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Intensive Care Ventilation System

Technical Specifications


Intensive Care Ventilation System

System Overview
ElVent G7 is a state-of-the-art mechanical ventilation system intended for ICU use, covering the full age-range of patients
from adult, pediatric to neonatal with a single unit. It has been designed in accordance with ISO, IEC, and SFDA guidelines
to serve as a Tier-1 Intensive care ventilator utilizing the latest trends in technology. Ventilation is based on autonomous
turbine blower, rendering the need for compressed medical air obsolete. The device can be operated in several ventilation
modes such as assist/control, synchronized, patient triggered in both pressure control and volume control settings.

The system utilizes a fully touch screen based control, free from any mechanical buttons, providing ease of operations and
avoids potential points of failure. The main user screen has all the vital data including key monitoring parameters, mode
selection, parameter settings, triggers, maneuvering, ventilate/standby commands, and alarms. In addition, it has real-time
graphs for pressure, tidal volume, and flow as well as pressure-volume, flow-volume loop graphs.

ElVent is built as fully integrated stainless steel assembly with internal battery and UPS. The unit is mains electricity
powered with provision for three hours of backup duty in case of mains power failure.

ElVent System Components

Ventilator Module  Control module

 Sensors: O2, Pressure, Flow, Temperature
 Valves: Gas Flow, Safety Pressure Release
 Turbine blower unit
 Connectors: Oxygen Supply Inlet, Air inlet filter, , Gas Outlet to Patient
breathing Circuit, Proximal Flow Sensor, Expiratory valve
 Gas Manifold
 Fan with sensor
 Power supply AC-DC converter, UPS/Charger, 24 V DC Supply
 Maintenance free Lead Acid batteries, AGM Technology 12V/7.2AH
 3+ hours battery backup

Monitoring & Display  Medical Grade Touch Screen

 Position adjustable by tilting and turning
 USB port for software upgrade, alarm log/data export
 RJ-45 Network port for remote monitoring, email alert
 Real-time waveforms, loops, Breathing data, real-time status
 Clinical alarms, service alarms, event history
 Ventilation mode selection, parameter settings
 Maneuver, service, calibration facility

Accessories  Mounting base with Castor and breaks

 Support arm for patient tubing
 Breathing Circuit
 Patient Flow sensor
 Disposable expiration valve
 Filters (HME Filters, Anti-microbial), HEPA Filter
 Humidifier Equipment

ELVENT G7 v4 ©2020-2021 ELECTRONIA

Intensive Care Ventilation System

Technical Specifications

Description Specification
Adult, Pediatric, Neonatal
50 - 2000 ml (Adult)
Tidal volume
20 - 350ml (Pediatric)
2 - 100ml (Neonatal)
Inspiratory pressure 5 - 90 cmH2O, 5 - 50cmH2O
Maximum inspiratory flow 180 l/min
Respiratory rate 6 - 120 /min, 6 - 150/min
Inspiratory time 0.4 - 8 sec, 0.1 - 3 sec
Fraction of Inspired Oxygen 21 -100%
± (Volume fraction of 2.5% + 2.5% of
Oxygen mixer accuracy
actual reading)
Flow Sensor, O2 sensor calibration,
Preoperational checks
Self-test, Hose resistance

Pneumatic specifications
O2 Input pressure 3 to 6 bar / 43 to 87 psi/ 300-600kPa
Gas Inlet Connector (O2) DISS (CGA 1240)
Inspiratory outlet (To patient port) Connector ISO ID15/OD22 conical
Expiratory outlet (From patient
Connector ISO ID 22 conical

Electrical Power Supply

100 to 240 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz.
AC Mains Supply
IEC inlet power entry module
Power consumption 300 watts maximum
2 x 12V, 7.2Ah, VRLA, AGM
Electrical specifications: Technology, Sealed, Maintenance
Battery free
Operating time:
Battery backup: 3+ hours

Human Interface

User Interface Capacitive Touch Screen, PC

Size 18”, High Definition, LED
Display Terminal

Graphical Patient Data

Graph type Parameters
Automatic scaling of graph based on
Waveforms Paw, Flow, Volume (real-time) patient type
Flow-Volume , Pressure-Volume
Loop Graphs
Inspiration Controlled, Triggered,
Dynamic Lung
Spontaneous, Expiration

ELVENT G7 v4 ©2020-2021 ELECTRONIA

Intensive Care Ventilation System

Parameter settings and Controls

Parameter (units) Adult Pediatric(PED) Neonatal (NEO)

