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Marketing management sem 2nd MCQs

MBA First Year (Savitribai Phule Pune University)

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1. Good marketing i no a!!ident" #$t a re$%t o& !are&$% '%anning and
A. execution
*) e%%ing
C) trategie
D) ta!ti!

2. Marketing i #ot+ an ,art and a ,!ien!e t+ere i !ontant tenion

 #et.een t+e &orm$%ated ide o& marketing and t+e
t+e (((((((( ide)
A. creative
*) e%%ing
C) management
D) &ore!ating

3. T+e mot &orma% de&inition o& marketing i (((((((()

A) meeting need 'ro&ita#%/
*) identi&/ing and meeting +$man and o!ia% need
C) t+e 0P Prod$!t" Pri!e"
Pr i!e" P%a!e" Promotion2
D. an organizational function and a set of processes for creating,
communicating, and delivering, value to customers, and for managing
customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stake

4. Marketing management i (((((((()

A) managing t+e marketing 'ro!e
*) e%e!ting target market
C) de3e%o'ing marketing trategie to mo3e t+e !om'an/ &or.ard
D. the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and
growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating
superior customer value.

5. A trana!tion in3o%3e (((((((()

A) at %eat t.o 'artie
*) ea!+ 'art/ +a omet+ing t+at mig+t #e o& 3a%$e to t+e ot+er 'art/
C) ea!+ 'art/ i !a'a#%e o& !omm$ni!ation and de%i3er/
D) all of the above

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6.  (((((((( good !ontit$te t+e #$%k o& mot !o$ntrie4 'rod$!tion and
marketing e&&ort)
A) D$ra#%e
*) Im'$%e
C. Physical
D) 5er3i!e

7.  (((((((( !an #e 'rod$!ed and marketed a a 'rod$!t)

a. nformation
 #) Ce%e#ritie
!) D$ra#%e good
d) Organi6ation

7) C+ar%e
C+ar%e Re3on o& Re3%on
Re3%on o#er3ed8
o#er3ed8 ,In t+e
t+e &a!tor/"
&a!tor/" .e make !ometi!
in t+e tore" !!!!!!!! )
 A) .e make 'ro&it
*) .e !+a%%enge !om'etitor
C) .e im'%ement ad
D. we sell hope

9. A (((((((( i omeone eeking a re'one attention" a '$r!+ae" a 3ote"

a donation2 &rom anot+er 'art/" !a%%ed t+e !!!!!!!!.
A) a%e'eron" !$tomer 
*) &$nd raier" !ontri#$tor 
C) 'o%iti!ian" 3oter 
D. marketer, prospect

10. In (((((((( !on$mer ma/ +are a trong need t+at !annot #e

ati&ied #/ an e:iting 'rod$!t)
A) negati3e demand
". latent demand
C) de!%ining demand
D) irreg$%ar demand

11. In ((((((((more !$tomer .o$%d %ike to #$/ t+e 'rod$!t t+an
!an #e ati&ied)
A) %atent demand
*) irreg$%ar demand
C. overfull demand
D) e:!ei3e

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6.  (((((((( good !ontit$te t+e #$%k o& mot !o$ntrie4 'rod$!tion and
marketing e&&ort)
A) D$ra#%e
*) Im'$%e
C. Physical
D) 5er3i!e

7.  (((((((( !an #e 'rod$!ed and marketed a a 'rod$!t)

a. nformation
 #) Ce%e#ritie
!) D$ra#%e good
d) Organi6ation

7) C+ar%e
C+ar%e Re3on o& Re3%on
Re3%on o#er3ed8
o#er3ed8 ,In t+e
t+e &a!tor/"
&a!tor/" .e make !ometi!
in t+e tore" !!!!!!!! )
 A) .e make 'ro&it
*) .e !+a%%enge !om'etitor
C) .e im'%ement ad
D. we sell hope

9. A (((((((( i omeone eeking a re'one attention" a '$r!+ae" a 3ote"

a donation2 &rom anot+er 'art/" !a%%ed t+e !!!!!!!!.
A) a%e'eron" !$tomer 
*) &$nd raier" !ontri#$tor 
C) 'o%iti!ian" 3oter 
D. marketer, prospect

10. In (((((((( !on$mer ma/ +are a trong need t+at !annot #e

ati&ied #/ an e:iting 'rod$!t)
A) negati3e demand
". latent demand
C) de!%ining demand
D) irreg$%ar demand

11. In ((((((((more !$tomer .o$%d %ike to #$/ t+e 'rod$!t t+an
!an #e ati&ied)
A) %atent demand
*) irreg$%ar demand
C. overfull demand
D) e:!ei3e

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1;) Marketing i meeting t+ t+e need 'ro&ita#%/ o&

a) Mark
 #) C$tomer)
c. "ot
"oth a # b.
d) None
None o& t+e
1<) Mana
ger o& 'ro
d$!tiion ori
ented #$i
ee !on
a) Achieving high production
production efficiency )
 #) Hig+ !ot)
!) Le
Le dit
d) None
None o& t+e
10) T+e aim o& e%%ing !on!e't i to8
a. $ell
$ell what
what compan
companies ies make.
 #) 5e%% .+at t+e market
market .ant)
!) None
None o& t+e
1=) T+e aim o& Ho%iti ti! Marketing Con!e't i to8
a) De3e%o'
 #) Deign
!) Im'%ement
Im'%ement t+e marketin
marketingg 'rogram
d. All of
of thes
1>) Marketing '%an !ontain 8
a) Ta!ti!a%
Ta!ti!a% g$ide
%ine &or
&or marketin
marketingg 'rogram
'rogram )
 #) ?inan!ia% a%%o!ation
a%%o!ation o3er t+e '%anning 'eriod)
c. "oth a # b
d) None
None o& t+e

1@) Marke
arkett 5eg
ntatiion i a met+o
d o&
o& ,d
i3idiing a mar
into 8
A. $maller groupings of consumers or organizations
*) Large gro$'ing o& !on$mer
C) Midd%e gro$')
D) None o& t+ee)

17) T+e
T+e a''e
''ea% o& ma
ma mar
ng i in t+e 'oten
a% &or

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A. %igher total profits.


