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Republic of the Philippines

Western Mindanao State University

Zamboanga City
Purposive Communication

Mid- Term Examination

Name: Julyka S. Jalalon____ Date: _June 3, 2020_______

Section: __Bs Agro 1_________


General Instructions:
ERASURES and ALTERATIONS are NOT ALLOWED – these will invalidate your answers

Test I-III would serve as the Misterm. And Test IV as your final term.Thus,for you final
paper must be answered as in a paragraph form with at least 200 word. Just send all
these via email@ [email protected]. You may have at least four
days to work on these tasks and to be submitted on THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 2020.
Keep safe Everyone and God bless!!

Instructions: Answer the questions concisely and subtanstially. Use Verdana

12, short bond paper.1.5,1,1 margin.

Test I. Grammar
Directions: Read the following sentences and underline your best answer.

Look at these examples. The correct answers are underlined.

a) In warm climates people like / likes / are liking sitting outside in the sun.
b) If it is very hot, they sit at / in / under the shade.

Now the test will begin. Underline the correct answer. (For each correct
answer 1 point)

1) Water is to boil / is boiling / boils at a temperature of 100°C.

2) In some countries there is / is / it is very hot all the time.
3) In cold countries people wear thick clothes for keeping / to keep / for to keep
4) In England people are always talking about a weather / the weather / weather.
5) In some places it rains / there rains / it raining almost every day.
6) In deserts there isn´t the / some / any grass.
7) Places near the Equator have a warm / the warm / warm weather even in the
cold season.
8) In England coldest / the coldest / colder time of year is usually from December
to February.
9) The most / Most of / Most people don´t know what it´s like in other countries.
10) Very less / little / few people can travel abroad.
11) Mohammed Ali has won / won / is winning his first world title fight in 1960.
12) After he had won / have won / was winning an Olympic gold medal he became
a professional boxer.
13) His religious beliefs have made him / made him to / made him change his
name when he became
14) If he has / would have / had lost his first fight with Sonny Liston, no one would
have been surprised.
15) He has travelled a lot both / and / or as a boxer and as a world-famous

Test II. Identification

A. Directions: Read the given sentences carefully. Identify what is being described in
each statement. Write your answer on the space before the number.

Language 1. It is a system of grammar, meaning, sounds, that is standardized enough to be

used by two people to convey information to one another. 
Informal Communication 2. face-to-face, telephone, radio or television and other media.
Context 3. It is the situation or environment in which communication takes place, which
includes time, place, event, as well as sender’s and receiver’s feelings, perception,
beliefs, attitudes and relationships.
_Feedback_4. It is the receiver’s response, verbally or nonverbally.
Communication 5. In anything that impedes or gets in the way of accurately sending,
receiving, and interpreting the message, whether it be internal or external from the
Language Acquisition 6. It is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to use
Sherry Turkle 7. She rendered an affective speech in ted talk about Connected but alone.
Visual Communication 8.  graphs and charts, maps, logos and other visualizations can
communicate messages.
Non-verbal Communication 9. These are body language, gestures, how we dress or act -
even our scent.
Intrapersonal Communication 10. It is the medium through which one conveys his or her
Language Content 11.It is the result of language contact that may form a new language.
Organizational Communication 12. It emphasizes that moral influence and the behavior of an
individual group or organization thereby affect communication.
Aristotle 13. He emphasized that there are three variables in communication process:
Elwood Shannon and Warren Weaver 14. In his communication model he focuses on the
components of noise, reception, destination and feedback.
Language learning 15. The first language you learn and acquire is also significant to your
second language, so it is your mother tongue.
B.Matching Type (Purpose of Communication). Match column B as the response[s] asked in
column A. Write the letter of the appropriate match on the space provided before the


E 16. To convince other people to do something or A. To share inform

believing something.

C 17. To get to know themselves better, to find meaning in B. To influence

their lives in a speech community.

B 18. To give information to other people need or want; to C. To socialize

share special knowledge.

F 19. To be creative; to say something in a unique way. D. To express

G 20. To hocked the attention of your reader to listen or to E. To persuade

read about something explicit and implicit.

