Objective of Assignment: To Be Unique and The Market Leader Providing Quality

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The purpose of preparing report is to gain HRM knowledge in the field of real business world.

Effective HRM system for today’s & future in Garments Industry.

The main objectives of the studies are as follows:

 To know about various Human Resource functions as Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training
and Development, Compensation Management etc of Ananta Groups.
 To know about the company’s proper rules & regulations.
 To know about employees’ facilities & job satisfaction of the company.
 To identify SWOT of HRM


About the company

The management is passionate in fashioned Jeans manufacturing and the main focus of the company is in fancy
washes with optimum quality & on time delivery. Tusuka incorporates latest washing technologies, chemicals
and machineries in washing. It also integrated a dedicated R & D department to learn and implement new
washing techniques to match the trend. To ensure the quality we have advance sewing machineries in
production line & dedicated quality team for individual buyers/brand. The in-house garment testing laboratory is
able to meet the basic testing requirement. They are dedicated to offer the best product to our buyers.


1997 Started buying house named texel only for woven garments
2001 With the vision of specialized denim/jeans making, Tusuka started its venture as
jeans manufacturer with only 2 sewing lines and a small laundry to take the
opportunity of globally growing demand of denim garment.
2003 After a year management found the necessity of a world-class in-house laundry
section to fulfil the vision. So, management started to expended the laundry and new
sewing lines in its compound.

Company profile
Start manufacturing unit 2002
Total number of workers 13,850
Total size of plant 8,03,500 sq ft.
Total machines 6128 sets
Total sewing lines 48 lines
Sewing capacity per day 80,000 pcs per day
Laundry capacity per day 75,000 pcs per day
Production lead time 105 days
Yearly turnover 160 million
Product line Men’s ladies, Boys, girls, and kids’ denim, shorts,
skirts, jackets, shorts, overall cargo pants/ shorts
Mission To be unique and the market leader providing quality
woven garments to their valued customers around the

Vision Quality is always the combination of the highest

intent, sincerest effort with an accurate execution
Main market Switzerland, UK, Japan, USA, Germany, Spain
Chine, France, etc
Certification Gold supplier by H&M group
Email [email protected]
Website www.tusuka.com


Corporate organisation

Factory Organisation
Production units
 Tusuka Fashions Ltd
 Tusuka Jeans Ltd
 Tusuka Trousers Ltd
 Tusuka Apparels Ltd
 Jeans & Polo Ltd.
 Parkview Dresses Ltd
 Laundry Unit: Tusuka Processing Ltd
 Embroidery Unit: Needle Art Embroidery Ltd.
 Printing & Packaging Unit: Tusuka Packaging Ltd.

Department based management activities

 Administration Department
 HR Department
 Merchandising Department
 Store Department
 MIS Department
 Sample Department
 CAD Department
 Work study Department
 Cutting Department
 Sewing Department
 Washing Department
 Finishing Department
 QC
 QA


Arshad Jamal, Chairman of He started his carrier as an Mr. Rafayet Ullah Khan He had started his carrier
Tusuka and Vice President Asst. Merchandiser in the born in a noble Muslim in apparels factory
of BGMEA was born in the year 1992 in Epic Design, a family at Gazaria, production, and eventually
year 1968. He was reputed Buying House in Munishgonj. He he become Chief
meritorious and bright since the country. He did completed Graduation Technician of Epic
his boyhood. He completed extremely good in his from Dhaka University. Designers. He is one of
Honours’ and assigned work and From his childhood he the best apparels
MBA(Finance) from IBA established himself as an was engaged various manufacturing expert in
(Institute of Business efficient Merchandiser. social welfare activities. the country. He has high
Administration) of Dhaka Fayzur Rahman Mr. Rafayet Ullah Khan level of production skills
University in the year 1992 Managing Director Deputy Managing successfully managing day
Arshad Jamal Director to day events in the
Chairman factory.
Mr. Feroz Alam


Employees in overall Management

Employees in department of basic labour

Machinery in Industry

Human resource planning is the process of an organization ensures that it has the right number & kind of people,
at the right places, at the time, capable of effectively & efficiently completing those tasks that will help the
organization achieve its overall objectives.

