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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION 7— CASENO:: O1-10-CA-S¢Z ONEWEST BANK, FSB, cul WALSH, JR. Defendants. alleges: B. Plaintiff, SULLIVAN; TIMOTHY J. Ms Ga 2 Wd 2- 8340102 95 MO COMPLAINT. 62 ‘The Plaintiff, ONEWEST BANK, FSB, sues the Defendants named in the caption hereof and COUNT ‘This is an action to foreclose a mortgage on real property in ALACHUA County, Florida, On January 05, 2008, CIJI B. SULLIVAN executed and delivered a promissory note and CLIT B, SULLIVAN AND TIMOTHY J. WALSH, JR. executed and delivered Mortgage securing payment of the same to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED AS NOMINEE FOR INDYMAC BANK, FSB, which mortgage was recorded in the Official Records Book 3733, Page 1002, ofthe Public Records of ALACHUA County, Florida and which mortgaged the property described therein, then owned by and in possession of said mortgagor. A copy of the note and mortgage are attached hereto and made a part hereof, Federal National Mortgage Association is the owner of the note, Plainti isthe servicer ofthe Joan and is the holder ofthe note, Federal National Mortgage Association has authorized Plaintiff to bring this present action on the note. Defendant(s), CLJI B. SULLIVAN AND TIMOTHY J. WALSH, JR., own(s) the property ‘There has been a default under the note and mortgage held by Plaintiff in thatthe payment due ‘October 01, 2009 and all subsequent payments have not been made, Plaintiff declares the full amount due under the note and mortgage to be now due. All conditions precedent tothe filing ofthis action has been performed or has occurred, ‘There is now due, owing and unpaid to the Plaintiff as ofthe date ofthe filing ofthis complaint the following amounts on principal of said note and mortgage: unpaid principal Balance: $ 116,853.27, plus interest, escrow, title search expenses for ascertaining necessary parties to this suit, tte search, tte exam, fling fee, and attorneys fees and costs. 8930.00 (#72324) \itveumia zz 09.80338 @) ) ©) @ (e) (f) ) Plaintiff has obligated itself to pay the undersigned attomeys a reasonable fee for their services herein, Pursuant to the loan documents Plaintiff is entitled to an award of attorneys fees. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays as follows: ‘That this Court will ake jurisdiction ofthis cause, the subject matter and the partes hereto That this Court ascertain and determine the sums of money due and payable tothe Plaintiff from the Defendant(s), including without limitation principal, interest, advances, attomey fees, and costs pursuant othe loan documents That the sum of money found to be due as aforesaid be decreed by this Court to be alien upon the lands described in Plaintiff's morgage. ‘That such lien be foreclosed in accordance with the rules and established practice ofthis Cour, and upon failure ofthe Defendants to pay the amount of money found tobe due by them to the Plaintiff, the said land be sold to satisfy said len ‘That this Court decree that the lien of the Plaintiffs superior to any and allright, ttle or interest ofthe Defendants herein or any person or partes claiming by, through or under them since the institution of this suit. ‘That all right, tte or interest ofthe Defendants or any person claiming by, through or under them be forever barred and foreclosed. ‘Tha this Court grants general rele inthis eause as in its discretion might be just and proper including, but not limited to, a deficiency judgment, except where a discharge is applicable, ifthe proceeds ofthe sale are insufficient to pay Plaintiff's claim. Bar #60627 09-80338 Managing Attorneys Marshall © Watson Telephone (958) 453-0365, Facsimile (934) 771-6052 Coon Ganan Avec Ate Anode trays "case ‘Seat ne Win. Doi Ne ance Ags LAW OFFICES wet So am OF MaRaHaLi € Watson Gant roo itor Tange (Seba some rasan so NORTH Wester rare, SUE 9 ‘a St Cain dni TORT EAUDERDALE FLORIDA Si Facets ‘itr um ‘new Sole cures ‘Soe Imo Cs ed tence aoa Ehsan Galspoie Cams Dae Karena Tete ite ten vices fren Pa ae oie se Joo Gat Anos storms Ait Atree ‘avg Maree cee Sek cl ante ane Chen Gar noe on nia ina “West ony Geen Ins Kar “able bus Wiens Careane tio sat onc We Sea es bare kumi ‘cre a ie eacats eM | rome i am OrCouset Saito verse at Barat January 23,2010 NOTICE REQUIRED BY THE FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT 15 U.S.C. SECTION 1692, AS AMENDED. Property Address: 525 8TH STREET HIGH SPRINGS, FL 32643 Owner: CUJIB. SULLIVAN AND TIMOTHY J. WALSH, JR. Morgagor: CUB, SULLIVAN AND TIMOTHY J. WALSH, JR. Our File #: 09-8038 |. The Plaintiff, ONEWEST BANK, FSB, is the creditor to whom the debt is owed by those individuals who are obligated under the promissory note and mortgage. ‘The debtor may dispute the validity ofthis debt, or any portion thereof, within 30 days of receipt of this Notice. Ifthe debtor fails to dispute the debt within 30 days, the debt will be assumed