F. To impress

G. To entertain


40-50. Shannon and Weaver’s communication model

-In this model, other components such as noise, reception,destination,and feedback

have been identified.Other term such as information source for the sender,transmitter
for the encoder,decoder(reception) and receiver(destination) were introduced.Where
the information source(sender) will travel to encoder(transmitter) then to channel and
then to decoder (reception) after that to receiver(destination) Then the receiver will
send feedback to sender.The noise will travel to channel.

51-55. Harold Dwight Laswell’s Communication model

-The whole process of communication begins with the communicator(who) sending out
a message(what) using a medium (in which channel) for a receiver (to whom)
experiencing an effect (with what effect) afterwards.The process may be analyzed
through the content sent,the medium used, as well as the effect on the recipient of the

56.60. David Berlo’s Communication model

-The major variable involved in the communication process are (1) Source, (2)
message, (3) channel, (4) receiver. The source is being the originator of the message
acts as the encoder.As such,the encoder should practice communication
skills,Attitudes,knowledge,social system and culture. The second variable which is
message includes Content,elements,treatment,structure,and code. The third variable
which is channel refers to the different senses: Hearing,seeing,touching,smelling,and
tasting.Finally, the fourth variable is receiver, the one who decodes the message.Note
that the components of this last variable are similar to those of the first since for
communication to be effective,both the source and the receiver should have good
communication skills.

61-65. Aristotle’s Communication model

-Emphasized that there are three variables in the communication process:

Speaker,speech,and audience.The speaker variable here is very important.Without the
speaker,there will be no speech to be produced.Depending on the profile of the
audience,the speacker adjusts his/her speech.Some considerations for the audience
demographics are age,sex,background,culture,race,religion,gender,social and economic
status,and political orientation or inclination,among others.Even beliefs audience
consideration since oftentimes,the audience bring these with them when they decode a
message in any given situation.


Test IV. Student Response

Directions: Answer the questions below concisely but substantially.

What do you think will be the ‘New Normal Lifestyle’ post Covid-19 pandemic?
Are the ‘way of life’ in pre-Covid19 simply unsustainable?

Well, I think the new normal lifestyle post Covid-19 pandemic is a little bit
rough, for me it will never be the same life again as before, because there's many
changes at all.Imagine how many months of lockdown/quarantine,General community
quarantine. Because of this virus, people will be more aware,wiser,and careful in terms
of their selves,and to the environment.This covid19 thought us how to take care our
self the proper hygiene,and also on how are we going to socialize. Maybe our normal
lifestyle will be more better than before. It's a sad to think that after this pandemic lots
of life had taken,but we must move forward and Do our best  not to let this thing
happen again.

Covid-19 cost a big damage in our lives. This virus wasn't easy to deal
with,because there's no medicine yet. But it's on going.I don't know and I don't even
like to think more about it, it makes me drowning and cost of stress,but I can't help it.I
felt pity for our fronliners who sacrifices their life by working hard in order to take good
care to those patients who are positive,people under investigation,people under
monitor, to the said virus.But, I really felt sad for those who died and lost their family
loveones, for those who are alive but there's no enough food to eat, those street people
that doesn't have shelters during this pandemic.It was really really sucks! Yes, I think
the way of  life in pre-Covid19  simply unsustainable.Many people are complaining
about relief goods that they haven't received yet,i don't know if it was true , because
we have this people also who keep on complaining about what have they received
(kesho sardinas daw and etc.) Those people don't know how to appreciate instead of
complaining just understand the situation. Well, we can't blame them then becuase
everyone of us has different kind of needs, but, whatever our needs is we must learn
how to wait,understand, and appreciate.'coz everything that is happening now is just
temporary, we just need to trust our Heavenly Father,have faith and never lose hope.
We can't do this alone ,we must cooperate and follow the rules so that in the end we
can claim that we are finally free and have a fresh start with a big smile in our face and
let's Pray for those who past away may they souls rest in peace.

“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going”

Prepared by: Ms. Anie Lou Delos Santos Palalon

Cas 101 Subject Teacher

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