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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Part 1: Background

Include in here the organisation’s name* and location* and number of workers. You must then go on to give a description of the main
activities/products/services carried out. You must also describe the area to be risk assessed eg, whole site, and anything else that you
consider relevant (approximately 150 to 200 words):
The Name of my company is Muhammad Ibrahim Associates Pvt Ltd. (known as MIA Pvt Ltd.). It is a Rawalpindi based
construction company and have 250 workers being employed by it.
It is a medium size construction company who mostly do projects related to construction of multi-storey residential as well as
commercial building, roads and hospitals. Sometimes it also provides maintenance and rehabilitation services to client on demand. It took mostly
projects from government departments. It also provides its service to private clients as well. The typical activities undertaken include the building
frame work structure from foundation, brick work, plastering, painting, and finishing works. The company have a policy which defined time table
for worker i.e. work start form 9 A.M. in morning and off at 5 P.M. But this working time extended when an activity needed to be completed within
some specific time period e.g. concrete pouring which sometimes carried out till late night. Company remain close on Friday and give off to its
workers on Friday. Workers are paid for their overtime if in any scenario company require them to give an extra time on site.
The risk assessment will cover the construction site of new project undertaken by my company, which is also based in Rawalpindi. It
is a six-storey building construction project and which is under in its initial phase and different activities are currently going on this site like
formwork, steel fixing, producing concrete through concrete mixer, concrete pouring in formworks, welding, cutting of steel bars Etc. and about 65
workers are currently working at this site The Project Manager and Finance Manager (Who are reporting directly to Managing Director of company)
are responsible for workplace health and safety. While Site Engineer and Site supervisor who are present on site all the time, are responsible for day-
to-day reporting and monitoring of health and safety related activities.
You must now give a brief outline on how you completed the risk assessment (approximately 200 words):
I started from checking online resources available like ILO Convention C155 and Recommendation (R164), Codes of Practices and
found a relevant ILO’s Codes of Practices to my area of assessment i.e. “Safety & Health in Construction” ( which proved a
very useful source of information. Like that I also check the British HSE web for construction code of practices and found “Health and Safety in
Construction” (HSG150) which was also proved a good source of information. Also, some national online available resources like Pakistan
Engineering Council’s “Pakistan Health & Safety Act 2108” are also read by me, to gather the information.
After online available sources, I read the documents available related to company and site i.e. company policy documents, Site
location and facilities in surrounding information documents etc. then I went to the site and have a talk with people of management like site
engineer, site supervisor and the workers who actually doing the job. This talk proves very fruitful for me in a sense that they give me information
that information which I couldn’t get by just visual inspection of site like some of the workers doesn’t know about the availability of PPEs like
Hard hats and why these hats are necessary for them at workplace and some hidden hazard which I may possible miss them without this meeting.

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While assessing control measures, I used to consult from both online sources i.e. ILO Convention C155 & Recommendation
(R164), CoP “Safety & Health in Construction” & British HSE approved CoP i.e. “Health and Safety in Construction” (HSG150).
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: MIA Pvt Ltd

Date of assessment: 10-04-2020
Scope of risk assessment: Building Works Department

Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Noise Workers doing the work • The office of the 1. Need to assess the noise 1 Week
of concrete mixing, and management shifted level by using noise meter.
Noise created by the employees in away from this noise 2. Need to minimize the
concrete mixing surrounding. source location to exposure time of the workers 2 Weeks
machine in which another location which through proper job rotation Site
voice of nearest May have effect on is less exposed to this at workplace. Supervisor &
person at its peak hearing ability of these noise. 3. Need to create Barrier Site Engineer
cannot be hear workers working on between machine generated 1 Month (Actions 1,2,
clearly i.e. noise machine and possibly noise and other employees in 3 & 6)
level is greater than get suffer from tinnitus surrounding with the help of
85 dbA roughly. especially the worker temporary partition wall Maintenance
near the machine are made up of sound absorbing Technician
more prone to these material, in surrounding. (Action 4)
effects. The other 4. Need to properly maintained
workers who are away the concrete mixer machine 3 Months Project
from machine but still in through proper inspection Manager
the range of the noise and maintenance in order to (Action 5)
created by machine, will make it less noisy.
face hurdle in 5. Need to educate& train the
concentrating on their workers doing their work by
work because of concrete mixing machine 2 Months
background noise. about effective and proper

