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ReactJS Assessment - Test Two 
[Coding Round]   
Problem Details 
You have to design an app to manage a pharmacy. There are two types of users: 
● Store Manager 
● Sales Executive 
A Store Manager has full access to the system. He/she can 
● Manage Inventory 
○ CRUD for medicines 
○ A medicine will have the following information: Name, Manufacturer 
Name, Price, Stock, Discount 
○ Manage Team 
○ CRUD for Sales Executive 
○ A sales executive will have the following information: First Name, 
Last Name, Date of birth, Gender, Experience Years 
● Manage Orders 
○ CRUD Orders 
○ An order will have the following information: OrderId, Customer 
Name, Customer Contact Number, Products, Purchase quantity of 
each product, Total Amount 
A Sales Executive can: 
● Create orders 
● View orders created by them. 
On login show following options to Store Manager: 
● Add Medicine to Inventory 
● View Inventory: 
○ Show list of all the medicines in the store 
○ An option to edit the medicine 
○ An option to delete the medicine 
● Add Sales Executive 
● View Team: 
○ Show list of all the sales executive 
○ An option to edit the details 
○ An option to delete the medicine 
On login show following options to the Sales Executive: 
● Create Order 
○ Enter Customer Name, Contact Number, and Select products with 
● View Orders 
Please add two credential as follows for testing purpose: 
● For Admin Access 
○ Username: test-admin 
○ Password: test-admin 
● For Sales Executive Access 
○ Username: test-sales 
○ Password: test-sales 
Screen Details 
● You have to design the screens yourself. You can take inspiration 
from Dribbble, Pinterest or any other design website. There will be 
marks allotted for design. 
● No API calls are to be implemented. All the data needs to be 
handled in the local storage. 
Grading Details 
● Total Grades:​ 200 
● Passing Grades:​ 140 
Result/Report Details 
● The result, grades and reports will be shared on 31st Mar’21. 
Submission Details 
● You have to submit the code URL. Please upload all your code in a public 
Github Repository. 
● You have to submit the hosted web app URL.You can host the web app on 
Firebase, Glitch, Netlify etc. 
● You have to submit the project video. You can upload the video on Vimeo, 
Youtube, Google Drive etc. Please ensure that the video is publicly 
available. To check that please try to open the URL in incognito mode. 
● You have to submit all these 3 URLs at this form: 
● Please ensure that you make your submissions before 15th Mar’21 06:00 
PM IST sharp. N​ o late submissions will be accepted. 
Video Details 
● The duration of the video should be max 20 minutes. 
● Total marks for the video is 100. 
● You can record the video using zoom, loom or any other screen recording 
● Please ensure that your video is also visible either on the bottom left side 
of screen or bottom right side of the screen. 
● The video needs to be structured in 3 sections: 
○ Webapp Walkthrough (Max 3 minutes) 
■ You have to give a product demo of your web app. Basically, 
talk about all the functionalities and show them live. 
○ Code Walkthrough (Max 10 minutes) 
■ Project Architecture: 
● You have to talk about how you have structured the 
app - module-wise or functionality-wise or 
file-type-basis or something else and why? 
■ Screenwise files walkthrough 
● You have to talk about a web app screen and all the 
files used for it. 
○ QnA (Max 7 minutes): Please answer the following questions 
■ How did you implement the filter functionality on the Order 
listing page. You can do a screenshare and explain too. 
■ How did you implement the search functionality? You can do 
a screenshare and explain too. 
■ Can you please explain what is “Component Lifecycle and its 
types”, in ReactJS? 

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