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죠셉 킴의 TEPS 750 플러스 어휘

(죠셉 킴 강사)

제8강 TEST
어휘 기출유형문제 풀이 (7)

1. Finding out that his winning lottery ticket was fake caused the man to become ______ .
(a) irate (b) gritty
(c) relentless (d) grateful

2. The friends all spoke with great ______ and nothing was considered rude or taboo for them to say.
(a) guile (b) duplicity
(c) candor (d) sophistry

3. Olympic sprinters have to go through ______ training for years to prepare for less than one minute
(a) rigorous (b) devious
(c) stiff (d) pitiful

4. Pollution from the factory made the sky appear a ______ orange color.
(a) erratic (b) hazy
(c) oblique (d) aberrant

5. The public’s ______ regarding politicians came about because of the many cases of corruption uncovered.
(a) skepticism (b) cynicism
(c) stoicism (d) optimism

6. Everybody heard Jim’s ______ after he dropped the cabinet on his foot.
(a) pandemonium (b) bellowing
(c) ignominy (d) plight

7. Joseph made a very ______ argument that no one really understood.

(a) obtrusive (b) pensive
(c) abrasive (d) obtuse

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죠셉 킴의 TEPS 750 플러스 어휘
(죠셉 킴 강사)

8. The employees were all ______ the thought of having only three days of vacation a year.
(a) abhorring (b) panegyrizing
(c) mitigating (d) imperiling

9. For normal people, having a yacht is an unthinkable ______ .

(a) abstinence (b) extravagance
(c) elegance (d) prudence

10. As a ______ of fine wines, Mr. Pascal took great pride in his vast knowledge of various types of spirits.
(a) connoisseur (b) philatelist
(c) prophet (d) veterinarian

11. Recent graduates often find themselves facing a personal ______ after graduating and not finding a job.
(a) quandary (b) complacency
(c) validity (d) analogy

12. The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima to ______ the escalation of World War Ⅱ.
(a) delude (b) elude
(c) preclude (d) exclude

13. His third movie was considered the ______ of his career, so he never made a popular film after that.
(a) eclipse (b) eclectic
(c) zenith (d) extrication

14. He was ______ on multiple charges of murder and could possibly face the death penalty.
(a) indicted (b) condoned
(c) acquitted (d) subjugated

15. They carried out their job in an ______ and determined way in spite of all opposition.
(a) restive (b) corpulent
(c) subservient (d) obstinate

16. The steep ______ of the hill made it difficult to build a house on successfully.
(a) quagmire (b) gradient
(c) marsh (d) slough

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죠셉 킴의 TEPS 750 플러스 어휘
(죠셉 킴 강사)

17. The desert area was uninhabited due to its extreme ______ .
(a) gale (b) deluge
(c) blizzard (d) parchedness

18. The meeting lasted for almost nine hours and seemed ______ to the employees.
(a) irrevocable (b) impeccable
(c) illegible (d) interminable

19. The ______ manner of the speaker was much different from the other conservative and unemotional
(a) treacherous (b) effusive
(c) cumulative (d) turgid

20. The professional gambler tried to ______ the amateur to wager on a game with him.
(a) obliterate (b) exonerate
(c) satiate (d) instigate

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