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: 461116-100000-43733-0017
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System 3 1 of 24




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3 Issued for Bid 30-JAN-14

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3 MA 30-JAN-14 SJ/CS 30-JAN-14 SS 30-JAN-14



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Document No.: GFDP-COM-52-TEL-SP-GE-006

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Page: 2 of 24

Specification for Public Address General Alarm System


Rev. Date Description of Change

2 17-JUNE-13 Issued for Bid

1 20-MAY-13 Issued for Bid

0 31-MAR-13 Issued for Bid

A 17-JAN-13 Issued for Review

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Document No.: GFDP-COM-52-TEL-SP-GE-006

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Page: 3 of 24

Specification for Public Address General Alarm System


REVISION HISTORY ..................................................................................................................2

1.0 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Definition............................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Abbreviation ...................................................................................................... 7

2.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 8

2.1 International Codes and Standards ................................................................. 8

2.2 Other References .............................................................................................. 9
2.3 Order of Precedence ......................................................................................... 9
2.4 Language and Units of Measurements............................................................ 9

3.0 BASIC ENGINEERING DESIGN DATA ......................................................................... 9

4.0 SCOPE OF SUPPLY AND WORK ............................................................................... 10

5.0 SYSTEM DESIGN – IP BASED PAGA SYSTEM ......................................................... 10

5.1 General ............................................................................................................. 10

5.2 System Design Requirements ........................................................................ 10
5.3 System Devices ............................................................................................... 12

6.0 SYSTEM DESIGN – INDUSTRIAL TYPE PAGA SYSTEM ........................................ 13

8.0 CABLE REQUIREMENT .............................................................................................. 18

9.0 ACOUSTIC COVERAGE STUDY ................................................................................ 19

10.0 SYSTEM AVAILABILITY ............................................................................................. 19

11.0 POWER SUPPLY......................................................................................................... 19

12.0 ENGINEERING SERVICES ......................................................................................... 19

13.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING....................................................................................... 20

13.1 General ............................................................................................................. 20

13.2 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) ..................................................................... 20
13.3 Site Acceptance Test (SAT)............................................................................ 20
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

13.4 Test Reports .................................................................................................... 21

14.0 QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY ASSURANCE ........................................................... 21

15.0 PACKAGING, MARKING AND SHIPMENT ................................................................. 21

15.1 Packing and Shipment .................................................................................... 21

15.2 Preservation and Storage ............................................................................... 22

15.3 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE .................................................................................. 22

16.0 DOCUMENTATION...................................................................................................... 22

17.0 SPECIAL TOOLS......................................................................................................... 24

18.0 SPARE PARTS ............................................................................................................ 24

19.0 TRAINING .................................................................................................................... 24

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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System


1.1 Introduction

The Development and Production Service Contract (DPSC) for the Garraf Contract Area
was signed between South Oil Company (SOC), PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd, Japan
Petroleum Exploration Co. Ltd and North Oil Company. Garraf field takes its name from
the Shatt Al Garraf waterway, a tributary of the River Tigris. It is one of a group of
undeveloped fields sometimes referred to as the Garraf axis fields. The others include
Nasiriyah and Rafidain. Garraf Field is situated in the Southern part of Iraq, in the ThiQar
Governorate, some 5km Northwest of Al Refaei city and 85km North of Nasiriyah. Garraf
is an anticlinal structure aligned Northwest– Southeast, about 31km long and 10km wide.

Figure 1.1: Location of Garraf Field in Southern Iraq (Source: Public Domain)

Two proven formation in Garraf are being considered for development, namely Mishrif
and Yamama. Garraf Oil Field is expected to be developed in 2 phases;

i. Phase 1 - First Commercial Production (FCP), and

ii. Phase 2 - Final Field Development (FFD).

Garraf target is to deliver First Commercial Production (FCP) to progressively meet the
FFD production capacity, by 2017. The FCP facilities are designed (by others) on
modular concept, consisting 2 units of 50,000 BOPD production train capacities each,
treating Mishrif well fluid. The export crude is metered and exported through a new
11km x 18” export pipeline to a tie-in point at 24” Ahdab pipeline. During FCP, gas will
be utilized for internal consumption while remaining gas will be flared until readiness of
gas evacuation system in Q1 2014.

