Latrine Design and Construction Part 1: Somalia WASH Cluster Guidelines

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Contribution: WOCCA, ACTED, GSA, Save the Children, UNICEF, DRC, WASH Cluster, Ministry

of Energy and Water Resources

Endorsed: April 2019
Last updated: April 2019

Somalia WASH Cluster Guidelines

Latrine Design and Construction Part 1

This document is to be used as a reference primarily by field staff and practitioners in the
water and sanitation sector in Somalia while constructing latrines.
It doesn’t endorse any specific design or plan but rather provide a list of key minimum
requirements that should be respected when choosing a design for latrines in emergency.
The ideal design must be a compromise between the key public health role played by excreta
management systems in emergency and the acceptance of the system by beneficiaries.
However, some suggested designs are provided at the end of the document. Irrespective, of
the design chosen the latrine must provide an effective barrier to disease transmission.


Lack of access to adequate and appropriate sanitation and hygiene poses a serious threat to
public health. The practice of open defecation is a leading cause of fecal oral transmission of
diseases with children being the most vulnerable. A safe and appropriate latrine accompanied
by hand washing with soap, provides an effective barrier to transmission of diseases.

The provision of appropriate facilities for defecation is also an essential response for people’s
dignity, safety, health and well-being. To improve safe access to sanitation it is necessary to
meet standards of privacy and safety using sanitation structures that are locally or culturally

Several technical options are available to rapidly setup an excreta disposal system in
emergency. The easiest and fastest options presented in this document are:
 Improved trench latrines
 Simple pit latrine (including with an offset pit)
 Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrine
Separate documents are being developed for more complex options (poor flush with or
without septic tanks) and latrine emptying/fecal sludge management.

This section provides the minimum requirements that apply to any toilet/latrine system.
Whatever the design selected, these are essential features for Somalia.

Coverage Initial Phase of Emergency:

Less than 50 persons (around 8 households) per latrine in dense target
population (IDPs and dense urban contexts).

As soon as possible (the later after 6 months):

Minimum 1 Latrine per 20 persons (around 3 households) aiming for 1
latrine per household.

 School: Minimum of 2 toilets per school in separate locations (one for
girls and one for boys), progressing to 1 toilet per 30 girls, and 1 toilet
per 60 boys.
 Health Facility: 1 toilet per 20 beds or 50 per outpatients – consider
gender separation.
 Feeding centre: 1 toilet per 50 adults and 1 toilet per 20 children –
consider gender separation.
 In all type of institutions, staff (health workers, teachers, etc.) may
request for their own toilet. This as to be evaluated on a case by case
Trench Latrines:
Maximum 100 people per toilet (cubicle) – consider gender separation.

Gender and Build separate toilet for males and females. Make sure they are clearly
protection marked in pictorial form for illiterate users and work with community to
ensure they are used by the indicated gender. In exceptional
circumstances, toilets are provided per group of households in such a way
that it reduces risk of violence against users, especially women and
children, and it facilitates proper maintenance. This option must be
agreed in consultation with the community, including after consultation
with group of women.

Build latrines in safe location, as agreed with women and girls in the
design phase. Women may prefer private locations for toilets – away
from public view. This may be achieved by a screen or a fence in front of
the toilet.
The latrine must have a rigid door (wooden or iron sheet), lockable from
inside and fixed on a solid frame to allow a minimum of privacy and
security for the users, in particular women and children.
Children should be able to use and reach door handles and locks.

Install lights near communal facilities. If lighting is not possible, consider

coordinating with NFI sector for the provision of solar lamps / torches for
each household.

At least 10% of the toilets must be adapted to disabled/elderly (based on

needs identified).

Other design Ensure that the bottom of pits is 1.5m above maximum groundwater table
elements to avoid contamination.

Provide appropriate handwashing facilities nearby the latrine that can be

locally assembled and maintained. Ensure there is a proper drainage
around the latrine and near the handwashing station to avoid any water
logging in the vicinity.

Allow for the disposal of women’s menstrual hygiene materials with a

separate bin with a cover/lid, or any other suitable option accepted by
users to reduce flies’ density.

