Hide and Seek

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n d S e e k

by Lynne Rickards
illustrated by Moni Perez

Institute of Education
Zara liked feeding the baby chicks.
She liked to fill up their dish and watch
them peck.

‘One, two, three chicks,’ said Zara.
‘Fluff, Puff and Scruff.’

One day the cage door was open.
Zara looked inside.

One, two … wait! Where was Scruff?
‘Miss Garcia!’ called Zara. ‘Scruff is gone!
We have to find her!’
All the children jumped up to help.
Miss Garcia told them where to look.

Omar and Beno looked on the floor.
Zara and Leila looked on shelves
and tables. Kofi looked under
Miss Garcia’s desk.

Everyone was talking as they looked.
Where was Scruff? How did she get out?
‘Shh, class!’ said Miss Garcia. ‘I can hear
a noise. Let’s listen.’


All the children stood still. Scratch, scratch.

There was a noise!
Scratch, scratch. There it was again!




The scratching was coming from the back
of the classroom.
Scratch, scratch, scratch … peep, peep, peep!
‘There she is!’ said Miss Garcia.

‘I think Scruff was playing Hide and Seek!’
said Zara.
Green band

Hide nd Seek Lynne Rick rds

Using this book Learning Outcomes
Developing reading comprehension Children can:
The story, set in a school, tells of three • read fluently with attention to
little chicks being looked after by the punctuation
pupils. When the cage door is left open, • discuss and interpret character
they assume that the one of the chicks has
escaped. After looking, the children discover • solve new words using print detail while
that the chick had never left the cage after attending to meaning and syntax.
The reader has to infer that the chick has A guided reading lesson
not left the cage by the position of the Introducing the text
environmental sounds at the back of the
Give each child a copy of the book and read
classroom. The relevance of the title ‘Hide
the title.
and Seek’ becomes clear only at the end
of the story. Teacher questioning to focus Orientation
children on how we know that Scruff never Give a brief orientation to the text: The
left the cage will be helpful to support the children are looking after three little chicks;
development of inference skills. Fluff, Puff and Scruff. Every day they count
them; One, two, three (pointing on the title
Grammar and sentence structure
page). Every day they feed them.
• Using speech marks and print details (bold
print, for example) to inform reading with Preparation
expression. Make sure the children know the names of
• Use of an abstract pronoun; There was a the children and the teacher in the story.
noise; There she is; There it was again. If it is the first time they have read an
International School story, show the children
Word meaning and spelling which child is which in the book.
• Synonyms for talking; called, said and their page 2: Here is Zara, feeding the chicks.
link to meaning. Where do they live?
• Decoding words with 3 letter consonant page 3: Are all the chicks in the cage?
blends; Scratch, Scruff, three.
page 4: What has happened? How do you
Curriculum links think it got out?
Taking care of animals would link well with The children looked everywhere...
this book. Discussing how to care for animals
page 10: Miss Garcia has heard something –
properly, the importance of feeding and
what do you think she has heard?
exercise routines and people who care for
animals would all make helpful links with Let’s read the story and find out.
the story.
Strategy Check
Science activities to understand life cycles Prepare the children for the reading
and growth would also develop the storyline. strategies required at Green band.
If you get stuck you can go back to the
beginning of the line and think about what

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