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Sample of Affidavit of Arresting Officers

Republic of the Philippines )

Cabuyao City, Laguna ) s.s.
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We, the UNDERSIGNED Police Officers, both members of the Philippine

National Police, presently assigned at the Cabuyao City Police Station, Province of
Laguna, do hereby depose and state THAT:

01. We are among the members of the

Philippine National Police (PNP) who conducted entrapment operations at Baranggay
Marinig located along Cabuyao City;

02. Said operation stemmed from the complaint of JOEY DELA

COMPREHENSIVE DANGEROUS DRUGS ACT OF 2002 which was referred to our
office by the Chief of Polcie against JOSE MAALINSANGAN, 34 years old, married,
filipino and residing at No. 3 5 1 , B a r a n g g a y G u l o d , C a b u y a o C i t y ,

03. On the complaint dated 11 September 2021,

thecomplainant was offered to buy illegal drugs
f r o m s u s p e c t w o r t h P 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 . (state the act and the crime
committed- the elements of the offense should be evident in the facts here).

04. Upon receipt of their said complaint, our office planned out an
entrapment operation against the suspect. At about 08:20 in the morning
of September 12, 2021, the undersigned together with the complainant proceeded at the
pre- arranged pay off _________________________ located
along ____________________________, __________ to give the money being asked
by the respondent;

05. Upon arrival thereat, complainants waited for the suspect to arrive
while we the undersigned seated near the table of the complainants. At about
11:50 in the evening, suspect arrived and approached the complainants and
after few conversation, complainants handed over the marked money to the suspect
that minutes of prompted the undersigned to immediately effect arrest;

06. Seized and recovered in the possession and control of the arrested
person were the following, to wit:

a.) Marked Money, (state the denomination and serial numbers);

b.) (Name of documents promised);

c.) (type of CP and SIM Card); and

d.) Other evidence confiscated;

07. Suspect together with the seized and recovered evidence was brought
to the PNP Crime Laboratory Group Physical Identification, Cabuyao City Police
Station, Province of Laguna for booking and proper disposition. Likewise, the
arrested person was apprised of their rights as provided for under the Constitution of
the Philippines.

08. The report of the PNP Crime Laboratory Group Physical Identification
Report No. ___________ dated __________, revealed that suspect
______________________ was POSITIVE for the presence of Bright Yellow Ultraviolet
Fluorescent powder on both palm and right dorsal portion of the hands.

We executed this joint affidavit to attest the truthfulness of the foregoing facts
and to support the filing of Criminal Cases against
_______________________________ for violations of _you may specify the section of the


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereunto affixed our signature this ___day of
____________ at ____________, _______________.

_______________________________ ____________________________
Affiant Affiant

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of _______ at

_______________. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have personally examined the herein
affiants and I am satisfied that they voluntarily executed and understood their given

Administering Officer

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