The Mishrif and Yamama production capacities will be enhanced in phases by

additional oil and gas trains. The number and capacity of the trains will be governed by
the production profiles, logistics, processing schemes and economics of the various
development scenarios.
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

Consideration was given to the bulk water separation for increased water-cut in well fluid
over the years and also common and new utilities for the additional trains while
evaluating these configurations for FFD. The overall Garraf Gas Evacuation System
(GGES) consists of a gas processing facility and also export facilities. The gas
processing facility (GPP Ph. 1) will treat the associated gas produced from the first
commercial production (FCP) facilities and produced dry gas, liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG) and condensates. In addition, certain amount of gas treated will be used as fuel
gas for FCP, GPP Ph. 1 facilities and power plant. Dry gas produced will be exported via
an export pipeline that originates in Garraf field facility and ends at a designated tie in
point specified by Iraqi Host Authority. This tie-in point is located approximately 90km
away from Garraf Field Facilities Purpose.

1.2 Scope

This specification together with the referenced documents defines the minimum
requirement for design, manufacture, inspection, testing and supply of PAGA System for
Garraf Final Development Plan (GFDP) Project.

Compliance with the requirements of this specification or any of the documents referred
to herein shall not relieve the VENDOR of his responsibility to supply equipment of proper
design, workmanship and materials conforming to good engineering practice to meet the
specified conditions.

The intent of this specification is to describe the minimum acceptable parameters for the
design, manufacture, inspection and testing of the PAGA System. It’s not the intent of
COMPANY to deviate from good engineering practice. The absence of any specifications
shall imply that the best engineering practices shall prevail, utilizing the best quality
workmanship and materials.

1.3 Definition

For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions shall apply:

PROJECT : Garraf Final Development Plan (GFDP)

COMPANY : PETRONAS Carigali Iraq Holdings BV (PCIHBV)
CONSULTANT : Party which carries out all or part of the Front End
Engineering Design of the project. PTSSB is the
EPC CONTRACTOR : Party which carries out all or part of the engineering
procurement, construction, commisioning and
mangement of the PROJECT. EPC CONTRACTOR
includes his approved MANUFACTURERS,
MANUFACTURER/ : Party/(s), which manufactures and/or supplies
material, equipment and services to perform the duties
as specified by COMPANY/ EPC CONTRACTOR in
the scope of supply.
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

SUBCONSULTANT : Party(s), which carries out all or part of the detailed

engineering of the system(s) as specified by the

SUBCONTRACTOR/ : The party(s) which carries out all or part of the design,
procurement, installation and testing of the system(s)
as specified by the EPC CONTRACTOR.

TECHNICAL NOTES : A Deviation requested by the SUBCONTRACTOR,

after receiving the contract package or purchase order.
Often, it refers to an authorization to use, repair,
recondition, reclaim, or release materials, components
or equipment already in progress or completely
manufactured but which does not comply with project
requirements. TECHNICAL NOTES are subject to
COMPANY approval.
SOUR ENVIRONMENT/ : Sour environment or sour service is the term
SOUR SERVICE traditionally used for environments containing water
and H2S in exploration and production services in oil
and gas industry. In these services ,sour environments
are defined as “exposure to oil field environments that
contains H2S and can cause cracking of material by
the mechanisms addressed by NACE MR 0175/
ISO15156”. By extension, the term applies to all the
fluids, the condition of which falls into Regions 2 and 3
of EFC Publ.No.16 monograph.
Shall : Indicates a mandatory requirement.

Should : Indicates a strong recommendation to comply with the

requirements of this document.

1.4 Abbreviation

EMI : Electro-magnetic Interference

FAT : Factory Acceptance Test

FCP : First Commercial Production

FFD : Final Field Development

FDS : Functional Design Specification

FO : Fibre Optic
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

FOC : Fibre Optic Cable

GFDP : Garraf Final Development Plan

IEC : International Electro technical Commission

IP : Internet Protocol

IP : Ingress Protection

ISO : International Organization for Standardization

PAGA : Public Address General Alarm

POE : Power Over Ethernet

PSU : Power Supply Unit

PTSSB : PETRONAS Technical Services Sdn Bhd

SAT : Site Acceptance Test

UPS : Un-interruptible Power Supply


2.1 International Codes and Standards

The following Codes and Standards, to the extent specified herein, form a part of this
specification. When an edition date is not indicated for a code or standard, the latest
edition in force at the time of VENDOR’s proposal submitted shall apply.

