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A SANS 2021 Survey:

OT/ICS Cybersecurity
Written by Mark Bristow
August 2021

©2021 SANS™ Institute

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 1
Executive Summary
The operational technology (OT)/industrial control system (ICS) security world continually
adapts to meet new challenges and threats. This 2021 SANS OT/ICS Cybersecurity Survey
explores how OT defenders across all industries meet these challenges and looks to areas
where we can place more emphasis to help defend our critical infrastructure moving
forward. This year’s survey focuses on actual and perceived risks, threats, information
sources, and operational implementation challenges, as well as levels of investment in
this important topic. This year, the results clearly show the rise of ransomware impacting
critical infrastructure as a significant threat and an area of concern among respondents.

OT cybersecurity practitioners and boardrooms keep threats and perceived risks front
of mind. Recent incidents such as the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack and the JBS
Foods ransomware highlight the complex threat environment these systems face. The
results confirm this, with ransomware and financially motivated cybercrimes topping
the list of threat vectors that cause respondents most concern, followed by the risk from
nation-state cyberattacks (43.1%). Most interestingly, the elevation of non-intentional
threat vectors made for a combined 34.5% of the total choices for top three threat vectors.

The threat and risk landscape remains somewhat opaque, and incidents often go
unreported and insufficiently investigated. When asked to identify the most at-risk
sector, most sectors did not choose their own. When asked about vulnerabilities in their
sector, however, they reported significant challenges. Incident self-awareness in the form
of monitoring and detection also rank relatively low, with only 12.5% of respondents
confident they had not experienced a compromise in the past year and 48% of survey
participants not knowing whether they suffered an incident. Connectivity to external
systems continues as the overwhelming root cause of the incidents, an indication that
organizations still fail to follow network segmentation best practices. Additionally, 18.4% of
initial infection vectors report leveraging the engineering workstation, a highly concerning
fact because few correlate cyber and process data to analyze system breaches. Publicly
available channels grossly underreport incidents; for example, almost all respondents
indicated having at least one incident, with 90% having some level of impact on the
process, yet only high-profile incidents such as Colonial make headlines.

The OT cybersecurity landscape has changed significantly in the past two years. We have
seen significant attention and overall growth of investment in securing our critical ICS/OT
systems, but we still need some progress in key areas. Key industry-wide insights from this
survey include:

• Steady growth in ICS-focused cybersecurity positions

• Overall increase in budget allocation for ICS cybersecurity efforts

• Steady increase in the influence of regulatory regimes to drive cybersecurity


• Increase in cloud adoption (and use primary for operational outcomes)

• Significant adoption of MITRE ATT&CK® framework for ICS (given its relatively
recent release)

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 2

• Continued adoption of ICS monitoring technologies and threat-hunting

• Continued support for patch management (by most) and vulnerability assessment
processes if not evenly applied

• Asset inventories continuing to challenge most organizations, with only 58.2% having
a formal process (progress, but not enough progress)

Overall, significant progress has occurred in the areas of professionalizing the workforce,
OT monitoring, analysis, assessment, remediation, and response. However, although we
still need improvement in inventory and asset management and OT segmentation/system
interconnectivity, the past two years have demonstrated great progress (with more to come).

Introduction In your role, what is the primary

emphasis of your responsibilities?
The 2021 SANS ICS/OT survey received 480 responses, an increase of 42% 40%
over the 2019 survey. Respondents represent a wide range of industry 34.1%

verticals,1 with additional respondents sub-classifying into 62 unique groups, 30% 28.5%
from gaming to aviation to space systems and payment systems.
The survey represents a balanced view across the industry, capturing 12.7%
responses from those whose primary responsibilities emphasize ICS 10%

operations or IT/business enterprise. Most survey respondents spend most

of their time focused on ICS cybersecurity. Half of those (50%) report that ICS IT/business Both Other
operations enterprise
they spend 50% or more of their time on ICS cybersecurity, as opposed
Figure 1. IT/OT Role Focus
to the 2019 survey where 45% of respondents reported that they spend at least 50% of
their time in OT/ICS cybersecurity. In 2021, more than 50% have roles that emphasize ICS
operations, either solely or in conjunction with IT/business enterprise. See Figure 1.

This represents a significant increase

What certifications do you hold? Select all that apply.
in the number of ICS cybersecurity
Global Industrial Cyber Security
professionals in a relatively short Professional (GICSP) 53.5%
Global Response and Industrial
period of time. While some have Defense (GRID) 28.3%

focused on ICS cybersecurity for Other 21.7%

15+ years, we now see increasing IACRB’s Certified SCADA
Security Architect (CSSA)
dedicated resourcing and attention Global Critical Infrastructure
Protection (GCIP) 13.3%
from operators in this space who ISA Security Compliance Institute (ISCI)
Embedded Device Security Assurance (EDSA) 11.5%
recognize the importance of these ISA99/IEC 62443 Cybersecurity
Fundamentals Specialist 10.2%
OT-focused roles. This trend might
ISA Security Compliance Institute (ISCI)
directly result from the number of System Security Assurance (SSA)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
respondents holding ICS-specific
Figure 2. Respondents’ Certifications
cybersecurity certifications; 54% respondents hold a certification in the 2021 survey versus
just 38% in 2019. This investment in certification indicates that the industry recognizes and
highly values certifications, particularly SANS certifications. See Figure 2.

 urvey options based on CISA’s critical infrastructure sector definitions, with some modifiers for ICS-specific elements,

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 3

Figure 3 provides a snapshot of survey respondents’ demographics.

Top 4 Industries Represented Organizational Size

Energy (Up to 1,000)

Information Small/Medium
Technology (1,001–5,000)

Other (5,001–15,000)

Government (15,001–50,000)

Each gear represents 10 respondents.

(More than 50,000)
Operations and Headquarters
Each building represents 10 respondents.

