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Cumulative Tests A – Answer 4

1 into
Keys 2 away
3 on
4 in
Units 1–5 5 up
Grammar 1 spacious
1 2 hopeless
1 was travelling 3 angrily
2 has won 4 conservatory
3 grew up 5 well-equipped
4 wouldn’t have
5 hadn’t slept Use of English
6 have been walking
7 will go 1 of some kind
8 would go out 2 whereas in the
9 will have had 3 as if she’s having
10 will definitely burn 4 keen on doing
2 5 I would say
1 A 6 Unlike the second
2 C 7 All things considered
3 A 8 should put
4 A 9 fancy doing it
5 C 10 ought to let
6 A
7 C Listening
8 B
9 C
A 4
10 B
B 1
C 5
Vocabulary D 2
3 E –
1 fence F 3
2 Unsurprisingly
Transcript  10
3 an infant
4 about 1 I usually try to sell the things I don’t use any more –
5 thumb and that includes any electronic equipment I’ve got.
I’ve sold quite a few things on the internet: my old
6 chess
laptop, a tablet I never used and a couple of mobile
7 make up for
phones. You obviously don’t get back as much
8 rink
money as you paid for the device, but if you’re lucky,
9 make and you’re selling several items at the same time,
10 updated you can make enough to buy something that you
really want.

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 1 Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys

2 I found out a few years ago that you can donate old
electronic appliances to charity. The charities raise
money by recycling or reselling the devices – it’s
quite surprising how much money they get. There are
Units 6–9
many different organisations to choose from:
children’s charities, animal charities, charities that Grammar
help elderly people – you name it. Whenever I buy a 1
new device, I give the old one to a charity that helps 1 C
protect endangered tigers. 2 C
3 There’s a recycling point not far from my house, so 3 B
that’s where I take the things you can’t put in the 4 C
normal rubbish: batteries, used ink cartridges from 5 A
my printer and old electronic gadgets. I wait until I’ve
6 C
got a few bags of stuff and then I take everything at
7 B
once. To be honest, I’m not very sure what happens
8 A
to the things I take there, but I presume they dispose
of them responsibly. 9 B
10 C
4 I’ve got a box of old electronic devices in a cupboard
in my room: it’s got an MP3 player, a digital camera 9
and all my old phones – and phone chargers – in it. 1 had got
The problem is that I don’t know how to get rid of 2 given
them. I don’t want to throw them away, because I 3 hadn’t been
know that they’re very harmful to the environment. So 4 has just been stolen / had just been stolen
I guess the box will just stay there until I move house 5 had been cancelled
or something.
6 hadn’t listened
5 I’m really into technology, so I tend to upgrade my 7 was doing / had done
phone quite regularly. That leaves me with the 8 liked
problem of what to do with the old one. I say ‘old’, but
9 would have bought
it’s usually quite a nice model and, of course, it still
10 crossing
works. The last time I upgraded, I gave my old phone
to my parents, and the time before that, I passed it on
to my little sister. She was really pleased with it, and
so were my parents – once they’d worked out how to
use it!

1 C
2 F
3 A
4 D
5 E

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 2 Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys

Jake Mum, Auntie Pam called while you were out.
1 drawing Mum Really, Jake? Did she say anything about
2 cable car
3 taking Jake Yeah, she said Uncle Andrew’s not coming.
4 admitted He’s got a golf tournament.
5 creativity Mum Oh, so she’s coming on her own.
6 performed Jake No, Phil’s coming with her.
7 anyone Mum Ahh. Her son, Phil. Did she say what time
8 entered they’re arriving?
9 advised Jake She said they’re getting into the station at
10 going 11.15.
11 Mum Oh, so they aren’t coming by car.
1 for Jake No. She asked if you could pick them up at
2 up Bretonside.
3 after Mum The coach station?
4 of
Jake That’s right. She said the train was too
5 off expensive.
12 Mum OK, I’ll give her a call in a minute.
1 sympathetic 3 Can I have your attention, please? About the photo
2 service competition. You remember that the final date was
3 novelists Friday the 5th? Well, we’re going to give you another
4 maturity week. Can we have your entries by Thursday the
5 departure 11th please? Remember that Friday the 12th is a
holiday. One more thing, we’ve changed the
categories slightly: we want places now instead of
Use of English pets. So, there are still two categories, but we want
13 people or places, not people or pets.
1 wondering 4 This is the automatic answering service for Tate
2 didn’t Modern. Admission to the gallery is free except for
3 blunt special exhibitions. Opening times are: Sunday to
4 Did Thursday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., last admission 5.15 p.m.
5 stand Fridays and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., last
6 aren’t admission 9.15 p.m. Special exhibitions currently on
7 Judging display are: Marlene Dumas, Adults £16, Students
8 May £14, and Agnes Martin, Adults £12, Students £10.50.
9 don’t For more information, please visit our website …
10 keen 5
Mark Helen!
Listening Helen Mark, hi! What’s up?
14 Mark I saw Chris last night, and he told me to tell you
1 C the plans for Saturday.
2 C Helen Saturday? His birthday’s on Friday, isn’t it?
3 B Mark Yes, but he’s going to celebrate it on Saturday.
4 B Helen Right. We’re all going out for lunch, aren’t we?
5 A
Mark No, he’s changed his mind. He wants us all to
Transcript  11 go round to his place in the evening.