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
use of machine through
training and tool-box talks.
6. Equipped the workers who
are near to concrete mixing
machine as well as operating
this machine with proper 1 Week
PPEs like Ear Muffles, Ear
Plugs etc.
Noise Workers on site. • The office of the 1. Need to assess the noise 1 Week Finance
management shifted level by using noise meter at Manager
Noise created by The noise created by away from this noise different places on site. (Action 1 &
mechanical steel bar steel bar cutter is so high source location to 2. Need to change the 2)
cutter while cutting that the person doing another location which mechanical steel bar cutter 4 Months
excessive steel bar work upon this machine is less exposed to this with Hydraulic
on site. In this noise, will not hear your voice noise. reinforcement bar cutting
a person doing work (i.e. >85 dbA) so this machine.
through this machine noise will cause 3. Need to provide barrier Site
cannot hear the voice temporary as well as between machine and Supervisor
of other person near permanent damage to surrounding with the help of 1 Month (Action 1, 3
to him, so noise level hearing sense of worker wall made up of sound proof & 6)
is quite high (i.e. (e.g. possibly get suffer material.
>85 dbA). from tinnitus) depending 4. Need to properly maintained
upon the exposure time. the Steel cutting machine 1 Month Maintenance
Like that the workers especially its working edges Technician
working in the near with long time used they get (Action 4)
surrounding will also rough and make more noise.
suffer from it in a sense So, through proper
that he will not inspection and maintenance,
we can make it less noisy.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
concentrate on work due 5. Need to provide training to Project
to background noise. workers about proper & safe 1 Month Manager
method of working on this (Action 5)
machine in order to create
less noise.
6. Equipped the worker who
are near to this machine as 1 weeks
well as also who are
operating this machine with
proper PPEs like Ear
Muffles, Ear Plugs etc
Violence at work Workers and visitors on • Security guards are 1. It is required to discourage
site. available on site 24/7. the grouping between 1 Week
Workers verbal Verbal abusing and workers who are involve or
abusing and bullying bullying among workers may get involved in bullying Site
each other on site. may lead to fight and verbal abusing by Supervisor
between them and it will changing their shifts and job (Action 1)
cause injuries to workers pattern and location on site.
like head injuries, 2. Need to give proper
fracture or sometime warnings to workers which Immediately Site Engineer
some fatal injuries. are causing or involve in this (Action 2)
While the labours and violence at work.
visitors on site who 3. Appoint a person who is Project
watch this fight, may responsible for monitoring 3 Weeks Manager
suffer from mental the workers behaviour on (Action 3)
disturbance like after site and inform the
incident trauma, and administration and security
fear. in time whenever any related
incident occurs on site.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Working at height Workers and visitors on • Openings are covered 1. Need to develop a proper
site. by double ply planning and policy for 2 Weeks Project
Ventilation and cardboard sheets. supervision related to Manager
electric wires and As these opening • Enough lighting working at height during bad (Action 1)
sewerage pipes ducts provided in slab for provided on location. weather condition.
(3ft wide and 6ft different purposes and • Opening are totally
long) provided in the due to poor perception of enclosed and warning
concrete slab on all person, it could be tapes are provided
floors of the building difficult for that person around these holes to
which have been to detect it in time e.g. increase the
constructed and worker working on 2nd perception of people
people working near floor near these ducts around it.
to these openings. may get fall from these • Proper training is
duct given in floor at 2nd already provided by
floor (with respect to management to
that worker) due poor workers to increase
perceiving of worker to their perception.
detect them in time • Workers are already
which will may cause equipped with proper
many injuries like head PPEs like hard hats
injuries, multiple bones etc.
fractures, muscular
injuries etc. to them and
also in worst case
scenario it may result
into death of the person
falling from these
openings in slab.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Health, welfare and Workers on site. • One toilet is provided 1. Need to provide temporary 2 Weeks Finance
work environment on site but not enough or mobile toilets on site. Manager
(Welfare) for whole workforce 2. More strictly prohibit the 1 Week (Action 1)
Due to less number of on the site. labours to not used other
Lack of toilets for toilet on site i.e. 1 toilet spots on site for toilet Site
workers on site (i.e. for whole staff will lead purpose. Supervisor
1 toilet for 65 to many health related 3. Need to appoint a person for 1 Week (Action 1, 2,
workers) and problems for workers on proper toilet cleaning 3, & 4)
unhygienic condition site like some worker purpose.
of existing toilet on need to hold their urge to 4. Proper hygienic condition
site. use toilet when toilet is should be maintained by Immediately
pre-occupied by some cleaning existing toilet
other employee, by frequently.
holding their urine for
too long period will have
negative impact on their
health like exposing
their body to some
potentially harmful
bacteria which will
increase their chances of
getting urinary tract
infections or bladder
infection. Like that some
employees will used
different places near or
at site for toilet purpose
which will create an
unhygienic condition on