Ops: 137
HQ: 21 Ops: 174
HQ: 35
Ops: 186
HQ: 91

Ops: 348 Ops: 121

HQ: 270 HQ: 25

Ops: 115
Ops: 89 HQ: 15
Ops: 123
HQ: 15
HQ: 9

Figure 3. Survey Demographics

The Business of ICS Security

Organizations now recognize the security of their ICS assets as fundamental to their
business, and they expressed as their number one concern ensuring the reliability and
availability of control systems. See Table 1.
Table 1. Top Business Concerns
2021 2019
% Rank % Rank in Rank
Ensuring reliability and availability of control systems 50.3% 1 52.3% 1 —
Somewhat surprisingly for industries with Lowering risk/Improving security 45.5% 2 34.8% 3 +1
a historical focus on safety, ensuring the Preventing damage to systems 27.2% 3 27.7% 4 +1
health and safety of employees and off-site Securing connections to external systems 23.3% 4 11.7% 10 +6
personnel fell in importance from second Meeting regulatory compliance 19.8% 5 22.3% 5 —
to fifth place. Preventing financial loss also Preventing information leakage 18.1% 6 14.8% 9 +3
dropped in importance, another surprising Ensuring health and safety of employees 17.7% 7 42.2% 2 -5
fact since many utilities are investor owned Protecting external people and property 15.2% 8 20.7% 6 -2
and responsible to shareholders. The global Creating, documenting and managing security 13.1% 9 8.2% 13 +4
COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted these policies and procedures
perspectives, with staffing greatly reduced Protecting company reputation and brand 11.6% 10 17.6% 8 -2
over the past two years and a financially Providing or coordinating employee cybersecurity 11.2% 11 10.5% 11 —
education and awareness programs
constrained marketplace resulting from a
Preventing company financial loss 7.9% 12 18.8% 7 -5
shift to minimize long-term business risk so
Protecting trade secrets and intellectual property 6.0% 13 7.8% 14 +1
as to weather the COVID-spurred slowdown.
Minimizing impact on shareholders 3.3% 14 9.8% 12 -2

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 4

The greatest challenges facing
What are the biggest challenges your organization faces in securing
OT security relate, as always, to OT technologies and processes? Select all that apply.
people, process, and technology.
Technical integration of legacy and aging
Respondents’ answers relatively OT technology with modern IT systems
Insufficient labor resources to
balance across these three areas implement existing security plans 56.0%
IT staff does not understand OT
with regard to what they consider operational requirements 52.2%
Traditional IT security technologies are too complex
the biggest challenges their to implement and maintain in an OT environment 39.6%

organizations face. See Figure 4. Other 8.2%

0% 20% 40% 60%
• T
integration represents a Figure 4. OT Challenges

challenge. Organizations need to ensure that technical implementations more

effectively integrate legacy OT environments with modern security technologies.
Innovation from solution providers can support in this area.

• P
 eople—We face a significant OT security labor shortage. Although this survey shows
that we currently have more OT security professionals than ever, we still need to do
more to bring additional professionals into the industry to perform this critical work.
We need investments in formal and informal training and professional development
to train and re-skill the workforce to meet this surging demand.

• P
 rocesses—Security leaders need to develop a culture of mutual understanding
and shared vision and execution through leadership and process integration. By
having IT and OT experts working more closely together, each can better understand
the other’s perspective and ultimately drive favorable outcomes for the business.
Without this shared understanding, all our other efforts may come to nothing.

Without resources, we can secure nothing. Forty-seven

Table 2. 2021 vs. 2019 Budget Comparison
percent of respondents report that their ICS security
Budget 2021 2019 % Change
budgets have increased over the past two years, with 16%
We don’t have one 23.7% 9.9% 13.8%
decreasing the budget and 32% showing no change. When
Less than $100,000 USD 19.1% 11.5% 7.6%
viewed as a comparison to overall budget from 2021 to $100,000–$499,999 USD 24.2% 8.9% 15.3%
2019, significant growth occurred in most of the categories, $500,000–$999,999 USD 10.8% 8.3% 2.5%

with an increase in the no-budget response (perhaps $1 million–$2.49 million USD 10.8% 6.3% 4.5%
$2.5 million–$9.99 million USD 5.2% 3.7% 1.5%
because of the elimination of the unknown choice in
Greater than $10 million USD 6.2% 7.3% -1.1%
2021). See Table 2.

Asset owners continue to invest in the security of their ICS environment, and that
investment needs to achieve the security outcomes discussed throughout this survey.

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 5

Risks to Our ICS Environments
Risk, the force that drives most effort
around ICS safety and security, directly Select the top three threat vectors with which you are most concerned.
Note: Survey logic requires that you select exactly three choices from the list below.
correlates with the threat vector that
introduces the risk. In 2021, financially Ransomware, extortion, or other
financially motivated crimes
motivated crimes—including ransomware
Nation-state cyberattack 43.1%
and extortion—rose to the top in Devices and things (that cannot protect
themselves) added to network 31.3%
overall ranking of vectors that concern
Non-state cyberattack (non-ransomware
respondents, followed by nation-state criminal, terrorism, hacktivism)
Integration of IT into control
cyberattacks and devices and “things” system networks
Risk from partnerships (hardware/
(that cannot protect themselves) being software supply chain or joint ventures) 25.3%

added to the network. See Figure 5. Internal threat (accidental) 20.5%

Interestingly, however, when asked to Phishing scams 20.2%

Malware families spreading
identify the most important threat vector indiscriminately 19.9%

on this list, the order of those with the Internal threat (intentional) 15.8%

higher concern differed a bit, indicating Industrial espionage 13.8%

that respondents believe that non- Other 1.7%
intentional threat vectors also play an 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

important role in ICS security: Figure 5. Top Threat Vectors

1. Ransomware, extortion, or other financially motivated crimes

2. Nation-state cyberattack

3. Devices and things (that cannot protect themselves) added to network

4. Non-state cyberattack (non-ransomware criminal, terrorism, hacktivism)

To test the hypothesis that risk perception varies by industrial sector,

Pay attention to non-intentional threat vectors (i.e.,
we posed this question: “Based on your understanding of the ICS threat
a threat vector that is not malicious in nature but
landscape, which [three] sectors are most likely to have a successful still presents risks). These threat vectors—including
ICS compromise with impact on the safe and reliable operation of the accidental insider, unauthorized devices on the
process?” We intended to drive toward perceived industry risk both for network, and risk from partner networks and IT/OT
integration—accounted for 35% of the overall top
the sectors in which respondents participate but other sectors as well.
threat vectors.
Figure 6 on the next page shows the results. The energy sector led,
followed by healthcare and public health, both traditionally a target of multiple threat
actors. The water/wastewater sector followed, not surprisingly, as its low margins often
create a lag in security fundamentals. Note that although these results may show some
survey bias related to the demographics, the Analyst team wants to note that these results
are consistent with both sector and non-sector participant risk perception.

