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September 22, 2021

Mr. Georges Bergès

Georges Bergès Gallery
462 West Broadway
New York, New York 10012

Dear Mr. Bergès:

On September 7, 2021, I wrote to you requesting information about the sale of Hunter
Biden’s artwork, which is being offered by your gallery at exorbitant prices between $75,000 and
$500,000. 1 That letter gave you until Tuesday, September 21 to respond with documentation of
your dealings with Mr. Biden and the White House. As of today, the Committee has no record
of your response.

As the Atlantic reports today, “[a]t some point in the coming weeks, hundreds of
thousands of dollars will be funneled to the son of the sitting American president—and none of
us will know anything about who sent the money, or where it originally came from, or why
anyone chose to send it in the first place.” 2 This investigation, which includes your gallery’s role
in Mr. Biden’s plans, is meant to prevent fairly obvious opportunities for an ethical or national
security breach. According to the Atlantic, “[Mr. Biden will] be schmoozing with any and all
potential buyers—buyers who are vetted solely by his own gallerist.” 3 In other words, you will
be the only person responsible for rooting out potential sophisticated, foreign disruptive agents’
access to the White House. That is unacceptable, as “[t]here is no way to ensure that the gallery
owner will keep purchasers’ names private or that Hunter—a man not exactly known for his
tactfulness—will stick to the script.” 4

For years, Mr. Biden has attempted to profit off his father’s position in government, and
the art deals are merely the latest iteration of these efforts. The investigation into Mr. Biden’s
business ventures, and those who have aided him in his dubious endeavors, has been ongoing for
over two years, and, if necessary, will continue into the next Congress. The American people
will not believe that overnight Mr. Biden simply has had a calling to abandon his previous

Letter from Rep. James Comer, Ranking Member, Comm. on Oversight and Reform, to Mr. Georges Bergès (Sept.
7, 2021), available at
Casey Michel, The Emerging Artistry of Hunter Biden, The Atlantic (Sept. 22, 2021), available at
Mr. Georges Bergès
September 22, 2021
Page 2

careers as a lawyer, lobbyist, and “unqualified oil-and-gas adviser…working alongside post-

Soviet oligarchs” 5 to become an artist.

The documents requested from you will inform and are pertinent to our oversight of any
attempts to seek improper influence with the Biden Administration by anonymous benefactors,
and understanding the process you are purportedly undertaking to shield the Administration from
any influence by those procuring Mr. Biden’s art. Additionally, your documents and information
could inform legislation related to ethics regulations.

To provide further information on the sale of Mr. Biden’s art, please arrange a briefing
with Republican Committee staff and provide information requested in my previous letter by
September 29, 2021. For your ready reference, those requests are provided below:

1. All documents and communications between you, the Georges Bergès Gallery (or
agents thereof) and the White House, including a copy of the ethics guidelines;

2. All documents and communications between you, the Georges Bergès Gallery (or
agents thereof) and Mr. Biden;

3. All guidelines, agreements, contracts, or other documents executed by you or the

Georges Bergès Gallery (or agents thereof) in connection with Mr. Biden;

4. All documents and communications pertaining to setting the prices for Mr. Biden’s

5. A copy of the ethics guidelines, created in conjunction with the White House,
pertaining to Mr. Biden’s art;

6. Documents sufficient to show who attended the opening of Mr. Biden’s shows; and

7. Documents sufficient to show who purchased Mr. Biden’s artwork.

The Committee on Oversight and Reform is the principal oversight Committee of the
U.S. House of Representatives and has broad authority to investigate “any matter” at “any time”
under House Rule X.

If you have any questions about this request, please contact Committee staff at (202) 225-
5074. Thank you for your cooperation with this inquiry.

Mr. Georges Bergès
September 22, 2021
Page 3


James Comer
Ranking Member
Committee on Oversight and Reform

cc: The Honorable Carolyn Maloney, Chairwoman

Committee on Oversight and Reform

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