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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Industrial Arts- Module 1:
Importance and Methods of
Enhancing and Decorating
Bamboo, Wood, and Metal

CO_TLE-IA6_Module 1
TLE – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 1: Importance and Methods of Enhancing and Decorating
Bamboo, Wood, and Metal Products
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Ariel P. Baquinquito
Editors and Reviewers: Jeanalyn L. Jamison, Ana Lee C. Bartolo,
Petronilo R. Bartolo, Velly P. Seguisa, Ivy Dalisay
Illustrator: Jofel D. Nolasco
Layout Artist: Jofel D. Nolasco, Ana Lee C. Bartolo, Ana Lorma A. Dahiroc
Management Team: Ramir B. Uytico, Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr
Neri Anne M. Alibuyog, Bernie L. Libo-on
Elena Gonzaga, Donald T. Genine
Melgar B. Coronel, Ana Lee C. Bartolo
Jeanalyn L. Jamison

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Technology and Livelihood Education
Industrial Arts
Module 1:
Importance and Methods of
Enhancing and Decorating
Bamboo, Wood, and Metal
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module
or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the skills in enhancing and decorating bamboo, wood and metal products.
The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations.
The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of learners. The lessons
are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which
you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

This module focusses on the following topics:

a. The importance of enhancing and decorating the product.

b. The methods of enhancing wood and bamboo products
c. Methods of enhancing metal products

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

a. Discuss the importance and methods of enhancing and decorating

bamboo, wood and metal products. (TLE6IA-0a-1)

What I Know

Directions: Read each item and choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is a process of enhancing finished product?

a. Improving the appearance of the finished product
b. Buying a finished product
c. Selling the finished product
d. Painting the product
2. The process of adding more items to improve its appearance is called ______.
a. Painting the product c. Decorating the product
b. Varnishing the product d. Finishing the product
3. What technique on enhancing metal product uses hammer, metal, stamp,
stencils, and other materials to create imprints on the metal surface?
a. Painting c. Embossing
b. Etching d. Beautifying

1 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1
4. What do you call the items that enhanced the beauty of the products?
a. Finishing materials c. Sketches
b. Accessories d. Decoration
5. Which of the following refers to the ease in selling a product?
a. Enriching c. Innovate
b. Improving d. Marketability
6. The following are the reasons why there is a need to enhance your finished
product, except ONE. What is it?
a. It is more saleable
b. More durable and beautiful
c. It makes a product more expensive
d. More attractive
7. Which is an example of a product made from metal?
a. Woven basket c. Wooden Lamp
b. Wind Chimes d. Bottle Flower Vase
8. How can you make your product saleable and beautiful?
a. Enhance and decorate the product.
b. Copy the work of other people.
c. Use expensive materials.
d. Use any method.
9. What characteristics does a handicraft maker need to possess in order to
make his/her products salable and attractive?
a. Pride and honor. c. Orderliness and cleanliness
b. Creativity and innovativeness d. Health and profit
10. Which of the following are product made of wood?
a. Crystal accessories c. Wind Chimes
b. Wooden utensils d. Woven bamboo basket

Lesson Importance and Methods

of Enhancing and
1 Decorating Bamboo, Wood
and Metal Products
Finished products tend to be more saleable to the customers when enhanced
and decorated. Enhancing and decorating finished products helped maintain their
durability and toughness against harsh elements that may damage the product.
Improving the appearance of the product increase the possibility that it can be easily
notice or to be eye catching. Decorating it well, will also give an artistic look in which
other product doesn’t have. This will also raise the chance that customers would
want to buy that product.

2 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1
What’s In

A. Directions: List at least 5 products that can be made from the

following materials. Write your answer in a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Bamboo
a. ___________
b. ___________
c. ___________
d. ___________
e. ___________

2. Wood:
a. ___________
b. ___________
c. ___________
d. ___________
e. ___________

3. Metal:
a. ___________
b. ___________
c. ___________
d. ___________
e. ___________

B. Directions: Arrange the scrambled words to form a correct word through its
meaning. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper

1. TAMARLIKEBITY is a measure of whether a product will appeal to

buyer and sell to a price range to generate

2. VANONIVETI introducing new ideas, original and creative


3. CENEHAN further improve the quality of the product

4. SSOACCESIER a thing which can be added to something else in

order to make it useful, versatile or attractive.