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 6

Some interesting observations indicate that
Based on your understanding of the ICS threat landscape, which sectors
we need more data to better inform the are most likely to have a successful ICS compromise with impact to the
overall risk picture, especially because it safe and reliable operation of the process? Choose your top three.

remains unclear whether the motivations

Energy 37.7%
for these answers result from confidence or
Healthcare and public health 29.4%
overconfidence in one’s own security postures:
Water/wastewater 25.3%
• Most industries appeared confident in
Critical manufacturing 24.2%
their industry’s OT security posture. Of
Government 20.8%
the 18 industry choices available, only
Communications 19.6%
five assessed that their own industry
as most likely to have a consequential Business services 18.1%

cyberattack: business services, Food and agriculture 16.2%

communications, defense industrial base Transportation 15.1%

(DIB), energy, and water/wastewater. Engineering/control systems 14.7%

• For respondents not choosing their own Financial services 14.3%

sector, energy and healthcare/public IT 13.6%

health were the leading choices. Chemical 12.1%

• Inconsistencies related to sectors Commercial facilities 10.9%

respondents considered relatively Emergency services 9.4%

risk free. For example, sophisticated Defense industrial base 7.9%
adversaries often target DIB systems Nuclear 5.7%
for compromise and to hold at risk.
Other 2.6%
Aside from DIB respondents themselves,
Dams 2.3%
however, almost no others selected DIB
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
as a likely target.
Figure 6. Perception of Sector Most at Risk

Security of ICS has really entered public consciousness

Percepton of threats to ICS cybersecurity
over the past few years, and the perception of high and
severe/critical threats has increased dramatically from 2019 2021
2019 to 2021 (see Figure 7). Events of 2020 and 2021 may 40% 38.6%
have influenced this perception. Whereas ransomware
ranked as the sixth highest concern in 2019, ransomware, 32.1%
extortion, and financially motivated cybercrimes now top 30% 29.1%
the list of threat vectors that concern respondents.

5.0% 5.3%
Severe/Critical High Moderate Low Unknown

Figure 7. 2019 vs. 2021 Risk Perception

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 7

Table 3. Threat Actor Risk Over Time
ICS Incidents: Impacts and Gaps
Answer Choices 2021 Rank 2019 Rank Change
Hackers 1 1 —
As in 2019, hackers remain the most prevelant source
Organized crime 2 5 +3
of ICS network intrusion (as expected, because in many Current service providers, 3 3 —
consultants, contractors
cases additional levels of attribution are either impossible
Current employees 4 2 -2
or of limited organizational utility). Organized crime
Activists, activist organizations, 5 6 +1
rose three postions to the number two source in the hacktivists
Unknown 6 7 +1
2021 survey, likely attributable to the rise of ransomware (sources were unidentified)
incidents, while foreign nation-state sources dropped Foreign nation-states or 7 4 -3
state-sponsored parties
three positions, from number four in 2019 to number
Domestic intelligence services 8 11 +3
seven in 2021. See Table 3. Former equipment providers 9 12 +3

A focus over the past few years on employee training, Former employees 10 10 —
Current equipment providers 11 8 -3
insider threat programs, and business partner validation
Competitors 12 9 -3
for cybersecurity may have contributed to the reduction of Suppliers or partners 13 13 —
these concepts between surveys. Interestingly, domestic Former service providers, 14 14 —
consultants, contractors
intelligence services rose three postions, to the number
Other 15 15 —
eight concern in 2021.

As in 2019, 15% of respondents report that they have had

a cybersecurity incident in their OT environment over the
Always remember to root risk perception in reality. For instance, the
past 12 months. However, we may be losing some ground
decrease in foreign nation-state attacks (dropping from number
in the area of incident detection and response. Compared four in 2019 to number seven in 2021) is inconsistent with the
with 42% in 2019 saying that they were uncertain, 48% of ranking of nation-state cyberattacks as the second-highest threat
survey participants did not know whether they’d had an vector that concerns respondents.

incident, indicating a clear need to improve our detection

and response capabilities as a community. See Figure 8.

Have you experienced one or more security incidents (e.g., unauthorized access; security
breach; loss of OT relevant data; operational disruption, damage, destruction of product,
process, or property) involving your OT/control systems during the past 12 months?

Yes 15.1%

No, we’re sure we haven’t been infiltrated. 12.2%

Not that we know of. 38.7%

Unable to answer due to company policy. 24.7%

We’ve had suspicions but lack proof. 3.2%

We don’t know and have no suspicions. 3.6%

We have insufficient telemetry to assess. 2.5%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Figure 8. Incidents in the Past 12 Months

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 8

Of the 15% reporting an incident, the majority had experienced fewer
than 10 incidents. Even with this relatively low number, however,
incidents could still prove disruptive: 26% reported that at least 10%
of incidents impacted operations. This data indicates that we should
question the perception that most incidents do not have an operational
impact. See Figure 9.

Number of Incidents in Past 12 Months Percent Disruptive

40% 40%

30% 30%
20% 20%
16.7% 16.7%
11.9% 11.9%
10% 10% 9.5% 9.5%
7.1% 7.1%
4.8% 4.8% 4.8%
2.4% 2.4%
0% 0%
Less 10–20 21–50 51–70 71–100 101–500 501–1000 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 80% 100%
than 10

Figure 9. Incident Frequency and Process Disruption

On a positive note, the timeline of compromise to detection has
improved markedly since 2019. The 6-to-24 hour category moved from
35% in 2019 to 51% in 2021 (see Figure 10), and the under-6-hour rate in Public reporting on cyber incidents impacting OT
networks is not broadly available. The community
the 2021 survey (not asked in 2019 survey) ranks at 30%.
would benefit from more transparent reporting
Continued investment in OT incident-detection technologies, monitoring, data, which might allow us to study these incidents
further to better implement defensive measures to
and OT cybersecurity analysts and security operation centers likely
protect our operations.
drive these improvements. This trend also represents a significant break
with historical OT intrusion cases such as Havex2 and BlackEnergy,3
where adversary dwell time
Compromise to Detection over Time
was plus-three years before
detection. Containment also 51.2%
2017 2019 2021
shows promising results, with the 43.8% 44.8%
majority of incidents contained 40%
within the first day of the incident.
30% 27.9%
However, issues persist. The
20% 18.8%
number of incidents reaching or 13.8% 12.5% 12.5%
impacting the OT enviornment 10% 6.3%
9.3% 9.3%
3.5% 2.3% 3.5%
remains troubling because or
potentially immediate effects on 6 to 24 hours 2 to 7 days 8 to 30 days 1 to 3 months More than
3 months
the OT environment even if an
Figure 10. Compromise Detection Speed over Time
organization rapidly contains the incident. Remediation efforts appear
somewhat delayed, as expected, with with the bulk occuring within the
first week of containment.