C) None o& t+ee

1B) +o i
i t+
t+e a$
a$t+or o& t+
t+e &o
& de&inition8


!) 5OCIA
d. PA&' (A)&* 
;F) +i!+ one i no
not t+e nat$re o& marketing

a. (arketing environment

 #) Marketing i #$ine

!) Marketing m$t de%i3er 3a%$e

d) Marketing i !on$mer &o!$ed

;1) +at i marketed

a) Good
 #) 5er3i!e
!) E:'e
d. All of the above
;;) +o
+o ii t+e
t+e a$t+o
$t+orr o&
o& t+e
t+e &o%%
o%%o.i de&i
on o& mark

U 5ED TO 5ATI5?

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a) Ke%3in %ane Ke%%er 

 #) Mit+i%e J+a
c. $tanton
d) T+e Ameri!an marketing ao!iation
;<) Marketing en3ironment in!%$de )
a) Mi!ro en3ironment
 #) Ma!ro en3ironment
c. "oth from the above
d) No one o& t+em
;0) Demogra'+i! en3ironment doe not in!%$de))
a) Po'$%ation gro.t+
 #) Age
!) Ed$!ation
d. +arthuake
;=) Mi!ro en3ironment i a%o kno.n a8-
a) Tak en3ironment
 #) O'erating en3ironment
c. A and "
d) Non o& t+e a#o3e
;>) Ma!ro en3ironment i a%o kno.n a8-
a. $ocietal environment
 #) Po%iti!a% en3ironment
!) Demogra'+i! en3ironment
d) Marketing en3ironment
;@) +i!+ i t+e im'%i!ation o& t+e marketing
a) +o are o$r e:iting !$tomer
 #) +/ +o$%d !$tomer #$/ &rom $
!) Ho. !an .e !omm$ni!ate .it+ o$r !$tomer
d. All of the above
;7) +at do /o$ mean #/ +o%iti! marketing !on!e't
a) Aim to e%% t+e 'rod$!t
 #) ?o!$ on $a%it/ and 'rod$!t
!) ?o!$ on a3ai%a#i%it/ o& 'rod$!t
d) *uilding relations with the customers, suppliers, distributors

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;B) Name t+e ((((((((((((((( !on!e't .+i!+ in!%$de %o.

!ot and ma ditri#$tion
a) Prod$!t !on!e't
 #) 5e%%ing !on!e't
c. Production concept
d) Marketing !on!e't
<F) T+e (((((((((((( marketing '%an 'e!i&/ t+e 'rod$!tion
&eat$re" 'romotion" 'ri!ing" a%e !+anne% and er3i!e
a. -actical
 #) 5trategi!
!) 5o!ieta%
d) Integrated
<1) +o +a introd$!ed t+e .ord marketing mi:
a. eil "orden
 #) ame C$%%iton
!) Ro#ert ?) La$ter#on
d) Koi!+i 5+imi6$
<;) Marketing reear!+" 'rod$!t '%anning" !reation o& demand"
ditri#$tion #e%ong to .+i!+ !ategor/ o& t+e marketing
a) 5!o'e
 #) Nat$re
c. /unctions
d) ?eat$re
<<) Name .+i!+ o& t+e & i one o& t+e marketing
a) O'tim$m $ti%i6ation o& a3ai%a#%e reo$r!e
b. $atisfaction of consumer 0s needs
!) Con$mer and en3ironmenta% 'rote!tion
d) C+anging ro%e o& 'eron
<0) +i!+ o& t+e & are t+e e!onomi! $ti%itie in
a) Peron
 #) E:!+ange
!) Time
d. All of the above

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<=) Name t+e !on!e't to .+i!+ t+e e:am'%e #e%ong to8

Am$ement 'ark" A''$ g+ar" go3ernment agen!ie et!

a. Production concept
 #) Prod$!t !on!e't
!) 5e%%ing !on!e't
d) Marketing !on!e't
<>) Name .+i!+ one i not t+e t/'e o& marketing
a) On%ine marketing
 #) Perona% marketing
!) O&&%ine marketing
d. nterview
<@) +i!+ one i not among t+e 0P4 o& marketing mi:
a) P%a!e
 #) Promotion
!) Prod$!t
d. People
<7) Con$mer o%$tion" !$tomer !ot" !omm$ni!ation t+ee
are t+e t+ree C4 o& marketing mi:)
<B) Name t+e 0t+ C o& t+e marketing mi:)
a. Convenience
 #) Com'etition
!) Con$m'tion
d) C$tomer di3iion

0F)T+e mi!ro en3ironment !onit o&)

a2 5$''%ier !2 !om'etitor
 #2 Con$mer d1 all of these

01)T+e 'ro!e o& $#- di3iding t+e market i termed a)

a2 (arket segmentation !2 targeting
 #2 Poitioning d2 none

0;)T+i i one o& t+e e%ement o& marketing mi:)

a2 Ad3ertiing !1 price
 #2 Peronne% e%%ing d2 none o& t+ee

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0<)T+e ma!ro en3ironment !onit o&)

a1 Demogra'+i!a% !1 both a # b
 #2 E!onomi!a% d2 none

00)An area o& #$/er need or 'otentia% interet in .+i!+ a !om'an/

 !an 'er&orm 'ro&ita#%/ i !a%%ed)
a2 (arket area !2 market 'a!e
 #2 Market +are d2 market o''ort$nit/

0=)Marketing i $ed to)

a2 Create a !$tomer !2 to kee' a !$tomer 
 #2 To ati&/ a !$tomer d1 all of these

0>)+i!+ i a 1t te' o& marketing 'ro!e)

a2 Ana%/6ing t+e market o''ort$nit/
b1 $canning the environment
!2 Deigning marketing trategie
d2 Im'%ementing marketing 'ra!ti!e

0@)?$n!tion o& marketing are #aed on)

a2 ?$n!tion o& e:!+ange
 #2 ?$n!tion o& '+/i!a% $''%/
!2 ?a!i%itating &$n!tion
d1 All of these