5. RACODETE look more attractive by adding extra items or

images on it.

3 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1
What’s New

Mang Jose and Mang Tano are both bamboo craft makers. Renato
observed that more people are buying the products of Mang Jose.

What could be the reason why customers are attracted to the products
of Mang Jose?

One morning, he asked one of the customers of Mang Jose the reason
why they like to buy his products. The customer replied, “the products of
Mang Jose are durable, functional and more aesthetically attractive.”

Durability, functionality, and the aesthetic appearance of the product

promotes marketability, therefore maintaining the good quality of the product
is very essential if you want to gain more profit from selling the product. This
depends on your creativity and workmanship to improve, enrich and make
the appearance of your product superior.

What is It

The Importance of Enhancing and Decorating the Product

A. Attractive and More Salable

People tends to buy product that are attractive. Once a product is

enhanced and decorated it is more appealing to the customers. Thus, resulting
to more sales and profit.
Finished products are more saleable to costumers when enhanced and

B. Durable and more beautiful

Durability of the product depends on the materials used. We are rich

of local materials in the community favorable for project or furniture making.
Once a product is enhanced and decorated using innovative finishing
materials the product is more durable and will last longer. Finishing materials
preserve and protect the product.
Enhanced and decorated bamboo, wood and metal products help
maintain their durability against harsh elements.

4 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1
C. Profitable

Profitability of the product depends on the quality of the materials used,

the workmanship and creativity of how it is done and heart to satisfy the
clients. Enhanced and decorated product also increases sales and bring more
Finished products that are enhanced and decorated would beautify the
product itself.

The Methods of Enhancing and Decorating the Product

There are different methods and considerations of enhancing and decorating

products. Depending on the availability of materials, customer’s preference, and
marketability of the product.

Methods of Enhancing Wood and Bamboo Products:

1. Wood Turning - is a process of using a lathe to make various forms and

shapes of wood.

2. Pyrography - the art or technique of decorating wood or leather by

burning a design on the surface with a heated metallic point.

3. Hand Carving - is considered a woodcraft in which a sharp object is used

to create designs on the wood. Chip carving knife, gouges and chisels are
used in this technique.

All the Illustrations on this page 5 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1

were made by Jofel D. Nolasco
4. Flocking Technique - lines the interior of drawers and boxes with a soft
velvety finish

5. Inlaying - combines several techniques that involve inserting decorative

pieces into a base object to incorporate new designs on the original products.

6. Gilding - decorative technique in which powder is applied on wood or

other materials to give a thin coating of gold. Method of this technique
include gluing, chemical gilding, and electroplating/coating.

7. Staining - is used to color wood to give an illusion of texture. This may

come in two varieties.

A. Pigment-based stain will color large pores of the wood

B. Dye-based stain will color small pores of the wood

8. Painting - the simplest way of decorating wood since there are a variety of
colors that you can choose from. One may also add a lacquer finish to make
it shiny and glossy.

All the Illustrations on this page were 6 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1

made by Jofel D. Nolasco
Methods of Enhancing Metal Products

1. Engraving - transferring a design on metal using hardened steel tool

called burin or graver to cut into the surface of the metal.
2. Etching - is a process used to make designs or pictures on a metal plate
by using acid that produces corrosive action.

How Etching is made:

A. Etching begins with metal plate, most commonly copper.

B. Acid resistant wax, called the ground, is applied to the entire

surface of the plate.

C. The artist scratches an image into the surface using a burning

(needle), exposing the metal underneath.

D. Once the image is complete, the plate is submerged in an acid.

E. The acid will bite away at the exposed metal, creating recessed
lines on the plate.

F. The plate is then removed and cleaned.

G. The plate is inked. Ink fills the lines on the plate created by the

H. The excess ink is removed so the ink only remains in the recessed

I. Dampened paper is placed over the plate and put through a

printing press.

J. The press squeezes the paper and plate together, impressing an

inked image onto the paper.

K. Additional impressions can be created by re-inking, cleaning,

and putting the plate through the printing press again.

3. Metal Enhancing Media - use of metal paints, markers and antiquing

kits give color to the metal product. Metal paints may be applied using a
brush or spray.

4. Texturing and Embossing - in this technique, you will need a hammer,

metal, stamp, stencils, and other materials to create imprints on the metal.

