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Case Digests 1. This is a petition for review of the Order of the Minister of Labor in
Labor Case approving the private respondent's marketing scheme,
known as the "Complementary Distribution System", (CDS), and
1. San Miguel Brewery Sales v. Ople (Liz)
dismissing the petitioner labor union's complaint for unfair labor
February 8, 1989 | GRIÑO-AQUINO, J | Introduction: Management Prerogative
2. A collective bargaining was entered into by petitioner, San Miguel
PETITIONER: SAN MIGUEL BREWERY SALES FORCE UNION (PTGWO)1 Corporation Sales Force Union (PTGWO), and the private respondent,
RESPONDENT: HON. BLAS F. OPLE, as Minister of Labor and SAN San Miguel Corporation, Section 1, of Article IV of which provided as
a. "Art. IV, Section 1. Employees within the appropriate
SUMMARY: This is a petition for review of the Order of the Minister of Labor in
Labor Case approving the San Miguel Brewery Sales Force Union’ (PTWGO) s bargaining unit shall be entitled to a basic monthly
marketing scheme, known as the "Complementary Distribution System", (CDS), compensation plus commission based on their respective
and dismissing the petitioner labor union's complaint for unfair labor practice. A sales."
collective bargaining was entered into by petitioner, San Miguel Corporation Sales 3. In September 1979, the company introduced a marketing scheme
Force Union (PTGWO), and the private respondent, San Miguel Corporation, known as the "Complementary Distribution Systems" (CDS) whereby
Section 1, of Article IV of which provided as follows: "Art. IV, Section 1. its beer products were offered for sale directly to wholesalers through
Employees within the appropriate bargaining unit shall be entitled to a basic
San Miguel's sales offices.
monthly compensation plus commission based on their respective sales." In
September 1979, the company introduced a marketing scheme known as the
"Complementary Distribution Systems" (CDS) whereby its beer products were 4. The labor union (herein petitioner) filed a complaint for unfair labor
offered for sale directly to wholesalers through San Miguel's sales offices. The practice in the Ministry of Labor, with a notice of strike on the ground
labor union (herein petitioner) filed a complaint for unfair labor practice in the that the CDS was contrary to the existing marketing scheme whereby
Ministry of Labor, with a notice of strike on the ground that the CDS was contrary the Route Salesmen were assigned specific territories within which to
to the existing marketing scheme whereby the Route Salesmen were assigned sell their stocks of beer, and wholesalers had to buy beer products from
specific territories within which to sell their stocks of beer, and wholesalers had to
them, not from the company.
buy beer products from them, not from the company. It was alleged that the new
marketing scheme violates Section 1, Article IV of the collective bargaining 5. It was alleged that the new marketing scheme violates Section 1,
agreement because the introduction of the CDS would reduce the take-home pay Article IV of the collective bargaining agreement because the
of the salesmen and their truck helpers for the company would be unfairly introduction of the CDS would reduce the take-home pay of the
competing with them. I: Whether or not the Complementary Distribution Systems salesmen and their truck helpers for the company would be unfairly
should be upheld considering that the act was unilaterally made by the employer? competing with them.
DOCTRINE: So long as a company's management prerogatives are exercised in
good faith for the advancement of the employer's interest and not for the purpose ISSUE: Whether or not the Complementary Distribution Systems should be upheld
of defeating or circumventing the rights of the employees under special laws or considering that the act was unilaterally made by the employer? yes
under valid agreements, this Court will uphold them
RULING: WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari is dismissed for lack of merit.

1 Philippine Trade and General Workers' Organization (PTGWO) RATIO:


1. The CDS is a valid exercise of management prerogatives:

a. "Except as limited by special laws, an employer is free
regulate, according to his own discretion and judgment, all
aspects of employment, including hiring, work assignments,
working methods, time, place and manner of work, tools to be
used, processes to be followed, supervision of workers,
working regulations, transfer of employees, work supervision,
lay-off of workers and the discipline, dismissal and recall of
b. Every business enterprise endeavors to increase its profits. In
the process, it may adopt or devise means designed towards
that goal.
c. In Abott Laboratories vs. NLRC, The Court ruled: Even as the
law is solicitous of the welfare of the employees, it must also
protect the right of an employer to exercise what are clearly
management prerogatives. The free will of management to
conduct its own business affairs to achieve its purpose cannot
be denied."
d. So long as a company's management prerogatives are
exercised in good faith for the advancement of the employer's
interest and not for the purpose of defeating or circumventing
the rights of the employees under special laws or under valid
agreements, this Court will uphold them
San Miguel Corporation's offer to compensate the members of its sales force who
will be adversely affected by the implementation of the CDS, by paying them a so-
called "back adjustment commission" to make up for the commissions they might
lose as a result of the CDS, proves the company's good faith and lack of intention to
bust their union.


2. PT&T v. NLRC (KARA) 2. In one occurrence, she was asked to join as a probationary employee for a
May 23, 1997 | Regalado, J. | Management Prerogative – Discrimination against period of 150 days. She filled out a job application and indicated in the
married women portion of civil status that she was “SINGLE,” although she had contracted
marriage a few months earlier. In subsequent Reliever Agreements, she
COMPANY 3. When PT&T supposedly learned about the same, its branch supervisor sent
RESPONDENTS: NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION to De Guzman a memorandum requiring her to explain the discrepancy. In
and GRACE DE GUZMAN that memorandum, she was reminded about the company’s policy of not
accepting married women for employment. In her reply, De Guzman stated
SUMMARY: De Guzman was hired as a reliever, specifically a that she was not aware of such policy and that she did not deliberately
Supernumerary Project Worker, for a fixed period by PT&T. She was conceal her civil status.
asked to join as a probationary employee. However, in her application, she 4. Unconvinced, PT&T dismissed De Guzman. The latter countered by filing a
indicated SINGLE in the civil status even if she has contracted marriage a COMPLAINT FOR ILLEGAL DISMISSAL, coupled with a claim for non-
few months earlier. She was reminded about the company’s policy of not payment of cost of living allowances (COLA) before the Regional
accepting married women for employment. De Guzman stated that she Arbitration Branch of the NLRC. At the preliminary conference, De
was not aware of such policy and that she did not deliberately conceal her Guzman volunteered information that she had failed to remit a small some
civil status. Unconvinced, PT&T dismissed De Guzman. De Guzman filed of money of her collections. To remedy this, she executed a promissory note
a case for illegal dismissal. Whether or not PT&T’s company policy is in favor of PT&T.
discriminatory and runs afoul to the Labor Code? YES. An employer is 5. The Labor Arbiter ruled that De Guzman was a regular employee who was
free to regulate, according to his discretion and best business judgment, all illegally dismissed by PT&T. Her reinstatement, plus payment of back
aspects of employment, from hiring to firing, except in cases of unlawful wages and COLA were ordered. The NLRC upheld the Labor Arbiter’s
discrimination or those which may be provided by law. PT&T’s company decision and further ruled that De Guzman was the subject of an unjust and
policy is not only a derogation of the provisions of Article 136 of the unlawful discrimination by her employer.
Labor Code on the right of a woman to be free from any kind of ISSUE:
stipulation against marriage in connection with her employment, but it 1. Whether or not PT&T’s company policy is discriminatory and runs afoul to
likewise assaults good morals and public policy, tending as it does to the Labor Code and no less than the Constitution itself? – YES.
deprive a woman of the freedom to choose her status, a privilege that by
all accounts inheres in the individual as an intangible and inalienable right. HELD:
1. PT&T’s company policy is not only a derogation of the provisions of
DOCTRINE: Art. 136. Stipulation against marriage. — It shall be Article 136 of the Labor Code on the right of a woman to be free from any
unlawful for an employer to require as a condition of employment or kind of stipulation against marriage in connection with her employment, but
continuation of employment that a woman shall not get married, or to it likewise assaults good morals and public policy, tending as it does to
stipulate expressly or tacitly that upon getting married, a woman employee deprive a woman of the freedom to choose her status, a privilege that by all
shall be deemed resigned or separated, or to actually dismiss, discharge, accounts inheres in the individual as an intangible and inalienable right.
discriminate or otherwise prejudice a woman employee merely by reason 2. The Constitution and various laws recognize the protection to labor, security
of marriage. of tenure, the role of women and the assurance of equality of employment
opportunities. In fact, Article 136 of the Labor Code explicitly prohibits
FACTS: discrimination merely by reason of the marriage of a female employee.
1. De Guzman was hired as a reliever, specifically a Supernumerary Project 3. To fulfill this mandate, an employer is required, as a condition sine qua non
Worker, for a fixed period by PT&T. Under the Reliever Agreement, her prior to severance of the employment ties of an individual under his employ,
employment was to be immediately terminated upon expiration of the to convincingly establish, through substantial evidence, the existence of a
agreed period.


valid and just cause in dispensing with the services of such employee, labor
being regarded as constitutionally protected property.
4. On the other hand, it is recognized that regulation of manpower by the
company falls within the so-called management prerogatives, which
prescriptions encompass the matter of hiring, supervision of workers, work
assignments, working methods and assignments, as well as regulations on
the transfer of employees, lay-off of workers, and the discipline, dismissal,
and recall of employees. As put in a case, an employer is free to regulate,
according to his discretion and best business judgment, all aspects of
employment, from hiring to firing, except in cases of unlawful
discrimination or those which may be provided by law.
5. PT&T’s policy of not accepting or considering as disqualified from work
any woman worker who contracts marriage runs afoul of the test of, and the
right against, discrimination, afforded all women workers by our labor laws
and by no less than the Constitution. Contrary to PT&T’s assertion that it
dismissed De Guzman from employment on account of her dishonesty, the
record discloses clearly that her ties with the company were dissolved
principally because of the company’s policy that married women are
not qualified for employment in PT&T, and not merely because of her
supposed acts of dishonesty.


3. GOYA INC. v. GOYA UNION (STREEGAN) 3. The Company and the Union manifested before Voluntary Arbitrator (VA)
January 21, 2013 | Peralta, J. | Management Prerogative Bienvenido E. Laguesma that amicable settlement was no longer possible;
hence, they agreed to submit for resolution the solitary issue of "[w]hether
or not the Company is guilty of unfair labor acts in engaging the services of
PESO, a third party service provider".
4. The Union asserted that the hiring of contractual employees from PESO is
not a management prerogative and in gross violation of the CBA
SUMMARY: Goya (Company) hired contractual employees from PESO
tantamount to unfair labor practice (ULP). It noted that the contractual
to perform temporary and occasional services. Goya Union (Union) said
workers engaged have been assigned to work in positions previously
that this constitutes unfair labor practice which is in contravention with the
handled by regular workers and Union members, in effect violating Section
CBA. The Company argues that this is a management prerogative. VA
4, Article I of the CBA.
Laguesma dismissed the Unions charge of ULP for being purely
5. It was averred that the categories of employees had been a part of the CBA
speculative and for lacking in factual basis, but the Company was
since the 1970s and that due to this provision, a pool of casual employees
directed to observe and comply with its commitment under the CBA.
had been maintained by the Company from which it hired workers who then
CA dismissed the appeal of the Company.
became regular workers when urgently necessary to employ them for more
than a year. Likewise, the Company sometimes hired probationary
WoN Goya Inc's exercise of its management prerogative is valid. NO
employees who also later became regular workers after passing the
probationary period. With the hiring of contractual employees, the Union
contended that it would no longer have probationary and casual employees
DOCTRINE: To emphasize, declaring that a particular act falls within the
from which it could obtain additional Union members.
concept of management prerogative is significantly different from
a. Union moreover advanced that sustaining the Companys position
acknowledging that such act is a valid exercise thereof. What the VA and
would easily weaken and ultimately destroy the former with the
the CA correctly ruled was that the Companys act of contracting
latters resort to retrenchment and/or retirement of employees and
out/outsourcing is within the purview of management prerogative. Both
not filling up the vacant regular positions through the hiring of
did not say, however, that such act is a valid exercise thereof. Obviously,
contractual workers from PESO, and that a possible scenario could
this is due to the recognition that the CBA provisions agreed upon by the
also be created by the Company wherein it could "import" workers
Company and the Union delimit the free exercise of management
from PESO during an actual strike.
prerogative pertaining to the hiring of contractual employees. Indeed, the
6. VA Laguesma dismissed the Unions charge of ULP for being purely
VA opined that "the right of the management to outsource parts of its
speculative and for lacking in factual basis, but the Company was directed
operations is not totally eliminated but is merely limited by the CBA,"
to observe and comply with its commitment under the CBA.
while the CA held that "this management prerogative of contracting out
7. Union moved for partial reconsideration of the VA Decision,8the Company
services, however, is not without limitation.
immediately filed a petition for review before the Court of Appeals (CA)
under Rule 43 of the Revised Rules of Civil Procedure.
FACTS: 8. CA dismissed the petition.
1. Goya, Inc. (Company), a domestic corporation engaged in the manufacture, 9. Hence this petition in the SC.
importation, and wholesale of top quality food products, hired contractual
employees from PESO Resources Development Corporation (PESO) to
perform temporary and occasional services in its factory in Parang, ISSUE:
Marikina City. 1. WoN Goya Inc's exercise of its management prerogative is valid. NO
2. This prompted respondent Goya, Inc. Employees UnionFFW (Union) to
request for a grievance conference on the ground that the contractual HELD:
workers do not belong to the categories of employees stipulated in the 1. The Company kept on harping that both the VA and the CA conceded that its
existing Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). engagement of contractual workers from PESO was a valid exercise of

management prerogative. It is confused. To emphasize, declaring that a

particular act falls within the concept of management prerogative is
significantly different from acknowledging that such act is a valid exercise
thereof. What the VA and the CA correctly ruled was that the Companys act of
contracting out/outsourcing is within the purview of management prerogative.
Both did not say, however, that such act is a valid exercise thereof.
Obviously, this is due to the recognition that the CBA provisions agreed
upon by the Company and the Union delimit the free exercise of
management prerogative pertaining to the hiring of contractual
employees. Indeed, the VA opined that "the right of the management to
outsource parts of its operations is not totally eliminated but is merely limited
by the CBA," while the CA held that "this management prerogative of
contracting out services, however, is not without limitation. x x x These
categories of employees particularly with respect to casual employees serve as a
limitation to the Company's prerogative to outsource parts of its operations
especially when hiring contractual employees.
2. The collective bargaining agreement or CBA refers to the negotiated contract
between a legitimate labor organization and the employer concerning wages,
hours of work and all other terms and conditions of employment in a bargaining
unit. As in all contracts, the parties in a CBA may establish such stipulations,
clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem convenient provided these are
not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy. Thus,
where the CBA is clear and unambiguous, it becomes the law between the
parties and compliance therewith is mandated by the express policy of the
3. This case, Section 4, Article I (on categories of employees) of the CBA between
the Company and the Union must be read in conjunction with its Section 1,
Article III (on union security). Both are interconnected and must be given full
force and effect. Also, these provisions are clear and unambiguous. The terms
are explicit and the language of the CBA is not susceptible to any other
interpretation. Hence, the literal meaning should prevail. As repeatedly held, the
exercise of management prerogative is not unlimited; it is subject to the
limitations found in law, collective bargaining agreement or the general
principles of fair play and justice


4. National Sugar Refineries Corp. v. NLRC (Pat) judgment;

24 March 1993 | J. Regalado | When considered a managerial employee 3. They regularly and directly assist the managerial employee whose
primary duty consist of the management of a department of the
PETITIONER: National Sugar Refineries Corp. establishment in which they are employed
RESPONDENTS: NLRC and NBSR Supervisory Union, (PACIWU) TUCP 4. they execute, under general supervision, work along specialized or
technical lines requiring special training, experience, or knowledge; (5)
SUMMARY: they execute, under general supervision, special assignments and tasks;
The privatized Batangas refinery of NASUREFCO implemented a Job and
Evaluation program which resulted in the re-evaluation of the positions of the 5. they do not devote more than 20% of their hours worked in a work-
employees, including the Union members who were then granted salary week to activities which are not directly and clearly related to the
adjustments and increases in benefits commensurate to their actual duties and performance of their work hereinbefore described.
functions. 2 years after the JEP implementation, the Union members filed a
complaint for non-payment of overtime, rest day and holiday pay allegedly in FACTS:
violation of Article 100 of the Labor Code. Both LA and NLRC ruled in favor of 1. National Sugar Refineries Corporation (NASUREFCO) is a corporation
the Union members and held that they were not managerial employees based on fully owned and controlled by the Government. It operates 3 sugar
the definition found in Art. 212 (m) of the Labor Code. Hence this petition refineries in Bukidnon, Iloilo and Batangas. The Batangas refinery was
before the SC. privatized in 1992.
NASUREFCO argues that the Union members are considered managerial 2. The NBSR Supervisory Union (Union) represents the former supervisors of
employees under Art. 82 and Sec. 2, Rule I, Book III of the LC IRR, which the NASUREFCO Batangas Sugar Refinery.
should be the applicable Labor Code provision (in determining entitlement to the 3. In 1988, NASUREFCO implemented a Job Evaluation (JE) Program
payments claimed) and not Art. 212 (m). The SC held that the members of the affecting all employees, from rank-and-file to department heads. It was
union discharge duties and responsibilities which ineluctably qualify them as designed to rationalize the duties and functions of all positions, reestablish
officers or members of the managerial staff under Art. 82 and Sec. 2, Rule I, levels of responsibility, and recognize both wage and operational structures.
Book III of the LC IRR. The supervisory employees are under the direct Jobs were ranked according to effort, responsibility, training and working
supervision of their respective department superintendents and that generally conditions and relative worth of the job.
they assist the latter in planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling 4. As a result, all positions were re-evaluated, and all employees including the
communicating and in making decisions in attaining the company's set goals and members of the Union were granted salary adjustments and increases in
objectives. They are likewise responsible for the effective and efficient operation benefits commensurate to their actual duties and functions.
of their respective departments. Since they are managerial employees, they are 5. For about ten years prior to the JE Program, the members of the Union were
not entitled to the payments claimed. treated in the same manner as rank-and-file employees. As such, they used
to be paid overtime, rest day and holiday pay pursuant to the provisions of
DOCTRINE: Articles 87, 93 and 94 of the Labor Code as amended.
Employees with the following functions are qualified as officers or members of 6. The following are the adjustments made under the JEP:
the managerial staff: a. Union members were re-classified under levels S-5 to S-8 which
1. their primary duty consists of the performance of work directly related are considered managerial staff for purposes of compensation and
to management policies of their employer; benefits;
2. they customarily and regularly exercise discretion and independent


b. There was an increase in basic pay of the average of 50% of their RATIO:
basic pay prior to the JEP with the union members now enjoying a 1. Don’t use Art. 212(m)2 in defining managerial employees for this case. The
wide gap (P1,269.00 per month) in basic pay compared to the applicable provisions of law are found in Art. 82 3 of the Labor Code &
highest paid rank-and-file employee; Section 2, Rule I, Book III of the Rules to Implement the Labor Code.4
c. Longevity pay was increased on top of alignment adjustments;
d. They were entitled to increased company COLA of P225.00 per 2 Art. 212(m). "(m) 'Managerial employee' is one who is vested with powers or prerogatives
month; to lay down and execute management policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall,
discharged, assign or discipline employees.
e. There was a grant of P100.00 allowance for rest day/holiday work.
Supervisory employees are those who, in the interest of the employer effectively recommend
7. 2 years after the implementation of the JE Program, the Union members such managerial actions if the exercise of such authority is not merely routinary or clerical in
filed a complaint with the executive labor arbiter for non-payment of nature but requires the use of independent judgment. All employees not falling within any of
overtime, rest day and holiday pay allegedly in violation of Article 100 of those above definitions are considered rank-and-file employees of this Book."
the Labor Code.
3 Art. 82. Coverage. — The provisions of this title shall apply to employees in all
8. Labor Arbiter → ordered NASUREFCO to pay because establishments and undertakings whether for profit or not, but not to government employees,
a. The long span of time during which benefits were paid to the managerial employees, field personnel, members of the family of the employer who are
supervisors has ripened into a contractual obligation dependent on him for support, domestic helpers, persons in the personal service of another,
and workers who are paid by results as determined by the Secretary of Labor in Appropriate
b. Union cannot be estopped from questioning the validity of the new regulations.
compensation package despite the benefits received because the As used herein, 'managerial employees' refer to those whose primary duty
union was formed only a year after the JEP was implemented (and consists of the management of the establishment in which they are employed or of a
thus the supervisors were not able to express collective response) department or subdivision thereof, and to other officers or members of the managerial
9. NLRC → affirmed LA on the following grounds staff.
a. Union members are not managerial employees based on the
definition in Art. 212(m) of the Labor Code 4 Sec. 2. Exemption. — The provisions of this rule shall not apply to the following persons if
they qualify for exemption under the condition set forth herein:
b. The supervisory employees are merely exercising recommendatory xxx xxx xxx
powers subject to the evaluation, review and final action by their
department heads; their responsibilities do not require the exercise (b) Managerial employees, if they meet all of the following conditions, namely:
of discretion and independent judgment; they do not participate in (1) Their primary duty consists of the management of the establishment in which
the formulation of management policies nor in the hiring or firing they are employed or of a department or subdivision thereof:
of employees; and their main function is to carry out the ready (2) They customarily and regularly direct the work of two or more employees
policies and plans of the corporation.
(3) They have the authority to hire or fire other employees of lower rank; or their
10. Hence this petition before the SC. NASUREFCO argues that members of
suggestions and recommendations as to the hiring and firing and as to the
union are members of the managerial staff who are not entitled to overtime, promotion or any other change of status of other
rest day and holiday pay. employees are given particular weight.

ISSUES: (c) Officers or members of a managerial staff if they perform the following duties and
1. Whether the Union members, as supervisory employees, are to be responsibilities:
considered as officers or members of the managerial staff - YES (1) The primary duty consists of the performance of work directly related to
management policies of their employer;
(2) Customarily and regularly exercise discretion and independent judgment;

2. A cursory perusal of the Job Value Contribution Statements of the union 9. If the union members really wanted to continue receiving the benefits which
members will readily show that these supervisory employees are under attach to their former positions, there was nothing to prevent them from
the direct supervision of their respective department superintendents refusing to accept their promotions and their corresponding benefits.
and that generally they assist the latter in planning, organizing, 10. Promotion of its employees is one of the jurisprudentially-recognized
staffing, directing, controlling communicating and in making decisions exclusive prerogatives of management, provided it is done in good faith. In
in attaining the company's set goals and objectives. These supervisory the case at bar, the union has miserably failed to convince this Court that
employees are likewise responsible for the effective and efficient NASUREFCO acted in bad faith in implementing the JE Program. There is
operation of their respective departments. no showing that the JE Program was intended to circumvent the law and
3. It is apparent that the members of the union discharge duties and deprive the members of respondent union of the benefits they used to
responsibilities which ineluctably qualify them as officers or members of receive.
the managerial staff, as defined in Section 2, Rule I Book III of the
aforestated Rules to Implement the Labor Code. SEPARATE OPINIONS: None
4. The union members should be considered as officers and members of the
5. managerial staff and are, therefore, exempt from the coverage of Article 82.
Perforce, they are not entitled to overtime, rest day and holiday.
6. Prior to the JE Program, the union members, while being supervisors,
received benefits similar to the rank-and-file employees such as overtime,
rest day and holiday pay, simply because they were treated in the same
manner as rank-and-file employees, and their basic pay was nearly on the
same level as those of the latter, aside from the fact that their specific
functions and duties then as supervisors had not been properly defined and
delineated from those of the rank-and-file.
7. After the JE Program there was an ascent in position, rank and salary. This
in essence is a promotion which is defined as the advancement from one
position to another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as
authorized by law, and usually accompanied by an increase in salary.
8. With the promotion of the union members, they are no longer entitled to the
benefits which attach and pertain exclusively to their positions.

(3) (i) Regularly and directly assist a proprietor or a managerial employee whose
primary duty consists of the management of the establishment in which he is
employed or subdivision thereof; or (ii) execute under general supervision work
along specialized or technical lines requiring special training, experience, or
knowledge; or (iii) execute under general supervision special assignments and
tasks; and
(4) Who do not devote more than 20 percent of their hours worked in a work-week
to activities which are not directly and closely related to the performance of the work
described in paragraphs (1), (2), and above.

5. Peñarada v. Banaga (Sylina) or subdivision thereof; or (ii) execute under general

May 3, 2006 | Panganiban, CJ | Coverage - Exemption from labor standards supervision work along specialized or technical lines
provisions requiring special training, experience, or knowledge; or
PETITIONER: CHARLITO PEÑARANDA (iii) execute under general supervision special assignments
CHUA d. who do not devote more than 20 percent of their hours
worked in a workweek to activities which are not directly
and closely related to the performance of the work
SUMMARY: Peñaranda was hired as an employee of BPC to take charge of the described in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) above.
operations and maintenance of its steam plant boiler. Peñaranda filed a
Complaint for illegal dismissal with money claims against BPC and its general
manager, Hudson Chua, before the NLRC. BPC alleges that complainant’s FACTS:
separation from service was done pursuant to Art. 283 of the Labor Code. They 1. Charlito Peñaranda was hired as an employee of Baganga Plywood
were on temporary closure due to repair and general maintenance and it applied Corporation (BPC) to take charge of the operations and maintenance of its
for clearance with the DOLE to shut down and to dismiss employees. Further, steam plant boiler
they claim that being a managerial employee, Peñaranda is not entitled to 2. Peñaranda filed a Complaint for illegal dismissal with money claims against
overtime pay and if ever he rendered services beyond the normal hours of work, BPC and its general manager, Hudson Chua, before the NLRC.
there was no office order/or authorization for him to do so. The main issue is 3. They failed to settle amicably
WON Peñaranda is a regular employee entitled to the payment of 4. Peñaranda alleges that he was employed by respondent BPC on March 15,
OVERTIME PAY and OTHER MONETARY BENEFITS to which the 1999 with a monthly salary of P5K as Foreman/Boiler Head/Shift Engineer
Court held in the negative. Peñaranda was a member of the managerial staff. His until he was illegally terminated on December 19, 2000.
duties and responsibilities conform to the definition of a member of a managerial a. Peñaranda claims that his services were terminated without the
staff under the Implementing Rules. benefit of due process and valid grounds in accordance with law.
b. Furthermore, he was not paid his overtime pay, premium pay for
DOCTRINE:Article 82 of the Labor Code exempts managerial employees working during holidays/rest days, night shift differentials and
from the coverage of labor standards. Like managerial employees, officers finally claims for payment of damages and attorney’s fees having
and members of the managerial staff are not entitled to the provisions of been forced to litigate the present complaint.
law on labor standards. 5. BPC alleges that complainant’s separation from service was done pursuant
IRR of the Labor Code define members of a managerial staff as those with to Art. 283 of the Labor Code.
the following duties and responsibilities: a. They were on temporary closure due to repair and general
a. The primary duty consists of the performance of work maintenance and it applied for clearance with the DOLE to shut
directly related to management policies of the employer; down and to dismiss employees
b. Customarily and regularly exercise discretion and b. Peñaranda was paid separation benefits due to his insistence
independent judgment; c. When BPC reopened, Peñaranda didn’t reapply
c. (i) Regularly and directly assist a proprietor or a d. Peñaranda was not terminated from employment much less
managerial employee whose primary duty consists of the illegally. He opted to severe employment when he insisted
management of the establishment in which he is employed payment of his separation benefits.

e. Being a managerial employee, Peñaranda is not entitled to that point. The parties alleging have the burden of substantiating their
overtime pay and if ever he rendered services beyond the normal allegations.
hours of work, there was no office order/or authorization for him
to do so. WON Peñaranda is a regular employee entitled to the payment of OVERTIME
6. LA: no illegal dismissal PAY and OTHER MONETARY BENEFITS.
7. NLRC: deleted the award of overtime pay and premium pay for working on 6. Article 82 of the Labor Code exempts managerial employees from the
rest days. Peñaranda was not entitled to these awards because he was a coverage of labor standards.
managerial employee. 7. Labor standards provide the working conditions of employees, including
8. CA dismissed Peñaranda’s Petition for Certiorari as Peñaranda failed to: 1) entitlement to overtime pay and premium pay for working on rest days.
attach copies of the pleadings submitted before the labor arbiter and NLRC; 8. Under this provision, managerial employees are "those whose primary duty
and 2) explain why the filing and service of the Petition was not done by consists of the management of the establishment in which they are
personal service employed or of a department or subdivision.
ISSUES: 9. IRR of the Labor Code state that managerial employees are those who meet
1. WON NLRC committed GADALEJ when it entertained the APPEAL of the the following conditions:
respondent[s] despite the lapse of the mandatory period of TEN DAYS. NO a. Their primary duty consists of the management of the
2. WON Peñaranda is a regular employee entitled to the payment of establishment in which they are employed or of a department or
b. They customarily and regularly direct the work of two or more
RATIO: employees therein;
c. They have the authority to hire or fire other employees of lower
WON NLRC committed GADALEJ when it entertained the APPEAL of the rank; or their suggestions and recommendations as to the hiring
respondent[s] despite the lapse of the mandatory period of TEN DAYS. and firing and as to the promotion or any other change of status of
2. Court does not hesitate to grant liberality in favor of petitioner and to tackle other employees are given particular weight.
his substantive arguments in the present case. Rules of procedure must be 10. Peñaranda is not a managerial employee but a managerial staff, which
adopted to help promote, not frustrate, substantial justice. also takes him out of the coverage of the labor standard
3. The Court frowns upon the practice of dismissing cases purely on 11. Like managerial employees, officers and members of the managerial
procedural grounds. staff are not entitled to the provisions of law on labor standards.
4. Considering that there was substantial compliance, a liberal interpretation of 12. IRR of the Labor Code define members of a managerial staff as those
procedural rules in this labor case is more in keeping with the constitutional with the following duties and responsibilities:
mandate to secure social justice. a. The primary duty consists of the performance of work directly
5. Petitioner’s claim that respondents filed their appeal beyond the required related to management policies of the employer;
period is not substantiated. In the pleadings before us, petitioner fails to b. Customarily and regularly exercise discretion and independent
indicate when respondents received the Decision of the labor arbiter. judgment;
Neither did the petitioner attach a copy of the challenged appeal. Thus, this c. (i) Regularly and directly assist a proprietor or a managerial
Court has no means to determine from the records when the 10-day period employee whose primary duty consists of the management of
commenced and terminated. Since petitioner utterly failed to support his the establishment in which he is employed or subdivision
claim that respondents’ appeal was filed out of time, we need not belabor thereof; or (ii) execute under general supervision work along


specialized or technical lines requiring special training,

experience, or knowledge; or (iii) execute under general
supervision special assignments and tasks; and
d. who do not devote more than 20 percent of their hours worked
in a workweek to activities which are not directly and closely
related to the performance of the work described in
paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) above.
13. As shift engineer, petitioner’s duties and responsibilities were as follows:
a. To supply the required and continuous steam to all consuming
units at minimum cost.
b. To supervise, check and monitor manpower workmanship as well
as operation of boiler and accessories.
c. To evaluate performance of machinery and manpower.
d. To follow-up supply of waste and other materials for fuel.
e. To train new employees for effective and safety while working.
f. Recommend parts and supplies purchases.
g. To recommend personnel actions such as: promotion, or
disciplinary action.
h. To check water from the boiler, feedwater and softener, regenerate
softener if beyond hardness limit.
i. Implement Chemical Dosing.
j. Perform other task as required by the superior from time to time."
14. The foregoing enumeration, particularly items 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 illustrates that
Peñaranda was a member of the managerial staff. His duties and
responsibilities conform to the definition of a member of a managerial staff
under the Implementing Rules.
15. He supervised the engineering section of the steam plant boiler.
16. This work necessarily required the use of discretion and independent
judgment to ensure the proper functioning of the steam plant boiler. As
supervisor, petitioner is deemed a member of the managerial staff.


