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G.R. No. 171468. August 24, 2011.



G.R. No. 174241. August 24, 2011.*

(PHILS.), INC., petitioner, vs. SEABOARD-EASTERN
INSURANCE CO., INC., respondent.

Civil Law; Common Carriers; That the loss was occasioned by

a typhoon, an exempting cause under Article 1734 of the Civil
Code, does not automatically relieve the common carrier of
liability.—That the loss was occasioned by a typhoon, an
exempting cause under Article 1734 of the Civil Code, does not
automatically relieve the common carrier of liability. The latter
had the burden of proving that the typhoon was the proximate
and only cause of loss and that it exercised due diligence to
prevent or minimize such loss before, during, and after the
disastrous typhoon.
Insurance Law; Under Section 243 of the Insurance Code, the
insurer has 30 days after proof of loss is received and
ascertainment of the loss or damage within which to pay the
claim.  If such ascertainment is not had within 60 days from
receipt of evidence of loss, the insurer has 90 days to pay or settle
the claim.—Under Section 243, the insurer has 30 days after proof
of loss is received and ascertainment of the loss or damage within
which to pay the claim. If such ascertainment is not had within 60
days from receipt of evidence of loss, the insurer has 90 days to
pay or settle the claim. And, in case the insurer refuses or fails to
pay within the prescribed time, the insured shall be entitled to
interest on the proceeds of the policy




New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. vs. NYK-

FilJapan Shipping Corp.

for the duration of delay at the rate of twice the ceiling prescribed
by the Monetary Board.
Same; Section 244 of the Insurance Code also provides for an
award of attorney’s fees and other expenses incurred by the
assured due to the unreasonable withholding of payment of his
claim.—The term “ceiling prescribed by the Monetary Board”
means the legal rate of interest of 12% per annum provided in
Central Bank Circular 416, pursuant to Presidential Decree 116.
Section 244 of the Insurance Code also provides for an award of
attorney’s fees and other expenses incurred by the assured due to
the unreasonable withholding of payment of his claim.

PETITIONS for review on certiorari of the decision and

resolution of the Court of Appeals.
   The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
  Quisumbing, Torres for petitioner (in both petitions).
  Valdez, Domondon & Associates for respondent
Advatech Industries, Inc.
  Del Rosario & Del Rosario for respondent NYK-
FilJapan Shipping Corp.
  Factoran & Associates Law Offices for respondent LEP
International Phils., Inc. [now Geologistics, Inc.].
  Manuel M. Lazaro for respondent Seaboard Eastern
Insurance Co., Inc.
  Hernandez, Velicaria, Vibar & Santiago co-counsel for
respondents Seaboard Eastern Insurance Co., Inc.
  Jinky H. Cruz for Asian Terminals, Inc.

These consolidated petitions involve a cargo owner’s
right to recover damages from the loss of insured goods
under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act and the Insurance

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New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. vs.
NYK-FilJapan Shipping Corp.
The Facts and the Case

Petitioner New World International Development

(Phils.), Inc. (New World) bought from DMT Corporation
(DMT) through its agent, Advatech Industries, Inc.
(Advatech) three emergency generator sets worth
DMT shipped the generator sets by truck from
Wisconsin, United States, to LEP Profit International, Inc.
(LEP Profit) in Chicago, Illinois. From there, the shipment
went by train to Oakland, California, where it was loaded
on S/S California Luna V59, owned and operated by NYK
Fil-Japan Shipping Corporation (NYK) for delivery to
petitioner New World in Manila. NYK issued a bill of
lading, declaring that it received the goods in good
NYK unloaded the shipment in Hong Kong and
transshipped it to S/S ACX Ruby V/72 that it also owned
and operated. On its journey to Manila, however, ACX
Ruby encountered typhoon Kadiang whose captain filed a
sea protest on arrival at the Manila South Harbor on
October 5, 1993 respecting the loss and damage that the
goods on board his vessel suffered.
Marina Port Services, Inc. (Marina), the Manila South
Harbor arrastre or cargo-handling operator, received the
shipment on October 7, 1993. Upon inspection of the three
container vans separately carrying the generator sets, two
vans bore signs of external damage while the third van
appeared unscathed. The shipment remained at Pier 3’s
Container Yard under Marina’s care pending clearance
from the Bureau of Customs. Eventually, on October 20,
1993 customs authorities allowed petitioner’s customs
broker, Serbros Carrier Corporation (Serbros), to withdraw
the shipment and deliver the same to petitioner New
World’s job site in Makati City.
An examination of the three generator sets in the
presence of petitioner New World’s representatives,
Federal Builders (the project contractor) and surveyors of
petitioner New



New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. vs.
NYK-FilJapan Shipping Corp.