valid by the creditor. If the debtor notifies the creditor's law firm in writing within 30 days from receipt of this notice that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, the creditor's law firm will obtain verification of the debt, or a copy of a judgment and a copy of the verification will be mailed to the debtor by the creditor's law firm. Collection efforts, resulting in additional attomey fees and costs however, will continue during this 30 day period until this office receives the written request for verification, 09-80338, 4, Ifthe creditor named herein is not the original creditor, and if the debtor makes a written request to the creditor's law firm within 30 days of receipt ofthis Notice, the name and address of the original creditor will be mailed to the debtor by the creditor's Iaw firm. Collection efforts, resulting, in additional attomey fees and costs however, will continue during this 30 day period until this office receives the written request for the name and address ofthe original creditor. 5. _Asof January 23, 2010, you owe a total amount of $121,856.94 in certified funds, Because of interest, late charges, and other charges that may vary from day to day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. Hence, if you pay the amount shown above, an adjustment may be necessary ater we receive your cetfied funds, in which event we will inform you before depositing the check for collection. For further information, please call 1-800-441-2438. 6. Written requests pursuant o this notice should be addressed to FAIR DEBT COLLECTION CLERK, Marshall C. Watson, P.A. 7. This communication is for the purpose of collecting a debt, and any information obtained from the debtor will be used for that purpose. The Law does not require me (the debt collector) to wait until the end of the thirty-day period before suing you (the consumer) to collect this debt. Once a lawsuit is commenced, al judicial remedies will be zealously pursued and attorney fees and costs, which you may be responsible for, in whole or in part, will be incurred. If, however, you request proof ofthe debt or the name and address ofthe original creditor within the thirty-day period which begins with your receipt of this, letter, the law requires me to suspend my efforts (through litigation or otherwise) to collect the debt until I mail the requested information to you. Once the requested information is mailed to you litigation efforts will resume. 9. Even though you are required to file a response to the lawsuit prior to the thirty (30) days, your validation rights, asset forth inthis notice, shall not expire for thirty (30) days. (09-80338 ACCORDED IN OFFICIAL RECIROS ; song SIENA 8 Pas at BK_3733 PE 1002 Sate i Oueiy OF CIRCUIT COURT ALACHUA COUNTY. FLORIDA CLERKS Receipt ss59647 Doc. Staap-Hor' 416.50, tIntang. Tas 238.00 Pent ae Pe 901 100TH STREET, BUTLDING B, SUTTE 400/500 eta fades City, mo 64131 (0m Site 20 co) 9 Abr i arg Da. (or LECLER no " MORTGAGE Ia Ks os8 <0 ‘ooomteso OINLY20SO sa, sooossuorze0070826 penxrrioss CBUR COAL ‘er din mull sections ofthis document te dfn below ud ter wor ae defied in Seton 3, TD. ad 21- Cora les eparig te tage of wos ed ths doce ae to proved in Seton 15 (A) “Seer estrument” mem tis document wAchis ued January 5, 2008 ugar ‘hal Rees docemet (©) *Borrewer"is CLIT B SUZAIVAN AND TOON J WISH JR, AS TENTS IN ‘corer both Single Brome the mortgagor ders Sect Istrent (0, ERS Mang Ec Reston Syne, MERS spr caption Solty as oom fr Lenders Lene’ sceses end sign MIERS I the morgage ender tl Seeay Ttrumeat MERStserpnizd td exsiog woe the Ins of Deliver, and bas an rs st lepton smber of PO. Box 226, nM 44501-2006, (499) 679. MERS. a ere Ses ea aor NDT HES ea Few me aT NSTRPENT # 240081 RS ©) MLender*is TOMI BANK, .9.B., A FEDERALLY CHETERED SAVINGS BANK enterica Federal Savings Bank xpd wring wr te ve of United ‘states - Leder's Senin 155 NO TARE Of erica (AVENE, PASAIENA, Ch 91101 ee nny me oy or id ‘, Sere ragr™™ a canuss tao, los ners. Brower ba promised to pay hs ein eae Peri Paynes and pay the bt in il ot Herts Pobruary 1, 2038 )_sPropety* means the propecy that is decd below unde he heading “Tranter of Rips in the Propery= (©) "Lone" reas be det evidenced ty he Nae, pas ater ay prepayment charges and Int charps doe (Str the Note al asd andr Sec Ise pas se Riders” meas Rider to this Sec Iasrunent ht ae exceed by Borowes, The following iden are be xed by Barover eck Bx ape? (Daciustbie rate Rider [condominium Riser D)secood Home Rider Cato rider [LP temed Unit Development Rider) Bweey Payment Rider Hires Clevo Trost Rider Oe pct (© “Applicable Law" means al coring plicable feral ate and local states, repltons edness {2 ads es mo ers (nt ve te eft lem) as wee al appt fel, espn Jil opinions ©) “Commesity Amocation Das, Fes and Anscemments” mens il dies, fect seinen and tet ‘ares that ae imposed on Boome or be Property bya cena essciaen, Homeowners wsciaion ot sine cpizaon (0) “Blecronic Pande Tramsfer” eas any tsfr of fn, te than eannactn cx by cbc, {Sn or sie pepermaranet, ch sine hough an ecm mia eephons name, compe txrmagete pes oder, arco auerz fmol intone or ret an cowl. Soh rm [Selon but ect ened Ya, plate Umer senate eller machine Pesci; ter nite ‘chpbone, wre tale sd maomatdcewinghause emule. (1) “Escrow lems” meas hue items hte dese ed ia Section 3. (00. *Miscetascous Procads” meas ay compensation, stent evar of damage, o proceeds pid by {Sy hr party (ter than nace procs pi under te coverges arb im Secon 5) for () Sage 0, x desation he Property (conan oe king lo my art fhe Prope (i coveyace ‘Sew of ccndenaton, er (v) misepserttins oo emis to, Yale andr codon of te Prope. (09 “Mortgage Insrance” ems isarce protecting Lender pi the ompeyen fo defutc,te Tom, Toon No:_129807082 a Samana res LISTRPENT #24 5% (0) _“Feviodie Payment” news he replay sched umount de fr () rnp td interest wer he ‘Note, pl (any uncut under Secon 3 of hs Seer sre (),_“RESPA™ scans the Real Estate Setenent Proce Ac (12 USC. §2401 ot aq) mad {mpementing gaan, Reguaon X (24 CR. Fut 350) a they might be area om tine fo te, wy stole secserIepsaten ct rpulation tal gore he sane subject mate. As wed Ia is Sey Ttemument “RESPA™ refs to al equements an retin tht me ingen ea oa “ede ead ‘eigag on” even he Lowe or at ually seal elated margage les” wd RESPA. (@ _“Seccsar Inert of Borrower” meas any pry tht ken tit the Property, whether or ot ‘it pry hes sumed Barower clas wader the Note nr is Serr cranes ‘county ” "SECA pect carn atscng, “Mana ct Rect tte whic as ep dexrpion of ‘THE NORNENLY 00 FEET OF IOT SIX (6), BLOCK NINETY-CNE (91), G.E. FOSTER'S ‘ADOTTIOA TO HIGH SPRINGS, AS PER FLAP THERDOE RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK =A" PACE 6 oP ME PURLIC RECKOS OF ALAGHIA COTY, PLORIDA. ‘which caret has teas of 525 nw om sez HGH svINGS + Flaide 32643 om coe (CPropeny Ades TOGETHER WITH all the inpoveneats now er Defi eect on he proper, nd al exseneat perenne, ad Ents now er bea put ta rope Al eplceoeat and wns shal also be overt sSocutyLmtrmect_ Alo he fgg ret ts SearyInaranen a he “Proper” Borrower understands and wpes that MENS hols ont ea tet the inte paced by Borower i is Srey trent, bf seen 1 campy wih wo asm, MERS (ar somes fr Lender and Lert seoressr and wip) has hehe 1 ence ayo of owe tee along at ot ated tight {oferelne md seth Property end ae ay aon requed of Lender incloding. bl not ite ele ‘ed craig ie Scere ‘BORROWER COVENANTS that Barover is luwfly seed of he estate bereby conveyed and a he ett to mete, nd ony the Property ml tha Property is nencbered, eee fer coum of ‘Rew. Barower warms od wil defen general thee ote Property ape alle wd em ste {omy conmbrances freer. “TIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combine wifrm covenat for maton wee ad noo-sim oven i Ife wrens by ration conus + war ocr sane Cover Fa Pope UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barove and Leder coves a pe allows: Payment of Pracpa, Intros, Escrow lems, Prepeyment Charge and Late Charge, ‘Borrower sal pay wen oe he prsipl of ed inert nthe ea eden by the Nk ae ay repent ‘harps ed scape dc under he Nee. Berower salto py Es or Escrow Bem pars Seton 3 Payments or nde Now ane etry Isreal be ae US. carey. However, ety Sek Cer imstunet ected by Lene peyacat mde the Notes Secu Insruoen ls ome fo Lene ‘ipl Lender may rele at yor al saben payments doe une he Note al is Seay Inara be fai a ew more the Flowing farms alee by Lem (a) cad (9) tney ere ered check, Paymeats re deemed rceved by Lender when recived the leon designated in he Not ot ch citer lean mary be dg by Landers scarce wih he note proviso in Seton 1. Leterme ‘er ny pee x pri pemect if he pment cx peril payments rinse o bing the Lawn creat {er may seep ny payment ex parley nice Yo bring te Loan cue, wiht valve fay ‘shred cr pres ighe ff sich pant x prt pyc in te fe, bu ender not ‘ized apy sch pyrene tne sch pyre scrped. Mech Pee Payment spied a is scheduled du da, then Lender sed 901 py nest wap Fis Lede my bold Sch unwpled ‘cds eal Barome mates pert to tring he Laan caren. Boower doesnt do x0 with «reseale [Petia tine, Lender hl eer apy suc fd rene to Boro Ifo apie ec, sch fads ‘il be appled tothe eusandng praca bulnce under Note nedaly pro frclonme No fet or {ine wea Brower night ve now oie re nxn Lender sal ete Barowe en ang peyot Shae ue the Noe ad this SeurtyInroment cr peflorming the covenants and npements Scud ys Secu insrunen. 