6. SAN MIGUEL v. DEMOCRATIC LABOR (Maye) b. For employees who work at night, he held that they should be
July 31, 1963 | Bautista Angelo, J.| Eight-Hour Labor Law application paid their corresponding salary differentials for work done at night
w/ the present qualification: 25% of their salary for those who
PETITIONER: San Miguel Brewery Inc work at 6pm-12am and 75% for those who work from 12:01-6am.
RESPONDENT: Democratic Labor Organization c. For work done during Sundays and holidays, employees must be
paid an additional compensation of 25% even if they had been paid
SUMMARY: Respondent Democratic Labor Assoc. filed a manifestation a compensation on monthly salary basis.
claiming for the following against petitioner SMB: overtime pay, night-shift d. The demands for the application of the Minimum Wage Law to
differential pay, attorney’s fees, separation pay, and sick and vacation leave workers paid on “pakiao” basis, payment of accumulated vacation
compensation. Judge Bautista ruled that those working outside the company’s and sick leave and other claims were dismissed or set aside.
premises are entitled to overtime compensation, hence, the Eight-Hour Labor 5. SMC filed this petition questioning the ruling that outside or field sales
Law applies to them. SMB filed this petition questioning Bautista’s ruling that personnel are entitled to the benefits of the Eight-Hour Labor Law.
outside or field sales personnel are entitled to the benefits of the Eight-Hour 6. SMC alleged the following facts:
Labor law. The issue is WoN the Eight-Hour Labor Law applies to respondent a. After the morning roll call, employees leave the plant to go on
workers. SC held no. The Eight-Hour Labor Law only applies to an employee their respective sales route (7 am or 8 am). They do not have a
who is paid on a monthly or daily basis. This law has no application to daily time record as they were never required to start earlier.
employees paid on a piece-work basis. CIR is wrong to apply the law to the b. The sales routes were planned in a way that they can be completed
piece-work employees. According to a 1957 DOLE ruling, field sales personnel within 8 hrs at most or within such number of hours.
receiving regular monthly salaries plus commission, are NOT subject to the c. The moment these outside or field employees leave the plant and
Eight-Hour Labor Law. while in their sales routes, they are on their own.
d. They receive monthly salaries and sales commissions, depending
DOCTRINE: The Eight-Hour Labor Law only applies to employees who are upon their individual efforts or industry. Besides the monthly
paid on a monthly or daily basis. Employees who are paid on a piece-work or salary, they are paid sales commission ranging from P30-109 a
commission basis are EXCLUDED. month.
7. SMB contends that since employees concerned are paid a commission on
FACTS: the sales they make outside of the required 8 hrs beside the fixed salary, the
1. January 1955, Democratic Labor Association (“union”) filed a complaint Court of Industrial Relations erred in ordering that they be paid an overtime
against the San Miguel Brewery (SMB) embodying 12 demands for the compensation as required by the Eight-Hour Labor Law. The commission
betterment of the conditions of employment of its members. they are paid already takes the place of such overtime compensation.
2. SMB filed its answer specifically denying its material averments. Asked for
the dismissal of the complaint. ISSUE: WoN the Eight Hour Labor Law is applicable to an employee or
3. September 1955 – The union manifested its desire to confine its claim to its laborer who is paid on piece-work, “pakiao”, or commission basis? NO.
demand for (1) overtime, (2) night-shift differential pay, (3) atty’s fees.
a. It was also allowed to present evidence on service rendered during RATIO:
Sundays and holidays or its claim for additional separation pay and 1. Overtime compensation is an additional pay for work or services rendered
sick and vacation leave. in excess of 8 hrs a day by an employee. If the employee is already given
4. Judge Bautista, who received the evidence, rendered decision: extra compensation (like commission) for excess labor, he is not covered by
a. For overtime compensation, he held that the provisions of the the law.
Eight-Hour Labor Law apply to the employees concerned for 2. The Eight-Hour Labor Law only has application where an employee or
those working in the field or engaged in the sale of the laborer is paid on a monthly or daily basis, or is paid a monthly or
company’s products outside its premises and consequently daily compensation. As such, if he is made to work beyond the requisite 8
should be paid extra compensation in addition to the monthly hours, he should be paid the additional compensation prescribed by law.
salary and commission earned, regardless of meal allowance given. 3. The law has no application when the employee or laborer is paid on a

piece-work, “pakiao”, or commission basis, regardless of the time a. General rule: This is MANDATORY, regardless of the nature of
employed. compensation.
a. Reason: His earnings in the form of commission is based on his b. Exception: Not mandatory on public utilities who perform some
gross receipts of the day. His participation depends upon his public service.
industry so that more hours → higher commission. In addition, he
is not subject to his employer’s personal supervision. WHEREFORE, the decision of the industrial court is MODIFIED:
4. In this case, the employees concerned are paid a fixed salary for their month ● The award with regard to extra work performed by those employed in the
of service, and sometimes they work in excess of the 8-hour period. For outside or field sales force is set aside.
their extra work, they are paid a COMMISSION, in lieu of the extra ● The rest of decision (pay for Sundays and holidays and the award for night
compensation to which they are entitled (See Fact 6d) salary differentials) is AFFIRMED.
5. Insofar as the extra work they perform, the union can be considered as
employees paid on piece work, “pakiao” or commission basis. This is in
accord with the DOLE Opinion, when it made a ruling to the effect that
field sales personnel receiving regular monthly salaries, plus
commission, are NOT subject to the Eight-Hour Labor Law.
6. Therefore, the industrial court erred in holding that the Eight-Hour Labor
Law applies to the employees composing the outside service force.

Re: Claim for night salary differentials: See fact 4b for ruling.
a. Industrial court found that claimants worked with SMB and
rendered night duties once every 3 weeks during the period of
employment and they were never given any additional
compensation aside from their monthly salaries. Company started
paying night differentials only in 1949. As such, it ordered the
payment of night differentials retroactively (Fact 4b)
7. SMB argument: an award for night shift differentials cannot be given
retroactive effect; can only be entertained from demand, which was 1953.
8. SC: It appears that before the filing of the petition concerning the claim for
night salary differentials, a similar one had already been filed long ago,
which had been the subject of negotiations between the union and the
company which culminated in a strike in 1952.

Re: Claim for pay for Sundays and holidays for service performed by some
who were watchmen and/or security guards.
a. SMB contends that these employees are not entitled to extra pay
for work done during these days because they are paid on a
monthly basis and are given one day off, which may take the place
of the work they may perform either on Sunday or any holiday.
9. SC: Disagree with this claim as it runs counter to law.
10. Commonwealth Act No. 444 expressly provides that no person, firm, or
corporation may compel an employee or laborer to work during Sundays
and legal holidays unless he is paid an additional sum of 25% of his regular

● 7. Auto Bus Transport v. Bautista (Pau)

the employer.
May 16, 2005 | Mendoza, J. | Hours of Work

PETITIONER: Autobus Transport Inc. 1. Respondent Antonio Bautista (Bautista) has been employed by Petitioner
RESPONDENT : Antonio Bautista Auto Bus Transport (Autobus) as driver-conductor since May 24, 1999.
Bautista was paid on commission basis, 7% of the gross income per travel,
on a twice a month basis.
2. On Jan, 3 2000, Bautista was driving along Sta Fe, Nueva Vizcaya when the
Antonio Bautista (Bautista) was employed by Autobus Transport (Autobus) as a
bus he was driving accidentally bumped the rear of Autobus No. 124, as the
driver-conductor. He was paid on a commission basis. Sometime in Jan 2000,
latter vehicle suddenly stopped at a sharp curve without giving any warning.
Bautista figured into an accident when he bumped the rear of another Autobus.
3. Bautista alleged that the accident happened because he was compelled by
After a month, Management terminated his services. Bautista filed a complaint for
management to go back to Roxas, Isabela, although he had not slept for
illegal dismissal + monetary claims.
almost 24 hours, as he had just arrived from Manila from Roxas, Isabela.
LA dismissed the complaint for illegal dismissal but granted Bautista service
Bautista also alleged that he was not allowed to work until he had fully paid
incentive leave pay for all the years he had been in service for Autobus. NLRC
the amount of 75k representing 30% of the repair cost of the damaged
affirmed and maintained the grant of service incentive leave pay.
buses. Despite repeated pleas for reconsideration, the same was ignored by
ISSUE: W/N Bautista is entitled to service incentive leave? - Yes
Service incentive leave has been delimited by the IRR of the Labor Code to apply
After a month, management sent him a letter of termination.
only to those employees not explicitly excluded by Section 1 of Rule V. Those
4. Bautista instituted a complaint for illegal dismissal with money claims.
classified as “field personnel” do not get service incentive leave. “Field personnel”
Autobus maintained that Bautista’s employment was replete with offenses
are those who regularly perform their duties away from the principal place of
involving reckless, imprudence, gross negligence, and dishonesty. Autobus
business of the employer and whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be
asserted that in exercise of its management prerogative, it terminated
determined with reasonable certainty.”
Bautista’s services only after he was provided with an opportunity to
It was found the both the LA & the NLRC That Autobus was able to properly
explain the Jan 3 incident.
supervise and keep track of the hours of work that Bautista would render by means
5. Labor Arbiter - Dismissed the complaint for illegal dismissal, but awarded
of Inspectors who would board the bus at strategic places, Dispatchers who
Bautista service incentive leave pay for all the years he had been in service
insured the prompt arrival and departure from designated stops, and routine
for Autobus.
checkups on the vehicle of Bautista.
NLRC - Affirmed the LA, also maintained the service incentive leave pay.
Bautista is not a “field personnel” but a regular employee.
(It didnt say this in the case but Im fairly (10%) sure that Autobus was
Doctrine: “Field personnel” are those who regularly perform their duties away
trying to argue that Bautista wasnt entitled to service incentive leave pay
from the principal place of business of the employer and whose actual hours of
since he was being paid on a commission basis)
work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty.
Thus, in order to conclude whether an employee is a field employee, it is also
1. W/N Bautista is entitled to service incentive leave - Ya
necessary to ascertain if actual hours of work in the field can be determined with
reasonable certainty by the employer. In so doing, an inquiry must be made as to
whether or not the employee’s time and performance are constantly supervised by
1. Labor Code Art. 95. Right to Service Incentive Leave

(a) Every employee who has rendered at least one year of conductor. They too, must be at specific place as [sic] specified
service shall be entitled to a yearly service incentive leave time, as they generally observe prompt departure and arrival
of five days with pay. from their point of origin to their point of destination. In each and
Book III, Rule V: Service Incentive Leave (IRR Labor Code) every depot, there is always the Dispatcher whose function is
Section 1. Coverage - This rule shall apply to employees except precisely to see to it that the bus and its crew leave the
(d) Field personnel and other employees whose performance is premises at specific times and arrive at the estimated proper
unsupervised by the employer including those who are engaged time. These, are present in the case at bar. The driver, the
on task or contract basis, purely commission basis, or those who complainant herein, was therefore under constant supervision
are paid in a fixed amount for performing work irrespective of the while in the performance of this work. He cannot be
time consumed in the performance thereof. considered a field personnel”
2. Service incentive leave has been delimited by the IRR of the Labor Code to 6. This Court agrees. Bautista is not a field personnel but a regular employee
apply only to those employees not explicitly excluded by Section 1 of who performs tasks usually necessary and desirable to the usual trade of
Rule V. Those classified as “field personnel” do not get service incentive Autobus’ business.
leave. “Other employees whose performance is unsupervised” serves as an (So yes, he is entitled to service incentive leave pay)
interpretation of “field personnel” under the labor code as those “whose
actual hours of work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable Bam supot
certainty.” WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is hereby DENIED. The
3. Autobus’ contention that Bautista is not entitled to service incentive leave assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP. No. 68395 is hereby
simply because he was paid on a purely commission basis is wrong. The AFFIRMED. No Costs
real question that needs to be determined is whether or not he is a “field ●
4. “Field personnel” are those who regularly perform their duties away from ●
the principal place of business of the employer and whose actual hours of
work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty.
Thus, in order to conclude whether an employee is a field employee, it is
also necessary to ascertain if actual hours of work in the field can be
determined with reasonable certainty by the employer. In so doing, an
inquiry must be made as to whether or not the employee’s time and
performance are constantly supervised by the employer.
5. As found the the Labor Arbiter & NLRC:
“... along the routes that are plied by these bus companies, there
are its inspectors assigned at strategic places who board the
bus and inspect the passengers, the punched tickets, and the
conductor’s reports. There is also the mandatory once-a-week
car barn or shop day, where the bus is regularly checked as to
its mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic aspects, whether or not
there are problems thereon as reported by the driver and/or


● 8. Mercidar Fishing Corp. v. NLRC (Mina) it has no way of verifying his actual hours of work on the vessel. It contends
that Agao and other fishermen in its employ should be classified as field
October 8, 1998 | Mendoza, J. | Working Condition: Coverage personnel who have no statutory right to service incentive leave pay. However,
SC provided in multiple jurisprudence that in deciding whether or not an
PETITIONERS: Mercidar Fishing Corporation, represented by its President employee's actual working hours in the field can be determined with reasonable
Domingo B. Naval certainty, query must be made as to whether or not such employee's time and
RESPONDENTS: National Labor Relations Commission and Fermin Agao, Jr. performance is constantly supervised by the employer. In the case at bar, during
the entire course of their fishing voyage, fishermen employed by Mercidar have
SUMMARY: Fermin Agao Jr., a bodegero/ship quarermaster, filed a complaint no choice but to remain on board its vessel. Although they perform non-
against Mercidar Fishing Corporation for illegal dismissal; and non-payment of agricultural work away from petitioner's business offices, the fact remains that
5-days service incentive leave. He claims that he was allowed to go on a one- throughout the duration of their work they are under the effective control and
month leave without pay because he was sick but when he resported back to supervision of Mercidar through the vessel's patron or master
work with a health clearance, he was told to come back another time as he could
not be reinstated immediately. Thereafter, Mercidar refused to give him work. DOCTRINE: ART. 82. Coverage. - The provisions of this Title [Working
For this reason, Agao asked for a certificate of employment from Mericdar. Conditions and Rest Periods] shall apply to employees in all establishments and
However, when he came back for the certificate, Mercidar refused to issue the undertakings whether for profit or not, but not to government employees, field
certificate unless he submitted his resignation. Since Agao refused to submit personnel, members of the family of the employer who are dependent on him
such letter unless he was given separation pay, Mercidar prevented him from for support, domestic helpers, persons in the personal service of another, and
entering the premises. Mercidar, on the other hand, alleged that it was Agao workers who are paid by results as determined by the Secretary of Labor in
who actually abandoned his work. It claimed that Agao failed to report for work appropriate regulations. . . . . . . . ...
after his leave had expired and was, in fact, absent without leave for three "Field personnel" shall refer to non-agricultural employees who regularly
months. It also claims that, nonetheless, it assigned Agao to another vessel, but perform their duties away from the principal place of business or branch office
he was left behind. Thereafter, Agao asked for a certificate of employment on of the employer and whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be
the pretext that he was applying to another fishing company but he refused to determined with reasonable certainty.
get the certificate and resign unless he was given separation pay. LA sided with
Agao. NLRC affirmed and denied Mercidar’s claim that it cannot be held liable FACTS:
for service incentive leave pay by fishermen in its employ as the latter 1. Fermin Agao Jr. filed a complaint against Mercidar Fishing Corporation for
supposedly are field personnel and thus not entitled to such pay under Article 82 illegal dismissal; and non-payment of 5-days service incentive leave for
of the Labor Code. 1990. Agao, a bodegero or ships quartermaster, complained that he had
Issue: WoN NLRC erred in sustaining the view that fishing crew members, been constructively dismissed by Mercidar when the latter refused him
like Agao, cannot be classified as field personnel under Article 82 or Labor assignments aboard its boats after he had reported to work
Code -- No. 2. Agao claims that he had been sick and thus allowed to go on leave without
Article 82 of the Labor Code provides: The provisions of this Title [Working pay for one month from April 28, 1990 but that when he reported to work at
Conditions and Rest Periods] shall apply to employees in all establishments and the end of such period with a health clearance, he was told to come back
undertakings whether for profit or not, but not to government employees, field another time as he could not be reinstated immediately. Thereafter,
personnel, members of the family of the employer who are dependent on him Mercidar refused to give him work.
for support, domestic helpers, persons in the personal service of another, and 3. For this reason, Agao asked for a certificate of employment from Mericdar.
workers who are paid by results as determined by the Secretary of Labor in However, when he came back for the certificate, Mercidar refused to issue
appropriate regulations. x x x "Field personnel" shall refer to non-agricultural the certificate unless he submitted his resignation. Since Agao refused to
employees who regularly perform their duties away from the principal place of submit such letter unless he was given separation pay, Mercidar prevented
business or branch office of the employer and whose actual hours of work in the him from entering the premises.
field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty.” Mercidar argues that 4. Mercidar, on the other hand, alleged that it was Agao who actually
since the work of Agao is performed away from its principal place of business, abandoned his work. It claimed that the latter failed to report for work after

his leave had expired and was, in fact, absent without leave for three months .... ... ...
until August 28, 1998. It also claims that, nonetheless, it assigned Agao to (e) Field personnel and other employees whose time and performance
another vessel, but he was left behind. Thereafter, Agao asked for a is unsupervised by the employer xxx
certificate of employment on the pretext that he was applying to another While contending that such rule added another element not found
fishing company but he refused to get the certificate and resign unless he in the law, the petitioner nevertheless attempted to show that its
was given separation pay. affected members are not covered by the abovementioned rule. The
5. LA: Agao to be reinstated and paid 13th month pay and incentive leave pay petitioner asserts that the company's sales personnel are strictly
6. NLRC: affirmed LA. The NLRC dismissed Mercidar’s claim that it cannot supervised as shown by the SOD (Supervisor of the Day) schedule and
be held liable for service incentive leave pay by fishermen in its employ as the company circular dated March 15, 1984
the latter supposedly are field personnel and thus not entitled to such pay Contrary to the contention of the petitioner, the Court finds that the
under Article 82 of the Labor Code. aforementioned rule did not add another element to the Labor Code
definition of field personnel. The clause "whose time and performance
ISSUE: is unsupervised by the employer" did not amplify but merely
1. WoN NLRC erred in sustaining the view that fishing crew members, interpreted and expounded the clause "whose actual hours of work in
like Agao, cannot be classified as field personnel under Article 82 or the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty." The former
Labor Code -- No. clause is still within the scope and purview of Article 82 which defines
field personnel. Hence, in deciding whether or not an employee's actual
RATIO: working hours in the field can be determined with reasonable certainty,
1. Article 82 of the Labor Code: query must be made as to whether or not such employee's time and
ART. 82. Coverage. - The provisions of this Title [Working Conditions and performance is constantly supervised by the employer
Rest Periods] shall apply to employees in all establishments and 4. Accordingly, it was held in the aforementioned case that salesmen of Nestle
undertakings whether for profit or not, but not to government employees, Philippines, Inc. were field personnel:
field personnel, members of the family of the employer who are dependent It is undisputed that these sales personnel start their field work at 8:00
on him for support, domestic helpers, persons in the personal service of a.m. after having reported to the office and come back to the office at
another, and workers who are paid by results as determined by the Secretary 4:00 p.m. or 4:30 p.m. if they are Makati-based.
of Labor in appropriate regulations. The petitioner maintains that the period between 8:00 a.m. to 4:00
.... ... ... or 4:30 p.m. comprises the sales personnel's working hours which can
"Field personnel" shall refer to non-agricultural employees who regularly be determined with reasonable certainty.
perform their duties away from the principal place of business or branch The Court does not agree. The law requires that the actual hours of
office of the employer and whose actual hours of work in the field cannot work in the field be reasonably ascertained. The company has no way
be determined with reasonable certainty. of determining whether or not these sales personnel, even if they report
2. Mercidar argues that since the work of Agao is performed away from its to the office before 8:00 a.m. prior to field work and come back at 4:30
principal place of business, it has no way of verifying his actual hours of p.m., really spend the hours in between in actual field work.
work on the vessel. It contends that Agao and other fishermen in its employ 5. In contrast, in the case at bar, during the entire course of their fishing
should be classified as field personnel who have no statutory right to service voyage, fishermen employed by Mercidar have no choice but to remain on
incentive leave pay. board its vessel. Although they perform non-agricultural work away from
3. In the case of Union of Filipro Employees (UFE) v. Vicar, SC explained the petitioner's business offices, the fact remains that throughout the duration of
meaning of the phrase “whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be their work they are under the effective control and supervision of Mercidar
determined with reasonable certainty in Art. 82 of the Labor Code," must be through the vessel's patron or master as the NLRC correctly held.
read in conjunction with Rule IV, Book III of the Implementing Rules
which provides:
Rule IV Holidays with Pay
Section 1. Coverage - This rule shall apply to all employees except:

9. Labor Congress of the Philippines vs NLRC (Jyn)

SUMMARY: The 99 persons named as petitioners in this proceeding were
21 May 1998| Davide, Jr., J. | Working Conditions – Coverage; “Pakyao” or Piece rank-and-file employees of respondent Empire Food Products, (Empire Food)
Workers and are members of Labor Congress of the Philippines (LCP). On Oct. 23, 1990,
petitioners represented by LCP, and private respondents Gonzalo and Evelyn
Kehyeng (Kehyeng spouses) entered into a Memorandum of Agreement,
PETITIONER: LABOR CONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES (LCP) for and recognizing the following:
in behalf of its members, ANA MARIE OCAMPO, MARY INTAL,
ANNABEL CARESO, MARLENE MELQIADES, IRENE JACINTO, NANCY · Status of LCP as sole and exclusive Bargaining Agent and
GARCIA, IMELDA SARMIENTO, LENITA VIRAY, GINA JACINTO, Representative for all rank and file employees of the Empire Food
ROSEMARIE DEL ROSARIO, CATHERINE ASPURNA, WINNIE PENA, Products regarding "wages, hours of work, and other terms and
MANALOTO, NORY VIRAY, ELIZA SALAZAR, GIGI MANALOTO, · With regard to the NLRC complaint, all parties agree to resolve the
JOSEFINA BASILIO, MARY ANN MAYATI, ZENAIDA GARCIA, MERLY issues during the Collective Bargaining Agreement;
GARCIA, ELVIRA PIEDRA, LOURDES PANLILIO, LUISA PANLILIO, · Proper adjustment of wages, withdrawal of case from the Calendar
LERIZA PANLILIO, ALMA CASTRO, ALDA DAVID, MYRA T. OLALIA, of NLRC, no Harassment, Threats, Interferences of their respective
MARIFE PINLAC, NENITA DE GUZMAN, JULIE GACAD, EVELYN rights under the law, no Vengeance or Revenge by each partner nor
MANALO, NORA PATIO, JANETH CARREON, ROWENA MENDOZA, any act of ULP which might disrupt the operations of the business
SALOMON, JOYDEE LANSANGAN, REMEDIOS AGUAS, JEANIE On January 23, 1991, LCP filed a complaint against Empire Food for:
BERNADETH RALAR, LOLITA ESPIRITU, AGNES SALAS, VIRGINIA 1. Unfair Labor Practice by way of Illegal Lockout and/or Dismissal;
CORA PATIO, ANTONIA CALMA, AGNES CARESO, GEMMA BONUS, 2. Union busting thru Harassments [sic], threats, and interfering with
MARITESS OCAMPO, LIBERTY GELISANGA, JANETH MANARANG, the rights of employees to self-organization;
PEREZ, LOIDA BIE, ROSITA CANLAS, ANALIZA ESGUERRA, LAILA 3. Violation of the Memorandum of Agreement dated October 23,
EMELITA CAYANAN, MERCY CAYANAN, LUZVIMINDA CAYANAN, 4. Underpayment of Wages in violation of R.A. No. 6640 and R.A.
ANABEL MANALO, SONIA DIZON, ERNA CANLAS, MARIAN No. 6727, such as Wages promulgated by the Regional Wage Board;
ANGELA CANLAS Labor Arbiter Ariel C. Santos absolved private respondents of the charges of
unfair labor practice, union busting, violation of the memorandum of agreement,
RESPONDENTS: NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, underpayment of wages and denied petitioners’ prayer for actual, moral and
EMPIRE FOOD PRODUCTS, its Proprietor/President & Manager, MR. exemplary damages. Labor Arbiter Santos, however, directed the reinstatement
GONZALO KEHYENG and MRS. EVELYN KEHYENG of the individual complainants. NLRC vacated LA’s decision and remanded the


case back to LA due to overlooking “…the testimonies of some of the

individual complainants which are now on record.” LA promulgated a decision DOCTRINE: Although piece-rate workers, the following are the factors that
stating that: lead to the conclusion that such workers are regular employees, and therefore
entitled to such benefits:
· Complainants failed to present with definiteness and clarity the
particular act or acts constitutive of unfair labor practice. 1.) The nature of the tasks of the workers is necessary in the
usual business of the company
· Declaration of ULP connotes a finding of prima facie evidence of
probability that a criminal offense may have been committed so as to 2.) Workers worked throughout the year, with their
warrant the filing of a criminal information before the regular court. employment not dependent on the specific project or season

· As regards the issue of harassment, threats and interference with the 3.) Length of time (more than a year)
rights of employees to self-organization which is actually an ingredient
of unfair labor practice, complainants failed to specify what type of ART. 82. Coverage. - The provisions of this Title shall apply to employees in
threats or intimidation was committed and who committed the same. all establishments and undertakings whether for profit or not, but not to
government employees, managerial employees, field personnel, members of the
NLRC affirmed. LCP raised the issue that just because they are piece family of the employer who are dependent on him for support, domestic helpers,
workers does not imply that they are not regular employees entitled for persons in the personal service of another, and workers who are paid by results
reinstatement, holiday pay and 13th month pay. The issue is whether or not as determined by the Secretary of Laborin appropriate regulations.
the LCP, being piece workers are exemp from labor standard benefits. The
Court in Applying the two-fold test from LC Article 286(n) [Art. 280 (old)], the As used herein, "managerial employees" refer to those whose primary duty
SC found that the supposedly piece workers had three factors in their favor: consists of the management of the establishment in which they are employed or
of a department or subdivision thereof, and to other officers or members of the
a) The nature of the tasks of Ana Marie, et al of repacking snack food items managerial staff.
was NECESSARY and DESIRABLE in the usual business of Empire Foods,
which is a food and fruit processing company. According to Tabas vs Section 8 (b), Rule IV, Book III, piece workers are specifically mentioned as
California Manufacturing, merchandisers of processed food who coordinates being entitled to holiday pay.
for sales of processed food was a necessity and was desirable for the day-to-day
operations of a food processing company. With more reason would the job of Sec. 8. Holiday pay of certain employees.
food packers be necessary for the day-to-day operations of a food processing
plant. Where a covered employee is paid by results or output, such
as payment on piece work, his holiday pay shall not be less than his
b) Ana Marie et al worked throughout the year, with their employment being average daily earnings for the last seven (7) actual working days
independent from a specific project or season. preceding the regular holiday: Provided, however, that in no case
shall the holiday pay be less than the applicable statutory minimum
c) The length of time that petitioners fulfilled the requirement of Article wage rate.

Therefore, the SC considered the employees as regular employees despite their

status as piece workers, according them benefits such as holiday pay, premium FACTS:
pay, 13th month pay and service incentive leave
1. The 99 persons (Ana Marie Ocampo, Mary Intal, et al) as private petitioners in the


proceeding (represented by the Labor Congress of the Phils.) were rank-and-file · Underpayment of wages
employees of private respondent Empire Food Products (a food and fruit processing
company), hired on various dates. · Actual, moral and exemplary damages

2. Ana Marie et filed against Empire an NLRC complaint for payment of money Labor Arbiter:
claims and for violation of labor standards laws. Alongside this they also filed a
petition for direct certification for the Labor Congress to be their bargaining · Absolved Empire for ULP, union busting, violation of the memorandum of
representative. On Oct. 23, 1990, petitioners represented by LCP, and private agreement, underpayment of wages and denied petitioners' prayer for actual, moral
respondents Gonzalo and Evelyn Kehyeng (Kehyeng spouses) entered into a and exemplary damages.
Memorandum of Agreement, recognizing the following:
· Denied prayer for actual, moral and exemplary damages

· Directed reinstatement of complainants, due to the fact that Empire did not keep
· Status of LCP as sole and exclusive Bargaining Agent and its payroll records as per requirement of the DOLE. Admonition to Empire given as
Representative for all rank and file employees of the Empire Food Products well re: further harassment and intimidation.
regarding "wages, hours of work, and other terms and conditions of
employment"; NLRC:

· With regard to the NLRC complaint, all parties agree to resolve the · Remanded case to Labor Arbiter for further proceedings due to overlooking “…
issues during the Collective Bargaining Agreement; the testimonies of some of the individual complainants which are now on record”.

