the only user attempting to access the data. The only time another user
will open the files is when the computer is compromised and an attacker is seeking

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access. In that case, NTFS permissions are not going to stop the attacker. Although
NTFS permissions might provide some protection against some attacks, only the
encryption provided by EFS will protect the data against this type of physical attack.
So although EFS is more effective against different types of offline attacks, using both
NTFS and EFS may hinder the attacker more than using one or the other.
You protect the datafiles by completing the following process:
1. Create a new directory.
2. Move all files from their current locations to the new directory or a subdirectory.
3. Ensure David has received the domain policy that contains your designated EFS
recovery agents.
4. Have David mark the new directory for encryption and apply the encryption to
existing files within the directory.
The procedures for the preceding steps are all documented earlier in this chapter.
Once the files are centrally stored and encrypted, they can be accessed only by David
or a designated EFS recovery agent.

Run cipher /w
Because David has been using the laptop for some time without using EFS, a large
amount of unencrypted data almost certainly resides on his hard drive. Although
you’ve encrypted his files, the remnants of the unencrypted files could reside on the
disk for a long time. You can ensure that an attacker cannot make use of these unen-
crypted remnants by running cipher /w. You take the following steps:
1. Run a command prompt.
2. Type cipher.exe /w:c:\, then press Enter.
This process will take a very long time, depending on the size of the hard drive and
the amount of free space. I recommend you do this in the evening, lock the com-
puter, and go home. The process should be completed by morning.

Security settings on files and folders can prevent unauthorized users from accessing
data. Setting file security is appropriate for most files on the hard drive, as it adds no
discernible overhead and works with little or no additional configuration. EFS pro-
tects files from intruders who have physical access to the hard drive (such as when
it’s stolen). Syskey provides strong protection against compromised computers,
because it encrypts a great deal of the registry and helps stop an attacker from using
the existing operating system. When configured correctly, the combination of file
security, Syskey, and EFS helps to ensure that only authorized users may access data.

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Educate Users About Traveling with a Laptop

The most important tool in securing a laptop is educating the user. Though this book
isn’t about user education, it should be part of any security implementation. This edu-
cation can be brief or even simply printed on a quick reference card for later review.
Of importance when educating the user on safe laptop practices are the following:
• Never leave your laptop anywhere insecure. This includes placing your briefcase
on an airport seat while you get a latte or leaving it in a cab while you get money
from an ATM. It should be kept under lock and key at all times.
• Require a password when resuming from hibernation on laptops configured to
hibernate. Allowing an attacker to resume a logon session with the current user’s
credentials essentially provides unlimited access to that user’s assets.
• Memorize passwords, don’t write them down. It’s great if users have strong
passwords for Syskey and their user accounts. However, if they write the pass-
words down and keep them with a laptop, the benefit of those strong passwords
is lost.
• Never leave your computer unlocked. Pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete and clicking Lock
Computer, or Windows-L, is a simple and effective way to avoid computer
intrusion. Many domains deploy Group Policy that configures a screensaver to
lock the computer after a short interval. If such a policy is not implemented, the
user should be shown how to do this and taught that, with the cable lock, they
are providing both physical and logical security.
• Keep all data in the EFS-protected directory structure. Saving secure documents
in random unprotected locations is a very simple thing for the user to do. It also
discards the EFS protection that we worked hard to provide.
• Report any security compromise to the IT group, and law enforcement, as
quickly as possible. Obviously, a stolen laptop should be reported to the author-
ities. The IT group should also be made aware so that they can disable user
accounts, closely audit dial-up links, and so on. Even a small infraction such as
someone trying to unlock the user’s desktop could be an indication of a larger
problem such as targeted corporate espionage. Users may not be in a position to
recognize this, so they should report all occurrences.
• Look around in public places periodically. A very common attack is “shoulder
surfing,” where an attacker simply watches the user type in a password or reads
valuable information right from the screen. Cheap devices are available to help
counter these attacks; one is a polarizing filter that, when placed over a laptop
screen, allows only a user directly in front of the display to see it.

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