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Third Quarter week 5-6





NAME: __________________________________
GRADE & TRACK/STRAND: ____________________
ADRESS: ________________________________
CONTACT NUMBER: ______________________




Module Title: Installation of Communication,
Signaling Devices and Remote
Control Systems on Auxiliary
This module contains information and suggested learning activities on installation of
communication, signaling devices and remote control systems on auxiliary equipment. It
includes instructions and procedure on how to install alarm and intercommunication system.
Completion of this module will help you understand the succeeding module on installing
communication device and remote control system.
This module consists of two (2) learning outcomes. Each learning outcome contains learning
activities with instruction sheets. Before you follow the instruction, read the information sheets,
answer the self-check and do the activities provided to assess your competence by your teacher.
He/she will check if you have acquired the knowledge necessary to perform the skill portion of
the particular learning outcome.
Upon completing this module, report to your teacher for assessment. If you pass the assessment, you will be
given a certificate of completion.


Upon completion of the module the students should be able to:
LO1 Layout and install alarm system
LO2 Layout and install intercommunication system
Refer to the assessment criteria of learning outcomes 1-2 of this module.

A. Direction: Select the correct answer and write in your answer sheet.
1. It is a magnetic wire wound around an iron bar.
a. transformer b. coil c. adapter
2. A device consisting of a solenoid (usually a cylindrical coil of insulated wire wound in the form
of a helix), in which an iron core is placed. An electric current passed through the coil induces a
strong magnetic field along the axis of the helix.
a. electromagnet b. magnetic flux c. magnetic field
3. It is a portable intercom connection from a belt pack to one or both ears via headphones with
integrated microphones on a boom arms.
a. intercom b. handset c. headset
4. A permanent or portable telephone-style connection to an intercom station. It holds both an
earpiece and a push to talk microphone.
a. intercom b. handset c. headset
5. What do you call a momentary contact switch?
a. push button b. three way c. relay
6. It is a condition which makes the circuit ON or OFF after a certain period of time or
condition. a. reset b. busted c. trip
7. It is an electrical device capable of converting a given voltage to a desired voltage.
a. converter b. rectifier c. transformer
8. In installing the signal and alarm system, what is the least distance of signaling wire
from electric or power lines.
a. 5 inches b. 6 inches c. 7 inches
9. What is the standard size of conductor used in signal and alarm system?
a. no.14or16AWG b. no.16or18AWG c. no.12or14AWG
10. It is an electrical device that produces an audible alarm when electrical energy is
applied.a. electric bell b. buzzer c. speaker
11. It is an alarming device that produces sound which is caused by the rapid vibration
of armature. a. electric bell b. buzzer c. speaker
12. Which device is used to indicate by visual sign that transmits over electric call bell
circuit? It is commonly used in hospitals, elevators, offices.
a. buzzer b. electric bell c. annunciator
13. It is an improvement of call bell and annunciator system, the equipment and
general wiring are similar, however, push button devices are installed on door, wall,
windows floor mat and some strategic place where the burglar intruders are likely
to pass.
a. annunciator wiring system
b. signal and alarm system
c. burglar alarm wiring system
14. Which device receives and responds to a signal or stimulus?
a. switch b. infrared c. sensor
15. It is a type of sensor device which uses light beam which is either broken or
a. photoelectric b. pressure c. detector
B. Direction: Identify the symbols of the following components below. Write your answer in your answer