· Proper adjustment of wages, withdrawal of case from the Calendar

of NLRC, no Harassment, Threats, Interferences of their respective rights
under the law, no Vengeance or Revenge by each partner nor any act of Labor Arbiter (after the case was remanded back to him):
ULP which might disrupt the operations of the business
· Complainants failed to present with definiteness and clarity the particular act or
acts constitutive of unfair labor practice.

3. On Oct. 24, 1990, the Mediator Arbiter approved the memorandum and certified · Declaration of ULP connotes a finding of prima facie evidence of probability that
LCP as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for the rank-and-file employees of a criminal offense may have been committed so as to warrant the filing of a criminal
Empire. information before the regular court.

4. On November 1990, LCP President Navarro submitted to Empire a proposal for · As regards the issue of harassment, threats and interference with the rights of
collective bargaining. However, on January 1991, the private petitioners Ana Marie employees to self-organization which is actually an ingredient of unfair labor
et al filed a complaint for: practice, complainants failed to specify what type of threats or intimidation was
committed and who committed the same.
· Unfair Labor Practices via Illegal Lockout and Dismissal;
· Union-Busting through harassment, threats and interference to the right for self-
organization; · Affirmed decision of LA.

· Violation of the Oct. 23, 1990 memorandum Petitioners’s arguments:


· The fact that they are piece workers does not imply that they are not regular c. The length of time that petitioners fulfilled the requirement of
employees entitled for reinstatement. Article 286(n).

· LA and NLRC decisions were not supported by substantial evidence; 2. Therefore, the SC considered the employees as regular employees despite their
status as piece workers, according them benefits such as holiday pay, premium pay,
· Abandonment of work was not proved by substantial evidence; 13th month pay and service incentive leave.

· Much credit given to the Kehyeng spouses’ self-serving arguments. 3. The Rules Implementing the Labor Code exclude certain employees from
receiving benefits such as nighttime pay, holiday pay, service incentive leave and
ISSUES: 13th month pay, inter alia, "field personnel and other employees whose time and
performance is unsupervised by the employer, including those who are engaged on
1. [RELEVANT] WON LCP members are entitled to labor standard benefits, task or contract basis, purely commission basis, or those who are paid a fixed
considering their status as piece rate workers. YES, LCP members are entitled to amount for performing work irrespective of the time consumed in the performance
labor standards benefits, namely, holiday pay, premium pay, 13 th month pay and thereof." However, petitioners as piece-rate workers do not fall within this group.
service incentive leave. Not only did the employees labor under the control of Empire, the employees also
worked throughout the year to fulfil their quota as “basis for compensation”.

Further, in Section 8 (b), Rule IV, Book III, piece workers are specifically
2. WON the actions of LCP members constituted abandonment of work. NO, mentioned as being entitled to holiday pay.
failure to appear to work did not constitute abandonment
Sec. 8. Holiday pay of certain employees.
(b) Where a covered employee is paid by results or output, such as
Entitlement to Labor Standard Benefits payment on piece work, his holiday pay shall not be less than his average
daily earnings for the last seven (7) actual working days preceding the
1. Supreme Court decision cites that Ana Marie, et al, despite being “pakyao” or regular holiday: Provided, however, that in no case shall the holiday pay
piece workers does not imply that they are not regular employees entitled to be less than the applicable statutory minimum wage rate.
reinstatement. Applying the two-fold test from LC Article 286(n) [Art. 280 (old)],
the SC found that the supposedly piece workers had three factors in their favor: In addition, the Revised Guidelines on the Implementation of the 13th Month
Pay Law, in view of the modifications to P.D. No. 851 19 by Memorandum
a. The nature of the tasks of Ana Marie, et al of repacking snack food Order No. 28, clearly exclude the employer of piece rate workers from those
items was NECESSARY and DESIRABLE in the usual business of exempted from paying 13th month pay, to wit:
Empire Foods, which is a food and fruit processing company.
According to Tabas vs California Manufacturing, merchandisers of
processed food who coordinates for sales of processed food was a
necessity and was desirable for the day-to-day operations of a food EXEMPTED EMPLOYERS - The following employers are still
processing company. With more reason would the job of food packers not covered by P.D. No. 851:
be necessary for the day-to-day operations of a food processing plant.
Employers of those who are paid on purely commission,
b. Ana Marie et al (LCP members) worked throughout the year, with boundary or task basis, and those who are paid a fixed amount for
their employment being independent from a specific project or season. performing specific work, irrespective of the time consumed in the
performance thereof, except where the workers are paid on piece-


rate basis in which case the employer shall grant the required 13th Also, the SC considered that, in terminating the employees for abandonment of
month pay to such workers. work, Empire failed to serve to the employees a written notice of termination (as
required by the Two-Notice rule and Section 2, Rule XIV, Book V of the Omnibus
However, the Revised Guidelines as well as the Rules and Regulations identify those Rules), violating the employees’ right to security of tenure and the constitutional
workers who fall under the piece-rate category as those who are paid a standard right to due process.
amount for every piece or unit of work produced that is more or less regularly
replicated, without regard to the time spent in producing the same.

They should also be paid for overtime pay, even though Sec. 2(e), Rule I, Book III
of the Implementing Rules states that:

“…workers who are paid by results including those who are paid on piece-
work, takay, pakiao, or task basis, if their output rates are in accordance
with the standards prescribed under Sec. 8, Rule VII, Book III, of these
regulations, or where such rates have been fixed by the Secretary of Labor
in accordance with the aforesaid section, are not entitled to receive overtime

In this case, Empire Foods did not allege that they adhered to the standards set forth
in Sec. 8, Rule VII, Book III, nor with the rates prescribed by the Secretary of Labor.
Therefore, even though they are piece workers, they are entitled to overtime pay.

Abandonment of Work

1. With regard to the issue of abandonment of work, the SC cited the Office of
Solicitor General’s observations:

In finding that petitioner employees abandoned their work, the Labor

Arbiter and the NLRC relied on the testimony of Security Guard Rolando
Cairo that on January 21, 1991, petitioners refused to work. As a result of
their failure to work, the cheese curls ready for repacking on said date were

… The failure to work for one day, which resulted in the spoilage of cheese
curls does not amount to abandonment of work. In fact two (2) days after
the reported abandonment of work or on January 23, 1991, petitioners filed
a complaint for, among others, unfair labor practice, illegal lockout and/or
illegal dismissal.

2. Furthermore, the SC stressed that the burden of proving the existence of just cause
for dismissing an employee, such as abandonment, rests on the employer. According
to the SC, Empire Foods failed to discharge this burden as basis for dismissing the


10. DAVID v. MACASIO (tin) one of employment or independent contractorship. "Pakyaw" or task basis is simply a
2 Jul. 2014 | Brion, J. | Coverage - “pakyaw” or task basis method of pay computation. Employing the control test, we find that such a
relationship exists in the present case.
PETITIONER: ARIEL L. DAVID, doing business under the name and style
"YIELS HOG DEALER" (2) Whether Macasio is entitled to holiday, SIL and 13th month pay. -- YES to
RESPONDENTS: JOHN G. MACASIO holiday and SIL pay; NO to 13th month pay. To resolve the issue on whether
Macasio is entitled to overtime pay, holiday pay, and 13th month pay, the Court re-
SUMMARY: Macasio filed before the LA a complaint against petitioner Ariel L. visited the provisions governing Service Incentive Leave (SIL) and holiday pay. (SC
David -- doing business under the name and style "Yiels Hog Dealer," -- for non- gave a very long discussion on this [Ratio 11-22], but the bottomline is:) the
payment of overtime pay, holiday pay, and 13th month pay. Macasio alleged before payment of an employee on task or pakyaw basis alone is insufficient to exclude
the LA that David: (1) set the work day, reporting time and hogs to be chopped, as one from the coverage of SIL and holiday pay. They are exempted from the
well as the manner by which he was to perform his work; (2) daily paid his salary of coverage only if they qualify as "field personnel." In determining whether workers
₱700.00, and (3) approved and disapproved his leaves. In his defense, David claimed engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis" is entitled to holiday and SIL pay, the presence
that he hired Macasio as a butcher/chopper merely on “pakyaw” or task basis, 5 i.e. (or absence) of employer supervision as regards the worker’s time and performance
that Macasio: (1) usually starts his work at 10:00 p.m. and ends at 2:00 a.m. of the is the key. If the worker is simply engaged on pakyaw or task basis, then the general
following day or earlier, depending on the volume of the delivered hogs; (2) received rule is that he is entitled to a holiday pay and SIL pay unless exempted from the
the fixed amount of ₱700.00 per engagement, regardless of the actual number of exceptions specifically provided under Article 94 (holiday pay) and Article 95 (SIL
hours that he spent chopping the delivered hogs; and (3) was not engaged to report pay) of the Labor Code. In this case, Macasio does not fall under the classification of
for work and, accordingly, did not receive any fee when no hogs were delivered. "field personnel." He regularly performed his duties at David’s principal place of
Thus, Macasio is not entitled to overtime pay, holiday pay, and 13th month pay. business; his actual hours of work could be determined with reasonable certainty; and
David supervised his time and performance of duties. Since Macasio cannot be
LA dismissed Macasio’s complaint for lack of merit. Upon appeal to the NLRC, the considered a "field personnel," then he is not exempted from the grant of holiday,
same was denied. CA reversed. Hence, this petition. In this petition, David asserts SIL pay even as he was engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis.
that Macasio’s engagement was on a "pakyaw" or task basis. Hence, the latter is
excluded from the coverage of holiday, SIL and 13th month pay. Also, he posits that With respect to the 13th month pay, Macasio is not entitled to receive such. Section 3
because he engaged Macasio on "pakyaw" or task basis then no employer-employee (e) of the IRR P.D. No. 85154 (governing law of 13th month pay) provides that
relationship exists between them. "employers of those who are paid on xxx task basis, and those who are paid a fixed
(1) Whether an employer-employee relationship exists between David and amount for performing a specific work, irrespective of the time consumed in the
Macasio. -- YES. The existence of employment relationship between the parties is performance thereof" are exempted.
determined by applying the "four-fold" test. Engagement on "pakyaw" or task basis
does not characterize the relationship that may exist between the parties, i.e., whether DOCTRINE: In determining whether workers engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis"
is entitled to holiday and SIL pay, the presence (or absence) of employer supervision
5 A distinguishing characteristic of "pakyaw" or task basis engagement, as opposed to straight-hour wage as regards the worker’s time and performance is the key. If the worker is simply
payment, is the non-consideration of the time spent in working. engaged on pakyaw or task basis, then the general rule is that he is entitled to a
● In a task-basis work, the emphasis is on the task itself, in the sense that payment is reckoned in
terms of completion of the work, not in terms of the number of time spent in the completion of
holiday pay and SIL pay unless exempted from the exceptions specifically provided
work. under Article 94 (holiday pay) and Article 95 (SIL pay) of the Labor Code.
● Once the work or task is completed, the worker receives a fixed amount as wage, without
regard to the standard measurements of time generally used in pay computation.

1. In January 2009, Macasio filed before the LA a complaint against petitioner 5. LA dismissed Macasio’s complaint for lack of merit.
Ariel L. David -- doing business under the name and style "Yiels Hog a. The LA gave credence to David’s claim that he engaged Macasio
Dealer," -- for non-payment of overtime pay, holiday pay and 13th month on "pakyaw" or task basis. The LA noted the following facts to
pay. He also claimed payment for moral and exemplary damages and support this finding: (1) Macasio received the fixed amount of
attorney’s fees. Macasio also claimed payment for service incentive leave ₱700.00 for every work done, regardless of the number of hours
(SIL). that he spent in completing the task and of the volume or number
2. Macasio alleged before the LA that: of hogs that he had to chop per engagement; (2) Macasio usually
a. he had been working as a butcher for David since January 6, 1995. worked for only four hours, beginning from 10:00 p.m. up to 2:00
b. David exercised effective control and supervision over his work, a.m. of the following day; and (3) the ₱700.00 fixed wage far
pointing out that David: (1) set the work day, reporting time and exceeds the then prevailing daily minimum wage of ₱382.00.
hogs to be chopped, as well as the manner by which he was to b. The LA added that the nature of David’s business as hog dealer
perform his work; (2) daily paid his salary of ₱700.00, which was supports this "pakyaw" or task basis arrangement.
increased from ₱600.00 in 2007, ₱500.00 in 2006 and ₱400.00 in c. The LA concluded that as Macasio was engaged on "pakyaw" or
2005; and (3) approved and disapproved his leaves. task basis, he is not entitled to overtime, holiday, SIL and 13th
c. David owned the hogs delivered for chopping, as well as the work month pay.
tools and implements; the latter also rented the workplace. 6. The NLRC affirmed LA's ruling.
d. David employs about twenty-five (25) butchers and delivery 7. CA partly granted Macasio’s certiorari petition and reversed the NLRC’s
drivers. ruling for having been rendered with grave abuse of discretion. While the
3. In his defense, David claimed that: CA agreed with the LA and the NLRC that Macasio was a task basis
a. he started his hog dealer business in 2005 and that he only has ten employee, it nevertheless found Macasio entitled to his monetary claims
employees. following the doctrine laid down in Serrano v. Severino Santos Transit.
b. he hired Macasio as a butcher or chopper on "pakyaw" or task a. The CA explained that as a task basis employee, Macasio is
basis who is, therefore, not entitled to overtime pay, holiday pay excluded from the coverage of holiday, SIL and 13th month pay
and 13th month pay pursuant to the provisions of the Implementing only if he is likewise a "field personnel."
Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Labor Code. b. As defined by the Labor Code, a "field personnel" is one who
c. Macasio: (1) usually starts his work at 10:00 p.m. and ends at 2:00 performs the work away from the office or place of work and
a.m. of the following day or earlier, depending on the volume of whose regular work hours cannot be determined with reasonable
the delivered hogs; (2) received the fixed amount of ₱700.00 per certainty.
engagement, regardless of the actual number of hours that he spent c. In Macasio’s case, the elements that characterize a "field
chopping the delivered hogs; and (3) was not engaged to report for personnel" are evidently lacking as he had been working as a
work and, accordingly, did not receive any fee when no hogs were butcher at David’s "Yiels Hog Dealer" business in Sta. Mesa,
delivered. Manila under David’s supervision and control, and for a fixed
4. David claims that Macasio was not his employee as he hired the latter on working schedule that starts at 10:00 p.m.
"pakyaw" or task basis. He also claimed that he issued the Certificate of d. Accordingly, the CA awarded Macasio’s claim for holiday, SIL
Employment, upon Macasio’s request, only for overseas employment and 13th month pay for three years, with 10% attorney’s fees on


the total monetary award. The CA, however, denied Macasio’s expressed in terms of money, whether fixed or ascertained on a
claim for moral and exemplary damages for lack of basis. time, task, piece, or commission basis, or other method of
8. David then filed this petition. calculating the same, which is payable by an employer to an
a. David maintains that Macasio’s engagement was on a "pakyaw" or employee under a written or unwritten contract of employment for
task basis. Hence, the latter is excluded from the coverage of work done or to be done, or for services rendered or to be
holiday, SIL and 13th month pay. rendered[.]"
b. He adds that he never had any control over the manner by which b. In relation to Article 97(6), Article 101 of the Labor Code speaks
Macasio performed his work and he simply looked on to the "end- of workers paid by results or those whose pay is calculated in
result." terms of the quantity or quality of their work output which includes
c. He also contends that he never compelled Macasio to report for "pakyaw" work and other non-time work.
work and that under their arrangement, Macasio was at liberty to 4. We find his claim that no employer-employee relationship exists baseless.
choose whether to report for work or not as other butchers could Employing the control test, we find that such a relationship exists in the
carry out his tasks. present case.
d. In as much as Macasio is a task basis employee – who is paid the 5. To determine the existence of an employer-employee relationship, four
fixed amount of ₱700.00 per engagement regardless of the time elements generally need to be considered, namely: (1) the selection and
consumed in the performance – David argues that Macasio is not engagement of the employee; (2) the payment of wages; (3) the power of
entitled to the benefits he claims. dismissal; and (4) the power to control the employee’s conduct. These
e. Also, he posits that because he engaged Macasio on "pakyaw" or elements or indicators comprise the so-called "four-fold" test of
task basis then no employer-employee relationship exists between employment relationship. Macasio’s relationship with David satisfies this
them. test.

ISSUES: Whether Macasio is entitled to holiday, SIL, and 13th month pay. Macasio is engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis
YES to holiday and SIL pay; NO to 13th month pay. 6. At this point, we note that all three tribunals – the LA, the NLRC and the
CA – found that Macasio was engaged or paid on "pakyaw" or task basis.
RATIO: This factual finding binds the Court under the rule that factual findings of
1. In insisting before this Court that Macasio was not his employee, David labor tribunals when supported by the established facts and in accord with
argues that he engaged the latter on "pakyaw" or task basis. Very the laws, especially when affirmed by the CA, is binding on this Court.
noticeably, David confuses engagement on "pakyaw" or task basis with the
lack of employment relationship. Impliedly, David asserts that their 7. A distinguishing characteristic of "pakyaw" or task basis engagement, as
"pakyawan" or task basis arrangement negates the existence of employment opposed to straight-hour wage payment, is the non-consideration of the time
relationship. spent in working.
2. At the outset, we reject this assertion of the petitioner. a. In a task-basis work, the emphasis is on the task itself, in the sense
3. Engagement on "pakyaw" or task basis does not characterize the that payment is reckoned in terms of completion of the work, not
relationship that may exist between the parties, i.e., whether one of in terms of the number of time spent in the completion of work.
employment or independent contractorship. b. Once the work or task is completed, the worker receives a fixed
a. Article 97(6) of the Labor Code defines wages as "xxx the amount as wage, without regard to the standard measurements of
remuneration or earnings, however designated, capable of being time generally used in pay computation.


12. Under Article 82, "field personnel" on one hand and "workers who are paid
8. In Macasio’s case, the established facts show that he would usually start his by results" on the other hand, are not covered by the Title I provisions.
work at 10:00 p.m. Thereafter, regardless of the total hours that he spent at a. The wordings of Article 82 of the Labor Code additionally
the workplace or of the total number of the hogs assigned to him for categorize workers "paid by results" and "field personnel" as
chopping, Macasio would receive the fixed amount of ₱700.00 once he had separate and distinct types of employees who are exempted from
completed his task. Clearly, these circumstances show a "pakyaw" or task the Title I provisions of the Labor Code.
basis engagement that all three tribunals uniformly found.
9. In sum, the existence of employment relationship between the parties is 13. The pertinent portion of Article 94 of the Labor Code and its corresponding
determined by applying the "four-fold" test. Engagement on "pakyaw" or provision in the IRR reads:
task basis does not determine the parties’ relationship as it is simply a
method of pay computation. Accordingly, Macasio is David’s employee, Art. 94. Right to holiday pay. (a) Every worker shall be paid his regular
albeit engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis. daily wage during regular holidays, except in retail and service
10. As an employee of David paid on pakyaw or task basis, we now go to the establishments regularly employing less than (10) workers[.]
core issue of whether Macasio is entitled to holiday, 13th month, and SIL Xxx
pay. To resolve these issues, we need to re-visit the provisions involved.
SECTION 1. Coverage. – This Rule shall apply to all employees except:
Provisions governing SIL and holiday pay
11. Article 82 of the Labor Code provides the exclusions from the coverage of (e)Field personnel and other employees whose time and performance is
Title I, Book III of the Labor Code - provisions governing working unsupervised by the employer including those who are engaged on task or
conditions and rest periods. contract basis, purely commission basis, or those who are paid a fixed
amount for performing work irrespective of the time consumed in the
Art. 82. Coverage.— The provisions of [Title I] shall apply to employees in performance thereof.
all establishments and undertakings whether for profit or not, but not to
government employees, managerial employees, field personnel, members of 14. On the other hand, Article 95 of the Labor Code and its corresponding
the family of the employer who are dependent on him for support, domestic provision in the IRR pertinently provides:
helpers, persons in the personal service of another, and workers who are
paid by results as determined by the Secretary of Labor in appropriate Art. 95. Right to service incentive.
regulations. (a) Every employee who has rendered at least one year of service shall be
entitled to a yearly service incentive leave of five days with pay.
xxx (b) This provision shall not apply to those who are already enjoying the
benefit herein provided, those enjoying vacation leave with pay of at least
"Field personnel" shall refer to non-agricultural employees who regularly five days and those employed in establishments regularly employing less
perform their duties away from the principal place of business or branch than ten employees or in establishments exempted from granting this benefit
office of the employer and whose actual hours of work in the field cannot by the Secretary of Labor and Employment after considering the viability or
be determined with reasonable certainty. financial condition of such establishment.
15. Under these provisions, the general rule is that holiday and SIL pay
provisions cover all employees. To be excluded from their coverage, an


employee must be one of those that these provisions expressly exempt, 19. In short, the payment of an employee on task or pakyaw basis alone is
strictly in accordance with the exemption. insufficient to exclude one from the coverage of SIL and holiday pay.
a. Under the IRR, exemption from the coverage of holiday and SIL a. They are exempted from the coverage of Title I (including the
pay refer to "field personnel and other employees whose time and holiday and SIL pay) only if they qualify as "field personnel."
performance is unsupervised by the employer including those who b. The IRR therefore validly qualifies and limits the general
are engaged on task or contract basis[.]" exclusion of "workers paid by results" found in Article 82 from the
b. Note that unlike Article 82 of the Labor Code, the IRR on holiday coverage of holiday and SIL pay.
and SIL pay do not exclude employees "engaged on task basis" as c. This is the only reasonable interpretation since the determination
a separate and distinct category from employees classified as "field of excluded workers who are paid by results from the coverage of
personnel." Rather, these employees are altogether merged into Title I is "determined by the Secretary of Labor in appropriate
one classification of exempted employees. regulations."

16. Because of this difference, it may be argued that the Labor Code may be 20. The Cebu Institute Technology ruling was reiterated in 2005 in Auto Bus
interpreted to mean that those who are engaged on task basis, per se, are Transport Systems, Inc., v. Bautista: ‘According to the Implementing Rules,
excluded from the SIL and holiday payment since this is what the Labor Service Incentive Leave shall not apply to employees classified as "field
Code provisions, in contrast with the IRR, strongly suggest. The arguable personnel." The phrase "other employees whose performance is
interpretation of this rule may be conceded to be within the discretion unsupervised by the employer" must not be understood as a separate
granted to the LA and NLRC as the quasi-judicial bodies with expertise on classification of employees to which service incentive leave shall not be
labor matters. granted. Rather, it serves as an amplification of the interpretation of the
definition of field personnel under the Labor Code as those "whose actual
17. However, as early as 1987 in the case of Cebu Institute of Technology v. hours of work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty."’
Ople the phrase "those who are engaged on task or contract basis" in the
rule has already been interpreted to mean as follows: 21. The Autobus ruling was in turn the basis of Serrano v. Santos Transit which
the CA cited in support of granting Macasio’s petition.
‘[the phrase] should however, be related with "field personnel" applying the
rule on ejusdem generis that general and unlimited terms are restrained and 22. In contrast and in clear departure from settled case law, the LA and the
limited by the particular terms that they follow xxx Clearly, petitioner's NLRC still interpreted the Labor Code provisions and the IRR as exempting
teaching personnel cannot be deemed field personnel which refers "to non- an employee from the coverage of Title I of the Labor Code based simply
agricultural employees who regularly perform their duties away from the and solely on the mode of payment of an employee.
principal place of business or branch office of the employer and whose a. The NLRC’s utter disregard of this consistent jurisprudential ruling
actual hours of work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable is a clear act of grave abuse of discretion.
certainty.’ b. In other words, by dismissing Macasio’s complaint without
considering whether Macasio was a "field personnel" or not, the
18. Petitioner's claim that private respondents are not entitled to the service NLRC proceeded based on a significantly incomplete
incentive leave benefit cannot therefore be sustained. consideration of the case. This action clearly smacks of grave
abuse of discretion.


23. In short, in determining whether workers engaged on "pakyaw" or task specific work, irrespective of the time consumed in the
basis" is entitled to holiday and SIL pay, the presence (or absence) of performance thereof" are exempted.
employer supervision as regards the worker’s time and performance is the
key: if the worker is simply engaged on pakyaw or task basis, then the 31. Note that unlike the IRR of the Labor Code on holiday and SIL pay, Section
general rule is that he is entitled to a holiday pay and SIL pay unless 3(e) of the Rules and Regulations Implementing PD No. 851 exempts
exempted from the exceptions specifically provided under Article 94 employees "paid on task basis" without any reference to "field personnel."
(holiday pay) and Article 95 (SIL pay) of the Labor Code. a. This could only mean that insofar as payment of the 13th month
a. However, if the worker engaged on pakyaw or task basis also falls pay is concerned, the law did not intend to qualify the exemption
within the meaning of "field personnel" under the law, then he is from its coverage with the requirement that the task worker be a
not entitled to these monetary benefits. "field personnel" at the same time.

Macasio does not fall under the classification of "field personnel" 32. WHEREFORE, in light of these considerations, we hereby PARTIALLY
24. Macasio regularly performed his duties at David’s principal place of GRANT the petition insofar as the payment of 13th month pay to
business; respondent is concerned. In all other aspects, we AFFIRM the decision
25. Second, his actual hours of work could be determined with reasonable dated November 22, 2010 and the resolution dated January 31, 2011 of the
certainty; and, Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 116003.
26. Third, David supervised his time and performance of duties. Since Macasio
cannot be considered a "field personnel," then he is not exempted from the SEPARATE OPINIONS: --
grant of holiday, SIL pay even as he was engaged on "pakyaw" or task CONCURRING: --
27. Not being a "field personnel," we find the CA to be legally correct when it
reversed the NLRC’s ruling dismissing Macasio’s complaint for holiday
and SIL pay for having been rendered with grave abuse of discretion.

Entitlement to 13th month pay

28. With respect to the payment of 13th month pay however, we find that the
CA legally erred in finding that the NLRC gravely abused its discretion in
denying this benefit to Macasio.
29. The governing law on 13th month pay is PD No. 851.53
30. As with holiday and SIL pay, 13th month pay benefits generally cover all
employees; an employee must be one of those expressly enumerated to be
exempted. Section 3 of the Rules and Regulations Implementing P.D. No.
85154 enumerates the exemptions from the coverage of 13th month pay
a. Under Section 3(e), "employers of those who are paid on xxx task
basis, and those who are paid a fixed amount for performing a


11. Apex Mining Company, Inc. v. NLRC (Patrick) DOCTRINE: The mere fact that the househelper or domestic servant is working
April 22, 1991 | Ponente | Working Condition – Coverage, househelper in the staff within the premises of the business of the employer and in relation to or in
houses of an industrial company is a regular employee of the firm connection with its business, as in its staffhouses for its guest or even for its
officers and employees, warrants the conclusion that such househelper or
PETITIONER: APEX MINING COMPANY, INC domestic servant is and should be considered as a regular employee of the
RESPONDENTS: NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION and employer and not as a mere family househelper or domestic servant as
SINCLITICA CANDIDO contemplated in Rule XIII, Sec. l(b), Book 3 of Labor Code, as amended.

SUMMARY: Candido was employed by Apex Mining Company, Inc. on May FACTS:
18, 1973 to perform laundry services at its staff house located at, Davao del 1. Sinclitica Candido (CANDIDO) was employed by Apex Mining Company,
Norte. While she was attending to her assigned task and she was hanging her Inc. (APEX) on May 18, 1973 to perform laundry services at its staff house
laundry, she accidentally slipped and hit her back on a stone. She reported the located at Masara, Maco, Davao del Norte. She was paid on a piece rate
accident to her immediate supervisor de la Rosa and to the personnel officer, which was changed to a monthly basis at P250.00 a month which was
Asirit. As a result of the accident she was not able to continue with her work. ultimately increased to P575.00 a month.
She was permitted to go on leave for medication. De la Rosa offered her the
amount of P2,000.00 which was increased to P5,000.00 to persuade her to quit 2. On December 18, 1987, while she was attending to her assigned task and
her job, but she refused the offer and preferred to return to work. APEX did not she was hanging her laundry, she accidentally slipped and hit her back on a
allow her to return to work and dismissed her. CANDIDO filed a request for stone. She reported the accident to her immediate supervisor Mila de la
assistance with the DOLE. The labor rendered a decision ordering APEX to pay Rosa and to the personnel officer, Florendo D. Asirit. As a result of the
a total of P55,161.42. APEX appealed to National Labor Relations Commission accident she was not able to continue with her work. She was permitted to
(NLRC), but dismissed the appeal for lack of merit and affirming the appealed go on leave for medication. De la Rosa offered her the amount of P2,000.00
decision. A motion for reconsideration was denied in a resolution of the NLRC. which was eventually increased to P5,000.00 to persuade her to quit her job,
but she refused the offer and preferred to return to work. APEX did not
ISSUE: WON the househelper in the staff houses of an industrial company is a allow her to return to work and dismissed her.
regular employee of the said firm? – YES, they are Regular employees, not
domestic servant as defined in RULE XIII Sec. 1(b) of Labor Code. 3. On March 11, 1988, CANDIDO filed a request for assistance with the
Department of Labor and Employment. The labor rendered a decision
HELD: While it may be true that the nature of the work of a househelper, ordering APEX to pay Salary Differential — P16,289.20, Emergency
domestic servant or laundrywoman in a home or in a company staffhouse may Living Allowance — 12,430.00, 13th Month Pay Differential — 1,322.32,
be similar in nature, the difference in their circumstances is that in the former Separation Pay (One-month for every year of service [1973-1988]) —
instance they are actually serving the family while in the latter case, whether it is 25,119.30 or in the total of P55,161.42.
a corporation or a single proprietorship engaged in business or industry or any
other agricultural or similar pursuit, service is being rendered in the staffhouses 4. APEX appealed to National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), but
or within the premises of the business of the employer. In such instance, they are dismissed the appeal for lack of merit and affirming the appealed decision.
employees of the company or employer in the business concerned entitled to the A motion for reconsideration was denied in a resolution of the NLRC.
privileges of a regular employee.