7 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1
What’s More

Activity 1: Understanding the importance

Learning the Skills: Explaining the importance

Directions: Put a check (✓) if the statement demonstrates the importance of

enhancing and decorating a finished product and put a cross (x)
if it does not. Write it on a sheet of paper.

1. Many people have the tendency to buy products that are enhanced and
2. Improved and ornamented products are durable, strong, and of superior
3. Enhanced and decorated products tend to be more salable.
4. Enhanced and decorated products are less profitable.
5. There are many methods in enhancing our products.
6. Wood carving is an example of methods of enhancing and decorating
finished products.
7. Painting is the simplest way of enhancing the finished products.
8. Products that are made from wood and bamboo do not need to be
decorated because of their natural beauty.
9. Finished products that are enhanced and decorated beautify the product
10. Wood, metal, and bamboo products must be enhanced and decorated.

Activity 2: Understanding the words better

Learning the Skills: Word recognition

Directions: Match column A with Column B. Write the letter only. Use
separate sheet of pad paper.


1. PYROGRAPHY A. Process of making various forms and shapes of wood

using a lathe

2. STAINING B. Powder is applied on wood or other materials to give

thin coating of gold also include gluing,
3. WOOD TURNING C. Transferring a design on metal using hardened steel
tool called burin or graver

4. PAINTING D. Inserting decorative pieces into a base object to

incorporate new designs on the original product

8 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1
5. HAND CARVING E. Coloring of wood to give an illusion of texture either by
pigment-based stain or dye-based stain

6. ENGRAVING F. Using acid to produces corrosive action as design on


7.GILDING G. Decorating technique on wood by burning a design on

the surface with a heated metallic point

8.ETCHING H. Simplest way of decorating wood using variety of

colors to choose from

9.INLAYING I. To create imprints on the metal, this technique uses

hammer, metal, stamp, stencils and other materials

10.EMBOSSING J. A sharp object is used to create design on the wood

using carving knife, gouges and chisels

What I Have Learned

Directions: Read the statement below and fill in the blank with the
appropriate terms or words. Choose your answer from the
box below. Write it on a separate sheet of paper.
durability metal Flocking
Hand carving Embossing Etching

1. ___________________is considered a woodcraft in which a sharp object is used

to create designs on the wood.

2. _______________ is a process used to make designs or pictures on a metal

plate by using acid that produces corrosive action.

3. Enhanced and decorated bamboo, wood and metal products help maintain
their _______________to against harsh elements.

4. Metal enhancing media uses of metal paints, markers and antiquing kits to
give color to the ________product.

5. _______________ is a technique that needs hammer, metal, stamp, stencils,

and other materials to create imprints on the metal.

9 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1
What I Can Do

Directions: Read the phrases and do the activity below. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper

Your TLE 6 teacher assigned you to make project using local materials such as
bamboo, wood or metal found in your community. He instructed you to make this
project attractive and saleable.

1. What possible method of enhancing bamboo, wood or metal product

are you going to use and why?

2. Write two to three sentences about the method you have chosen.


A. Directions: Read each item and choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it on a separate sheet of pad paper.

1. What is the importance of enhancing and decorating finished products?

a. It makes the products more attractive and salable.
b. Finished products are easy to buy.
c. We can sell finished product.
d. It can be painted.
2. Which one is not considered as the importance of enhancing/decorating
finished products?
a. varnished materials
b. More attractive and saleable
c. Profitable
d. Durable and beautiful
3. ______________ is the art or technique of decorating wood or leather by
burning a design on the surface using a heated metallic point.
a. Engraving
b. Pyrography
c. Painting
d. Hand carving