Belt Pack is a portable intercom station worn on the belt. It requires a headset or handset.
Coil is a magnetic wire wound around in an iron bar.
Door Station is like sub-stations wherein these units are only capable of initiating a call to a
Master Station. They are typically weather-proof.
Electromagnet is a coil of wire wound around the soft iron bar.
Handset is a permanent or portable telephone-style connection to an intercom station. It holds
both an earpiece and a push to talk microphone.
Headset is a portable intercom connection from a belt pack to one or both ears via headphones
with integrated microphone on a boom arm. It connects to a belt pack.
Intercom Station is a full-featured remote unit that is capable of initiating and receiving party-
line conversation, individual conversation and signalling. It may be rack-mounted, wall-mounted
or portable.
Master Stations or Base Stations are units that can control the system, i.e., initiate a call with
any of the stations and make announcements over the whole system.
Power Supply is used to feed power to all units. It is often incorporated into the design of the
base station.
Push button is a momentary contact switch.
Relay is a device which is used to switch electrical system.
Reset is a method of returning electrical contacts to its original position.
Sub-stations are units that are capable of only initiating a call with a Master Station but not
capable of initiating calls with any other stations.
Transformer is an electrical device capable of converting a given voltage to a desired voltage.
Trip is a condition which makes the circuit ON or OFF after a certain period of time or condition.
Wall Mount Station is a fixed-position intercom station with built-in loudspeaker. It may have flush-
mounted microphone, hand-held push to talk microphone or telephone-style handset.
LESSON 1: Layout and install alarm system
This lesson covers the knowledge and skills of lay outing and installing alarm system. It contains
the information on the PEC requirements, sensor switches, relays and magnetic contactors.
Assessment Criteria: 1.Alarm devices are mounted in line with working
drawing, PEC standards and
prescribed procedure.
2. Types of sensors and detectors are identified according to
3. Condition of alarm devices is tested in line with manufacturer’s
4. Alarm system is wired following prescribed procedure and working
5. Parts and function of relay and magnetic contactors are identified.
6. Control system is installed in line with job requirements.
7. Work area is cleaned and made safe upon completion of the job.
8. Work report is prepared in line with established policy.


Signal and alarm are just like installing lighting circuit which involve switch or push button,
signal equipment and a conductor. There are provisions that should be followed in installing
signal and alarm wiring.
Signaling wires must not be placed on the same cross-armor which occupy the same circuit
with electric light or power lines nor come closer less than 5 inches ,unless enclosed with
permanent tubing.
Where wires are bunched vertically, they must be enclosed in a conduit or provided with fire
resistant covering to prevent fire from traveling from floor to floor.
Transformer and other devices for supplying current for light and power circuit must be
designed expressly for the purpose.
Splices and joints should conform to the PEC regulations to ensure mechanically and
electrically safe joints.
Protective devices must be installed as near a possible to the point of entrance.

Theories and principles of signal and alarm system

All signal and alarm system have their specific functions and uses. Deciding which of these
devices will be used can easily be done if you have basic knowledge of the feature and
components of each device in installing this kind of circuit.
The signal and alarm systems may come in remote control, automatic or manual in nature.
These devices include the buzzer, the bell, the chime the code-calling system, the signal light
and the like. The conductor of this system uses a small wire commonly no. 18 or 16 copper wires
solid or stranded.
In some cases, batteries are used as power source, whenever that AC source is available, a step
down transformer ranging from 6v- 18v is usually used. This is to lessen the use and trouble of
the batteries.
Types of signal and alarm system
Electric bell is an alarm that produces an audible alarm tone when electrical energy is applied.

Parts of electric bell

Electromagnet (N\S) it is a magnetic wire wound around the insulated soft iron bolt; it
produces strong magnetic attraction.
Hammer or beater (striker) is a small ball attached to the armature which strikes the gong.
Gong bell is a concave disc that produces loud sound when stuck by the hammer.
Adjustable contacts serve as the contact switch to the spring

Electric Bell.
When the switch is pushed closed, the circuit is completed and current flows through the
electromagnetic coil.
The buzzer
A buzzer is an alarming device that produces a buzzing sound which is caused by the rapid vibration of
armature. The sound of buzzer is not as loud as bell considering the structure that bell has gong while
buzzer has thin metal that produces sound, but they operate in the same principles.

