Aptiv Ehs - Policy - Programs - March2021

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Environmental, Health

and Safety Policy

Doing the right thing the right way is one of Aptiv’s core values. Aptiv is committed to
protecting the health and safety of each employee as one of our top priorities. We believe that
all occupational incidents are preventable and that there will be no compromise of an
individual’s well-being in anything we do. Throughout the course of our activities, Aptiv is
committed to protecting human health, natural resources, and the environment in which we
live and operate. Aptiv’s Environmental, Health & Safety Operating System (EHS OS) includes
the global occupational risks and environmental aspects resulting from its activities, products
and services, and external environmental threats, including manufacturing and
commercialization of parts for the automotive industry & other customers.
It is Aptiv’s strategy to implement, maintain and improve its Environmental Occupational
Health & Safety Management System, in accordance with ISO 14001:2015 and ISO
45001:2018 requirements within the Aptiv Enterprise Operating System (EOS) while
supporting corporate social responsibility standards to which we subscribe. In particular, it is
our policy to continuously assure the occupational health, safety and environmental integrity
of the activities, products and services, inside and outside of our facilities, through the
evaluation and elimination of hazards, reduction of occupational risk and minimization of
environmental aspects. These are related to occupational risks, resource consumption and
waste production, and external environmental threats, identified as significant. It is also Aptiv‘s
objective to increase the awareness of Aptiv’s supply chain to minimize our indirect
environmental aspects.

To achieve such, Aptiv will:

• Comply with the Laws and Regulations of the countries in which we operate and to
conform with other requirements to which Aptiv subscribes or is signatory to, as
applicable to our occupational risks and environmental aspects;
• Develop practices to prevent the occurrence of incidents, illnesses, and pollution;
• Make the Policy available to all our workers, as well as to other individuals that participate
in any activity in Aptiv’s name or operate under our control with the intention of providing
awareness about their individual obligations within the scope of this policy. The policy will
also be made available to other interested parties at their request;
• Cooperate with suppliers, customers and local communities, including governments, in the
prevention of occupational risks and the adoption of good environmental practices;
• Work to achieve continuous improvement of occupational health and safety and
environmental performance. Annual objectives and targets will be established, subject to
approval, follow-up and periodical review by Aptiv Management to continue to integrate
sound environmental, health and safety practices into our business.
• Ensure the consultation and participation of workers and, where they exist, worker’s

We believe it is a leadership responsibility to provide a safe and healthy working conditions for
the prevention of work related injury and ill health. Every employee has an important role in
assuring that they and their co-workers are safe. We recognize that through training and
knowledge of our practices we can also enhance the personal lives of our employees, their
families and the environment.

March, 2021
Climate Change Management.
Aptiv discloses, for the corporation, management-level oversight on climate-related issues, including the
organizational structure and applicable incentives for the management of climate-related issues. Provides
Aptiv’s descriptions, financial impacts, and management methods associated with the identified risks and
opportunities. Provides Aptiv’s case studies/examples of how Aptiv’s process for identifying, assessing and
managing physical and transitional risks and opportunities have been applied. Considers increasing the
proportion of renewable energy consumed. Ensures that the company targets are aligned with the Science
Based Target initiative.

Water Management
Aptiv has board-level oversight and management-level responsibility for water-related issues.
Aptiv establishes a robust approach to define water goals & targets. Sets water targets & goals which are
monitored at the corporate level and reports on progress against them year over year.
Sets a robust method to monitor the water consumption of the majority of Aptiv’s sites and assesses how the
figures have changed over the years. Ensures to carry out a robust and comprehensive water risk
assessment at relevant stages of the value chain, by combining multiple tools and methods and by including
relevant stakeholders and contextual issues.
Aptiv has a water policy, included in the EHS policy, that comprises commitments beyond regulatory
compliance, and the recognition of the environmental linkages, for example, due to climate change. In
addition Aptiv acknowledges the human rights for access to water and sanitation, where Aptiv has control.
Ensures to carry out value chain engagement on water-related issues

Effective date: May 4th, 2020

March, 2021

• EHS OS (ISO 14001, 45001)

March, 2021

Aptiv has an executive responsible of Environment, Health & Safety and Sustainability (EHS&S)
including climate change, this person is the Vice President of Operations and provides an update to the
board on a regular basis.

