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Short Test Answer Keys B 5

1 ’ll see
18 won’t come
Introduction, Test 1 19
isn’t going to get
’ll sit
21 aren’t going
1 Vocabulary
1 Do you want
2 are meeting 6
1 E
3 went
22 C
4 didn’t like
23 D
5 ‘m finishing
24 A
2 25 B
1 I’m going to a friend’s house after school today.
6 Do you and Sam like Chinese food? 7
1 delighted
7 Kelly always meets her friends in town on Saturdays.
26 terrifying
8 Mum isn’t working at the moment.
27 disappointed
9 Why are you using my computer?
28 upsetting
29 annoyed
1 excursion Unit 1, Test 1
10 abseiling
11 kayak
12 souvenirs
13 lie 1
1 retired, had worked
4 30 was watching, came
1 E
31 didn’t know, hadn’t checked
14 C
32 was walking, found
15 D
33 hadn’t visited, emigrated
16 B
17 A 8
1 B
2 A
Introduction, Test 2 3
5 B
1 Vocabulary
1 a
2 – 9
1 married
3 a
2 emigrate
4 the
3 inherited
5 an
4 start a business
5 split up

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 1 Short Test Answer Keys B

10 4 Have you ever tried
1 buy a flat
2 start school Vocabulary
3 be born
4 learn to drive
1 draw
5 grow up
2 use social media
3 read magazines

Unit 1, Test 2 4
collect stamps
hang out with friends
Grammar 1 go shopping
1 2 do martial arts
1 she didn’t use to speak English 3 play a musical instrument
34 she used to have a cat 4 do drama
35 she didn’t use to live by the sea 5 go cycling
36 she didn’t use to play computer games
37 she used to walk to school
11 Unit 2, Test 2
1 am not used to living / haven’t got used to living
38 Did you use to play Grammar
39 didn’t use to have
40 get used to getting up
1 How long have you been collecting stamps?
41 used to be
50 No, I haven’t been reading your private emails.
51 We’ve been listening to music all afternoon.
Vocabulary 52 The band has been working hard in the recording
12 studio all afternoon.
1 fit in with 53 Have you been watching the football match on TV?
42 make up
43 get away with 1 He’s won a lot of competitions.
44 ran out of 54 We’ve been standing here for ages.
45 look up to 55 I haven’t finished it yet.
13 56 We’ve been doing it since lunchtime.
1 privacy 57 Someone has taken it.
46 criticism
47 emotional Vocabulary
48 concerned
49 idealist
1 well-equipped
58 air-conditioned

Unit 2, Test 1 59
main road
mountain range
61 safety net
Grammar 19
1 1 below
1 did you start 2 all over
2 have been doing 3 healthy
3 has been 4 by
4 haven’t seen 5 exhausting
5 did you get
6 bought
1 ’ve never been
2 Did you visit
3 split up

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 2 Short Test Answer Keys B

Unit 3, Test 1 Vocabulary
Grammar 1 envious
1 2 happiness
1 We could print important organs like hearts one day. 3 ashamed
2 I probably won’t watch the documentary on the 4 
human body tonight. 5 fear
3 Sam may not be at the match tomorrow. 25
4 I’m fairly sure Tessa will study medicine at university. 1 light
5 Humans may regrow missing arms and legs one day. 2 record
20 3 exercise
1 invent, will live 4 record
2 will go, doesn’t rain 5 light
3 won’t talk, don’t apologise
4 won’t do, stays
5 enters, could win Unit 4, Test 1
Vocabulary Grammar
21 1
1 C 1 closer … closer
2 F 2 the worst
3 A 3 earlier
4 E 4 as tall as
5 B 5 less interesting
22 26
1 banged 1 That’s the ugliest house I’ve ever seen. It looks
2 nosebleed terrible!
3 X-ray 2 The more popular this area becomes, the more
4 cream expensive the houses get.
5 bone 3 You’re luckier than me – you always get really nice
presents for your birthday.
4 
Unit 3, Test 2 5 There will be fewer people at the beach today
because the weather is colder.

1 will have eaten 27
1 E
2 won’t be seeing
2 D
3 will be working
3 F
4 have finished
4 A
5 won’t be waiting
5 B
1 will have changed 28
1 remote
2 certainly won’t be using
2 charming
3 will have visited
3 peaceful
4 will be living
4 substantial
5 won’t be sunbathing
5 lively

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Unit 4, Test 2 Vocabulary
Grammar 1 download
1 2 subscribe
1 got D would feel 3 comment
2 would soon make C went 4 rate
3 lived B would meet 5 install
4 would come A invited 34
5 would be E weren’t 1 create
29 2 uncheck
1 I wish we didn’t have a big test on Monday. 3 enter
2 If only I could buy that expensive dress. 4 save
3 Jenny would get into the school basketball team if 5 follow
she tried a little harder.
4 My aunt wouldn’t live in this ugly part of town if she
had more money. Unit 5, Test 2
5 I wish you wouldn’t borrow my things all the time!
Vocabulary 1
30 1 must have
1 do 2 can’t have
2 make 3 may have
3 take 4 shouldn’t have
4 do 5 could have
5 make
31 1 should have brought
1 skyscraper 2 can’t have won
2 solar panels 3 might have missed
3 sofa bed 4 may have hit
4 shipping containers 5 must have been
5 front door
Unit 5, Test 1 36
1 with
2 on
Grammar 3 with
1 4 for
1 both 5 of
2 much
3 some 1 entered
4 every 2 break
5 many 3 didn’t pass
32 4 exchange
1 B 5 had
2 A
3 C
4 C
5 C