Minimize fly and mosquito breeding through:

 Continuous backfilling of excreta (for trench latrine);
 Provision of a well fitted lid (for simple pit latrine);
 Provision of the appropriate ventilation system, drop-hole size,
vent pipe diameter and mesh size for the net at the outlet of the
ventilation pipe (for VIP system).

If required, provide enough space for desludging services (vehicles and


If required, adapt the design to anal cleansing practices.

Siting of the Consult users (especially women and girls) on siting design and
latrine appropriateness of the latrine.

Toilets should be located no more than 50m away from dwellings and at
least 30 meters away from any groundwater source (unless the pit has been
designed to contain excreta and reduce transfer to surrounding soil).

Avoid areas prone to flooding as much as possible or select an appropriate

design (either flood resistant and/or raised latrine).

Sizing and The below sludge accumulation rates apply for sizing the pits:
sludge  0.5 l/p/day in initial phase of emergency;
accumulation  40 l/p/year in post-emergency situation;
rate  1.3 l/p/day when water is used for anal-cleansing;
 8-10 l/p/day in the initial phase and before washing areas are
constructed (people may wash clothes and bath in latrines).

Operation Operation/Use:
and  Ensure users has been sensitized on the correct use, appropriate
maintenance maintenance, hand washing and other basic hygiene practices;
 Ensure users have been targeted by hygiene promotion campaign with
hygiene kit distribution before using the toilets/latrines;
 Ensure users understand the importance of having a functional hand
washing facility (with soap and water) next to the toilet.

 Establish and train WASH committee in Hygiene Promotion, use and
maintenance of sanitation facilities;
 Before the construction, agree on responsibility for cleaning, refilling
handwashing water and hygiene promotion in community (e.g; rotation
system between families for cleaning and refilling water. The WASH
committee monitors implementation of maintenance activities, with
pre-agreements on how to address possible lack of compliance);
 Ensure that the slab and surroundings are cleaned every day (do not
use disinfectant in large quantities as it may affect the bacterial
degradation of the waste resulting in bad smells and the pit being filled
 Ensure surroundings of latrines are well drained;
 Build community capacity and encourage them to de-sludge filled pits
either by themselves (if trained and equipped) or through a dedicated
service provider when required.

The pathway to follow for excreta management is summarized below.

Calculate sanitation requirements

i.e number of latrines

Check important design considerations i.e siting, soil conditions,inclusiveness and


Construction of latrines
excavation of pit, lining, laying slab, construct superstructure and handwashing

Plan and implement, operation, maintenance and monitoring

Technical options recommended for Somalia

Trench latrine (improved)

Trench latrines are often constructed in the immediate stage of an emergency. The
recommended maximum length of trench is 6m with six cubicles. Trenches should be about
0.8m wide and the top 0.5m of the pit should be lined.

Wooden platforms can be used above the trench and covered with plastic sheeting and soil
to reduce density of flies and odors.

Trench latrines are the minimum option for health facilities during acute emergencies if a slab
is used to squat, with a lid to avoid breeding of flies in the trench. Depending on the expected
duration of the emergency situation, improved trench latrines can be either deep, to serve
up to six months, or shallow for a shorter period.

It is recommended to gradually replace trench latrines with a more elaborated design as soon
as possible (e.g. simple pit, VIP, flush system, etc.). WASH practitioners must evaluate if the
use of such design will provide gains in term of public health and safety or if the situation
allows to wait for the construction of a more elaborated design.

Backfill the trench with 100mm of soil every day to reduce smell and flies.
Figure 1: typical design for a trench latrine

Key design parameters for the deep trench latrine includes:

 Trench:
o 0.8m wide, 2m deep, 1m length per 1 cubicle;
o Recommended that the top 0.5m is lined to ensure it remains stable (up to 1m
in unstable soil conditions such as sandy soils);
o Recommended materials include concrete, bricks, blocks or sandbags;
o Keep backfill soil nearby to allow covering of excreta at regular intervals.