A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 9

Remote access services (37%) led the
What were the initial attack vectors involved in your OT/
reporting of initial access vectors, which control systems incidents? Select all that apply
aligns with the perceived risk (outlined in
External remote services 36.7%
the next section) from external connectivity
Exploit of public-
sources when respondents ranked their facing application 32.7%

perceived acute risk sources. With increased Internet accessible device 28.6%

industry focus on securing remote access Spearphishing attachment 26.5%

technologies, we hoped for a more Replication through

removable media 24.5%
significant drop from 2019, when remote Engineering workstation
access accounted for 41% of initial attack Data historian compromise 14.3%
vectors. Clearly, we need to more strongly
Supply chain compromise 14.3%
promote the adoption of secure remote
Drive-by compromise 12.2%
access technology. See Figure 11.
Unknown (sources
were unidentified) 10.2%
With regard to the next several leading
Wireless compromise 8.2%
attack vectors, we find it interesting that
Other 6.1%
although not considered remote access
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
technologies, they leverage interconnectivity
Figure 11. Incident Initial Attack Vectors
as an enabling function:

• E
 xploit of public-facing applications—What level of connectivity or
control is possible from applications exposed to the internet, and what
arcitecture is in place to mitigate risks to the ICS?

• I nternet-accessible devices—Is device connectivity bypassing the DMZ?

• S
 pear-phishing attachment—Properly configured OT environment should
not have direct access to email services directly, yet phishing continues to
be a relatively high-ranked vector.

Of particular concern is the 18% of initial vectors leveraging the engineering

workstation. This percentage raises some concern because engineering
workstations represent key terrain to accomplish a variety of effects in stage 2
of the ICS Cyber Kill Chain and could have contributed to the high numbers of
incidents with impact on processes.

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 10

Component Risk, Impact, and Exploitation
Given these results regarding initial attack vectors, let’s revisit
the question of risk perception from the standpoint of the ICS
components. Not surprisingly,
most respondents agree Which control system components do you consider at greatest risk for
that endpoints—engineering compromise? Select your top three in each category in no particular order.

workstations and ICS server Engineering (engineering workstations,

instrumentation laptops, calibration
assets—present the greatest risk and test equipment) assets running 50.5%
commercial OS (Windows, Unix, Linux)
for compromise. See Figure 12.
Server assets running commercial OS
(Windows, Unix, Linux) 45.1%
Collectively, however, Operator assets (HMI, workstations) running
commercial OS (Windows, Unix, Linux) 32.8%
connectivity issues account for Connections to other internal systems
(office networks) 28.9%
the second-highest risk concern
Remote access (VPN) 20.1%
(when factoring together internal
Mobile devices
system connections, remote (laptops, tablets, smartphones) 19.6%

access, connections to the field Control system applications 15.7%

Network devices
network, and wireless). So, (firewalls, switches, routers, gateways) 15.2%

organizations need to focus on Connections to the field network (SCADA) 13.7%

remote access and connections Cloud-hosted OT assets 13.2%
to other networks as a source of Embedded controllers or components
(e.g., PLCs, IEDs)
risk. This risk evaluation agrees
Control system communication protocols 9.3%
with the reported incidents that
Physical access systems 6.9%
leverage remote access as an
OT wireless communication devices and
initial vector. However, currently protocols (Zigbee, WirelessHART, RF)
Plant historian 5.4%
applied security controls do not
sufficiently mitigate this risk. Field devices (sensors and actuators) 2.9%
Non-routable remote access
Perceived risk correlates well (modems, VSAT, microwave)
Other 0.5%
with the perceived impact on
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
operations for fixed assets
(endpoints) but tends to diverge Figure 12. System Component Risk

when connectivity and mobility come into play. For example,

connections to internal office networks rank fourth for risk, but
they rank ninth for impact if compromised. Similarly, mobile By their nature, wireless and non-routable communications
devices rank sixth for risk, but they rank eleventh for impact pathways (modems, VSAT, microwave) risk manipulation
by personnel off-site. Relatively few security tools enable
if compromised. Finally, the risk from embedded controller
us to monitor or secure these communications pathways.
compromise ranks eleventh, but the impact ranks fourth. This Yet, these assets receive a relatively low risk ranking with
misalignment argues for a systematic approach to develop regard to compromise. Given this apparent disconnect,
integrated plans that factor in both probability and severity. organizations should invest in research and technical
innovations to learn how to better secure these assets.
See Table 4 on the next page.

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 11

Table 4. Component Risk Compared to Impact
Component Risk Rank Impact Rank
Engineering (engineering workstations, instrumentation laptops, calibration and 1 1
test equipment) assets running commercial OS (Windows, Unix, Linux)
Server assets running commercial OS (Windows, Unix, Linux) 2 2
Operator assets (HMI, workstations) running commercial OS (Windows, Unix, Linux) 3 3
Connections to other internal systems (office networks) 4 9
Remote access (VPN) 5 8
Mobile devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones) 6 11
Control system applications 7 7
Network devices (firewalls, switches, routers, gateways) 8 6
Connections to the field network (SCADA) 9 5
Cloud-hosted OT assets 10 10
Embedded controllers or components (e.g., PLCs, IEDs) 11 4
Control system communication protocols 12 12
Physical access systems 13 14
OT wireless communication devices and protocols (Zigbee, WirelessHART, RF) 14 16
Plant historian 15 15
Field devices (sensors and actuators) 16 13
Non-routable remote access (modems, VSAT, microwave) 17 17

Incident Response: Who to Call? Forty percent of respondents indicate that they leverage
Repondents identify a mix of outsourced and internal an IT consultant to support their OT response efforts. The
SANS ICS team has witnessed this many times, generally
resources as their top-three resouces to consult: an outsourced
when called in to remediate a failed response effort by
cybersecurity solution provider for primary response support, an IT-only response company. When vetting partners for
followed closely by internal resources, and then an IT consultant. incident response support, be sure to ask about previous
See Figure 13. case histories (anonymized) and experience in OT response.

