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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of

Northern Philippines

Expressions and Sentences
Quarter 1: Week 7

MATHEMATICS IN THE MODERN Lesson 2.2: Mathematical Expressions and Sentences

Learning Competencies
WORLD The learner will be able to:

• Discuss Expressions versus sentences

• Identify the Conventions in the mathematical language

Expressions versus Sentences

a. Expressions have different names. In mathematics, we frequently need to work
with numbers, these numbers are the most common mathematical expressions.
And, numbers have lots of different names.
What is an expression?
We call the mathematical analogue of noun as EXPRESSION. Thus an expression Example: The number 5 can be written in many ways as follows: 2 + 3 10÷2 (6 - 2)
is a name given to a mathematical object of interest. Whereas, in English we need + 1 1 + 1+ 1 +1+ 1
to talk about people, places, and things. We know that mathematics has much This simple idea- that numbers has lots of different names – is extremely important
different objects of interest such as numbers, sets, matrix, ordered pair, etc. in mathematics. This is the same concept as synonyms in English (words that have
the same (or nearly the same) meaning.
Ideas regarding expressions
Name of Teacher: HELEN R. SIEMBRE, MAME
School: University of Northern Philippines-Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
b. Common in solving expressions is to simplify. The most common type of problem 3. 1.33 and 113have the nearly the same values, but for some learners it may be
involving expressions is to simplify. But what does simple mean? ✓ Fewer suited to consider 113as this is easier for them to understand its
✓ Better suited to current use This diagram summarizes the language ideas discussed in the first section,
✓ Preferred/ style/format The Language of Mathematics
1. 3 + 1 + 5 and 9 are both names for the same number but 9 uses fewer
2. 3 + 3+ 3 + 3 + 3 and 5x3 are both names for the same number, but 5x3 uses ENGLISH
fewer operation
4. We write ½ instead of 13/26. We usually write (must state a complete thought)
reduced form or simplest form as fraction in simplest
form is necessary.
(name given to object of interest)

value. Besides, 113is not exactly equal to 1.33. SENTENCE

Carol The word "cat"
begins with the
letter "k" The cat is black
THING cat letter "k"
The word "cat" SOMETIMES
PERSO N TRUE (T) begins with the TRUE/SOMETI
mathematical object of
(must state a complete thought
MATHEMATICS For example,
(name given to ❖ The sentence 1+2=3 is true and the sentence 2+2=5
is false. English sentence; it is a correct assignment of
mathematical symbols that states a complete thought.
❖ The sentence x=2 is sometimes true/sometimes what the value of x is. What is a Sentences are used to state complete thoughts. A
false, it is true when x=2 otherwise it is false. typical English sentences
❖ The sentence x+3=3+x is always true, no matter
mathematical sentence?
A mathematical sentence is the analogue of an
FUNCTI ORDER FALSE and at least one verb. loves Mathematics.
NUMBE has at least one noun, For example, Joseph
R3 Sentence (the property of importance in the sentence
[1 0] [0 1] 1+2= 3
SET {3}
being true or false) mathematical Ideas regarding
ED PAIR (x, y)
ON f(x) 1+2= 4 Truth of a The notion of truth is of fundamental language. mathematical
ST/SF x = 1

An Expression is the mathematical analogue of an English noun; a. Mathematical Sentences have verbs and connectives. Just as English sentences
have verbs, so do mathematical sentences.
❖ it is a correct arrangement of mathematical symbols used to represent a
mathematical object of interest.
In the mathematical sentence 3 + 4 = 7. The equal sign is actually the verb
❖ It does not state a complete thought; It does not make sense to ask if an and indeed one of the most popular mathematical verbs. The symbol “+” in 3 + 4
expression is true or false. = 7 is a connective which is used to connect objects of a given type.

