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Class 7th (English Literature)

Chapter 9
The Little Match Girl
I. Word Meaning.
1. Projected - to stretch beyond a surface
2. Sputtered - caught fire with short explosive sounds
3. Veil - covering
4. Terrible - extremely bad or serious
5. Vanish - disappear suddenly
6. Frozen - turned into ice because of extreme cold
7. Pathetic - arousing pity
II. Answer these questions with reference to the context.
1. Now someone is dying.
a. Why does the little girl say these words?
Answer: The little girl said these words because she saw a star
fell down from the sky and her grandmother had once told her
that whenever a star fell down from the sky, a soul went up to
b. How do these words become the turning point in the story?
Answer: These words become the turning point in the story
because it was actually the little girl’s soul which was going up
to God.
2. Oh, take me with you! I know you will disappear when the match is
burned out.
a. Who will disappear in the above lines? Why?
Answer: The little girl’s grandmother will disappear when the
match burns out because the grandmother was just a vision
that she was witnessing and it was not real.
b. Why does the little girl insist to go along with that person?
Answer: The little girl insisted on going along with her
grandmother because her grandmother was the only who
loved her truly and she could not bear the hardships of life
III. Answer these questions.
1. How is the little girl a picture of misery and poverty?
Answer: The little girl was a poor girl who was barefoot and
bareheaded in a cold winter night. She was running all over the road
to sell matches but not one had bought any from all day long and not
one did give her a cent. This is how she is a picture of misery and
2. Give a brief description of the illusions which the little match girl sees
when she lights the match.
Answer: At first the girl saw a room. On the table a snow-white cloth
was spread, and on it stood a shining dinner service. The roast goose
steamed gloriously, stuffed with apples and prunes.
At the second vision she was sitting under the most beautiful
Christmas tree.
And in her last vision she saw her grandmother whom she loved
3. Why was the girl’s home a miserable place to live in?
Answer: The girl’s place was a miserable place to live in because her
father used to beat her and it was cold at home, for they had nothing
over them but a roof through which the wind whistled even though
the biggest cracks had been stuffed with straw and rags.
4. Do you think that the little girl has been a victim of circumstances for
a long time? Cite an example from the story.
Answer: Yes, the girl had been a victim for a long time because she
did not even have a proper home or shoes for her feet.
5. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the little girl’s
grandmother and her father.
Answer: The little girl’s grandmother was loving, caring, and
protective while her father was abusive, insensitive, and exploitative.

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