23. A &irm4 tangi#%e o&&ering to t+e market i kno.n a)

a1 Good.i%% !1 product
 #2 Marketing d2 !$tomer ati&a!tion

0B)Under .+i!+ !on!e't marketer &o!$ed on !$tomer need and .ant)

a2 Prod$!t !on!e't c1 marketing
 #2 Prod$!tion d2 a%e

=F) Marketing i a#o$t identi&/ing and meeting


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a2 H$man need

 #2 5o!ia% need

c1 "oth a # b

d2 None

=1) T+e aim o& marketing i to kno. and $ndertand


a2 C$tomer 

 #2 Prod$!t

!2 5er3i!e

d1 "oth a, b and c

=;) Marketing i meeting t+e need 'ro&ita#%/ #ot+


a2 C$tomer

 #2 Marketer

c1 "oth a and b

d2 None

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=<) Con$mer .i%% 're&er 'rod$!t t+at are


a2 A3ai%a#%e

 #2 Ine:'eni3e

!2 None

d1 "oth a and b

=0) Con$mer .i%% &a3or t+oe 'rod$!t .+i!+ o&&er t+e


a2 Q$a%it/

 #2 Per&orman!e

!2 Inno3ati3e &eat$re

d1 "oth a, b and c

==) Market .+i!+ re&er to a gro$' o& e%%er and #$/er

t+at !o-o'erate to e:!+ange

a1 4oods and services

 #2 Pro&it and %o

!2 *ot+ a and #

d2 None

=>) +at ki%% are re$ired &or marketing))

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a2 Good Comm$ni!ation 5ki%%

 #2 Creati3it/  imagination

!2 Q$i!k de!iion making

d1 All of above

=@) i a '%a!e .+ere #$/er and e%%er

gat+ered to #$/ and e%% good

a1 (arket

 #2 Organi6ation

!2 Intit$tion

d2 None

=7) Com'anie 5e%%ing Con$mer good and er3i!e

$!+ a)

a2 5o&t drink

 #2 Cometi!

!2 At+%eti! 5+oe

d1 All of above

=B) *$/er #$/ good in order to ree%% a 'rod$!t to

ot+er at a))

a1 Profit

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 #2 Lo

!2 *ot+ a and #

d2 None
56. A ! is a series of interrelated seuential steps that can be used to respond to a
structural problem
a) 'o%i!/
!).e%% tr$!t$re 'ro#%em

57. 8raganisation which have a high potential of offering rival products or services
are called





59. A key ob:ective of marketing is to;

a) 8ffer a right product at the right price

 #)5ati&/ t+e need o& ome gro$' o& !$tomer t+at t+e &irm er3e

!) de3e%o' a !om'etiti3e ad3antage

d) O&&er ne. or de3e%o'ed 'rod$!t

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5<. =hich one is wrong>

a. Customer is the centre of all marketing activities

 #) marketing &o!$e on t+e need and .ant o& t+e !$tomer 

!) Marketing i a%% a#o$t e%%ing o& good and er3i!e

d) It i !on!erned a#o$t ati&/ing !$tomer t+ro$g+ $''%/ o& good and er3i!e

52. (arketing is

a) On%/ &$n!tion o& management

b. function of management as well as business policy

!) it i on%/ a #$ine '+i%oo'+/

d)e%%ing good and er3i!e

5?. =hich of the following statements is correct>

a2 Marketing i t+e term $ed to re&er on%/ to t+e a%e &$n!tion .it+in a
b) Marketing manager $$a%%/ dont get in3o%3ed in 'rod$!tion or
ditri#$tion de!iion
c) Marketing i an a!ti3it/ t+at !onider on%/ t+e need o& t+e
organi6ation" not t+e need o& o!iet/ a a .+o%e
d) (arketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,
communicating, delivering,and exchanging offerings that have value for
customers, clients, partners, and society at large
66. -he term marketing refers to
a)  Ne. 'rod$!t !on!e't and im'ro3ement
b) Ad3ertiing and 'romotion a!ti3itie
c) A philosophy that stresses customer value and
d) P%anning a%e !am'aign
67. n the history of marketing, when did the production period end>

a) In t+e %ate 17FF

b) In t+e ear%/ 1BFF
c) n the 7@96sd

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d) A&ter t+e end o& t+e 5e!ond or%d

68. A marketing philosophy summarized by the phrase a good product
will sell itself is characteristic of the !!!!!!!!! period.
a) Production
b) 5a%e
c) Marketing
d) Re%ation+i'
69. =hich of the following factors contributed to the transition from the
production period to the salesperiod>

a) In!reaed !on$mer demand

b) (ore sophisticated production techniues
c) In!reae in $r#ani6ation
d) T+e Great De'reionQ$etion

B6. An organisation with a !!!!!! orientation assumes that customers will resist
purchasing products notdeemed essential. -he :ob of marketers is to overcome
this resistance through personal selling andadvertising.
a) Prod$!tion
b) Marketing
c) Re%ation+i'
d) $ales

71. n the relationship marketing firms focus on !!!!!!!!!! relationships

with !!!!!!!!!!.

a) 5+ort term9 !$tomer and $''%ier

b) 'ong term customers and suppliers
c) 5+ort term9 !$tomer
d) Long term9 !$tomer
72. Political campaigns are generally examples of 
a) Cause marketing
b) Organi6ation marketing
c) E3ent marketing
d) Person marketing
73. -he Coca Cola organisation is an official sponsor of the 8lympics. -he
firm is engaging
a) Place marketing
b) +vent marketing
c) P%a!e marketing
d) Organi6ation marketing

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74. -odays marketers need...

a2Neit+er !reati3it/ nor !riti!a% t+inking ki%%
 #2"oth creativity and critical thinking skills
!2Criti!a% t+inking ki%% #$t not !reati3it/
d) Creati3it/ #$t not !riti!a% t+inking ki%%

@=) In re'one to t+reat &rom $!+ !om'anie a AOL" Ama6on" a+oo" e*a/"
E4TRADE" and do6en o& ot+er" eta#%i+ed man$&a!t$rer and retai%er
 #e!ame ,#ri!k-and-!%i!k oriented #/ adding on%ine er3i!e to t+eir e:iting
o&&ering) T+i 'ro!e #e!ame kno.n a (((((((()
A. reinters mediation
*) diintermediation
C) e-!ommer!e
D) e-!o%%a#oration

@>) Man/ #ri!k-and-!%i!k !om'etitor #e!ame tronger !ontender in t+e

market'%a!e t+an t+e '$re-!%i!k &irm #e!a$e t+e/ +ad a %arger 'oo% o&
reo$r!e to .ork .it+ and (((((((()
A) #etter 'ri!e
*) greater 3a%$e
C. wellEestablished brand names
D) one-on-one !omm$ni!ation

@@) T+e (((((((( i 'ra!ti!ed mot aggrei3e%/ .it+ $no$g+t good" good
t+at #$/er norma%%/ do not t+ink o& #$/ing" $!+ a in$ran!e" en!/!%o'aedia"
and &$nera% '%ot)
A) marketing !on!e't
". selling concept
C) 'rod$!tion !on!e't
D) 'rod$!t !on!e't