 Slabs:
o Slabs should be at least 1.1m length to cover a 0.8m wide trench;
o Recommended materials include timber, plastic and concrete where possible

 Superstructure:
o Cubicle should be 1m long along the trench and 2m high;
o Recommended materials include timber for the frame, and plastic sheeting as
a minimum for the walls to provide privacy;
o Cubicle will be hot due to local climate; ventilation should be included;
o Ensure a roof is provided where possible;

Simple Pit Latrines

Simple pit latrines are inexpensive, simple and quick to construct. It is the most adapted and
adopted technology choice in emergency situations.
Construction/design/maintenance tips
 Composed of a large hole (pit) in the ground covered by a squatting plat or a platform
with a hole through which the users excrete. The platform is surrounded by a screen
to provide privacy and shelter for the weather.
 There should be a cover for the hole to reduce odors and keep flies away.
 There should be a hand washing point nearby the facility.
 Ideally the emergency family pit latrine is for a single family. However, WASH Cluster
recommends sharing the pit latrine where possible by up to three families (20 people).
 A pit is considered full when the contents are within 0.5 m of the surface, or 0.2 m in
acute emergency situation;
 For sizing purpose, it is correct to consider a solid accumulation rate of 0.5 l/p/day in
emergency situation and 40 l/p/year in post-emergency situation. These figures are
only indicators and can vary significantly depending on anal cleansing practices,
intensity of use of the latrine and soil conditions;
 Soils liable to collapse should be supported by a lining. In particular, the upper part of
the pit is important as it will support the cover slab;
 The slab is placed directly on the top of the pit about 15 cm above the surrounding
ground level to prevent surface water from entering the pit;
 The type of squatting slab to be used will entirely depend on how quick the slab can
be fabricated /procured and delivered to the site. The slab of any materials such as
plastic, fiber, wood or concrete is acceptable if they are sturdy and can be cleaned
 The squatting hole should be provided with a lid for safety, to reduce odor and to help
prevent flies from breeding in the pit. Flies and smell tend to be more of a problem in
shallow pits containing water than deep ones that are dry;
(Source of picture: (Harvey, P. (2007). Excreta disposal in emergencies. WEDC); Picture adjusted by
offsetting the pit and including desludging hole with cover)

 The latrine must have a rigid door (wooden or iron sheet), lockable from inside and
fixed on a solid frame to allow a minimum of privacy and security for the users, in
particular women and children;
 Adding wood ashes to the pit may result in perceptible odor reduction and might
accelerate the elimination of pathogens in the pit. Lime also reduces the smell but
might slow down the decomposition process;
 Latrine with an offset pit (not located under the slab) is a design largely spread in
Somalia. The pipe should be fixed with an angle of 45° at least with a minimum
diameter of 150mm, and made of PVC preferably. This design will reduce the volume
available in the pit for excreta accumulation and this constraint must be considered in
the design phase. All other design considerations apply and the fitting of the cover/lid
is critically important as excreta may stick on the pipe resulting in attracting flies. A
simplified flushing may be considered to clean the pipe after each use.

Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine (VIP)

The Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrine is designed to minimize odors and flies. It comprises
of a pit, a cover slab, a superstructure and a well-fixed vent pipe with fly trap/screen. The
principle of operation is that a continuous flow of air comes in through the superstructure
and enters the pit through the hole. This airflow will go down into the pit displacing (pushing
up) the hot smelly air upward through the vent pipe. A darkened interior is maintained
causing insects entering the pit to be attracted towards the light at the top of the vent pipe
and trapped by the fly screen.

VIP latrine has a complicated design where functioning principles must be strictly respected
in order not to compromise the ventilation working principle. Often such strict design
compliance is a challenge in emergency responses and should be avoided if technical
expertise is not present within the implementing organization.

Construction/design/maintenance tips:
 Do not use a cover on the defecation hole of a VIP latrine as this would stop the air
circulation needed for the ventilation.
 The doors of the VIP superstructure should be self-closing. Above each door should
be an air hole for ventilation purpose. This air hole should have a surface at least three
times larger than the cross-sectional area of the ventilation pipe, and be covered with
a UV resistant screen (e.g. mosquito net).

