The Importance of Physical Activity and Exercise During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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The Importance of Physical Activity and Exercise During The

Covid-19 Pandemic
Any optimism brought on the by beginning of a new decade has been eclipsed by the
unexpected crisis of a global pandemic. Governments have imposed its residents to stay at
home in an attempt to minimize the spread of the virus.
Being stuck at home and having one’s daily schedule completely thrown out has discouraged
many to make an attempt in reconfiguring their routine and self-maintenance, one of these
would be Exercise and Physical Activities. Within the confines of their own homes, the
temptation to relax, and do nothing but watch TV or use their personal devices throughout the
entire day is stronger than ever, increasing the risks of obesity and an unhealthy diet.
In an attempt to maintain a healthy standard for one’s physical and mental well-being, they
should set a routine where they do tasks that require physical labour, along with improvising
heavy objects as alternatives to dumbbells. Just because the town’s gyms are closed, does not
make an excuse for the individual to stop exercising. Exercising enables the human body to be
able to do everyday tasks much easier, and decreases the amount of expendable energy
required for even the most mundane daily errands and chores. Staying within the confines of
one’s own home does not mean they’re safe from numerous other illnesses. When coupled
with an inactive and idle lifestyle, the individual is more susceptible to such diseases if they
refuse to do any physical activity. Exercising also has a positive effect for the individual’s
mental well-being, the thought of maintaining a healthy physique and diet boosts one’s self-
confidence along with the drive to repeat the activity for the next day until it becomes routine.

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