@7) T+e (((((((( !on!e't +o%d t+at !on$mer .i%% &a3o$r t+oe 'rod$!t t+at
o&&er t+e mot $a%it/" 'er&orman!e" or inno3ati3e &eat$re)
A. product
*) marketing
C) 'rod$!tion
D) e%%ing

@B) T+e (((((((( !on!e't +o%d t+at !on$mer and #$inee" i& %e&t a%one"
.i%% ordinari%/ not #$/ eno$g+ o& t+e organi6ation4 'rod$!t)
A) 'rod$!tion
". selling

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C) marketing
D) 'rod$!t

7F) (((((((( Marketing +a t+e aim o& #$i%ding m$t$a%%/ ati&/ing %ong-term
re%ation .it+ ke/ 'artie $!+ a !$tomer" $''%ier" ditri#$tor" and ot+er
marketing 'artner in order to earn and retain t+eir #$ine)
A) Ho%iti!
*) Demand-#aed
C) Dire!t
D. *elationship

71) Com'anie .+o &orm a (((((((( !o%%e!t in&ormation on ea!+ !$tomer4

 'at trana!tion" demogra'+i!" '/!+ogra'+i!" and media and ditri#$tion
A) a%e net.ork 
*) +o%iti! $nion
C. marketing network 
D) $''%/-!+ain net.ork 

82. T+e a#i%it/ o& a !om'an/ to dea% .it+ !$tomer one at a time +a #e!ome
 'ra!ti!a% a a re$%t o& ad3an!e in ((((((((" !om'$ter" t+e Internet" and
data#ae marketing o&t.are)
A) im'ro3ed !omm$ni!ation &%o.
*) in&ormation te!+no%og/
C) J$t-in-time man$&a!t$ring
D. factory customization

7<) One traditiona% de'i!tion o& marketing a!ti3itie i in term o& t+e marketing
mi: or &o$r P) T+e &o$r P are !+ara!teri6ed a #eing (((((((()
A) 'rod$!t" 'oitioning" '%a!e" and 'ri!e
*) 'rod$!t" 'rod$!tion" 'ri!e" and '%a!e
C) 'romotion" '%a!e" 'oitioning" and 'ri!e
D. product, price, promotion, and place

70) T+e &o$r P re'reent t+e e%%er4 3ie. o& t+e marketing too% a3ai%a#%e &or
in&%$en!ing #$/er) ?rom a #$/er4 'oint o& 3ie." ea!+ marketing too% i

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


deigned to de%i3er a !$tomer #ene&it) Ro#ert La$ter#orn $ggeted t+at t+e

e%%er4 &o$r P !orre'ond to t+e !$tomer4 &o$r C) T+e &o$r C are (((((((()
A) !$tomer &o!$" !ot" !on3enien!e" and !omm$ni!ation
". customer solution, customer cost, convenience, and communication
C) !on3enien!e" !ontro%" !om'etition" and !ot
D) !om'etition" !ot" !on3enien!e" and !omm$ni!ation .

7=) A!!ording to T+eodore Le3itt" .+o dre. a 'er!e'ti3e !ontrat #et.een t+e
e%%ing and marketing !on!e't" (((((((( i 'reo!!$'ied .it+ t+e need to
!on3ert 'rod$!t into !a+)
A) marketing
". selling
C) dire!t marketing
D) +o%iti! marketing

7>) In t+e !o$re o& !on3erting to a marketing orientation" a !om'an/ &a!e

t+ree +$rd%e ((((((()
A. organized resistance, slow learning, and fast forgetting
*) management" !$tomer rea!tion" !om'etiti3e re'one
C) de!reaed 'ro&it" in!reaed RD" additiona% ditri#$tion
D) &ore!ated demand" in!reaed a%e e:'ene

7@) Com'anie t+at 'ra!ti!e #ot+ a rea!ti3e and 'roa!ti3e marketing orientation
are im'%ementing a ________ and are %ike%/ to #e t+e mot $!!e&$%)
A. total market orientation
*) e:terna% &o!$
C) !$tomer &o!$
D) !om'etiti3e" !$tomer &o!$

77) Marketer arg$e &or a (((((((( in .+i!+ a%% &$n!tion .ork toget+er to
re'ond to" er3e" and ati&/ t+e !$tomer)

A) !ro-&$n!tiona% team orientation

*) !o%%a#oration mode%
C. customer orientation
D) management-dri3en organi6ation

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


7B) (((((((( !an #e een a t+e de3e%o'ment" deign" and im'%ementation o&
marketing 'rogram" 'ro!ee" and a!ti3itie t+at re!ogni6e t+e #readt+ and
interde'enden!ie o& t+eir e&&e!t)
a) Ni!+e marketing
b. %olistic marketing
!) Re%ation+i' marketing
d) 5$''%/-!+ain marketing

BF) !!!!!!!! Mean P%anning" Organi6ing" Dire!ting and Contro%%ing

t+e A!ti3itie +i!+ Re$%t In E:!+ange o& Good and 5er3i!e)

A. (arketing (anagement

*) Prod$!tion Management

C) ?inan!e Management

D) None o& T+ee

@7. Marketing Management P+i%oo'+ie In!%$de

A) Prod$!tion Con!e't

*) Prod$!t Con!e't

C) Marketing Con!e't

D. All of -hese

@9. Com'anie +i!+ Ado't Marketing Con!e't Gi3e Im'ortan!e


A) C$tomer

*) Com'etitor

C. "oth FA1 And F"1

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


D) None o& T+ee

@<. O#Je!ti3e O& Marketing Management I8

A. Capture "ig (arket $hare.

*) 5a%e

C) Prod$!tion

D) Promotion

@2. +i!+ O& t+e ? P5 I Not T+e Part O& Marketing Mi:)

A) Pri!e

* )Prod$!t

C. Partiality

D) Promotion

@?. +i!+ O& t+e ? I t+e ?$n!tion o& Marketing

A )Market P%anning

*) Pri!ing o& Prod$!t

C) Promotion and 5e%%ing

D. All of -hese

B>) C%ai&i!ation O& Prod$!t And 5er3i!e Can *e Done In

A) Con$mer Good

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


*) Ind$tria% Good

C. "oth FA1 And F"1

D) None o& t+ee

B@) Ho%iti! marketing in!or'orate (((((((( and $ndertanding #roader 

!on!ern and t+e et+i!a%" en3ironmenta%" %ega%" and o!ia% !onte:t o& marketing
a!ti3itie and 'rogram)
A) a&e 'rod$!t deign
*) !$%t$ra% marketing
C. social responsibility marketing
D) !ro-&$n!tiona% team

