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SIBUGAY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE INCORPORATED c. the growing popularity of bicycling.

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Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay 3. The dictionary is a very important reference. As a student, knowing how to find information in it in the
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shortest time possible is necessary. The words in the
dictionary are arranged alphabetically. It is then
English Unit Test (JHS)
important to know whether a certain letter is at the
beginning, middle or end of the alphabet so no time will
Name: ______________________________ be wasted.
Grade&Sec: ____________________
Date: _________ Score: ______ The paragraph is mainly about
a. how words are arranged in a dictionary.
A.Reading Comprehension. Directions: Pick out the b. the dictionary as an important reference.
letter of the topic that tells best what the paragraph is c. getting information in the shortest time possible.
about. Then find the sentence that states the main idea
of the paragraph. 4. Herbs, which are flowering plants, have several
interesting uses. The leaves, seeds and even the
1. Three types of ants, each with a different task to underground roots can be used as spices when cooking.
perform, live in an ant colony. There is usually only one Fragrances for perfume and soap often come from herbs.
queen ant. She lays the eggs. The male ants fertilize the One of the most interesting and perhaps the oldest, use
of these plants is for making medicines. Ancient people
queen’s eggs. Female ants or workers do such things as
believed that herbs had the power to heal sickness.
gathering food, defending the colony from enemies and
caring for the young ants. The paragraph is about
a. the uses of herbs.
The paragraph is about b. medicine made from herbs.
c. cooking spices from herbs.
a. the queen ant
b. kinds of ants in a colony
5. Bamboo is one of the most useful grasses in the
c. workers defending the colony
world. In fact, it may be more like a tree than like a
2. Our country’s interest in bicycling is growing. grass. It has leaves as thick as trees. It can be used to
Bicycle racing, both indoors and outdoors, is a fast make fences, houses, ladders, toys, umbrellas and rafts.
growing sport. Some people join clubs that have racing Its leaves are used as food for animals or to make paper.
teams. Others join clubs that plan tours. These tours From the stem are made buckets, water pipes, flutes and
may be as short as neighbourhood circuits or as long as flowerpots. The juice from bamboo is turned into
cross-country trips. More and more people of all ages
medicine and the young stems are eaten as vegetable.
are taking these bike tours.
There are literally hundred of uses for bamboo.
The paragraph is about
a. taking a cross-country bike tour. The paragraph is about the
b. reasons for joining a bike club a. many uses of bamboo.
b. similarities of the bamboo and a tree. 3. The poor kid does whatever his brother was
c. different parts of bamboo. done.
a. Have done c. does
B. True or False. Write T if the statement is true and b. Done d. did
F if it is false. Explain your answer.
4. All things come at him who will but wait.
________1. The sparrow never thought that the crow a. To b. on c. as d. upon
was serious about the bet.
________2. The crow cheated because he really wanted 5. The President stood quietly for few moments
to eat the sparrow. before speaking.
________3. The river had a valid reason for not giving a. For the few moments
the crow water. b. For a few moments
________ 4. The earth gave clay to the crow but it was c. For moments
not enough for a pot. d. For few moment.
_________5. The blacksmith’s request for fire from the
crow was only an alibi. 6. Smoking can cause cancer _____________ of its
_________6. The housewife really intended to burn the nicotine content that adversely affects the lungs.
crow. a. So c. since
_________7. The sparrow was honest and trusting. b. Because d. consequently
__________8. The crow was not only a cheat but he was
also stupid. 7. You ___________ better stay at home if you
_________9. The farmer’s wife put the fire on the ___________ not feeling well.
crow’s back. a. Will-could c. are-may
_________10.The sparrow laughed and agreed for he b. Should-are d. is-should
thought the crow was joking.
8. An individual who advocates political and social
C. Correct Usage. Directions: Choose from among the rights for women equal to those of men
four options that which best replaces the underlined __________ a feminist.
word or the best answer to complete the sentence. a. Was called c. called
b. Is called d. calls
1. Many students do not realize the importance of 9. You ___________ to stop drinking alcohol now
education. Consequently, they do not seriously before it ___________ you.
study their lessons. a. Must-kill c. should-kills
a. Since c. because b. May-killed d. have-kills
b. However d. As a result
10. The boy who was caught cheating
2. Being frugal, he was more comfortable in his ______________ the teacher not to tell his
old age. parents about the incident.
a. Thrifty c. rich a. Implored c. has implored
b. Wise d. honest b. Implored d. was imploring
D. Directions: Which of the lettered option is similar in
meaning to the underlined word as used in the phrase.

11. Iconic women leaders.

a. Gracious c. grand
b. Great d. graze

12. The group’s emissary.

a. Representative c. adviser
b. Executive d. visitor

13. Menial tasks

a. Cruel c. jubilant
b. Muddy d. Lowly

14. Agitated by the decision.

a. Enlightened c. Disturbed
b. Delighted d. slighted

15. Demure lady

a. Loving c. Fussy
b. Fearful c. Shy

E. Sequencing of events. Whom did the crow approach

and for what? Show sequence by writing the events in
the flow chart. (10 pts.)

Sparrow wanted crow

to clean his beak.

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