Parts of buzzer
a. Electromagnet attracts and repels the thin metal sheet which moves rapidly back and forth.
b. Metal strip is a thin sheet of electromagnetic materials which vibrate when electromagnet is
energized and produces a buzzing sound.


The novel buzzer

The novel buzzer circuit uses a relay in series with a small audio transformer and speaker. When the switch
is pressed, the relay will operate via the transformer primary and closed relay contact. As soon as the relay
operates, the normally closed contact will open, removing power from the relay, the contacts close. The
speakers tone is thus proportional to relay operating frequency. The capacitor C can be used to "tune" the
note. The nominal value is 0.001uF, increasing capacitance lowers the buzzers tone
Schematic diagram of novel buzzer

The Annunciator
Annunciator wiring systems are installed for the purpose of having all calls terminated at a
central station. An annunciator is a device used to indicate by visual sign that transmits over
electric call bell circuit. It is commonly used in hospitals, elevators, hotels, offices, residences
and other places where call is required with bell.
Types of Annunciator
The most commonly used annunciator are the following:
gravity drop
lamp annunciator

The gravity drop

The gravity drop annunciator is composed of the drops, the bell and the reset rack. The drop
which shows the circuit number consists of shutter, an electromagnet and the armature. The
reset rack is used to hold the drop in the indicating position after being released and returned to
the original position when necessary, the shutter is used to reset the rack and bell that makes
an alarm so that the call will be determined.
The Standard Lamp Annunciator
The standard lamp annunciator circuit operates as follows: when push button one is pressed, the circuit is
completed and permits the lamp 1 to turn on causing the buzzer to be energized since it is connected series
to the line from the transformer and back. The buzzer is connected in common to every button in the
Burglar Alarm Wiring
The burglar alarm wiring system is an improvement of call bell and annunciator system; the
equipment and general wiring are similar, however, push button devices are installed on door,
wall, windows floor mat and some strategic place where the burglar intruders are likely to pass.
The burglar alarm system can be:
The open-circuit alarm system
The closed-circuit alarm system

The open-circuit alarm

The circuit switches are installed on doors, window, switches that automatically open and close as soon as
the door or window is forced to open causing the bell to ring. The diagram below shows an open-circuit
burglar alarm system.

The closed circuit burglar alarm

The closed-circuit burglar alarm system operates the same way as the open type system, the only difference
is the position of the switch and the use of relay. In this circuit, all switches are closed: when the doors and
window are forced to open, the switches will automatically open which cause the relay to be energized and
complete the bell circuit that makes it ring.

Electronic module burglar alarm

A. Direction: Identify what is being described below. Write the
answer on your answer sheet.
8. It is an alarming device which produces an audible alarm
tone when electric energy is applied on it. ________

9. It is a concave iron disk that produces loud sound when

struck by the hammer. ____________

10. It is a kind of wire which is capable of producing

electromagnet when electric current is applied. __________

11. It is an alarming device which produces a buzzing sound.

12. If the bell has hammer, the buzzer has ______________.

13. The pitch of the chimes depend on _______.

14. It is a device which is able to supply low voltage power as

replacement for battery. __________

15. It is the recommended size of wire used for signal and alarm
system. _______________

16. It is the purpose of using the alarm. _____________

B. Direction: Draw the internal and external parts of a bell and
label its parts. (5 pts.)

1.Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. Practical Electricity III; Adriana Publishing: 1999.
2.Agpaoa, Feleciano. Interior and Exterior Wiring Troubleshooting; National Bookstore: 1991.


Supplies and Materials

Tools and Equipment

personal protective equipment

- gloves
- goggles
1. Prepare the necessary tools, materials, equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) in
performing the activity.
2. Wear the appropriate PPE.
3. Set the multitester to range X1 to X10.