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
site. Moreover, due to no
proper system of
frequent toilet cleaning
will lead to other health
related issues.
Health, welfare and Workers on the site. • People of management 1. Provide clean water for
work environment manage clean water drinking which is fit for 5 Days Finance
(Welfare) Drinking water on the for themselves on site. human consumption on site Manager
site is unfit for drinking for all workers. (Action 1)
Poor Drinking water purpose and upon 2. Relocate the location of Immediately
facility i.e. water is continue drinking this drinking water which is near
yellow in colour, water will cause several to or easily accessible for all Site
have suspended diseases in the workers workers on site. Supervisor
particles in it and is like typhoid, dysentery, 3. Used sign boards to make 7 Days (Action 1, 2
located far away cholera, gastroenteritis workers get know about & 3)
from workers etc. Moreover, the availability of clean water on
working area. location of the drinking site and prohibit them using
water is away from the tap water anymore.
workers working area
which cause loss of their
time during working.
Hazardous Workers heating & • Safety gloves are 1. Need to provide training to
Substances coating bitumen. provided to workers workers about safe & Project
but not using. appropriate method of 3 Months Manager
Workers heating & Upon heating its fumes heating and handling of (Action 1 &
coating of bitumen will cause headache, bitumen while coating it on 2)
without any coughing, eye irritation, concrete wall for damp
precaution/protection fatigue and lung disease. proofing.
e.g. without wearing If exposure continue for

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
respiratory masks, long term, then it will 2. Appointing a person for 1 Week
safety gloves Etc. cause stomach and lung proper monitoring of
cancer etc. Like that workers to keep them strictly Site
liquid drops may affects follow the SOPs given by Supervisor
eyes when eyes come in management. (Action 3)
contact with it and cause 3. It is required to equip labour 1 Week
burn on hand during with necessary PPEs like
coating and other skin Safety glasses, safety Boots,
related issues. respiratory masks.

Hazardous Labour carrying out the • The Workers are 1. Need to train people about
Substances activity of mixing & Equipped with safety how to do this activity in 2 Months Project
laying of concrete in boots only. safe and proper manner. Manager
Labour mixing and formwork. 2. Tool-box talks should be (action 1, 2 &
laying concrete held once in a month about 1 3)
without wearing any Their hand upon coming effects of mishandling or Month/onward
PPEs e.g. Safety in contact with cement doing concrete work either
glasses, Masks etc. slurry will get harm like mixing or laying without
skin allergy, burns etc. proper protection and Site
like that during dry training. Supervisor
mixing of concrete 3. Appointment of a person for (action 4)
ingredients, the dust proper monitoring of 2 Months
produced in this process workforce regarding to their
upon inhaling may lead compliance with pre-
to difficulty in breathing, described safe procedure of
irritation to nose, throat work.
and Lungs Problems. 4. Provision of PPEs to 2 Weeks
when eyes come in workers doing this activity.
contact of either of these PPEs includes Safety

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
things i.e. dust or cement Gloves, respiratory masks,
slurry, may lead to eye safety glasses etc.
irritation and other
severe eye problems.