(Source of picture: (Harvey, P. (2007). Excreta disposal in emergencies. WEDC); Picture adjusted by
offsetting the pit and including desludging hole with cover)
 For VIP latrine batteries, the separation in individual pit compartments by solid walls
going from the bottom until the top of the pit is needed to avoid cross-ventilation of
the air movement between the different defecation holes, which would hamper the
VIP ventilation principles. This means as well that every single compartment of the
VIP latrine battery should have its own ventilation pipe.
 Each ventilation pipe should be vertical, sticking out above the latrine’s roof by at least
0.5m. The hole where the vent pipe comes through the roof should be made water
tight to avoid leaks. To ensure a better anchorage of the plastic vent pipe at the
bottom, a clamp can be connected at the level where it will be mortared in the slab.
 When PVC pipes are used as a vent pipe, their diameter should ideally be 150mm and
at least 110mm. Having a dark colored vent pipe at the outside of the superstructure
and oriented towards the sun might allow a better ventilation of the latrine during
wind still days, but complicate the construction.
 The fly screen on the top of the vent pipe must be stainless steel, aluminum or PBVC
coated fiberglass, because the gasses escaping from the latrine are very corrosive to
mild metal. If really nothing else is available, painted metal mesh is the last option.

Other general technical design/construction tips

Alternate pit Depending on the context, alternate options are available for latrine
option pits:
 Temporary pits: lined with 3-4 interconnected drums. Drums placed
on top of each other with opened tops and bottoms. Can be
perforated to allow liquid infiltration;
 Twin pits: each toilet is connected to two pits, with one pit to be
filled at a time. This design is safer to desludge, as sludge is safer to
remove after 1.5 year of rest. If pits are shared, this design requires
4 pits (or more) rather than 2.
 Longer term locations: double pit latrine, (poor-) flush systems with
(or without septic tanks are designed to be considered (refer to
specific guidelines).

Lining The latrine pit must be lined in soft soils to avoid the walls to collapse,
with bricks or stones. It must be open-jointed (honey comb) to allow
infiltration of liquid in the surrounding soil and exchanges between
the inner and the outer parts of the pits (allow a proper waste
decomposition and micro-organism activity in the pit).
If bricks or stones are not available, perforated corrugated iron
sheets, installed vertically and overlapping each other partly can be
used. The perforation can be done by drilling small holes or by means
of a hammer and a pointed chisel.
Bathing Bathing in toilet/latrine to be restricted as much as possible to avoid
pits filling too quickly. If a bathing facility is installed at proximity of a
latrine, ensure that grey water is drained towards a soak away pit
properly sized.
Pit cover (slab) Pit must be covered with a slab that can be removed for desludging.
Ideally, the slab could have a small manhole (600mm squared) easier
to open. Both the slab and the manhole should have a perfect sealing
to restrict access by flies and mosquitoes.
Pit depth The recommended depth is 3m. However, in some circumstances,
and if water table is deep, pit as deep as 10-12m is possible (in
suitable soils, e.g. central Somalia).
If required, the latrine can be raised by 1m or more above the ground
level to increase the pit volume.
The bottom of the pit should be at least at 1.5m above the highest
water table.
Water supply If possible, provide a dedicated water supply system (e.g. tank above
the latrine, linked to the main water network). Dedicated drainage to
a soak-away pit is required to avoid the latrine pits to overflow with
grey water.
This is especially important for women to wash menstrual hygiene
Cleaning and To facilitate cleaning and maintenance operation, sanitation toolkits
maintenance can be provided, with below recommended composition:
 Wheelbarrow (x1)
 Pick axe (x1)
 Shovel / spade (x2)
 Brooms (x4)
 Rakes (x2-4)
 Rope and bucket (to empty pit)
Latrine Rehabilitated latrine must fully comply to the minimum requirements
rehabilitation referred to in this document. Type and cost for rehabilitation must be
evaluated using the minimum requirements and decision taken if the
latrine must be decommissioned or rehabilitated.
Depending on the design, various latrines may require different forms
of rehabilitation. During rehabilitation, Health and Safety Procedures
must be followed and might therefore require that laborers involved
are trained to prevent contamination. The same should be the case
for frog men who help in latrine emptying or desludging.
Latrine Decommissioning of latrine that poses a risk to environment and/or a
decommissioning water source is implemented following the below:
 Carry out latrine closure during dry season;
 Remove all structure from above the pit;
 Dig an overflow trench from top of pit or tank to absorb displaced
 Smash or crack the lining that are accessible;
 Fill the pit with rubble and organic matter until the pit is nearly full;
 Backfill trench with soil and rubble;
 Cap the pit with a large mound of soil and rubble to allow for further
settling of contents. Threes may also be planted.