World’s insurer, Seaboard–Eastern Insurance Company

(Seaboard), revealed that all three sets suffered extensive
damage and could no longer be repaired. For these reasons,
New World demanded recompense for its loss from
respondents NYK, DMT, Advatech, LEP Profit, LEP
International Philippines, Inc. (LEP), Marina, and Serbros.
While LEP and NYK acknowledged receipt of the demand,
both denied liability for the loss.
Since Seaboard covered the goods with a marine
insurance policy, petitioner New World sent it a formal
claim dated November 16, 1993. Replying on February 14,
1994, Seaboard required petitioner New World to submit to
it an itemized list of the damaged units, parts, and
accessories, with corresponding values, for the processing
of the claim. But petitioner New World did not submit what
was required of it, insisting that the insurance policy did
not include the submission of such a list in connection with
an insurance claim. Reacting to this, Seaboard refused to
process the claim.
On October 11, 1994 petitioner New World filed an
action for specific performance and damages against all the
respondents before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
Makati City, Branch 62, in Civil Case 94-2770.
On August 16, 2001 the RTC rendered a decision
absolving the various respondents from liability with the
exception of NYK. The RTC found that the generator sets
were damaged during transit while in the care of NYK’s
vessel, ACX Ruby. The latter failed, according to the RTC,
to exercise the degree of diligence required of it in the face
of a foretold raging typhoon in its path.
The RTC ruled, however, that petitioner New World
filed its claim against the vessel owner NYK beyond the
one year provided under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
(COGSA). New World filed its complaint on October 11,
1994 when the deadline for filing the action (on or before
October 7, 1994) had already lapsed. The RTC held that the
one-year period should be counted from the date the goods
were delivered to


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New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. vs.
NYK-FilJapan Shipping Corp.

the arrastre operator and not from the date they were
delivered to petitioner’s job site.1
As regards petitioner New World’s claim against
Seaboard, its insurer, the RTC held that the latter cannot
be faulted for denying the claim against it since New World
refused to submit the itemized list that Seaboard needed
for assessing the damage to the shipment. Likewise, the
belated filing of the complaint prejudiced Seaboard’s right
to pursue a claim against NYK in the event of subrogation.
On appeal, the Court of Appeals (CA) rendered
judgment on January 31, 2006,2 affirming the RTC’s
rulings except with respect to Seaboard’s liability. The CA
held that petitioner New World can still recoup its loss
from Seaboard’s marine insurance policy, considering a)
that the submission of the itemized listing is an
unreasonable imposition and b) that the one-year
prescriptive period under the COGSA did not affect New
World’s right under the insurance policy since it was the
Insurance Code that governed the relation between the
insurer and the insured.
Although petitioner New World promptly filed a petition
for review of the CA decision before the Court in G.R.
171468, Seaboard chose to file a motion for reconsideration
of that decision. On August 17, 2006 the CA rendered an
amended decision, reversing itself as regards the claim
against Seaboard. The CA held that the submission of the
itemized listing was a reasonable requirement that
Seaboard asked of New World. Further, the CA held that
the one-year prescriptive period for maritime claims
applied to Seaboard, as insurer and subrogee of New
World’s right against the vessel owner.

1 Union Carbide Philippines, Inc. v. Manila Railroad Co., 168 Phil. 22,
31; 77 SCRA 359, 362 (1977).
2 Penned by Associate Justice Vicente S.E. Veloso with the concurrence
of Associate Justices Edgardo F. Sundiam and Aurora S. Lagman, Rollo
(G.R. 171468), pp. 9-41.



New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. vs.
NYK-FilJapan Shipping Corp.

New World’s failure to comply promptly with what was

required of it prejudiced such right.
Instead of filing a motion for reconsideration, petitioner
instituted a second petition for review before the Court in
G.R. 174241, assailing the CA’s amended decision.

The Issues Presented

The issues presented in this case are as follows:
a) In G.R. 171468, whether or not the CA erred in
affirming the RTC’s release from liability of respondents
DMT, Advatech, LEP, LEP Profit, Marina, and Serbros
who were at one time or another involved in handling the
shipment; and
b) In G.R. 174241, 1) whether or not the CA erred in
ruling that Seaboard’s request from petitioner New World
for an itemized list is a reasonable imposition and did not
violate the insurance contract between them; and 2)
whether or not the CA erred in failing to rule that the one-
year COGSA prescriptive period for marine claims does not
apply to petitioner New World’s prosecution of its claim
against Seaboard, its insurer.