1. WON the househelper in the staff houses of an industrial company is a family while in the latter case, whether it is a corporation or a single
regular employee of the said firm? – YES, they are Regular employees, proprietorship engaged in business or industry or any other
not domestic servant as defined under RULE XIII Sec. 1(b) of Labor agricultural or similar pursuit, service is being rendered in the
Code staffhouses or within the premises of the business of the employer. In
such instance, they are employees of the company or employer in the
RULING: Petition is DISMISSED and the appealed decision and resolution of business concerned entitled to the privileges of a regular employee.
NLRC are hereby AFFIRMED
5. The mere fact that the househelper or domestic servant is working
RATIO: within the premises of the business of the employer and in relation to or
1. Rule XIII, Section 1(b), Book 3 of the Labor Code, as amended, the terms in connection with its business, as in its staffhouses for its guest or even
"househelper" or "domestic servant" are defined as follows: "The term for its officers and employees, warrants the conclusion that such
‘househelper’ as used herein is synonymous to the term ‘domestic servant’ househelper or domestic servant is and should be considered as a
and shall refer to any person, whether male or female, who renders services regular employee of the employer and not as a mere family househelper
in and about the employer’s home and which services are usually necessary or domestic servant as contemplated in Rule XIII, Sec. l(b), Book 3 of
or desirable for the maintenance and enjoyment thereof, and ministers Labor Code, as amended.
exclusively to the personal comfort and enjoyment of the employer’s
family." 6. APEX denies having illegally dismissed private respondent and maintains
that respondent abandoned her work. This argument notwithstanding, there
2. The definition clearly contemplates such househelper or domestic is enough evidence to show that because of an accident which took place
servant who is employed in the employer’s home to minister exclusively while CANDIDO was performing her laundry services, she was not able to
to the personal comfort and enjoyment of the employer’s family. Such work and was ultimately separated from the service. She is, therefore,
definition covers family drivers, domestic servants, laundry women, yayas, entitled to appropriate relief as a regular employee of APEX. CANDIDO
gardeners, houseboys and other similar househelps. appears not to be interested in returning to her work for valid reasons, the
payment of separation pay to her is in order.
3. The definition cannot be interpreted to include househelp or laundry
women working in staffhouses of a company, like petitioner who
attends to the needs of the company’s guest and other persons availing SEPARATE OPINIONS: NONE
of said facilities. By the same token, it cannot be considered to extend to CONCURRING:
the driver, houseboy, or gardener exclusively working in the company, the
staffhouses and its premises. They may not be considered as within the
meaning of a "househelper" or "domestic servant" as above-defined by law.

4. The criteria is the personal comfort and enjoyment of the family of the
employer in the home of said employer. While it may be true that the nature
of the work of a househelper, domestic servant or laundrywoman in a home
or in a company staffhouse may be similar in nature, the difference in their
circumstances is that in the former instance they are actually serving the


12. Manila Terminal Co. v. CIR (Gp) consent of the State. MTCI filed an MR. MTRMAA also filed an MR in so far
July 16, 1952 | Paras, CJ. | Hours of Work as its other demands were dismissed.

PETITIONER: Manila Terminal Company, Inc. In a separate decisive opinion, Judge Lanting concurred in the dismissal of other
RESPONDENTS: The Court of Industrial Relations and Manila Terminal demands of MTRMAA. With respect to OT compensation, Judge Lanting
Relief and Mutual Aid Association Ruled: “Decision under review should be affirmed in so far as it grants
compensation for OT on regular; as to the compensation for work on Sundays
SUMMARY: and legal holidays, MTCI should pay to its watchmen the compensation that
corresponds to the OT at the regular rate only, that is, without additional
On Sept. 1, 1945, Manila Terminal Company, Inc. (MTCI) undertook arrastre amount; the watchmen are not entitled to night differential pay for past services,
service in some of the piers in Manila’s Port Area at the request and under the and therefore the decision should be revered with respect thereto.”
control of the US Army. MTCI hired some 30 men as watchmen on 12-hour
shifts at a compensation of P3/day for the day shift; P6/pay for the night shift. The issue in this case is whether MTCI is liable to pay the OT compensation of
MTCI began the postwar operation of arrastre service at the request and under its watchmen.
the control of the Bureau of Customs (BOC), by virtue of a contract entered into
with the PH gov’t. The Court answered in the affirmative. The important point stressed by MTCI is
that the contract between it and MTRMAA upon the commencement of the
The watchmen of MTCI continued in the service with a number of substitution employment of its watchmen was to effect that the latter were to work 12-hours
and additions, their salaries having been raised during the month of Feb. to a day at certain rates of pay, including OT compensation. Record does not bear
P4/day for the day shift and P6.25/day for the night shift. Jimenez, a member of out these allegations. MTCI has relied merely on the facts that its watchmen had
the Manila Terminal Relief and Mutual Aid Association (MTRMAA), sent a worked on 12-hours shifts at specific wages per day and the no complaint was
letter to the Department of Labor, requesting that the matter of overtime pay be made about the matter until on March 28, 1947 and April 29, 1947.
investigated, but nothing was done by the Department. Cruz and five other
employees, also members of MTRMAA, filed a 5-point demand with the As said in Floyd, “A contract of employment, which provides for a weekly
Department of Labor, including overtime pay, but the Department again failed wage for a specified number of hours, sufficient to cover both the statutory
to do anything about the matter. Then, MTCI instituted the system of strict 8- minimum wage and OT compensation, if computed on the basis of the statutory
hour shifts. minimum, and which makes no provision for a fixed hourly rate or that the
weekly wage includes overtime compensation, does not meet the requirements
MTRMAA filed an amended petition with the CIR praying, among others, that of the Act." Moreover, after MTCI had instituted the strict 8-hour shifts, no
MTCI be ordered to pay to its watchmen or police force overtime pay from the reduction was made in the salaries which its watchmen received under the 12-
commencement of their employment. Judge Jimenez of CIR, in his decision, hour arrangement.
while dismissing other demands of MTRMAA for lack of jurisdiction, ordered As admitted by MTCI, “when the members of the MTRMAA were placed on
MTCI to pay to its police force. With reference to the pay for OT service after strict 8-hour shifts, the lowest salary of all the members of MTRMAA was
the watchmen had been integrated into the MHP, Judge Yanson ruled that the P165 a month, or P5.50 daily, for both day and night shifts." Although it may be
court has no jurisdiction because it affects the BOC, an instrumentality of the argued that the salary for the night shift was somewhat lessened, the fact that
gov’t having no independent personality and which cannot be sued without the the rate for the day shift was increased in a sense tends to militate against the


contention that the salaries given during the 12-hour shifts included OT 1. On Sept. 1, 1945, Manila Terminal Company, Inc. (MTCI) undertook
compensation. MTCI’s allegation that MTRMAA had acquiesced in the 12- arrastre service in some of the piers in Manila’s Port Area at the request and
hour shift for more than 18 months, is not accurate, because the watchmen under the control of the US Army.
involved in this case did not enter the service of MTCI on Sept. 1, 1945. 2. MTCI hired some 30 men as watchmen on 12-hour shifts at a compensation
of P3/day for the day shift; P6/pay for the night shift
3. On Feb. 1, 1946, MTCI began the postwar operation of arrastre service at
As Judge Lanting found, "only one of them entered the service of the company
the request and under the control of the Bureau of Customs (BOC), by
on said date, very few during the rest of said month, some during the rest of that
virtue of a contract entered into with the PH gov’t
year (1945) and in 1946, and very many in 1947, 1948 and 1949." MTRMAA
4. The watchmen of MTCI continued in the service with a number of
cannot be said to have impliedly waived the right to OT compensation, for the
substitution and additions, their salaries having been raised during the
obvious reason that they could not have expressly waived it. The principle of
month of Feb. to P4/day for the day shift and P6.25/day for the night shift
estoppel and laches cannot well be invoked against the MTRMAA for the
5. Jimenez, a member of the Manila Terminal Relief and Mutual Aid
following reasons: (a) it would be contrary to the spirit of the 8-Hour Labor
Association (MTRMAA), sent a letter to the Department of Labor,
Law, under which, as already seen, the laborers cannot waive their right to extra
requesting that the matter of overtime pay be investigated, but nothing was
compensation; (b) the law principally obligates the employer to observe it, so
done by the Department
much so that it punishes the employer for its violation and leaves the employee
6. Cruz and five other employees, also members of MTRMAA, filed a 5-point
or laborer free and blameless; and (c) the employee or laborer is in such a
demand with the Department of Labor, including overtime pay, but the
disadvantageous position as to be naturally reluctant or even apprehensive in
Department again failed to do anything about the matter
asserting any claim which may cause the employer to devise a way for
7. MTCI instituted the system of strict 8-hour shifts
exercising his right to terminate the employment. If the principle of estoppel
8. Then, the Manila Port Terminal Police Association, not registered in
and laches is to be applied, it may bring about a situation, whereby the
accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 213, filed a
employee or laborer, who cannot expressly renounce their right to extra
petition with CIR
compensation under the 8-Hour Labor Law, may be compelled to accomplish
9. On July 16, 1947, MTRMAA was organized for the first time, having been
the same thing by mere silence or lapse of time, thereby frustrating the purpose
granted certificated no. 375 by the Department of Labor. On July 28, 1947,
of the law by indirection
MTRMAA filed an amended petition with the CIR praying, among others,
that MTCI be ordered to pay to its watchmen or police force overtime pay
Principle of estoppel and laches cannot be invoked for the following reasons:
from the commencement of their employment
(a) it would be contrary to the spirit of the 8-Hour Labor Law, under which, as
10. On May 9, 1949, by virtue of Customs Administrative Order No. 81, and
already seen, the laborers cannot waive their right to extra compensation; (b) the
E.O. No. 228, the entire police force of MTCI was consolidated with the
law principally obligates the employer to observe it, so much so that it punishes
Manila Harbor Police (MHP) of the Customs Patrol Service, a gov’t. agency
the employer for its violation and leaves the employee or laborer free and
under the exclusive control of the Commissioner of Customs and the
blameless; and (c) the employee or laborer is in such a disadvantageous position
Secretary of Finance
as to be naturally reluctant or even apprehensive in asserting any claim which
11. Judge Jimenez of CIR, in his decision, while dismissing other demands of
may cause the employer to devise a way for exercising his right to terminate the
MTRMAA for lack of jurisdiction, ordered MTCI to pay to its police force
1. Regular or base pay corresponding to 4-hours overtime + 25%
thereof as addition overtime compensation from Sept. 1, 1945 –
May 24, 1947;


2. Additional compensation of 25% to those who worked from 6pm – 2. Agreement under which its police force were paid certain specific
6pm during the same period; wages for 12-hour shifts, included OT compensation
3. Additional compensation of 50% for work performed on Sundays 3. MTRMAA is barred from recovery by estoppel and laches
and legal holidays during the same period; 4. The nullity or invalidity of the employment contract precludes any
4. Additional compensation of 50% for work performed on Sundays recovery by MTRMAA
and legal holidays from May 24, 1947 – May 9, 1949; and 5. Commonwealth Act No. 4444 does not authorize recovery of back
5. Additional compensation of 25% for work performed at night from OT pay
May 24, 1947 – May 9, 1949
12. With reference to the pay for OT service after the watchmen had been ISSUES:
integrated into the MHP, Judge Yanson ruled that the court has no 1. Whether CIR has jurisdiction to award a money judgment – YES
jurisdiction because it affects the BOC, an instrumentality of the gov’t 2. Whether MTCI is liable for OT wages – YES
having no independent personality and which cannot be sued without the 1. Whether MTRMAA is barred by estoppel and laches - NO
consent of the State
13. MTCI filed an MR. MTRMAA also filed an MR in so far as its other RATIO:
demands were dismissed First Issue:
14. Judge Yanson, concurred in by Judge Bautista, promulgated a resolution 1. The contention that the CIR has no jurisdiction to award a money judgment
denying both MRs was already overruled by the Court in Detective & Protective Bureau, Inc.
15. Presiding Judge Roldan, in a separate opinion, concurred in by Judge in this wise:
Castillo, agreed that with the decision of Judge Yanson, as to the dismissal 1. “… We believe that under Commonwealth Act No. 103, the Court
of other demands of MTRMAA but dissented therefrom as to granting of is empowered to make the order for the purpose of settling disputes
OT pay between the employer and employee. As a matter fact this Court
16. In a separate decisive opinion, Judge Lanting concurred in the dismissal of has confirmed an order of the CIR requiring the Elks Club to pay
other demands of MTRMAA. With respect to OT compensation, Judge its employees a certain sum of money as OT back wages…”
Lanting Ruled:
1. Decision under review should be affirmed in so far as it grants Second Issue:
compensation for OT on regular 1. The important point stressed by MTCI is that the contract between it and
2. As to the compensation for work on Sundays and legal holidays, MTRMAA upon the commencement of the employment of its watchmen
MTCI should pay to its watchmen the compensation that was to effect that the latter were to work 12-hours a day at certain rates of
corresponds to the OT at the regular rate only, that is, without pay, including OT compensation
additional amount 2. Record does not bear out these allegations. MTCI has relied merely on the
3. The watchmen are not entitled to night differential pay for past facts that its watchmen had worked on 12-hours shifts at specific wages per
services, and therefore the decision should be revered with respect day and the no complaint was made about the matter until on March 28,
thereto 1947 and April 29, 1947
17. Hence, this appeal. MTCI’s contentions may be summed up in the 3. In times of acute unemployment, the people, urged by the instinct of self-
following propositions: preservation, go from place to place and from office to office in search for
1. CIR has no jurisdiction to render a money judgment involving any employment, regardless of its terms and conditions, their main concern
obligations in arrears in the first place being admission to some work


4. MTCI’s watchmen must have railroaded themselves into their employment, 14. The principle of estoppel and laches cannot well be invoked against the
happy in though that they found themselves required to work for 12-hours a MTRMAA:
day 1. In the first place, it would be contrary to the spirit of the 8-Hour
5. True, there was an arrangement to work, but can it fairly be supposed that Labor Law, under which, as already seen, the laborers cannot
they had the freedom to bargain in any way, much less to insist in the waive their right to extra compensation
observance of the 8-hour Labor Law? 2. In the second place, the law principally obligates the employer to
6. As said in Floyd, “A contract of employment, which provides for a weekly observe it, so much so that it punishes the employer for its
wage for a specified number of hours, sufficient to cover both the statutory violation and leaves the employee or laborer free and blameless
minimum wage and OT compensation, if computed on the basis of the 3. In the third place, the employee or laborer is in such a
statutory minimum, and which makes no provision for a fixed hourly rate or disadvantageous position as to be naturally reluctant or even
that the weekly wage includes overtime compensation, does not meet the apprehensive in asserting any claim which may cause the employer
requirements of the Act.". to devise a way for exercising his right to terminate the
7. Moreover, after MTCI had instituted the strict 8-hour shifts, no reduction employment
was made in the salaries which its watchmen received under the 12-hour 15. If the principle of estoppel and laches is to be applied, it may bring about a
arrangement situation, whereby the employee or laborer, who cannot expressly renounce
8. As admitted by MTCI, “when the members of the MTRMAA were placed their right to extra compensation under the 8-Hour Labor Law, may be
on strict 8-hour shifts, the lowest salary of all the members of MTRMAA compelled to accomplish the same thing by mere silence or lapse of time,
was P165 a month, or P5.50 daily, for both day and night shifts." thereby frustrating the purpose of the law by indirection
9. Although it may be argued that the salary for the night shift was somewhat
lessened, the fact that the rate for the day shift was increased in a sense Wherefore, the appealed decision, in the form voted by Judge Lanting, is affirmed, it
tends to militate against the contention that the salaries given during the 12- being understood that the petitioner's watchmen will be entitled to extra
hour shifts included OT compensation compensation only from the dates they respectively entered the service of the
10. MTCI’s allegation that MTRMAA had acquiesced in the 12-hour shift for petitioner, hereafter to be duly determined by the Court of Industrial Relations. So
more than 18 months, is not accurate, because the watchmen involved in ordered, without costs.
this case did not enter the service of MTCI on Sept. 1, 1945
11. As Judge Lanting found, "only one of them entered the service of the SEPARATE OPINIONS:
company on said date, very few during the rest of said month, some during CONCURRING:
the rest of that year (1945) and in 1946, and very many in 1947, 1948 and
12. Case at bar is quite on all fours with the case of Detective & Protective
Bureau, Inc. vs. CIR and United Employees Welfare Association. The only
difference is that, while in said case the employees concerned were paid
monthly salaries, in the case now before us the wages were computed daily
13. MTRMAA cannot be said to have impliedly waived the right to OT
compensation, for the obvious reason that they could not have expressly
waived it


13. San Juan De Dios Hospital Associtation v. NLRC (Lei) provisions of RA 5901 may support Policy Instructions No. 54 on which the
November 28, 1997 | Francisco,, J. | Coverage - “pakyaw” or task basis latter’s validity may be gauged. What Article 83 merely provides are: (1) the
regular office hour of eight hours a day, five days per week for health personnel,
PETITIONER: SAN JUAN DE DIOS HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES and (2) where the exigencies of service require that health personnel work for six
ASSOCIATION-AFW/MA. CONSUELO MAQUILING, LEONARDO days or forty-eight hours then such health personnel shall be entitled to an
MARTINEZ, DOMINGO ELA, JR., RODOLFO CALUCIN, JR., PERLA additional compensation of at least thirty percent of their regular wage for work
MENDOZA, REX RAPHAEL REYES, ROGELIO BELMONTE, AND 375 on the sixth day. There is nothing in the law that supports the Secretary of
OTHER EMPLOYEE-UNION MEMBERS Labor’s assertion that “personnel in subject hospitals and clinics are entitled to a
RESPONDENTS: NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, AND full weekly wage for seven (7) days if they have completed the 40-hour/5-day
SAN JUAN DE DIOS HOSPITAL workweek in any given workweek.” Further, petitioners' position is also negated
by the very rules and regulations promulgated by the Bureau of Labor Standards
SUMMARY: The officers and members of San Juan De Dios Hospital which implement RA 5901. Pertinent portions of the implementing rules
Employees Association, herein petitioners, sent a letter requesting and pleading provided in Sections 1, 7, and 15 of the said Act.
for the expeditious implementation and payment by respondent San Juan De
Dios Hospital of the “40 HOURS/5-DAY WORKWEEK with compensable
weekly two (2) days off” provided for by Republic Act (RA) 5901 (An Act FACTS:
prescribing 40 hours a week of labor for government and private hospitals or 1. The rank-and-file employee-union officers and members of San Juan De
clinic personnel) as clarified for enforcement by the Secretary of Labors Policy Dios Hospital Employees Association (the Association), sent on July 08,
Instructions No. 54. Respondent hospital, however, failed to give a favorable 1991, a four (4)-page letter with attached support signatures x x x
response; thus, petitioners filed a complaint regarding their claims for statutory requesting and pleading for the expeditious implementation and payment by
benefits under the above-cited law and policy issuance. respondent Juan De Dios Hospital "of the 40 HOURS/5-DAY
The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint. Petitioners appealed before public WORKWEEK with compensable weekly two (2) days off provided for by
respondent National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), which affirmed the Republic Act 5901 as clarified for enforcement by the Secretary of Labors
Labor Arbiters decision. Hence, the petitioners filed for petition for certiorari, Policy Instructions No. 54 dated April 12, 1988.
ascribing grave abuse of discretion on the part of NLRC in concluding that
Policy Instructions No. 54 proceeds from a wrong interpretation of RA 5901and 2. San Juan De Dios Hospital (San Juan Hospital) failed to give a favorable
Article 83 of the Labor Code. response; thus, the Association filed a complaint regarding their claims for
statutory benefits under the above-cited law and policy issuance, docketed
ISSUE: Whether Policy Instructions No. 54 issued by the Labor Secretary is as NLRC NCR Case No. 00-08-04815-91.
3. On February 26, 1992, the Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint.
HELD and DOCTRINE: It is invalid. The Policy Instruction No. 54 relies on Petitioners appealed before public respondent National Labor Relations
and seeks to implement RA 5901, otherwise known as “An Act Prescribing Commission (NLRC), docketed as NLRC NCR CA 003028-92, which
Forty Hours a Week of Labor for Government and Private Hospitals or Clinic affirmed the Labor Arbiters decision. The Association’s subsequent motion
Personnel,” but reliance to this RA is misplaced since it has long been repealed for reconsideration was denied; hence, this petition under Rule 65 of the
with the passage of the Labor Code. Accordingly, only Article 83 of the Labor Rules of Court ascribing grave abuse of discretion on the part of NLRC in
Code which appears to have substantially incorporated or reproduced the basic


concluding that Policy Instructions No. 54 proceeds from a wrong laborers. They are also entitled to as much rest as other workers. Making them work
interpretation of RA 5901 and Article 83 of the Labor Code. longer than is necessary may endanger, rather than protect the health of their
patients. Besides, they are not receiving better pay than the other workers. Therefore,
it is just and fair that they may be made to enjoy the privileges of equal working
ISSUES: Whether or not Policy Instructions No. 54 issued by then Labor
hours with other workers except those excepted by law. (Sixth Congress of the
Secretary (now Senator) Franklin M. Drilon is valid? NO. Republic of the Philippines, Third Session, House of Representatives, H. No. 16630)

RATIO: The Labor Code in its Article 83 adopts and incorporates the basic provisions of RA
5901 and retains its spirit and intent which is to shorten the workweek of covered
1. The policy reads: hospital personnel and at the same time assure them of a full weekly wage.

Policy Instruction No. 54 Consistent with such spirit and intent, it is the position of the Department that
personnel in subject hospital and clinics are entitled to a full weekly wage for seven
To: All Concerned (7) days they have completed the 40-hours/5-day workweek in any given workweek.

Subject: Working Hours and Compensation of Hospital/Clinic Personnel

2. The Court noted that Policy Instruction No. 54 relies and purports to
This issuance clarifies the enforcement policy of this Department on the working implement Republic Act No. 5901, otherwise known as An Act Prescribing
hours and compensation of personnel employed by hospital/clinics with a bed Forty Hours A Week Of Labor For Government and Private Hospitals Or
capacity of 100 or more and those located in cities and municipalities with a Clinic Personnel, enacted on June 21, 1969.
population of one million or more. 3. Reliance on Republic Act No. 5901, however, is misplaced for the said
statute, as correctly ruled by respondent NLRC, has long been repealed with
Republic Act 5901 took effect on 21 June 1969 prescribes a 40-hour/5 day work
week for hospital/clinic personnel. At the same time, the Act prohibits the the passage of the Labor Code on May 1, 1974, Article 302 of which
diminution of the compensation of these workers who would suffer a reduction in explicitly provides: All labor laws not adopted as part of this Code
their weekly wage by reason of the shortened workweek prescribed by the Act. In either directly or by reference are hereby repealed. All provisions of
effect, RA 5901 requires that the covered hospital workers who used to work seven existing laws, orders, decrees, rules and regulations inconsistent
(7) days a week should be paid for such number of days for working only 5 days or herewith are likewise repealed.
40 hours a week. 4. Accordingly, only Article 83 of the Labor Code which appears to have
substantially incorporated or reproduced the basic provisions of Republic
The evident intention of RA 5901 is to reduce the number of hospital personnel,
considering the nature of their work, and at the same time guarantee the payment to Act No. 5901 may support Policy Instructions No. 54 on which the latters
them of a full weekly wage for seven (7) days. This is quite clear in the Exemplary validity may be gauged.
Note of RA 5901 which states: 5. Article 83 of the Labor Code states:

As compared with the other employees and laborers, these hospital and health clinic Art. 83. Normal Hours of Work. -- The normal hours of work of any
personnel are over-worked despite the fact that their duties are more delicate in employee shall not exceed eight (8) hours a day.
nature. If we offer them better working conditions, it is believed that the brain drain,
that our country suffers nowadays as far as these personnel are concerned will be Health personnel in cities and municipalities with a population of at least
considerably lessened. The fact that these hospitals and health clinics personnel one million (1,000,000) or in hospitals and clinics with a bed capacity of at
perform duties which are directly concerned with the health and lives of our people least one hundred (100) shall hold regular office hours for eight (8) hours a
does not mean that they should work for a longer period than most employees and day, for five (5) days a week, exclusive of time for meals, except where the


exigencies of the service require that such personnel work for six (6) days rules provide (there are more sections cited but the important one is Section
or forty-eight (48) hours, in which case they shall be entitled to an 15--read the orig to see the other sections):
additional compensation of at least thirty per cent (30%) of their regular
wage for work on the sixth day. For purposes of this Article, health
Section 15. Additional Pay Under the Act and C.A. No. 444. (a)
personnel shall include: resident physicians, nurses, nutritionists, dietitians,
pharmacists, social workers, laboratory technicians, paramedical Employees of covered hospitals and clinics who are entitled to the benefits
technicians, psychologists, midwives, attendants and all other hospital or provided under the Eight-Hour Labor Law, as amended, shall be paid an
clinic personnel. (Underscoring supplied) additional compensation equivalent to their regular rate plus at least twenty-
five percent thereof for work performed on Sunday and Holidays, not
6. A cursory reading of Article 83 of the Labor Code betrays petitioners exceeding eight hours, such employees shall be entitled to an additional
position that hospital employees are entitled to a full weekly salary with compensation of at least 25% of their regular rate.
paid two (2) days off if they have completed the 40-hour/5-day workweek.
What Article 83 merely provides are: (1) the regular office hour of eight (b) For work performed in excess of forty hours a week, excluding those
hours a day, five days per week for health personnel, and (2) where the rendered in excess of eight hours a day during the week, employees covered
exigencies of service require that health personnel work for six days or by the Eight-Hour Labor Law shall be entitled to an additional straight-time
forty-eight hours then such health personnel shall be entitled to an pay which must be equivalent at least to their regular rate.
additional compensation of at least thirty percent of their regular wage
for work on the sixth day. 10. If the Association is entitled to two days off with pay, then there appears to
be no sense at all why Section 15 of the implementing rules grants
7. There is nothing in the law that supports then Secretary of Labors assertion additional compensation equivalent to the regular rate plus at least twenty-
that personnel in subject hospitals and clinics are entitled to a full weekly five percent thereof for work performed on Sunday to health personnel, or
wage for seven (7) days if they have completed the 40-hour/5-day an additional straight-time pay which must be equivalent at least to the
workweek in any given workweek. Needless to say, the Secretary of Labor regular rate [f]or work performed in excess of forty hours a week xxx.
exceeded his authority by including a two days off with pay in Policy Instructions No. 54 to our mind unduly extended the statute. The
contravention of the clear mandate of the statute. Secretary of Labor moreover erred in invoking the spirit and intent of
Republic Act No. 5901 and Article 83 of the Labor Code for it is an
8. Indeed, even if we were to subscribe with petitioners erroneous assertion elementary rule of statutory construction that when the language of the law
that Republic Act No. 5901 has neither been amended nor repealed by the is clear and unequivocal, the law must be taken to mean exactly what it
Labor Code, we nevertheless find Policy Instructions No. 54 invalid. A says.
perusal of Republic Act No. 5901 reveals nothing therein that gives two
days off with pay for health personnel who complete a 40-hour work or 5- SEPARATE OPINIONS: --
day workweek. In fact, the Explanatory Note of House Bill No. 16630 (later CONCURRING: --
passed into law as Republic Act No. 5901) explicitly states that the bills
sole purpose is to shorten the working hours of health personnel and not to
dole out a two days off with pay..

9. Further, the Association’s position is also negated by the very rules and
regulations promulgated by the Bureau of Labor Standards which
implement Republic Act No. 5901. Pertinent portions of the implementing


14. Rada v. NLRC (John)

the employees, but primarily for the benefit of the employer, herein private
February 8, 1989 | GRIÑO-AQUINO, J | Hours of Work

PETITIONER: Hilario Rada Private respondent does not hesitate to admit that it is usually the project driver
RESPONDENT: NLRC and Philnor Consultant and Planners, Inc. who is tasked with picking up or dropping off his fellow employees. Proof thereof
is the undisputed fact that when petitioner is absent, another driver is supposed to
replace him and drive the vehicle and likewise pick up and/or drop off the other
Rada was hired to be a driver for the contruction phase of Manila North employees at the designated points on EDSA. If driving these employees to and
Expresswat Extension. His employment was co-terminus to the project. Since the from the project site is not really part of petitioner's job, then there would have
project was delayed, his contract was renewed multiple times, thus worked for the been no need to find a replacement driver to fetch these employees. But since the
company from July 1, 1977- December 31, 1985. When his contract was not assigned task of fetching and delivering employees is indispensable and
renewed he filed for non-payment of separation pay, overtime, and illegal consequently mandatory, then the time required of and used by petitioner in going
termination. from his residence to the field office and back, that is, from 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
and from 4:00 p.m. to around 6:00 p.m., which the labor arbiter rounded off as
W/N Rada was regular? nah averaging three hours each working day, should be paid as overtime work.
W/N claims to OT and backwages valid? Ya Quintessentially, petitioner should be given overtime pay for the three excess
hours of work performed during working days from January, 1983 to December,
It must be stressed herein that although Rada worked with Philnor as a driver for 1985.
eight years, the fact that his services were rendered only for a particular project
which took that same period of time to complete categorizes him as a project DOCTRINE:
employee. Petitioner was employed for one specific project
The fact that he picks up employees of Philnor at certain specified points along
EDSA in going to the project site and drops them off at the same points on his way
From the foregoing, it is clear that petitioner is a project employee considering
back from the field office going home to Marikina, Metro Manila is not merely
that he does not belong to a "work pool" from which the company would draw
incidental to petitioner's job as a driver. Since the assigned task of fetching and
workers for assignment to other projects at its discretion. It is likewise apparent
delivering employees is indispensable and consequently mandatory, then the time
from the facts obtaining herein that petitioner was utilized only for one particular
required of and used by petitioner in going from his residence to the field office
project, the MNEE Stage 2 Project of respondent company. Hence, the termination
and back, that is, from 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to around 6:00
of herein petitioner is valid by reason of the completion of the project and the
p.m., which the labor arbiter rounded off as averaging three hours each working
expiration of his employment contract.
day, should be paid as overtime work.

Anent the claim for overtime compensation, we hold that petitioner is entitled to
the same. The fact that he picks up employees of Philnor at certain specified points
along EDSA in going to the project site and drops them off at the same points on FACTS:
his way back from the field office going home to Marikina, Metro Manila is not 1. Rada was hired as "Driver" for the construction supervision phase of
merely incidental to petitioner's job as a driver. On the contrary, said the Manila North Expressway Extension, Second Stage (hereinafter
transportation arrangement had been adopted, not so much for the convenience of referred to as MNEE Stage 2) for a term of "about 24 months effective
July 1, 1977.

