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English X Sample Paper 01 Solved

CLASS X (2020-21)

Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions :
(i) This paper is divided into two parts: A and B. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.
(iii) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

(b) It is good to commit yourself .......... for everything.

PART - A (40 Marks) (i) to be late
READING (20 Marks) (ii) to delay
1. Read the passage given below. 10 (iii) to being 15 minutes early
(1) Keep your watch accurate. For some people, (iv) to search the last moment
moving up the time on their watch will help them  Ans : (iii) to being 15 minutes early
get up earlier. For others, they will remember that
(c) The passage highlights:
the time on the watch is wrong and will disregard
(i) the value of time
it altogether. It may be helpful to set your watch
just two minutes ahead instead of five or ten. (ii) the importance of being ahead of time
(2) Keep a clock, phone, computer or anything that (iii) the value of being upto time
displays time in each room of your house. One (iv) the value of calculating time
of the easiest ways to run late is simply by not
 Ans : (ii) the importance of being ahead of time
realising that the time is passing as quickly as it
is. (d) To be punctual we should ...........
(3) Set all your clocks and watches to the same time. (i) hit the snooze button of the alarm clock
Don’t be an optimist. Things usually take Longer (ii) get up at the right time
than what you’d expect, even without major (iii) start watching TV in the morning
delays. If you have a dinner appointment at 7:30 (iv) keep on lying in bed
p.m., don’t think you can work till 7 p.m., then
take a bath, dress and reach on time. Realistically,  Ans : (ii) get up at the right time
calculate the time you will take at each step and (e) The narrator does not deny which of the following
then add 10 minutes more to allow for unexpected activity just after waking up:
delays, or you cannot get to your job done in time. (i) hitting snooze button
(4) Wake up when you are supposed to wake up. (ii) keep on lying in bed
Don’t hit the snooze button, keep on lying in bed,
(iii) watch TV
and watch TV at the very start of your day. May
be you can try even setting your clock 10 minutes (iv) wake up when you actually have to
earlier than you need. If you have difficulty with  Ans : (iv) wake up when you actually have to
this, move your alarm clock to somewhere away (f ) What does the author mean when he uses the
from your bed; that way, you will have to get up to word “delay”?
turn it off. Commit yourself to being 15 minutes (i) Late (ii) Turn off
early for everything. If you have to reach your
place of work at 8:00, don’t even tell yourself this. (iii) Disregard (iv) Accurate
Just tell yourself (and everyone else who listens—  Ans : (i) Late
but don’t annoy them or make them think that (g) One of the major reasons for being delayed is
they are late or early!) “I have to be at work at (i) absence of clock, phone or computer
7:45.” If you do this, you will be on time even
(ii) being overindulged in work
with little unforeseen delays. You will be on time
even with a traffic jam. (iii) not realising that time passes quickly
(iv) not keeping a margin in the expected time of
On the basis of your understanding of the work
passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the
 Ans : (iii) not realising that time passes quickly
twelve that follow. 1 # 10 = 10
(a) We should be .......... in approach with time (h) Being ahead by .......... minutes should be
management. everyone’s commitment.
(i) optimistic (ii) pessimistic (i) 10 minutes (ii) 15 minutes
(iii) realistic (iv) utopian (iii) 5 minutes (iv) 30 minutes
 Ans : (iii) realistic  Ans : (ii) 15 minutes
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English X Sample Paper 01 Solved
(i) The author uses the word ‘unexpected’ in
paragraph 4. He means to say:
(i) commit (ii) unforeseen
(iii) annoy (iv) snooze
 Ans : (ii) unforeseen

(j) Which word conveys the opposite of realistically?