4. Connect the test probe of the multitester to the terminals of the buzzer (See the terminal
marking of buzzer). Zero or low resistance reading shows that the coil terminal of the buzzer is
shorted, no reading means open If the reading shows 6 – 60 ohms value, the coil is good

Supplies and Materials

Tools and Equipment

personal protective equipment

- gloves
- goggles
1. Prepare the necessary tools, materials, equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) in
performing the activity.
2. Wear the appropriate PPE.
3. Set the multitester to range X1 to X10.

4. Connect the test probe of the multi tester to the terminals of the bell (See the terminal marking
of bell). Zero or low resistance reading shows that the coil terminal of the buzzer is shorted, no
reading means open, if the reading shows 6 – 60 ohms value, the coil is good.


Supplies and Materials

Tools and Equipment

personal protective equipment

- gloves
- goggles
1. Prepare the necessary tools, materials, equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) in
performing the activity.
2. Wear the appropriate PPE.
3. Set the multitester to range X1 to X10.
4. Connect the test probe of the multi tester to the terminals of the chime (See the terminal
marking of chime). Zero or low resistance reading shows that the coil terminal of the buzzer is
shorted, no reading means open If the reading shows 6 – 60 ohms value, the coil is good.

Plan / Working Drawing

1. Prepare the necessary tools, materials and equipment.
2. Read/interpret the schematic diagram.
3. Wear appropriate PPE.
4. Layout and measure the position of all electrical materials based on the given schematic
5. Install buzzer/bell push button switch and the control transformer.
6. Wire the circuit as seen in the schematic diagram.
7. Test the circuit for open, short and continuity of the connections.
8. Perform good housekeeping.
9. Have your teacher check your work

Evaluation POINTS
Functionality 50
Use of tools 10
Use of PPE 10
Horizontality / 10
Work Attitude 10
Speed 10


A device, like a photoelectric cell, that receives and responds to a signal or stimulus.
A device used to break or open an electric circuit or to divert current from one conductor to another.

The photoelectric sensor switch

A photoelectric sensor is another type of position sensing device. Photoelectric sensors use a
modulated light beam that is either broken or reflected by the target. The control consists of an
emitter (light source), a receiver to detect the emitted light and associated electronics that
evaluate and amplify the detected signal causing the photoelectric output switch to change state.
The schematic diagram below shows a sample on how sensor is applied.
Common application of photo sensor switch
verifying objects in clear bottles
counting cans
controlling parking gates
counting ic chips
detecting presence of objects in a conveyor
counting packages
detecting full open and closed valve
level measurement in large vessels
vehicle sensing and positioning
Parts and description
270 ohm resistor
10k resistor
Infrared sensitive photo transistor
Prototyping circuit board

Portable motion detector switch

A portable security alarm system includes a movement detecting and signal transmitting member for
mounting on or proximate to the object whose movement is to be detected.
A signal receiving and alarm generating member for receiving a signal
from the movement detecting and signal transmitting member and
producing a security response. It is also a remote control for actuating and
de-actuating the signal receiving and alarm generating member; an
environmental monitoring member for sensing an environmental
condition and providing a signal to the signal receiving and alarm
generating member; a visual information gathering member for gathering
visual information and providing a signal to the signal receiving and alarm generating member; an audio
output member for receiving a signal from the signal receiving and alarm generating member and
generating an audio output, and components for delivering a security notification to remote recipients. A
security network that includes the alarm system is also disclosed. An inertial sensor for alarm system or for
activating or deactivating a device is additionally disclosed.

Broad field motion detector

A broad field motion detector is a motion sensing system device and method which utilizes dispersed
ultrasonic radiation that is disclosed. The system preferably comprises a low profile sensor unit configured
to couple to a ceiling position. The sensor unit comprises an ultrasonic transmitter and an ultrasonic
receiver and a pair of acoustic reflectors positioned in a transmitting path of the
ultrasonic transmitter and a receiving path of the ultrasonic receiver for generating and
detecting the ultrasonic radiation in a broadcast field. The acoustic reflectors preferably
comprise cones, conical cross-sections and/or combinations thereof which are integral with
the ultrasonic transmitter and the ultrasonic receiver and/or are coupled to a housing
structure for positioning the acoustic reflectors in the transmitting and/or receiving
paths. The sensor unit also preferably comprises a circuit for driving the transmitter and
for detecting motion by detecting changes in the receiver signal. In further
embodiments, the system also includes an infrared sensor and is configured to generate a response based
on the combination of changes in the receiver signal and a signal form the infrared sensor.