2. Highlighting the nature of Petitioner's employment: 8. LA: Reinstate Rada and pay overtime for the excess 3 hours from Jan
a. It is hereby understood that the Employer does not have a 1983 - Dec 31, 1985
continuing need for the services of the Employee beyond the 9. NLRC: Set aside ruling
termination date of this contract and that the Employee's
services shall automatically, and without notice, terminate
upon the completion of the above specified phase of the
project; and that it is further understood that the engagement ISSUE:
of his/her services is coterminus with the same and not with W/N Rada was regular? nah
the whole project or other phases thereof wherein other W/N claims to OT and backwages valid? ya
employees of similar position as he/she have been hired.
3. The contract finished earlier than the projects and thus was renewed RULING: WHEREFORE, subject to the modification regarding the award of
multiple times until Dec 31, 1985. overtime pay to herein petitioner, the decision appealed from is AFFIRMED in all
4. Sometime in the 2nd week of December 1985, Petitioner applied for other respects
"Personnel Clearance" with Respondent dated December 9, 1985 and
acknowledged having received the amount of P3,796.20 representing RATIO:
conversion to cash of unused leave credits and financial assistance.
1. Court applied Sandoval Shipyards, Inc. vs. National Labor Relations
Petitioner also released Respondent from all obligations and/or claims,
Commission, et al:
etc. in a "Release, Waiver and Quitclaim"
a. We hold that private respondents were project employees
whose work was coterminous with the project or which they
5. On May 20, 1987, Rada filed before the NLRC, National Capital were hired. Project employees, as distinguished from regular
Region, Department of Labor and Employment, a Complaint for non- or non-project employees, are mentioned in section 281 of the
payment of separation pay and overtime pay Labor Code as those "where the employment has been fixed
6. Philnor: Rada was not illegally terminated since the project for which he for a specific project or undertaking the completion or
was hired was completed; that he was hired under three distinct termination of which has been determined at the time of the
engagement of the employee."
contracts of employment, each of which was for a definite period, all
b. It is significant to note that the corporation does not construct
within the estimated period of MNEE Stage 2 Project, covering
vessels for sale or otherwise which will demand continuous
different phases or areas of the said project; that his work was strictly productions of ships and will need permanent or regular
confined to the MNEE Stage 2 Project and that he was never assigned workers. It merely accepts contracts for shipbuilding or for
to any other project of Philnor; that he did not render overtime services repair of vessels form third parties and, only, on occasion
and that there was no demand or claim for him for such overtime pay; when it has work contract of this nature that it hires workers to
that he signed a "Release, Waiver and Quitclaim" releasing Philnor do the job which, needless to say, lasts only for less than a
from all obligations and claims; and that Philnor's business is to year or longer
provide engineering consultancy services, including supervision of
construction services, such that it hires employees according to the 2. It must be stressed herein that although Rada worked with Philnor as a driver for
requirements of the project manning schedule of a particular contract eight years, the fact that his services were rendered only for a particular project
7. Rada claimed he was a regular employee and was illegally dismissed which took that same period of time to complete categorizes him as a project
employee. Petitioner was employed for one specific project


3. From the foregoing, it is clear that Rada is a project employee considering that he
does not belong to a "work pool" from which the company would draw workers for
assignment to other projects at its discretion. It is likewise apparent from the facts
obtaining herein that petitioner was utilized only for one particular project, the
MNEE Stage 2 Project of respondent company. Hence, the termination of herein
petitioner is valid by reason of the completion of the project and the expiration of his
employment contract.

4. Anent the claim for overtime compensation, we hold that Rada is entitled to the
same. The fact that he picks up employees of Philnor at certain specified points along
EDSA in going to the project site and drops them off at the same points on his way
back from the field office going home to Marikina, Metro Manila is not merely
incidental to petitioner's job as a driver. On the contrary, said transportation
arrangement had been adopted, not so much for the convenience of the employees,
but primarily for the benefit of the employer, herein private respondent.

5. Private respondent does not hesitate to admit that it is usually the project driver
who is tasked with picking up or dropping off his fellow employees. Proof thereof is
the undisputed fact that when petitioner is absent, another driver is supposed to
replace him and drive the vehicle and likewise pick up and/or drop off the other
employees at the designated points on EDSA. If driving these employees to and from
the project site is not really part of petitioner's job, then there would have been no
need to find a replacement driver to fetch these employees. But since the assigned
task of fetching and delivering employees is indispensable and consequently
mandatory, then the time required of and used by petitioner in going from his
residence to the field office and back, that is, from 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. and from
4:00 p.m. to around 6:00 p.m., which the labor arbiter rounded off as averaging three
hours each working day, should be paid as overtime work. Quintessentially, Rada
should be given overtime pay for the three excess hours of work performed during
working days from January, 1983 to December, 1985.


15. University of Pangasinan Faculty Union vs. University of Pangasinan

teachers are paid regular salaries and, for this, they should be entitled to
Feb 20, 1984 | Gutierrez, J | Hours of Work
Petitioner: University of Pangasinan Faculty Union
Respondent: University of Pangasinan - The law contemplates a "no work" situation where the employees
voluntarily absent themselves. Semestral breaks are in the nature
Summary: University of Pangasinan Faculty Union filed a complaint of work interruptions beyond the employees’ control.
against the University of Pangasinan with the Arbitration Branch of the - During semestral breaks, teachers are burdened with the task of
NLRC. In November and December, 1981, the Union’s members were working during a period of time supposedly available for rest and
fully paid their regular monthly salaries. However, from November 7 to private matters. There are papers to correct, students to evaluate,
December 5, during the semestral break, they were not paid their deadlines to meet, and periods within which to submit grading
Emergency Cost of Living Allowances (ECOLA). The University claims reports. Thus, the semestral break may also be considered as
that the teachers are not entitled thereto because the semestral break is not "hours worked."
an integral part of the school year and there being no actual services
rendered by the teachers during said period, the principle of "No work, no
pay" applies. The union members filed a complaint to get payment of their
ECOLA for the said semestral break period. FACTS:
Issue: Whether the semestral break is covered by the “ no work, no pay.”
Ratio: SC held that the "No work, no pay" principle does not apply in the 1) University of Pangasinan Faculty Union, through its President, Miss
present case.” It is clear that the law [check ratio #1 for the provision] Consuelo Abad, filed a complaint against the University of
contemplates a "no work" situation wherein the employees voluntarily Pangasinan with the Arbitration Branch of the NLRC. The complaint
absent themselves. The union members in this case certainly did not seeks:
voluntarily absent themselves during the semestral breaks. These semestral a) The payment of Emergency Cost of Living Allowances
breaks are in the nature of work interruptions beyond the employees’ (ECOLA) for November 7 to December 5, 1981, a semestral
control. The duration of the semestral break varies from year to year break [relevant to topic].
dependent on a variety of circumstances. As such, these breaks cannot be 2) The Union’s members are full-time professors, instructors, and
considered as absences within the meaning of the law for which deductions teachers of the University.
may be made from monthly allowances. The union members cannot be a) The teachers in the college level teach for a normal duration
considered to be on leave without pay so as not to be entitled to ECOLA of ten months a school year, divided into two semesters of
since they were paid their wages in full for the months of November and five months each, excluding the two months summer
December of 1981, notwithstanding the intervening semestral break [check vacation.
ratio #3 for the provision] In this case, although said to be on forced leave, b) These teachers are paid their salaries on a regular
professors and teachers are, nevertheless, burdened with the task of monthly basis.
working during a period of time supposedly available for rest and private 3) In November and December, 1981, the Union’s members were
matters. There are papers to correct, students to evaluate, deadlines to fully paid their regular monthly salaries. However, from
meet, and periods within which to submit grading reports. Thus, the November 7 to December 5, during the semestral break, they
semestral break may also be considered as "hours worked." For this, the were not paid their ECOLA.


a) Defense: The University claims that the teachers are not i) SECTION 5. Allowance for Unworked Days. —
entitled thereto because the semestral break is not an integral "a) All covered employees whether paid on a
part of the school year and there being no actual services monthly or daily basis shall be entitled to their
rendered by the teachers during said period, the principle of daily living allowance when they are paid their
"No work, no pay" applies. basic wage.”
ii) Sec. 4. Principles in Determining Hours Worked. —
ISSUE: Whether the Semestral Break is considered as “work” so as to apply …(d) The time during which an employee is
the “no work, no pay” principle. No. inactive by reason of interruptions in his work
beyond his control shall be considered time either
RATIO: if the imminence of the resumption of work requires
the employee’s presence at the place of work or if
the interval is too brief to be utilized effectively and
1. Relevant provisions of law:
gainfully in the employee’s own interest.”
a) PD’s 1614, 1634, 1678 and 1713: ”Allowances of Fulltime
b) The union members cannot be considered to be on leave
Employees . . .Employees shall be paid in full the required
without pay so as not to be entitled to ECOLA, for, as
monthly allowance regardless of the number of their regular
stated in fact #3, they were paid their wages in full for the
working days if they incur no absences during the month.
months of November and December of 1981,
If they incur absences without pay, the amounts
notwithstanding the intervening semestral break
corresponding to the absences may be deducted from the
c) In this case, although said to be on forced leave,
monthly allowance . . ."
professors and teachers are, nevertheless, burdened with
b) "Leave of Absence Without Pay-…that all covered
the task of working during a period of time supposedly
employees shall be entitled to the allowance provided herein
available for rest and private matters.
when they are on leave of absence with pay."
i) There are papers to correct, students to evaluate,
2. The "No work, no pay" principle does not apply in the present
deadlines to meet, and periods within which to
submit grading reports. Although they may be
a) It is clear from the aforequoted provision of law that it
considered by the respondent to be on leave, the
contemplates a "no work" situation where the employees
semestral break could not be used effectively for the
voluntarily absent themselves. The union members in
teacher’s own purposes for the nature of a teacher’s
this case certainly did not voluntarily absent themselves
job imposes upon him further duties which must be
during semestral breaks.
done during the said period of time.
b) These semestral breaks are in the nature of work
ii) Thus, the semestral break may also be considered
interruptions beyond the employees’ control.
as "hours worked." For this, the teachers are
c) The duration of the semestral break varies from year to year
paid regular salaries and, for this, they should be
dependent on a variety of circumstances. As such, these
entitled to ECOLA. Not only do the teachers
breaks cannot be considered as absences within the
continue to work during this short recess but much
meaning of the law for which deductions may be made
less do they cease to live for which the cost of living
from monthly allowances.
allowance is intended.
3. The members are also entitled to ECOLA.
a) Relevant provisions:



16. NASSCO v. CIR (Pat D.) said factory, shop or boat.

December 30, 1961 | Reyes, J.B.L, J. | Working Conditions – Hours of Work
PETITIONER: National Shipyards and Steel Corporation 1. NASSCO owns several barges and tugboats to transport cargoes and personnel
RESPONDENTS: Court of Industrial Relations and Dominador Malondras for its shipbuilding and repair business. It requires its bargemen to stay in their
respective barges so they could immediately be called to duty whenever their
SUMMARY: Malondras and other crew members of NASSCO filed for services are needed. In exchange, the bargemen are given living quarters and
payment of overtime compensation with the CIR. The parties entered into a subsistence allowance when they are on board. The bargemen may leave their
stipulation of facts, wherein NASSCO admitted that crew members had to work barges when such are idle upon prior authority of their superior officers.
beyond 8 hours a day and/or during Sundays and legal holidays to meet the 2. The crew members of NASSCO’s tugboat service, including Malondras, filed
exigencies of their work and that they were not paid additional compensation with the CIR a complaint for payment of overtime compensation.
for overtime work. Thus, upon the court examiner’s report, the CIR ordered that 3. In the course of the proceedings, the parties entered into a stipulation of facts,
they be paid overtime work for 5hrs/day for the year 1957. Another report was wherein NASSCO admitted that:
submitted by the examiner finding that the crew members were entitled for a. To meet the exigencies of the service in the performance of their work,
5hrs/day of overtime compensation for the years 1954-1956. However, the crew members have to work when so required in excess of 8 hours
Malondras was excluded from this since his daily time sheets were not available a day and/or during Sundays and legal holidays (actual overtime
at the time. When his time sheets were located, he filed a petition asking for service is subject to determination on the basis of the logbook of the
payment of overtime compensation from 1954-1956 and Jan-April 1957. The vessels, time sheets and other pertinent records of NASSCO).
CIR, pursuant to the examiner’s report, found that Malondras was entitled to b. The crew members are paid their regular salaries and subsistence
payment for 16 overtime hours/day for the said periods. Issue: WoN Malondras allowance, without additional compensation for overtime work.
should be credited with 16 overtime hours per day – NO. Seamen are required 4. Pursuant to said stipulation, the CIR issued an order directing the court examiner
to stay on board their vessels by the very nature of their duties, which is why, in to compute the overtime compensation due to the crew members. The examiner
addition to their regular compensation, they are given free living quarters and found that the crew members rendered an average overtime service of 5hrs/day
subsistence allowances when required to be on board. It could not have been the for the period of January 1-December 31, 1957. Upon approval of the court, the
purpose of our law to require their employers to pay them overtime even when crew members were paid overtime compensation by NASSCO.
they are not actually working: otherwise, every sailor on board a vessel would 5. The examiner then submitted a second partial report covering January 1, 1954-
be entitled to overtime for 16 hours each day, even if he had spent all those December 31, 1956, again giving each crewman an average of 5 overtime hours
hours resting or sleeping in his bunk, after his regular tour of duty. Under Sec. 1 each day. Malondras was not, however, included in this report as his daily time
of CA No. 444 or the Eight-Hour Labor Law: The legal working day for any sheets were not then available. The crewmen concerned were paid their overtime
person employed by another shall be of not more than 8 hours daily. When the compensation.
work is not continuous, the time during which the laborer is not working AND 6. Malondras, his time sheets having been located, then filed a petition asking for
CAN LEAVE HIS WORKING PLACE and can rest completely, shall not be the computation and payment of his overtime compensation for the years 1954-
counted. 1956 and from January to April 30, 1957, which he alleged was not included in
DOCTRINE: the first examiner’s report since his time sheets for these months could not be
The correct criterion in determining whether or not sailors are entitled to found at the time.
overtime pay is not, therefore, whether they were on board and can not leave 7. NASSCO opposed the petition and argued that its records do not indicate the
ship beyond the regular eight working hours a day, but whether they actually actual number of working hours rendered by Malondras during these periods.
rendered service in excess of said number of hours. 8. The chief examiner submitted a report crediting Malondras with a total of 4,349
In understanding the term ‘working place’ in Sec. 1 of CA 444, a laborer need overtime hours from 1954-1956, at an average of 5 overtime hours/day and
not leave the premises of the factory, shop or boat in order that his period of rest deducted the aggregate amount of the subsistence allowance he received to
shall not be counted, it being enough that he ‘cease to work’, may rest determine his overtime compensation – P2,790.90.
completely and leave, or may leave at his will the spot where he actually stays 9. The CIR ordered the examiner to make a re-examination of records to determine
while working, to go somewhere else, whether within or outside the premises of Malondras’ overtime service for the periods in question without deducting the

subsistence allowance. Pursuant to this, the examiner amended the report giving therein. As we understand this term, a laborer need not leave the
Malondras an average of 16 overtime hours/day, on the basis of his time sheets, premises of the factory, shop or boat in order that his period of rest
and recommending P15,242.15 as his overtime compensation. shall not be counted, it being enough that he ‘cease to work’, may
rest completely and leave, or may leave at his will the spot where he
ISSUE/s: actually stays while working, to go somewhere else, whether within
1. WoN Malondras should be credited with 16 overtime hours per day – NO. or outside the premises of said factory, shop or boat. If these
requisites are complied with, the period of such rest shall not be
RULING: Order appealed from is modified. Malondras should be credited 5 counted.
overtime hours instead. 5. While Malondras’ daily time sheets do not show his actual working hours,
nevertheless, NASSCO has already admitted in the Stipulation of Facts that he
RATIO: and other crew members rendered service beyond 8 hours a day when so
1. In crediting Malondras with 16 hours of overtime service daily, the court required by the exigencies of the service; and in fact, Malondras was credited
examiner relied only on his daily time sheets which, although approved by and already paid for 5 hours daily overtime work during the period from May 1
NASSCO’s officers in charge and its auditors, do not show the actual number of to December 31, 1957, under the examiner’s first report.
hours of work rendered by him each day but only indicate that Malondras was 6. Since Malondras has been at the same job since 1954, it can be reasonably
on ‘Detail’ or ‘Detailed on Board’ almost every day, during which he was on the inferred that the overtime service he put in whenever he was required to be
boat for 24 hours. The court examiner interpreted the words “Detail” or aboard his barge all day from 1954 to 1957 would be more or less the same. The
“Detailed on Board” to mean that as long as Malondras was in his barge for 24 other crew members who served with Malondras under the same conditions and
hours, he should be paid overtime for 16 hours a day or the time in excess of the period, have been finally paid for an overtime of 5 hours a day, and no
legal 8 working hours that he could not leave his barge. The Court does not substantial difference exists between their case and the present one, which was
agree with such interpretation. not covered by the same award only because Malondras’ time records were not
2. Seamen are required to stay on board their vessels by the very nature of their found until later.
duties, which is why, in addition to their regular compensation, they are given 7. As to whether the subsistence allowance received by Malondras for the periods
free living quarters and subsistence allowances when required to be on board. It covered by the report should be deducted from his overtime compensation –
could not have been the purpose of our law to require their employers to pay NO. The stipulation of facts show that this allowance is independent of and has
them overtime even when they are not actually working: otherwise, every sailor nothing to do with whatever additional compensation for overtime work was due
on board a vessel would be entitled to overtime for 16 hours each day, even if he the NASSCO’s bargemen. The reason why their bargemen are given living
had spent all those hours resting or sleeping in his bunk, after his regular tour of quarters in their barges and subsistence allowance was because they were
duty. required to stay in their respective barges in order that they could be
3. The correct criterion in determining whether or not sailors are entitled to immediately called to duty. Having already paid Malondras and his companions
overtime pay is not, therefore, whether they were on board and can not leave overtime for 1957 without deduction of the subsistence allowances received by
ship beyond the regular eight working hours a day, but whether they actually them during this period, and Malondras’ companions having been paid overtime
rendered service in excess of said number of hours. for the other years also without deducting their subsistence allowances, there is
4. Luzon Stevedoring v. Luzon Marine Department Union: no valid reason why Malondras should be singled out now and his subsistence
a. Under Sec. 1 of CA No. 444 or the Eight-Hour Labor Law: “The legal allowance deducted from the overtime compensation still due him.
working day for any person employed by another shall be of not more
than 8 hours daily. When the work is not continuous, the time
during which the laborer is not working AND CAN LEAVE HIS
WORKING PLACE and can rest completely, shall not be
b. There is no need to set a different criterion for seamen and laborers on
land, for under the provisions of said law, the only thing to be done is
to determine the meaning and scope of the term ‘working place’ used

8. 17. National Development Company v. CIR and National Textile Workers

company was continuous and therefore the mealtime breaks should be counted
Union (Issa)
as working time for purposes of overtime compensation. NDC gives an eight-
November 30, 1962 | Regala, J. | Hours of Work
hour credit to its employees who work a single shift, say from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Why cannot it credit them sixteen hours should they work in two shifts?
PETITIONER: National Development Company
RESPONDENT: CIR DOCTRINE: "The legal working day for any person employed by another
shall be of not more than 8 hours daily. When the work is not continuous, the
SUMMARY: At the National Development Company (NDC), a government- time during which the laborer is not working and can leave his working place
owned and controlled corporation, there were 4 shifts of work with a 1-hr and can rest completely shall not be counted." - No general rule can be laid
mealtime. Records disclose that although there was a 1-hr mealtime, NDC down as to what constitutes compensable work, but rather the question is one of
nevertheless credited the workers with eight hours of work for each shift and fact depending upon the particular circumstances, to be determined by the
paid them for the same number of hours. However, whenever workers in one courts in controverted cases.
shift were required to continue working until the next shift, NDC, instead of
crediting them with eight hours of overtime work, has been paying them for six
hours only, claiming that the 2 hours corresponding to the mealtime periods
1. At the National Development Company, a government-owned and controlled
should not be included in computing compensation. National Textile Workers
corporation, there were 4 shifts of work with a 1-hr mealtime period:
Union whose members are employed at the NDC, maintained the opposite view
- 8 a.m. to 4 p.m
and asked the Court of Industrial Relations to order the payment of additional
- 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.; meal time 11 a.m. to 12 noon
overtime pay corresponding to the mealtime periods. CIR: mealtime should be
- 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.; meal time 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
counted in the determination of overtime work and ordered NDC to pay
- 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
P101,407.96 by way of overtime compensation. NDC appealed. SC: "The
2. Records disclose that although there was a 1-hr mealtime, petitioner
legal working day for any person employed by another shall be of not more
nevertheless credited the workers with eight hours of work for each shift and
than 8 hours daily. When the work is not continuous, the time during which the
paid them for the same number of hours.
laborer is not working and can leave his working place and can rest
3. However, since 1953, whenever workers in one shift were required to continue
completely shall not be counted." (Sec. 1, Com. Act No. 444, as amended.)
working until the next shift, Petitioner, instead of crediting them with eight
Under the law, the idle time that an employee may spend for resting and during
hours of overtime work, has been paying them for six hours only, claiming that
which he may leave the spot or place of work though not the premises 2 of his
the 2 hours corresponding to the mealtime periods should not be included in
employer, is not counted as working time only where the work is broken or is
computing compensation.
not continuous. No general rule can be laid down as to what constitutes
4. Respondent National Textile Workers Union whose members are employed at
compensable work, but rather the question is one of fact depending upon the
the NDC, maintained the opposite view and asked the Court of Industrial
particular circumstances, to be determined by the courts in controverted cases.
Relations to order the payment of additional overtime pay corresponding to the
CIR’s finding that work in NDC was continuous and did not permit employees
mealtime periods.
and laborers to rest completely is not without basis in evidence and following
5. CIR order - holding that mealtime should be counted in the determination of
our earlier rulings, We shall not disturbed the same. CIR found:
"While it may be corrected to say that it is well-nigh impossible for an employee to
overtime work and accordingly ordered petitioner to pay P101,407.96 by way of
work while he is eating, yet under Section 1 of Com. Act No. 444 such a time for eating overtime compensation; MR dismissed.
can only be segregated or deducted from his work, if the same is not continuous and the 6. Petitioner appealed to this Court, contending that:
employee can leave his working place and rest completely. The time cards show that the - CIR has no jurisdiction over claims for overtime compensation
work was continuous and without interruption. There is also the evidence adduced by - CIR did not make "a correct appraisal of the facts, in the light of the
the petitioner that the pertinent employees cannot freely leave their working places nor evidence" in holding that mealtime periods should be included in overtime
rest completely. There is furthermore the aspect that during the period covered by the work because workers could not leave their places of work and rest
computation the work was on a 24 hour basis and as previously stated divided into completely during those hours.
shifts." From these facts, the CIR correctly concluded that work in petition


7. In support of its contention that the CIR lost its jurisdiction over claims for worked under a 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. schedule had enough "free time" and should not
overtime pay upon the enactment of the Industrial Peace Act (Republic Act No. be credited with 4 hours of overtime and held that the finding of the CIR "that
875), petitioner cites a number of decisions of this Court. On May 23, 1960, claimants rendered services to the Company from 6:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. including
however, We ruled in Price Stabilization Corp. v. Court of Industrial Relations, Sundays and holidays, . . . implies either that they were not allowed to leave the
Et Al., 108 Phil., 138, 139, that. spot of their working place, or that they could not rest completely."
4. No general rule can be laid down as to what constitutes compensable work, but
ISSUE: rather the question is one of fact depending upon the particular circumstances, to
1. WON CIR has jurisdiction - YES, CIR has jurisdiction be determined by the courts in controverted cases.
2. WON CIR erred in holding that mealtime periods should be included in 5. In this case, CIR’s finding that work in NDC was continuous and did not permit
overtime work because workers could not leave their places of work and rest employees and laborers to rest completely is not without basis in evidence and
completely during those hours. following our earlier rulings, We shall not disturbed the same. CIR found:
"While it may be corrected to say that it is well-nigh impossible for an employee to work
RULING: WHEREFORE, the order of March 19, 1959 and the resolution of April while he is eating, yet under Section 1 of Com. Act No. 444 such a time for eating can only be
27, 1959 are hereby affirmed and the appeal is dismissed, without pronouncement as segregated or deducted from his work, if the same is not continuous and the employee can
leave his working place and rest completely. The time cards show that the work was
to costs
continuous and without interruption. There is also the evidence adduced by the petitioner that
the pertinent employees cannot freely leave their working places nor rest completely. There is
RATIO: furthermore the aspect that during the period covered by the computation the work was on a
1. A more recent definition of the jurisdiction of the CIR is found in Campos, Et. 24 hour basis and as previously stated divided into shifts."
Al. v. Manila Railroad Co., in which we held that, for such jurisdiction to come 6. From these facts, the CIR correctly concluded that work in petition company
into play, the following requisites must be complied with: was continuous and therefore the mealtime breaks should be counted as working
- there must exist between the parties an employer-employee relationship or time for purposes of overtime compensation.
the claimant must seek his reinstatement; and 7. NDC gives an eight-hour credit to its employees who work a single shift, say
- the controversy must relate to a case certified by the President to the CIR as from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Why cannot it credit them sixteen hours should they work
one involving national interest, or must have a bearing on an unfair labor in two shifts?
practice charge, or must arise either under the Eight-Hour Labor Law, or 8. (Procedural) Another reason why this appeal should be dismissed: no CIR en
under the Minimum Wage Law. banc decision can be appealed to this Court. Records show that NDC’s motion
In default of any of these circumstances, the claim becomes a mere money claim for reconsideration was dismissed by the CIR en banc because of petitioner’s
that comes under the jurisdiction of the regular courts. Here, petitioner does not failure to serve a copy of the same on the union.
deny the existence of an employer-employee relationship between it and the
members of the union. Neither is there any question that the claim is based on Section 15 of the rules of the CIR, in relation to Section 1 of Commonwealth Act No. 103,
the Eight-Hour Labor Law (Com. Act No. 444, as amended). We therefore rule states:
in favor of the Jurisdiction of the CIR over the present claim. "The movant shall file the motion (for reconsideration), in six copies within five (5) days from
2. "The legal working day for any person employed by another shall be of not the date on which he receives notice of the order or decision, object of the motion for
more than 8 hours daily. When the work is not continuous, the time during reconsideration, the same to be verified under oath with respect to the correctness of the
allegations of fact, and serving a copy thereof, personally or by registered mail, on the adverse
which the laborer is not working and can leave his working place and can rest
party. The latter may file an answer, in six (6) copies, duly verified under oath."
completely shall not be counted." (Sec. 1, Com. Act No. 444, as amended.)
Under the law, the idle time that an employee may spend for resting and during
In one case (Bien, Et. Al. v. Castillo, etc., Et. Al. G.R. No. L- 7428, May 24, 1955),
which he may leave the spot or place of work though not the premises 2 of his
We sustained the dismissal of a motion for reconsideration filed outside of the period
employer, is not counted as working time only where the work is broken or is
provided in the rules of the CIR. A motion for reconsideration, a copy of which has
not continuous.
not been served on the adverse party as required by the rules, stands on the same
3. The determination as to whether work is continuous or not is mainly one of fact
footing. For "in the very nature of things, a motion for reconsideration against a
which we shall not review as long as the same is supported by evidence. That is
ruling or decision by one Judge is, in effect an appeal to the Court of Industrial
why we brushed aside petitioner’s contention in one case that workers who

Relations, en banc," the purpose being "to substitute the decision or order of a
collegiate court for the ruling or decision of any judge." The provision in
Commonwealth Act No. 103 authorizing the presentation of a motion for
reconsideration of a decision or order of the judge to the CIR, en banc, and not direct
appeal therefrom to this Court, is also in accord with the principle of exhaustion of
administrative remedies before resort can be made to this Court.


18. Sime Darby Pilipinas, Inc. v. NLRC (Vi) 1. Sime Darby Pilipinas, Inc. is engaged in the manufacture of automotive
April 5, 1998|Bellosillo, J. | Hours of Work tires, tubes, and other rubber products. Sime Darby Salaried Employees
Association (ALU-TUCP) is an association of monthly salaried employees
of petitioner at its Marikina factory. Prior to the present controversy, all
company factory workers in Marikina including members of private
respondent union worked from 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. with a 30 minute paid
on call lunch break.
SUMMARY: Sime Darby Pilipinas, Inc. is engaged in the manufacture of
2. On 14 August 1992, Sime Darby issued a memorandum to all factory-based
automotive tires, tubes, and other rubber products. The employees of Sime Darby
employees advising all its monthly salaried employees in its Marikina Tire
work from 7:45 am to 3:45 pm with a 30-minute paid on call lunch. Sime Darby
Plant, except those in the Warehouse and Quality Assurance
issued a memorandum changing the work schedule of the employees from 7:45
Department working on shifts, a change in work schedule:
am to 4:45 pm, taking away the 30-min paid on-call lunch and replacing it with an
7:45 A.M. 4:45 P.M. (Monday to Friday)
unpaid 1 hour lunch break.
7:45 A.M. 11:45 P.M. (Saturday)
ISSUE: Whether the new work schedule was discriminatory and constituted
unfair labor practice – NO Coffee break time will be ten minutes only anytime between:
The right to fix the work schedules of the employees rests principally on their 9:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. and 2:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M.
employer. Sime Darby, as the employer, said that its reason for the adjustment Lunch break will be between:
was the efficient conduct of its business operations and its improved 12:00 NN 1:00 P.M. (Monday to Friday).
production. Sime Darby argued that while the old work schedule included a 30- 3. ALU-TUCP filed on behalf of its members a complaint with the Labor
minute paid lunch break, the employees could be called upon to do jobs during Arbiter for unfair labor practice, discrimination and evasion of liability
that period as they were on call. Even if denominated as lunch break, this period because of the change in the work schedule and discontinuance of the 30-
could very well be considered as working time because the factory employees minute paid on call lunch break.
were required to work if necessary and were paid accordingly for working. With 4. The Labor Arbiter (LA) dismissed the complaint on the ground that the
the new work schedule, the employees are now given a one-hour lunch break change in the work schedule and the elimination of the 30-minute paid
without any interruption from their employer. Since the employees are no lunch break of the factory workers constituted a valid exercise of
longer required to work during this one-hour lunch break, there is no need for management prerogative and that the new work schedule, break time and
them to be compensated for this period. one-hour lunch break did not have the effect of diminishing the benefits
The Court agreed with the LA that the new work schedule fully complies with the granted to factory workers as the working time did not exceed eight (8)
daily work period of eight (8) hours without violating the Labor Code. Also, the hours.
new schedule applies to all employees in the factory similarly situated whether 5. The LA also held that the factory workers would be justly enriched if they
they are union members or not. Part of the management prerogative is to change continued to be paid during their lunch break even if they were no longer on
the working hours of its employees. As long as it is exercised in good faith and not call or required to work during the break. He also ruled that the decision in
to defeat the rights of employees under the special laws, the Court will uphold the the earlier Sime Darby case was not applicable to the instant case because it
exercise of its management prerogative. involved discrimination of certain employees who were not paid for their
DOCTRINE: The right to fix the work schedules of the employees rests 30-minute lunch break while the rest of the factory workers were paid;
principally on their employer. hence, this Court ordered that the discriminated employees be similarly paid
the additional compensation for their lunch break.

