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(Formerly known as MLZS Howrah)
Worksheet No. 3.2 Class:5 27.7.2021 COMPUTER CHAPTER 3
Subject - Computer

Chapter 7: Features of File Management

Syllabus: Windows Explorer, Different operations of file management, Tampering

with documents
Scope of Syllabus:
• Windows Explorer - File, Folder, Viewing file and folder
• Different operations of file management - Copy, Pasting , Moving , Renaming and Deleting a file
/ folder
• File and Folder properties option
• Searching a file / folder
• Tampering with documents
Topic 1 - Windows Explorer

• Windows Explorer is a program that is used in viewing and organizing files and folders on
• It is used to navigate and manage the drives, folders, and files on your computer. The image
below shows File Explorer/Windows Explore.

Click on the link below to have a better understanding to the introduction of the topic:

• A file contains information like text, images and so on.

• Files are represented with icons of the program they are made in and with the name by which
it is saved.
• This makes it easy to recognize a type of file.


• A folder is a place where we can store different files.

• A folder can also store other folders. A folder within a folder is called
sub folder.
• Any numbers of subfolder that can hold any number of files and other
subfolder can be created.

Viewing Files and Folder

Step 1 - Click on start button.

Step 2 - Click on All programs.
Step 3 - Click on Accessories.
Step 4 - Click on Windows Explorer.

This will open Windows Explorer where

Files and folders can be viewed.(figure 1)

Steps 1 start Windows Explorer
Topic 2 - Different operations of File

Click on the link below to have a better understanding to the introduction of

the topic:

Copying and Pasting a file and folder

Selecting a copy in edit
• When you copy and paste a file, you make a duplicate of the original file. menu
• You can modify the duplicated file independently without affecting the original file.
To copy and paste a file / folder, follow the steps given below:

Step 1 – Select the file / folder you want to copy.

Step 2 - Click on edit menu and choose the copy option.
Step 3 - Open drive or folder where you want to create a copy of file / folder.
Step 4 – Click on edit menu and choose paste option.

The copy of original file will be created in the new location.


Step 1 - Select the file / folder you want to copy.

Step 2 – Right click on file / folder and then choose the copy option from the shortcut menu that
Step 3 - Open the drive or folder where you want to create a copy of the file / folder.
Step 4 – Right click on the blank space within the location and then choose the paste option.

The copy of original file will be created in the new location.

• To copy a file / folder - Ctrl + C

• To paste a file/folder- Ctrl + V

Moving a File / Folder

• Moving a file / folder means shifting a file / folder from one location to another.
• This can be done using cut and paste operation.

To cut and paste a file/ folder, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Select the file / folder you want to move.

Step 2: Click on the edit menu and choose the cut option.
Step 3: Open the drive or folder where you want to move a file / folder.
Step 4: Click on the edit menu and choose the paste option

You will observe that the original file has been moved from the source location and shifted to the
destination drive / folder.


Step 1: Select the file / folder you want to move.

Step 2: Right click on file / folder and then choose the cut option from the shortcut menu that
Step 3: Open the drive or folder where you want to move the selected file / folder.
Step 4: Right click on the blank space within the location and then choose the paste option.

You will observe that the original file has been moved from the source location and shifted to the
destination drive / folder.
• To cut file/ folder : Ctrl + X

Renaming a File/Folder

Click on the link below to have a better understanding to the introduction of the topic:

There are two ways to rename a file /folder.

1. Open the file or folder that you want to rename and save it with a different name using the Save as
2. (a) Right click on the file or folder that you want to rename and then click on Rename option.
(b) Type the new name and then press enter. It will change the file or folder name.

• To rename a file /folder : F2

Renaming a folder Renaming a file

• You can rename several files at one time.

• To do this, select the files and then right click on any
one file and select the rename option.
• Type one name and then press enter key.
• The files will be saved with the new name but with
the different sequential number at the end.
• Eg – Rename 1 , Rename 2, Rename 3 and so on.
Deleting a File/Folder

To delete a file or folder, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Right click on the file / folder that you want to delete and choose the delete option. The
delete file message box will appear on the screen asking for the confirmation to delete the file.
Step 2: Select YES to confirm. You will find that the file / folder has been deleted and moved
to Recycle bin.