(i) Impracticable (ii) Rational
(iii) Achievable (iv) Pragmatic
 Ans : (i) Impracticable
On the basis of your understanding of the
(k) Which word means ‘disregard’ ? passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the
(i) Attention (ii) Consider twelve that follow. 1 # 10 = 10
(iii) Ignore (iv) Regard
(a) What theme is being highlighted after reading the
 Ans : (iii) Ignore given passage?
(i) Efficient means of reducing garbage
(l) The narrator denies us to:
(ii) Efficient ways of waste disposal
(i) be realistic
(iii) Various techniques to be employed to recycle
(ii) be optimistic
the goods
(iii) keeping our watch accurate
(iv) Both (ii) and (iii)
(iv) wake up when we are supposed to
 Ans : (iv) Both (ii) and (iii)
 Ans : (ii) be optimistic
(b) Which notion in the conference has been
2. Read the passage given below. 10 emphasised to be deployed?
Conference series LLC Ltd organises a conference (i) Waste management
series of 1000+ global events inclusive of 300+
(ii) Recycling of goods
conferences, 900+ upcoming and previous symposiums
and workshops in USA, Europe and Asia with support (iii) Waste disposal management
from 1000 more Scientific societies and publishes (iv) Reshaping Earth’s future
700+ open access journals which contain over 30000  Ans : (iii) Waste disposal management
eminent personalities, reputed scientists as Editorial
board members. Recycling and Waste Management (c) On observing the pie-chart, which two types of
Convention 2018 proudly invites contributors across waste have been recycled at the rate of 4%?
the globe to 9th World Convention on Recycling (i) Furniture and used electronics
and Waste Management during October 22-23,2018 (ii) Branches and wood and sharp shelters
in Osaka, Japan, which includes prompt keynote (iii) Furniture and hazardous waste
presentations, oral talks, poster presentations and
(iv) All of the above
exhibitions. We are delighted to say that it is the
9th World Convention on Recycling and Waste  Ans : (ii) Branches and wood and sharp shelters
Management which will be held in a beautiful city
of Osaka,Japan and hence we invite you all to attend (d) On observing the chart, which type of waste is
and register. generated the most?
9th World Convention on Recycling and (i) Confidential documents
Waste Management is mainly based on the theme (ii) Paper waste
“Advocating Waste Disposal and Recycling Practices (iii) Miscellaneous
for Clean and Green Environment.” We warmly (iv) Plastic or metal or glass
welcome all the participants— leading scientists,
researchers and scholars of the world to attend  Ans : (ii) Paper waste
the convention. We provide a platform for young (e) Which of the following activities contribute
researchers and students to present their research collectively towards paper waste recycled
through oral presentations through which they can percentage?
develop a foundation for collaboration among young (i) Plastic or metal or glass and metal
researchers. The organising committee aims at
(ii) Confidential documents and plastic or metal
setting a platform for all the budding scientists and
or glass
researchers to present their real-time work and share
their views and aspects related to the theme of the (iii) Miscellaneous recycled waste and confidential
conference. The organising committee is gearing up documents
for an exciting and informative conference programme (iv) None of the above
including plenary lecture, symposia, workshops on Ans : (ii) Confidential documents and plastic or metal
a variety of topics, poster presentations and various or glass
programmes for participants from all over the world.

