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IT Recruiter Training Part – 01 By VINOD SINGH

We can divide Computer 2 Parts: -

1) Hardware
2) Software

Hardware: Computer Hardware is the Physical parts of a Computer and related devices.

1) Internal Hardware
2) External Hardware

Internal Hardware:

1) Motherboards
2) Hard Drives
3) RAM

External Hardware:

1) Monitors
2) Keyboards
3) Mice
4) Printers
5) Scanners

Components: Internal Hardware parts of a Computer

Peripherals: External parts of Computer

Software’s: Software is a set of programs, which is designed to perform a well-defined function.


1) System Software

2) Application software

3) Utility Software

IT Recruiter Training Part – 02 By VINOD SINGH

Software’s: -
1) System Software
2) Application Software

System Software’s:-

System Software is a kind of master software, it provides interface or platform to hardware and application

It interacts with hardware and software’s. it is general purpose software.

Types of System Software:

1) Operating System: Microsoft windows, Android, IOS & Linux.

2) Utility Software:
A) Antivirus

B) File Compression

3) Device drivers:

A) Monitor drivers

B) Printer drivers

2) Application Software:

Application Software are used to perform specific tasks. We can use application software’s as per our need.

Application software used as:

a) Single programs:

b) Collection of programs:

Application software examples:

a) MS word

b) MS excel

c) Database softwares (Oracle & MS Acess)

IT Recruiter Training Part – 03 By VINOD SINGH THAKUR

In this part we will talk about types application development.

Types of Application Development

1) Web Application

2) Custom Application

3) Rapid Application

4) Low Code Application

5) Mobile Application

6) Database application

7) Enterprise Application

8) Desktop Application

9) Data science Application

10) Backend Application

11) Software tools Application

12) API Application

13) Embedded System Application

14) Security Software application

15) Cloud Computing

IT Recruiter Training Part – 04 By VINOD SINGH THAKUR

Web Application:

A web application is application software that runs on a web server. Web applications are accessed by the user
through a web browser with an active network connection.

Web applications stored in web server and used worldwide.

This is the client side software programs, server side and client side scripting languages used to develop web

For example:

1) Client side scripting Language: JQuery, HTML, JavaScript & CSS

2) Server side scripting Language: PHP & ASP

Web Applications:

1) Facebook

2) Gmail

For accessing Web application, we must have Browser and good internet connections.

How Web Application works?

Web Browser ----HTTP Request------------Web server--------------Application server-----------------Database

Advantage of Web application:

1) No need to install

2) Not stored in user’s hard disc

3) Take low Ram and specification.

Java &J2EE design patterns:

1) MVC
2) Session Facade,
3) Data Access Object (DAO)
4) VO
5) DTO
6) Factory
7) Singleton
8) Front Controller.
Backbone.js, Marionette.js, Ember.js, Angular.js, React, Handlebars, jQuery, Jasmine
java concepts
Exception handling,
design patterns such as DAO, Data Transfer Objects, Front Controller, and Business Delegates , Service
MVC Paradigm) components such as Action Mapping, Action class, Dispatch action class, Action Form
Database development required creation of new tables, PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, views,
indexes and constraints, triggers

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