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(2nd Quarter)


Section: MATIKAS


Portfolio Output # 17 : Reflections On Personal Relationships

Write a reflection paper on your relationships, why they are important, and how you intend to keep the good relationships
strong and healthy.
• Having a good relationship with your family is very important. It is always good to have a nice
relationship with your family because you can gain trust and you know that they are always there
for you. When you are in a relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend, they can always judge you by
how they want you and not always be true to you. Your family will always tell you the truth and will
not say things they do not mean just for acceptance. Having true friends is still one of the best
relationships you can have. Friends are different than your parents because there are just some
things you do not do with your parents. You can talk to your friend's different, act different, and do
activities that you do not do with your family. If relationships never happened you would not be able
to tell the real person you are. Relationships give you the chance to interact with the people you are
closest to. If relationships did not occur life would be boring. You would not be able to share your
thoughts or gain a persons respect. If my relationships with my friends and family ended, I would
have nothing to look forward to when a day was bad, or if you just needed to have a good time.
Relationships make people know who a person really is. 
Portfolio Output # 18 : Response To Mom’s Letter
Put yourself in the shoes of Shane and Write a Letter in response to Mom. Explain your thoughts, feelings, and actions
as child who is now almost an adult.


On a piece of ¼ illustration board, sketch, draw, or design a poster which shows one’s basic rights in a relationship.
Portfolio Output # 20 : Description of My Social Group
Write about one of your social groups, it’s nature, activities, and benefits. Include a photo of yourself with the group.


Write on any one or a combination of the following: I chose Letter C which is “The key points of the Article”.

Portfolio Output # 22 : MY GENOGRAM

Make your own Genogram using the symbols and sample given. Be sure to write your name and the date on your paper.

Portfolio Output # 23: Reactions to the Emotional, Social and Spiritual Legacy Evaluation
1. What were your scores in the emotional, social and spiritual legacy
2. How do these scores reflect you home atmosphere?
3. What is the legacy you have received from your parents and siblings?
4. How do you plan to give a legacy when you start your own family in the

Portfolio Output # 24: Insights on Relationships and Tribute to My Family

1. What have you learned in this unit about your personal relationships
with family, friends, partner, and organizations?
2. How do you assess the present state of your relationships?
3. What do you pal to do in order to improve and strengthen your relationships?

Portfolio Output # 25: Career Wheel

Write about your career wheel. Answer the following questions:
1. How did you go about naming events, situations, needs and facts
about yourself? Were there challenges in doing this? If so, what are
these challenges?
2. Looking at these many facets in your life, which among them do you
think are major considerations when deciding on future career
options? Why would you consider these as a source of great impact?

3. Which are the areas that will really work to your advantage in relation
to the career options that you are considering? How will these impact
your choices?
4. What are you realizations after this exercise?
Portfolio Output # 26: Assessment Profile
Summarize what you have learned about yourself in relation to your career choices. Answer the following
process questions:
1. What were your thoughts while you were accomplishing the
assessment tools? Were there challenges/difficulties? If so, what were
these challenges? Did you find some of the tools/questions easy to
answer? Why was this so?
2. Hearing your classmates share their scores, what points where you
were alike? How did this make you feel about your own profile? Were
there interesting differences? How did this make you feel? What did
you realize while hearing your classmates share their scores?
3. What areas do you think you need improvement on? How do you think
will you go about improving them? Give concrete examples.
4. What realizations do you have after seeing the whole picture based on
the different areas where you were assessed? How do you think will
this information be relevant to your career decision?
Portfolio Output No. 27: Personal Reflection Paper on The Party Exercise
Write about the groups of people you chose to join in The Party Exercise.
1. Considering your answers in letter A, what drew you to this side of
the room? What is it about the people in this group that made you
decide that they are the group you would like to mingle with?
2. Why did you consider the group in letter B as your next best choice?
What made you not choose them first yet would choose them next once
the first group leaves?
3. Why did you consider the group in letter C as you next choice? Why
was your choice in letter D the least of your choices among the group of
people in the party? What is it about them that made you choose them
4. Looking back at your scores in the interest and personality
assessment, how would you relate this to your choices?
5. What were your realizations after the said activity?
Portfolio Output No. 28:Documented Interview with Preferred Career Practitioners
1. Name three (3) jobs/occupations that you feel so far you would
want to have in the future.
2. Do background research on this job by actually interviewing
individuals who hold such jobs. Find out the following information
from the interview:
 Job Title/Position Title
 Needed academic preparation
 Skills, Knowledge, Abilities, expected competencies to
succeed in the job
 Demand for the Job
 Perks of the job
 Difficulties/Challenged
 Expected compensation/remuneration package of
a person occupying the position
3. Write up the results of the research.
Portfolio Output No. 29: My Projected Cost of Living
Refine the first Cost of Living computations you made in class and
answer the following processing questions:
1. What was the process you employed in doing the tasks for this activity?
How did you go about determining your needs and wants?
2. After outlining your needs and wants and computing for the amount it
takes to be able to sustain them, did you have to make any
additions/deletions to the list? How did you go about determining
these revisions to your list? Describe the process you used to do so.
3. Considering the cost of living of you have computed and the kind of
career you are targeting, how realistic/doable would it be in supporting
you envisioned lifestyle? Are there any changes in your plans now that
you have matched your lifestyle expectations and your “dream job”?
What are these and what made you decide on it?
4. What are your thoughts/feelings and realizations after the activity?
Portfolio Output No. 30: My Creative Career Timeline
Improve on the first Career Timeline you made and answer the
following processing questions as a reflection of the class exercise:
1. How was the process of picking out significant life events done for you?
What were your considerations/criteria in choosing which event would
be included in your timeline? Who are the people that were significant
to you on the events that you have picked to include?
2. What were your thoughts and feelings while you were trying to
determine high and low points in connection to the events that you
have chosen?
3. How did you go about placing your “future” highs in the timeline? How
did you go about plotting these future events? What were your
present/past references for it if any?
4. How do you feel about your time line?
5. What are your over-all realizations after the activity?

Portfolio Output No. 31: Personal Mission Statement

Finalize your personal mission statement. It may include the following
 Your name.
 Your overall statement.
 Who inspires you and why.
 What qualities you want to obtain.
 What roles you play and how you want to be known in those roles.
 Specific goals you have.
 Beliefs that you hold.
 Anything else you might want to focus on.

Portfolio Output No. 32: Personal Development: Hindsight and Foresight

Write an essay on your journey through this course on Personal Development. How
have you changed since the beginning of this semester? What have you learned about yourself?
What activities and reading were most useful to you? What can you do in order to continue
your personal development after this course?

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