Whom do you consult when you detect signs of an infection or infiltration of

your control system cyber assets or network? Select all that apply

Cybersecurity solution provider 48.1%

Internal resources 44.2%

IT consultant 40.4%

Control system vendor 32.7%

Non-regulatory government organizations (e.g., CISA,
FBI, National Guard, state or local law enforcement) 32.7%

Security consultant 32.7%

Regulators (e.g., NERC, FERC, NRC, TSA, USCG) 26.9%

Engineering consultant 19.2%

Main automation contractor 11.5%

System integrator 11.5%

Other 3.8%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Figure 13. Incident Response Support Organizations

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 12

These results present an interesting
Table 5. Trends in IR Support 2019 to 2021
contrast with 2019 survey results. Response Support 2019 2021
Table 5 shows a sharp decrease in the Cybersecurity solution provider 35.6% 48.1%

reliance on internal resources, with Internal resources 59.0% 44.2%

IT consultant 18.4% 40.4%
the increase having shifted to the use
Control system vendor 45.6% 32.7%
of IT consultants and cybersecurity Non-regulatory government organizations 40.6% 32.7%
solution providers. (e.g., CISA, FBI, National Guard, state or local law enforcement)
Security consultant 37.2% 32.7%
Engineering consultant 13.4% 19.2%
Main automation contractor 8.4% 11.5%
System integrator 15.1% 11.5%
Other 2.1% 3.8%

Today’s Defenses and Tomorrow’s Security

Organizations leverage a variety of security technologies and solutions in their OT
environment. Table 6 shows the current leading solutions:

1. Access controls (82%)

Table 6. Solutions with Adoption Rate Change (2019 to 2021)
2. Antivirus solutions (77%) In Use Planned
Response Support Change Change
3. Assessment/audit programs (65%) Access controls 9.5% 4.31%
Anti-malware/antivirus 23.9% -3.39%
Investment planning for both old and new
Assessment and audit 5.2% 10.47%
solutions spans the next 18 months, with Asset identification and management 8.3% 4.18%
leading contenders identified as follows: Monitoring and log analysis 6.4% 1.62%
Security awareness training for staff, contractors, and vendors -5.7% 4.83%
1. Security operations center (SOC) for
Vulnerability scanning 1.5% 5.93%
OT/control systems (37%) User and application access controls -4.2% 4.90%
Anomaly detection tools 19.3% 0.89%
2. Security orchestration, automation,
Communication allowlisting 15.2% 2.98%
and response (SOAR) (33%)
Application allowlisting 8.2% 8.78%
3. A four-way tie for third (industrial OT/ICS network security monitoring and anomaly detection solutions 14.1% -8.51%
OT/ICS configuration management 12.7% -1.28%
IDS, EDR, data loss prevention, and
Device access controls and policy-based allowlisting 6.7% 4.58%
zero trust principles) (31%)
Control system enhancements/upgrade services 10.9% 0.88%
Table 6 also compares 2019 and 2021 in Industrial IDS -0.9% 3.89%
Device allowlisting 5.9% -0.63%
terms of the technologies in use and
Industrial intrusion prevention systems (IPS) 4.1% 6.44%
planned. Key trends include:
Data loss prevention 15.1% 6.36%
• Movement toward a threat-hunting Software-defined network segmentation 10.7% 1.77%

and hypothesis-based security Unidirectional gateway between control systems and higher risk networks 5.5% 7.54%
SOC for OT/control systems 11.1% 2.71%
model for OT—An increase (14%) in
Identity-based policy orchestration 5.3% 6.17%
the implementation of OT network Cloaking device IP addresses 10.3% 10.59%
security monitoring and anomaly
detection evidences this trend, as well as the 19% growth in the use of anomaly
detection tools, signaling a welcome change from jus traditional indicator-based
defense capabilities. Support for this trend also shows in increases in allowlisting
for communications, applications, and devices, as well as device access controls and
policy-based allowlisting.

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 13

• A
 dditional investment and focus on OT cybersecurity, detection, and response—OT SOC
adoption rose sharply from 2019 to 2021, as did adoption of data loss prevention (DLP)
technologies. Recent high-profile ransomware incidents likely contribute to this trend, as
do the increasingly common hack-and-leak style intrusions. Interestingly, respondents
indicate adoption of EDR and user behavioral analysis tools, despite limited OT-specific
offerings in the marketplace.

• I ncreased use of anti-malware/antivirus solutions—The 2021 survey shows a sharp

increase (24%) over 2019, which may reflect the OT community’s overall baseline defenses
of passive analysis technologies catching up with the IT environment, a positive trend.

Surprisingly, respondents report low automation adoption (28%), an irony in a community

focused on physical process automation. However, 22% plan to implement SOAR in their OT
defensive architectures over the next 18 months. As a community, we want to increase our
automation adoption rates for cybersecurity, to ensure we achieve cybersecurity outcomes with
as little manual intervention as possible.

Unidirectional gateway use remains relatively constant (6% increase). With a focus in the
industry on isolation technologies, we expected a higher percentage here.