Smoke detector switch

A smoke detector switch is a sensing device which detects fire hazard at an earliest stage. It
detects smoke and heat using chamber filled ionized air. Rays from radioactive source ionize the
atom of air in the chamber after which the charged particles carry current between the top and
bottom plates of the chamber. Smoke entering the chamber attacks the charged articles so that
the amount of current passing between electrodes is reduced.
When current is dropped, a message is sent to the control unit,
which activates the alarm.
Factors to be considered in installing the smoke detector:
If battery operated, always put date to the battery.
Always check the internal parts for damage or loose contacts.
Check internal contact of the battery or supply circuit.
Pressure Switches
Pressure switches are control devices that respond to the change of pressure in liquid or air. The liquid or
air is referred to as fluid pressure. They open or close the electrical contacts in response to the pressure
changes by either turning on or off the motor or closing louvers, signaling warning light or horn. For load
5hp the pressure switch may handle the current directly. For larger loads the pressure switch is used to
energize relays, contactor or magnetic starter, which then energizes the load.

A. Directions: On your answer sheet, write the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a device which receives and responds to a signal or stimulus.

a. switch b. sensor c. cell d. infrared

2. It is a device which is used to break or divert current flow.

a. switch b. sensor c. cell d. infrared

3. It is the type of sensor device which uses light beam which is either
broken or reflected.

a. photoelectric b. pressure c. detector d. photo transistor.

4. It is an electronic component commonly used as photo detector.

a. photoelectric b. pressure c. detector d. photo transistor

5. It is a portable security alarm system which receives signal through


a. motion detector b. photo sensor

c. signal injector d. spring biased comparator

B. Direction: Draw the corresponding symbols of the following sensor

1. electronic limit switch
2. level switch
3. pressure switch
4. temperature switch
5. flow switch
6. limit switch
7. speed switch


PEC provisions
The term “controller” includes any switch or devices normally used to start and stop by making
or breaking the motor circuit current.
For portable motor rated at 1/3 horse power or less, the controller shall be permitted to be an
attachment to plug or receptacles.
Controller designs
Each controller shall be capable of starting and stopping the motor it controls.
Auto transformer shall provide an on and off position, a running position, and at least one
starting position. It shall be designed that it cannot rest in the starting position or any position
that will render the overload device inoperative.
The controller shall have a horse power rating not lower than the horse power rating of the

NEC provisions
The National Electrical Code (NEC) defines a controller as a device or group of devices that serve
to govern, in some predetermined manner, the electrical power delivered to apparatus to which it
is connected. As it is applied to control circuits, this means anything from simple pendant switch
to complex circuit that may include relays, contactors, timers, switches and indicating light.
An example of simple electrical circuit is a bulb and the switch used to control the bulb on and
off. In some complex example, the motor control can be used to start and stop a motor
controlling a small water pump. In a more difficult task, motor controller can be used for
reversing, changing speed, jogging, sequencing or a traffic light control and conveyors.
Electrical control can be operated manually or automatically. For example, some may have a toggle switch
and manual starter to start and stop the motor. Some machines are started and stopped automatically, but
it is still a common practice that manual and automatic operation are integrated in a control circuit. To fully
understand this course, the following contents must be considered.