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 4 Short Test Answer Keys B

5 Price Right Housing, which has just opened an office
Unit 6, Test 1 in our town, is an estate agent’s.

Grammar Vocabulary
1 42
1 which 1 both
2 where 2 A
3 who 3 both
4 whose 4 A
5 which 5 A

38 43
1 This is the song which made the band famous. 1 worry, about
2 Richard is a teenage artist whose work sells for a lot 2 searched, for
of money. 3 respond, to
3 This is where my mum works. 4 work, at
4 He’s the teacher who took us on a school trip to 5 appeals, most
London last week.
5 correct
Unit 7, Test 1
1 serious 1
2 generous 1 was asked / has been asked
3 Honesty 2 was told
4 patience 3 will be invited
5 ambitious 4 is being repaired
5 hasn’t been used
1 officer 44
2 sense 1 They rebuilt the art gallery after it had been
3 physical courage destroyed in a fire.
4 support workers 62 We may be visited by Grandma this weekend, but we
5 of humour don’t know.
63 The artist’s cat damaged the picture while it was
being painted.

Unit 6, Test 2 64 The house looks amazing because it was designed

by a famous architect.
65 Our projects definitely won’t be checked by the
Grammar teacher this weekend because she is very busy.
1 who is a receptionist at a hospital Vocabulary
2 whose jobs are really stressful
3 where my dad works
1 choreographer
4 which is on the other side of town
2 musical
5 which never stops ringing
3 classical music
41 4 sculpture
1 The Golden Temple, where we had my sister’s 5 playwright
birthday dinner, is a Chinese restaurant.
2 Landsdowne Park, where I often meet my friends, is
1 theatre
the biggest park in town.
2 appeared
3 A lot of people came to the job interview, which was
in London. 3 acted
4 Mrs Jones, who only came to our school this year, 4 novel
teaches us maths. 5 painted

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Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 6 Short Test Answer Keys B
Unit 7, Test 2 Vocabulary
Grammar 1 enter
1 2 disabled
1 is going to have a new library built 3 added
66 will have all of his paintings photographed 4 ran out
67 are having our new website designed at the moment 5 hadn’t put
68 has her house cleaned every Friday 52
69 will have their new song recorded next week 1 B
47 2 D
1 took, myself 3 E
2 enjoyed ourselves 4 A
3 looked, ourselves 5 C
4 taught herself
5 cut, herself
Unit 8, Test 2
1 tempo 1
2 heavy metal 1 if/whether she could help him
3 jazz 78 where the nearest mobile phone shop was
4 Blues 79 if/whether the shop would be open the next day
5 beat 80 what he wanted to buy
81 how she knew he was a tourist
1 branches 53
2 statue 1 if/whether Uncle Matt and his girlfriend were getting
3 cover married in July
4 wool 82 what songs his band were performing at the concert
5 patterned on Friday
83 if/whether I had bought anything in town
84 if/whether we had ever tried rock climbing
Unit 8, Test 1 85 who had won the school science competition

Grammar Vocabulary
1 54
1 (that) she had a really bad headache. 1 A
70 (that) she should take some medicine. 2 B
71 (that) Zoe had taken a really good selfie. 3 B
72 (that) she looked great in that dress. 4 A
73 (that) she was wearing it for the first time 5 B

50 55
1 (that) they were going to meet in the park after school 1 tweets
that night 2 bestseller list
74 (that) Tom had sent her a strange text message that 3 ebooks
morning 4 Social media
75 (that) she had spent £25 on credit for her mobile the 5 comics
month before
76 (that) I/we could get the best pizza in London at that
77 (that) they were leaving the party then

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 7 Short Test Answer Keys B

Unit 9, Test 1 1 explaining what to do
94 wanting to go on the trip
Grammar 95 built in 2011
96 awarded for the competition
97 trying to get into the bank
1 wouldn’t have had, had driven
2 hadn’t watched, wouldn’t have worried
3 have taken, had asked Vocabulary
4 would have enjoyed, had stayed 60
5 would have been, hadn’t met 1 made me apologise
56 2 Do you remember visiting
1 If you hadn’t remembered my birthday, I would have 3 continued to drive
felt very upset. 4 didn’t expect to see
86 Would you have admitted to cheating if the teacher 5 stop talking
hadn’t seen you? 6 forget seeing
87 If we had known about the party, we would have
1 thirty thousand feet
88 Would you have enjoyed the film more if you hadn’t
98 fifty metres
read the book first?
99 twenty-seven centimetres
89 I wouldn’t have been born if my mum and dad hadn’t
100 three thousand nine hundred kilometres
met by chance on a train.

1 hot-air balloon
2 cruise ship
3 aircraft
4 tram
5 scooter
1 D
2 A
3 E
4 C
5 B

Unit 9, Test 2
1 Desert Road, set in southern Texas, is a movie about
a man who tried to help a stranger.
90 One day, he stops his car to help a young woman
walking along a desert road at night.
91 Concerned for her safety, Reb gives her a lift.
92 But then Reb sees her hiding a gun in her bag.
93 The woman, wanted by the Mexican Mafia, is running
for her life – and soon Reb is running too!

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