Mental ill-Health Workers involve in • Providing short 1. Need to recruit more

(Stress) concrete pouring, Form Breaks during workers in order to relax 2 Months HR Manager
working and Steel fixers. working. already existing workers (Action 1)
Excessive workload from excessive workload.
on workers These workers are doing 2. Need to change working Project
extra working on daily pattern at site and provide 2 Weeks manager
basis till late night from proper job rotation of (Action 2 &
past 5 days due to employees. 3)
excessive workload on 3. It also required to provide
these workers. This proper stress management 2 Months
routine of workers will training to workers on site.
develop many problems
for them if it continues
like negative stress,
sleep badly, feeling
depressed, feeling
anxious, nervousness,
lack of attention and
other mental health
related issues. Which
further contribute to
accidents/injuries at

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Fire Workers, visitors and • There is detailed risk 1. Need to remove the Site
people near the site. assessment related to excessive things from site 1 Week Supervisor
Sparks produced by fire is present on site. and maintain good (Action 1 &
cutting and welding Due to theses sparks in • Storage room for extra housekeeping condition on 3)
on workplace in the the presence of material is provided site.
presence of combustible material on site. 2. Replace Mechanical Cutter 4 Months
combustible material like wooden pieces and • The control measures with hydraulic one. Finance
in surrounding due cardboard sheets of like fire extinguisher, 3. Provide a sheet of made of Manager
to bad housekeeping formwork, useless fire blankets etc. are insulating material in order 2 Weeks (Action 2, 3,
condition on site packing remains like present on site and to provide barrier for the 5 & 6)
boxes, sheets etc. will properly inspected and sparks generated by these
have potential to caught maintained. machines.
fire under these • Emergency exists are 4. Provide training to workers Project
circumstances because provide at site. about use of fire 1 Month Manager
all three components of extinguishers. (Action 4)
fire available like fuel, 5. Provide first aid kits on site 2 Weeks
oxygen and heat. So, fire in case of any emergency. Site Engineer
can trigger out at any 6. It is required to provide fire (Action 3 &
point of this process. In hydrants at workplaces in 2 Months 6)
result of this fire, a lot of case of any emergency
damage will be observed situation for fire brigade.
like all workers on site
could either suffer from
burns or smoke
inhalation injuries. The
worst-case scenario is
death when worker
trapped in building and

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
couldn’t be able to get
rescue in time.

Manual Handling Labours that unloading • Giving short breaks 1. It is required to install 4 Months Finance
the truck containing between working. conveyor so that most of the Manager
Labours shifting the cement bags. • Proper job rotations work of transportation (Action 1 &2)
cement bags from are already provided. during unloading done
truck to storage During shifting these • All obstructions through it.
room through lifting cement bags by using except stairs are 2. Need to provide trollies to
these bags on their this method of lifting by removed from the labours for this manual 1 Month
back for long labours will cause many floor and uneven shifting of cement bags for Project
distance having problems for them surface are made even most of the distance. Manager
stairs in their related to their health through proper filling 3. Need to provide a ramp for (Action 4)
journey. and safety e.g. back with soil. labour instead of stairs 1 Month
injuries like slip of disks, during this journey.
sciatica, Muscular 4. Need to provide proper
problems, if they lose training to labours about 1 Month Site
their balance it will may correct method of lifting Supervisor
end up in the form of these bags and how to avoid (Action 3 &
bone injuries, abrasions, any injury like backache, 5)
cuts and bruising. muscular problems etc.
5. Equip them with PPEs for
protecting their hand clothes 1 Week
from getting dirty during this
job like aprons and gloves

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Slips, Trips & Falls Workers, visitors and • Workers are available 1. Need to engage properly
people of management for keeping good these workers on site to 1 Weeks Site
Bad housekeeping visiting site. housekeeping on site remove extra things from Supervisor
condition on site as but not doing their job site and maintain good (action 1 & 2)
there are many Due to bad properly. housekeeping on site.
things like debris housekeeping on site, • Storage room is 2. Need to provide proper
from concrete there are many things provided on site for dustbins on sites. 2 Weeks HR Manager
pouring, batten like debris from concrete extra material. 3. Appoint a person for (Action 3)
planks of wood and pouring, batten planks of • Management often monitoring the housekeeping 1 Month
cardboard sheets wood & broken pieces of give verbal instruction condition on site.
used in formworks, sheets of formwork on to workers to keep 4. It is also required to provide Project
different size steel which steel nails are good housekeeping on training and education about 1 Month Manager
bar pieces etc. are emerging outward, site. importance of good (Action 4 &
present in scattered different size steel bar housekeeping at workplace 5)
form on site. pieces, and others things and hazards related to bad
are dispersed on site housekeeping.
which will cause 5. Develop a system for proper
potential damage to management of reasonable
workers, visitors and cleanness at site including 2 Months
people of management shifting extra material in
who are visiting site, in storage room, daily
the form of injury to emptying dustbins and
foot, sudden falling due disposing off useless/ waste
to these thing on material from site.
walkways, will cause
head injuries, backache,
muscle pain etc.