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(f ) What does the given data represent? LITERATURE (10 Marks)
(i) The types of waste that haven’t been 3. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY
generated ONE, by answering the questions that follow.
(ii) The amount and degree of recycled waste 1#5 = 5
(iii) The increasing trend of recycling and waste “I can hardly believe my ears
management These meadows aren’t worth much to me. They only
(iv) Both (ii) and (iii) come to five dessiatins and are worth perhaps 300
roubles, but I can’t stand unfairness. Say what you
 Ans : (iv) Both (ii) and (iii)
will, I can’t stand unfairness.”
(g) What has been considered as an efficient means to (a) Who is the speaker of these lines?
reduce landfill area? (i) Natalya (ii) Chubukov
(i) Sorting of waste (iii) Chubukov’s Aunt (iv) Lomov
(ii) Recycling or composting waste
 Ans : (i) Natalya
(iii) Both (i) and (ii)
(iv) None of the above (b) To whom are these words said to?
(i) Chubukov
 Ans : (iii) Both (i) and (ii)
(ii) Chubukov’s Aunt
(h) What are the main reasons of waste management (iii) Natalya to herself
and recycling it? (iv) Lomov
(i) To not over-exploit the resources
 Ans : (iv) Lomov
(ii) Reducing the dump of landfill area
(iii) Leaving behind the quality of environment (c) In what context is ‘unfairness’ being talked about?
free from pollution (i) To the worthlessness of meadows
(iv) All of the above (ii) The worth of meadows being 300 roubles
 Ans : (iv) All of the above (iii) The claiming of meadows by Lomov
(iv) The possession of meadow lands by
(i) Which other type of waste is recycled at the same Chubukov’s for years
rate as that of used electronics?
(i) Miscellaneous goods  Ans : (iii) The claiming of meadows by Lomov
(ii) Hazardous waste and sharp shelters (d) What could the speaker not believe?
(iii) Branches and wood (i) The unfairness by Lomov
(iv) None of the above (ii) Lomov’s claim over Chubukov’s meadow
 Ans : (i) Miscellaneous goods lands
(iii) The worth of meadows being 300 roubles
(j) Which convention session was conducted on (iv) The quarrel between Lomov and Chubukov
recycling at waste management in 2018? over the meadows
(i) 9th Convention (ii) 8th Convention
Ans : (ii) Lomov’s claim over Chubukov’s meadow
(iii) 18th Convention (iv) 29th Convention
 Ans : (i) 9th Convention
(e) Which word in the passage means ‘injustice’ ?
(k) Which activity has been considered as the second (i) Worth (ii) Unfairness
nature to us? (iii) Dessiatins (iv) Hardly
(i) Sorting of waste
 Ans : (ii) Unfairness
(ii) Recycling of waste
(iii) Waste management  o
(iv) Implementing steps framed and deployed in ‘Tea was first drunk in China,’ Rajvir added, ‘as far
convention back as 2700 BC. In fact words such as tea, chai and
 Ans : (ii) Recycling of waste chini are from chinese.’ Tea came to Europe only in
sixteenth century and was drunk more as medicine
(l) How can the success of waste management be than a beverage.
(a) From which chapter has this extract been taken
(i) Recycling goods
(ii) Choosing the correct type of goods in order to (i) Glimpses of India
reduce waste
(ii) A Letter to God
(iii) Making a small contribution towards
(iii) From the Diary of Anne Frank
protecting environment
(iv) The Sermon at Benares
(iv) All of the above
 Ans : (i) Glimpses of India
 Ans : (iv) All of the above

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English X Sample Paper 01 Solved
(b) Who is the speaker of these lines?  o
(i) Rajvir (ii) Pranjol’s father So they show their relations to me and I accept them
(iii) Pranjol (iv) Anne They bring me tokens of myself,
 Ans : (i) Rajvir They evince them plainly in their possession.
(a) From which poem have these lines been taken?
(c) Where was the tea first brought into use?
(i) A Tiger in the Zoo
(i) Europe (ii) Assam
(ii) The Tale of Custard the Dragon
(iii) Darjeeling (iv) China
(iii) Animals
 Ans : (iv) China
(iv) Dust of Snow
(d) What is special about tea?  Ans : (iii) Animals
(i) It has medicinal use as well as beverage
(ii) It gives flavour and aroma (b) What does ‘they’ refer to?
(i) Animals (ii) Insects
(iii) It was first drunk in China
(iii) Human beings (iv) All of these
(iv) All of the above
 Ans : (i) Animals
 Ans : (iv) All of the above
(c) What does ‘tokens of myself’ refer to?
(e) Where was Rajvir when he told these facts?
(i) The token to enter the Zoo
(i) Compartment of train
(ii) The tokens poet has received from animals
(ii) In the car of Rajvir’s father
(iii) The symbol of noble virtues
(iii) Classroom
(iv) Tokens of their identity
(iv) At railway station
 Ans : (iii) The symbol of noble virtues
 Ans : (i) Compartment of train
(d) Which word in the stanza means ‘symbol’ ?
4. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE,
(i) Accept (ii) Token
by answering the questions that follow. 1#5 = 5
But up jumped Custard, Snorting like an engine, (iii) Plainly (iv) Evince
Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon,  Ans : (ii) Token
With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirm, He
went at the pirate like a robin at a worm (e) Which literary device has been highlighted in the
given stanza?
(a) Who is ‘Custard’ here referred to? (i) Personification (ii) Alliteration
(i) A dragon (ii) Name of pirate
(iii) Anaphora (iv) All of these
(iii) Belinda (iv) Mustard
 Ans : (iv) All of these
 Ans : (i) A dragon
GRAMMAR (10 Marks)
(b) Who is the poet? 5. Complete the paragraph and answer any four of the
(i) John Berryman (ii) Robert Frost following by choosing the correct options. 1 # 3 = 3
(iii) Walt Whitman (iv) Ogden Nash In the past few decades Television has become the
 Ans : (iv) Ogden Nash (a) .......... powerful means of entertainment. With
the introduction of many satellite channels, its reach
(c) What is meant by the phrase ‘Snorting like an (b) .......... many folds. I am sure you all (c) ..........
engine’ ? agree with me that T.V. has become an indispensable
(i) The very deep and loud sound of an engine of gadget in our homes.
a train
(ii) The snorting sound made by custard (a) (i) more
(iii) The sound of weapons (ii) much
(iv) The nasty sound made by pirate (iii) many
 Ans : (ii) The snorting sound made by custard (iv) most
(d) This stanza shows: (b) (i) increases
(i) the cowardice of the pirate
(ii) is increasing
(ii) the cowardice of custard
(iii) is increased
(iii) the bravery and courage of custard
(iv) the strategic attack of custard (iv) had increasing
 Ans : (iii) the bravery and courage of custard (c) (i) would