2 Appleton of Payment or Proceed. Except wt therwse described in ths Seton 2, al payments seceted sd spin by Lander al be api! nth flowing order ry terete det fe Rete (prcipa dor under the Re; (©) eo de ner Secon 9. Such pens hl be ped a ech Frac Payment the rer in which it Deca du. Any femulang enous shal be apt fet ola chars, ecco ‘oan ober maou dor ude hs Securyindrunet, adhe lo ede he ppl bln fhe No. 1 Lender eee a peynen Gen Boot fr delinquent Pde Payment wich nes a ache scncnt 0 py sacar dt pest ny be nied fo th deliquct pment snd the ae bre, ‘aoe than oe Proc Payment sotting. Lent muy apply ey peat reshed fom Barower to he ‘Rpoyoent fhe Pera Prenat fe cre ha, a pyc be pa in a Tote cet hat {By exces ex athe poet is api othe fl pryaetof ae cx oe Perite Payment sah cess ty be apple to ny Ine charges. Volum Srpeens hall be plied st omy prepayment charges tod ‘Bena dd ae Noe ‘Any spltn of payment, ieurmce proceeds, or Mises Proceeds to praia de under the Note shal nt exe or pospene fhe Gu at, or change be meant oe Pei Payment ‘3. Funds fr ocrow Meme. Beroer Sal py to Lener one Oy Pade Payments edo er {he Nat, al th Nt i pid in fl sn (be Pues) provide expan of nots ue fer: Utes ead ‘sessed ete ms wAch cn ala rier over Ot Sour Intunent a eno encuntrance othe Property) leuchldpeyaents or ped reas on he Prope ay (0) rekon fer mn nara roped by Lender woler Sectan Sand (®) Marie Insane premiums fay, cay sans payable by Brower to Lender in eu of te payment f Mrignge sarnce premimsi acordmce with he pons of ‘Secicn 10, Thee lens ae called “Een Dems” At eignaton or ar tne dug the rm of the Leen ‘ender may rege tht Community Acie Dus, Fan Asesaeny ey be xcromed by Barone, {td voch den es and toss ean Escrow hem. Bere sl prop fers Lewd al nobors ‘St amousts 1 be psd under hs Secon. Darower shal py Len the Pens for Ecrow Noms unless Lent ‘rives Brower eligaion fo pry the Fans for ary ral Escrow lems Lender may waive Borrower’ (igton to py 1 Lode Pudsey of al Escrow heey ne. Asy such waver ay aly bn wen. Inthe event of rach wale, Bcrwer shall py recy, when and Wher pb the snort a or any Exo ems fr which payment of Funds hs teen ‘aed fy Lender ad Lender ee sl fr Lent ‘eas evideaing sch payment wih such ie prod ws Lender ay requ” Baw’ cia o make ‘echpeyrens wd rovide eis thal fer l purposes be rnd be neve nd poet corte ‘hs Seerylstrnet, as the re “cowennat td ageemeat™ used in Secon 9. If Darrow i obligated to py Ensow leas deci, punt ow water, aod Barowe flo pay the soci deform Erm em, (dr ay exe figs unr Secon 9 spy sch ont snd Borower sll hn be ligated we ‘Secon 9 torepey to Lender ary uch umount, Leer ty revoke fe wave Toyota Ear fs 9 tine by ate gen in secerdne wh ecto 18 td, upon such evocation, Brower al pay o Lem al ‘Finds wd sch noun at wre ten egured mer is ect. Lender ey, tyne collect sho Pd nen (lca to pert Lender to apply the ind tthe tine specified unr EPA, al () nto eee he main wou shader can eure er Loan wo: 178807082 ‘Pa rege nt a Rava Par ROR STROM OD TAT Pe Copertow me ‘evar eae a JNSTREN +2 RS [RESPA. Lend stl exe te snot of Fnds de co he bss of cen ata and resonable eines of ‘pendinrs of fit Escrow bes or obervie a cern wt Apa Law. “The Funds hl te el nan intiton whe Opens ae ered by oder age, nsrumesaliy, ty (ozhadg Lene, If Lelt Ian tnthaon whose depose 1 nue) orn ty Fedral Hore Lost ‘Bink. ‘Lene shal py the Funds opt Escrow Noms no ern ene peciod der RESPA. Lent ‘Sal pt charge oro er ling uel appying te Fees, some nlig tn erow wou of ing {be Escrow hemes Lender pes Borat ntres onthe Fa sad Apple Law permis endef ke Sch charge. Uns e ageeoea mde in tg or Apletie Law egal inre fo pid the ands, ‘Tote shal ot be require opey Barmera inte or cans en he Fens. Borower et Lenten gee ‘a wrtng howeve, tht tre sal be pid cate Pads. Lente sl pve to Berowet, wifiou charge, mo ‘moual courting ofthe Fund rue by RESPA, Tere rp of Finds bel eo a fled under RESPA, Lede shal ecount to Baro fr te excess fds in mcrae with RESPA. Ute Is «shortage of Funds Bld i eco, defied wer [RESPA, Lene shal oly Borrower as eqied by RESPA, wad Bororet shall py to Lene tbe amocst ‘cess fo make pte sorage nacre Wid RESPA, bl more ae 12 ently penta. ae ‘Teelecy of ands edn econ as eed under RESPA, Lene al aly Berowe a oe iy RESPA, ‘Soren lpn en ment mesa p ey ore 8 RESP, ‘ormee ha 12 tly pe ‘Ups parent al ofall sams sect by this Seca Insrument, Lender shal promptly rfid 0 Boerowes ary Fs el by Lede LDSTRAENT 240084 1508 [ad Berowe. Soh sarees proccds hl be apd ine order rood fr Secon 2. If Darowe bandos be Proper, Lede ay Hy negaie td sete xy aval asa lim snd feed tiers I Berowe ons 0 roped wii 30 dys toa bec fam Lender hat he sarc ae at (tired to sete cay en Lear ny mete ad see eee, ‘The 30-y peid wil begin whe ie ‘ote is iven, In ter event oi Lender agus he Proper unr Section 22 of aber, Barowe eb ‘Saige ta Lener (a) Borrowers igh o any ures proceeds in amen tt excl amet pd over he Note rs Secary Invented () my oer of Boowers pts (ethan eH oy ed ‘temeared promi al by Brower) we a rence pels covering the Property, nf auch ihe ‘ae plate toie coverage fh Proper. Lene ny ws th lsirceprocds te repartee ropa or to pey moos ep ender Not rts Sect Insane, wet oro ben Doe. "Oecapency Bavower sal cca esl od we he Propery a Brows rip residence win 60 dys fer the execution of ths Secu) lsat sal hall ects to becpy he Proper Borower's cipal sence fart leat on wae a ate of ocean, mls Lender ers ages in ‘ring, wich consent stl ct he unemanaly Witenes exeing crm ere Wh jee rowers come. " Preervaton, Malaenance and Protion of the Property Impetons Borrower sll st ‘esry, anager parte Proper, ow the Property fo eterno commit waste cote Property. Witt tr ct Barone engin the Property, Bere shall matin th Proper nao to preven the Property ‘oan dnesornng or deceeing i vue ue to Tu codon Unless kr termined psa Yo Sect $a ‘pa reser bo ecneraicaly fb, Borowe hal pomp rp i Property mage! Yo avd [tbe deeiraon r damage. I incrnce rcoodaautonproconds pun conection with damage fo {he taking othe Property Berower shal be resemble for refine Ferng he Proper oly Lene hs ‘eked procns (or ch poses Lente ray die procots forte repre fo esoron iw sage Dejmeat rina sets of ropes permet a he wor complet. If te iaswnce er endeomaon proceds {Se ot safc! fo reper rere the Proper, Baowe snot reeved of Berower’sblaon fer Be eeplctin of eh oper fester. 5S ender ors get ny make esate ete pon wd iepections ofthe Proper. Fit has esosble ane, Lenir my inet the nero af the improves ete Property Lede shal pve Barowe ates {be tine ofr pict o eh mn invernspecon cig such esl ce 1. Borrener's Leen Appleton, Barowe al be nf aig the Low appcatin ross, ‘Bowrover ot nny pres or eatte tng ute deco of Baover or wih Barower's knoe coset ‘nv mney fuse sdg, or incur ffomatin o stent o Lender (fied Yo prove Lender ‘si mai formar) i exten wi he Lean Matra represents ice, bt ao aed a, ‘protons onering Barowe onipacy of Proper w Barower' pincpl eens, 3. Protection of Lender's Inert i he Property and Rights Under th Seeaity Instrument 1 (9) Darower fino prorm he count td ngeemens Crane nt Sent nares () ere oa ‘rcending tat gh spaiemty atc Lens terest inthe Property snl ripe ter this Secwiy Trarument (xh soe procoting n bak, prob, or conden ore, fr element f+ ben ‘which saya pari overs SeraryTnarament oto efocele Toglin) ot (2) Baro a ‘Deodoned te Proper ten Lender my dp for wher ease rappin to protect Ute’ Interest nthe Property td rights unde is Sealy Insrunen, incng protecting soe sein tbe vue of {he Property and searing andr repairing he ProperyLenie' acu em inca, bata nt Timed te: (@)pevng any sms scare by ae which ha ry overs Seca Instrument) apering coud (Copovng retomable mercy" fos To rote hs inert tthe Property anor Habe wer tis See Tncrnent locating is scued poi aa blrwpey proceeding. Seerng te Property lide, bt soot limit, tnlring he Property to mae rps, change lcs replace of Dard Up asta window, rn ae ‘fom pps eliminate building eee code vluons ot dng-ou cons, tnt hve tis eden oo ‘Aso Lender may ae acon ude hs Sec 9, Lene Ses bt hve io oso md is net wert 2 (ligation 0 doo. Ils ged th Lender ner oly fr at ngayon hein we sas, ‘Ary umounsdisersed by Lender ude his Seton 9 sal bocae mtn debt of Borrower secured ‘by ts Seeuty Intranet These mmo Sl er nee a the Ne rate ene Geof Casement ed ‘Salle payabe wh soch tress wpeo nice ran Lender o Barowe reusing pees. If dis Sry istunent sn sem, Dare Sal compl wih oe roves ofthe lee. 1 ‘Besrowe segues ete oth Proper, he eh wn fe tle shal ot ere wales Lender gee te ‘ser weg, Mortgage tseranc Lender reqed Morgnge Imarmce x condo of making the Lacs ‘arrover shal eye premiaes reset mtn te Merge Insaco et‘, foray rence ‘Morgage Insane coverage required by Lene ease 1 be eal ran the meta nse hat pens) (roved such mrss ant Batover wis required fo mais spel etgned payne ewan th rent {or Mig Insure, Baro sal py te ems raed to cain coverage ssi eva the fet TRE 4 ‘RS cece Me" Isricereimbures Lender or my ent tht press the Noe) for catia ses ty inert rrr’ doesnt pay Lach sage. Brower et pry te Margy ar Morgner eve ti otal onl ahr fee em et ie, yee lato apeements wit oe pares tt dae er mod) th id or edce les. These agente on eas tt cedios tht we stfu tothe mecgage Late sad the oe party (tpi) to these were ‘These aenents may eqs he morgage ins oma Pens wag ay source ffs tha he mong [nearer hae vale (nich my Sloe ds one rom Magne lear ren) "Asaresal of hese agecoen Len, porte of be Note, oben, ny res, ny ther oti, of my ine of my of the fregaing, ay rece (vay or ndvecty) aoc hat deve rm or bg be characte w=)» ptin of Barower's payment for MerggsIsurce in exe for uring or Seciving th morgage teres io ecng ones such apne proves tht mn fine of Leder {ts a tre of te sre’ sk xchange fre re of the reunions, be arent hen teed “eve ensure” Pater (@)_Aay such sgreceats wil nt afc the amount that Borrower bas gred to py for Mortgne® Borrower wah one ‘be apped tote sums svi by hs Scary Intranet, beter e oo en de, wih exes ny, pido Tate event of «par ttn desracton, or lou in ae fhe Proper i wich te fir mike abe of {te Propet imediay before he para taking, Seseuctn ot ss abe sealer eater an be wcat tm ce Sry tenet eal ep Seven ah ‘ies Borower med Lender tin agree ste secre by th Seay Imrmet shall be ‘wdiced byte aneunt of the Micelaneous Proceeds mpd bythe folowing facto (0) ol mnoant ‘sams scuedinmesianly before te patil