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a.)Show your complete solution…
b.)Box your final answer…

1.)A reversed carnot cycle requires 5hp and extracts energy from a lake to heat a house…If the house is
kept at 77 degrees Fahrenheit and requires 2101 Btu per min, what is the temperature of the lake in
degrees Fahrenheit?
2.) A vapor compression refrigeration system is designed to cool 10,000 liters of milk received each day
from an initial temperature of 32 degrees Celsius to a final temperature of 5 degrees Celsius in 8 hrs…
The density of milk is 1.03kg/liter and the specific heat is 0.94 kcal/kg-K ..Determine the refrigeration
capacity in tons of refrigeration …
3.)It is desired to design a ammonia ice plant to produce 10 metric tons of ice at -10 degrees celsius
from a raw at 21 degrees Celsius in 20 hr operation…The condenser temperature for the system is 30
degrees Celsius and evaporator temperature is -15 degrees Celsius …Find the refrigeration capacity in
tons of refrigeration…
4.) The refrigeration system has a refrigeration cycle per kg of 220kJ…The heat required to remove is
630kJ/hr …Calculate the mass circulated per hour?
5.)A 120mm x 120mm twin cylinder , single acting F-12 compressor with a refrigeration capacity of
60kw operates between a discharge pressure of 1300kPa and a suction pressure of 350kPa …The speed
of the compressor is 1200rpm…If the discharge pressure shall be raised to 1400kPa, at what
speed(rpm) should the compressor be run to produce the same refrigeration capacity and assuming the
volumetric efficiency to remain the same?
R-12 Properties:
At 350kPa: h=189.023
At 1300kPa: h=211.314
At 1400kPa h=213.692
6.)Ton of refrigeration is a unit equivalent to in kN-m/hr?
7.)A 3.5 kg mass of refrigerant is circulated per hour in a refrigeration system, whose refrigerating effect
is 250kJ/kg…Compute the heat that has to be removed from the system per hour…
8.)A vapor compression cycle has a coefficient of performance of 4.2…The power input to the
compressor is 1.85kw…Compute the rate of heat rejection from the refrigerant to the environment..
9.)How many tons of refrigeration in Btu/24hours??
10.)A system needs 7.5hp to compress a liquid , 22kw was extracted from the cooled space..What is the
coefficient of performance??
11.)A refrigeration cycle having 0.18Mpa (hg=180.8kJ/kg) and 0.8Mpa (h=208.65kJ/kg)..The mass flow
rate in the cycle is 0.09kg/sec with 10.21kw rate of heat removal…Determine the heat rejected per
12.)A refrigerator is maintained at 5 degree Celsius.. Heat is removed from the stored food at a rate of
330kJ/min.. What is the refrigerator’s Coefficient of Performance if the necessary power input to the
refrigerator is 3.5kw?
13.)A refrigerating machine that is classified as a one-ton machine has the capacity to produce a cooling
effect of how much in kcal/hr?
14.)There are 10,000 kg of fish to be cooled from 18 degrees Celsius to -8 degrees Celsius.. The specific
heat above freezing is 0.7kcal/kg-K and below freezing is 0.30kcal/kg-K with latent heat of fusion of
61.2kcal/kg..The freezing temperature is -3 degrees Celsius…Find the heat removed in kcal from the
15.)Two metric ton of fish is to be refrigerated from a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius to -5degrees
Celsius in 10 hours…The freezing temperature is -1 degrees Celsius, the specific heats below and above
freezing temperature are 0.4kJ/kg-K and 0.8kJ/kg-K , respectively , and the latent heat is 435kJ/kg..
Allow 20% additional heat load to compensate for heat losses…Determine the refrigerating loads in tons
of refrigeration…
16.)A reversed carnot cycle is used for cooling…The input work is 15kw, while the COP is 3.8…Calculate
the refrigerating effect in tons of refrigeration…
17.)Two thousand kilograms of dressed chicken enter a chiller at 10 degrees Celsius are frozen and
chilled to a final temperature of -15 degrees Celsius for storage in 24 hours.. Compute the product load
in kw:
Specific heat above freezing=3.2kJ/kg-K
Specific heat below freezing=1.6kJ/kg-K
Latent heat=250kJ/kg
Freezing temperature=-5 degrees Celsius
18.)How much heat is needed to completely vaporize 300kg of ice at -10 degrees Celsius if the pressure
held constant at 200kPa…(Latent heat of fusion at 200kPa=320kJ/kg…Latent heat of vaporization in kJ at
19.) A refrigeration cycle has a Coefficient of Performance of 10…The power input to the compressor is
3kw..Compute the rate of heat rejection in kw from the refrigerant to the environment…
20.)Magnolia Dairy products plan must cool 8000gallons of fresh milk receive from the farm per day
from an initial temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit to a temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit in 5
hours…If the density of milk is 8.6lbs/gallon, specific gravity is 1.03, and the specific heat is 0.935Btu per
lb per degree Fahrenheit…What must be the capacity of the refrigerating machines in tons?

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