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Part 3: Prioritise three actions and justification for the selection

You must pick the three highest priority/most urgent actions and justify your choice. Your justification must include moral, legal and
financial arguments (500 to 700 words); consideration of likelihood and probable severity of injury, ill-health and/or harm (150 to 250 words);
description of how effective each action is likely to be in controlling the risk (250 to 350 words).

The three actions that I am prioritizing are;

1. Provide clean water for drinking which is fit for human consumption.
2. Need to provide temporary/mobile toilets on site.
3. Need to engage properly these workers on site to remove extra things from site and maintain good housekeeping on site.

MIA Pvt Ltd. has some moral responsibilities towards its workers that it needs to fulfil. One of the major moral responsibility is to
protect its workers at workplace. As workers come to work with expectation to earning for themselves and their families, not for to get injured
or get ill due to workplace or activities or processes at workplace where they are working. If a worker gets harmed by workplace activity or
environment, will not only affects the worker life only but its family and relatives also suffer from his/her condition. Workers getting injured
severely or ill will not only get physical injuries but also get mentally disturb too. Like that the workers on site when see their fellow workers
getting injured or ill due workplace activity or environment will also have negative impact on their mental state.

Like that there also some financial impact that it will face due to any incident occur at workplace. These impacts can be classified
into following categories:
• When workers get injured or ill: first-aid treatment cost, worker sick pay, replacement workers pay.
• Damage to property: damage to equipment, replacement of equipment, damage to buildings, loss of useful material.
• Legal cost due to enforcement agency action.
Possible action that can be taken by enforcement agencies against MIA Pvt Ltd. is by giving it some specific deadline to fulfil the
requirement that to put things at correct place (Improvement Notice) or by stopping all activities on site (Prohibition Notice) which ultimately
have major financial impact on company if sites are not properly operating.
There are some conditions that are required to meet by MIA Pvt Ltd under the ILO Convention C155 & Recommendation R164.
This ILO Convention and Recommendation requires that an employer need to ensure that proper welfare facilities are provided and maintained
on workplace for workers. In this regard, ILO’s Codes of Practices “Safety & Health in Construction” (Section 19.1, 19.2, 19.3) requires that an
employer need to provide adequate supply of wholesome drinking water from a source approved by competent authority as fit for human
consumption. Like that, it is responsibility of employer to ensure the provision of other welfare facilities i.e. sanitary and washing facilities Etc.

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depending upon the numbers of workers and duration of work. Failing in to do so will result in serious consequences including enforcement
agency notices.
The ILO Convention C155 & Recommendation R164 also require that an employer need to ensure that the place of work under their
control is safe and without any risk to health. In this regard, ILO’s Codes of Practices “Safety & Health in Construction” (Section 3.3) requires
that a suitable housekeeping programme should be established & continuously implemented on each construction site. This programme includes
provisions for proper storage of material & equipment; removal of scrap, waste & debris at appropriate intervals. Failure to do so could result in
enforcement agency action, worker claim for medical compensation Etc.
Organisation could also face the civil claims by workers who get ill or injured under their employment. Some of these claims made
after years by workers who have left MIA Pvt Ltd & in result MIA Pvt ltd. have to pay a significant amount to workers or to families of workers
in case of workers’ death. Along with this cost, other cost like fees of prosecutor and other legal cost will have to pay and many of these costs
are not insured and is not in the scope of insurance company’s contract that company had signed with insurance company. So, it couldn’t be
recovered from insurance company.
If any serious incident occurred on site involving many casualties, it may serious damage the reputation of MIA Pvt Ltd in the
public which result in future loss of contracts.

