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Question 1

Q. Onus Probandi

1. Burden of proof. Burden of proving

2. The meaning of the defense to make an opening statement before the prosecution

3. One trial to determine guilt or innocence

4. A defendant wishing to ask for probation instead of jail

Question 2

Q. Obiter Dictum

1. A judge's orders to the jury pre-trial

2. Something a judge says in arguing a point which has no bearing on the final decision. Something
said in passing

3. The judge's statement concerning a formal complaint during the trial

4. A term used by the judge to give specific orders to the defense

Question 3

Q. Non Compos Mentis

1. Mentally incompetent, not of sound mind

2. A defendant that is afraid to change a plea

3. A plea bargain was offered and refused by the defendant

4. Was not accompanied by others during the crime

Question 4

Q. Nolo Contendere

1. A plea that allows the defendant to be sentenced as if guilty but allows him to later deny the

2. A guilty plea as charged

3. No contest allowed

4. Challenges the plea in a court of law

Question 5

Q. Mutatis Mutandis

1. Mutating into another form

2. Multiple wounds found on the victim

3. After making the necessary changes, having changed what must be changed

4. Changes in a case that is bad

Question 6

Q. Modus Operandi

1. Method of operating, M.O. or mode of working

2. Using computers to commit a crime

3. A crime which was committed during an opera

4. A cadaver that has mummified

Question 7

Q. The judge took the jury to "Locus Delict"

1. Scene where a crime took place, Scene of the crime

2. The local coffee shop

3. to the jail to view another event which occurred

4. A local library

Question 8

Q. "Ipso Facto" is Latin for...

1. No factual evidence was found

2. Exact true meaning

3. by that very fact, by the fact itself

4. by the way of meaning

Question 9

Q "Inter Alia” meaning within the court.