(e) Which poetic device is used here? (ii) much

(i) Simile (ii) Alliteration (iii) could
(iii) Metaphor (iv) Personification (iv) should
 Ans : (i) Simile
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English X Sample Paper 01 Solved
 Ans : (d) She met .......... European. He had come to see
(a) (iv) most .......... Taj.
(b) (ii) is increasing (i) an; the (ii) a; the
(c) (i) would (iii) the; the (iv) an; a
6. Complete the dialogue choosing the correct option.  Ans : (ii) a: the
1#3 = 3 (e) It .......... since early morning.
(i) is raining (ii) have been raining
Manu : I am really thrilled about our trip to
South India. (iii) has been raining (iv) was raining
I have heard it (a) ...........  Ans : (iii) has been raining

Arun : Yes, (b) .......... to visit such places about (f ) You .......... be considerate towards your
which we have just heard. neighbours.
(i) will (ii) dare
Manu : I don’t know (c) .......... when I will find
myself standing before the vast sea. (iii) ought to (iv) need
 Ans : (iii) ought to
Arun : Yes, it will be a wonderfull experience to
see the vast waves rising and striking the
PART - B (40 Marks)
(a) (i) has many wonderful beaches
WRITING 2 # 5 = 10
8. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120
(ii) I have some wonderful beaches
words. 5
(iii) has some wonderful beaches Increase in the number of private vehicles coupled
(iv) has a wonderful beach words to the editor of a local daily urging people with
the lack of civic sense has led to several road to use
(b) (i) I am feeling excited public transport and to have patience while accidents
(ii) I have been feeling excited in your city. Write a letter in 100-120 driving. You are
Ram/Rama, 4 Raja Road, Karnal.
(iii) I was excited
 Ans :
(iv) I will be feeling excited
4, Raja Road
(c) (i) what to do Karnal
(ii) how I shall feel 27 March 20XX
The Editor
(iii) what I will do The Hindustan Times
(iv) what will I do Karnal
Subject: Use of Public Transport and Drive Patiently
 Ans : Sir,
(a) (iii) has some wonderful beaches Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper. I
(b) (i) I am feeling excited wish to bring everyone’s attention to the advantages
(c) (iii) what I will do of public transport usage.
7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for Anyone can observe easily that the increase in the
any four of the six sentences given below: 1 # 4 = 4 number of private vehicles on the road has become
a major cause of road accidents. More vehicles mean
(a) You .......... get the car repaired. There is something more conjestion and traffic jams because the public
wrong with the brakes. has become devoid of civic sense. Everybody tries
(i) might to move first and fast which not only increases the
(ii) has to chances of accidents but also causes a lot of noise
(iii) need pollution. An easy and quick solution to the problem
(iv) have to is that we should make more and more use of public
transport. It’ll prove more comfortable as it will save
 Ans : (iv) have to both our energy and time and we can use that energy
(b) Nobody .......... going to watch his performance. for some other important piece of work. The use of
(i) are (ii) has public transport will decrease the frequency of major
traffic jams from the roads. Moreover. I want to make
(iii) were (iv) is
an appeal to the vehicle-owners to practise patience
 Ans : (iv) is while driving because our life is very precious. It is
better to reach late than never.
(c) There isn’t .......... milk in the glass. This is a matter of great concern, so I hope it will get
(i) few (ii) little due space in your newspaper.
(iii) much (iv) many Thanking you.
 Ans : (iii) much Yours faithfully,
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English X Sample Paper 01 Solved
 o amount of energy in France. In all types of energy
You are Parvati/Praveen, Store In-Charge of Aman production there was only minimal change over the