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of,
management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. HRM can also be
performed by line managers. Job analysis is primary tool in personnel management. In this method, a personnel
manager tries to gather, synthesize and implement the information available regarding the workforce in the
concern. A personnel manager has to undertake job analysis so as to put right man on right job.

HRM is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation,
hiring, performance management,
organization development, safety,
wellness, benefits, employee motivation,
communication, administration, and

HRM is also a strategic and

comprehensive approach to managing
people and the workplace culture and
environment. Effective HRM enables
employees to contribute effectively and
productively to the overall company
direction and the accomplishment of the
organization’s goals and objectives.

There are two advantages of Job analysis:

1. Job description
2. Job Specification


Generally, HR department is responsible for the overall management. Tusuka Group. considers that success
depends on the collective effort of entire work force. It gives specific guidelines of operation of human resource
division with a vision to maintain the expected standards that are maintained. There are a number of functions
performed by the HR department of Tusuka Group.
They are discussed below:

 Selection and recruitment of general workers and management employees.

 Providing ID card and appointment letter to the employee.
 Updating employee personal file
 Maintaining employee personal file
 Training and development
 Preparing monthly salary sheet
 Preparing increment sheet
 Evaluating performance of the workers and management staff and give promotion or increment based on
the evaluation.
 Maintaining awareness of and compliance with local, state and federal labor laws.
 Recruitment, selection, and on boarding.
 Employee record-keeping and confidentiality.
 Organizational design and development.
 Business transformation and change management.
 Human resources analysis and workforce personnel data management.
 Compensation and employee benefit management.
 Industrial and employee relations.
 Training and development.
 Employee motivation and morale-building
 Performance, conduct and behaviour management. 
 Taking disciplinary actions when and where is needed.
 Leave register.
 Collecting attendance.
 Visiting floor and observing whether the workers are maintaining the rules and regulations or not.



This Recruitment and Selection Policy has been framed with the view of recruiting and selecting People who
have a strong desire to achieve Tusuka Group vision, and who will assist us in achieving the business results.
The main difference between recruitment and selection is Recruitment is positive processes where candidates
are attracted for the post apply there. On the other hand, selection is a negative process where competition arises
and candidates compete with each other and meritorious candidates get job. According to Edwin B. Flippo,
“Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs
in the organization”. Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers.

The Selection Process typically consists of eight steps:

 initial screening interview

 completion of the application form
 emulation tests
 comprehensive interview
 background investigation
 conditional job offers
 medical/physical exam
 permanent job offers

The screening of inquiries

Based on job description and job specification, some of the respondents/applicants can be eliminated.

The provision of screening interviews

The screening interviews are an excellent opportunity for management to describe the job in enough detail so
the candidates can consider whether they are really serious about making application.

The Comprehensive Approach

 Comprehensive selection approach puts applicants through all the steps in the selection process
before making a decision.
 Assesses both strengths and weaknesses and is considered more realistic.

Now it’s Up to the Candidate

 The candidate now has to decide whether this is the job for him or her.
 Applicants who are not hired this time will still form an impression about
 The company.
 Management should assure the selection process leaves them with a
 Favourable impression of the company.
 Suggestions for making your interviews as an applicant successful are:
 Do some homework on the Company.
 Get a good night’s rest the night before.
 Dress appropriately.
 Arrive for the interview a few minutes early.
 Use a firm handshake.
 Maintain good eye contact.
 Take the opportunity to have practice interviews.
 Thank the interviewer at the end of the interview and follow up with a
 thank you note.

Description of activities

Staffing Training development Maintains retention Motivation &

& utilization empowerment

 Human Resource  Organization  Labour management  Employee benefits

planning development relation  Labour welfare
 Guidance placement  Development  Communication  Motivation & job
 Job analysis  Training  Health & safety satisfaction
 Recruitment  Counselling Description of the
selection activities


Recruitment of General Workers For the recruitment of general workers, at first the factory GM decides that
workers should be recruited. Then he informs this officially to the HR Manager. He orders his officers to hire
employee. Then they select and recruit people as they need. For recruiting workers, SSL follow “Gate”
recruitment policy. They don’t hire people based on reference.
Recruitment Advertisement
There are various ways by which it is informed to the workers that there is a garment that is taking people.
Usually, Tusuka group follow the following policies to make advertisement-

 Reference: Before sometime of recruitment, they inform their present working employees that they are
going to recruit people. They can inform people if they know or with whom they are familiar with.