• To delete a file / folder permanently : Shift + Del

Topic 3 - File and Folder properties option

• To view information about a file or folder, right-click it and select Properties.

• The file properties window shows you information like the type of file, the size of the file,
and when you last modified it.
• Basic properties are Name, Type, Contents, Size, Parent Folder, Free Space, Accessed, and

(a)Selecting properties option (b)The file properties dialog box (c)The folder properties
dialog box
Topic 4 - Searching a file / folder

Sometimes it happens that you forgot the folder where you have saved your file/ folder.

Do not worry you have two ways to search for a file/folder.

1. Type the name of the file or folder in the search box at the top right corner of drive folder / folder

2. You can also type the name of the file /folder in search box in the start menu. When you start
typing, the search begins automatically.

Search box

Topic 5 - Tampering with document

• Tampering means improper alteration or interference with document.

• We should not tamper other user file or folders on a computer.
• In the computer lab where you share computer it is important to follow computer manners.
• You should only work with your files and folder.
• Do not copy or delete documents belonging to someone else.

Worksheet 1

Q1 . Choose the correct option

1) What is folder within a folder called ?
a) File b) Icon c) Subfolder
2) Copying a file or folder means
a) Duplicating b) Shifting c) Removing
3) Moving a file or folder means:
a) Renaming b) Cutting c) Shifting
4) When you delete a file or folder, it goes to the
a) Computer b) Recycle Bin c) Desktop
5) This option shows the type of file, location, size, access, creation and modified date.
a) General b) Properties c) Details

Q2. Fill in the blanks

1. Renaming a file or folder means to give a new name to an ________file or folder.

2. To find a file or folder, you can type the required name in the ________of the start menu
3. You can ________the copied file independently without affecting the original file.
4. You can choose different options of file management by ________on the file or folder.
5. You can shift a file or folder using the_____ and paste.

Worksheet 2

Q1. Answer in one word:

1) Which program helps to view and organise files and folders?

2) Where can we store different files in computer?
3) Which menu contains cut copy and paste options?
4) What is an improper alternation with documents called?
5) Which option is used to remove a file or folder?
6) Which shortcut key is used to delete a file or folder permanently?
7) Which function key is pressed to remove a file or folder?
8) Which pane of windows explorer displays drives and folder?
9) Which function is performed by pressing Ctrl + V?
10) Which shortcut key is used to cut a file or folder?

Worksheet 3
(Chapter 1)

Q1. Answer the following questions.

1) What is Hardware and Software? Give examples.

2) What is memory card?
3) Draw a diagram of different types of computer memory.
4) Draw a diagram of Basic Organisational Structure of computer.
5) Write short notes on:

Worksheet 4
(Chapter 7)

Q1. Answer the following questions.

1) Write the steps to copy and paste a file or folder.

2) Write the steps to move a file or folder.
3) Write the steps to rename a file or folder.

Worksheet 1 Solution

Q1. Choose the correct option

1. c) Subfolder
2. a) Duplicating
3. c) Shifting
4. b) Recycle Bin
5. b) Properties

Q2. Fill in the blanks

1. existing
2. search box
3. modify
4. right click
5. cut

Worksheet 2 Solution

Q1. Answer in one word:

1.Windows explorer
2. Folder
3. Edit menu
4. Tampering
5. Delete
6. Shift + Del
7. F2
8. Left pane
9. Paste
10. Ctrl + X

Worksheet 3 Solution

Ans 1. Hardware :The physical parts of a computer are called its hardware.
Eg a) CPU b) Monitor c) Keyboard d) Mouse e) Wires

Software:A set of programs or instructions to make the hardware perform

a given task is called software.

Eg a) Notepad b) Paint c) MSW Logo d) Calculator

Ans 2.
• A memory card is a storage media designed for portable devices like mobile and digital
• It can be easily removed for access by a computer .
• It is available in various sizes with different storage capacities.

Ans 3.

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