6. ALU-TUCP appealed to NLRC which sustained the LA and dismissed the 5. Every business enterprise aims to increase its profits and it can create means
appeal. However, upon Motion for Reconsideration, the NLRC, reversed its to attain that goal. Even as the law is solicitous of the welfare of the
earlier decision. employees, it must also protect the right of an employer to exercise what
7. NLRC declared that the new work schedule deprived the employees of the are clearly management prerogatives. Thus, management is free to
benefits of time-honored company practice of providing its employees a 30- regulate, according to its own discretion and judgment, all aspects of
minute paid lunch break resulting in an unjust diminution of company employment, including hiring, work assignments, working methods,
privileges prohibited by Art. 100 of the Labor Code, as amended. time, place and manner of work, processes to be followed, supervision
ISSUE: of workers, working regulations, transfer of employees, work
1. Whether the new work schedule was discriminatory and constituted supervision, lay off of workers and discipline, dismissal and recall of
unfair labor practice – NO workers. Further, management retains the prerogative, whenever exigencies
RATIO: of the service so require, to change the working hours of its employees.
So long as such prerogative is exercised in good faith for the
1. The right to fix the work schedules of the employees rests principally
advancement of the employers interest and not for the purpose of
on their employer. In this case, Sime Darby, as the employer, cites as
defeating or circumventing the rights of the employees under special
reason for the adjustment the efficient conduct of its business operations
laws or under valid agreements, this Court will uphold such exercise.
and its improved production. It reasoned out that while the old work
6. While the Constitution is committed to the policy of social justice and the
schedule included a 30-minute paid lunch break, the employees could be
protection of the working class, it doesn’t mean that every dispute will be
called upon to do jobs during that period as they were on call. Even if
automatically decided in favor of labor. Management also has a right and
denominated as lunch break, this period could very well be considered as
is entitled to respect and enforcement in the interest of simple fair play.
working time because the factory employees were required to work if
necessary and were paid accordingly for working.
2. With the new work schedule, the employees are now given a one-hour
lunch break without any interruption from their employer. For a full
one-hour undisturbed lunch break, the employees can freely and effectively
use this hour not only for eating but also for their rest and comfort which
are conducive to more efficiency and better performance in their work.
Since the employees are no longer required to work during this one-hour
lunch break, there is no more need for them to be compensated for this
3. The Court agreed with the LA that the new work schedule fully complies
with the daily work period of eight (8) hours without violating the Labor
Code. Also, the new schedule applies to all employees in the factory
similarly situated whether they are union members or not.
4. The earlier Sime Darby case doesn’t apply here because the issue here is not
about discrimination of employees but about the work hours. The change in
work hours apply to all factory employees in the same line of work, so there
is no discrimination.


19. Bisig ng Manggagawa sa PRC v PRC (Melliza ℅ Corinne) the “regular rate” is also deemed to include other incentives and bonuses
Sept. 30, 1981| Abad Santos, J.| Labor 1 which employers may receive as part of their regular pay.
3. Philippine Refining Company, Inc. on the other hand contended that in their
CBA, the parties never intended to include the employees' Christmas bonus
PETITIONER: Bisig ng Manggagawa sa Philippine Refining Company (Bisig)
in the computation of overtime pay, and that it did agree to raise the
RESPONDENT: Philippine Refining Company (PRC)
overtime rate to 50% instead of 25% of the regular base pay precisely on the
consideration that it be based only on the regular base pay and should not
SUMMARY: Bisig filed a petition for declaratory relief seeking that their
include Christmas bonus.
Christmas bonus be included as part of their basic pay for the computation of
overtime pay. Bisig cites NAWASA vs. NAWASA Consolidated Unions where it
was declared that the “regular rate” is also deemed to include other incentives and ISSUE: W/N in the interpretation of the CBA regarding overtime pay, the term
bonuses which employers may receive as part of their regular pay. On the other “regular base pay” should include Christmas bonus? - NO.
hand, PRC argued that, per the CBA, it was never intended to include the
employees' Christmas bonus in the computation of overtime pay. SC ruled for 4. The Supreme Court ruled that the term "regular base pay" is clear,
PRC. SC said that, per the CBA’s provision regarding overtime pay, it was only unequivocal and requires no interpretation. It held that the term means
the regular base pay that was considered to compute the overtime pay. Further, regular basic pay which necessarily excludes money received in different
what is important in the Nawasa ruling is that the product resulting from the concepts such as Christmas bonus and other fringe benefits.
computation must always be equal or higher than the statutory requirement of 25% 5. The Court observed that in framing up their CBA specially on the provision
more than the regular wage. Here, the Nawasa ruling was not violated, since the regarding overtime pay, it was only the regular base pay that was
formula adopted by the CBA is 50% more than the regular base pay, which when considered, and the same fact was undeniably known to Bisig.
computed is much higher than what can be arrived at using the statutory formula. 6. The Nawasa ruling did not limit that the computation of overtime pay to be
based solely on the employees' regular wage or salary, which according to
law includes bonuses and other benefits. What is important is that the
DOCTRINE: "Regular base pay" means regular basic pay which necessarily
product resulting from the computation must always be equal or higher than
exlcudes money received in different concepts such as Christmas bonus and other
the statutory requirement of 25% more than the regular wage.
fringe benefits. The Nawasa ruling did not limit that the computation of overtime
7. In the case at bar, the formula adopted by the CBA is 50% more than the
pay to be based solely on the employees' regular wage or salary, which according
regular base pay, which when computer is much higher than what can be
to law includes bonuses and other benefits. What is important is that the product
arrived at using the statutory formula. Thus, the Court declared that the
resulting from the computation must always be equal or higher than the statutory
provisions of the CBA as to the computation of overtime pay has amply
requirement of 25% more than the regular wage.
complied with what is required by law, and therefore is valid and not in
contravention to the Nawasa doctrine.
1. In 1966, Bisig ng Manggagawa ng Philippine Refining Company, Inc. filed RULING: Petition dismissed, the decision appealed from is affirmed.
a petition for declaratory relief seeking that their Christmas bonus be
included as part of their basic pay for the computation of overtime pay.
2. Bisig based its contention primarily on the ruling of the Supreme Court in
NAWASA vs. NAWASA Consolidated Unions where it was declared that

20. PESALA v. NLRC (Meryl)


August 22, 1996 | Panganiban, J. | Hours of Work 5. During Angel’s entire period of employment with PESALA, Angel was
required to perform overtime work without any additional
PETITIONER: PAL Employees Saving and Loan Association, Inc. (PESALA) compensation from PESALA.
RESPONDENTS: NLRC and Angel V. Esquejo 6. It was also at this point wherein PESALA refused to give the P25 increase
on the minimum wage rates as provided for by law.
SUMMARY: Angel started working with PESALA as a company guard and 7. Angel was suspended for the period of 37 days for an offense allegedly
was receiving a monthly basic salary of P1,990.00 plus an emergency allowance committed by him.6
in the amount of P510.00. He was required to work twelve (12) hours a day. 8. NLRC granted the claim for overtime pay covering the period October 10,
Several salary increases were given to him. During Angel’s entire period of
1987 to November 30, 1989 in the amount of P28,344.55. The claim for
employment with PESALA, Angel was required to perform overtime work
WITHOUT any additional compensation from PESALA. Hence, he filed non-payment of P25.00 salary increase pursuant to RA 6727 is dismissed
with NLRC a complaint for non-payment of overtime pay. Is Angel entitled to for lack of merit.
overtime pay for work rendered in excess of the regular 8-hr day despite ISSUE:
having a contract of labor specifying a 12-hr work at a fixed monthly rate Whether an employee is entitled to overtime pay for work rendered in excess of
above the minimum wage? YES the regular 8-hr day despite having a contract of labor specifying a 12-hr work at
a fixed monthly rate above the minimum wage – YES
While, it is true that Angel received a salary rate which is higher than the
minimum wage, it does not follow that any additional compensation due the
complainant [Angel] can be offset by his salary in excess of the minimum, RATIO:
especially in the absence of an express agreement to that effect. To consider 1. PESALA argues that there was a meeting of minds since the employment
otherwise would be in disregard of the rule of non-diminution of benefits contract "explicitly states without any equivocation" that the overtime pay
which are above the minimum being extended to the employees. for work rendered for 4 hours in excess of the 8 hour regular working
period is already included in the P1,990.00 basic salary.
DOCTRINE: Employee is entitled to overtime pay for work rendered beyond
2. On the other hand, Angel claims that overtime pay is not so incorporated
the regular 8-hr day.
and should be considered apart from the P1,990.00 basic salary.
3. SC upheld NLRC's ruling that he is entitled to overtime pay.
4. Based on PESALA’s own computation, it appears that the basic salary plus
1. Angel V. Esquejo (Angel) filed with NLRC a complaint for non-payment of
emergency allowance given to Angel did not actually include the overtime
overtime pay and non-payment of the P25.00 statutory minimum wage
pay claimed by Angel.
increase mandated by RA 6727.
a. Following PESALA’s computation, it would appear that by adding
2. Angel started working with PESALA as a company guard and was
the legal minimum monthly salary which at the time was
receiving a monthly basic salary of P1,990.00 plus an emergency allowance
P1,413.00 and the legal overtime minimum monthly salary which
in the amount of P510.00. He was required to work twelve (12) hours a
at the time was P1,413.00 and the legal overtime pay of P877.50,
the total amount due the private respondent as basic salary should
3. PESALA BOD approved a salary adjustment for Angel increasing his
have been P2,290.50.
monthly basic salary to P2,310.00 and an emergency allowance of P510.00.
b. By adding the emergency cost of living allowance (ECOLA) of
4. Because of Angel’s impressive performance on his assigned job, another
P510.00 as provided by the employment contract, the total basic
adjustment was approved by the PESALA Pres. increasing his monthly
basic salary to P2,880.00. 6 Angel allegedly forwarded checks corresponding to several withdrawals of certain Jimenez and dela
Banda without the signature of the Treasurer and the President of PESALA & failed to leave or
surrender the keys of the office which resulted to damage, injury and embarrassment to PESALA.

salary plus emergency allowance should have amounted to

c. However, PESALA admitted that it actually paid Angel P1,990.00
as basic salary plus P510.00 emergency allowance or a total of
only P2,500.00.
d. Undoubtedly, Angel was shortchanged in the amount of
e. PESALA’s own computations thus clearly establish that Angel's
claim for overtime pay is valid.
5. No meeting of minds. NLRC correctly found no such agreement as to
overtime pay. In fact, the contract was definite only as to the number of
hours of work to be rendered but vague as to what is covered by the
salary stipulated.
a. Appointment Memorandum cannot be taken and accorded credit as
it is so worded in view of this ambiguity. While, it is true that the
complainant received a salary rate which is higher than the
minimum provided by law, it does not however follow that any
additional compensation due the complainant [Angel] can be offset
by his salary in excess of the minimum, especially in the absence
of an express agreement to that effect.
b. To consider otherwise would be in disregard of the rule of non-
diminution of benefits which are above the minimum being
extended to the employees. This fertile ground for a violation of a
labor standards provision can be effectively thwarted if there is a
clear and definite delineation between an employee's regular and
overtime compensation.
6. The general right to contract is subject to the limitation that the agreement
must not be in violation of the Constitution, the statute of some rule of law.
7. Contracts of labor are explicitly subject to the police power of the State
because they are not ordinary contracts but are impressed with public
21. Lagatic vs NLRC (Myling)
28 January 1998 | Romero, J | Hours of Work - Rest and Holidays cannot be
offset with Regular Work Days

PETITIONER: Romeo Lagatic

RESPONDENT: National Labor Relations Commission, Cityland Development
Corporation, Stephen Roxas, Jesus Go, Grace Liuson, and Andrew Liuson


2. In order to assess and determine the results of cold calls made by the sales
staff, Cityland requires the submission of daily progress reports.
SUMMARY: Lagatic was employed by Cityland and among his duties was to 3. Cityland issued a written reprimand to Lagatic for his failure to submit cold
make cold calls to prospective clients and to submit reports of these. Lagatic call reports for September 10, October 1 and 10, 1991. Lagatic again failed
failed to do both on several instances. He was required to explain his inaction to submit cold call reports for September 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15 17, 18, 19,
and was given a warning that his continued non-compliance would result to the 20, 22, and 28, as well as for October 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 14, 1992.
termination of his employment. He replied that he merely omitted this. Cityland 4. Lagatic was required to explain his inaction, with a warning that further
found this inadequate, thus, suspended him. He continued to miss submitting non-compliance would result in his termination from the company.
cold calls reports. He was verbally reminded to submit. However, instead of 5. In a reply, Lagatic claimed that the same was an honest omission as he was
complying, he wrote a note, "TO HELL WITH COLD CALLS! WHO CARES?", concentrating on other aspects of his job. Cityland found said excuse
showed this to his co-employees and left it on his desk. Cityland sent him a inadequate and suspended him for three days with a similar warning.
memorandum requiring him to explain why they should not make do their earlier 6. Notwithstanding the suspension and warning, Lagatic again failed to
warning to terminate his employment. He merely replied that his omissions submit cold call reports for February 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12, 1993. He was
should not be regarded as gross insubordination. Cityland served him a notice of verbally reminded to submit the same and was given a deadline.
dismissal. He filed a complaint with the NLRC. The LA and NLRC dismissed 7. Instead of complying, Lagatic wrote a note, "TO HELL WITH COLD
his complaint. CALLS! WHO CARES?" and showed the same to his co-employees. To
worsen matters, he left the same lying on his desk where everyone could see
The SC affirmed the NLRC. He was found not to have been illegally dismissed it.
as there was just cause for his dismissal (Willful disobedience) and procedural 8. Lagatic received a memorandum requiring him to explain why Cityland
due process was followed. Lagatic demanded payment for unpaid commissions should not make good its previous warning for his failure to submit cold
claiming that Cityland’s formula resulted to lower commissions every time there call reports as well as for issuing the written statement aforementioned.
was an increase in salary. The SC held that no law required the payment of 9. In reply, Lagatic alleged that his failure to submit cold call reports should
commissions nor the computation for such. not be deemed as gross insubordination. Further, he denied any knowledge
of the damaging statement, "TO HELL WITH COLD CALLS!"
[Main Issue] Lagatic likewise claimed unpaid overtime pay. He alleged that 10. Finding Lagatic guilty of gross insubordination, Cityland served a notice of
Cityland merely offset regular working days for work done on weekends and dismissal upon him.
holidays. The SC found this to circumvent the law on payment of premiums on 11. Lagatic filed a complaint against Cityland for illegal dismissal, illegal
rest and holiday work. However, Lagatic failed to submit evidence of his rest and deduction, underpayment, overtime and rest day pay, damages and
holiday work. attorney’s fees.
12. The LA dismissed the petition for lack of merit. On appeal, the dismissal
DOCTRINE: Cityland’s scheme is, by analogy, the same as the principle that was affirmed by the NLRC.
overtime cannot be offset by undertime. To allow offsetting would be prejudicial
to the worker as he would be deprived of the additional pay for the rest day work ISSUE:
he rendered. To allow Cityland to continue with the scheme would be 1. Was Lagatic illegally dismissed? NO
circumventing the law on payment of premiums for the rest and holiday work. 2. Is Lagatic entitled to unpaid commissions? NO
3. Is Lagatic entitled to overtime pay, rest day pay and holiday premiums?
FACTS: YES, but he failed to substantiate his work on rest and holidays
1. Romeo Lagatic was employed by Cityland as a marketing specialist. He 4. Is he entitled to moral and exemplary damages, and attorney’s fees? NO as
was tasked with soliciting sales for the company, with the corresponding he was validly dismissed
duties of accepting call-ins, referrals, and making client calls and cold calls.
Cold calls refer to the practice of prospecting for clients through the RULING: The assailed Resolution is AFFIRMED and this petition is
telephone directory. DISMISSEDfor lack of merit.


RATIO: a. The first apprises the employee of the particular acts or omissions
[First Issue] Illegal dismissal for which his dismissal is sought;
1. To constitute a valid dismissal from employment, two requisites must be b. the second informs him of the employer’s decision to dismiss him.
met: 6. Lagatic was served the required notices:
a. the employee must be afforded due process, and a. Lagatic was notified of the charges against him in a memorandum
b. the dismissal must be for a valid cause. to which he submitted a letter-reply and wherein he asked that his
Lagatic alleges he was illegally dismissed due to both procedural and failure to submit cold call reports be not interpreted as gross
substantive causes. insubordination.
b. He was given a separate notice of his termination.
Substantive aspect - There is just cause for Lagatic’s dismissal 7. Lagatic alleges that he was not given the benefit of a hearing as he claims to
2. Except as provided for, or limited by, special laws, an employer is free to not have been informed of the results of the investigation. Neither was he
regulate, according to his discretion and judgment, all aspects of able to confront the affiants who attested to his controversial statement.
employment. However, “ample opportunity” connotes every kind of assistance that
Lagatic insists that, in his experience, cold calls are one of the least management must afford the employee to enable him to prepare adequately
effective means of soliciting sales hence his failure to submit the reports for his defense. This requirement of a hearing is complied with as long as
should not warrant his dismissal. Lagatic cannot be allowed to set company there was an opportunity to be heard, and not necessarily that an actual
policy on the effectivity of methods for to do so would be to be oppressive hearing be conducted.
and self-destructive to the employer. Thus, Lagatic had an opportunity to be heard when he submitted his letter-
3. Willful disobedience requires the concurrence of the following: reply but he adduced no other evidence on his behalf. Further, he admitted
a. The employee’s assailed conduct must have been willful or his failure to submit the reports but merely prayed for the same to not be
intentional. Willfulness is characterized by a wrongful and considered as gross insubordination.
perverse attitude 8. Lagatic also failed to submit controverting evidence regarding his written
b. The order violated must have been reasonable, lawful, made statement although the memorandum on this charged that he had shown the
known to the employee and must pertain to the duties which he had statement to several sales personnel. Denials are weak especially when not
been engaged to discharge. substantiated by clear and convincing evidence.
Lagatic’s failure to comply with Cityland’s policy of submitting cold call
reports is clearly willful, given the 28 instances of his failure to do so and [2nd Issue] Entitlement to illegally deducted amounts from his commission
despite a previous reprimand and suspension. The policy is clearly 9. Lagatic claims there were illegal deductions made on his commissions
reasonable and lawful, sufficiently known to Lagatic, and in connection given the formula Cityland uses for determining commissions:
with the duties which he had been engaged to discharge. COMMISSIONS = (CE - CN) - AR
4. His written statement shows his open defiance and disobedience to lawful
rules and regulations of the company. Where CE (Credits Earned) = Monthly Sales Volume x Commission Rate
The rule is that denial, if unsubstantiated by clear and convincing evidence, (CR)
is negative and self-serving which has no weight in law. Lagatic merely CN (Cumulative Negative)
denied knowledge of him saying “TO HELL WITH COLD CALLS! WHO AR (Amounts Earned) = Monthly Compensation/.75
CARES?” Cityland, however, had affidavits of Lagatic’s co-employees CR (Commission Rate) = 4.5%
attesting to him saying this.
10. In the formula, an increase in salary would result to an increase in AR, thus
Procedural Aspect diminishing the amount of commissions that Lagatic would receive.
5. Notice and hearing are the two requisites of due process. The employer a. Lagatic construes this as violative of the non-diminution of
must furnish the employee with two written notices before the termination benefits clause embodied in the wage orders applicable him.
of employment can be effected:


b. Cityland has paid Lagatic commissions based on a higher AR each 15. Lagatic alleges that the company owes him overtime pay for the call-ins he
time there has been a wage increase, Lagatic sees the difference made on weekends.
between the original and subsequent ARs as illegal deductions: a. Cityland argues that their employees clamored for the privilege to
attend call-ins and entertain walk in clients on weekends. That
because of the clamor, it had to stagger the schedule of their
employees so everyone may be given a chance to do so.
b. SC however said that if there really was clamor for the weekend
work then why were there weekends that had no call-ins or walk-
16. Further, the LA and NLRC sanctioned Cityland’s practice of offsetting rest
day or holiday work with equivalent time on regular workdays following
Department Order 21, series of 1990.
a. The DO was however misapplied as it pertained to the shortening
11. Lagatic further claims that with this formula, he even owes Cityland of the workweek from 6 days to 5 days but with prolonged hours
P1,410.00 because: on the 5 days.
Lagatic’s Basic Salary = P4,230.00 b. Overtime premiums were not paid in exchange for longer
AR = 4,230.00/ .75 = 5,640.00 weekends.
Lagatic’s Basic Salary – AR = P1,410.00 17. With Lagatic, his weekends were not compressed. Instead, he is claiming
for work over and above his normal 5 ½ days of work in a week.
12. While Lagatic’s increase in salary would cause an increase in the AR thus a. Cityland’s scheme is, by analogy, the same as the principle that
lessen his commissions, Lagatic however always receives his basic salary overtime cannot be offset by undertime. To allow offsetting would
without deductions. His argument on his indebtedness is fallacious as his be prejudicial to the worker as he would be deprived of the
basic salary remains the same regardless of his collections. additional pay for the rest day work he rendered.
13. Additionally, there is no law which requires employers to pay commissions, b. To allow Cityland to continue with the scheme would be
and when they do so, there is no law which prescribes a method for circumventing the law on payment of premiums for the rest and
computing commissions following the letter-opinion of DOLE dated 19 Feb holiday work.
1993. The determination of the amount of commissions is the result of 18. Lagatic however failed to show his entitlement to overtime and resy day pay
collective bargaining negotiations, individual employment contracts or as he only submitted as evidence the minutes of meetings where he was
established employer practice. assigned to work on weekends and holidays. These were not sufficient to
Since the formula for the computation of commissions was presented to and prove his allegations that he actually worked on the said dates.
accepted by Lagatic, the formula is in order.
14. On the allegation that said formula diminishes the benefits being received [4th Issue] Claims for moral and exemplary damages, and attorney’s fees
by Lagatic whenever there is a wage increase, commissions are not meant to 19. With the finding of Lagatic’s dismissal, such claims must fail.
be in a fixed amount. In fact, there is no assurance that any commission
would be received at all. SEPARATE OPINION: None

Non-diminution of benefits, in this case, merely means that the company

may not remove the privilege to earn a commission but not that they are
entitled to a fixed amount of it.

[3rd and Main Issue] Claims for overtime pay, rest day pay and holiday


22. Interphil Laboratories Employees Union v. Interphil Laboratories (Pamie) their CBA which was set to expire in a few months. Interphil said that the
December 19, 2001 | Kapunan, J. | Hours of Work - Slowdown matter was best discussed during the formal negotiations.
3. In March 1993, they inquired once more and received the same reply. In
PETITIONER: INTERPHIL LABORATORIES EMPLOYEES UNION-FFW, April 1993, they requested a meeting to discuss the duration and effectivity
ENRICO GONZALES; MA. THERESA MONTEJO, of the CBA. A meeting was held where the union officers asked whether
RESPONDENTS: INTERPHIL LABORATORIES, INC., AND Interphil would be amenable to make the new CBA effective for 2 years.
HONORABLE LEONARDO A. QUISUMBING, SECRETARY OF LABOR Interphil declared that it is premature to discuss the matter and that the
AND EMPLOYMENT company could not make a decision at the moment.
4. The next day, all the rank-and-file employees of the company refused to
follow their regular 2 shift work schedule of from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.,
SUMMARY: The union officers inquired with Interphil several times about its
and from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. At 2:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m., the employees
stand regarding the duration of their CBA, which was set to expire in a few
stopped working and left their workplace.
months. Interphil said that the matter was best discussed during the formal
5. When asked why they refused to follow their normal work schedule, the
negotiations. The next day, all the rank-and-file employees of the company did
employees said to ask the union officers. To minimize the damage the
an overtime boycott and work slowdown campaign. A union director said that
overtime boycott was causing the company, Interphil immediately asked for
they would return to their normal work schedule if the company agrees to their
a meeting with the union officers.
demands as to the effectivity and duration of the new CBA.
6. A union director said that the employees would only return to their normal
ISSUE: Did the workers engage in "overtime boycott" and "work slowdown",
work schedule if the company agrees to their demands as to the effectivity
both amounting to illegal strike? - YES, the union’s unjustified unilateral
and duration of the new CBA. Interphil argues that this could be better
alteration of the 24-hour work schedule thru their concerted activities of
discussed during the formal renegotiations. Unsatisfied, the overtime
"overtime boycott" and "work slowdown” to force Interphil to accede to their
boycott continued. In addition, the employees started to engage in a work
unreasonable demands, can be classified as a strike on an installment basis. The
slowdown campaign during the time they were working, thus substantially
workers' concerted refusal to adhere to the work schedule in force for the last
delaying the production of the company.
several years is a slowdown, an inherently illegal activity even in the absence of
7. Afterward, the union submitted its CBA proposal, and Interphil filed its
a no-strike clause in a collective bargaining contract, or statute or rule.
8. Interphil then filed with the NLRC a petition to declare illegal the union's
DOCTRINE: A slowdown is a strike on the installment plan; it is generally
"overtime boycott" and "work slowdown" which allegedly amounted to
condemned as inherently illicit and unjustifiable, because while the employees
illegal strike.
continue to work and remain at their positions and accept the wages paid to
9. Interphil also filed with the National Conciliation and Mediation Board
them, they at the same time select what part of their allotted tasks they care to
(NCMB) an urgent request for preventive mediation. The parties failed to
perform of their own volition or refuse openly or secretly, to the employer's
arrive at an agreement and so, Interphil filed with DOLE a petition for
damage, to do other work; in other words, they work on their own terms.
assumption of jurisdiction.
10. The union filed with the NCMB a Notice of Strike citing unfair labor
practice. On 12 February 1994, the union staged a strike.
1. Interphil Laboratories Employees Union-FFW is the exclusive bargaining
11. Secretary of Labor Nieves Confesor issued an assumption order over the
agent of the rank-and-file employees of Interphil Laboratories, Inc.
labor dispute. Interphil was ordered to immediately accept all striking
2. The union president and a union director inquired with Interphil’s VP of
workers, including the 53 terminated union officers, shop stewards and
Human Resources about the stand of the company regarding the duration of

union members back to work under the same terms and conditions 2. Undeniably, overtime boycott and work slowdown from April 16, 1993 up
prevailing prior to the strike, and to pay all the unpaid accrued year end to March 7, 1994 had resulted not only in financial losses to the company
benefits of its employees in 1993. The union was directed to comply with but also damaged its business reputation.
the return-to-work orders. 3. Evidently, the union’s unjustified unilateral alteration of the 24-hour work
12. The case before NLRC continued. The union sought to consolidate the case schedule thru their concerted activities of "overtime boycott" and "work
with the labor dispute pending before the Secretary of Labor. Despite slowdown" from April 16, 1993 up to March 7, 1994, to force Interphil to
objection by Interphil, Labor Arbiter Caday held in abeyance the accede to their unreasonable demands, can be classified as a strike on an
proceedings before him. However, Acting Labor Secretary Brillantes, after installment basis.
finding that the issues raised would require a formal hearing and the 4. More importantly, the "overtime boycott" or "work slowdown" constituted a
presentation of evidentiary matters, directed Labor Arbiter Caday to violation of their CBA, which prohibits the union or employee to stage a
proceed with the hearing of the cases and to thereafter submit a report and strike or engage in slowdown or interruption of work.
recommendation. 5. In Ilaw at Buklod ng Manggagawa vs. NLRC, it was held that the workers'
13. Secretary Quisumbing approved and adopted the report submitted: concerted refusal to adhere to the work schedule in force for the last several
a. Declaring the 'overtime boycott' and 'work slowdown' as illegal years, is a slowdown, an inherently illegal activity essentially illegal even in
strike; the absence of a no-strike clause in a collective bargaining contract, or
b. Declaring the union officers who spearheaded and led the overtime statute or rule. A slowdown is a strike on the installment plan; as a willful
boycott and work slowdown, to have lost their employment status; reduction in the rate of work by concerted action of workers for the purpose
and of restricting the output of the employer, in relation to a labor dispute; as an
c. Ordering them to cease and desist from further committing the activity by which workers, without a complete stoppage of work, retard
aforesaid illegal acts. production or their performance of duties and functions to compel
management to grant their demands. A slowdown is generally condemned
ISSUE: Did the workers engage in "overtime boycott" and "work slowdown", as inherently illicit and unjustifiable, because while the employees continue
both amounting to illegal strike? - YES to work and remain at their positions and accept the wages paid to them,
they at the same time select what part of their allotted tasks they care to
RATIO: perform of their own volition or refuse openly or secretly, to the employer's
1. Aside from the testimonies of Salazar, the testimonies of other Department damage, to do other work; in other words, they work on their own terms.
Managers pointing to the union officers as the instigators of the overtime
boycott and work slowdown, the testimony of Epifanio Salumbides a union Other issues:
member, shows that the union officers released a memo ordering the union Jurisdiction of Secretary of Labor
members to make up their own excuses so as not to work overtime. He was 6. On the matter of the authority and jurisdiction of the Secretary of Labor to
also told to skip work on Friday so that he will not be asked to go to work rule on the illegal strike committed by the union, it is undisputed that the
on the weekend. Another order was given to skip overtime work when the petition to declare the strike illegal before Labor Arbiter Caday was filed
union gives the signal “showtime”. When such signal was given by a union long before the Secretary of Labor and Employment issued the assumption.
officer, the workers left simultaneously, except for Salumbides. He was However, it cannot be denied that the issues of "overtime boycott" and
then called in by the union officers where he was cursed at for continuing to "work slowdown" amounting to illegal strike before Labor Arbiter Caday
work overtime. are intertwined with the labor dispute before the Labor Secretary. Moreover,


the subsequent participation of the union in the continuation of the hearing

was in effect an affirmation of the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Labor. Condonation of the illegal acts committed
7. Also, the Secretary was explicitly granted by Article 263(g) of the Labor 12. Finally, the Court cannot agree that in extending substantial separation
Code the authority to assume jurisdiction over a labor dispute causing or package to some officers of the union during the pendency of this case
likely to cause a strike or lockout in an industry indispensable to the resulted in condonation of the illegal acts they committed.
national interest and decide the same accordingly. Necessarily, this 13. At the time these union officers obtained their separation benefits, they were
authority to assume jurisdiction over the said labor dispute must include and still considered employees of the company. Hence, the company was merely
extend to all questions and controversies arising therefrom, including cases complying with its legal obligations. Interphil could have withheld these
over which the labor arbiter has exclusive jurisdiction. benefits pending the final resolution of this case. Yet, considering perhaps
8. The issuance of the assailed orders is within the province of the Secretary. the financial hardships experienced by its employees, it chose to let its
employees avail of their separation benefits. The Court views the gesture as
Rules of evidence in Labor cases an act of generosity for which it should not be punished.
9. In labor cases pending before the Commission or the Labor Arbiter, the
rules of evidence prevailing in courts of law or equity are not controlling.
Rules of procedure and evidence are not applied in a very rigid and
technical sense in labor cases. Hence, the Labor Arbiter is not precluded
from accepting and evaluating evidence other than, and even contrary to,
what is stated in the CBA.
10. In any event, the parties stipulated: Section 1. Regular Working Hours — A
normal workday shall consist of not more than 8 hours. The regular working
hours for the Company shall be from 7:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. The schedule
of shift work shall be maintained; however the company may change the
prevailing work time at its discretion, should such change be necessary in
the operations of the Company. [...]
11. It is evident that the working hours may be changed, at the discretion of the
company, should such change be necessary for its operations, and that the
employees shall observe such rules as have been laid down by the company.
In the case before us, Labor Arbiter Caday found that Interphil had to adopt
a continuous 24-hour work daily schedule by reason of the nature of its
business and the demands of its clients. It was established that the
employees adhered to the said work schedule since 1988. The employees
are deemed to have waived the eight-hour schedule since they followed,
without any question or complaint, the two-shift schedule while their CBA
was still in force and even prior thereto. As the employees assented by
23. Ramirez vs Polyson Industries, Inc. (NICKNAME)
practice to this arrangement, they cannot now be heard to claim that the 19 October 2016 | Peralta, J. | Working Conditions-“work slowdown”
overtime boycott is justified because they were not obliged to work beyond
eight hours.