IEC 60849 : Sound Systems for Emergency Purposes

IEC 60079-14 : Electrical Installations in hazardous area
: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP
IEC 60529
: Quality Management System – Requirements 2000
: Quality Systems – Model for Quality Assurance in Final
Inspection and Test
: Quality Management and Quality System Elements -
ISO 9001:2008 : Quality Management Systems - Requirements
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

2.2 Other References

GFDP-COM-52-PP-SP-02-003 : Specification for Painting and Coating

GFDP-COM-52-PRJ-SP-GE-001 : Design Basis Memorandum (General)

GFDP-101-51-TEL-SP-92-001 : Basis of Design (Telecommunication) for Garraf

Final Development Plan (GFDP)

2.3 Order of Precedence

The order of precedence of the engineering document shall be as follows:

• Laws and regulations of Iraq;

• Data sheets;

• PROJECT Specification;

• International Codes and Standards.

In the event of any conflict of data or requirements in any of the above documents, written
clarifications shall be sought from COMPANY before proceeding. It is the EPC
CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to resolve these conflicts before proceeding with design,
manufacture or purchase. In any case the most stringent requirement shall prevail.
However COMPANY interpretation shall be final.

2.4 Language and Units of Measurements

The governing language of the contract shall be English Language. All notices,
correspondences, information, literature, data, manuals and other documents required
under this contract shall be in the English Language.

As a rule, the SI units will be used. However, for some main parameters such as
pressure, flow rate and temperature, both SI and Imperial units shall be adopted (the
second ones will be included in brackets). As an exception for the SI unit for pressure,
bar shall be used instead of kPa. MMSCFD will be used for hydrocarbon gas flow.
Furthermore, pipe sizes will be in inches, dynamic viscosity in centipoises and kinematic
viscosity in centistokes.

For detailed unit of measurement refer section 1.5 of Design Basis Memorandum
(General) Doc. No. GFDP-COM-52-PRJ-SP-GE-001.


For Basic Engineering Design Data, refer section 2.0 of Design Basis Memorandum
(General) Doc.No.GFDP-COM-52-PRJ-SP-GE-001.
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System


PAGA System comprising of the following as minimum shall be engineered, designed,

assembled, tested, pre-commissioned and commissioned in the designated PROJECT
locations to ensure a trouble-free start-up, operation and maintenance.

• IP Based PAGA System comprising of amplifier for driving the speakers with
inbuilt capacity for audio generation, data networking, system control, POE
features etc;

• Industrial type minimal PAGA node comprising of amplifiers, alarm tone generator,
alarm speech generator, test panel, network interface card etc;

• Indoor Speakers, Outdoor Speakers, associated cabling and related accessories;

• Operator Console/Access Panel;

• Networking Equipment;

• Software and licenses.

Any hardware / software not listed in this document, but required for the proper
functioning and maintenance of the system shall be provided by the VENDOR.


5.1 General

PAGA system shall be deployed in FAR-4 for the generation of alarm and message
announcements under the scope of this PROJECT. PROJECT locations shall be
provided with Indoor speakers as well as Outdoor speakers for extending PAGA
coverage to the required areas.

PAGA System in the respective locations shall be a minimal IP based System,

embodying a high degree of reliability and integrity within its design and construction.

5.2 System Design Requirements

The minimum requirements for the PAGA system to be supplied within the scope of this
project shall be as follows:

• PAGA system in the new PROJECT locations shall be compatible with the
existing PAGA System (Cyber Data make) in Garraf FCP CCR;

• PAGA system shall be IP based, software controlled system with built-in

redundancy for the critical circuits;
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

• PAGA System shall be software program controlled so as to enable easy system

configuration, self diagnostics as well as future software upgrades, system
changes and expansions;

• System shall provide one-way voice audio as well as alarm broadcast through the
Call Station/Access unit;

• System shall facilitate sound reinforcement and distribution necessary for

evacuation during emergency as per the relevant standards;

• System shall provide a Sound Pressure level (SPL) within the facility (internal and
external areas) at least 20 decibels above ambient noise levels;

• System shall facilitate individual configuration of alarms and announcements to

different levels;

• Distinct zones shall be maintained for Indoor and Outdoor speakers. Zone
classification of Indoor/Outdoor loud speakers shall be finalized during detailed

• Speech / Alarm announcements shall be prioritized by content to ensure that the

most critical information is broadcast;

• Messages shall be broadcast in Arabic as well as in English Languages;

• System design shall follow complete redundancy for the vital system components
such as Indoor/Outdoor speakers, amplifiers, associated speaker cable loop etc.;

• Call Station unit/Access Panel shall be provided with provision for generation of
alarms/announcements, zone selection etc.;

• System shall extend monitoring facilities for the system components as well as the
loudspeakers including the distribution circuits;

• System shall be designed and supplied compliant with local and International
standards for emergency purposes as well as normal sound reinforcement;