Electrical symbols
In order to understand the basic ideas and information being given, familiarization of the symbols is a
must. The symbols are the language of control system.
Electrical materials and equipment used in the control system
Push button switches

Push button switches are control devices used to manually open and close the set of electrical contact. It
may come in flush mount or extended mount with mushroom head. The contacts may be normally closed,
normally open or combination contacts.
Pilot lights
Pilot lights are visual information which indicates that circuit is in operation. Lights are usually
used for on and off operation, indicating, caution, changing set-up and alarm signaling. The pilot
light may come in red which is visual indication that motor is running, green normally indicates
that the system is off or de-energized. Some pilot lights come in blue, white and amber.

Control Transformer
Control transformers are used to step the voltage needed in the given operation of the circuit. It is often
desirable to operate at the control circuit at a low voltage operation.

Control Relays
The most common control components is the relay. They are used widely for switching several contacts of
starting coil, pilot light and some audible alarm. This can also be used for switching to separate the high and
low voltage source and AC and DC source.

Overload Relay
Overload relays are designed to meet the special protective needs of motor control circuits. Over
load relays:
- Allow harmless temporary overload, such as motor starting, without disrupting the circuit.
- Will trip and open the circuit if current is high enough to cause motor damage over a period of
- Can be reset once the overload is reset

Trip class

Overload relays are rated by a trip class, which is defined as the length of time. It will take for relay to trip in
an overload condition. Trip classes are class 10, class 20 and class 30.
Magnetic contactor and starter
The function of the magnetic contactor is similar to electromagnet; its main purpose is to hold contact while
the system is in operation. For example, a magnetic contactor is used to control the operation of power
pump. The magnetic field of the contactor attracts the armature to the magnet which in turn closes the
normally open contacts and opens the normally closed contacts.

When the electromagnetic coil is de-energized, the magnetic field collapses and the movable contact is
released under spring pressure.

Sample connection of reversible control

Ladder or Line Diagram
Ladder diagrams

The method of expressing the language of control symbols is a line diagram, also referred to as
ladder diagram. The diagram is composed of control circuit and the power circuit. Usually,
control circuit is expressed in lighter- weight line and power circuit is represented by heavier
weight- line. The line diagrams are read from left to right.
Power circuit and control circuit

The power circuit, indicated by the heavier line distributes power from the source to the
connected load (motor). The control circuit, indicated by lighter weight- line, is used to control
the distribution power.
Ladder diagrams are specialized schematics commonly used to document industrial control logic systems.
They are called "ladder" diagrams because they resemble a ladder, with two vertical rails (supply power)
and as many "rungs" (horizontal lines) as there are control circuits to represent. If we wanted to draw a
simple ladder diagram showing a lamp that is controlled by a hand switch, it would look like this:

The "L1" and "L2" designations refer to the two poles of a 120 VAC supply, unless otherwise noted. L1 is the
"hot" conductor, and L2 is the grounded ("neutral") conductor. These designations have nothing to do with
inductors, just to make things confusing. The actual transformer or generator supplying power to this
circuit is omitted for simplicity. In reality, the circuit looks something like this:

Typically in industrial relay logic circuits, but not always, the operating voltage for the switch contacts and
relay coils will be 120 volts AC. Lower voltage AC and even DC systems are sometimes built and
documented according to "ladder" diagrams:

In ladder diagrams, the load device (lamp, relay coil, solenoid coil, etc.) is almost always drawn
represented by lines off lighter and heavier.
Look at this circuit:

Electric motor
Electric motor is an electrical device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Motor can be
an AC or DC type, single phase two phase or three phase. This device is commonly used in industrial
commercial and utility application. It can also be a part of mechanical equipment such as winder, conveyor
or mixer.

A. Direction: Identify the word or words being referred to by the
statement. Write the answer on your answer sheet.
1. It is a diagram which is usually represented by light-weight

2. It is a kind of switch which is usually controlled manually by

the close and open contact. _________

3. It is a device which is used to step the voltage to a desired

value. _________
4. It is the usual color of pilot light which indicates that the
motor is running. ______

5. _______It is considered as the language of control system.