B7) T+e (((((((( +o%d t+at t+e organi6ation4 tak i to determine t+e need"
.ant" and interet o& target market and to de%i3er t+e deired ati&a!tion
more e&&e!ti3e%/ and e&&i!ient%/ t+an !om'etitor in a .a/ t+at 'reer3e or
en+an!e t+e !on$mer4 and t+e o!iet/4 .e%%-#eing)
A) !$tomer-!entered #$ine
*) &o!$ed #$ine mode%
C. societal marketing concept
D) et+i!a%%/ re'oni#%e marketing manager 

BB) Com'anie ee (((((((( a an o''ort$nit/ to en+an!e t+eir !or'orate

re'$tation" raie #rand a.arene" in!reae !$tomer %o/a%t/" #$i%d a%e" and
in!reae 're !o3erage)
A. causeErelated marketing
*) #rand marketing
C) e$it/ marketing
D) dire!t marketing

1FF) +en a !$tomer +a a n2 (((((((( need +e+e .ant a !ar .+oe
o'erating !ot" not it initia% 'ri!e" i %o.)
A) tated
". real
C) $ntated
D) de%ig+t

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


1F1) +en a !$tomer +a a n2 (((((((( need t+e !$tomer .ant to #e een
 #/ &riend a a a33/ !on$mer)
A) rea%
*) $ntated
C) de%ig+t
D. secret

1F;) Good marketing i no a!!ident" #$t a re$%t o& !are&$%

 '%anning and (((((((()
a) e:e!$tion
 #) e%%ing
!) trategie
d) ta!ti!
e) reear!+
An.er8 a

1F<) Marketing i #ot+ an ,art and a ,!ien!e t+ere i

!ontant tenion #et.een t+e &orm$%ated ide o& marketing
and t+e (((((((( ide)
a) !reati3e
 #) e%%ing
!) management
d) &ore!ating
e) #e+a3ior 
An.er8 a

1F0) T+e mot &orma% de&inition o& marketing i (((((((()

a) meeting need 'ro&ita#%/
 #) identi&/ing and meeting +$man and o!ia% need
!) t+e 0P Prod$!t" Pri!e" P%a!e" Promotion2

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


d) an organi6ationa% &$n!tion and a et o& 'ro!ee &or

!reating" !omm$ni!ating" and de%i3ering" 3a%$e to !$tomer"
and &or managing !$tomer re%ation+i' in .a/ t+at #ene&it
t+e organi6ation and it take +o%der)
e) im'ro3ing t+e $a%it/ o& %i&e &or !on$mer
An.er8 d

1F=) Marketing management i (((((((()

a) managing t+e marketing 'ro!e
 #) monitoring t+e 'ro&ita#i%it/ o& t+e !om'anie 'rod$!t and
!) e%e!ting target market
d) de3e%o'ing marketing trategie to mo3e t+e !om'an/
e) t+e art and !ien!e o& !+ooing target market and getting"
kee'ing" and !$tomer t+ro$g+ !reating" de%i3ering"
and !omm$ni!ating $'erior !$tomer 3a%$e
An.er8 e

106. A trana!tion in3o%3e (((((((()

a) at %eat t.o 'artie
 #) ea!+ 'art/ +a omet+ing t+at mig+t #e o& 3a%$e to t+e ot+er 
!) ea!+ 'art/ i !a'a#%e o& !omm$ni!ation and de%i3er/
d) ea!+ 'art/ i &ree to a!!e't or reJe!t t+e e:!+ange o&&er 
e) a%% o& t+e a#o3e
An.er8 e

1F@) (((((((( good !ontit$te t+e #$%k o& mot !o$ntrie4

 'rod$!tion and marketing e&&ort)
a) D$ra#%e
 #) Im'$%e
!) P+/i!a%

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


d) 5er3i!e
e) E3ent
An.er8 !

108.  (((((((( !an #e 'rod$!ed and marketed a a 'rod$!t)

a) In&ormation
 #) Ce%e#ritie
!) D$ra#%e good
d) Organi6ation
e) Pro'ertie
An.er8 a

1FB) C+ar%e Re3on o& Re3%on o#er3ed8 ,In t+e &a!tor/" .e

make !ometi!9 in t+e tore"  !!!!!!!! )
a) .e make 'ro&it
 #) .e !+a%%enge !om'etitor
!) .e im'%ement ad
d) .e e%% +o'e
e) .e e%% $a%it/
An.er8 d

11F) A (((((((( i omeone eeking a re'one attention" a

 '$r!+ae" a 3ote" a donation2 &rom anot+er 'art/" !a%%ed t+e
a) a%e'eron" !$tomer 
 #) &$nd raier" !ontri#$tor 
!) 'o%iti!ian" 3oter 
d) marketer" 'ro'e!t
e) !e%e#rit/" a$dien!e
An.er8 d

111) In (((((((( !on$mer ma/ +are a trong need t+at

!annot #e ati&ied #/ an e:iting 'rod$!t)

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


a) negati3e demand
 #) %atent demand
!) de!%ining demand
d) irreg$%ar demand
e) non-e:itent demand
An.er8 #

11;) In ((((((((more !$tomer .o$%d %ike to #$/ t+e

 'rod$!t t+an !an #e ati&ied)
a) %atent demand
 #) irreg$%ar demand
!) o3er&$%% demand
d) e:!ei3e
e) negati3e demand

11<) Prod$!t" Pri!e" P%a!e  Promotion) T+ee P4 are8

a2marketing #$ine
#2 marketing !on!e't
Fc1 marketing mix
d2 none o& t+e a#o3e

110) A!+ie3ing +ig+ 'rod$!tion e&&i!ien!/" %o. !ot" ma


Fa1 production concept

#2 e%%ing !on!e't
!2marketing !on!e't
d2 'rod$!t !on!e't

11=) It i not in!%$ded in marketing &$n!tion8

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


Fb1 segmentation
d2 'ri!ing

11>) E!onomi! en3ironment i aan8

Fa1 macro environment

#2 mi!ro en3ironment
d2 interna% en3ironment

11@) A !on$mer i no. !on!erned a#o$t a&et/  en3ironment

 'ro#%em  marketing !om'anie need to $nder t+em" i8

a2 Marketing mi:

#2 Ma!ro en3ironment

  !2 $ocial marketing

d2 Ho%iti! !on!e't o& marketing

773. Good marketing i not a!!ident" #$t a re$%t o& !are&$% '%anning and

a2 +xecution

 #2 5e%%ing

!2 Reear!+

d2 5trateg/

11B) Can #e 'rod$!ed and marketed a 'rod$!t

a2 Good


!2 5er3i!e

d2 'ro'ertie

1;F) In (((((( more !$tomer .o$%d %ike to #$/ t+e 'rod$!t t+an !an #e ati&ied

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


a2 Latent demand

 #2 Irreg$%ar demand

!2 8verfull demand

d2 E:!ei3e demand

1;1) Marketer o&ten $e t+e term to !o3er 3ario$ gro$'ing o& !$tomer

a2 Peo'%e

 #2 *$/ing ' 

!2 5o!ia% !%a 'oition

d2 (arket

799. C$tomer +o. greater 'ri!e eniti3it/ in t+eir ear!+ &or 

a2 Rig+t 'rod$!t

 #2 Rig+t er3i!e

!2 Rig+t tore

d2 Galue

1;<) T+e main o#Je!ti3e o& marketing management i

a) Creating demand
 #) 5ating C$tomer Need
!) Ca't$ring reaona#%e +are in t+e market
d. All of above

1;0) Marketing i  oriented

a) Prod$!tion
 #) 5e%%ing
c.  Customer
d) A%% o& a#o3e

1;=)  &$n!tion o& marketing

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


a) *$/ing  Aem#%ing
 #) Pa!kaging
!) Pri!ing
d. All of above

1;>) )en3ironment &or!e in t+e !om'an/4 a!ti3itie and !on!ern

immediate en3ironment

a) Ma!ro
b.  (icro
!) Interna%
d) None

1;@) Ma!ro en3ironment are ) ?a!tor .+i!+ indie!t/ a&&e!t t+e !on!ern4
a#i%it/ to o'erate market e&&e!ti3e%/

a) Contro%%a#%e
b.  &ncontrollable
!) Interna%
d) None

1;7) ))) Con!e't i one o& t+e o%det !on!e't #$ine )It +o%d
t+at !on$mer .i%% 're&er 'rod$!t t+at are .ide%/ a3ai%a#%e and ine:'eni3e

a) Prod$!t Con!e't
 #) 5e%%ing Con!e't
c. Production Concept
d) Marketing Con!e't

1;B) )) !on!e't i #aed on t+e de3e%o'ment" deign and im'%ementation

o& marketing 'rogram "'ro!ee and a!ti3itie

a) 5e%%ing Con!e't
 #) Prod$!t Con!e't
!) Prod$!tion Con!e't
d. %olistic (arketing Concept

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1<F)  !on!e't 'ro'oe t+at !on$mer &a3o$r 'rod$!t t+at

o&&er t+e mot $a%it/ 'er&orman!e or inno3ati3e &eat$re

a. Product Concept
 #) 5e%%ing Con!e't
!) Prod$!tion Con!e't
d) Marketing Con!e't

1<1) 5!o'e o& marketing i))

a) Narro.
b.  =ide
!) *ot+
d) None

1<;) Ma!ro En3ironment !onit

a.  Demographic
 #) Intermediarie
!) P$#%i!
d) A%%

1<<) Ma!ro en3ironment !onit

a) 5$''%ier
 #) C$tomer
!) Com'etitor
d. All of above

1<0) T+e &irt ma!ro en3ironmenta% i$e t+at marketer t/'i!a%%/ monitor i8

a) T+e internationa% 'o%iti!a% %ega% en3ironment

b. $uppliers, consumers # employees
!) T+e te!+no%og/
d. T+e e!onom/

1<=) T+e &irt te' in t+e #$/ing 'ro!e i t+e8

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


a) In&ormation reear!+
 #) E3a%$ation o& a%ternati3e
c. P$r!+ae De!iion
d. *ecognition of need or problem

1<>) T+e $%timate %e3e% o& market egmentation i

a) Lo!a%
b. (ass
!) Indi3id$a%
d) Ni!+e

1<@) T+e ?irt te' in t+e targeting marketing 'ro!e i8

a. (arket Positioning
 #) Market 5egmentation
!) Market Con!entration
d) Ma targeti

1<7) +i!+ o& t+e & &a!tor t+at o&ten &or!e a !om'an/ to !+ooe t+e
marketing !on!e't in t+eir &irm8

a) In!reae Com'etition
 #) A de!%ine in a%e
!) C+anging #$/ing 'attern
d. All of the above.

1<B) (((((((( good !ontit$te t+e #$%k o& mot !o$ntrie4 'rod$!tion and
marketing e&&ort)
A) D$ra#%e
*) Im'$%e
C. Physical
D) 5er3i!e

10F) (((((((( good !ontit$te t+e #$%k o& mot !o$ntrie4 'rod$!tion and
marketing e&&ort)
A) D$ra#%e
*) Im'$%e

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C. Physical
D) 5er3i!e

101) (((((((( !an #e 'rod$!ed and marketed a a 'rod$!t)

a. nformation
 #) Ce%e#ritie
!) D$ra#%e good
d) Organi6ation

10;) C+ar%e Re3on o& Re3%on o#er3ed8 ,In t+e &a!tor/" .e make !ometi!9
in t+e tore" !!!!!!!! )
 A) .e make 'ro&it
*) .e !+a%%enge !om'etitor
C) .e im'%ement ad
D. we sell hope

10<) A (((((((( i omeone eeking a re'one attention" a '$r!+ae" a 3ote" a

donation2 &rom anot+er 'art/" !a%%ed t+e !!!!!!!!.
A) a%e'eron" !$tomer 
*) &$nd raier" !ontri#$tor 
C) 'o%iti!ian" 3oter 
D. marketer, prospect

100) ((((((((((( in!%$de &inding o$t .+at gro$' o& 'otentia%

!$tomer or market e:it " .+at gro$' o& !$tomer /o$ 're&er to
er3e target market " .+at are t+eir need  )

a) Prod$!t mi:
b. (arketing analysis
!) Marketing mi:
d) None

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10=) ,Marketing i a o!ia% and manageria% 'ro!e #/ .+i!+

indi3id$a% and gro$' o#tain .+at t+eir need and .ant t+ro$g+
!reating and o&&ering and e:!+anging 'rod$!t o& 3a%$e .it+ ot+er 
i a de&inition gi3en #/8

a) 5tanton
 #) Keit+ Da3i
c. Hotler
d) None

10>) T+e & i nat$re o& marketing 8

a) Marketing i !on$mer orientated

 #) Marketing i !ien!e a .e%% a art
!) Marketing tart and end .it+ !$tomer
d. All above