• PAGA System announcement priorities shall be finalized during detailed

Engineering phase complying with the COMPANY requirements/Standards;

• PAGA System deployed in FAR-4 location shall be interfaced with the existing
Main PAGA System in Garraf FCP CCR via FOC link;

• All modifications/upgrading of the existing PAGA System

software/hardware/licences etc at Garraf FCP CCR shall be under the scope of
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

5.3 System Devices

The minimum technical requirements pertaining to PAGA System components shall be

as follows:

5.3.1 Power Amplifier

• Power Amplifier shall be IP based with minimum rating of 25 watts for driving the
Outdoor Speakers;

• Power Amplifier shall support SIP Protocol;

• Shall support 10/100 Mbps Ethernet interface;

• Shall support POE feature;

• Shall support web based configuration;

• PAGA Amplifier shall support line-out connector for connection to an external


5.3.2 Indoor Speakers

• Indoor Speakers shall be IP based, ceiling mounted type;

• Indoor Speakers shall have 9W max. power and rated power 6W/3W/1.5W/0.75

• Sound Pressure Level (SPL) at nominal 6W power (1 KHz @1m) shall be 97 dB;

• Indoor Speakers shall support SIP Protocol;

• Shall support 10/100 Mbps Ethernet interface;

• Shall support web based configuration;

• Shall support POE feature;

• Indoor Speakers shall be provided with high efficiency speaker driver;

• Shall support Network and manual speaker volume control;

• Indoor Speakers shall be provided with Plenum-rated enclosure.

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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

5.3.3 Outdoor Speakers

• Outdoor Speakers shall provide a rated power of 25 Watts and rated power

• Sound Pressure Level (SPL) maximum at 25W (1 KHz @1m) shall be 121 dB;

• Outdoor speakers shall be pole mounted;

• Speakers shall be provided with integral termination chamber and shall have 2
nos. M20 cable entries;

• Speakers shall be weather proof, certified to Ingress protection rating IP 65;

• Speakers shall be Ex proof in compliance with the hazardous area classification


• Speaker flare and body shall be made of GRP as well as UV resistant;

• Loud speakers shall be provided with required cable tails and JBs for termination;

• Outdoor speakers shall be provided with necessary mounting accessories.

5.3.4 Operator Console/Access Panel

Operator Console/Access Panel shall be provided for facilitating announcement and

alarm operations in the new PROJECT locations. Access unit shall support
announcements to specific zones and also execution of predefined actions.


3 6.1 General

Rugged Industrial type minimal PAGA Sub-System or PAGA Node shall be deployed in
the designated PROJECT locations so as to extend PAGA coverage. Minimal PAGA
Node shall be redundant in design with connectivity to the Main Centralized redundant
PAGA System in GICC through the FO Network. Main CPU, Amplifier, Speakers, cabling
etc of the PAGA nodes shall be redundant in design (namely System A and System B).
Both Systems A and B are engaged so that each system provides half of the required
sound power for the coverage. So each plant area has half of the speakers powered from
System A and the other half from System B (by different cable routing). In the event of
failure of one of the Systems, the other one shall be able to provide 50% of acoustic
coverage. Such kind of configuration is based on the overlapped design of
speaker/beacon networks.

A fault in any one amplifier shall initiate an automatic change over to a common standby
amplifier. In the event of amplifier failure, the standby amplifier should be able to drive all
speakers connected to the original (now failed) amplifier. Two dedicated power amplifiers
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

shall supply power to speakers in any one paging zone of the facility with approximately
half the number of speakers from main amplifier (System A) and the other half from the
duplicated amplifier (System B) on another rack. Connections (looping) of speakers are
arranged such that a line fault or failure on one loop (for example from System A) will still
allow sufficient coverage of announcements from the corresponding System B operating
from the other amplifier rack (System B).Each rack shall have one (1) CPU
interconnected, each CPU can take over if the other System fails and control the full
System (A + B).

Exact quantities of the speakers in the PROJECT locations shall be finalized based on
Acoustic Coverage Study. PAGA speaker cabling shall be installed in two separate cable
networks for system integrity in the event of fault or fire. Cabling loops connected to the
respective speakers (System A and System B) serving a particular zone shall be on
different routes.

The audio levels at a distance of 2 meter shall be as follows:

 65 dBA or minimum +6dBA above background noise, whichever is greater at all

indoor and outdoor areas;
 Maximum level shall not exceed 100dBA;
 75 dBA at assembly area (max).