The below check list is used to monitor a sanitation system at field level and ensure it fulfill
its minimum requirements to reduce the burden of WASH-related morbidity/mortality and
the risk of contamination to the surrounding environment without posing a threat to the
users, especially women and children.

# Items/questions Yes No
1 The number of users per toilet/latrine is per the Somalia cluster’
 Less than 50 persons (around 8 households) per latrine in
dense target population (IDPs and dense urban contexts)
in acute emergency phase
 Minimum 1 Latrine per 20 persons (around 3 households)
aiming for 1 latrine per household after the acute
emergency phase

2 All toilet/latrine are located at least 30m away from all sort of
groundwater sources.
3 Bottom of toilet/latrine pits are dug at least 1.5m above water
table in locations where shallow aquifer are used for drinking
4 At least 10% of the toilet/latrines are designed to respond to
need of disabled and/or elderly.
5 Communal toilets/latrines are gender separated (not needed for
household toilets/latrines) and lighted at night and equipped with
lockable doors to minimize unwanted intrusions.
6 All toilets/latrines are equipped with a functional handwashing
point with soap or an alternate system to ensure hand washing
with soap following use of the facility.
7 Density of flies is minimized through appropriate technical
 Trench: well fitted lid/cover and surface slab
 Simple pit: well fitted lid/cover (ideally replaced by foot)
 VIP: proper ventilation system as recommended in the above

8 All toilets/latrines are in used, well maintained and a

cleaning/maintenance mechanism has been put in place in
consultation with the community.
9 Users, especially women, have been involved in the selection of
toilet/latrine design and the location to construct the latrine.
10 Users have been sensitized/explained how to use the facility,
handwashing with soap and protection of food against flies.

Government of India, 2015. Handbook on accessible household sanitation for persons with
disabilities. Available on internet:

HelpAge International, 2018. Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people living
with disabilities. Available on internet:

MSF, 2010; Public Health Engineering in Emergencies. Chapter 3: sanitation in emergency. Available
on internet:

OXFAM, 2000; Guidelines for excreta disposal in emergencies. Oxfam technical manual. Bastable
and al.

RedR, 2006; latrine decommissioning training notes South Asia earthquake. Available on internet:

UNICEF Ghana. Latrine technology options manual. Available on internet:

WEDC, 2007. Excreta disposal in emergencies.

WEDC, 2018. Graphic design for latrine slab. Available on internet:

World Vision, 2018. Example of BoQ for latrine rehabilitation. Available on internet:
Annex 1
Example of toilet designs
BOQ for VIP latrine (by NRC)

BOQ for 2-stance communal latrine with concrete rings

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate in US$ Total in US$
1 Excavation of pit hole M3 18
2 Portland cement, 50kg Bags 10
3 Sand M3 0.57
4 Gravel M3 0.7
5 Iron bar, 8mm ql 0.09
6 Heavy wood columns No 2
7 Plywood (flexible) (1.2x2.4m) No 12
8 10 cm/4 inches diameter PVC pipe for ventilation Pcs 1
9 Water Drum 4
1 Heavy wood columns (10 cm x 3 m length) No 6
2 Wood timber (2.5 cm x 5 cm x 4 m) No 17
3 Corrugated iron sheet (G34) Pcs 19
4 Door hinges Pcs 4
5 Door locks (tower bolts) Pcs 4
6 Nails (roofing and ordinary) Kg 4
7 Branding/labelling/painting Pcs 1
1 Labor cost LS 1
2 Empty metallic drums with well-handled (half-cut) No 1
3 Security provision LS 1
Sum Total (2-stance)
Annex 2
Example of design for flooded area
Annex 3
Latrine slab
Annex 4
List of designs and drawings available via WASH Cluster

 NRC IDP dislugeable latrine design

 UNICEF single pit latrine
 UNICEF twin pit latrine
 UNICEF triple pit latrine
 UNICEF IDP camp latrine
 Flood-proof sanitary latrine
 Latrine in IDP camps block
 Latrine in IDP camps front elevation
 Latrine in IDP camps section view
 Latrine O&M
 Two-tank latrine for flooded areas

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