10@) +i!+ o& t+e & i t+e e%ement o& marketing8

a) Prod$!t
 #) Pri!e
c. "oth of them
d) None

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107) P+i%i' ko%ter +a de&ined ((((((((((( a ,t+e et o&

!ontro%%a#%e 3aria#%e t+at t+e &irm !an $ed to in&%$en!e t+e #$/er
re'one 

a) Promotion mi:
b. (arketing mix
!) Prod$!t mi:
d) None

10B) +i!+ o& t+e & i not a marketing en3ironment &a!tor

a) E!onomi! &or!e
 #) Po%iti!a% &or!e
!) Te!+no%ogi!a% &or!e
d. Channel of distribution

1=F) +i!+ o& t+e & i t+e 'ro!e o& de3e%o'ing marketing

a) Identi&i!ation
 #) Deign

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!) Ana%/i
d. All above

1=1) +i!+ o& t+e & i mi!ro marketing en3ironment

a) Demogra'+i! &or!e
 #) E!onomi! &or!e
!) Prod$!t mi:
d. $uppliers

1=;) ((((((((( re&er to t+oe &a!tor .+i!+ are e:terna% &or!e in

t+e !om'an/4 a!ti3itie are $n!ontro%%a#%e .+i!+ dire!t%/ a&&e!t t+e
!on!ern a#i%it/

a. (acro environment
 #) E!onomi! en3ironment
!) Mi!ro en3ironment
d) Demogra'+i! en3ironment

1=<) +i!+ o& t+e & i !ontro%%a#%e &or!e o& marketing


a) Marketing '%anning
 #) 5e%e!tion o& t+e target market
!) Marketing !ontro%%ed
d. All above

7?2. A market oriented #$ine

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a2 De3e%o' a 'rod$!t &irt and do 'romotion

 #2 ?irt &ind o$t .+at !$tomer need and de3e%o' a 'rod$!t
!2 Doe not do an/ ad3ertiing
d2 Doe not !arr/ o$t market reear!+

7??. .+i!+ t/'e o& #$ine i more %ike%/ to ati&/ !$tomer demand

a2 Market oriented
 #2 Lo!ation oriented
!2 Prod$!t oriented
d2 Prod$!tion oriented

7?5. Market +are i de&ined a

a2 T+e 3a%$e o& +are o& t+e #$ine in t+e market

 #2 5a%e o& #$ine 'ro'ortion to tota% market i6e
!2 Tota% a%e o& t+e 'rod$!t in t+e market
d2 Tota% a%e o& a%% t+e #$inee

7?B. Marketing mi: i de&ined a8

a2 Di&&erent target egment in t+e market

 #2 Di&&erent market in t+e !o$ntr/
!2 A%% a!ti3itie .+i!+ go into marketing a 'rod$!t
d2 C+emi!a% !om'oition o& t+e 'rod$!t

7?3. Meta marketing !on!e't i !on!ern o&8

a2 5!ienti&i! 3a%$e
 #2 5o!ia% 3a%$e
!2 Et+i!a% 3a%$e
d2 A%%

7?@. Green marketing i re%ated .it+8

a2 Green !o%or 'rod$!t

 #2 En3ironment
!2 Green +o$e e&&e!t
d2 E%e!tri!it/

756. +i!+ i not a 'art o& mi!ro marketing en3ironment

a2 Lang$age
 #2 Cot$me
!2 Litera!/
d2 Age

757. +i!+ i not in!%$ded in '%a!e mi: 3aria#%e

a2 are+o$e
 #2 Tran'ortation
!2 C+anne% o& ditri#$tion

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


d2 Term o& de%i3er/

759. P$#%i! Re%ation are main%/ maintained t+ro$g+8

a2 Ad3ertiing
 #2 Media
!2 5a%e 'eron
d2 Ditri#$ter

75<. Prod$!t %ine o& ITC i8

a2 ?MCG" +ote%" to#a!!o %ea&" 'a'er#oard

 #2 5$n&eat" #ingo" aa+ir3aad" !and/man
!2 5$n&eat #i!$it" $n&eat 'ata" $n&eat /i''ee nood%e
d2 A%%



1 B
2 A
3 B
4 C
5 D
6 B
7 D
8 D
9 B
10 A

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1>0) ,Marketing i a o!ia% and manageria% 'ro!e #/ .+i!+ indi3id$a% and gro$' o#tain
.+at t+e/ need and .ant t+ro$g+ !reating and e:!+anging o& 'rod$!t and 3a%$e)

a1 Pro&) C$ndi&& 5ti%%

b1 Pro&) G%aer 
c1 Prof. Philip Hotler
d1 Harr/ L) Hanen

1>=) Marketing !an #e de!ri#ed a8

a2 An art
 #2 A !ien!e
!2 A #$ine &$n!tion
d1 All the above

1>>) +i!+ o& t+e & i not t+e &a!tor o& mi!ro marketing en3ironment8

a2 C$tomer
 #2 Com'etitor
!2 5$''%ier
d1 +mployees

1>@) Manager o& a #$ine !on!entrated on a!+ie3ing +ig+ 'rod$!tion e&&i!ien!/" %o. !ot"
ma ditri#$tion) T+i !ome $nder8

a2 Prod$!t !on!e't
 #2 5e%%ing !on!e't
!2 Production concept
d2 None o& t+e a#o3e

1>7) +i!+ o& t+e & i not among t+e &o$r t+eme o& +o%iti! marketing8

a2 Integrated marketing
 #2 Interna% marketing
!2 Re%ation+i' marketing
d1 nternational marketing

1>B) +o &irt !on!ei3e t+e !on!e't o& 0'4

a1 Prof. +. Ierome (cCarthy

 #2 ame !$%%iton
!2 Nei% H) #ordan
d2 Pro&) C$ndi&& ti%%

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


1@F) E%ement o& marketing mi: in!%$de8

a2 Prod$!t mi:
 #2 P%a!e mi:
!2 Pri!e mi:
d1 All the above

1@1) 5e%%ing !on!e't i di&&erent &rom marketing !on!e't in term o&8

a2 5!o'e
 #2 Co3erage
!2 ?$n!tion
d1 All the above

1@;) Ho. ,marketing-mi: !on!e't +e%' t+e #$ine &irm8

a2 It 'ro3ide 3a%$a#%e g$ide &or reo$r!e a%%o!ation)