Predicted background noise shall be identified to satisfy the recommended sound level.

Minimal PAGA nodes in the PROJECT locations shall be compatible with the Main PAGA
System in GICC.

6.2 System Devices

The minimum technical requirements pertaining to PAGA System components shall be as


6.2.1 Power Amplifier

• Power amplifiers shall be provided with a rating of min. 500 W to drive the speaker

• Class D amplification shall be provided ensuring full compliance to EMC


• Amplifiers shall provide frequency response of -25 to 25,000 Hz with less than
0.3% THD (Total harmonic Distortion);

• Amplifiers shall be installed in Hot Standby configuration with automatic change

over upon fault detection;

• Power Amplifiers shall support integrity monitoring and alarm generation.

Amplifier front panel LEDs shall indicate the power amplifier status.
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

6.2.2 Indoor Speakers

• Speakers shall have integral line transformer (100V);

• Speakers shall have 9W max. power and rated power 6W/3W/1.5W/0.75 W;

• Sound Pressure Level (SPL) at nominal 6W power (1 KHz @1m) shall be 97 dB;

• Speakers shall be ceiling mounted;

• Speakers shall support environmental rating of IP 42;

• Speakers shall be provided with protective steel fire dome;

• Speakers shall be provided with the necessary flush mounting supports and
accessories as required.

6.2.3 Outdoor Speakers

• Speakers shall have integral line transformer (100V);

• Speakers shall have 25W max. power and rated power 12.5W/6W/4W/1W;

• Sound Pressure Level (SPL) at nominal 25W power (1 KHz @1m) shall be 121

• Outdoor speakers shall be pole mounted;

• Speakers shall be provided with integral termination chamber and have 2

nos.M20 cable entries;

• Speakers shall be weather proof, certified to minimum Ingress protection rating of

IP 65;

• Speakers shall be explosion proof complying with the hazardous area

classification requirements based on the final location;

• Speaker flare and body shall be made of GRP as well as UV resistant;

• Loud speakers shall be provided with the required cable tails and JBs for

• Outdoor speakers shall be provided with necessary mounting accessories;

• Outdoor speakers shall be suitable for the environment stated under clause 3.0 of
this document.
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

6.2.4 Indoor PAGA Handset Unit

• Noise-cancelling microphone;
• Non-moveable electronic hook switch;
• Durable housing;
• 9 Watt inbuilt amplifier.

6.2.5 Outdoor PAGA Handset Unit

• Noise-cancelling microphone;
• Non-moveable electronic hook switch;
• Compliance to hazardous area classification requirements based on the final
• 25 Watt inbuilt amplifier.

6.2.6 PAGA Operator Console/Access Panel

PAGA Operator Console/Access Panel shall confirm to the following minimum


• Access panel shall be provided for announcement and alarm operations;

• Access panel shall support announcements to specific zones and also execution
of predefined actions;
• Access panel shall have industrial membrane keypad and noise cancelling
microphone with flexible gooseneck stem;
• Access panel shall be provided with zone selector switch;
• Solid State sounder shall be provided for audible alert of System Faults, with
provision for muting of the same by the Operator;
• Access Panels shall support an environmental rating of IP 42;

6.2.7 Alarm Tone Generator

A Digital Voice Announcer (DVA) shall be provided to control the generation of alarm
tones and digital speech messages. The system will allow pre-record chimes and digital
speech messages storage of pre-recorded announcements for playback. This system has
the advantage of elimination of feedback from microphones, and the repetition of speech

The unit or card shall be rack mounted and shall provide the facility to generate a
minimum of 6 unique and separate alarm tone signals that are capable of being
broadcasted over the speaker system.
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

The alarm tones are to be initiated manually by momentary contact pushbuttons with
integral indicating lamps or automatically by external control by momentarily opening the
normally closed contacts wired to the priority level terminal corresponding to that tone.
The lamps are to utilize a twin-filament arrangement and are required to operate when the
associated selection takes place.

All tones are to be distinctive and of such frequencies that they will be clearly discernible
above the Facility ambient noise levels and frequencies. The alarm tone generators shall
be modular, plug-in units or cards and shall be programmable.

6.2.8 Alarm Speech Generator

PAGA node shall have the capability to broadcast speech in English and Arabic shall be
provided. The alarm tones shall be interspersed with alarm speech/phrases.

The alarm tone volume output shall be reduced to 25% of original level to permit
broadcast of alarm speech/phrases, enabling alarm speech to be heard at full volume
with alarm tones at 25% level in the background.The alarm tone shall not be shut off
completely. Time span between alarm tones/speech shall be user selected (0-3 seconds
field configurable).