 Banners and Posters: Tusuka Group arranges posters and banners for their advertisement. On these
posters, it is usually written that how many peoples are needed, the position, salary etc.

 Miking: Another way of informing people is miking. By miking, Tusuka group informs people that they
are going to recruit workers. 3.8 Gate Policy of Recruitment At the day of recruitment, the officers of HR
department who are responsible for selecting and recruiting, they go to the gate. There is a security room
beside the gate.

HR officers take their position over there and candidates come to the room one by one by maintaining a queue.
The candidates are responsible to bring some papers or documents which are-
 Photocopy of Chairman Certificate
 Photocopy of National Id Card (If available)
 Photocopy of Birth Certificate
 Photocopy of Educational Qualification Certificate (If available)
 Photocopy of previous working experience certificate (If available)

Once a candidate come with these papers, the officers’ checks whether the documents are okay or not. They also
observe the fitness of the candidates. If they seem to be all right, they are sent to the medical.

Medical is a very important part of recruitment. Here, the primarily selected workers come and the doctors do
their age verification. Age verification is important since Tusuka Group does not recruit child labour. An
eligibility test is also done to make sure that they are able to do their work properly.
Recruitment After the age verification, if the workers are okay from every aspect, they are given an application
form for the job, employee information form, declaration form and finally joining letter for the post. The
workers who are applying for post like helper (cutting, sewing, washing, sample), floor cleaner, security guard
etc. they are sent for a fire and compliance training. They join to the work from the next day of their medical.
On the other hand, the workers who are applying for post like operator (cutting, sewing, washing, sample),
technician, beam fitter, quality checker etc. they are sent to the section head. He is responsible to ensure who are
really able to work and who are not eligible. The selected workers also need to pass a skin test. After that, they
are sent for a fire and compliance training. They join to the work from the next day.

Appointment Letter
The garment is compelled to provide an appointment letter to the recruited workers within 1st day. They will
also receive an identity card which contains name, designation, date of joining and department. The appointment
letter contains information regarding company policy. It contains information regarding salary, overtime and its
payment, leave policy etc. It is a must that each and every appointment letter will contain workers finger print
and signature. The main copy of the appointment letter will be provided to the worker and the photocopy will be
reserved by the HR department for updating personal file.

Employee Personal File When all the procedures are done, the HR department is responsible to keep a personal
file for each worker. It contains the entire document from the beginning to the ending. At first there is a
photocopy of chairman certificate, photocopy of National ID Card/ Photocopy of birth certificate, photocopy the
certificates of educational qualification and work experience (if available), age verification form, application
form for the job, employee information verification form, declaration form, appointment letter and finally
joining letter for the post. It is mandatory that a personal file have to contain a service book. Each company is
responsible to keep a service book by their own cost. A service book consists of five parts.
They are-

 Employee Identification Part – This part contains such information by which they can be identified. It
contains information like employee name, father’s and mother’s name, date of birth, NID number, blood
group, opening date of service book, signature and finger print of worker.

 Organization and Employer Information- This part contains information of regarding the organization
and the employer. In Tusuka Group, the employer is the HR manager.

 Job and Salary Information: This part contains date of joining, ID card number, designation and salary.
In this part, a signature of worker and an HR officer is a must.

 Leave Information: This part contains how many days a worker can take leave. It will keep all the record
of leave taken by a worker.

 Employee Behaviour Record: The final part of service book contains the attitude and behaviour record of
the worker. This part ensures the dedication and nature of a worker.