3. The instant case arose from a labor dispute, between Ramirez et. al. and
Polyson, which was certified by the DOLE to the NLRC for compulsory
4. Polyson met with the officers of Obrero, led by the union president Ramirez.
Obrero asked that it be voluntarily recognized by Polyson as the exclusive
bargaining agent of the rank-and-file employees of Polyson, but the latter
The instant case arose from a labor dispute, between Ramirez et. al. and Polyson.
refused. Furious at such refusal, the Obrero officers threatened the management
Polyson received a rush order from one of its clients which required workers to
that the union will show its collective strength in the coming days.
work overtime. Five operators indicated their desire to work overtime. However,
5. Polyson received a rush order from one of its clients; Polyson informed the
three of the five workers did not work overtime which resulted in the delay in
operators that they would be needing workers to work overtime. The supervisors
delivery of the order and eventually the cancellation. When management asked the
approached the operators but were told that they would be unable to work
workers, two of the three workers gave the same reason, "Ayaw nila/ng iba na
overtime. Five operators indicated their desire to work overtime. However, three
mag-OT [overtime] ako". The management then conducted an investigation and a
of the five workers did not work overtime which resulted in the delay in delivery
hearing where it was proved that Ramirez et. al. were the ones who pressured him
of the order and eventually the cancellation.
to desist from rendering overtime work. After evaluation, the management
6.\ When management asked the workers to indicate the reason for their failure to
terminated Ramirez et. al. Obrero filed a Notice of Strike with the NCMB.
do so, two of the three workers gave the same reason, "Ayaw nila/ng iba na
Thereafter, the DOLE Secretary certified the labor dispute to the NLRC for
mag-OT [overtime] ako". The management then conducted an investigation
immediate compulsory arbitration where the parties were required to maintain the
and a hearing where it was proved that Ramirez et. al. were the ones who
status quo [Article 263(g)]. Issue: WON petitioners' dismissal from their
pressured him to desist from rendering overtime work.
employment was valid? – YES. SC held Ramirez et. al. were guilty of “overtime
7. The management then gave notices to Ramirez et. al. asking them to explain
boycott” or “work slowdown”. Ramirez et. al. are guilty of instigating their co-
why no disciplinary action would be taken against them. Ramirez et. al.
employees to commit slowdown, an inherently and essentially illegal activity.
submitted their respective explanations to the management denying their
liability. After evaluation, the management informed petitioners that it has
DOCTRINE: decided to terminate petitioners' employment on the ground that they instigated
Jurisprudence defines a slowdown as a "strike on the installment plan;" as a an illegal concerted activity resulting in losses to the company.
willful reduction in the rate of work by concerted action of workers for the 8. Petitioners denied the allegations of Polyson contending that they were
purpose of restricting the output of the employer, in relation to a labor dispute; as terminated from their employment not because they induced or threatened their
an activity by which workers, without a complete stoppage of work, retard co-employees not to render overtime work but because they established a union
production or their performance of duties and functions to compel management to which sought to become the exclusive bargaining agent of the rank-and-file
grant their demands. Such a slowdown is generally condemned as inherently illicit employees of Polyson; that their termination was undertaken without affording
and unjustifiable, because while the employees "continue to work and remain at them substantive and procedural due process; and that Polyson is guilty of unfair
their positions and accept the wages paid to them," they are at the same time labor practice.
"select what part of their allotted tasks they care to perform of their own volition 9. Obrero filed a Notice of Strike with the National Conciliation and Mediation
or refuse openly or secretly, to the employer's damage, to do other work;" in other Board (NCMB) which was predicated on various grounds, among which was the
words, they "work on their own terms”. alleged illegal dismissal of herein petitioners.
10. Thereafter, the DOLE Secretary certified the labor dispute to the NLRC for
immediate compulsory arbitration where the parties were required to maintain
FACTS: the status quo, in accordance with Article 263(g) of the Labor Code.
1. Polyson is a duly organized domestic corporation which is primarily engaged in 11. NLRC initially found Ramirez et. al. illegally dismissed for failure of Polyson
the business of manufacturing plastic bags for supermarkets, department stores to submit in evidence petitioners' supposed written explanations in answer to the
and the like. company's Notice to Explain. However, Polyson then filed a MR submitting, the
2. Ramirez et. al. were employees of Polyson and officers of Obrero Pilipino subject written explanations of petitioners. The NLRC granted Polyson's MR,
(Obrero), the union of the employees of Polyson. thereby reversing and setting aside its original decision and declaring petitioners

as validly dismissed. The NLRC found that Polyson was able to present manufacture evidence against them. However, there is nothing on record to
sufficient evidence to establish that petitioners' termination from employment indicate any ulterior motive on the part of Visca and Tuting to fabricate their
was for a valid cause, as they were found guilty of inducing or threatening their claim that petitioners were the ones who threatened or induced them not to work
co-employees not to render overtime work, and that petitioners' dismissal was in overtime. Absent convincing evidence showing any cogent reason why a
conformity with due process requirements. witness should testify falsely, his testimony may be accorded full faith and
12.\ The CA affirmed the Resolution of the NLRC. The CA ruled that petitioners' credit.
defense, which is anchored primarily on their denial of the allegations of 7. Petitioners are guilty of instigating their co-employees to commit slowdown,
Polyson, cannot overcome the categorical statements of Polyson's witnesses who an inherently and essentially illegal activity even in the absence of a no-strike
identified petitioners as the persons who induced or threatened them not to clause in a collective bargaining contract, or statute or rule. Jurisprudence
render overtime work. defines a slowdown as a "strike on the installment plan;" as a willful reduction
in the rate of work by concerted action of workers for the purpose of restricting
ISSUE: the output of the employer, in relation to a labor dispute; as an activity by which
1. WON petitioners' dismissal from their employment was valid? – YES. workers, without a complete stoppage of work, retard production or their
performance of duties and functions to compel management to grant their
RATIO: demands. Such a slowdown is generally condemned as inherently illicit and
1. Due process under the Labor Code involves two aspects: first is substantive, unjustifiable, because while the employees "continue to work and remain at their
which refers to the valid and authorized causes of termination of employment positions and accept the wages paid to them," they at the same time "select what
under the Labor Code; and second is procedural, which points to the manner of part of their allotted tasks they care to perform of their own volition or refuse
dismissal. Thus, to justify fully the dismissal of an employee, the employer openly or secretly, to the employer's damage, to do other work;" in other words,
must, as a rule, prove that the dismissal was for a just or authorized cause and they "work on their own terms”.
that the employee was afforded due process prior to dismissal. As a 8. The Court is not persuaded by petitioners' contention that they are not guilty of
complementary principle, the employer has the onus of proving with clear, "illegal concerted activity" as they claim that this term contemplates a "careful
accurate, consistent, and convincing evidence the validity of the dismissal. planning of a considerable number of participants to insure that the desired
2. Anent the substantive aspect, the question that should be resolved is whether result is attained." Nothing in the law requires that a slowdown be carefully
petitioners are guilty of an illegal act and, if so, whether such act is a valid planned and that it be participated in by a large number of workers. The essence
ground for their termination from employment. of this kind of strike is that the workers do not quit their work but simply reduce
3. The NLRC ruled that "the evidence on record clearly establishes that herein the rate of work in order to restrict the output or delay the production of the
[petitioners] resorted to an illicit activity. The act of inducing and/or threatening employer.
workers not to render overtime work, given the circumstances surrounding the 9. With respect to procedural due process, it is settled that in termination
instant case, was undoubtedly a calculated effort amounting to 'overtime boycott' proceedings of employees, procedural due process consists of the twin
or 'work slowdown'. [Petitioners], in their apparent attempt to make a statement requirements of notice and hearing. The employer must furnish the employee
as a response to [Polyson's] refusal to voluntarily recognize Obrero Pilipino with two written notices before the termination of employment can be effected:
Polyson Industries Chapter as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative (1) the first apprises the employee of the particular acts or omissions for which
of the rank-and-file employees, unduly caused [Polyson] significant losses in the his dismissal is sought; and (2) the second informs the employee of the
aggregate amount of Two Hundred Ninety Thousand Pesos (PhP290,000.00)." employer's decision to dismiss him. The requirement of a hearing is complied
4. As a reminder to labor leaders, the rule that union officers are duty-bound to with as long as there was an opportunity to be heard, and not necessarily that an
guide their members to respect the law. Contrarily, if the officers urge the actual hearing was conducted. In the present case, Polyson was able to establish
members to violate the law and defy the duly-constituted authorities, their that these requirements were sufficiently complied with.
dismissal from the service is a just penalty or sanction for their unlawful acts.
5 The evidence presented by Polyson has proven that petitioners are indeed guilty
of instigating two employees to abstain from working overtime.
6. Petitioners question the credibility of the two employees’ claims contending that
these are self-serving and that they were merely used by the management to

10. As to petitioners' liability, the second paragraph of Article 264(a)7 of the

Labor Code is controlling.
11. Finally, strike, as the most preeminent economic weapon of the workers to force
management to agree to an equitable sharing of the joint product of labor and
capital, exert some disquieting effects not only on the relationship between labor
and management, but also on the general peace and progress of society and
economic well-being of the State. This weapon is so critical that the law imposes
the supreme penalty of dismissal on union officers who irresponsibly participate
in an illegal strike and union members who commit unlawful acts during a
strike. The responsibility of the union officers, as main players in an illegal
strike, is greater than that of the members as the union officers have the duty to
guide their members to respect the law. The policy of the State is not to tolerate
actions directed at the destabilization of the social order, where the relationship
between labor and management has been endangered by abuse of one party's
bargaining prerogative, to the extent of disregarding not only the direct order of
the government to maintain the status quo, but the welfare of the entire
workforce though they may not be involved in the dispute. The grave penalty of
dismissal imposed on the guilty parties is a natural consequence, considering the
interest of public welfare.

7 “Any union officer who knowingly participates in an illegal strike and any worker or union officer who
knowingly participates in the commission of illegal acts during a strike may be declared to have lost his
employment status: Provided, That mere participation of a worker in a lawful strike shall not constitute
sufficient ground for termination of his employment, even if a replacement had been hired by the
employer during such lawful strike.”

24. Mercury Drug Co. v. Dayao (Anne) a. payment of their unpaid back wages for work done on Sundays and legal
1987 | Gutierrez Jr., J. | Hours of Work; Night Shift Differential–Art. 86 holidays plus 25% additional compensation from date of their employment
up to June 30, 1962;
PETITIONER: MERCURY DRUG CO., INC. b. payment of extra compensation on work done at night;
RESPONDENTS: NARDO DAYAO, ET AL. c. reinstatement of Januario Referente and Oscar Echalar to their former
positions with back salaries (subsequently Referente and Echalar were
SUMMARY: dropped as party petitioners in this case because the court has no
Nardao Dayao, filed a petition against Mercury Drug Co. praying: 1) jurisdiction over the subject of the claims); and,
payment of their unpaid back wages for work done on Sundays and legal d. as against the respondent union, for its disestablishment and the refund of
holidays plus 25c/c additional compensation from date of their employment up all monies it had collected from petitioners. (Court held that 'petitioners'
to June 30, 1962; 2) payment of extra compensation on work done at night; 3) cause of action against the respondent Association should be dismissed
reinstatement of Januario Referente and Oscar Echalar to their former positions without prejudice to the refiling of the same as an unfair labor practice case)
with back salaries; and, as against the respondent union, for its disestablishment Petitioner’s Contentions (Mercury Drug)
and the refund of all monies it had collected from petitioners. 1. Petitioners have no cause of action against Mariano Que because their
employer is respondent Mercury Drug Company, Inc., an existing
The issue here is WON the private respondents are entitled to claims for corporation which has a separate and distinct personality from its
25% additional compensation for performing work during Sunday and incorporators, stockholders and/or officers,
legal holidays and nighttime service? YES. Mercury did not deny that the 2. That the company being a service enterprise is excluded from the coverage
private respondents rendered nighttime work. In fact, no additional evidence was of the Eight Hour Labor Law, as amended;
necessary to prove that the private respondents were entitled to additional 3. That no court has the power to set wages, rates of pay, hours of employment
compensation for whether or not they were entitled to the same is a question of or other conditions of employment to the extent of disregarding an
law which the respondent court answered correctly. The "waiver rule" is not agreement thereon between the respondent company and the petitioners, and
applicable in the case at bar. Additional compensation for nighttime work is of fixing night differential wages;
founded on public policy, hence the same cannot be waived. (Article 6, Civil 4. That the petitioners were fully paid for services rendered under the terms
Code). and conditions of the individual contracts of employment;
5. That the petition having been verified by only three of the petitioners
DOCTRINE: without showing that the others authorized the inclusion of their names as
Work performed at night should be paid more than work done at daytime, and petitioners does not confer jurisdiction to this Court;
that if that work is done beyond the worker's regular hours of duty, he should 6. That there is no employer-employee relationship between management and
also be paid additional compensation for overtime work. Additional petitioner Nardo Dayao and that his claim has been released and/or barred
compensation for nighttime work is founded on public policy, hence the same by another action;
cannot be waived. Ruling of the CIR:
1. The claim of the petitioners for payment of backwages corresponding to the
first four hours work rendered on every other Sunday and first four hours on
Nardo Dayao and 70 others filed a case in the Court of Industrial Relations
legal holidays should be denied for lack of merit.
against Mercury Drug Co., Inc., and/or Mariano Que, President & General
2. Respondent Mercury Drug Company, Inc., is hereby ordered to pay the
Manager, and Mercury Drug Co., Inc., Employees Association.
sixty-nine (69) petitioners:
1. Petitioners prayed for:

a. An additional sum equivalent to 25% of their respective basic or 5. Moreover, Mercury did not deny that the private respondents rendered
regular salaries for services rendered on Sundays and legal nighttime work. In fact, no additional evidence was necessary to prove that
holidays during the period from March 20, 1961 up to June 30, the private respondents were entitled to additional compensation for
1962; and whether or not they were entitled to the same is a question of law which the
b. Another additional sum or premium equivalent to 25% of their respondent court answered correctly.
respective basic or regular salaries for nighttime services rendered 6. The "waiver rule" is not applicable in the case at bar.
from March 20, 1961 up to June 30, 1962. 7. Additional compensation for nighttime work is founded on public policy,
3. Petitioners' petition to convert them to monthly employees should be, as it is hence the same cannot be waived. (Article 6, Civil Code).
hereby, denied for lack of merit. 8. The Court held that the respondent court acted according to justice and
4. Respondent Mariano Que, being an officer and acted only as an agent in equity and the substantial merits of the case, without regard to technicalities
behalf of the respondent corporation, should be absolved from the money or legal forms and should be sustained.
claims of herein petitioners whose employer, according to the pleadings and 9. The Mercury Drug Co., Inc., maintains a chain of drugstores that are open
evidence, is the Mercury Drug Company, Inc. everyday of the week and, for some stores, up to very late at night because
of the nature of the pharmaceutical retail business.
ISSUES: 10. The respondents knew that they had to work Sundays and holidays and at
1. WON the private respondents are entitled to claims for 25% additional night, not as exceptions to the rule but as part of the regular course of
compensation for performing work during Sunday and legal holidays employment.
and nighttime service? YES. 11. Presented with contracts setting their compensation on an annual basis with
an express waiver of extra compensation for work on Sundays and holidays,
the workers did not have much choice.
1. Mercury Drug Co. did not deny that their workers provided night time
12. The private respondents were at a disadvantage insofar as the contractual
services to their customers There is no serious disagreement between the
relationship was concerned. Workers in our country do not have the luxury
petitioners and respondent management on the facts recited above.
or freedom of declining job openings or filing resignations even when some
2. The variance in the evidence is only with respect to the money claims.
terms and conditions of employment are not only onerous and inequitous
Witnesses for petitioners declared they:
but illegal.
a. worked on regular days and on every other Sunday and also during
13. It is precisely because of this situation that the framers of the Constitution
all holidays;
embodied the provisions on social justice (Section 6, Article 11) and
b. that for services rendered on Sundays and holidays they were not
protection to labor (Section 9, Article I I) in the Declaration of Principles
paid for the first four (4) hours and what they only received was
And State Policies.
the overtime compensation corresponding to the number of hours
14. It is pursuant to these constitutional mandates that the courts are ever
after or in excess of the first four hours; and
vigilant to protect the rights of workers who are placed in contractually
c. that such payment is being indicated in the overtime pay for work
disadvantageous positions and who sign waivers or provisions contrary to
done in excess of eight hours on regular working days.
law and public policy.
3. It is also claimed that their nighttime services could well be seen on their
respective daily time records.
4. The respondent court's ruling on additional compensation for work done at
night is, therefore, not without evidence.


25. Prangan v. NLRC (Rhald) p.m. and would invariably leave his post at exactly 2:00 a.m. Obviously, such
1998 | Romero., J. | Hours of Work; Burden of Proof is with Employer if the unvarying recording of a daily time record is improbable and contrary to human
employee works less than what’s prescribed by law experience. It is impossible for an employee to arrive at the workplace and leave
at exactly the same time, day in day out. The very uniformity and regularity of
PETITIONER: EDUARDO B. PRANGAN the entries are badges of untruthfulness and as such indices of dubiety.
VICTOR C. PADILLA, When an employer alleges that his employee works less than the normal hours of
employment as provided for in the law, he bears the burden of proving his
SUMMARY: allegation with clear and satisfactory evidence.
Masagana Security hired Prangan on November 4, 1980 as one of its security
guards. Thereafter, Eduardo Prangan was assigned to the Cat House Bar and FACTS:
Restaurant with a monthly salary of P2,000.00 until its closure. In 1994, Prangan 1. Masagana is a corporation engaged in providing security services to its
filed a case with the LA for non-payment of overtime pay, premium pay for client. It hired Prangan on November 4, 1980 as one of its security guards.
holiday, rest day, night shift differential, uniform allowance, service incentive Thereafter, Prangan was assigned to the Cat House Bar and Restaurant with
leave pay and 13th-month pay from the year 1990 to 1993. The LA ruled in a monthly salary of P2,000.00 until its closure.
favor of him, but his backwages was computed only at a 4-hour work schedule. 2. On May 4, 1994, Prangan filed a complaint against Masagana for
He appealed this to the LA. Initially, it was dismissed for lack of merit but later underpayment of wages, non-payment of salary from August 16-31, 1993,
on an MR was granted. Masagana contends that he only worked for 4 hours per overtime pay, premium pay for holiday, rest day, night shift differential,
day but Prangan contends that he worked for 12 hours per day/shift. Masagana uniform allowance, service incentive leave pay and 13th-month pay from
submitted daily time records allegedly signed by the Prangan himself showing the year 1990 to 1993.
that he only worked four hours daily. 3. Masagana, in its position paper, rejected Prangan’s claim alleging it merely
acted as an agent of the latter in securing his employment at the Cat House
Whether Prangan worked for 12-hours and not 4 and thus the NLRC ruling Bar and Restaurant. Thus, the liability for the claims of the petitioner
is incorrect. Prangan worked for 12 hours. When an employer alleges that his should be charged to Cat House Bar and its owner, being his direct
employee works less than the normal hours of employment as provided for in the employer.
law, he bears the burden of proving his allegation with clear and satisfactory 4. In resolving the dispute in a decision dated May 31, 1995, the Labor Arbiter
evidence. Masagana hardly bothered to controvert petitioners assertion, much brushed aside the Masagana’s contention that it was merely an agent of the
less bolster its own contention. They have unlimited access to all relevant petitioner. Prangan was awarded P9,932.16 for premium pay for holiday
documents and records on the hours of work of the petitioner. Yet, even as it and rest days, night shift differential, service incentive leave pay, 13th-
insists that petitioner only worked for four hours and not twelve, no employment month pay, uniform allowance, and unpaid salary.
contract, payroll, notice of assignment or posting, cash voucher or any other 5. Prangan still appealed to the NLRC contending that the Labor Arbiter erred
convincing evidence which may attest to the actual hours of work of the in concluding that he only worked for four hours and not twelve hours a
petitioner were even presented. Instead, what the private respondent offered as day. Evidently, the shorter work hours resulted in a lower monetary award
evidence were only petitioners daily time record, which the latter categorically by the Labor Arbiter.
denied ever accomplishing, much less signing. 6. However, the NLRC dismissed his appeal for failure to file the same within
In said alleged daily time record, it showed that Prangan started work at 10:00 ten-day reglementary period.

7. Prangan filed an MR which, in the interest of justice, was favorably granted record, which the latter categorically denied ever accomplishing, much less
by the NLRC resulting in the reinstatement of his appeal. Nonetheless, signing.
petitioners victory was short-lived as the NLRC eventually dismissed his 4. In said alleged daily time record, it showed that Prangan started work at
appeal for lack of merit. 10:00 p.m. and would invariably leave his post at exactly 2:00 a.m.
8. Prangan is now before us imputing grave abuse of discretion on the part of Obviously, such unvarying recording of a daily time record is improbable
respondent NLRC (a) declaring that he rendered only four hours and not and contrary to human experience. It is impossible for an employee to arrive
twelve hours of work, and (b) affirming the monetary award. at the workplace and leave at exactly the same time, day in day out. The
9. Arguments and evidence: very uniformity and regularity of the entries are badges of untruthfulness
a. Masagana submitted the daily time records allegedly signed by the and as such indices of dubiety.
Prangan himself showing that he only worked four hours daily. 5. Another consideration which militates against private respondents claim is
b. Prangan argues that these daily time records were falsified for the the fact that in the personnel data sheet of Prangan, duly signed by the
simple reason that he was not required to submit one. He further formers operation manager, it shows on its face that the latter’s hours of
stressed that, assuming such documents exist, its authenticity and work are from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. or twelve hours a day. They are
due execution are questionable and of doubtful source. estopped from claiming otherwise.
6. All told, private respondent has not adequately proved that petitioners actual
ISSUES: hours of work is only four hours. Its unexplained silence contravening the
1. Whether Prangan worked for 12-hours and not 4 and thus the NLRC personnel data sheet and the attendance sheets of Cat House Bar and
ruling is incorrect. Prangan worked for 12 hours. When an employer Restaurant presented by the petitioner showing he worked for twelve hours,
alleges that his employee works less than the normal hours of employment has assumed the character of an admission. No reason was proffered for this
as provided for in the law, he bears the burden of proving his allegation silence despite private respondent, being the employer, could have easily
with clear and satisfactory evidence. done so.

1. The NLRC, in declaring that petitioner only worked for four hours, relied
solely on the supposed daily time records of the petitioner submitted by the
private respondent.
2. We, however, are of the opinion that these documents cannot be considered
substantial evidence as to conclude that petitioner only worked for four
3. Masagana hardly bothered to controvert petitioners assertion, much less
bolster its own contention. They have unlimited access to all relevant
documents and records on the hours of work of the petitioner. Yet, even as
it insists that petitioner only worked for four hours and not twelve, no
employment contract, payroll, notice of assignment or posting, cash
voucher or any other convincing evidence which may attest to the actual
hours of work of the petitioner were even presented. Instead, what the
private respondent offered as evidence were only petitioners daily time


26. National Semiconductors Distribution Ltd. v. NLRC (Marian) 1. Parties:
26 June 1988 | J. Bellosillo | Working Conditions - Hours of Work; Burden of proof a. Petitioner ⇒ National Semiconductor (HK) Distribution, Ltd.
of payment of night shift differential (NSC for brevity), a foreign corporation licensed to do business
in the Philippines, manufactures and assembles electronic parts
PETITIONER: NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR (HK) DISTRIBUTION, for export with principal office at the Mactan Export Processing
Zone, Mactan, Lapu-Lapu City.
DIVISION) and EDGAR PHILIP C. SANTOS b. Respondent ⇒ Edgar Philip C. Santos was employed by NSC as
a technician in its Special Products Group with a monthly salary
SUMMARY: Santos is an employee of NSC who did not report for work on Jan of P5,501.00 assigned to the graveyard shift starting at ten o'
8, 1993 for his night shift but still recorded that he went in his daily time record. clock in the evening until six o' clock in the morning.
Santos’s supervisor noticed this so an investigation was conducted where he was 2. On 8 January 1993 Santos did not report for work on his shift. He resumed
made to explain in writing within 48 hours from notice why no disciplinary his duties as night shift Technician Support only on 9 January 1993.
action should be taken against him for dishonesty, falsifying daily time record However, at the end of his shift the following morning, he made two (2)
(DTR) and violation of company rules and regulations. Santos was dismissed entries in his daily time record (DTR) to make it appear that he worked on
and now he alleges that payments due to him such as the night shift differential both the 8th and 9th of January 1993
was never given. The issue: Is complainant Edgar Philip Santos entitled to a. His immediate supervisor, Mr. Joel Limsiaco, unknown to
recover unpaid salary, holiday pay, night shift differential, allowances, separation private respondent Santos, received the report that there was
pay, retirement benefits and moral damages? SC held that Santos is entitled no technician in the graveyard shift of 8 January 1993. Thus,
because the burden of proving payment is with NSC and it failed to do so. It is Limsiaco checked the DTRs and found out that Santos indeed did
not disputed that complainant was regularly assigned to a night shift (10:00 not report for work on 8 January. But when he checked Santos'
P.M. to 7:00 A.M.). DTR again in the morning of 9 January 1993 he found the entry
made by Santos for the day before.
DOCTRINE: Under Section 2, Rule II, Book Three of the Implementing Rules of the 3. Informal investigations were conducted by management. Santos was
Labor Code, complainant is entitled to an additional benefit of not less ten percent required in a memorandum to explain in writing within 48 hours from
(10%) of his regular wage for each hour of work performed. notice why no disciplinary action should be taken against him for
dishonesty, falsifying daily time record (DTR) and violation of company
The best evidence for respondent corporation would have been the payrolls, rules and regulations.
vouchers, daily time records and the like which under Sections 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12, 4. On 11 January 1993 Santos submitted his written explanation alleging that
Rule X, Book III of the Implementing Rules it is obliged to keep. he was ill on the day he was absent. As regards the entry on 8 January, he
alleged that it was merely due to oversight or carelessness on his part.
Its failure gives rise to the presumption that either it does not have them or if 5. NSC dismissed him on 14 January 1993 on the ground of falsification of his
it does, their presentation is prejudicial to its cause. We rule therefore that DTR, which act was inimical to the company and constituted dishonesty
complainant should be awarded a night shift differential but limited to there (3) and serious misconduct
years considering the prescriptive period of money claims