B. Direction: Using the illustrations given below, write the name of

components and devices.

LESSON 2: Layout and install intercommunication system

This lesson covers the knowledge and skills of lay outing and installing inter communication
system. It contains the information of the intercom system, door and camera intercom, bedroom
intercom and master kitchen intercom.
Assessment Criteria
1. Intercom wirings are installed in accordance with the latest provision of the PEC.

2. Personal protective equipment are selected and used.

3. Intercom diagram is read and installed in accordance with the job requirement.

4. Work scheduled activity is strictly followed to ensure the completion of work in an

agreed time

5. Workplace is cleaned and made safe upon completion of the job.

6. Final report is prepared upon completion of the job.

7. Intercom wirings are installed in accordance with the latest provision of the PEC.


Intercom system
An intercom system is an electronic communication device intended for limited private dialogue,
directions, collaborations or announcement. Intercom can be portable or permanently mounted
in buildings. Intercom can incorporate with telephones, walkie talkies and other mechanical
such as signal lights and door latches.
A permanently installed intercom is generally composed of fixed microphone with speaker unit which is
connected to central control panel by wires. A small home intercom might connect a few rooms in the
house. Larger system might connect all rooms in a school or hospital to central office. Intercom system in
large building usually functions as public address system.

Intercom access control systems are available with option of one call and one hand set to multiple call
stations with hundreds of hand set. Intercom facilities can be available in audio only and audio video
facilities. The audio and video systems allow you to see and listen who is calling at your front door, offices
or gate before you allow or deny access. An intercom system can be connected to electric door, gates or
electric locking devices.

Door & Camera Intercoms

Feel safe and secure in answering your front door or gate without physically
having to open them. The Hills intercom allows you to talk to the person and
determine if they are known to you before you let them in. For added safety,
you can disable front door answering from certain room stations e.g. children’s
bedrooms, preventing them from opening the door to strangers. A different door
bell or chime sound may be used for different doors e.g. front, back, gate etc.
to help you identify where the visitor is located.

Bedroom Intercoms
Ensure your peace of mind by being able to monitor your children when they are
sleeping or playing. With the ‘automute’ function, you won’t be disturbed until the
noise level from the monitored room station reaches a level that deserves your
attention e.g. a crying baby. When your children are playing, the hands-free reply
feature means you can communicate freely with them—they can answer you when
you call without having to press any buttons. And with ‘sleep mode’, you can
program your room station to play music when you’re ready for bed and
automatically switch off after a certain time elapses.

Master Kitchen Intercoms

By using the ‘selective room calling’ feature, people in other
rooms will not be disturbed. Using the Master Station, you are
able to set the alarm clock, and choose which room stations
will hear it. Make sure those who need to get up are up on
time, and those who can sleep in are left alone. The Master
Station has a digitally tuned AM / FM radio. Press one button
to listen to your favorite radio station from any room within
your home. Each room station retains individual control of
Video / Lounge Intercoms
Not only you can hear your children when they are inside—the
‘monitor / camera’ unit shows you what they are doing,
whether they are inside or outside. Wherever your cameras are
placed, the signal comes back to the monitor on this station
for you to view. You can also switch between camera locations
and monitor doors and gates, using them in conjunction with
the front door answering units to see who is at your door.

Wiring Intercom
While every intercom product line is different, most analogue intercom systems have much in
common.Signal light indications between stations can be accomplished through the use of
additional conductors or can be carried on the main voice pair via tone frequencies sent above or
below the speech frequency range. Multiple channels of simultaneous conversations can be
carried over additional conductors within a cable multiple channels can easily be carried by
packed switch digital intercom signals.
Portable intercoms are connected primarily using common shielded, twisted pair microphone cabling
terminated with 3-pin XLR connectors. Building and vehicle intercoms are connected in a similar manner
with shielded cabling often containing more than one twisted pair.