General Eligibility for Employment

 The candidate’s age must be 18 years or above.
 The candidate must not be convicted by any criminal court.
 Medically & physically fit for the job he or she is seeking may be confirmed by reemployment medical check-
 The company decision to employ will be based on competence for the job & demonstrable behaviors.
 If found suitable, preference will be given to internal candidate who is already employed at SQ in some other
 The candidate should be asked whether she/he worked in this organization before; if so, then we must check
past record before re-appointing the person

The Process Following process to be ensured in order to complete the whole recruitment and selection
1. Requisition with Approval
2. Job posting and Advertisement (Optional)
3. Interviews and Assessment
4. Job Offer
5. Joining

Requisition & Approval Respective Department Heads/ SBU Heads/ Functional Heads shall provide the
Requisition using the prescribed along with the Role Definition to Group HR.

Job Posting and Advertisement

After receiving the approved requisition by Group HR / SBU HR, as applicable, an internal advertisement for
placement must be put through appropriate media, i.e, emails, employee notice boards, intranet etc. giving at
least seven (7) days for application.

In case of unavailability of right internal candidate external job posting may be done through appropriate media
or source through competent head-hunters. All types of recruitment advertisements will be clear and will contain
the following information:
a) Job title & Grade
b) Location & SBU
c) Key Roles & responsibilities (Role Definition)
d) Description of the organization/SBU/department.
e) Last date for applying
f) How and where to apply

Interview and Assessment Initial screening of the CVs/ applications received considering job requirements will
be jointly carried out by HR and respective line managers. A range of options to develop an interview process
appropriate to the level of post on offer should be used. Options that the Selection Panel may consider include:
a) Competence based interviews
b) Practical test, if there is any
c) Competence based interview by Group HR
d) Final interview by top management (if required)

Job Offer
1. The offer of employment shall be issued by Group HR for all Management staff.
2. Only the approved remuneration /grade can be offered by the Group HR/SBUs. Any deviations must be
approved by Director, HR.
3. Remuneration package will be considered on the basis of Total Cost to Company (CTC).
4. Depending on the qualifications, experience & exposure of previous employment, the candidate will be
offered a package within the range of relevant grade as applicable for the SBU
5. Employment Offer Letter to be issued to the selected candidate prior to his joining with conditions of medical
check-up (when applicable) and reference check (if necessary).
Joining Candidates come and meet with HR manager and then appointed to the job.
Things to be done by HR department after jobs are finalised:
 Updating employee personal file: - Updating Employee Personal File Each and every
employee of Tusuka Group owns a file. These files contain everything about an employee.
One of the major tasks of HR department is updating those personal files.
 Writing service book for employee record management: Writing Service Book for
Employee Record Management Service book is a book that contains several information
regarding employee. This service book is a must according to law. It can be kept separately
but in Tusuka Group.it is kept along with the personal files. A good number of service books
have been written during my internship over there.
 ID card distribution: ID card Distribution Each and every employee is required to hang ID
card while visiting the factory Premises. I have distributed ID card among the workers.
 Leave & update them on leave registry book: Leave Form Management & Updating In a
month, many employees enjoy various types of leave. At the end of every month, HR
department is responsible to update them on the leave registry book. These books contain
information regarding leave.
 Performance evaluation form handling & recording: Performance Evaluation Form
Handling & Recording At the end of one year job in a company, one employee gets
promotion or increment. HR department is responsible to make a performance evaluation
sheet including name, ID and department and send it to the department head. Then the
department head will judge him on some criteria and mention how much increment should be
made or whether promotion should be given or not. After doing that, they send it back to the
HR department & they promote or give increment based on this.
 CV sorting: The process of selecting candidates starts with sorting out CVs. Emphasis was
given on the educational qualifications, previous working experience and whether the
candidate has done relevant training program which will be appropriate for the given job
responsibilities. After the initial screening has done, I had to make a list of the candidates
who can be called for interview.
 Sending letter to the employee who are absent for long days.
 Awareness Training
 Disciplinary Actions: sending letter to the employees who are absent in the factory for a
long time (maximum 10 days are allowed).


Training and Development Programs for Human Resource development, increasing efficiency at workplace and
enhancing capability; Tusuka Group conducts several training and development programs. Some of them are
mentioned below-
 Health and safety
 First aid
 Fire fighting
 Fire and compliance
 On the job training
 Chemical handling
 Product handling
 Machine operating system.

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