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WHEREAS, the Round Rock ISD and Texas Education Code entrusts the Round Rock ISD Board of
Trustees with effective, lawful, and ethical governance of the District to further the District’s mission
and goals; and

WHEREAS, Round Rock ISD Board Policy BBE (LOCAL) states that although there may be
dissenting votes or opinions, which are a matter of public record and are protected by law, each Board
decision shall be an action by the whole Board binding upon the District; and

WHEREAS, state laws, including Texas Penal Code Sections 38.13, 42.01, 42.02, and 42.05 and
Texas Education Code Section 37.105, establish that disruptions of meetings or on public property are
criminal offenses that permit law enforcement to remove individuals who continue to disrupt a public
meeting after being warned to cease their disruption; and

WHEREAS, the Texas Open Meetings Act only permits a board to deliberate on items posted on
an agenda; and

WHEREAS, Trustee Bone’s repeated failure to follow the Board President’s ruling and the
decision of the Board of Trustees regarding social distancing led or contributed to the disruption of the
September 14, 2021 Board Meeting; and

WHEREAS, Trustee Bone repeatedly insisted on calling for a vote on spacing rules for the
September 14, 2021 Board Meeting even though this matter was not on the agenda; and

WHEREAS, these actions by Trustee Bone undermined the orderly governance of the District;

WHEREAS, given her position as a District Trustee, Trustee Bone’s disruptive actions at the
September 14, 2021 Board Meeting brought unwanted and negative media and public attention to the

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that due to the urgency caused by Trustee Bone’s disruptive
conduct of repeatedly arguing after rulings by the Board President and a vote by the Board of Trustees
regarding the conduct at the September 14, 2021 Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees waives Board
Operating Procedures steps K(1) & K(2) related to the process to censure a Trustee; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, as a public censure is the only option available to the Board to
reprimand a Trustee and to make clear for the record that the Board in no way condones her actions as
described above, the Board of Trustees does hereby publicly censure Trustee Mary Bone for leading or
contributing to the disruption of the September 14, 2021 Board Meeting in violation of Texas Penal Code
Sections 38.13, 42.01, 42.02, and 42.05, Texas Education Code Section 37.105 and potentially causing
the Board to violate the Texas Open Meetings Act; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees does hereby publicly state that Trustee
Bone’s disruptive conduct as described above is in no way representative of the standards of conduct
that the Board expects of its members and is a disappointment to the Board; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees does hereby publicly admonish Trustee
Bone that she will be referred to as “Censured Trustee Bone” on all District communication and on the
Round Rock ISD website; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Trustee Bone shall be prohibited from holding a Board officer
position, having her name appear on high school diplomas, using District funds for the performance of
her official duties without Board approval, and visiting all Round Rock ISD properties in her official
capacity as a Trustee without Board approval with the exception of Board meetings; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any reference to “Censured Trustee Bone” shall only be removed
by a majority vote by the Board of Trustees; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board determines that each action and matter described
above is sufficient basis for this censure.

Dated this __ day of September, 2021

Round Rock Independent School District

By: _______________________________

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