Fig. 1 EHSS Org Chart

EHS OS (IS0 14001, 45001)

ISO 14001, Environmental Management System. ISO 45001, Occupational health and safety management
5 years ago, we started the development of a standard, common, management system that combined ISO14K
and ISO 45K. We transformed ISO requirements into controlled procedures and the combined ISO14K –
ISO45K system called EHS OS, was launched in 2016 with the first site externally certified using this system in
With the publication of ISO 45K in March 2018, we immediately revised the system to align with the
standard. This work was completed in June 2018. The first sites to get ISO45K certified were in India
and Portugal in the beginning of 2019.

March, 2021
Although Tech Centers are not required to be ISO certified, the same system is implemented and followed in
these sites, with some important Tech Centers holding certifications like the one in Poland and Portugal

All our manufacturing sites are certified ISO14K, by the end of 2018, all transitioned to the 2015 version of the

Aptiv developed and owns an online tool, where all its sites must upload their certificates it includes:ISO14001,
ISO45001, IATF14949 and any other local certification.
Besides this usage, this tool is also used by the EHS manager of each business unit, to ensure that every site
initiate the audit process before their certificate expires.

• Number of Aptiv manufacturing sites (in 2020): 108

• Number of manufacturing sites certified ISO14001 (in 2020) or soon to be certified: 99%
(107 sites)
• Number of manufacturing sites certified ISO 45001 (in 2020) or soon to be certified: 40%
(43 sites)
• EHS&S savings from projects (in 2020): US 3,453,078

Fig 2. Enterprise Operating System Model

Fig. 3 EHS Business Process

March, 2021

Aptiv’s EHS online platform is tool developed and owned by Aptiv. Within this platform are included all
the EHS&S information of the company, including the environmental metrics used to calculate our
greenhouse gas emissions

Fig. 4 iEHS platform

March, 2021

Aptiv’s Safety Culture is founded in 5 pillars with the intent to continue moving the organization to
an interdependent safety culture.

Safety Pillars:

1. Plant Safety Review Board (PSRB)

2. Safety Observation Tour (SOT)
3. Incident Investigation
4. Safety Operating Practices (SOP)
5. Plan for Zero (PFZ)

Safety Indicators


1. Training hours
2. SOT completion
3. Look Across engagement


1. Lost work day cases LWDC

2. Safety incidents

2020 Highlight: Number of incidents (in 2020), and actions taken to follow up: 2513


Results from a global survey led to the 6 Safety Habits. Aptiv EHS&S team created a training material
which includes an online training featuring videos from Aptiv’s CEO and Aptiv’s Senior Vice President
Global Operations, train the trainer sessions for live courses and training material for salary and hourly
employees. 100% of salary employees and 35% of hourly employees were trained between 2016, 2017,
2018 and 2019. This training is now part of the onboarding process for new hourly and salary employees.

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Fig. 5 Safety Habits


2021 EHS&S Objectives

Fig. 6 2021 EHS&S objectives

March, 2021

Aptiv’s Environmental, Health&Safety targets & metrics cover more than 85% of Aptiv’s revenue.
Aptiv’s progress toward these targets is communicated on an annual basis to Aptiv’s board.

2021 Targets:

March, 2021


Safety metrics:

Year Lost Work day cases Lost time injury frequency rate
(Lost work day cases per 100 employees) (number of cases / million hours worked)

2016 0.043 0.213

2017 0.047 0.236

2018 0.024 0.120

2019 0.033 0.167

2020 0.027 0.132

Greenhouse Gas emissions (in absolute):

Scope 2
Scope 1 SCOPE 1 & 2 Scope 3
Year (location-based)
(tons of CO2) (tons of CO2) (tons of CO2)
(tons of CO2)
2016* 48,117 533,916 582,033 -
2017* 19,459 372,219 391,677 9,357,788
2018* 19,966 351,083 371,050 8,415,068
2019* 17,069 346,879 363,948 8,303,400
2020 16,429 306,561 322,990 7,298,105

*Data publicly reported in Aptiv’s CDP disclosures, these emissions are adjusted on a yearly
basis to reflect Aptiv operational footprint.