taking, destruct, els In vale ceed by () the fa mutt ‘ale ofthe Property inmedily bles he paral ting dee, abe. Any balance salle pid * pues earliness ae a te Prey nie rt rt Property edly Before he part king erection or sin vale en thn he amo te ‘rc cacy be pl tk Sco int tls Beer el Lak scrse Sg tig Micros Ps le pe ote mn wie yi Sey oon No:_126907002 eg ee aE OTT as aaron LUSTRE $ 240084 BRS fe Proper i abandoned by Barone, oi after ssc by Leno Berowe hte Open Pry (ot dt te tent etc) els massed oats cin for Garages rower lorena dr within 30 ye arb ate ents ge, Lan ttre toca md apy he Mites Proceeds ebro eration er repel bx Property co sans mere yt Soc naanen wheter ot ‘0 then de. "Opposing Pry” mews the Bid pay that owes Borower Misclancos Pecado th pry ‘ine whom Brower bash of con opto Milena roe ‘Boower sl be in Stu I any scone proceeding, wher cv or cena sega te a ‘Lender's dpe cold ea in free he Proper or ter maria npimect of Len eet Property orig under ti Seay Inet. Borower cance mich tet df sclera hat ‘eeu, ines proved it Seen 19, by singe sone proceeding be Gumiod wih aru hat, {In Lene’ Jet, poles arte of he Property er rar impairment of Lender's intrest nthe Property ois ender it Secuty Inurument The precede of sry send or cam fr damages a ‘tobe ote impair! of Lender's inet inthe Proper rey aioe nd shal be po Lene ‘A Micelles Proceds ht re ot pled Yo ese e ope fhe Prope shall be ped a the eer provid fraction 2 "TL Merrower Not Reed Forbearance By Leder Not a Wave. Extensions fr payment SET RS un! seoytace of wry ach rfid mae by dct pores! to Borower wil const a waiver of my rp of ation Borrower might have wig oo of sch ovecheg. "1 Nate All noes ven by Boro r Lene in eect wih hs SecrtyIstrumeat mus be Jn wong, Any soe fo Borrower in conection wih Seerkylsrunea sal be eee the been va {0 Barowe when edb it calor when cal deere to Borrower note se ety ber team Nace tomy eae Barover call consti pbc o al Borrowers mess Appae Law expres ‘ees eerie. "The otce sess ll ete Property Adetwless Barowe as Gesigated sett ‘oles adies by otic to Leer" Barower ll romp ool Lener of Borower's change of wes. If andr species rocetre for eporting Barowe’s change of ares, the Borer cal ny rept what eds trogh te spcied grocer. Thee mn be xy ove Geiped noes mies under is Scmty lnsouneet ay coe tne. Any Soc o Lender Dal be iven by clvering it by malin by fs Cass mal ‘oLenders nested Herel nes Lender bs eager aes yoo Bare. Asma ‘cmmctn wth ie Sciylnraest all t b etn! o hae Sone fo Lander el scalyrcled by ‘tw ste raster ote by Berner wae nfo Pras. al my pst ote Property any nes the Property sl or waaered (rf Bonower ino ‘ral prem ml ell! ret Barer sl tater) wit Lends ror write emen, ender tay requreinmediae payne inf fall sme scared Wy this Scary stance. However is tonal abe exec ed by Lene such exerci ried by Appleable Le. Lender ees hs op, Lender ul pve Borover toe of scelerecn. The ote hl provide 1 pid fat eh 30 ey ea the the ne hen fnew Secon 15 win wh Brower must py al suns cud by this Ser Insumen If Borowe a py these sams ref be TISTREIT 2a, 5 15S ft flowing ors, selacted by Lander: (4 cath (meyer) cei eheck, bank chek, ress ‘heck or ule’ check, provided ey such check I ron upon w aston whose depts ae sre by & federal wg, insanely oF en oF (2) Eocene Panis a. Up testament by Borovets Sct areeat ei igus vcr bey sal ean uly eflecte ais scl had csr oweve, ssp ols shal nt ply ah cae of ee ration ue Son 18. 1 ‘Sele of Rote; Change of Loan Service; Nets of Grievance The Neo par tert a be Nowe ogee wi his Scary lsunet ca esol ene more nes withou pr nts Borer Ale igh reat a thane ln the ey (known athe “Lea Service) at oles Peri Pamct ster he owe sel ths Scary Insrumeat tnd performs other merigags oan sevcingoblaions under the Note, hs Secor Inrment and Apple Law. There ho might be one or mare cng of he Loan Servier ented {oasae ofthe Now. If hv iba chang oe Loe Servi, Barove il be ge wren nts oe Change ‘whch wil seh nae and des of te new Loan Service are to lich payment seal ere md Thy ter nermaon RESPA reguresf conaclon wooo taser f srg, If he Note ld ed ‘Berar he Lanny served bys Laan Servcr te thn he parce ofthe Nas, he morgage lun ng. thgans to Brower il ain wth the Lon Serr or be Wt ou sects Lown Serer nd toc tsuned by he No parce ules ervie povided by be Noe parce ‘Netter Berower nor Lender mip commen, join oe jolted 10 any juts! ation (miter an latvia ign rte meer of cha) Dat woes Gow te tc party's atoms pura Yo i Seary srt ota eps ta the ce pry as benched ey provision of, any Gury ed by reson of hs Scourty Insrumen, ail sch Barower or Leer has sed the othr party (with sich tee ven fo ompliaoce wit te reqemeats of Seca 1s) of sch aleged breach an alerted te oer party boro # ‘eons prod fe he giving of such ace ote const acon, I Apple Law provider tine prod ‘ich ct clap fre cvain ston can be in, te Prod wil be eee fo be escebl lr Pps [Tis pra. The note of weekaton sd oppor to ee ves lo Barve art o Section 27 tad {he noter