Agropolis Agropolis PNP Preview Kickstar 163730

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AGROPOLIS​ - Use the Sprawlopolis Rules with the following additions:

Shuffle the cards and randomly set 3 off to the side with their scoring conditions face up. These 3 cards show the
specific conditions that apply to this game. Ignore the scoring conditions on the back of all other cards.

Each of the scoring condition cards has a unique number on it. Add these three numbers together. This gives the
Target Score (the total points your team must reach or exceed in order to win).

For an additional challenge, add any required FEED FEE to this value.

What’s a FEED FEE, you ask? Well, out here in the country you’ll find plenty of hungry livestock. If you see a feedbag
and livestock symbol under a card’s score, that means it’s feedin’ time. Count each matching livestock symbol at the
base of your scoring condition cards and add this to your Target Score. It is possible to have more than one Feed
Fee among your 3 scoring condition cards.

Example: Udderly Impossible has a Feed Fee for cows, of which there are 4 matching symbols at the base of your
scoring condition cards. Thus your target score is 28 (3+6+15+4 for Feed Fee).

Playing with the Feed Fee is optional. If you don’t want to play with it, simply ignore the Feed Fee, which makes the
game slightly easier.

Place the top card of the deck into the Build Area to start your countryside. Deal 3 cards to the start player and 1 card
to each additional player.


A “block” is defined as a rectangular quadrant in one of four zone types: cornfield (yellow) livestock (brown), orchard
(red), and vineyard (purple). Each card has four blocks in each of the four zone types. Note that each livestock block
contains either a single pen or double pen. Both livestock pens in a double pen block are considered to be adjacent
to their orthogonally neighboring blocks.

If you are the start player, choose 1 of your 3 cards in hand, reveal it and add it to the countryside with the block side
face up. After you take your turn, pass your remaining cards to your left and draw a new card.

Continue until all 15 cards have been added to the countryside.


When all 15 cards have been played, your countryside is complete! Tally your team’s final score.

If this final score equals or exceeds the combined value of your 3 scoring condition cards (including any Feed Fee),
you win!

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