Growing businesses always need to augment

What is your approach to evaluating vendor or supplier cybersecurity
existing capabilities and upgrade functionality
risk and maturity in your procurement process?
with new OT solutions. With regard to deploying
new technologies, 71% of respondents consider We have a standards-based approach
to adopting existing standards.
prequalifying vendor or solution-provider
We have a standards-based
cybersecurity postures before bringing in approach with tailored standards. 37.6%

new capabilities as either mandatory or Proposals are evaluated individually

and not against any standard. 25.9%
highly important. Most organizations (65%) We do not consider cybersecurity
in our procurement processes. 8.3%
take a standards-based approach to these
evaluations, with only a minority using an ad Other 0.5%

hoc approach. See Figure 14. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Figure 14. Vendor Assessment Process

The Industry Becomes Cloudy

Increasingly, cloud-native
If you are using cloud-based services for OT/ICS systems, what you are using them for?
technologies and services impact Select all that apply.
OT environments. Forty percent
Remote monitoring, configuration
of respondents report the use of and analysis of operations
Connection to serve and support company managed
some cloud-based services for OT/ network/security operations center (NOC/SOC) 37.6%
Business continuity/disaster recovery planning,
ICS systems, with many using cloud including backup/restore/recovery preparations 36.5%
Connection for third-party
technologies to directly support ICS managed services (MSSP) 34.5%

operations as well as cybersecurity Control systems application virtualization, including

remote logic control capabilities for operations 24.4%
functions (NOC/SOC, BCP/DR, and Off-premises cloud-based services
in support of control system
MSSP services). See Figure 15. Other 9.1%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Figure 15. Functional Use of Cloud Technologies

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 14

The use of off-premises
Which cybersecurity standards do you map your control systems to?
technologies to support core ICS Select all that apply.
functionality represents a recent
NIST Cyber Security
development in the industry. Framework (CSF)
ISA/IEC 62443 32.0%
Organizations need to be aware
that this new potential risks, NIST 800-53 31.5%

especially when combined with NIST 800-82 29.6%

the recent high-profile supply ISO 27000 series,

including 27001 29.1%
chain intrusions into cloud service CIS Critical Security Controls 26.1%
and managed service providers by NERC CIP 20.7%
advanced actors.
GDPR 13.3%
Cybersecurity Maturity
Frameworks and Model Certification (CMMC)

Standards Other 8.9%

C2MC (Cyber Capability
Maturity Model)
Organizations look to frameworks
NIS Directive 6.9%
and standards to help ensure
a structured defense of control ANSI/AWWA G430-14 5.9%

systems. Most organizations map Qatar ICS Security Standard 4.9%

Chemical Facility Antiterrorism
their control systems to the NIST Standards (CFATS) 4.4%
Cyber Security Framework to help ENISA Guide to
Protecting ICS (EU) 4.4%
support and structure their security 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

practices, with IEC 62443 as the Figure 16. Cybersecurity

second most popular choice. Some organizations must also use specific industry (e.g., Standards Usage

NERC CIP) or locality-specific (e.g., NIS Directive) standards to govern their cybersecurity
practices. See Figure 16.

The OT security landscape has changed significantly since 2019 after the release of the
MITRE ATT&CK® ICS framework.4 This new framework provides a common lexicon to
describe adversary behavior and consequences in an ICS context as an extension of the
ATT&CK for Enterprise model.5 In the 2021 survey, 47% of respondents leverage MITRE
ATT&CK® for ICS in some way as part of their security framework: 43% for assessment
only, 31% using it as part of penetration testing, 16% for threat activity, and 11% for
adversary emulation.


A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 15

Of those using ICS ATT&CK, 50% had completed a MITRE
If you have completed an assessment of your MITRE ATT&CK® ICS
ATT&CK® for ICS coverage assessment. The coverage was technique coverage in your ICS, what coverage (to the nearest
distributed relatively evenly, but initial access, lateral percent or percent range) do you have in each of these areas?

movement, and persistence had some of the most 0% 1–25% 26–50% 51–75% 76–99% 100%

comprehensive coverage. See Figure 17. 3.4%

Initial Access 37.3%
Threat Intelligence 5.1%
The ICS threat intelligence market has matured over the 3.4%
past two years. In 2019, several smaller vendors provided Execution 22.0%
ICS-specific threat intelligence. In 2021, this marketspace 8.5%
has expanded. Although the majority of respondents still 5.1%
use publicly available threat intelligence, half have vendor- Persistence 27.1%
provided ICS-specific threat intelligence feeds, and they rely 1.7%
less on IT threat intelligence providers (36%). See Figure 18. 15.3%
Evasion 16.9%
Are you leveraging ICS-specific threat intelligence in your OT 3.4%
defensive posture? Select all that apply. 8.5%
Discovery 23.7%
Publicly available 16.9%
threat intel 62.3% 15.3%
ICS threat intel 3.4%
(vendor-provided) 50.0%
Peer information sharing 37.3%
partnerships (such as ISACs) 45.5% 22.0%
Lateral Movement
ICS manufacturer or 8.5%
integrator provided 36.9%
IT threat intel 36.2% 6.8%
Operational Technology 32.2%
28.4% Collection
Incidents 15.3%
Internally developed 24.3% 1.7%
0% 20% 40% 60% 1.7%
Command and 32.2%
Figure 18. Threat Intelligence Sources Control 22.0%
Inhibit Response 28.8%
Function 25.4%
Impact 28.8%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Figure 17. MITRE ATT&CK® for ICS Coverage Assessment

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 16

How do you monitor your OT system security?
Improving the Defenses Select all that apply.

Almost 70% of respondents to the 2021 survey have a monitoring
program in place for OT security. Most of this monitoring (56%)
comes from the IT security team, which also monitors the OT 30%
environment. Thirty-two percent of respondents report that they
have a dedicated OT SOC monitoring their OT assets, and 25%
use an outsourced OT MSSP for monitoring. With regard to OT 10%

SOC and OT MSSP, 57% of survey respondents use an OT-specific 0%

IT monitoring Dedicated Outsourced OT Other
monitoring capability. See Figure 19. covers OT assets OT SOC SOC (MSSP)

The majority of monitoring telemetry comes from either Figure 19. OT Security Monitoring

networking devices or server assets that more closely resemble

IT assets. Much of the monitoring telemetry from ICS-specific
devices does not appear to have
widespread adoption. Only 24% of From which control system components are you collecting and correlating data?
Select all that apply.
respondents correlate data from
their process historian with their Network devices (management interfaces,
firewall, switches, routers, gateways)
cybersecurity data. Correlating Server assets running commercial
OS (Windows, Unix, Linux)
the cyber-relevant data with the Network devices (firewall,
switches, routers, gateways) 58.7%
process data is a critical aspect of Operator assets (HMI, workstations) running
commercial OS (Windows, Unix, Linux) 56.6%
OT cyber-incident investigation,
Engineering (engineering workstations,
especially when that incident instrumentation laptops, calibration
and test equipment) assets running
has an impact on the process commercial OS (Windows, Unix, Linux)