of telerton given to Barower pura to Secon TS shall be deemed to shy he nace tod "oak came ata proviso ef is Scton 2. i. Hesardous Substance As und hs Sectn 21 (1)“Haradou Subrimce” se thone rbot eon atic o barrows tte pollo waste by Envicnmental Lavan he owing ess cling retin prom echt ici nd be lee, ‘Buwials couadning eben of frmalelyér, nc rece mates (9) "Enveomesal Ltn federal Tews od ins f he jrisicton Where he Property i loced ta ese fo beak sly or envionment ‘rocco (©) “Envicementl Cemoy” icles wry repose ace, remedial eon er remo acony (ted in Enviromental Law; wd (0) wn “Envrwmenal Cod” meses «coin tha can eae, ote (0, cr oberwswige on Exvroetl Cleap. Bonewer sal ot case‘ perm the premes, wt, ipo ergs, or Teles of any Harrdoat ‘Subetscey or ree oleae any Harr Sebanees oor in bx Property. Barove shal nt slow ‘joe ea fo do anything wecing tbe Prope (0th se iluBonfany Enema Lav, () wich ‘seats an Envesenetal Coden, (€) Which duet bh presence, aor eee of Hero Subeane, ‘Sens end tha adverse th ae of he Proper The ping two eee hl 90 10 {te ress, te, or sorage om he Property of small ques of Hiarous Subtest we geerly ‘meopaed 16 be ype to noma doeal ser Adio mnie the Property Cc nt ed, heradoa soba a ersune NTRP § A 5% NONUNIFORM COVENANTS. Reower so Lene fate covet sod ee flows: 22. Aeederation; Renedea Leader shall ge ote ta Borrower prot fo acekratn flowing Sorrever’s breach of any covenan agreement SeraryIntrament (but we pir to sceeration ‘ader Secon 18 eal Appcable Law proves thar) Tae note shall spe (0) te deat (0) he ‘ou require to ‘care the foe)» Gat, no oa au 30 ays Tom he date te nce given to Borwer by which the detent west be eared; and (0 that flare to eure the dealt ono before the date ‘pci athe wee may revel nnecseraion of he tus scared by tht Scary Testament orcorre yaaa proceeding and se of te Property. The ate shall further Inform Borrower of he righ fo ‘tnt afer aceerton sad the righ (amet Un he loreconreprocecding ine new ebtene of eal trany other dtenaeofBorrwer ta elerston aud freloare. Ifthe Ste snot cared on o before he ‘ate pci In the ste, Lander a ts opin may rei tmmedae payment i fell ofall ms scared by nd ny Torco the Secu Intent by Jaa oan No: 122907082 ms Tt arg SPER TODDS aa ro mv hme Caters me pew ommend YORE #2000 BHS BY SIGNING BELOW, Barower sce nd age othe ts nd covnints onto in this Seer Instrument daa Rider exected by Borower wal recoded wih ‘Sled sealed nd dtvere in the presence oft eZ : a and cha seed Irie se 0, Foor X Bite oxo FOOTY J WALSH TE pene onpion) Tea RS pane pats Ad 25ST, ES, (seu ek pero aeRO Pos Ofc Addo: cx Post Ofte Ads: ‘Loan No:_128807082. — —— a ee eS ES RTO ET aS HT LNSTRPENT #240084 RS myesaco seers seat ‘ come Masta — Te ang intranet ms oni tte mes (| 5 JB (ssyoy Cuts BELEN ane TOO 2 WE ON both single Irae teoren rots wtoisprnoaly howntone x viotsepotced — 9 L- Ieocfewrten a estes ‘Te arene Fenty a Macrae ROOM STREET Tm STAT Pim Guckanes sun ‘none et ‘NST 4 ana LEGAL DESCRIPTION 5S (Exhibit A) ors14s0s0 ‘THE NORTHERLY 80 FEET OF LOT SIX (6), BLOCK NINETY-ONE (91), G.E. FOSTER'S ADDITION TO HIGH SPRINGS, AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK “A* PAGE 6 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA. BEING THE SAME PREMISES AS CONVEYED IN DEED FROM HENRY E MOGLER AND DONNA L MOGLER RECORDED 1/9/2007 IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2353153 IN SAID COUNTY AND STATE. ‘Tax Id: 00822-002-000 NOTE JEMOTORL Sullivan Jamary 5, 2008 PRAIUE VILLAGE anes iste to) (ae) 525 mi om STR, HIGH SPRINGS, FL 32643 BORROWER'S PROMISE TO PAY Inet for sloas tt have recived, promietopey US.$ 119,000.00 (his amounts called “Principal” pla inte fo te ore ofthe Lender TheLenier INDINOC BANK, F.8.B., FEERALLY CHARTERED SAVING EAN 1 wil make al poyent and his Noein the 2 aNTaResr Interest willbe charged cn pei principal wa tefl snout of ria fa been pi. 1 wil ay intrest yertyricel 6.500 “Te incre ic ried by is Seton 2 the rae I wil py both fre andar ry eft deserted in ‘Section 8) fs Nae. 2 PAYMENTS. (8) Tine aad Place of Payments Til py Princip nd nee y making «pant every month, sil matey monty pommet on be Tet sy ofeach mont beiaingce March, 2008 1 wil make these peyments evr moot ti | hve pad al fhe Pcp ad teresa! an eer charges Gece ‘low Dut I may owe under tis Nowe. Each menhypeyent wil be applied aso ts sched de dt ad wil be ‘pled einer! before Praipl. Won February” 1, 2038 !sillowe amounts under his No, wi ‘Pay thee moun nil on hat de, wih i ealed hearty Date” ‘will make oy monty pomens at TNDMAC BANK, F.S.B., P.O. BOX 78826, PHOENIX, az 95062-0826 rata diferent place if required by he Note Holder. (©) Amonnt of Monthy Payments Ny monty payment wil bebe moat of US.