Electricity consumption:

Electricity consumed
2016* 1,184,419
2017* 771,695
2018* 772,999
2019* 790,215
2020 676,037
*Data publicly reported in Aptiv’s CDP disclosures.

March, 2021

Waste overview:

Waste recycled (tons) Non-recycled waste generation (tons)

80000 70877 20000
62255 15760
60000 53174 15000 13164
11187 11846
41044 9803
40000 10000

20000 5000

0 0
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Waste recycled (tons) Non-recycled waste generation (tons)

Hazardous waste generation (tons)

800 696 695 673

200 108

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Hazardous waste generation (tons)

Water consumption (in absolute) :

Year Water consumption (in Megaliters) Water discharge (in Megaliters)

2016* 2954 2708
2017* 2220.2 1585.59
2018* 2129.36 1511.85
2019* 1916 1440
2020 1900 1391

*Data publicly reported in Aptiv’s CDP disclosures, these emissions are adjusted on a yearly
basis to reflect Aptiv operational footprint.

March, 2021


At Aptiv, we are progressively implementing management tools to better monitor and reduce our
environmental impact across the three scopes. We are diligently working on efficient carbon reduction
strategies for scope 1 and scope 2 in the following ways:

• The purchase of energy-efficient equipment such as gear boxes, air compressors with
variable speed and heat recuperation,
Examples: LED lights (re-lamping), high efficiency boilers, HVAC, and boilers…

• The reduction of energy consumption through machine idling programs, tracking air
compressor leakages, lowering temperatures of certain processes, and training employees in
energy-saving behaviors. Example: environmental campaign that focus on plastic/ energy

• The increase of shared renewables to reduce carbon footprint, including self-production of

electricity with solar panels and green electricity. Our Irish headquarters has been supplied
by renewable energy since its opening in 2018.

• Aptiv Sustainability Awards program stimulates innovation and helps foster best practices to
reduce energy and greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, waste. In 2020, thanks to
this award we saved: 4,405,797 KWh of electricity 22,957,042L of water and we reduced
waste disposal by 498,350 kg and 152,867$ were given to the local communities.


To ensure employee health and environmental protection, Aptiv has designated corporate procedures to best
define waste treatment company-wide. From storage to disposal, as well as handling, transport, and labelling,
waste is categorized against 3 danger levels: High/Medium/Low.

1. High Risk Wastes: Waste which exposure to can cause a substantial degree of harm to human health
and safety and the environment.
2. Medium Risk Wastes: Waste which are typically generated by manufacturing activities that do not pose
immediate threats to human health or the environment, and therefore do not fall into the high-risk
3. Low Risk Wastes: Wastes that exhibit low risk to human health or the environment which includes the
following: packaging waste - cardboard, wood pallets, plastic shrink wrap…

Following policy, waste is kept in leak-proof containers, covered and enclosed in a manner to prevent leakage

March, 2021
of liquids or particulate and airborne materials. We also identify, clearly label, and store containers to maintain
separation of incompatible wastes (e.g., acids separated from caustic, cyanide waste separated from acids,
etc.), and prevent spills from reaching storm sewers, surrounding waterways, or soil.
We also conduct site inspection at the waste site used locally to manage Aptiv’s waste. According to the level of
risk, we conduct an audit: once before use, one every 5 years, once every 3 years and any in case after the
occurrence of a significant event.
In 2020, we conducted 34 of these vendors audits.

Additionally, we have established yearly corporate targets for environmental stewardship at each site, a
commitment that spans each region and country around the globe.

• Our goal for 2021 is 80% Waste diversion rate.