The Court’s Rulings

In G.R. 171468—
Petitioner New World asserts that the roles of
respondents DMT, Advatech, LEP, LEP Profit, Marina and
Serbros in handling and transporting its shipment from
Wisconsin to Manila collectively resulted in the damage to
the same, rendering such respondents solidarily liable with
NYK, the vessel owner.
But the issue regarding which of the parties to a dispute
incurred negligence is factual and is not a proper subject of
a petition for review on certiorari. And petitioner New

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New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. vs.
NYK-FilJapan Shipping Corp.

has been unable to make out an exception to this rule.3

Consequently, the Court will not disturb the finding of the
RTC, affirmed by the CA, that the generator sets were
totally damaged during the typhoon which beset the
vessel’s voyage from Hong Kong to Manila and that it was
her negligence in continuing with that journey despite the
adverse condition which caused petitioner New World’s
That the loss was occasioned by a typhoon, an
exempting cause under Article 1734 of the Civil Code, does
not automatically relieve the common carrier of liability.
The latter had the burden of proving that the typhoon was
the proximate and only cause of loss and that it exercised
due diligence to prevent or minimize such loss before,
during, and after the disastrous typhoon.4 As found by the
RTC and the CA, NYK failed to discharge this burden.
In G.R. 174241—
One. The Court does not regard as substantial the
question of reasonableness of Seaboard’s additional
requirement of an itemized listing of the damage that the
generator sets suffered. The record shows that petitioner
New World complied with the documentary requirements
evidencing damage to its generator sets.
The marine open policy that Seaboard issued to New
World was an all-risk policy. Such a policy insured against
all causes of conceivable loss or damage except when
otherwise excluded or when the loss or damage was due to
fraud or intentional misconduct committed by the insured.
The policy covered all losses during the voyage whether or
not arising from a marine peril.5

3 See Cang v. Cullen, G.R. No. 163078, November 25, 2009, 605 SCRA
4 Civil Code, Article 1739.
5 Choa Tiek Seng v. Court of Appeals, 262 Phil. 245, 255; 183 SCRA
223, 232 (1990).



New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. vs.
NYK-FilJapan Shipping Corp.

Here, the policy enumerated certain exceptions like

unsuitable packaging, inherent vice, delay in voyage, or
vessels unseaworthiness, among others.6 But Seaboard had
been unable to show that petitioner New World’s loss or
damage fell within some or one of the enumerated
What is more, Seaboard had been unable to explain how
it could not verify the damage that New World’s goods
suffered going by the documents that it already submitted,
namely, (1) copy of the Supplier’s Invoice KL2504; (2) copy
of the Packing List; (3) copy of the Bill of Lading
01130E93004458; (4) the Delivery of Waybill Receipts
1135, 1222, and 1224; (5) original copy of Marine Insurance
Policy MA-HO-000266; (6) copies of Damage Report from
Supplier and Insurance Adjusters; (7) Consumption Report
from the Customs Examiner; and (8) Copies of Received
Formal Claim from the following: a) LEP International
Philippines, Inc.; b) Marina Port Services, Inc.; and c)
Serbros Carrier Corporation.7 Notably, Seaboard’s own
marine surveyor attended the inspection of the generator
Seaboard cannot pretend that the above documents are
inadequate since they were precisely the documents listed
in its insurance policy.8 Being a contract of adhesion, an
insurance policy is construed strongly against the insurer
who prepared it. The Court cannot read a requirement in
the policy that was not there.

6 Rollo (G.R. 174241), p. 163.
7 Exhibit “BB” for petitioner, id., at p. 216.
8  For documentation of claims, the policy requires submission of: (1)
Original policy or certificate of insurance; (2) Original copy of shipping
invoices together with shipping specifications and/or weight notes; (3)
Original Bill of Lading and/or other contract of carriage; (4) Survey report
or other documentary evidence to show the extent of the loss or damage;
(5) Landing account and weight notes at final destination, and; (6)
Correspondence exchanged with the Carrier and other parties regarding
the liability for the loss or damage, id., at p. 165.


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New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. vs.
NYK-FilJapan Shipping Corp.

Further, it appears from the exchanges of

communications between Seaboard and Advatech that
submission of the requested itemized listing was
incumbent on the latter as the seller DMT’s local agent.
Petitioner New World should not be made to suffer for
Advatech’s shortcomings.
Two. Regarding prescription of claims, Section 3(6) of
the COGSA provides that the carrier and the ship shall be
discharged from all liability in case of loss or damage
unless the suit is brought within one year after delivery of
the goods or the date when the goods should have been
But whose fault was it that the suit against NYK, the
common carrier, was not brought to court on time? The last
day for filing such a suit fell on October 7, 1994. The record
shows that petitioner New World filed its formal claim for
its loss with Seaboard, its insurer, a remedy it had the
right to take, as early as November 16, 1993 or about 11
months before the suit against NYK would have fallen due.
In the ordinary course, if Seaboard had processed that
claim and paid the same, Seaboard would have been
subrogated to petitioner New World’s right to recover from
NYK. And it could have then filed the suit as a subrogee.
But, as discussed above, Seaboard made an unreasonable
demand on February 14, 1994 for an itemized list of the
damaged units, parts, and accessories, with corresponding
values when it appeared settled that New World’s loss was
total and when the insurance policy did not require the
production of such a list in the event of a claim.
Besides, when petitioner New World declined to comply
with the demand for the list, Seaboard against whom a
formal claim was pending should not have remained
obstinate in refusing to process that claim. It should have
examined the same, found it unsubstantiated by documents
if that were the case, and formally rejected it. That would
have at least given petitioner New World a clear signal
that it needed to promptly file its suit directly against NYK
and the others.