Likelihood and Severity:

1. The likelihood of suffering from ill-health by drinking unfit & unclean water is quite high. This is one of the basic welfare facilities that
need to be provided on site and all workers drink it often in a day for proper working. Like that the severity of the risk could be pretty
serious. Workers may suffer from many diseases if continue drinking this water like typhoid, dysentery, cholera, gastroenteritis, rise of
blood pressure in some cases. The severity of the hazard depends upon the immune system of workers.
2. The likelihood of this hazard is high because it’s one of the basic welfare facilities that workers used often in their daily life. So, due to
less number of toilets on site, will lead to suffering of many workers from this hazard on site. Like that severity of this hazard is also
serious in a sense that if workers try to control their urge to go to toilet for a long period or use some other spots on site for toilet purpose
then it will lead to many problems related to their health like exposing their bodies to bacteria that may cause urinary tract infection or
bladder infection, fissures, unhygienic condition on site which give birth to many other diseases as well respectively.
3. With bad housekeeping condition on site where scraps, waste material, debris and other things with pointing edges are scattered on the
site, there are more likely chances of many people may get hurt or injured from these things. The probability of these hurting of workers
from these things is considerable high. These injuries may include abrasions, cuts, bruising, bone injuries, fracture and head injuries in
case of person fall on ground due to these hurdles, foot injuries Etc.
Controlling the Risk:
1. By providing clean water for drinking will save the workers from the potential risk toward their health. It will eliminate the risk associated
with their health which was due to drinking of unfit drinking water. I have given a timescale of 5 days for this action to be completed

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because of drinking water need to be transported at site from far away located source & also for budget approval from finance manager
for purchasing of water. It expected that this action will be completed in this timescale.
2. By increasing the numbers of toilets on the site will help in almost eliminating this hazard. Worker will use toilets rather than different
spots on the site while other will not have to wait for toilet to get empty and can easily use it any time. I have given a timescale of 2
weeks for this action to be completed. It is because it needs to be get approved from finance manager for budget purpose and further for
its location decision and purchasing process of these temporary/mobile toilet. It is hoped that this action will be completed within the
assign timescale.
3. By removing excessive things from site and keeping good housekeeping on site, will improve the condition of the site. It also reduces
the risk associated with bad housekeeping like injuries etc. to workers and visitors on the site. I have given a timescale of 1 week for this
action to be completed because the workers who are assigned with duties of maintaining good housekeeping at site are present. Supervisor
just need to engage them properly in their duties and monitor their work. It is hoped that action will be completed within this defined
time period.

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Part 4: Review, communicate and check

You must now give a review date for your risk assessment and say why you have chosen this date (10 to 50 words).

I have selected the review date after Six months (i.e. 10 October, 2020) because it is company policy to review risk assessment bi-annually.

You must now indicate how the risk assessment findings will be communicated (including who needs to know the information) (100 to 150
First of all, I will arrange a meeting with Project Manager and Finance Manager and discuss about the risk assessment findings and actions that
are required and get approval from them for required actions. Then, I will share the summary of risk assessment findings and actions required
by HR Manager, Site Engineer and Site Supervisor through email and arrange a meeting afterwards if required. I will also advise the Site
Supervisor to discuss about the action that workers need to take in their working, during tool-box talk that will be specially arrange for this
purpose. I will also paste a summary of risk assessment on notice board present at site where all workers have easy access and can easily read

You must now indicate how you will follow-up on the risk assessment to check that the actions have been carried out (100 to 150 words).
I will set a reminder in my mobile phone 2 days before the action is going to be completed and will find out the current status of the action from
the person responsible for required action. If any action lagging behind the pre-defined timescale or taking more time, I will try to find the root
cause of this lagging or delay e.g. is it due to budget approval issue for this action or other reason like absence of any responsible person for this
action etc. and will make sure the hurdle or problem will be sort out as soon as possible for completion of action in time. If any action that seems
like not going to be completed in time, I will may ask Project Manager and Finance Manager for allocation more resources if available like
manpower, budget etc. for the action.

Learner number: 00538280 Learner name: Zeeshan Haider Page 17 of 17

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