* Waste sent out for recycling/total nonhazardous waste


While the scarcity of water remains a tremendous challenge around the world, we have confidence that our
production processes are “low intensity” consumption when compared to other sectors.
Indeed, our main sources of water consumption are for employees’ needs which include kitchens (food
preparation) and bathrooms. Our manufacturing process do not require water.

To further prevent water waste and create efficiencies, we implemented the following procedures and tools:

• The voluntary treatment of 100% of our water discharge, either using our own wastewater treatment
plant or the municipal systems/industrial areas’ treatment systems to ensure runoff does not contain
chemicals or other dangerous products. Nearly, 30% of our manufacturing sites have a wastewater
treatment plant installed hence recycling water. Having such equipment on-site required a significant
investment, that's why we focus on site where the headcount is the highest, because most of our
water consumption is tied to employees' needs. We expect this trend to increase in the future.
• In Mexico, a country with multiple production sites and with severe water scarcity, we installed a “purple
line” which is a series of purple pipes designed to carry filtered sewage water for industrial usage.
• We empowered a team to manage best practices, including monitoring leakage with appropriate
detection equipment and water conservation projects.
In order to achieve our water reduction target, we identified 7 different types of best practices:

1- Behavioral change: Encourage employees’ participation, employees training…

2- Cost savings: Meter readings, cooling tower
3- Low water installations: Boiler house, replacement of cooling tower, dry urinals
4- Water reuse: Alternative water sources, reuse gray water…
5- Water efficiency (building fabric): Vegetated roofs, Permeable pavement…
6- Water efficiency (building services): Aerate soil, Portable water meter…

March, 2021
7- Water efficiency (Processes): Operating minimum pressure
We also conducted a water risk assessment: This assessment was conducted using a 3 rd party provider. The
outcome of this assessment* shows that Aptiv has 55% of its operations not subject to water scarcity issues.
This assessment used a scale from 1 to 10, and we considered that a location with a score under 5 could
potentially face water scarcity issues.

Countries where an Aptiv site could potentially face water scarcity issue.

Fig. 7 Water scarcity assessment

Our water reduction target is: 2% water consumption reduction in high risk areas. Low risk, 80% compliance to
best practices for water management.

*This assessment was performed in 2018.

March, 2021

An independent audit process exists to monitor compliance and manage risk. These audits are
performed by Internal control and every site gets audited every four years. The action plans from the
findings of these audits are known in the organization as CAPs (compliance action plans) and closing
these CAPs before 90 days of their generation is one the corporate EHS KPIs.

Environmental fines & penalties (in 2020): $ 22, 000 USD


Aptiv Caring serves as a platform to drive consistency among the different initiatives that focus on
people, our communities and the environment.

Fig 8. Aptiv Caring programs

The intent is that by driving consistent messaging on how we actively care, create a sense of belonging
and pride among all our employees in every site

March, 2021
Aptiv’s first CSR report was published in 2013, with 3 more reports published in the subsequent
years. In 2018, amid spin-off only the EHS metrics were published. In 2020, we exceeded the
environmental targets set in 2012 for 2020, see Aptiv 2020 sustainability report.
Aptiv is engaged to report annually on its progress regarding sustainability topics including
Health&Safety as well as the environmental performance such as its effort to strive against
climate change and its greenhouse gas emissions.
In 2020, we published a comprehensive sustainability report. Available at link


Aptiv maintains a robust database to respond to product compliance requests from their
customers and suppliers through the International Material Data System and internally created
data management systems. This is done with coordinating the communication among materials
engineering, the personnel in charge of receiving the information from suppliers and customers,
and providing a response to the customers or suppliers. This communication is critical to
understand the implications of new substances added to the candidate lists, or showing up in new
proposed regulations, and to identify the part numbers that could be impacted and, as a result,
which suppliers need to be informed of potential replacements based on the new requirement.


