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Quarter 1

Name of Student:
Learning Area/Grade TLE-HE-COMMERCIAL COOKING-Grade 7/8
Date: Week 4
Activity Title: Carry Out Measurement and Calculations in a
Required Task


The numerical computation and conversion of measurement according to recipe

requirements is critical in producing acceptable and palatable dish. Carry out measurements
and calculation in a required task and measuring, converting and substituting ingredients.


These easy-to-use conversion charts can help you convert your recipes to the
measuring system your most familiar with. Different people may use the identical recipe for
molded desserts, all of their molded desserts could turn out differently because of different
measuring and mixing techniques. The following section presents some important measuring
equivalents, tables and conversions.


General Ingredient Equivalent Chart Part I


Common Abbreviations Standard Weights and Measures
Abbreviation Kitchen Term Measure Equivalent
tbsp. or T Tablespoon 1 kilo 2.2 pounds
g. or Grams 1,000 grams 1 kilo
lb. or pounds 500 grams ½ kilo

RO_TLE-HE- Commercial Cooking_Grade 7/8_W4_LP 4

pt. or pint 250 grams ¼ kilo
tsp. or t. teaspoon 1 pound 16 ounces
c. or cups 4 pecks 1 bushel
oz. or ounces 8 qt. 1 peck
k. or kilos 4 qt. 1 gallon
qt. quart 2 pt. 1 quart
°F degrees Fahrenheit 2 cups 1 pint
°C degrees degrees Celsius 16 tbsp. 1 cup
pc. piece or pieces 5 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. 1/3 cup
med. medium 4 tbsp. ¼ cup
sec. Second 1 oz. 2 tablespoons
min minute 1 tbsp. 3 teaspoons
hr. hour or hours 1 tsp. 1/3 tablespoon
sq. square dash /pinch less than ⅛ teaspoon
gal. gallon

All cup and spoon measurements are leveled

¼ cup 2 fluid ounces 60 ml 1/4/ teaspoon 1 ml
1/3 cup 2 ½ fluid ounces 85 ml 1/2 teaspoon 2.5 ml
½ cup 4 fluid ounces 125 ml 1 teaspoon 5 ml

1 cup 8 fluid ounces 250ml 1 tablespoon 15 ml

Quick Conversions
Ounces Gram/Kilogram Inches Millimeter/Centimeter
12 oz 15 g ¼ inch 5mm
1 oz 30 g ½ ich 1 cm
3 oz 90 g 1 inch 2.5 cm
8 oz 250 g 5 inches 12 cm
16 oz ( 1 lb) 500 g 18 inches 46 cm
32 oz (2 lbs) 1 kg 24 inches (2 feet) 61 cm
30 inches 77 cm



2T 1 fluid ounces 30 ml
¼c 2 fluid ounces 60 ml
½c 4 fluid ounces 125 ml
¾c 6 fluid ounces 185 ml
1c 8 fluid ounces 250 ml
2c 16 fluid ounces (1pint) 500 ml

RO_TLE-HE- Commercial Cooking_Grade 7/8_W4_LP 4

250 120 Very Slow
300 150 Slow
325- 350 160-180 Moderately Slow
375- 400 190-200 Moderate
425- 450 220-230 Moderately Hot
475-500 250-260 Hot

Measuring Ingredients Correctly

Accurate techniques in measuring are as important as the tools for measuring.
Therefore, always observe the following procedures:

 Rice and flour. Fill the cup to overflowing, level-off with a spatula or with a straight edge

 Sifted flour. Most cake recipes call for sifted flour. In this case, sift flour 2 or 3 times.
Spoon into the cup overflowing, level off with a spatula.

 Refined sugar. Sift sugar once to take out lumps, if any. Spoon into cup and level off with
a spatula. Do not pack or tap the sugar down.

 Brown sugar. Pack into cup just enough to hold its shape when turned out off cup. Level
off with a spatula before emptying.

 Level a measuring spoon with straight edge of a knife to measure small amounts of salt,
pepper, leavening agents or solid fats.

 Liquid ingredients. Place the cup on a flat, level surface. Hold the cup firmly and pour the
desired amount or liquid into the cup. Lean over and view the liquid at eye level to make
sure it is the proper amount.

 Check and calibrate timers/thermometers, scales and other measuring devices according
to manufacturer’s manual before using.

 Ingredients which measure by volume and by weight demand standardized

measuring tools and equipment.
*Do not shake the dry measuring cup to level off dry ingredients*

 It is easier to weigh fat, butter, margarine if bought in pre-measured sticks. If fat does not
come in pre-measured sticks, use a scale to weigh the needed amount.

RO_TLE-HE- Commercial Cooking_Grade 7/8_W4_LP 4

 Liquids should be poured into cup in desired level. Cup should stand on a flat surface.