1. Among other things, Along with

2. An accomplish to a crime

3. Enter the judge's chambers before court

4. Allowing another to participate in a crime

Question 10

Q. "In Loco Parentis " is Latin for...

1. Without Parents

2. The juvenile's parents a in a state hospital

3 .In place of a parent, Instead of a parent

4. The parents are asked to leave the courtroom

Question 11

Q. "In Camera " is Latin for?

1.The Camera is on

2. The Camera is off for now

3. In private out of the view of the public, In chambers

4. Cameras aloud in the courtroom during this trial

Question 12

Q. "In Absentia " is a word used to mean?

1.I will be absent tomorrow

2.The Attorney was late to court

3. Contempt of court beyond any doubt

4. In his absence, Without being present

Question 13

Q. If the judge grants a trial "Habeas Corpus " what is he saying?

1. Make an effort or I will declare a miss-trial

2. To bring a person before the court, Have the body

3. Excuse the jury for a break

4. Pay the defendant a reward

Question 14

Q. What is "Flagrante Delicto”

1. Chanel’s new cologne for men

2. In the act or red-handed, While the crime is burning

3. When at first you don't succeed try-try again

4. Take the evidence to a room for storage

Question 15

Q. " De jure" gives what advantage during the court process?

1. By night or by day

2.A new fishing lure

3.By right or according to the law, From the law

4. An attorney's right to object

Question 16

Q. "De Facto " means

1. Without facts in a case

2. In reality or actuality, from the fact

3. De Falco's younger brother

4. The challenge ahead in a trial

Question 17

Q. "Cui Bono” is a term often used to determine

1. Who is speaking first in court

2. Cher’s former husband

3. The length of a trial

4. Whom does it benefit?, For whom the good

Question 18

Q. If a Defense Attorney says he has "Corpus Delicti " he is saying?

1. The Prosecution is speaking out of turn

2. The exact amount of money lost in a robbery

3. Material evidence in a crime, Body of the crime

4. The Prosecution has no factual evidence

Question 19

Q. If Congress uses the Latin term "Casus Belli" what does it mean?

1. A phrase which strikes fear into the hearts of many

2. An event that justifies a war, Occasion of war

3. They have new legislation to vote on

4. A bill to bailout struggling companies

Question 20

Q. The judge used the term "Bona Fide” when delivering the sentence. What did he mean.

1. He was speaking of a type of fish

2. The Latin word for 9

3. Almost real

4. Sincere or genuine, In good faith

Question 21

Q. What is the meaning of "Alias"

1. Otherwise known as, meaning, pseudonym

2.Someone else’s name

3.5 letters used for identification

4. A person who is using his middle name

Question 22

Q. The defendant used an "Alibi" meaning?

1. Excuse to fool authorities

2. A type of bird

3. At another place, also, Elsewhere

4. A location unknown to all

Question 23

Q. What is an "Affidavit" according to legal documents?

1. A document an Attorney sends out

2. The gathering of information to use in court

3. A sworn written statement, also, a Pledge

4. Something in writing that means it is something different

Question 24

Q. Define "Ad Infinitum”

1. Sometime in the near future

2. Forever, also known as eternity

3. Within ones grasp

4. Facebook term for ad space


Question 1

Q. Onus Probandi

1. Burden of proof. Burden of proving

2. The meaning of the defense to make an opening statement before the prosecution

3. One trial to determine guilt or innocence

4. A defendant wishing to ask for probation instead of jail

Question 2

Q. Obiter Dictum

1. A judge's orders to the jury pre-trial

2. Something a judge says in arguing a point which has no bearing on the final decision.
Something said in passing

3. The judge's statement concerning a formal complaint during the trial

4. A term used by the judge to give specific orders to the defense

Question 3

Q. Non Compos Mentis

1. Mentally incompetent, not of sound mind

2. A defendant that is afraid to change a plea

3. A plea bargain was offered and refused by the defendant

4. Was not accompanied by others during the crime

Question 4

Q. Nolo Contendere

1. A plea that allows the defendant to be sentenced as if guilty but allows him to later deny
the charges,

2. A guilty plea as charged

3. No contest allowed

4. Challenges the plea in a court of law

Question 5

Q. Mutatis Mutandis

1. Mutating into another form

2. Multiple wounds found on the victim

3. After making the necessary changes, having changed what must be changed

4. Changes in a case that is bad

Question 6

Q. Modus Operandi

1. Method of operating, M.O. or mode of working

2. Using computers to commit a crime

3. A crime which was committed during an opera

4. A cadaver that has mummified

Question 7

Q. The judge took the jury to "Locus Delict"

1. Scene where a crime took place, Scene of the crime

2. The local coffee shop

3. to the jail to view another event which occurred

4. A local library

Question 8

Q. "Ipso Facto" is Latin for...

1. No factual evidence was found

2. Exact true meaning

3. by that very fact, by the fact itself

4. by the way of meaning

Question 9

Q "Inter Alia” meaning within the court.

1. Among other things, Along with

2. An accomplish to a crime

3. Enter the judge's chambers before court

4. Allowing another to participate in a crime

Question 10

Q. "In Loco Parentis " is Latin for...

1. Without Parents

2. The juvenile's parents a in a state hospital

3 .In place of a parent, Instead of a parent

4. The parents are asked to leave the courtroom

Question 11

Q. "In Camera " is Latin for?

1.The Camera is on
2. The Camera is off for now

3. In private out of the view of the public, In chambers

4. Cameras aloud in the courtroom during this trial

Question 12

Q. "In Absentia " is a word used to mean?

1.I will be absent tomorrow

2.The Attorney was late to court

3. Contempt of court beyond any doubt

4. In his absence, Without being present

Question 13

Q. If the judge grants a trial "Habeas Corpus " what is he saying?

1. Make an effort or I will declare a miss-trial

2. To bring a person before the court, Have the body

3. Excuse the jury for a break

4. Pay the defendant a reward

Question 14

Q. What is "Flagrante Delicto”

1. Chanel’s new cologne for men

2. In the act or red-handed, While the crime is burning

3. When at first you don't succeed try-try again

4. Take the evidence to a room for storage

Question 15

Q. " De jure" gives what advantage during the court process?

1. By night or by day

2.A new fishing lure

3.By right or according to the law, From the law

4. An attorney's right to object

Question 16

Q. "De Facto " means

1. Without facts in a case

2. In reality or actuality, from the fact

3. De Falco's younger brother

4. The challenge ahead in a trial

Question 17

Q. "Cui Bono” is a term often used to determine

1. Who is speaking first in court

2. Cher’s former husband

3. The length of a trial

4. Whom does it benefit?, For whom the good

Question 18

Q. If a Defense Attorney says he has "Corpus Delicti " he is saying?

1. The Prosecution is speaking out of turn

2. The exact amount of money lost in a robbery

3. Material evidence in a crime, Body of the crime

4. The Prosecution has no factual evidence

Question 19

Q. If Congress uses the Latin term "Casus Belli" what does it mean?

1. A phrase which strikes fear into the hearts of many

2. An event that justifies a war, Occasion of war

3. They have new legislation to vote on

4. A bill to bailout struggling companies

Question 20

Q. The judge used the term "Bona Fide” when delivering the sentence. What did he mean.
1. He was speaking of a type of fish

2. The Latin word for 9

3. Almost real

4. Sincere or genuine, In good faith

Question 21

Q. What is the meaning of "Alias"

1. Otherwise known as, meaning, pseudonym

2.Someone else’s name

3.5 letters used for identification

4. A person who is using his middle name

Question 22

Q. The defendant used an "Alibi" meaning?

1. Excuse to fool authorities

2. A type of bird

3. At another place, also, Elsewhere

4. A location unknown to all

Question 23

Q. What is an "Affidavit" according to legal documents?

1. A document an Attorney sends out

2. The gathering of information to use in court

3. A sworn written statement, also, a Pledge

4. Something in writing that means it is something different

Question 24

Q. Define "Ad Infinitum”

1. Sometime in the near future

2. Forever, also known as eternity

3. Within ones grasp

4. Facebook term for ad space

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