Tidal Volume Vt (ml) 50 - 2000 20 - 350 2 - 100
RR (/min) 6 -120 6 -120 6 - 150
Delta Pinsp (cmH2O) 5 - 90 5 - 90 5 - 50
Flow rate (l/min) 3 - 180 2 - 30 2 - 30
PEEP (cmH2O) 0 - 50 0 - 50 0 - 25
P support (cmH2O) 0 - 60 0 - 60 0 - 40
Oxygen (%) 21 to 100 21 to 100 21 to 100
I:E 1:10 to 4:1 1:10 to 4:1 1:10 to 4:1
TI (s) 0.4 to 8 sec 0.4 to 8 sec 0.1 to 3 sec
Insp-Rise time(s) 0 to 0.4s 0 to 0.4s 0 to 0.2s
Trigger, Flow (l/min) 0.5 to 20 0.5 to 20 0 to 5
Trigger,Pressure (cmH2O) -20 to -0.1 -20 to -0.1 -5 to 0

Operating Modes

Mode form Mode Name Description

Assist Control Ventilation

Mandatory breaths are Volume controlled. Spontaneous
Volume-controlled ACV-VC
breaths can be triggered at both pressure levels

A fixed rate is set for volume-controlled mandatory

SIMV-VC breaths. These breaths can be alternated with pressure-
supported spontaneous

Mandatory breaths are pressure controlled. Spontaneous

Pressure-controlled ACV-PC
breaths can be triggered at both pressure levels

Mandatory breaths are pressure controlled. Mandatory

SIMV-PC breaths can be alternated with pressure-supported
spontaneous breaths.

PRVC Pressure Regulated Volume Control

Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure, Pressure controlled,

BIPAP Spontaneous breaths can be triggered at both pressure

Spontaneous Continuous Positive Airway Pressure with

Pressure Support
Spontaneous CPAP+PS Backup support – PC or VC based for Apnea
Return to CPAP based on spontaneous activity

Non Invasive Ventilation

Non Invasive NIV Active Leak Compensation
Use nasal mask or facial mask

ELVENT G7 v4 ©2020-2021 ELECTRONIA

Intensive Care Ventilation System

Monitoring Parameters


Pressure ΔP (cmH2O) Driving pressure

PEEP (positive end-expiratory
pressure) and CPAP (continuous
PEEP/CPAP (cmH2O) positive airway
Pmean (cmH2O) Mean airway pressure
Ppeak (cmH2O) Peak airway pressure
Pplateau (cmH2O) Plateau or end-inspiratory pressure
Minimum airway pressure of the
Pminimum (cmH20)
previous breath cycle
Peak inspiratory flow, spontaneous
Flow Insp Flow (l/min)
or mandatory
Exp Flow (l/min) Peak expiratory flow
Flow of gas to the patient during high
Flow (l/min)
flow oxygen therapy
Volume ExpMinVol or MinVol NIV (l/min) Expiratory minute volume
VSpont (ml) Spontaneous volume
VTI (ml) Inspiratory tidal volume
VLeak (ml) Leakage volume
Oxygen concentration of the
Oxygen Oxygen (%)
delivered gas

Time fTotal (b/min) Total breathing frequency

Lung Compliance (ml/mbar) Lung Compliance

Lung Resistance (mbar/L/s) Resistance

Standards and Certifications

Classification Class IIb

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 13485:2016
ISO 80601-2-12:2020
Certifications and Standards ISO 45001:2018

ISO 80601-2-55:2020
ISO 5356-1:2015
IEC 61056-1/2: 2012
IEC 60601-1-2:2015

IEC 60601-1 4th Edition Medical

Anti-bacterial Aluminum Housing for
Display Terminal

Degree of protection IP51

ELVENT G7 v4 ©2020-2021 ELECTRONIA

Intensive Care Ventilation System

Measurement Accuracies

Real-time Parameters

Parameters Units Range Tolerance

0 to 90
Patient Airway Pressure (Paw) cmH20 ± (2 + 4% of reading)
(filtered at 10Hz)

Patient Tidal Volume (VT) mL 0 to 2000 ± (15 + 10% of reading)

-20 to 20 Neonatal ± (0.1 + 10% of reading) neonatal

-30 to 30 Pediatric ± (0.2 + 10% of reading) pediatric
Patient Flow rate mL/min
-180 to 180 Adult ± (0.5 + 10% of reading) adult
(filtered at 10Hz)

Key parameters

± (2 + 10% of reading) neonatal

Expiratory Tidal Volume ( VTe) mL 0 to 2000
± (4 + 10% of reading) pediatric/adult

± (2 + 10% of reading) neonatal

Inspiratory Tidal Volume ( VTi) mL 0 to 2000
± (4 + 10% of reading) pediatric/adult

Inspiratory Spontaneous Tidal ± (2 + 10% of reading) neonatal

mL 0 to 2000
Volume ( VTi spon) ± (4 + 10% of reading) pediatric/adult

Expiratory Minute Volume ( MVe) mL/min. 0 to 100000 400 + 10% of reading

Respiratory Rate (RR) b/min 0 to 250 ± (2 or 5% of reading)

Measured time of last inspiration

ms 0 to 10000 ± (50 + 5% of reading)

Measured time of last expiration

ms 0 to 10000 ± (50 + 5% of reading)

Peak Pressure ( Ppeak) cmH2O 0 to 90 ± (2 + 4% of reading)