 #2 It +e%' in dire!ting t+e 'rod$!t to a 'e!i&i! !on$mer egment)
!2 It &a!i%itate !omm$ni!ation 'ro!e)
d1 All the above

1@<) T+e !on!e't t+at &o!$ on !$tomer ati&a!tion i8

a2 5e%%ing !on!e't
b1 (arketing concept
!2 Prod$!t !on!e't
d2 None o& t+ee

1@0) ,Marketing en3ironment i !ontant%/ 'inning o$t ne. o''ort$nitie and

ne. t+reat" and t+e &irm &ind t+eir marketing !o%%a'e) +o ga3e t+i

a2 Ri!+ard D) !ri'
 #2 L) Ta/%or 
c1 Philip Hotler
d2 None o& t+ee

1@=) ,Marketing '%anning i t+e .ork o& etting $' o#Je!ti3e &or marketing
a!ti3it/ and o& determining and !+ed$%ing t+e te' ne!ear/ to a!+ie3e $!+
o#Je!ti3e) +o ga3e t+i tatement

• P+i%i' Kot%er 
• L) Ta/%or 
American (arketing Association

Downloaded by VARATHARAJAN Jegan ([email protected])


•  None o& t+ee

1@>) A%% o& t+e gro$' .it+in t+e Com'an/ are !a%%ed(((((()

nternal +nvironment
• E:terna% En3ironment
• C$%t$re
• Di3erit/

1@@) T+e (((((( re&er to a%% &or!e t+at are 'art o& t+e %arger o!iet/ and a&&e!t
t+e mi!ro en3ironment) It in!%$de !on!e't $!+ a demogra'+/" e!onom/"
nat$ra% &or!e" te!+no%og/" 'o%iti!" and !$%t$re)

• Interna% en3ironment
+xternal environment
• *ot+ a2 and #2
•  None o& t+ee

1@7) T+e ((((((( i a marketing term and re&er to &a!tor and &or!e t+at a&&e!t
a &irm4 a#i%it/ to #$i%d and maintain $!!e&$% re%ation+i' .it+ !$tomer)

(arket +nvironment
• Marketing Reear!+
• Marketing 5trateg/
•  None o& t+ee

1@B) ,A 'rod$!t i a #$nd%e o& '+/i!a% er3i!e and /m#o%i! 'arti!$%ar

e:'e!ted to /ie%d ati&a!tion or #ene&it to t+e #$/er) +o ga3e t+i

• George ?ik 
• ) A%deron
• Ameri!an Marketing Ao!iation
Philip Hotler

17F) ?o!$ on t+e 'rod$!t rat+er t+an t+e #ene&it t+e 'rod$!t o&&er to !on$mer
!an re$%t in .+at Le3itt !a%%ed(((((()

a2 Marketing +/'ermetro'ia

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b1 (arketing myopia
!2 *ot+ a2 and #2
d2 None o& t+ee

171) Nei% *orden $ggeted t+at !om'anie +o$%d !onider((((((( e%ement

.+en &orm$%ating a marketing 'rogram)

a2 1F
b1 79
!2 10
d2 1>

17;) T+e (((( market !onit o& a%% t+e organi6ation t+at a!$ire good 
er3i!e $ed in t+e 'rod$!tion o& ot+er 'rod$!t or er3i!e)

a2 Con$mer market
 #2 Go3ernment market
!2 Intit$tiona% market
d1 "usiness market

17<) Marketing i t+e tak o& +iring " training  moti3ating a#%e em'%o/ee .+o
.ant to er3e !$tomer .e%%

a2 Integrated marketing
 #2 E:terna% marketing
c1 nternal marketing
d2 Target marketing

170) Marketing i

a2 P$r!+aing oriented
 #2 5e%%ing oriented
c1 Customer oriented
d2 Prod$!tion oriented

17=) Marketing mi: i t+e et o&

a1 (arketing tools
 #2 5e%%ing too%
!2 P$r!+aing too%
d2 Man$&a!t$ring too%

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17>) One %e3e% !+anne% o& ditri#$tion i t+at !+anne%

a2 +en t+e man$&a!t$rer e%% +i 'rod$!t dire!t%/ to !on$mer

 #2 +en t+e man$&a!t$rer e%% +i 'rod$!t to .+o%ea%er
!2 +en t+e man$&a!t$rer e%% +i 'rod$!t to !ommer!ia% agent
d1 =hen the manufacturer sells his products to retailers

17@) +i!+ o& t+e & e:'%ain t+e de!ri'tion o& t+e 'rod$!t

a2 *rand
 #2 Content
c1 'abelling
d2 Pa!kaging

177) +i!+ o& t+e & gi3e t+e e:a!t 'oition o& a !om'an/4 'rod$!t
.it+ re'e!t to market

a1 (arket analysis
 #2 Con$mer ana%/i
!2 Ma!ro ana%/i
d2 Mi!ro ana%/i

17B) +i!+ tate in t+e 'rod$!t %i&e !/!%e" norma%%/ %at %onger and 'oe
trong !+a%%enge to t+e marketing manager

a2 Introd$!tion
b1 4rowth
!2 Mat$rit/
d2 De!%ine

1BF) +i!+ o& t+e & i tr$e tatement

a2 5e%%ing and marketing are inter!+angea#%e

 #2 Marketing i narro. !on!e't
c1 $elling is a part of marketing
d2 Marketing i t+e 'art o& e%%ing

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1B1) +i!+ o& t+e & are not in!%$ded in 'rod$!t de!iion

a2 5t/%ing
 #2 *rand name
c1 =arehousing
d2 Pa!kaging

1B;) +i!+ o& t+e & are !a%%ed 3a%$e ma:imi6er

a2 5e%%er
b1 Customers
!2 Marketer
d2 Man$&a!t$rer

1B<) 5kimming 'ri!ing trateg/ i $ita#%e .+en

a2 *$/er are eniti3e to 'ri!e

b1 "uyers are not sensitive to price
!2 *$/er +a3e meagre '$r!+aing ' 
d2 *$/er +a3e 'er&e!t kno.%edge o& market

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