Stores, 32/54, Ravi Nagar, Delhi. Your school 10 year period.
requires school bags and accessories in bulk for the Energy produced by coal comprised of 29.80% in the
commencement of the new session. Write a letter of first year and this showed only a very slight increase
enquiry to the Sales Manager, Duckback Industries in about a mere 1% to 30.93% in 2005. Likewise, in
Ltd. 13/4, Maharajpur, Delhi enquiring about the 1995, gas generated 29.63% which rose marginally to
details of goods manufactured. 30.32% in 10 years.
With regards to the remaining methods of producing
 Ans :
energy, there was an approximate 5% growth in
Aman Stores production from both nuclear power and other
32/54, Ravi Nagar sources to 10.10% and 9.10`)/0 respectively. Petrol
Delhi on the other hand was the only source of energy
10 May 20XX which decreased in production from 29.27% in 1995
The Sales Manager to 19.55% in 2005.
M/S Duckback Industries Ltd.
13/4, Maharajpur
Delhi Study the given line graph carefully and summarise it
Subject: Enquiry about School Bags and Accessories into a paragraph of 100-120 words.
We are setting up another branch in Ravi Nagar.
Delhi and we would like to express our interest in the
products of your company. There has been enormous
demand by our customers of the school bags and
accessories that you manufacture for primary and
secondary level school students. We wish to enquire
about the quality, price, durability and range of the
school bags and accessories.
Before placing the order, we would like you to send us
the samples. We shall feel obliged if you could please
send us 100 pieces of school bags for every age group  Ans :
on approval or return basis. If we find the quality and The line graph indicates year wise sales of three types
price satisfactory, we will place a bigger order. of vehicles in the Indian Market. The horizontal axis
The remaining unsold pieces would be returned to you represents the sale of the vehicles in millions.
at your expense within a period of one month from As indicated in the graph. from the year 2000
receipt. onwards, the sale of ‘Two-wheelers’ got a great boost
We hope to hear from you very soon and look forward and continue to get higher but at a lower pace. In
to doing a good business with your company. the case of ‘Four-wheelers’. the period 2011-2013 saw
Thanking you. a mixed trend in sales. but after that there was a
Yours faithfully. steady growth in sales. Sales of ‘Commercial vehicles’
Parvati saw an up-down-up movement in sales from 2011
(Store In-Charge) onwards. But from the year 2014 a steady growth in
9. The following pie-chart shows the comparison of sales continued.
different kinds of energy production in France in two The Graph depicts that ‘Two-wheelers’ are
different years. 5 the first choice of the people in the Indian Market.
Though 2014 onwards the craze for buying ‘Two-
wheelers’ has reduced a little. Somehow the buyers of
‘Four-wheelers’, lost interest in buying till early 2013.
After that. a slow uptrend appeared and continued
until 2016. The launch of different useful ‘Commercial
Vehicles’ might be one of the reasons for growth in
10. Answer ANY TWO questions in 20-30 words each,
Study the pie-charts and summarise them into a from (A) and (B) respectively. 2#4 = 8
paragraph of 100-120 words. (A) (any two) 2#2 = 4
Ans :
(i) When her son dies, Kisa Gotami goes from house
The two pie charts illustrate the proportion of five to house. What does she ask for? Does she get it
types of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005. or not?
Overall, in both years, the most significant sources of Ans :
energy were gas and coal which together accounted
for over half the production of energy, while nuclear When Kisa Gotami’s son dies, she goes from house
and other kinds of energy sources generated the least to house, asking if she could get some medicine that