(see Figure 20). Without cross- Computer network telemetry (taps/spans) 41.7%
Remote access appliances,
comparing these datasets, including modems 28.5%

identifying root causes becomes Physical access systems 26.4%

more challenging; even still, few Historian (for correlation) 23.8%

solutions in the marketplace Wireless communication
devices and protocols
facilitate this correlation. Embedded controllers or
components (e.g., PLCs, IEDs) 21.3%
Although organizations Field communications 18.7%
monitor most assets, much Serial/non-routable networks 11.1%
of that monitoring still relies
Other 2.1%
on automated detections and 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
signatures such as AV and IDS
Figure 20. OT Monitoring Sources
to identify active risks. A significant portion of respondents
also use a threat-hunting methodology (35%) or anomaly-
based detections (30%) to search for active threats in their OT

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 17

environments. Twenty-four percent do not have
What processes are you using to detect threats within your OT networks?
a formal threat-hunting process, and 17% do Select all that apply.
not look for threats in their OT environments
We use automated means
(indicating some areas of improvement for (AV, IDS) to detect threats.
We have trained staff to search
adoption). See Figure 21. for events (threat hunting). 35.3%
We are using anomaly-
based detection engines. 30.3%
Asset Inventory We do not have a formal process. 24.1%
We use a third party to
Without a solid understanding of the assets periodically check our systems. 24.1%

on your ICS network, you cannot develop and We do not actively

look for threats. 16.6%
implement a strategy to manage risk and We use a third party to
consistently check our systems.
to ensure reliable operations. Although a 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
majority of respondents (58%) indicate that Figure 21. OT Security Analysis Methodology
their organization has a formal program to inventory
OT assets, we must do more work to ensure adoption Assets Inventoried and Monitored
of this foundational step.6 The survey did not cover the
0% 1–25% 26–50% 51–75% 76–99% 100%
methodologies used to develop asset inventory, neither
did the survey ask what resource-allocation changes
Servers and workstations
Monitored 10.9%
fund this work. 16.1%
Of the assets that make up an OT network, servers
and ICS devices were the most inventoried assets in 6.3%
Inventoried 10.2%
the environment, with 29% and 22% of respondents 27.2%
indicating they had 100% coverage, respectively.
Monitoring of these assets, however, lagged by 7% for 17.2%
Control system devices

Monitored 16.7%
each category, indicating that even in well-inventoried 13.0%
environments, monitoring of the known assets remains
a challenge. Software assets and applications lagged 14.1%
Inventoried 13.6%
significantly in both the inventory and monitoring 14.1%
categories. See Figure 22.
Software platforms and

Connection Inventories Monitored

Similar to asset inventory results, only 57% of
respondents have documented all connections that lead 10.2%
Inventoried 15.5%
outside of the OT environment, down from 62% in 2019. 18.0%
This decrease perhaps results from respondents better
understanding the complexity of the ICS networks and 1.6%
Monitored 1.6%
being, therefore, less willing to indicate that they had 3.1%

all the connections documented. This trend remains

concerning and likely contributes to the prevalence of 1.9%
Inventoried 1.5%
connectivity-related incidents. 1.0%
0% 10% 20% 30%

Figure 22. Percentage of Monitored/Inventoried Assets

 ou can find additional information on ICS asset inventories in the SANS whitepaper “ICS Asset Identification: It’s More Than Just Security,” by Mark

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 18

Once an organization has a well-defined boundary and has accounted
for all communications pathways, organizations need to assess how
they secure those communications. As in 2019, most respondents
report using a DMZ between the OT network and the corporate network
to separate communications. The percentage of respondents in this
category, however, declined from 57% in 2019 to 49% in 2021.

Security experts consider having a DMZ between

OT Connectivity
the OT network and corporate network a best
2021 2019
practice if connectivity is required. In 2019,
28% of survey participants reported that OT system to OT DMZ to 49.3%
corporate network 57.4%
they had 100% isolated systems. In 2021, that
number drops to 8%. A number of factors OT system to DMZ to internet
might influence this drop; perhaps more Direct connectivity to 41.5%
comprehensive data has become available, the public internet 11.5%

indicating connectivity where it was previously Bidirectional connectivity directly

to a third-party OT system
(integrator/vendor/partner) 9.0%
assumed not to exist, or perhaps organizations
have adopted additional cloud-based Our systems are 100% isolated from 8.2%
continuous logical connections. 27.9%
technologies that necessitate communications. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
In the 2021 survey, 42% indicate that their Figure 23. OT Connectivity to External Networks
control systems had direct connectivity to the internet versus a 12%
response rate in 2019. Once again, this change might result from a
better understanding of communications pathways, as opposed to a
change in actual connectivity to the internet.

This trend remains concerning, however.

How are connections made for external access to the OT/control system?
Twenty-six percent report outbound internet Select all that apply
connectivity only, with additional details on
Dedicated fiber 37.8%
verification details unavailable. See Figure 23.
Commercial/Residential internet (cable
modem, DSL, commercial fiber) 37.2%
Methods of connectivity also represent an
Leased fiber 20.2%
important indicator of overall system security.
Dedicated circuits and communication Dedicated copper 19.7%

mechanisms inherently offer more security Leased coper lines (T1 and above) 19.1%

(requiring physical access to the medium) than Private cellular 14.9%

leased, satellite, or wireless communications. Satellite 13.8%

Based on the responses to this question, Public/Commercial Wi-Fi 12.2%
organizations use a wide range of OSI Layer Public cellular 11.7%
1 technologies to move ICS data into and out
Licensed radio frequency 10.1%
of their control networks. Most use dedicated
Other (please specify) 9.0%
or leased fiber, but many use public internet
Analog/Dial-up (POTS) 6.9%
systems (cable, DSL) or similar technologies.
Unlicensed radio spectrum 4.8%
Seven percent report still using dial-up
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
communications. See Figure 24.
Figure 24. OT Connection Mediums

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 19

Assessing and Remediating Vulnerabilities Who performed your most recent ICS security assessment?
Organizations have made significant improvements with 3.2%
regard to assessments of ICS environments. Thirty percent
OT security consultancy
of respondents have implemented a continual assessment 6.5%
Internal IT team
program, and 76% have completed an assessment within the 7.4%
Internal OT team
past year, leaving only 10% of respondents who have never
10.6% Large IT consulting firm
completed an assessment of the control system network.
Government entity
For those completing assessments, most leverage resources
24.0% Unknown
with OT-specific expertise—a testament to the maturing of 22.6%
Control system integrator
robust OT security assessment offerings. See Figure 25.

