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죠셉 킴의 TEPS 750 플러스 어휘

(죠셉 킴 강사)

제7강 TEST
어휘 기출유형문제 풀이 (6)

1. Ice packs can help ______ the pain of an injury by numbing the nerves of the affected area.
(a) adjourn (b) aver
(c) alleviate (d) aggravate

2. The young couple caused such a(n) ______ that they woke up the whole neighborhood.
(a) commotion (b) degradation
(c) intervention (d) proliferation

3. We are living in an age in which too many ______ crimes are being committed.
(a) luscious (b) heinous
(c) deleterious (d) compunctious

4. Even a few months after her surgery, Jane is still _____ .

(a) operating (b) recuperating
(c) oscillating (d) debilitating

5. While ______ a few centuries ago, the impact of humans on the environment is now reaching critical
(a) infallible (b) incorrigible
(c) infinitesimal (d) indestructible

6. The ______ billionaire did not donate even a cent to charity.

(a) forgetful (b) avaricious
(c) blatant (d) furtive

7. Due to ______ weather, Flight 009 was delayed.

(a) ostensible (b) disseminated
(c) temperate (d) inclement

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죠셉 킴의 TEPS 750 플러스 어휘
(죠셉 킴 강사)

8. To protect children from ______ marketing, advertising time should be reduced for children’s programs.
(a) incredulous (b) mundane
(c) remedial (d) unscrupulous

9. The human right task force was greatly disappointed at the country’s ______ treatment of the poor and
(a) exquisite (b) dispensable
(c) abominable (d) conspicuous

10. Traditionally, weddings have signified everlasting ______ and love.

(a) eternity (b) fidelity
(c) obscenity (d) lucidity

11. The company is notorious for charging ______ prices for poor quality service.
(a) flagrant (b) recalcitrant
(c) exorbitant (d) concomitant

12. The man ______ spilled the drink on his brand new suit.
(a) impudently (b) implacably
(c) inarticulately (d) inadvertently

13. The years of working in the prison has made the guard ______ to the feelings of other people.
(a) callous (b) calm
(c) addicted (d) affiliated

14. Her constant ______ in the morning made her wish that she worked the evening shift so she didn’t need
to wake up early.
(a) tardiness (b) specificity
(c) detainment (d) frugality

15. My grandfather ______ many of the stories from his childhood to make them more interesting.
(a) invigorated (b) embellished
(c) enthralled (d) augmented

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죠셉 킴의 TEPS 750 플러스 어휘
(죠셉 킴 강사)

16. The prices of goods or necessities are almost always more expensive in the ______ neighborhoods.
(a) affluent (b) gritty
(c) impecunious (d) infamous

17. The mountain was very ______, which made it impossible to climb without proper equipment.
(a) intrepid (b) timorous
(c) vertiginous (d) languorous

18. Being a ______ Christian, he did not smoke or drink alcohol.

(a) devout (b) slovenly
(c) agnostic (d) impious

19. It was ______ that he did not want to be there from his bored looks and constant yawning.
(a) obvious (b) inconspicuous
(c) illicit (d) dwarfish

20. Although working in a factory is a rather easy job, the ______ of it causes many employees to quit.
(a) profusion (b) redundancy
(c) deficiency (d) clarity

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