New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. vs.
NYK-FilJapan Shipping Corp.

Ultimately, the fault for the delayed court suit could be

brought to Seaboard’s doorstep.
Section 241 of the Insurance Code provides that no
insurance company doing business in the Philippines shall
refuse without just cause to pay or settle claims arising
under coverages provided by its policies. And, under
Section 243, the insurer has 30 days after proof of loss is
received and ascertainment of the loss or damage within
which to pay the claim. If such ascertainment is not had
within 60 days from receipt of evidence of loss, the insurer
has 90 days to pay or settle the claim. And, in case the
insurer refuses or fails to pay within the prescribed time,
the insured shall be entitled to interest on the proceeds of
the policy for the duration of delay at the rate of twice the
ceiling prescribed by the Monetary Board.
Notably, Seaboard already incurred delay when it failed
to settle petitioner New World’s claim as Section 243
required. Under Section 244, a prima facie evidence of
unreasonable delay in payment of the claim is created by
the failure of the insurer to pay the claim within the time
fixed in Section 243.
Consequently, Seaboard should pay interest on the
proceeds of the policy for the duration of the delay until the
claim is fully satisfied at the rate of twice the ceiling
prescribed by the Monetary Board. The term “ceiling
prescribed by the Monetary Board” means the legal rate of
interest of 12% per annum provided in Central Bank
Circular 416, pursuant to Presidential Decree 116.9 Section
244 of the Insurance Code also provides for an award of
attorney’s fees and other expenses incurred by the assured
due to the unreasonable withholding of payment of his
In Prudential Guarantee and Assurance, Inc. v. Trans-
Asia Shipping Lines, Inc.,10 the Court regarded as proper
an award

9  Otherwise known as “Amending Further Certain Sections of Act
Numbered Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Five, as amended, otherwise
known as “The Usury Law.”
10 G.R. Nos. 151890 and 151991, June 20, 2006, 491 SCRA 411.


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New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. vs.
NYK-FilJapan Shipping Corp.

of 10% of the insurance proceeds as attorney’s fees. Such

amount is fair considering the length of time that has
passed in prosecuting the claim.11 Pursuant to the Court’s
ruling in Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals,12
a 12% interest per annum from the finality of judgment
until full satisfaction of the claim should likewise be
imposed, the interim period equivalent to a forbearance of
Petitioner New World is entitled to the value stated in
the policy which is commensurate to the value of the three
emergency generator sets or US$721,500.00 with double
interest plus attorney’s fees as discussed above.
WHEREFORE, the Court DENIES the petition in G.R.
171468 and AFFIRMS the Court of Appeals decision of
January 31, 2006 insofar as petitioner New World
International Development (Phils.), Inc. is not allowed to
recover against respondents DMT Corporation, Advatech
Industries, Inc., LEP International Philippines, Inc., LEP
Profit International, Inc., Marina Port Services, Inc. and
Serbros Carrier Corporation.
With respect to G.R. 174241, the Court GRANTS the
petition and REVERSES and SETS ASIDE the Court of
Appeals Amended Decision of August 17, 2006. The Court
DIRECTS Seaboard-Eastern Insurance Company, Inc. to
pay petitioner New World International Development
(Phils.), Inc. US$721,500.00 under Policy MA-HO-000266,
with 24% interest per annum for the duration of delay in
accordance with Sections 243 and 244 of the Insurance
Code and attorney’s fees equivalent to 10% of the insurance
proceeds. Seaboard shall also pay, from finality of
judgment, a 12% interest per annum on the total amount
due to petitioner until its full satisfaction.

11 Cathay Insurance Company, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 255 Phil. 714,
723; 174 SCRA 11, 18 (1989).
12 G.R. No. 97412, July 12, 1994, 234 SCRA 78.



New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. vs.
NYK-FilJapan Shipping Corp.


Velasco, Jr. (Chairperson), Leonardo-De Castro,**

Peralta and Mendoza, JJ., concur. 

Petition in G.R. No. 171468 denied, judgment affirmed;

while petition in G.R. No. 174241 granted, amended
decision reversed and set aside.

Note.—Common carriers are obliged to observe

extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the goods
transported by them. Accordingly, they are presumed to
have been at fault or to have acted negligently if the goods
are lost, destroyed or deteriorated. (DSR-Senator Lines
vs.  Federal Phoenix Assurance Co., Inc., 413 SCRA 14

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