 Spring scales should be adjusted so that pointer is at zero (0). Place pan, bowl, or
piece of waxed paper on scale to hold ingredient to be measured.

 When using balance scales, place the pan on the left-hand side of the balance and the
pan weight on the right-hand side. Add the required weights to the right-hand side and
adjust the beam on the bar so that the total is the weight needed
 Ranges, sometimes called stoves, provide heat for cooking on top and in the oven. The
controls for range heat must be accurate and easy to operate. Tools and utensils needed
for cooking on the range and work space should be within easy reach.

 Learn to match the size of pan to the size of the unit and to select the right amount of
heat for the cooking job to be done.

 In microwave cooking, time schedules must be followed exactly because every second is
important. The microwaves shut off automatically when the door is opened.

 Refrigerators are operated by electricity. The unit that does the cooling is underneath the
box behind the grill.

 Dishwashers are a great help if food is rinsed from dishes before stacking them. Follow
the plan for stacking as suggested in the direction by manufacturer’s manual.

 Mixers are the most useful machines in commercial kitchens and even at home. It is good
for making salad dressings, sandwich fillings, for sauces, mashing potatoes, beat batter
and eggs. Attachments are also available to chop, whip, squeeze out juice, and make

 Coffee makers mostly are automatic, requiring only the measurement of coffee and water.
 In preparing foods on the range or in the fryer, heat is transferred by conduction

Substitution of Ingredients

Here are some examples of ingredients with their substitute:

Ingredients Equivalents
Ingredient Amount Substitutions
Butter 1 cup -1 cup margarine;
-7/8 to 1 cup hydrogenated shortening plus ½
tsp salt;
-7/8 cup lard plus ½ tsp salt;
-7/8 cup oil plus ½ tsp salt

Cake flour 1 cup -7/8 cup all-purpose flour (1 cup less 2 tbsp)

RO_TLE-HE- Commercial Cooking_Grade 7/8_W4_LP 4

catsup 1 cup -1 cup tomato sauce plus ½ cup sugar and 2
tbsp vinegar (use for cooking)

Coconut milk 1 cup -1 cup milk

Cornstarch 1 tbsp -2 tbsp all-purpose flour;

-2 tbsp granular tapioca;
-1 tbsp arrowroot.

Cream, whipped 2 cups -1 cup chilled evaporated milk plus ½ tsp

cream lemon juice, whipped until stiff.

Cream of tartar ½ tsp -1 ½ tsp lemon juice or vinegar

Honey 1 cup -1 ¼ cup sugar plus ¼ cup liquid (use liquid

called for in recipe)

Lemon juice 1 tsp -1/2 tsp vinegar

Marshmallows, 1 cup -10 large marshmallows


Maple syrup About 2 cups -combine 2 cups sugar and 1 cup water, bring
to clear boil; take off heat; add ½ tsp maple

Nuts 1 cup -1 cup rolled oats, browned (in baked


Oil (for sautéing) ¼ cup -1/4 cup melted margarine, butter, bacon
drippings, shortening or lard.

Onion powder 1 tsp -1/4 cup fresh onion, chopped

Pepper, white 1 tsp 1 tsp black pepper

RO_TLE-HE- Commercial Cooking_Grade 7/8_W4_LP 4

Sugar, granulated 1 cup -1 cup firmly packed brown sugar;
-1 1/3 cup confectioners sugar ( for uses than


LO 4. Carry out measurements and calculations in a required task.
4.1 Give the abbreviations and equivalents of measurements.
4.2 Measure ingredients according to recipe requirement.
4.3 Convert systems of measurement according to recipe requirement.
4.4 Perform substitution of ingredients


RO_TLE-HE- Commercial Cooking_Grade 7/8_W4_LP 4


A. Identify the abbreviations of B. Write the equivalent

the following measurements. measurements of ingredients
Select the answer from the box
below. Write only the letter on
the blank provided. 1. 1 kl=_____lbs. a. 1

1.Grams= ____ 2. 1 tsp=____ml b. 16

a. tsp.
2. Ounces= 3. 1 oz.= ____tbsp. c. 2.2
b. tbsp.
3. Tablespoons=___ 4. 1 lb.=____oz. d. 2
c. g
4. Teaspoon=_____ 5. 4 qt.=____gal. e. 5
d. lb.
5. Pounds=______ e. oz.


Direction: Compute and convert the following measurement of ingredients given below.
1. 2 tbsp salt=___ tsp. 2. 5 kg rice=____g
3. 5 0z juice=_____ tbsps. 4. 250˚F=_____˚C
5. 4 tbsp sugar =______ ml

Activity 2. True or False.

