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Caballero v.

Pilapil AC 7075 January 21, 2020

DOCTRINE: A lawyer's failure to return upon demand the funds held by him on behalf of his client gives rise to
the presumption that he has appropriated the same for his own use in violation of the trust reposed to him by
his client. Atty. Pilapil should be held administratively liable for her failure to return the money given to her by
complainant Caballero for the payment of capital gains tax and the documents she took from him.

Atty. Pilapil failed to comply with our several Resolutions requiring her to file a Comment on the instant
Complaint as well as to pay the fine of P1,000.00 imposed on her in our Resolution dated October 18, 2010. Her
stubborn disregard of the Court's Orders and Resolutions resulted in unduly delaying the disposition of the case
and a violation of her oath to obey the laws as well as the legal orders of the duly constituted authorities.

FACTS: In his complaint, Joselito C. Caballero alleged: that sometime in June 2004, he engaged the services of Atty.
Arlene G. Pilapil to prepare a Deed of Sale for the purchase of a lot with improvements. Atty. Pilapil prepared the
Deed of Sale for the purchase of lot and notarized the same and convinced complainant Caballero that she could
facilitate the payment of the corresponding capital gains tax with the BIR and asked for and was given the amount
of P69,000.00, inclusive of her service fees in the amount of P15,000.00. Atty. Pilapil, however, had not performed
her obligation regarding the payment of the capital gains tax and the real estate tax for the transfer of titles to
complainant Caballero and his sisters' names, thus, making them liable to pay the penalties thereof. She also failed
to return all the documents she got from the Caballero. She was not seen or heard from since her last meeting
with Caballero where she promised to return the documents.

Caballero wrote a letter-complaint to the IBP Cebu Chapter, which then sent a letter to Atty. Pilapil and scheduled
a conference. Atty. Pilapil requested for a resetting of the conference, but she still failed to attend.

ISSUE: Whether Atty. Pilapil should be held administratively liable for her failure to return the money given to her
by complainant for the payment of capital gains tax and the documents she took from him.

HELD: Yes. Atty. Arlene G. Pilapil is hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law for two (2) years for violating
Rules 16.01 and 16.03 of Canon 16, Canon 17 as well as Canon 11 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. She
is ORDERED to RETURN to the complainant the sum of P53, 500.00, with legal interest of six percent (6%) per
annum reckoned from the date of the receipt of this Decision until full payment. She is
further ORDERED to RETURN to the complainant the original copy of TCT No. 64507.

Rules 16.01 and 16.03 of Canon 16, and Canon 17 of the Code of Professional Responsibility respectively provides:

CANON 16 - A lawyer shall hold in trust all moneys and properties of his client that may come into his possession.

RULE 16.01- A lawyer shall account for all money or property collected or received for or from the client.

Rule 16.03 - A lawyer shall deliver the funds and property of his client when due or upon demand. x x x.

CANON 17 - A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and he shall be mindful of the trust arid confidence
reposed in him.

The money which was given to Atty. Pilapil for the purpose of the payment of the capital gains tax, which was
not used for that purpose, should have been immediately returned by Atty. Pilapil upon complainant's
demand. However, Atty. Pilapil never did. Her failure to pay the capital gains tax and real estate tax for the
transfer of the title and to return the documents she took from complainant violates the trust and confidence
reposed on her by the complainant. A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him and his negligence
in connection therewith shall render him liable.

Canon 11 of the Code of Professional Responsibility provides that a lawyer is required to observe and maintain
due respect to the court and its judicial officers. Atty. Pilapil failed to comply with our several Resolutions
requiring her to file a Comment on the instant Complaint as well as to pay the fine of P1,000.00 imposed on her in
our Resolution dated October 18, 2010. Her stubborn disregard of the Court's Orders and Resolutions resulted in
unduly delaying the disposition of the case and a violation of her oath to obey the laws as well as the legal
orders of the duly constituted authorities.

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