10 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1
4. Using carving knife, gouges and chisels to create designs on the wood is
called _________________.
a. Wood Turning
b. Flocking
c. Embossing
d. Hand Carving
5. What enhancing techniques that lines the interior of drawers and boxes
resulted to soft velvety finish?
a. Wood Turning
b. Painting
c. Etching
d. Flocking
6. The following are reasons to enhance your finished product, except ONE.
What is it?
a. It is more salable.
b. More durable and beautiful
c. It makes the product more expensive.
d. It is more attractive
7. Why is it important to know the different skills in enhancing and decorating
finished products?
a. It develops skills and creativity for livelihood.
b. So that people will admire you.
c. People will not buy your product.
d. To pay more taxes.
8. How can you make your product salable and beautiful?
a. Use the appropriate methods to enhance the product.
b. Copy the work of other people.
c. Use expensive materials.
d. Use any method.
9. Enhancing the finished product improves one’s _____________ and _________.
a. Pride and honor.
b. Creativity and workmanship
c. Orderliness and cleanliness
d. Health and profit
10. A process of transferring a design on metal using hardened steel tool called
burin or graver to cut into the surface of the metal?
a. Engraving
b. Metal Enhancing Media
c. Texturing or Embossing
d. Etching
B. Identify the method of enhancing wood, bamboo and metal products used.
Choose your answer inside the box.
Wood Turning Lacquer Painting Engraving

Hand Carving Gilding Hand Carving

11 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1
1. Typhoon Quinta left the province of Aurora with so much big trunks of drift
woods. Mang Kardo wants to turn it into wood pots. What method of enhancing
wood product will Mang Kardo used?

2. Brgy. Ara-al is well known for its bamboo plantation. The residents make
use of bamboo as their source of livelihood. Most of them are into making
bamboo sofa to be sold at the nearby local market. One customer does not
want it painted by variety of colors instead its natural look be preserved. What
will the locales used to make it shiny and glossy?

3. Aling Martha was given by her daughter a gift of 12 sets of spoons and forks
during her 50th birthday. She does not want it to be lost since most of her
relatives are fond of borrowing her silver-plated silverware. She decided that
her name be imprinted at the back of spoon and fork. What method is best for
transferring design on metal?

4. Aling Lourdes is a furniture store owner brought hard drift woods left by
typhoon Quinta from the residents of their province. She wanted to turn
these into useful home decor. What woodcraft enhancing method her workers
will use to create designs on the wood.

5. Aling Loring, a balikbayan build a new home in her hometown. She wanted
that all wooden materials to be used in her furniture has a touch of gold. She
ordered the furniture maker to glaze it with gold coating. What method of
enhancing woodcraft will the furniture maker used?

Additional Activities

Directions: Complete the table below by providing 5 materials you can use
to enhance or decorate Wood, Bamboo and Metal products. Use a
separate sheet for your answer.

Wood craft Bamboo craft Metal craft

12 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1
CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1 13
What I Know What's More Assessment
1. A 6. C 1.1 A.
2. C 7. B 6. / 6. /
3. C 8. A 7. / 7. / 1. A
4. B 9. B 8. / 8. x 2. B
5. D 10.B 9. x 9. / 3. D
10. / 10. / 4. D
What’s In 5. C
- possible responses 1.2 6. A
Activity A 7. A
1. G 6. C
8. B
2. E 7. B
Bamboo Products 9. A
3. A 8. F
10. A
1. plates 4. H 9. D
2. cups 5. J 10. I B. Possible responses
3. bowls 1.Enhanced and decorated products are
4. Tables and chairs attractive and beautiful.
5. lamp shades, etc. What I Have Learned
1.Hand Carving 2. finishing materials like paints,
Wood Products 2.Etching varnish, and shellac preserve, protect
3. Durability and beautify the product.
1. furniture 4. Metal
2. dinner ware 5. Embossing 3. people buy products they like and
3. utility boxes need.
4. jewelry box
4.Refine work and creative design are
5. wooden toys, etc. What I Can Do attractive.
Metals 1.Possible answers: 5. Products of good quality and durable
1. Stainless steel containers * For wood and bamboo products can be useful for a longer period of
2. kitchen wares A. Wood Turning time.
3. steel furniture B. Pyrography
4. jewelry box C. Hand Carving
5. steel arts, etc. D. Flocking
E. Inlaying
B. F. Gilding Additional Activities
G. Staining
1. marketability Answers may vary
H. Painting
2. Innovative * Metal Products
3. Enhance A. Engraving
4. accessories
B. Etching
5. decorate
C. Metal Enhancing Media
D. Texturing & Embossing
2. Answer may vary
Answer Key
Department of Education Curriculum Guide 2016, EPP 6, Industrial Arts pages 38
– 41
Department of Education MELCs in EPP/TLE Grade 6 Industrial Arts pages 353 –

Meaning of marketability in business – Google Search

Methods of Enhancing Wood and Bamboo Products

14 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module 1
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

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