The system shall give the capability to override alarm tones in order to make Emergency
Announcements. The override level shall be programmable.

6.2.9 Beacons

Visual alerts in form of flashing beacons shall supplement audio broadcasts, in high
ambient noise levels. Locations of the beacon light shall be based on the predicted noise
levels. Beacon lights shall be activated by fail-safe contacts in the PAGA node cabinet.

6.3.10 Zone Distribution

PAGA node shall be designed to facilitate the coverage of paging and alarm tones of
specific nature to selected zone, combination of zones or all the zones. Each of the
zones will be fed by separate cable networks, speakers and amplifiers (with a
corresponding amplifier connected in parallel) for changeover.
PAGA speakers shall be installed at strategic locations throughout the PROJECT
locations divided into various loops as per System A and System B.
The distribution of PAGA speakers are arranged to comply with safety requirements
allowing for an efficient operation for a dual rack configuration. Paging zones shall be field
configurable (without the requirement for special tools, cables etc) to enable flexibility for
future re-zoning.
EPC CONTRACTOR shall provide a facility to mute the audible alarm tones in the
PROJECT Control Rooms. At this instance, the beacon lights in the affected areas shall
continue to flash.
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Specification for Public Address General Alarm System


PAGA System and related accessories shall be installed within a cabinet.

Preferred dimensions of the cabinets are 800 (W) x 800 (D) x 2100 (H) mm including 100
mm plinth. Cabinet shall facilitate front door access.

All cable entries shall be through the bottom of the cabinet. The cabinet shall have
removable gland plates for cables. The panels shall be equipped for bottom entry with
suitable cable glands. The cabinet shall be provided with wheels for ease of mobility
during Construction Phase.

Adequate natural ventilation shall be provided to ensure the internal ambient temperature
does not exceed the safe continuous operating temperature of the components located
therein. VENDOR shall provide a calculation of heat generated under the worst possible
conditions i.e. with all loads energized at maximum ambient temperature

Dust filters shall be of the replaceable or cleanable type, and this action shall be possible
without disturbing the functions of the cabinet.


Cabling between the Indoor/Outdoor Loud speakers and the PAGA System
cabinet/amplifier shall be through fire resistant copper cable complying with IEC 60331
Standard. Indoor IP based speakers shall be connected through LAN. Minimal PAGA
system nodes in the PROJECT locations shall be interfaced with the Main PAGA System
in Garraf FCP CCR/ GICC (as applicable from the designated peer PROJECT locations)
via FO Network.

Supply of Power and Signal cables required for the connectivity of PAGA System
components, loud speakers and related accessories shall be in the scope of EPC

VENDOR shall give details on the specific cable types recommended for the connection
of the PAGA Loud speakers based on system requirements and VENDOR’s system

VENDOR shall confirm by detailed voltage drop calculations, the suitability of the
proposed cable size for Outdoor loud speakers. If VENDOR's calculations conclude that
the selected field cables will not meet the requirements of the field devices, this shall be
stated explicitly in the bid and an alternate size shall be proposed. Voltage drop
calculations shall be submitted.

All system interconnecting cables within the PAGA System shall be provided by the
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Document No.: GFDP-COM-52-TEL-SP-GE-006

Revision: 3
Page: 19 of 24

Specification for Public Address General Alarm System


Acoustic Coverage Study shall be carried out so as to finalize the location/quantity of loud
speakers, power tapping of speakers, associated power amplifiers and zone distribution.
Acoustic Coverage Study report shall be submitted to the COMPANY for review and


The performance availability of the PAGA System and related accessories shall not be
less than 99.999% with a field MTTR of 2 hours, complying with the ITU Standards.


230 V AC, redundant UPS power shall be provided at the PROJECT locations for PAGA
System cabinet components and related accessories. VENDOR shall further distribute
the same and derive required voltages for the operation of the complete PAGA System.
All power distribution components for the PAGA System components shall be in the
scope of the VENDOR. UPS Battery Back-up for a minimum span of 8 hours shall be
provided for the PAGA System components and related accessories.

VENDOR shall provide the necessary earthing arrangements for the PAGA System
cabinet, Indoor/Outdoor loud speakers and related accessories.

VENDOR shall clearly spell out the power supply requirements with details of power
consumption along with the bid.