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your
answer on the space provided.
___________1. Liquids should be poured into cup in desired level. Cup should stand on a
flat surface.
___________2. White sugar is pack into the measuring cup before leveling off.
___________3. Level a measuring spoon with straight edge of a knife to measure small
amounts of salt, pepper, leavening agents or solid fats.
___________4. Check and calibrate timers/thermometers, scales and other measuring
devices according to manufacturer’s manual before using.
___________5. Shake the dry measuring cup to level off dry ingredients.

Activity 3: Matching Type

RO_TLE-HE- Commercial Cooking_Grade 7/8_W4_LP 4

Direction: Give the substitution of the following ingredients. Choose the answer from
Column B. Write only the letter on the space provided.

Column A Column B
____1. Lemon juice a. 1 cup margarine
____2. Nuts b. 1 ¼ cup sugar plus ¼ cup liquid
____3. Coconut milk c. ¼ cup fresh onion, chopped
____4. Butter d. 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
____5. Cornstarch e. 1 cup rolled oats, browned (in baked products)
____6. Honey f. 1 ½ tsp lemon juice or vinegar
____7. Onion powder g. ½ tsp vinegar
____8. Granulated sugar h. 7/8 cup all-purpose flour (1 cup less 2 tbsp)
____9. Cream of tartar i. 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
____10. Cake flour j. 1 cup milk

Performance Task
Direction: Demonstrate your skill in measuring ingredients by accomplishing the task.

1. Choose one from the given recipe or create your own recipe by using ingredients
available in your local market.
2. Prepare all the materials and ingredients then measure.
3. Record a video of the performance starting from preparation and measuring of
ingredients down to the finished product. If no gadget available, write a narrative on
how you measured the ingredients.
4. Submit video or written output for evaluation.
Pancake Filipino Cheese Donut
2 cups all-purpose flour Ingredients:
4 tablespoons sugar 2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1⁄2tablespoons baking powder 1 1/2 tbsp baking powder
2 large eggs 2 tbsp white sugar
2 cups milk 3/4 cup evaporated milk, (you can also use water)
1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tbsp oil
diced cheese, for the filling (you can use brands like Eden or
Procedure; Ques-o)
1. Mix the flour, sugar and
Reflection: cooking oil, for frying
baking powder in large
bowl. Procedure:
2. In another bowl beat eggs 1.In a large mixing bowl, mix all the ingredients except for the
with milk and vanilla. cheese.
3. Add egg mixture to flour 2.Use clean hands to form a dough.
and mix till smooth. 3.Cover and rest the dough for 30 minutes.
4. Let stand for 5 minutes and 4.Knead the dough until elastic and smooth.
mix again.  5.Roll the dough into a log then cut into smaller pieces of
5. Pour mix in hot skillet to dough.
make 6 inch pancake. Flip 6.Flatten a small piece of dough and place a piece or two of
when bubbles on edge diced cheese at the center.
break. 7. Form the dough into a ball, keeping the cheese inside.
6. Serve.
Reflection: 8. Repeat for the remaining dough then allow to rest for 10
9.Heat some cooking oil in a pan and fry the doughnut balls
We are done with the lesson about Measuring,
until golden brown. Conversion and Substitution want
you to complete the statement below: 10.Remove from heat and coat doughnuts with sugar before
RO_TLE-HE- serving.
Source: Commercial Cooking_Grade 7/8_W4_LP 4
pancakes-436781 8
I learned that ____________________________________________________.
I appreciate the___________________________________________________.
I am confused in __________________________________________________.


Criteria Points Score

5- The student has demonstrated and perform 5 proper 100 ___
ways of measuring dry and liquid ingredients.
4- The student has demonstrated and perform 4 proper 95 ___
ways of measuring dry and liquid ingredients.
3- The student has demonstrated and perform 3 proper 90 ___
ways of measuring dry and liquid ingredients.
2- The student has demonstrated and perform 2 proper 85 ___
ways of measuring dry and liquid ingredients.
1 - The student has demonstrated and perform 1 proper 80 ___
way of measuring dry and liquid ingredients.
Your performance will be evaluated using the rubrics below:


Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3: Performance Task 1

A.1. c 1. True 1. G Refer to Scoring
2. e 2. False 2. E Rubric
3.b 3. True 3. J
4. a 4. True 4. A
5. d 5. False 5. I
6. B
B. 1. C 7. C
2. e 8. D
3. d 9. F
4. b 10. H
5. a

C. 1. 6
2. 5000
5. 60


Education, Department of. 2012. Commercial Cooking Exploratory Grade 7 and 8.

Pasig City: Education, Department of.pp. 34-41

RO_TLE-HE- Commercial Cooking_Grade 7/8_W4_LP 4

Guide, Pinoy Food. 2021. Pinoy Food Guide. Accessed August 5, 2021.
Networks, The Discovery Family of. 2021. Food. Accessed August 4, 2021.

Prepared by: Validated by: Edited by:


Reviewed by:


RO_TLE-HE- Commercial Cooking_Grade 7/8_W4_LP 4


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