❖ The most common expression types are numbers, sets and functions b. Truth of Sentences. Sentences can be true or false. It makes sense to ask the
truth of a sentence. Ask if Is it true? Is it false? Is it sometimes true? Is it
A mathematical sentence is the analogue of English sentence:
sometimes false?
❖ it is correct arrangement of mathematical symbols that states a complete
thought. How to decide whether something is a Sentence?
❖ A sentence can be (always) true, (always) false, or sometimes true/sometimes
• Read it aloud, and ask yourself the question: Does it state a complete thought? If conventions to understand each other without having to constantly redefine terms.
YES, then it is a sentence. Some of the most common mathematical conventions include the following:
• You may also ask yourself the question: Does it make sense to ask about the truth
1. The equal sign “=” is one of the most common mathematical symbol used to
of it?
express equality of two expressions written on both sides of the symbols. It is
used to replace the word “is” but not always depending on the meaning thought
of the statement.
2. When dealing with order of operations, it is a convention to perform the order of
Conventions in the Mathematical Language operations as follows: parentheses, exponentiation, multiplication and division
(from left to right), and addition and subtraction (from left to right). We can use
Mathematical conventions are particular symbols, facts, names, and notations
the mnemonic PEMDAS to perform the order of operations.
used by mathematicians, engineers, scientists, and other users of mathematics in their
3. Addition of numbers when done vertically is performed from right to left. 4. The
writings, studies, and work. arithmetic operations are implied by the following words/terms: a. Addition “+” : plus,
Mathematical symbols and names are conventional. People abide by the add, sum, total, more than, increase by,… b. Subtraction “–” : minus, subtract,
difference, less than, take away, decrease by, deduct,…
j. x% x percent
c. Multiplication “x”: times, multiply, product, groups of, …
d. Division “÷”: divide, quotient, split, share, …
5. Multiplication may be denoted by a dot “.”, a parenthesis (), or asterisk “∗”.
Division may be denoted by the following forms: "����” or “a/b” such as 15 ÷ 3, Application: Choose a quantity to be represented by a variable, then write a
15 mathematical expression for each.
can be written as 153or 3⁄ .
6. A variable such as x is usually placed to y the right of the equal sign and the
1. Lota’s age in 5 years
expression that defines the variable to the right of the equal sign. For example:
Let x = the set of even integers between 10 and 20. 2. a three-digit number whose hundred digits is half the tens digit and the tens digit is
̅̅ for 2 ore than the units digit
7. A bar is placed over the digits that repeat in writing decimals such as 1. 33
expressing 1.33… or 4/3.
8. One dozen means 12. 3. the total interest earned after one year when P100, 000 is invested, part at 6%
9. Any number divided by zero is undefined. annual interest rate and the remaining part at 7.5% annual interest rate
10. When a number is drawn horizontally, the convention is that the positive direction
is to the right; and when the number line is drawn vertically, the positive direction 4. the distance traveled by a man driving at the rate of 60 kph
is upward.
11. A set of consecutive numbers is expressed by the first and last numbers as “the 5. the total distance traveled by a boat 1 hour upstream and 30 minutes downstream
integers from 5 to 10” would indicate that there is actually 6 integers, even in which the rate of current is 3kph.
without using the word inclusive. On the other hand, the expression as “the
integers between 5 and 10” indicates that there are actually four integers only 6. the fraction of work done by a man who can finish a job in 2 hours
which means that 5 and 10 are excluded in the set.
12. The following are standard symbols used as conventions in mathematics: 7. the percentage of alcohol in a mixture of ¾ liter of pure water and x liters of 8%
alcohol solution
Conventions Meaning

a. x ≥ y x is greater than or equal to y 8. the total peso value of 20 coins consisting of P5-coins and P10-coins 9.

b. x ≤ y x is less than or equal to y the perimeter of a rectangle whose length is twice the width 10. the sum of

c. x ≠ y x is not equal to y three consecutive even integers

d. |x| the absolute value of x

e. x ⊥ y line x is perpendicular to line y REFERENCES:

f. √�� the square root of x Book
the cube root of x Rodriguez, M. et al. (018). Mathematics in the Modern World, Nieme Publishing
g. √�� House Co. LTD, Quezon City
h. ��2 the square of x Online

i. x ≈ y x is approximately equal to y The Nature of Mathematics-Duke Mathematics Department>node5
(>why-mathematics-a-useful-language. Retrieved on September
11, 2020
Powerpoint Presentation
Riboroso, R. (2019). The Mathematical Language and Symbols. Retrieved on
September 14, 2020
Taban, J. (2020). Mathematical Language and Symbols. Retrieved on September
19, 2020

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