Suit For Eviction On Ground of Forfeiture of Tenancy Due To Breach of Covenant

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IN THE COURT OF THE....................

Suit No..................... of 19....................

C. D.................................................................... Plaintiff


C. F................................................................. Defendant

The abovenamed plaintiff most respectfully submits as under: —

1. That the plaintiff let out House No..................... situate at.................... in Mohalla....................
town.................... to the defendant on.................... 19.................... at a monthly rent of
Rs..................... through a deed of lease dated .................... 19....................

2. That in the said deed of lease it was covenanted that the defendant would pay rent regularly
by 10th of every month of the British Calendar and if he fails to pay any three months
successively or if he sublets any portion of the said house to any body or if he uses the house or
any portion thereof for commercial or industrial purpose, or makes any alteration in the house
construction, the tenancy would automatically be deemed to have been terminated, and the
defendant would be liable to eviction with damages and mesne profits for which he would be
found liable.

3. That the defendant failed to pay the rent of the last five months beginning from....................
19.................... to.................... amounting to Rs..................... and the tenancy is automatically
terminated and the defendant is liable to eviction and for arrears of rent and mesne profits.
However a notice terminating his tenancy was served upon him on.................... 19....................
as required by statute.

4. That the cause of action arose on.................... 19.................... when the tenant failed to pay
the rent of continuous three months from.................... 19.................... to....................
19.................... and this Court has jurisdiction to try the suit.

5. The suit is valued at Rs..................... the twelve months total rent of the house for the
purpose of valuation and Rs..................... for purpose of payment of court fee, and
Rs..................... in court fee labels are paid according to the reliefs claimed.


The Plaintiff claims the following reliefs:

(1) the defendant be evicted from the house aforesaid, and possession be
delivered to the plaintiff;
(2) payment of Rs..................... as the amount of the rent due for five
months and mesne profits pendents lite.


Through Advocate


I, abovenamed plaintiff, do hereby verify that the contents of paras .................... to....................
of the plaint are true to my personal knowledge and those of paras.................... and....................
thereof are based on legal advice which I believe to be true.

Verified on this................. day of.................... 19.................... at....................


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