After completing an assessment, organizations need to

identify vulnerabilities in their control system environments. Figure 25. Security Assessors
For this, respondents leverage processes to detect vulnerabilities in their
systems. Most (61%) use public
What processes are you using to detect software or hardware vulnerabilities
notices of vulnerabilities as the within your control system networks? Select all that apply.
information becomes available. See
Monitoring for notifications as they are
Figure 26. publicly available (vendors, CERTs, etc.) 61.2%
Passive monitoring using a network
SANS was encouraged to see some sniffer (deep packet inspection)
Waiting for our ICS vendors to
developments: tell us or send a patch 48.0%
Continually using an active
• Strong adoption (42%) of vulnerability scanner
Actively working with vendors to identify and
active vulnerability scanning mitigate vulnerabilities during FAT and SAT 36.2%

technologies, historically Periodic scanning during system downtime 29.6%

Comparison of configuration and control
viewed as risky in legacy logic programs against known-good 29.1%

control environments. This Other 4.6%

adoption indicates additional 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

trust from asset owners with Figure 26. Vulnerability Data Sources
regard to implementing these technologies in a modern ICS environment.

• Broader adoption (36%) of organizations leveraging opportunities to

discover vulnerabilities in factory acceptance testing (FAT) and site
acceptance testing (SAT) to
How are patches and updates handled on your critical control
mitigate risks before they are
system assets? Select the most applicable method.
Apply all outstanding patches and
• Roughly 30% use known updates on a continuous basis
Apply all outstanding patches and
good configurations matched updates during routine downtime 9.9%
Apply vendor-validated patches
against current configurations on a continuous basis 17.3%

and logic to validate that Pre-test and apply vendor-validated

patches on a defined schedule 35.1%
processes run as expected. Layer additional controls instead of patching 4.5%
Take no action. Don’t patch or
After identifying vulnerabilities, most layer controls around them 6.4%
use a mitigation plan to reduce risk, Unknown 7.4%
with only 6% taking no action. See Other 3.5%
Figure 27. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Figure 27. Vulnerability Remediation Methods

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 20

Until recently, most process environments could not continually apply
patches. Consequently, the 16% of respondents that apply patches
on a continual basis represents a welcome sign of the improving
reliability in ICS patch management cycles. Energy sector respondents
were the most likely to have a continual patch cycle but also most
likely not to address the vulnerability (thus presenting a paradox).

People Drive Process Who in your organization sets policy for security of control systems?

Along with technology, people and processes Unknown 14.6%

represent critical elements of a robust ICS CISO 36.4%
cybersecurity program. Leadership that Chief operations
officer 7.3%
understands ICS is key.
CSO 8.3%
Thirty-six percent of respondents indicate CTO 10.2%
that the CISO sets the policy for ICS security.
Corporate risk officer 5.3%
Only 8% of respondents report that these
Plant/Facility-specific 7.8%
policies derive from the plant level, and the
Other 10.2%
chief technology officer ranks as the second-
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
highest corporate officer setting policy. See
Figure 28. Security Policy Responsibility
Figure 28.

Implementation, however, remains largely in Who in your organization is responsible for implementation of
the hands of IT management (39%), although security controls around control systems? Select all that apply.
35% indicate that the CISO has a hands-on
IT manager 39.0%
role in implementing the processes and
Corporate level
strategy they set for the organization. See position (CIO/CISO) 34.6%
Owner or operator of
Figure 29. the control system 34.1%

Engineering manager 31.7%

Because OT and IT often have different
philosophies, distinction between policy Plant system manager 18.0%
Vendor or supplier
and implementation can have significant who built the solution 16.6%

implications. So, to create a solid ICS security Other 8.3%

team, organizations need to continue Internal auditors 7.3%
prioritizing communications, outreach, and External security
provider (MSSP)
education between the two groups. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Figure 29. Security Control Implementation

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 21

Where Do We Go from Here?
Effectively defending OT environments requires a multifaceted and integrated strategy
that considers internal and external risks, understands vulnerability to those risks,
and prioritizes mitigation measures via people, processes, and technology to manage
identified risks. This approach requires a solid understanding of the state of play across
similar entities and key partnerships internally, especially with IT security teams and with
peers in other organizations.

The gaps and challenges that the ICS community needs to address include:

• Better understanding of the threat landscape, with enhanced sharing of incidents to

improve collective defense

• Understanding the process-related impacts of incidents

• Correlating process control telemetry with cybersecurity telemetry for root cause

• Meeting current ICS security hygiene fundamentals—improved asset identification

and connectivity management

• Improving OT/ICS endpoint visibility as key technologies continue to mature

The ICS community faces an inflection point. We continue to see investments and outcomes
from OT security efforts increase, but risk drivers do not remain static. OT security
dominates the national cyber conversation in ways not previously imagined. Although the
ICS/OT security community has made great strides, we still have hard work ahead.

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 22

About the Author
Mark Bristow, a SANS instructor for ICS515: ICS Active Defense and Incident Response,
is an active member of the ICS cybersecurity community at both the operator and policy
level. Mark is passionate about growing the “army of smart ICS cybersecurity people” and
helping to defend the critical systems that underpin modern life. Over his career, Mark
has been on the front lines of headline-grabbing incident response efforts, such as the
attack on the Ukrainian power grid, intrusions into US election infrastructure, and Russian
attempts to gain access to the US power grid. Mark earned a bachelor degree in computer
engineering from Pennsylvania State University and currently works for the Cybersecurity
and Infrastructure Security Agency, a part of the Department of Homeland Security.

Mark wants to thank Lindsey Cerkovnik, Jason Dely, and Dean Parsons for their
contributions to and peer review of this paper.


SANS would like to thank this paper’s sponsors:

A SANS 2021 Survey: OT/ICS Cybersecurity 23

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