The following Engineering services shall be provided as minimum:

• Integration of the minimal PAGA nodes with the Main PAGA System in Garraf
FCP CCR/GICC(as applicable from the designated peer PROJECT locations);

• Conducting Acoustic Coverage Study so as to finalize the location and quantity of


• Resolving engineering questions relating to the PAGA node and related

accessories within the VENDOR scope of supply;

• Ensuring that the system supplied shall meet the requirements of the
specifications and standards referenced herein;

• Attending coordination meetings – with COMPANY and EPC CONTRACTOR;

• Provide Functional design documentation, Interface control documents, Layout

drawings and other documentation required for the System implementation.
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Document No.: GFDP-COM-52-TEL-SP-GE-006

Revision: 3
Page: 20 of 24

Specification for Public Address General Alarm System


13.1 General

VENDOR shall be responsible for the inspection and quality assurance of the materials
and standard of workmanship furnished.

FAT shall be carried out by the VENDOR and witnessed by the EPC CONTRACTOR or
COMPANY representative / Third Party representative at the VENDOR’s manufacturing

SAT shall be carried out by the VENDOR and witnessed by EPC

CONTRACTOR/COMPANY representative at site.

All formal testing shall be carried out in accordance with the approved test procedure.

FAT procedures shall be furnished by the VENDOR and submitted to the EPC
CONTRACTOR at least 2 months prior to COMPANY approval. Each formal acceptance
test shall be signed by the VENDOR, EPC CONTRACTOR and COMPANY representative
at successful completion of the tests.

SAT procedures shall be furnished by the VENDOR and submitted to the EPC
CONTRACTOR at least 2 months prior to COMPANY approval. Each formal acceptance
test shall be signed by the VENDOR, EPC CONTRACTOR and COMPANY representative
at successful completion of the tests.

EPC CONTRACTOR representative shall periodically visit the VENDOR’s shop facilities
and inspect manufacture progress. This shall include review of VENDOR’s in house
testing documentation.

13.2 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)

FAT shall include testing and acceptance of PAGA node and related accessories, but not
limited to the following:

• Inspection of all supplied hardware so as to ensure accuracy of model number

and quantity;

• Test of individual system (hardware and software) components;

• Functional testing by simulating actual operating conditions;

• Manufacturer’s test results.

13.3 Site Acceptance Test (SAT)

SAT shall basically be the repetition of FAT after installing the new PAGA node and
related accessories. After commissioning, PAGA node and related accessories shall be
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Document No.: GFDP-COM-52-TEL-SP-GE-006

Revision: 3
Page: 21 of 24

Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

tested for the full functionality at site so as to verify whether the “as installed’’ PAGA node
meets the specified functional requirements.

Prior to the commencement of SAT, VENDOR shall verify whether all equipment,
interconnecting tables, external power connections, and grounding connections have
been installed correctly. Broadcast announcements and Emergency alarms shall be
tested for priority and zone operations.

VENDOR shall rectify any system related deficiencies encountered during the SAT. After
successful field performance results are confirmed, the Site Acceptance of the new
PAGA node shall be signed.

13.4 Test Reports

At the satisfactory conclusion of the FAT, a factory Certificate of Acceptance shall be

provided by the VENDOR for signature by COMPANY and EPC CONTRACTOR.

At the satisfactory conclusion of the SAT (Site Acceptance Test), a Provisional

Acceptance Certificate shall be prepared by EPC CONTRACTOR.

The above documents become a Certificate of Provisional Site Acceptance, which

COMPANY shall review and approve.


VENDOR shall maintain a quality System in line with ISO 9001 and shall preferably be
certified. The status shall be indicated during bid the stage. VENDOR shall ensure all sub
sellers shall have a quality System meeting the specified conformance criteria.

Quality control records shall be prepared and submitted by the VENDOR to the
COMPANY representative at an appropriate time during the execution of the works and a
record file shall be maintained and issued with final manufacturing documentation of the
works completion. This requirement shall apply to all major Sub-VENDORs also.

The COMPANY reserves its right to conduct a quality audit at the VENDOR’s facilities at
any stage during execution of the works.


15.1 Packing and Shipment

Preparation for shipment shall be in accordance with the VENDOR’s standards and as
noted herein. VENDOR shall be solely responsible for the adequacy of the preparation for
shipment provisions with respect to materials and application, and to provide equipment
at the destination in ex-works condition when handled by commercial carriers.

Adequate protection shall be provided to prevent mechanical damage and atmospheric

corrosion in transit and at the jobsite.
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Document No.: GFDP-COM-52-TEL-SP-GE-006

Revision: 3
Page: 22 of 24

Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

All openings must be positively sealed by suitable method to ensure against the ingress
of dirt and damage during transportation. The use of adhesive tape closures alone is

Preparation for shipment and packing will be subject to inspection and rejection by EPC
CONTRACTOR’s inspectors. All costs occasioned by such rejection shall be to the
account of the VENDOR.

