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Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services

National Teachers College




PROFESSOR: Mr. Matthew D. Blay EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

TASK 1: Carefully go through Reading Materials 1-4. You will prepare a teaching

scenario, applying the principles of outcomes-based education and principles of

teaching and learning. Please take note of the writing conditions, elements to be

completed, and expectations that follow.


1. Utilizing your understanding from the resource materials, develop your

own one sentence principle of learning and teaching.

 My principle of learning is; learning is the discovery of the personal

meaning and relevance of ideas. Learners can gain new knowledge

by their teachers who disseminate the information about the lesson.

However, there are learners who can also learn by the experience.

They find a way to learn by themselves, and they tend to explore and

find a new ideas by their own.

 My principle of teaching is; teaching involves prioritizing the

knowledge and skills we choose to focus. As an educator, it is our job

to guide and be a facilitator to our students. When we teach, we do

PCK 8 –Principles of Teaching 2

School of Teacher Education, Second Semester, SY 2020-2021
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

not just teach the content, we teach the student’s content, meaning

we’re here to guide them to find their own knowledge and skills.

Teachers should know how to differentiate the knowledge and skills

of a students, so he/she can understand his students.

2. What are the possible implications of these principles in teaching and

learning? Is it important to adhere to a certain principle of teaching and

learning? Why or why not?

 The possible implications of these principles in teaching and learning

is, it can give a proper guidance to the teachers, not just in teachers

but also to the learners. By having a principles of learning and

teaching, you can easily see or grasp your expected goal, or what

you want your students to achieve at the end of the year. It is indeed

important to adhere a certain principles of teaching and learning,

because these principles can help you to grasp the certain goal that

you wanted, in terms of teaching or learning. These principles plays

a critical role in the educators, because these principles will serve as

a guide to them.

PCK 8 –Principles of Teaching 2

School of Teacher Education, Second Semester, SY 2020-2021
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College


Utilizing what you’ve acquired so far, together with your knowledge from

previous professional education subjects, your task is to create a teaching

scenario that manifests the following elements:

1. Subject Area

- Science

2. Grade level

- Grade 4

3. Specific Lesson (if needed)

- Effects of Force on Objects

4. Teaching method to be utilized

- Discussion and Collaborative Learning

These guide questions should help you in crafting your scenario:

1. What learning principles should I consider in doing the scenario?

 In this scenario, I’m going to consider my own learning principles

wherein, discovery of the personal meaning and relevance of ideas.

In this lesson, the learners will do an experiment and find out what is

the effects of force on objects, so they need to try some things to find
PCK 8 –Principles of Teaching 2
School of Teacher Education, Second Semester, SY 2020-2021
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

out the answer. Also they need to reflect on their everyday life

experience, because force is apply every time we push or pull. So this

learning principle is considerable, because they will learn by their

experience and at the same time, they can adapt new knowledge.

2. How will the teaching method help in delivering the lesson?

 My chosen teaching method is the discussion and collaborative

learning, because in this lesson it is important to explain the

instructions first to the learners, so they’ll know what to do when they

perform the experiment. Second, is the collaborative learning, in this

lesson the collaboration between the students and to the teachers is

needed. So while doing the activity or the experiment, they can do

the collaboration with their classmates because they already

instructed by their teacher.

3. How will learning take place?

 In this scenario, I will be teaching grade 4 students about the effects

of force on objects. First, I’m going to discuss and define what force

is, what the function of force is, and what the significance of force in

our daily lives is. Second, I will give them furthermore examples about

the force, and how can force change the objects shape, size and

motion. Third, I’ll make my students do the activities/experiment

PCK 8 –Principles of Teaching 2
School of Teacher Education, Second Semester, SY 2020-2021
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

regarding the topic, I will demonstrate them the instructions step by

step. Fourth, I will give them time to do the activities/experiment and

to collaborate with their classmates. Lastly, I will do an assessment

where I will test if my students really understands the lesson.

Reflection Questions

A. What are the possible implications of these methods in teaching and


 Teaching methods can help a teacher to manage classroom

instructions, and strategies. In short these teaching methods will

serves as a guide for a teacher to his/her classroom for a certain day.

These methods can help a teacher to adhere his/her principles in

teaching and learning. The possible implications of these methods in

teaching and learning is to become a guide for both the students

and to the teachers. It can make the classroom to be organize and

make the management easier, it can help to develop the students’

performance and can help the teacher to have a guide in teaching.

B. Is there a single, best approach in teaching and learning?

 For me, the best approach is the Student-Centered Approach.

Student-centered is an approach wherein the students perform

collaborative work with their classmates. This type of approach is the

best for me because, it can help the student become more

PCK 8 –Principles of Teaching 2
School of Teacher Education, Second Semester, SY 2020-2021
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

independent and to learn new skills and knowledge. Student-

centered approach is where the students are the center of their

learning. It focuses on how the students learn to explore their own

understanding in the lessons. This is where the students, decide on

their own and try to solve any problem by themselves. Student-

centered approach always starts with the teacher, they should give

a proper instruction and guidance to the learners.

C. Is it possible to create or to develop your own method of teaching?

 I think it is possible to develop your own method of teaching,

especially as a teacher we have different principles, way of

teaching, strategies and classroom demographic. It depends on the

teacher’s choice, what method she/he will use in teaching.

Developing your own method of teaching, might help you to your

growth as a teacher, it can help you to enhance the way you teach

because, your confident in using your own method of teaching.

D. In detail, visualize and describe your future classroom. As you do the task,

kindly consider the following guide questions:

- How learning will take place inside your classroom?

 As an elementary teacher, I will make sure that the classroom

environment is a child and knowledgeable friendly like; there’s an

PCK 8 –Principles of Teaching 2
School of Teacher Education, Second Semester, SY 2020-2021
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

educational posters on the wall, have a small bookshelf containing

different story books, learning materials and equipment. Also I’ll make

sure that the seating arrangement is arranged according to what

approach or strategy I’m going to use for a certain day of the class.

As a teacher, I should be involve and be friendly to my students, I’ll

make sure to know them and to know their characteristics. I will set

the rules for the classroom at the first day and tell my students our

goals and expectations.

- As the teacher, how would you ensure that learning will take place?

 As a teacher, to ensure my students learning, I will establish a

learning environment where all my students is having fun while

learning. I will make some activities that will surely arouse their

attention and can make them enhance their skills. I will let them do

the activities by themselves or with their classmates, but first I’ll make

sure to explain or discuss the instruction and guide them when they

encounter difficulties. If I notice that one of my students is having a

difficulty to grasp the lesson, I will teach him/her one on one, and

make sure that, this student will able to understand it. In that way, I

can ensure that my students are learning.

PCK 8 –Principles of Teaching 2

School of Teacher Education, Second Semester, SY 2020-2021
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

- As the teacher, what approach will you use to ensure optimum learning?

 As the teacher, I will use the approach student-centered approach.

Student-centered approach is where the students are the center of

their learning. They can develop and discover their own knowledge

and become independent student. Student-centered approach is

not about leaving the students or learners inside the classroom and

giving them a bunch of materials and books, rather it is about the

teacher letting his or her students to explore more of their ability and

knowledge. It is about helping the students to nurture new skills and

development. As the teacher, my role in this approach is to be their

guide, and facilitate them every time they have difficulties.

PCK 8 –Principles of Teaching 2

School of Teacher Education, Second Semester, SY 2020-2021

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