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English X Sample Paper 01 Solved
would cure her child. No, she does not get it because pictured herself as a new target for Peggy and other
her child was dead and no medicine could bring back girls, making fun of her for wearing hand-me-down
his life. clothes. She shuddered and tore the note.
(ii) How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in (iii) How did Belinda and her pets behave when the
her essay? pirate was killed?
Ans : Ans :
She gave two arguments to justify her being a Belinda became so happy that she embraced custard
‘Chatterbox’, in the essay: one that chatting is intimately. Her pets also celebrated the death of the
students’ hobby and other reason that nothing can pirate by dancing around custard joyfully. However,
be done about the inherited traits. She carried these they gave no credit to custard for his heroic feat.
genes from her mother as she was also very talkative. (B) (any two) 3#2 = 6
(iii) How does the tiger walk in the cage? (i) Why did Anil decide to pay Hari Singh, regularly?
 Ans : Ans :
The tiger is confined in the narrow cell and paces up Anil handed Hari Singh a fifty-rupee note as a payment
and down in the cage restlessly. In the cage. the tiger for his services. He knew about Hari’s attempt of theft,
walks stately and furiously. He moves very slowly and and he did not want him to be tempted again for want
quietly in a threatening way. of money. So, he decided to pay him regularly.
(B) (any two) 2#2 = 4 (ii) Why was Bholi reluctant to go to school with her
(i) Do you think Mr. Loisel had an enjoyable evening father?
at the ball?  Ans :
Ans : Bholi did not know what a school was like. She thought
that her father was turning her out of his house like
Mr. Loisel was bored at the ball. It seemed that he
their old cow Lakshmi. She shouted in terror and
did not enjoy the evening as he had been half asleep in
pulled her hand away from her father’s grip.
one the little salons since midnight, with three other
gentlemen whose wives were enjoying themselves very (iii) Why did Mrs. Hall find the scientist eccentric?
much.  Ans :
(ii) Why do you think Lutkins’ neighbours were The arrival of a stranger at inn in winter was in itself
anxious to meet the lawyer? a strange occurrence. In addition, the stranger had
an uncommon appearance. In spite of Mrs. Hall’s
Ans :
attempts to be friendly, he would respond in a cold
Lutkins had deceived the lawyer. His neighbours found manner. He told her that he had no desire to talk,
it hilarious. They were anxious to see such a lawyer and that all he wanted was solitude. He did not wish
who had been befooled. to be disturbed in his work. For all these reasons she
(iii) Why was Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki? regarded him an eccentric scientist.
 Ans : 12. Answer ANY ONE the following in 100-120 words: 5
The characters Natalya and Lomov lose their temper
Mrs. Pumphrey was worried because Tricki was not
on trivial issues. It shows their poor skills and anger
eating anything not even his favourite dishes. Tricki
had bouts of vomiting and spent all his time lying on
On the basis of your reading of the chapter and your
rug and painting. Tricki did not even want to go for
own understanding, think of a situation through
walks or do anything.
which it has been highlighted that they have tried
11. Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words each, to maintain their cordial relationship and write an
from (A) and (B) respectively. 3 # 4 = 12 imaginary conversation between the two.
(A) (any two) 3#2 = 6  Ans :
(i) After achieving political emancipation what does
Mandela want to do in South Africa? Natalya : Squeezer is heaps better than guess?
Ans : Lomov : Squeezer better than guess? What an
South Africa and the blacks have achieved their idea! [laughs] squeezer better than
political emancipation. Mandela pledges to liberate guess!
all his people from the bondage of poverty, suffering,
gender and other discrimination. South Africa will Natalya : Mr. Lomov, being reasonable, let us
never experience the oppression of one by another. not argue over this topic. I already had
He wishes the reign of freedom will never die in South a heated debate on our Meadows.
Africa. Lomov : (wondering) What do you mean as our
(ii) Maddie wrote a note for Peggy but tore it away. Meadows’ ?
Why? Natalya : My dear precious! Let us consider
 Ans : that you are the rightful owner of the
Maddie wanted Peggy to stop teasing Wanda. She Meadows, yet, when I shall marry they
thought it was cruel. She could not dare to say all will become ours and we both shall
this verbally so she wrote a note to Peggy. But she become the rightful owners of the land.