We currently are members of the following organizations and working groups, where we work to
find innovative ways to reduce waste, pollution and usage of natural resources.

a. National Safety Council

b. Corporate Eco Forum
d. ISO
e. AIAG – Product Stewardship and Sustainability Groups
f. CLEPA - Product Stewardship and Sustainability Groups
g. United Way


At Aptiv, we have implemented an ergonomic program to reduce injuries and illnesses by the
minimization of ergonomics risks to an acceptable level. The referred program is implemented at
two different levels: 1. at the design of a machinery or/and workstation and 2. periodically at
each site considering the present conditions.
During the design level, we have an active participation together with the engineering team in
order to ensure all the minimum ergonomic requirements are met.
At a certain periodicity, each site ergonomics committee, implement the necessary actions
and/or improvements following an ergonomic risk assessment completed to a specific area with
all the intervenient, including the respective operators. Tools and guidelines are defined and
provided in order to support any assessment.

March, 2021


We have an active participation on the Advanced Development Projects (ADP) by incorporating

and considering environmental, health and safety and ergonomic requirements at the very early
stage of the machine development. This is a very important work developed with the engineering
teams across the globe, very closely with our suppliers, in order to ensure any new project or
equipment will be installed, in our manufacturing or non-manufacturing sites, in a safe manner
for our employees and being compliant with the environmental requirements.
Any other new, modified or transferred machinery is checked and released for production
according to the EHS requirements. We drive these activities with a close follow up with both
EHS and Engineering teams.

During 2020 were launched 36 new ADP projects, and within the total of 59 projects discussed, the GTS
team participated in 41 (69%). As reference, 21 ADP projects were completed and closed during last year.

Regarding other projects involving machinery purchase, development, modification or

transferred, we worked with the engineering teams on more than 34 projects, during 2020.


Any direct product, indirect materials and goods, engineering samples and prototypes,
equipment containing or shipped with dangerous goods or returned product is, at Aptiv,
assessed in accordance with the Dangerous Goods regulations in order to ensure full
compliance during transportation.
We keep a close follow up, within EHS, Engineering and Logistic teams, with any new project or
equipment that might be targeted for transportation looking for any possible Dangerous Goods
compliance requirement.


At Aptiv, we have implemented the Look Across procedure that allows us to prevent incidents
and EHS deficiencies by looking at serious near misses, serious incidents and LWDC from other
sites and proactively performing actions to avoid similar situations, globally. All our
manufacturing and non-manufacturing sites are engaged in a weekly basis through an online
platform created internally e-Look Across, where they have access to the cases discussed and
the respective actions launched. In the same online platform, each site Look Across engagement
is tracked through their respective information inputted – applicable cases and implemented
To ensure a better effectiveness of the Look Across procedure, the e-Look Across platform is
automatically connected to the Aptiv incidents reporting database.

During 2020, 92 Look Across cases were discussed within Aptiv sites.

March, 2021


Due Diligence:

Prior to any sale or acquisition of a business, a business unit or any lease of ground or facilities, Aptiv has
a qualified consultant perform an environmental due diligence audit. This audit is performed globally in
accordance with the requirements of the standard ASTM 1527 Standard Practice for Environmental Site
Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. In case recognized environmental
conditions are identified, a Phase II assessment may be performed to prove or deny the existence of
contamination at a site.


Aptiv currently holds an environmental reserve for the clean-up of 9 sites globally. The clean-up is
managed by an external Contract Project Manager (CPM). The CPM reviews the progress of the
remediation projects on a quarterly basis with the Environmental Obligations Review Committee (EORC).
The EORC is comprised of legal staff, EHS, and finance management.


Aptiv adheres to the requirement of Dodd-Frank Act Section 1502- Securities and Exchange Act of 1934,
by sourcing minerals that do not contain 3TG (Tin, Tungsten, Gold and Tantalum), through a rigorous
process of auditing our smelters and suppliers that we source from. The audit entails a thorough review of
the suppliers, ensuring they did not source it from any conflict related zones.
Aptiv maintains a communication channel through request management from suppliers with the provision
of a report and any pertinent details that may be needed to fulfill the Dodd-Frank Act.
In the continual development of the OECD laws and the addition of other minerals, Aptiv continually
reviews its processes and products to guarantee compliance.

March, 2021

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