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17/05/2018 Outcome based pedagogic principles for effective teaching - - Unit 3 - Week 2

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Unit 3 - Week 2

outline Week 2 : Assignment
The due date for submitting this assignment has passed. Due on 2018-02-21, 23:59 IST.
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Week 1 1) Outcome based education addresses the following key questions : 2 points

A. What do you want the students to be able to do?

Week 2
B. How student will get highest grade/marks?
Lecture 6: C. How can you help the students to achieve their goal?
Domains of
D. How student will pass the examination?

Lecture 7: No, the answer is incorrect.

Domains of Score: 0
learning (
Accepted Answers:
Contd. )
A. What do you want the students to be able to do?
Lecture 8: C. How can you help the students to achieve their goal?
Mission Vision
statement and 2) Challenges of 21st Century Education are : How to - 2 points
educational A. improve the student engagement and equip the students with the 21st century knowledge,
objective skills and attitudes
Lecture 9: PO B. improve the teaching quality
and CO Maping C. improve the student marks/grade
Lecture 10: PO D. ensure life-long learning
and CO
Mapping ( No, the answer is incorrect.
Contd. ) Score: 0
Feedback for Accepted Answers:
Week 2 A. improve the student engagement and equip the students with the 21st century knowledge, skills and
Quiz : Week 2 :
Assignment D. ensure life-long learning

Solution of 3) Approaches for designing outcome based learning are : 2 points

Week 2
Assignment A. systematically design and develop outcome based curriculum
B. include references to appropriate learning materials for all defined outcomes. Include case
Week 3
studies, unsolved problems and resources for the respective outcome.
C. include adequate number of nontrivial practice problems, assignments etc. matching every
Week 4
course outcome to allow students to test their learning success
DOWNLOAD D. provide coaching to the learner to get the highest grade/marks in the examination
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Lecture Material
Accepted Answers:
Interactive A. systematically design and develop outcome based curriculum
Session B. include references to appropriate learning materials for all defined outcomes. Include case studies,
unsolved problems and resources for the respective outcome. 1/2
17/05/2018 Outcome based pedagogic principles for effective teaching - - Unit 3 - Week 2
C. include adequate number of nontrivial practice problems, assignments etc. matching every course
outcome to allow students to test their learning success

4) What can be the Value of Accreditation? 2 points

A. students transferring between accredited programs can have some sense of equivalence
B. students with an accredited undergraduate degree from one country may/should receive
better consideration in another country than a student from an unaccredited program
C. accreditation provides/forces a periodic consideration of educational programs and provides
outside benchmarks and evaluation
D. it certifies that the program produces best quality student.

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
A. students transferring between accredited programs can have some sense of equivalence
B. students with an accredited undergraduate degree from one country may/should receive better
consideration in another country than a student from an unaccredited program
C. accreditation provides/forces a periodic consideration of educational programs and provides outside
benchmarks and evaluation

5) Domain independent program outcome can be achieved through 2 points

Providing interdisciplinary courses

Through domain dependence courses
Teaching learning process

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Providing interdisciplinary courses
Teaching learning process

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