1 Um, hello. This is Olga Townsend. Um, I’ve got an Helen Oh, OK. Is he going to have a large party for all
appointment with Dr Atkins tomorrow, um, I think it’s of his friends?
at 10.15, but let me have a look – no it isn’t, it’s at Mark Well, it’s not really a party as such. Just a few
10.45. Well, um, I can’t come because I’ve got an friends and family round for a barbecue.
exam at 9.30. Um, I’ve got another exam tomorrow, Helen Nice.
but I’m free the next day. Um, could you give me a
Mark See you on Saturday at about six, then.
call this afternoon with a new time? My number’s
07700 900492. Thanks a lot. Helen OK. See you.

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 3 Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys

Reading 19
15 1 happiness
1 C 2 peaceful
2 G 3 generosity
3 A 4 composers
4 E 5 waiting
5 D
Use of English
Units 1–9 1 I don’t think you should worry so much
2 Do you think we ought to call the school?
Grammar 3 That’s settled then.
4 She’s most likely the pilot.
5 Sorry, but I didn’t really fancy going out today.
1 had forgotten
6 The common theme in both photos is scuba diving.
2 would complain
7 Could you tell me whether it’s far from here?
3 wanted
8 Jazz music isn’t really my thing.
4 has been performed
9 Judging by his expression, I’d say that he’s pleased.
5 won’t have
10 All things considered, I think we should go to Mexico
6 has been learning
this year.
7 will have started
8 wouldn’t ask
9 had seen Listening
10 wouldn’t have walked 21
16 1 R
1 C 2 R
2 B 3 R
3 A 4 E
4 C 5 E
5 B Transcript  12
6 A
Elsa Look at that man!
7 B
8 B Ryan Which one?
9 C Elsa The one over there with the selfie stick. Doesn’t
10 A he look ridiculous?
Ryan I think it’s a bit sad, actually. He’s on his own,
so he hasn’t got anyone to take a photo of him.
Elsa He could ask someone else to do it.
Ryan He probably doesn’t want to bother anyone.
1 catch up with
2 playwright Elsa Or maybe he’s scared that someone might steal
3 a soundproof his camera!
4 wrist Ryan Hmmm. I think selfie sticks are a good idea. I
5 Take mean, they stop you getting your arm in the
6 set up shot when you’re trying to take a selfie.
7 realistic Elsa But it’s something else to carry, isn’t it? It’s all
8 picked up very well using it to take photos with, but what
9 deck do you do with it the rest of the time?
10 porch Ryan I guess it depends how many photos you take!
No, seriously, I suppose it could get in the way
18 a bit. Apparently, they’ve been banned in some
1 out places.
2 up
Elsa Have they? Why’s that?
3 to
Ryan Because they’re dangerous. They could
4 for
damage the paintings in an art gallery, for
5 into

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 4 Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys

Elsa Yes, and it must be a real pain if you’re trying to
look at the pictures and there’s someone posing
in front of them all the time.
Ryan I’d find that annoying too.
Elsa Loads of people have got them now though,
haven’t they?
Ryan Yes, and they aren’t all exactly cheap either.
Elsa Really? How much does a selfie stick cost?
Ryan I guess it depends on the quality, but I’ve seen
them advertised for about €50.
Elsa That’s a lot!
Ryan Yes, it is. You can get cheaper ones, but they
probably aren’t as good. Don’t worry though,
you won’t be getting one for your birthday!
Elsa Good! I wouldn’t want one.

1 A
2 C
3 C
4 B
5 A

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 5 Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys

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