§ 752.16 4. BORROWER'S RIGHT TO PREPAY ‘have the igh to ke payment f Principal t my tin before try ae dot. A pet of Pricipal only is ‘sowe aa Prepayment” Whee mate «Pepys {il el be Noe Holdin wring da am doing. Tay Dot designate a payeat as a Prepayment if have pot mae al be moethly pment de ender ibe Noe Tay make afl Prepyment or paral Pepyiens witout eying» Prepayment charge. The Net Hoke wil se my Prepare the snot oF Pripal hat Tove under ths Nt. However, be Nate Holder my app my Prepayment othe asred ad wpa inert oo the Prepayment anoas. befor sping ay Prepayment o rede te Principal emunt of he Nae Toke «pert repayment, he wll be bo changes othe Gate rt be onto ‘tony peyaea less be Noe Hole agrees in wing to tose change, Loan no 7 a ah Tana Moca Par FORM BSTROOENT “ne Coumaesoome ne ‘merits 5 LOANCHARGES fae, wich applet is loan and which sts mai loan care ly Intepeed 0th he interet o ster lon charges elle tt be alte in conetcn with than eke! he pit Tnitye: ay atoh Jean care shal be edad by the umcust nectar oreduce the charg oe peed i ed () ny sams ae called fra me which exseved permite Tin wil be refund to me. The Note Holder may choo oma his find by sedocng be Principal I owe unr hs Note o by making a ret pment fo me. I refed ees Picipl he ‘eductn willbe tele as patil Popeyes. & BORROWS FAILURETO PAY ASREQUIRED (A) Late Charge for Overdue Payments ie Note Bolder bs not receive the fll umount of ny notlypayret by the emdof 15 calendar dy ert dates Iw py ne caro he Noe Hole. The out o he care willbe 5-000 4 ‘my overdo payment of Picipl md ie py hi chars prompt ony ene on eck ne payment ‘@) Detut fda ot py tf amcat feck mot payment on the te iti de, wil be in ea, (© Noterot Dewat Nam in dee the Note Holder may send me x wren oie eling me hat oo pay te overt amount by acral ate, the Note Holder ay regu met pay mediey the fl aout of Pipl which has ot eo pid ‘2 athe terest hat Lome on that cant. That date tbe tnt 30 ay er he ate on Which ened med ‘ome ordelverel ty ober mews. (©) No Walver By Note Holder Event ane when a in defy tbe Note Holder dos ne reaue me o py mediately inl a esi above the Not Helder wil i have right od of am neta ater ie. () Payment of Note Holder's Cots and Expenses If the Nee Holler ha require me fo py immedi i al as deste above the Note Helder wil hve te Fah to be pal Oek by me fr al of cons and expenses enforcing Ds Note to the et nt probed by speabe Iw. Those expenses incl, for example, reasonable are es. 7. GIVINGOF NoriCES ples ppc ew require dle method ay nce ha ust be given ome under this Note wil be given by detvering tor by ling by cles mal ome a te Property Adis above rae leet avs i ghee ‘Not Holier nace of my dillon sress “Any etc tha tbe piven othe Nate Holder ade this Note wil be ven by delivering it or by mang iy ‘it etc al oe Note Hole te aes sed ia Seton MA) above or at eet aes iT am pie a oie ‘tat direst ese OBLIGATIONS OF PERSONS UNDER THIS NOTE fore than one prs sign his Nate, each pera lly and pero lp to agp al of be promises ‘mae inthis Note nlodig he prose o py he fll tow ved. Any parca who ls ura, eyo oars? of {Ss Nets ao olga oo thes things Any pen who es ovr hse elipatoniafing te eligatons of {urant,srty rendre fe Not alo sigue io eep ll of the ees made in is Note The Ne Holder ‘hay enforce nights undr this Nee aaa ech pore indy sai ll oF a toate. TBs ene ht ny ome ‘of say be equ ay of the sous owed ier his Noe, WAIVERS Tid any oer pron who bas olipatons under tis Noe waive the sighs of Presestment un Nace of Dison. “Prsetmen” mens he ih fo eu the te let dtd payor of amounts ve, “Note of Disbonr” meat tteap to eque he Nae Helder given to te perso ht unos do ave ot oe a 1. UNIFORM SECURED NOTE ‘Thi Notes uniform naramen wih ined variations some jraiions. tn ation othe rotons given {ote Note Holder under ths Nate, « Mote, Deed of Tras, o Security Deed (he “Seer Insrumes) aed sae ‘oan No: 128007082 EEE Tota fondant Sigh Fm Hoo hae ORM BTR em ORT Pipe carne ‘mete ae (SASSI dew his Note, protects he Note Holder om posite loses which might rat if 1 do nt hep the promises which ‘mae os Note. Tha Seer Insruneat describes Bow ad ner what eoodsions may be equred fo mak ned ‘spent fl ofall aoa Towe under hit Noe. Some of thee coins me extbd a allows 1a eran pat of he Property or any Inresiathe Property it slé or trae (or i Bomowet isnt uta person and beef rere i Borower i 0 o ane) boat ‘Lend’ pie writen coset Lender may equ nude paen nfl ofl seared y his Seer Isrueot_ However, is pon sal not be exered by Lender if oh exerci probed ‘by Aplcable Law. 1 Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borower soc of selon. The psi shat provie«pviod of ues thn 30 dys om the dat the oie given in acorn wit Secon 1S wit which Brower must py al sm secre by this Securty Instrument. f Boroer fs 0 py {bese sums poo othe expen of ts prod, Lender mony invoke ny rms peri by ths ‘Seay lsat win! uber aes or md ca Barone DOCUMENTARY TAX ‘The stat documentary tet d ons No has ben pad ca he mortgage securing tha debs 1 AND SEALS OF THE UNDERSIGNED, ox) os ae a2 a om =) eronpmioo) Py totheorkr oF Witntteone Rots e h emrcert beta ae on Ho 12807082 _ _ =e on ao

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