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Course Task CU 12.
Study Questions:

Summarize the guidelines for the early detection of breast cancer by developing a teaching
plan for breast self-examination for patients.
 Women, 40 to 54 years of age
 Mammography
o Women should undergo regular screening mammography starting at 45 years of
age; women 45 to 54 years of age should be screened annually; women should
have the opportunity to begin annual screening between 40 and 44 years of age
 Women, 55 years or older
 Mammography
o Women 55 years or older should transition to biennial screening or have the
opportunity to continue screening annually; women should continue screening
mammography as long as their overall health is good and they have a life
expectancy of 10 years or more

A 48-year-old man is married with two young children and has been newly diagnosed with a
metastatic spinal cord tumor. Identify appropriate nursing interventions to alleviate the
patient’s and family’s physiologic and emotional stressors.
 Treatment goals for a patient with bone metastasis include pain control, maintenance or
restoration of mobility, and prevention of complications including pathologic fracture, SCC, and
hypercalcemia. The interventions used to meet these goals include medications (analgesics,
bone-modifying agents, hormones, and chemotherapy), radiation therapy, and surgery.

Oxygen therapy is required for a 65-year-old patient with terminal lung metastatic cancer.
Discuss teaching and safety precautions indicated for the patient and his or her family.
Describe the patient teaching that will be required for the patients who will be discharged
from the hospital with a prescription for oxygen therapy.
 Treatment
 The type of treatment that you receive depends on several factors, including the type of
lung cancer that you have. Treatment may be used to reduce the size of a tumor, prevent
the cancer from spreading, or cure the cancer. If the cancer cannot be cured, treatments
may be used to reduce the symptoms and prolong life.
 Oxygen safety precautions
o Oxygen is a safe, non-explosive gas when handled correctly. However, any
material that is already burning will burn much faster and hotter in an oxygen-
enriched environment, so the following precautions should be observed when
you use home oxygen.
o Keep the oxygen at least 3 metres from any open flame or heat source, such as
candles or a gas stove, or from anything that could cause a spark.
o Do not smoke or let anyone else smoke near the oxygen equipment.
o Avoid using anything flammable near the oxygen, including petrol,
o cleaning fluid, and aerosol cans or sprays such as fresheners or
o hairspray.
o Do not allow alcoholic solutions, oil or grease to come into contact with oxygen
supply devices. This includes petroleum jelly.
o Check that all electrical equipment in the vicinity of the oxygen is properly
grounded (earthed).
o Avoid using electrical appliances such as hairdryers and razors while oxygen is
in use.
o Make sure you have smoke alarms in your house.
o Keep the oxygen equipment clean and dust free.
o Always plug your oxygen concentrator into a grounded electrical outlet. Never
use an extension cord or power board.
o As the oxygen concentrator becomes hot when in use, locate it in a well-
ventilated area, away from curtains or drapes.
o Have your oxygen concentrator inspected and serviced regularly according to
the supplier’s instructions.
o Store oxygen cylinders in an upright secure position in a well-ventilated area
away from any open flame, heat source or direct sunlight. Do not cover with
cloth or plastic.
o Handle oxygen equipment with care to avoid damaging cylinders.
o Secure and transport oxygen cylinders correctly. Check with your state or
territory department of transport regarding the transport of oxygen in cars as
safety standards may vary from state to state.
o Use the correct pressure gauge and regulator.
o When a cylinder is almost empty, close the valve and mark the cylinder as
empty. Do not store full and empty cylinders together.
o If you have been prescribed oxygen 24 hours a day you may need a back-up
oxygen cylinder. Discuss with your doctor whether this is the case for you.

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