Two-wire intercom Intercom systems are widely

used in TV stations and outside broadcast vehicles
such as those seen at sporting events or
entertainment venues. There are essentially two
different types of intercoms used in the television
world: two-wire party line or four-wire matrix
systems. In the beginning, TV stations would simply
build their own communication systems using old
phone equipment. However, today there are several
manufacturers offering off-the-shelf systems. From the late 70's until the mid 90's the two-wire party line
type systems were the most popular, primarily due to the technology that was available at the time. The two
channel variety used a 32 Volt impedance generating central power supply to drive external stations or belt
packs. This type of format allowed the two channels to operate in standard microphone cable, a feature highly
desired by the broadcasters. These systems were very robust and simple to design, maintain and operate but
had limited capacity and flexibility as they were usually hardwired. A typical user of the system could not
choose who to talk to. He/She would communicate with the same person or group of people until the system
was manually reconfigured to allow communication with a different group of people. Two-wire routers or
source assignment panels were then implemented to allow quick re-routing of a two-wire circuit. This
reconfiguration was usually handled at a central location, but because voltage is used on the circuit to power
the external user stations as well as communicate, there would usually be a pop when the channels were
switched. So while one could change the system on-the-fly, it was usually not desirable to do in the middle of
a production, as the popping noise would distract to the rest of the production crew

Four-wire intercom
Intercom systems are widely used in TV stations and outside broadcast
vehicles such as those seen at sporting events or entertainment venues.
There are essentially two different types of intercoms used in the
television world: two-wire party line or four-wire matrix systems. In the
beginning, TV stations would simply build their own communication
systems using old phone equipment. However, today there are several
manufacturers offering off-the-shelf systems. From the late 70's until
the mid 90's the two-wire party line type systems were the most popular, primarily due to the
technology that was available at the time. The two channel variety used a 32 Volt impedance
generating central power supply to drive external stations or belt packs. This type of format allowed
the two channels to operate in standard microphone cable, a feature highly desired by the
broadcasters. These systems were very robust and simple to design, maintain and operate but had
limited capacity and flexibility as they were usually hardwired. A typical user on the system could
not choose who to talk to. He would communicate with the same person or group of people until
the system was manually reconfigured to allow communication with a different group of people.
Two-wire routers or source assignment panels were then implemented to allow quick re-routing of
a two-wire circuit. This reconfiguration was usually handled at a central location, but because
voltage is used on the circuit to power the external user stations as well as communicate, there
would usually be a pop when the channels were switched. So while one could change the system
on-the-fly, it was usually not desirable to do so in the middle of a production, as the popping noise
would distract to the rest of the production crew.
All signal and alarm system have their own specific function and uses which the purpose and need of its user.
Deciding which of this device will be used can easily be done if you have basic knowledge of the feature and
components of each device in installing this kind of circuit.
Wireless intercom
For installations where it is not desirable or possible to run wires to support an intercom system, there are
wireless intercom systems available. There are two major benefits of a wireless intercom system over the
traditional wired intercom. The first is that installation is much easier since no wires have to be run between
intercom units. The second is that you can easily move the units at any time. Other wireless devices such as
cordless telephones, wireless data networks, and remote audio speakers can interfere if they are near the
intercom. Electrical devices such as motors, lighting fixtures and transformers can cause noise. There may be
concerns about privacy since conversations may be picked up on a scanner, baby monitor, cordless phone, or
a similar device on the same frequency. Encrypted wireless intercoms can reduce or eliminate privacy risks
and placement, installation, construction, grounding and shielding methods can reduce or eliminate the
detrimental effects of external interference. The United States and Canada have several frequency ranges for
wireless intercom systems and other wireless products. They are 49MHz, FM band (200KH - 270KHz), 494-
608 MHz, 900MHz, 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz, and MURS (150 MHz). There are also power line communication units
that send signal over house wiring that have been referred to as wireless intercoms.

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