15.2 Preservation and Storage

Equipment and materials shall be protected to withstand ocean transit and extended
period of storage at the jobsite for a minimum period of 18 months. Equipment shall be
protected to safeguard against all adverse environments, such as: humidity, moisture,
rain, dust, dirt, sand, mud, salt air, salt spray, and seawater.

Assemblies supplied in transport units shall have these units clearly marked to facilitate
assembly at site.

Instructions for transport, storage, erection and maintenance of the equipment shall be
supplied by the VENDOR as an integral part of the order.

Special tools and equipment required for erection, commission, and maintenance shall
from part of the order and shall be shipped together with the assembly.


VENDOR shall assume responsibility and overall guarantee for the materials package.

The EPC CONTRACTOR shall transmit all relevant purchase order documents including
specifications to his VENDOR(s). It is the EPC CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to enforce
all Purchase Order and Specification requirements on his VENDOR(s).

The VENDOR shall submit all relevant drawings and engineering data to the COMPANY.

The VENDOR shall obtain and transmit all warranties to the COMPANY, in addition to the
system warranty.

Warranty shall meet PROJECT requirements.


VENDOR shall submit all documentation related to every equipment for COMPANY’s
authorization or information.

Comments made by COMPANY on submittals shall not relieve EPC CONTRACTOR or

VENDOR of any responsibility in meeting the requirements of the specifications.
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Document No.: GFDP-COM-52-TEL-SP-GE-006

Revision: 3
Page: 23 of 24

Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

Such comments shall not be construed as permission to deviate from requirements of the
specification/purchase order unless specific and mutual agreement is reached and
confirmed in writing by COMPANY.

Revisions to drawing shall be identified with symbols adjacent to the alterations, a brief
description in tabular form of each revision shall be given, and if applicable, the authority
and date of the revision shall be listed. The term “Latest Revision” shall not be used.

Unless otherwise stated in the Purchase Order, the VENDOR shall at least supply the
following documents. The language used shall be ENGLISH.

The VENDOR shall provide full component details, assembly and construction drawings
and details for EPC CONTRACTOR/ COMPANY approval after placement of order.
VENDOR/EPC CONTRACTOR shall provide following documentation, as minimum:

• PROJECT schedule, Quality Control Plan and Inspection Test Plan;

• Bill of material list;

• Product Specifications, Catalogs and Data sheets;

• Functional Design Specification with detail bill of material;

• Acoustic Coverage Study Report;

• System Design Calculations;

• System Design Drawings;

• System Block and Level Diagrams;

• System Interconnection drawing;

• Wiring diagrams;

• Termination drawings;

• Heat Dissipation/Load Lists;

• Equipment shelf layouts;

• Drawing and document schedule;

• FAT and SAT procedures;

• Testing, Installation, Pre-commissioning and Commissioning procedures;

• Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual;

• List of recommended spare parts for 2 years operation;

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Document No.: GFDP-COM-52-TEL-SP-GE-006

Revision: 3
Page: 24 of 24

Specification for Public Address General Alarm System

• Test certificates, Inspection and Test Reports;

• Guarantee/Warrantee;

• As built drawings and documents;

• VENDOR data book.


EPC CONTRACTOR/VENDOR shall provide any special tools and/or test equipments
which are required to carry out the Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the PAGA
System and related accessories.


VENDOR shall propose and recommend spare parts on the following basis:

• Commissioning spares;

• First (1) year operational spare requirements.

VENDOR shall identify and determine spare parts required for the subsequent two (2)
years of Operation and shall complete the COMPANY’s standard Spare Parts and
Interchangeability Record (SPIR).

Parts data shall be listed on proper form and be supplemented with appropriate
drawings/bulletins identifying all parts in their respective position.


VENDOR shall provide training on the programming and operation of the supplied PAGA
System. Training shall be provided by authorized VENDOR representative/personnel
using approved training manual. Training schedule and number of participants shall be
mutually agreed with the COMPANY.


EPC CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the total delivered system, including all sub-
suppliers equipment, shall be covered under warranty for a period of twenty four (24)
months from the final acceptance.

EPC CONTRACTOR shall state the guaranteed length of support for all system
hardware, to include all spare parts.

EPC CONTRACTOR shall provide upgrades and revisions of the software for a period of
two (2) years from the acceptance of the system

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