Plateau Pressure ( Pplat) 0 to 90 ± (2 + 4% of reading)

Positive End-Expiratory Pressure
0 to 40 ± (2 + 4% of reading)

Mean Airway Pressure (MAP) 0 to 90 ± (2 + 4% of reading)

FiO2 derived from sensor ( FiO2) Vol.% 21 to 100 ± (2.5 + 2.5% of reading)

ELVENT G7 v4 ©2020-2021 ELECTRONIA

Intensive Care Ventilation System

Alarm Management

Priority Alarm Description Category

Leakage Detected

Hose Disconnected or Low Pressure

Air Input Flow Low

Patient Status Alarm

Apnea Timeout

Pmax Reached, Relief To Ambient

FiO2 Upper Limit, Lower Limit

RR Upper Limit, PEEP Lower Limit

MVe Upper Limit, Lower Limit

Oxygen Supply Pressure Low, High

High level Alarms
Gas Output Temperature High

Loss of External Power

Blower Malfunction, Motor Temperature High

Patient pressure Sensor Malfunction

O2 Sensor Malfunction, O2 Supply Pressure sensor malfunction

Output Flow Sensor Malfunction, Internal Flow Measurement Error

Battery 10% level, Battery 0% alarm System is going to shutdown

Power Monitoring Failed, Communication failed

Battery Fail , Power Supply Voltage Too Low

Relief To PEEP
RR Lower Limit

VTi Upper Limit, VTi Lower Limit

PEEP Upper Limit

Medium Level Alarms
Battery at 40% level

Fan Failure

Supply Voltage Low

Minor Leakage Detected

Output, Input Gas Temperature Sensor Malfunction

Pilot Valve Malfunction

Technical Alarm

Ambient Pressure Sensor1, Sensor 2 Malfunction

Low Level Alarms
Low Pressure Oxygen Error

Input Gas Temperature High

Output Pressure Sensor Malfunction

Air Flow Sensor Malfunction

ELVENT G7 v4 ©2020-2021 ELECTRONIA

Intensive Care Ventilation System

Standard Configuration and Options

Configuration and options
Adjustable O2 enrichment 

Adjustable Volume limitation 

Communication ports: RJ-

45, USB, HDMI, COM (RS- 
Distributed alarm system

Event log (up to 1000 events
with date and time stamp)
Patient Details, Hospital 

Print screen 

SpO2 monitoring 

Nebulizer 

Standby with timer 

Trends/Loops 

ELVENT G7 v4 ©2020-2021 ELECTRONIA

Intensive Care Ventilation System

Error Handling, Critical Alarms

Hose Disconnected alarm with critical message display

Hose disconnection No Ventilation. A continuous Low gas flow maintained
Automatic Ventilation upon restoring the circuit connection

Ventilator Limited Operation Critical Message

Sensor tube disconnection or
Ventilator operation continues with gas delivery based on internal sensors
kinked tube
Automatically restores normal operation upon reconnection of the tube

Expiratory tube disconnection Alarm with Ventilator Not operative critical message display for immediate
(*During Ventilation, an operator must be present at all times near the patient
Air input blockage or available for immediate Patient Attention.)

Reports, Remote Monitoring and Control

Centralized Real-time Monitoring of Ventilator and Patient data

Cloud based system with Information Security, end-to-end encryption

Single system supports multiple hospital branches, ventilators

Virtual Command Center
Hospital, Patient, ventilator information

Ventilator status, Alarm status and Updated time

Real-time graphs of monitored Pressure, Volume and Flow rate

Remote Monitoring

Operation mode, Breath parameters, Critical events – Limited operation,

Ventilator Not Operative, Standby

Dynamic Lung with triggered, controlled, spontaneous breath indication

Remote view and operation control of ventilator

Remote Control
Telemedicine Support
Alarm logs, Operation Logs, Service Reports

Exporting reports to PDF, TXT file

Manage Report
Reports as Email notification to recipients

Real-time reports, scheduled reports

ELVENT G7 v4 ©2020-2021 ELECTRONIA

Intensive Care Ventilation System

Ventilator Calibration/ Pre-use checks

Hose Compliance and circuit tightness
Hose Resistance
Oxygen sensor @21% and 100%
Pressure at 90cmH2O
Flow rate at 120lpm
Maintenance History

Physical Characteristics

Ventilation unit with monitor: 25 Kg

Mobile Base with Locking Casters

Base can accommodate maximum safe working load of 80Kg

130cm (H) x 50cm (W) x 30cm (D) without Base

150cm (H) x 60cm (W) x 55cm (D) with Base/Caster wheels

Monitor 18.5“, WXGA (1366 x768), Color, LED Touch screen

5.4 kg

Designed & Manufactured:


6413 First Industrial City Dammam,
P. O. Box 180, Saudi Arabia 32234
[email protected]

ELVENT G7 v4 ©2020-2021 ELECTRONIA

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