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Lomov : Why just consider that they are mine, details about them.
they are indeed are mine. However, I 13. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words:
am impressed by your sensibility and 5
tactfulness. Dr. James Herriot was a competent veterinary surgeon.
Natalya : Oh my Lord! I am so glad. His practical approach and common sense helped in
the rapid recovery of Tricki. Comment.
Lomov : I sense that I have taken the right  Ans :
decision by choosing you as my
prospective bride. Dr. James Herriot, no doubt, was a competent
veterinary surgeon. He was really worried about
Natalya : (teasing) What about your heart now, Tricki. He understood that the real fault of the dog
isn’t it. was his greed for food. He never refused food. The
Paltipating now? [Natalya blushes & dog had become hugely fat and listless. Dr. Herriot
laughs] also suggested to cut down sweets to him. He advised
Mrs. Pumphrey that Tricki must be hospitalised for a
Lomov : Oh no! It only paltipates and sometimes
fortnight under his observation.
beat awfully when I am nervous.
Dr. James Herriot was practical and pragmatic.
Nervousless, all my heart is for you, my
He didn’t give any medical treatment to the dog. The
Love Natalya.
dog was not given food but lots of water. His method
Natalya : But, still will you consider that your worked. Tricki’s recovery was surprisingly rapid. Tricki
guess is better than my squeezer. was transformed into a flexible and hard-muscled dog.
Lomov : Oh! Leave all this my dear. Both are He was not only out of danger but also soon handed
our dogs closer to us. We both shall not over to his mistress. The grateful mistress thanked
argue over this again. Let us plan for Dr. Herriot and called his feat ‘a triumph of surgery!’
the wedding. Dr. James was clever enough to enjoy the best
of both worlds. He was tempted to keep Tricki on
 o as a permanent guest. It was a happy period for Dr.
Herriot and his friends. He enjoyed eggs for breakfast
Valli was a young girl yet she shows the characteristics
and wine and brandy for lunch.
of a mature and practical person which were beyond
her years. Justify the statement by giving the character  o
sketch of her personality. Love, human sympathy and education can transform
 Ans : even a thief. How could Anil bring such a change in
She was a good observer of things. Her favourite past Hari Singh?
time was standing in the front doorway of her house. Ans :
She used to watch from there what was happening in Man is a product of circumstances and environment.
the street outside. There were no playmates of her Hari Singh was just a boy of fifteen but was an
own age in the neighbourhood. Standing at the door experienced and fairly a successful hand.
was as enjoyable for her as any of the games children Circumstances made him a thief. In spite of
played. being no use to Anil, he was retained to work for
Valli was mature, clever and practical beyond her him. They say old habits die hard. After all. a thief
years. Saving sixty paise was not an easy job for a couldn’t leave stealing and cheating. He made a rupee
girl of her age. She saved every coin that came her every day from buying of the day’s supplies. However,
way. She was determined to resist any temptation that Anil was not a fool. He knew everything and also all
came in her way. She sacrificed buying peppermints, about the theft. But he was kind, large-hearted and
toys, balloons and having a joy ride on a merry-go- full of human sympathy. He taught the unfortunate
round to save her money. Valli was full of excitement boy to write his name. He also promised him to teach
and enthusiasm. She enjoyed the landscape looking writing sentences and adding numbers. This left a
outside the window. The canal, palm trees, grassland, deep impression on the boy-thief. He started realising
distant mountains and green fields gave her tremendous that education could bring him respect and money.
pleasure. The sight of a young cow running towards Hari Singh breached Anil’s trust but Anil was
the bus at full speed enthused her. The more the all forgiving and compassionate. In the heat and
driver honked, the more frightened the animal became excitement of theft. Hari Singh forgot about education.
and came just in front of the bus. Valli enjoyed the Then came the true realisation and transformation.
fun and laughed till tears came into her eyes. Valli The boy-thief realised that Anil was the only man
was a very sensitive girl. She was shocked to see the who could give him respect and more money than
same cow lying on the roadside smeared with blood. he could get by stealing. He realised where he should
Her horrible and frightening look dampened her go. Large-hearted Anil not only forgave him but also
enthusiasm. She stopped looking outside. Valli didn’t gave him a fifty-rupee note and promised to pay him
like being called a ‘madam’ or a ‘child’. She dared regularly.
the conductor to mind his own business. Valli was a
self-respecting girl. She didn’t accept a free cold-drink
offered by the bus-conductor. She was a great planner Download unsolved version of this paper from
and planned things after knowing all the necessary

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