6. Santos filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and non-payment of back complainant was regularly assigned to a night shift (10:00 P.M. to 7:00
wages, premium pay for holidays and rest days, night shift differential pay, A.M.).
allowances, separation pay, moral damages and attorney's fees. a. Under Section 2, Rule II, Book Three of the Implementing
7. Labor Arbiter Dominador A. Almirante found that Santos was dismissed on Rules of the Labor Code, complainant is entitled to an
legal grounds, although he was not afforded due process, hence, NSC was additional benefit of not less ten percent (10%) of his regular
ordered to indemnify him P1,000.00. The Labor Arbiter likewise ordered wage for each hour of work performed.
the payment of P19,801.47 representing Santos' unpaid night shift b. The record is bereft of evidence that respondent has paid
differentials complainant this benefit.
a. NSC appealed to the National Labor Relations Commission c. The best evidence for respondent corporation would have been the
b. NLRC affirmed the Labor Arbiter. payrolls, vouchers, daily time records and the like which under
Sections 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12, Rule X, Book III of the Implementing
ISSUES: Rules it is obliged to keep.
1. Did respondent National Semiconductor (HK) Distribution Ltd. illegally d. Its failure gives rise to the presumption that either it does not
dismiss complainant Edgar Philip Santos? - No have them or if it does, their presentation is prejudicial to its
2. Is complainant Edgar Philip Santos entitled to recover unpaid salary, cause. We rule therefore that complainant should be awarded a
holiday pay, night shift differential, allowances, separation pay, retirement night shift differential but limited to there (3) years considering the
benefits and moral damages? - Yes prescriptive period of money claims
5. The minimum requirements of due process have been fulfilled by petitioner.
RATIO: a. That the investigations conducted by petitioner may not be
1. In Jimerez v. National Labor Relations Commission, SC declared: considered formal or recorded hearings or investigations is
a. As a general rule, one who pleads payment has the burden of immaterial.
proving it. Even where the plaintiff must allege non-payment, the b. A formal or trial type hearing is not all times and in all instances
general rule is that the burden rests on the defendant to prove essential to due process, the requirements of which are satisfied
payment, rather than on the plaintiff to prove non-payment. The where the parties are afforded fair and reasonable opportunity to
debtor has the burden of showing with legal certainty that the explain their side of the controversy.
obligation has been discharged by payment. c. It is deemed sufficient for the employer to follow the natural
2. For sure, Santos cannot adequately prove the fact of non-payment of night sequence of notice, hearing and judgment.
shift differentials since the pertinent employee files, payrolls, records,
remittances and other similar documents — which will show that private
respondent rendered night shift work; the time he rendered services; and,
the amounts owed as night shift differentials — are not in his possession but
in the custody and absolute control of NSC
3. By choosing not to fully and completely disclose information to prove that
it had paid all the night shift differentials due to Santos, NSC failed to
discharge the burden of proof.
4. [!] Consequently, no grave abuse of discretion can be ascribed to the NLRC
for sustaining the Labor Arbiter when it ruled thus — It is not disputed that


27. Jose Rizal College v. NLRC (Sel) b. The employer may require an employee to work on any
1987 | Paras | Rest Periods and Holidays holiday but such employee shall be paid a compensation
equivalent to twice his regular rate;
PETITIONER: Jose Rizal College IRR: SEC. 8. Holiday pay of certain employees: Private school teachers,
RESPONDENTS: NLRC and National Alliance of Teachers/Office Workers including faculty members of colleges and universities, may not be paid for the
regular holidays during semestral vacations. They shall, however, be paid for the
SUMMARY: Jose Rizal College (JRC) is a NSNF school. It has 3 groups of regular holidays during Christmas vacations..
employees: (a) Personnel on monthly basis; (b) Personnel on daily basis; and
(c)Collegiate faculty who are paid on the basis of student contract hour -- before FACTS:
the start of the sem, they sign contracts with the college undertaking to meet 1. Jose Rizal College (JRC) is a NSNF school. It has 3 groups of employees:
their classes as per schedule. National Alliance of Teachers and Office Workers a. Personnel on monthly basis who receive their monthly salary
(NATOW) filed with the Ministry of Labor a complaint for non-payment of uniformly throughout the year, irrespective of the actual number of
holiday pay. JRC argues that it is not covered by Book V of the Labor Code working days in a month without deduction for holidays
considering that it is a non-profit institution and that its hourly paid faculty b. Personnel on daily basis who are paid on actual days worked and
members are paid on a “contract” basis because they are required to hold classes they receive unworked holiday pay
for a particular number of hours. In the programming of these student contract c. Collegiate faculty who are paid on the basis of student contract
hours, legal holidays are excluded and labelled in the schedule as “no class day”. hour; Before the start of the sem, they sign contracts with the
Plus, if a regular week day is declared a holiday, the school calendar is extended college undertaking to meet their classes as per schedule.
to compensate for that day. ISSUE: Whether the school faculty who according 2. National Alliance of Teachers and Office Workers (NATOW) filed with the
to their contracts are paid per lecture hour are entitled to unworked holiday Ministry of Labor a complaint for non-payment of holiday pay.
pay -- YES. JRC (although a non-profit institution) is under obligation to give 3. LA:
pay even on unworked regular holidays to hourly paid faculty members subject a. The faculty and personnel of JRC who are paid their salary by the
to the terms and conditions provided for therein. It is readily apparent that the month uniformly in a school year, irrespective of the number of
declared purpose of the holiday pay which is the prevention of diminution of the working days in a month, w/o deduction for holidays, are
monthly income of the employees on account of work interruptions is defeated presumed to be already paid the 10 paid legal holidays and are no
when a regular class day is cancelled on account of a special public holiday and longer entitled to separate payment for the regular holidays.
class hours are held on another working day to make up for time lost in the b. The personnel who are paid their wages daily are entitled to be
school calendar. Otherwise stated, the faculty member, although forced to take a paid the 10 unworked regular holidays
rest, does not earn what he should earn on that day. Be it noted that when a c. Collegiate faculty who by contract are paid compensation per
special public holiday is declared, the faculty member paid by the hour is student contract hour are not entitled to unworked regular holiday
deprived of expected income, and it does not matter that the school calendar is pay considering that these regular holidays have been excluded in
extended in view of the days or hours lost, for their income that could be earned the programming of the student contact hours.
from other sources is lost during the extended days. 4. NLRC modified: teaching personnel paid by the hour are declared to be
DOCTRINE: Section 94 of the Labor Code -- Right to holiday pay entitled to holiday pay.
a. Every worker shall be paid his regular daily wage during 5. JRC argues that it is not covered by Book V of the Labor Code considering
regular holidays, except in retail and service establishments that it is a non-profit institution and that its hourly paid faculty members are
regularly employing less than ten (10) workers; paid on a “contract” basis because they are required to hold classes for a

particular number of hours. In the programming of these student contract paid only for work actually done (except when an emergency or a fortuitous
hours, legal holidays are excluded and labelled in the schedule as “no class event or a national need calls for the declaration of special holidays).
day”. Plus, if a regular week day is declared a holiday, the school calendar 6. Regular holidays specified as such by law are known to both school and
is extended to compensate for that day. faculty members as no class days. Certainly, the latter do not expect
6. On the other hand, the OSG argues that under Article 94 of the Labor Code, payment for said unworked days, and this was clearly in their minds when
holiday pay applies to all employees except those in retail and service they entered into the teaching contracts.
establishments. Also, NLRC ruled that the purpose of holiday pay is 7. On the other hand, both the law and the Implementing Rules governing
obvious -- to prevent diminution of the monthly income of the workers on holiday pay are silent as to payment on Special Public Holidays.
account of work interruptions. In other words, although the worker is forced 8. It is readily apparent that the declared purpose of the holiday pay which is
to take a rest, he earns what he should earn. It’s no excuse therefore that the the prevention of diminution of the monthly income of the employees on
school calendar is extended whenever holidays occur because such happens account of work interruptions is defeated when a regular class day is
only in cases of special holidays. cancelled on account of a special public holiday and class hours are held on
another working day to make up for time lost in the school calendar.
ISSUES: 9. Otherwise stated, the faculty member, although forced to take a rest, does
1. Whether the school faculty who according to their contracts are paid not earn what he should earn on that day. Be it noted that when a special
per lecture hour are entitled to unworked holiday pay -- YES public holiday is declared, the faculty member paid by the hour is deprived
of expected income, and it does not matter that the school calendar is
RATIO: extended in view of the days or hours lost, for their income that could be
2. Section 94 of the Labor Code -- Right to holiday pay earned from other sources is lost during the extended days.
a. Every worker shall be paid his regular daily wage during regular 10. Similarly, when classes are called off or shortened on account of typhoons,
holidays, except in retail and service establishments regularly floods, rallies, and the like, these faculty members must likewise be paid,
employing less than ten (10) workers; whether or not extensions are ordered.
b. The employer may require an employee to work on any holiday
but such employee shall be paid a compensation equivalent to
twice his regular rate;
3. IRR: SEC. 8. Holiday pay of certain employees.
a. Private school teachers, including faculty members of colleges and
universities, may not be paid for the regular holidays during
semestral vacations. They shall, however, be paid for the regular
holidays during Christmas vacations.. 28. San Miguel Corp. v. CA (MIKA)
4. Under these provisions, apparently, JRC (although a non-profit January 30, 2002 | Kapunan | Rest Periods and Holidays – Muslim Holiday Pay
institution) is under obligation to give pay even on unworked regular
holidays to hourly paid faculty members subject to the terms and
5. The implementing rule is not justified by the provisions of the law which THIRTEENTH DIVISION, HON. UNDERSECRETARY JOSE M. ESPAÑOL, JR., Hon.
after all is silent with respect to faculty members paid by the hour who CRESENCIANO B. TRAJANO, and HON. REGIONAL DIRECTOR ALLAN M.
because of their teaching contracts are obliged to work and consent to be MACARAYA,


SUMMARY: After the DOLE inspection, it was found that SMC’s office in Iligan
City was underpaying its employees as to their regular Muslim holiday pay.
DOLE ordered SMC to consider Muslim holidays as regular holidays and to pay 1. Art. 94. Right to holiday pay. —
both its Muslim and non-Muslim employees holiday pay. CA affirmed and a. (a) Every worker shall be paid his regular daily wage during
modified the ruling as to the percentage. SMC filed a petition for certiorari under regular holidays, except in retail and service establishments
rule 65 before the SC. SMC argues that its non-Muslim employees are not entitled regularly employing less than ten (10) workers;
to holiday pay and that the Code of Muslim Personal Laws are applicable only to
b. (b) The employer may require an employee to work on any holiday
The issue is WON SMC’s non-employees are entitled to Muslim holiday pay. SC but such employee shall be paid a compensation equivalent to
held YES. twice his regular rate;
DOCTRINE: There should be no distinction between Muslims and non- 2. Muslim holidays are provided in Art. 169 (refers to the recognized legal
Muslims as regards payment of benefits for Muslim holidays. Muslim holidays) and Art. 170 (refers to the provinces and cities where
We must remind SMC that wages and other emoluments granted by law to officially observed) of Code of Muslim Personal Laws (P.D. No. 1083). The
the working man are determined on the basis of the criteria laid down by provisions should be read in conjunction with Art. 94 of the Labor Code.
laws and certainly not on the basis of the worker’s faith or religion.
3. SMC argues that the Code of Muslim Personal Laws is applicable only to
Muslims and merely contends that its non-Muslim employees are not
FACTS: entitled to Muslim holiday pay. SC disagrees. There should be no
1. DOLE, Iligan District Office, conducted a routine inspection of San Miguel distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims as regards payment of
Corp. (SMC) in Iligan City. It was discovered that there was underpayment benefits for Muslim holidays.
by SMC of regular Muslim holiday pay to its employees. 4. SC and CA agreed with Undersecretary Español who stated: “Assuming
2. SMC contested the findings and DOLE conducted summary hearings. Still, arguendo that the SMC’s position is correct, then by the same token, Muslims
SMC failed to submit proof that it was paying regular Muslim holiday pay throughout the Philippines are also not entitled to holiday pays on Christian holidays
declared by law as regular holidays. We must remind SMC that wages and other
to its employees.
emoluments granted by law to the working man are determined on the basis of
3. Hence, Alan Macaraya, Director of DOLE Iligan District Office directed the criteria laid down by laws and certainly not on the basis of the worker’s
SMC to consider Muslim holidays as regular holidays and to pay both its faith or religion.”
Muslim and non-Muslim employees holiday pay. 5. At any rate, Article 3(3) of P.D. No. 1083 also declares that." . . nothing
4. SMC filed an appeal to the DOLE main office but it was dismissed for lack herein shall be construed to operate to the prejudice of a non-Muslim."
of merit and the order of Director Macaraya was affirmed. SMC filed a 6. In addition, the 1999 Handbook on Workers’ Statutory Benefits,
petition for certiorari with the CA. CA modified the ruling with regards the categorically stated: “Considering that all private corporations, offices,
payment of Muslim holiday from 200% to 150% of the employee’s basic agencies, and entities or establishments operating within the designated
salary. Muslim provinces and cities are required to observe Muslim holidays, both
5. SMC’s MR was denied. SMC filed a petition for certiorari, under Rule 65, Muslim and Christians working within the Muslim areas may not report for
before the SC. work on the days designated by law as Muslim holidays.”
7. As regards the allegation that the issue on Muslim holiday pay was already
ISSUES: resolved in NLRC (Napoleon E. Fernan v. SMC Beer Division and
1. WON SMC’s non-Muslim employees are entitled to Muslim holiday Leopoldo Zaldarriaga), the Court notes that the case was primarily for
pay. – YES. illegal dismissal and the claim for benefits was only incidental to the main
case. In that case, the NLRC declared, in passing: “We also deny the claims

for Muslim holiday pay for lack of factual and legal basis. Muslim holidays are
legally observed within the area of jurisdiction of the present ARMM, particularly in
the provinces of Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. It is only upon
Presidential Proclamation that Muslim holidays may be officially observed outside
the Autonomous Region and generally extends to Muslims to enable them the
observe said holidays.” – SC found that this decision is not a benchmark nor a
guideline to the present case.

[Irrelevant issues]
8. Regional Director Macaraya acted as the duly authorized representative of
the Secretary of Labor and Employment and it was within his power to
issue the compliance order to SMC.
9. SMC was accorded due process as they were furnished a copy of the
inspection order and it was received and explained to them. There were also
a series of summary hearings.

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the petition is DISMISSED.



29. Insular Bank of Asia and America Employees Union (IBAAEU) v. Inciong
paid their regular holiday pay. [...] This is a flagrant violation of the mandatory
directive of Article 4 of the Labor Code, which states that "All doubts in the
Oct 23, 1984 | Makasiar, J. | Rest Periods and Holidays
implementation and interpretation of the provisions of this Code, including its
implementing rules and regulations, shall be resolved in favor of labor."
RESPONDENTS: HON. AMADO G. INCIONG, Deputy Minister, Ministry of
Art. 94. Right to holiday pay. — (a) Every worker shall be paid his regular daily
wage during regular holidays, except in retail and service establishments regularly
Insular Union filed a complaint against Insular Bank for payment of holiday pay. employing less than ten (10) workers. . . . .
This was granted by the Labor Arbiter and the decision became final and
executory. For awhile Insular Bank complied with the decision and so there was
partial execution. However, when PD 850 was declared and Policy Instruction no. FACTS
9 was issued, Insular Bank stopped all its payment arguing that its monthly paid 1. INSULAR BANK OF ASIA AND AMERICA EMPLOYEES’ UNION
employees are not receiving less than P240.00 and their monthly pay is uniform filed a complaint against INSULAR BANK OF ASIA AND AMERICA for
from January to December, and that no deductions are made from the monthly the payment of holiday pay before the then Department of Labor, National
salaries of its employees on account of holidays in months where they occur. Labor Relations Commission, Regional Office No. IV in Manila.
Thus, Insular Bank said that they are no longer liable to pay for holiday pay. Labor 2. Labor Arbiter Ricarte T. Soriano rendered a decision, granting the Union’s
Arbiter and NLRC dismissed the appeal of Insular Bank but the Office of the complaint for payment of holiday pay.
Minister of Labor granted the appeal of Insular Bank. 3. Insular Bank did not appeal from the said decision. Instead, it complied with
the order of Arbiter Ricarte T. Soriano by paying their holiday pay up to
The first issue is w/n the decision of a Labor Arbiter awarding payment of regular and including January, 1976.
holiday pay can still be set aside on appeal by the Deputy Minister of Labor even 4. On December 16, 1975, Presidential Decree No. 850 was promulgated
amending, among others, the provisions of the Labor Code on the right to
though it has already become final and had been partially executed. SC held that it
holiday pay to read as follows:
is patently unjust to deprive the members of petitioner Union of their vested right
"Art. 94. Right to holiday pay. —
acquired by virtue of a final judgment on the basis of a labor statute promulgated
(a) Every worker shall be paid his regular daily wages during
following the acquisition of the "right.
regular holidays, except in retail and service establishments
regularly employing less than ten (10) workers;
On the issue of holiday pay, the SC declared Policy Instruction no. 9 as null and
(b) The employer may require an employee to work on any holiday
void. The provisions of the Labor Code on the entitlement to the benefits of
but such employee shall be paid a compensation equivalent to
holiday pay are clear and explicit — it provides for both the coverage of and
twice his regular rate; and
exclusion from the benefits. In Policy Instruction No. 9, the then Secretary of
(c) As used in this Article, ‘holiday’ includes: New Year’s Day,
Labor went as far as to categorically state that the benefit is principally intended
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the ninth of April, the first of
for daily paid employees, when the law clearly states that every worker shall be

May, the twelfth of June, the fourth of July, the thirtieth of then he is still entitled to the ten (10) paid legal holidays. . . ."
November, the twenty-fifth and the thirtieth of December, and the (Emphasis supplied).
day designated by law for holding a general election." 7. Insular bank, by reason of the ruling laid down by the aforecited rule
implementing Article 94 of the Labor Code and by Policy Instruction No. 9,
5. Accordingly, by authority of Article 5 of the same Code, the Department of stopped the payment of holiday pay to all its employees.
Labor (now Ministry of Labor) promulgated the rules and regulations for 8. On August 30, 1976, the Union filed a motion for a writ of execution to
the implementation of holidays with pay. The controversial section thereof enforce the arbiter’s decision of August 25, 1975, whereby the Insular bank
reads: was ordered to pay its employees their daily wage for the unworked regular
"Sec. 2. Status of employees paid by the month. — Employees holidays.
9. Insular bank filed an opposition to the motion for a writ of execution
who are uniformly paid by the month, irrespective of the number
alleging that the said award is already repealed by P.D. 850 which took
of working days therein, with a salary of not less than the statutory
effect on December 16, 1975, and by said Policy Instruction No. 9 of the
or established minimum wage shall be presumed to be paid for all Department of Labor, considering that its monthly paid employees are not
days in the month whether worked or not. receiving less than P240.00 and their monthly pay is uniform from January
"For this purpose, the monthly minimum wage shall not be less to December, and that no deductions are made from the monthly salaries of
its employees on account of holidays in months where they occur.
than the statutory minimum wage multiplied by 365 days divided
10. The Labor Arbiter Ricarte T. Soriano issued an order enjoining the Insular
by twelve" (Emphasis supplied).
bank to continue paying its employees their regular holiday pay on the
following grounds:
6. On April 23, 1976, Policy Instruction No. 9 was issued by the then (a) that the judgment is already final and the findings which is
Secretary of Labor (now Minister) interpreting the above-quoted rule,
found in the body of the decision as well as the dispositive portion
pertinent portions of which read:
thereof is res judicata or is the law of the case between the parties;
"x x x "The ten (10) paid legal holidays law, to start with, is
intended to benefit principally daily employees. In the case of
(b) that since the decision had been partially implemented by the
monthly, only those whose monthly salary did not yet include
respondent bank, appeal from the said decision is no longer
payment for the ten (10) paid legal holidays are entitled to the
11. Insular bank appealed from the above-cited order of Labor Arbiter Soriano
"Under the rules implementing P.D. 850, this policy has been fully
to the National Labor Relations Commission,
clarified to eliminate controversies on the entitlement of monthly
12. The NLRC promulgated its resolution en banc dismissing Insular bank’s
paid employees. The new determining rule is this: If the monthly appeal
paid employee is receiving not less than P240, the maximum 13. Insular bank filed with the Office of the Minister of Labor a motion for
monthly minimum wage, and his monthly pay is uniform from reconsideration/appeal with urgent prayer to stay execution. It was granted.
January to December, he is presumed to be already paid the ten
(10) paid legal holidays. However, if deductions are made from his
monthly salary on account of holidays in months where they occur,

1. W/N the decision of a Labor Arbiter awarding payment of regular holiday 4. In the case at bar, the provisions of the Labor Code on the entitlement to the
pay can still be set aside on appeal by the Deputy Minister of Labor even benefits of holiday pay are clear and explicit — it provides for both the
though it has already become final and had been partially executed. -YES coverage of and exclusion from the benefits. In Policy Instruction No. 9, the
2. W/N the Union is entitled to holiday pay. - YES then Secretary of Labor went as far as to categorically state that the benefit
is principally intended for daily paid employees, when the law clearly states
RULING that every worker shall be paid their regular holiday pay.
1. Section 2, Rule IV, Book III of the implementing rules and Policy 5. This is a flagrant violation of the mandatory directive of Article 4 of the
Instruction No. 9 issued by the then Secretary of Labor are null and void Labor Code, which states that "All doubts in the implementation and
since in the guise of clarifying the Labor Code’s provisions on holiday pay, interpretation of the provisions of this Code, including its implementing
they in effect amended them by enlarging the scope of their exclusion. rules and regulations, shall be resolved in favor of labor."
Article 94 of the Labor Code, as amended by P.D. 850, provides: 6. Moreover, it shall always be presumed that the legislature intended to enact
"Art. 94. Right to holiday pay. — (a) Every worker shall be paid a valid and permanent statute which would have the most beneficial effect
that its language permits. The presumption is always in favor of law,
his regular daily wage during regular holidays, except in retail and
negatively put, the Labor Code is always strictly construed against
service establishments regularly employing less than ten (10)
management. While it is true that the contemporaneous construction placed
workers. . . . ." upon a statute by executive officers whose duty is to enforce it should be
2. The coverage and scope of exclusion of the Labor Code’s holiday pay given great weight by the courts, still if such construction is so erroneous, as
provisions is spelled out under Article 82 thereof which reads: in the instant case, the same must be declared as null and void.
"Art. 82. Coverage. — The provision of this Title shall apply to 7. Accordingly, Deputy Minister of Labor Amado G. Inciong had no basis at
employees in all establishments and undertakings, whether for all to deny the members of Union their regular holiday pay as directed by
the Labor Code. It is not disputed that the decision of Labor Arbiter Ricarte
profit or not, but not to government employees, managerial
T. Soriano dated August 25, 1975, had already become final, and was, in
employees, field personnel, members of the family of the employer
fact, partially executed by the Insular bank.
who are dependent on him for support, domestic helpers, persons 8. Contrary to Insular Bank’s allegations, it is patently unjust to deprive the
in the personal service of another, and workers who are paid by members of petitioner Union of their vested right acquired by virtue of a
results as determined by the Secretary of Labor in appropriate final judgment on the basis of a labor statute promulgated following the
acquisition of the "right." On the question of whether or not a law or statute
regulations. "x x x"
can annul or modify a judicial order issued prior to its promulgation.
3. From the above-cited provisions, it is clear that monthly paid employees are
Neither the Constitution nor the statutes, except penal laws favorable to the
not excluded from the benefits of holiday pay. However, the implementing
accused have retroactive effect in the sense of annulling or modifying
rules on holiday pay promulgated by the then Secretary of Labor excludes
vested rights, or altering contractual obligation.
monthly paid employees from the said benefits by inserting, under Rule IV,
9. The despotic manner by which public respondent Amado G. Inciong
Book III of the implementing rules, Section 2, which provides that:
divested the members of the petitioner union of their rights acquired by
"employees who are uniformly paid by the month, irrespective of the
virtue of a final judgment is tantamount to a deprivation of property without
number of working days therein, with a salary of not less than the statutory
due process of law.
or established minimum wage shall be presumed to be paid for all days in
the month whether worked or not."





30. Wellington Investment and Manufacturing Corporation v. Trajano 1. The case arose from a routine inspection conducted by a Labor Enforcement
(Charlie) Officer on August 6, 1991 of the Wellington Flour Mills, an establishment
July 3, 1995 | Narvasa, C. J. | Rest Periods and Holidays owned and operated by Wellington Investment and Manufacturing
PETITIONER: WELLINGTON INVESTMENT AND MANUFACTURING Corporation (Wellington). The officer thereafter drew up a report, a copy of
CORPORATION, which was "explained to and received by" Wellington's personnel manager,
RESPONDENTS: CRESENCIANO B. TRAJANO, Under-Secretary of Labor in which he set forth his finding of "(n)on-payment of regular holidays
and Employment, ELMER ABADILLA, and 34 others falling on a Sunday for monthly-paid employees."
2. Wellington sought reconsideration of the Labor Inspector's report, by letter
SUMMARY: A labor enforcement officer conducted a routine inspection at dated August 10, 1991. It argued that "the monthly salary of the company's
Wellington Flour Mills, and made a finding of "(n)on-payment of regular monthly-salaried employees already includes holiday pay for all regular
holidays falling on a Sunday for monthly-paid employees." Wellington sought holidays . . . (and hence) there is no legal basis for the finding of alleged
reconsideration of the labor inspector’s report, arguing that the monthly salary of non-payment of regular holidays falling on a Sunday." It expounded on this
the employees includes holiday pay for all regular holidays, and it pays its thesis in a position paper subsequently submitted to the Regional Director,
employees a fixed monthly compensation using the 314 factor which includes asserting that it pays its monthly-paid employees a fixed monthly
payment for all working days + all 10 unworked regular holidays within a year compensation "using the 314 factor which undeniably covers and already
(meaning it deducted 51 Sundays from the 365 days normally comprising a year includes payment for all the working days in a month as well as all the 10
and used the difference, 314, as basis for determining the monthly salary). The unworked regular holidays within a year."
Regional Director ruled that when a regular holiday falls on a Sunday, an extra 3. Wellington's arguments failed to persuade the Regional Director, who ruled
or additional working day is created and the employer has the obligation to pay that "when a regular holiday falls on a Sunday, an extra or additional
the employees for the extra day except the last Sunday of August since the working day is created and the employer has the obligation to pay the
payment for the said holiday is already included in the 314 factor. The employees for the extra day except the last Sunday of August since the
Undersecretary of Labor and Employment affirmed, holding that the divisor payment for the said holiday is already included in the 314 factor." The RD
being used by Wellington does not reliably reflect the actual working days in a directed Wellington to pay its employees compensation corresponding to
year. The issue is W/N a monthly-paid employee, receiving a fixed monthly four (4) extra working days.
compensation, is entitled to an additional pay aside from his usual holiday pay, 4. Wellington filed an MR, pointing out that it was in effect being compelled
whenever a regular holiday falls on a Sunday. SC held NO. Wellington complied to "shell out an additional pay for an alleged extra working day" despite its
with the minimum norm laid down by law. There is no provision of law complete payment of all compensation lawfully due its workers, using the
requiring any employer to make such adjustments in the monthly salary rate set 314 factor. The MR was treated as an appeal by Trajano, the Undersecretary
by him to take account of legal holidays falling on Sundays in a given year, or of Labor and Employment. The Undersecretary affirmed, holding that the
otherwise to reckon a year at more than 365 days. divisor being used by Wellington does not reliably reflect the actual
working days in a year, and consequently commanded Wellington to pay its
DOCTRINE: A legal holiday falling on a Sunday creates no legal obligation for employees the "six additional working days resulting from regular holidays
the employer to pay extra, aside from the usual holiday pay, to its monthly-paid falling on Sundays in 1988, 1989 and 1990."
employees. 5. Again, Wellington moved for reconsideration, and again was rebuffed.
Wellington then instituted the special civil action of certiorari in an attempt
to nullify the order. SC authorized the issuance of a TRO enjoining the
enforcement of the questioned orders.


mentioned which are routinely made in the case of workers paid on daily
ISSUES: basis.
1. W/N a monthly-paid employee, receiving a fixed monthly compensation, is 3. In Wellington's case, there seems to be no question that at the time of the
entitled to an additional pay aside from his usual holiday pay, whenever a inspection, it was and had been paying its employees "a salary of not
regular holiday falls on a Sunday. - NO. less than the statutory or established minimum wage," and that the
monthly salary thus paid was "not . . . less than the statutory minimum
RATIO: wage multiplied by 365 days divided by twelve.” There is, in other words,
1. Every worker should, according to Art. 94 of the Labor Code, "be paid his no issue that to this extent, Wellington complied with the minimum norm
regular daily wage during regular holidays, except in retail and service laid down by law.
establishments regularly employing less than ten (10) workers;" this, of 4. Apparently the monthly salary was fixed by Wellington to provide for
course, even if the worker does no work on these holidays. The regular compensation for every working day of the year including the holidays
holidays include: "New Year's Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the specified by law — and excluding only Sundays. In fixing the salary,
ninth of April, the first of May, the twelfth of June, the fourth of July, the Wellington used what it calls the "314 factor;" that is to say, it simply
thirtieth of November, the twenty-fifth of December, and the day designated deducted 51 Sundays from the 365 days normally comprising a year
by law for holding a general election (or national referendum or plebiscite).8 and used the difference, 314, as basis for determining the monthly
2. Particularly as regards employees who are uniformly paid by the month, salary. The monthly salary thus fixed actually covers payment for 314 days
"the monthly minimum wage shall not be less than the statutory minimum of the year, including regular and special holidays, as well as days when no
wage multiplied by 365 days divided by twelve." This monthly salary shall work is done by reason of fortuitous cause, as above specified, or causes not
serve as compensation "for all days in the month whether worked or not," attributable to the employees.
and "irrespective of the number of working days therein." In other words, 5. The Labor Officer who conducted the routine inspection of Wellington
whether the month is of thirty (30) or thirty-one (31) days' duration, or discovered that in certain years, two or three regular holidays had fallen on
twenty-eight (28) or twenty-nine (29) (as in February), the employee is Sundays. He reasoned that this had precluded the enjoyment by the
entitled to receive the entire monthly salary. So, too, in the event of the employees of a non-working day, and the employees had consequently had
declaration of any special holiday, or any fortuitous cause precluding work to work an additional day for that month. This ratiocination received the
on any particular day or days (such as transportation strikes, riots, or approval of his Regional Director who opined that "when a regular holiday
typhoons or other natural calamities), the employee is entitled to the salary falls on a Sunday, an extra or additional working day is created and the
for the entire month and the employer has no right to deduct the employer has the obligation to pay its employees for the extra day except
proportionate amount corresponding to the days when no work was done. the last Sunday of August since the payment for the said holiday is already
The monthly compensation is evidently intended precisely to avoid included in the 314 factor."
computations and adjustments resulting from the contingencies just 6. This ingenuous theory was adopted and further explained by Labor
Undersecretary, to whom the matter was appealed, as follows:
8 “If the employer requires an employee to work on any holiday, he shall pay such employee a. “. . . By using said (314) factor, the Wellington assumes that all the
"a compensation equivalent to twice his regular rate." And, according to the Omnibus Rules
Implementing the Labor Code, if "the holiday work falls on the scheduled rest day of the regular holidays fell on ordinary days and never on a Sunday.
employee, he shall be entitled to an additional premium pay of at least 30% of his regular Thus, the Wellington failed to consider the circumstance that
holiday rate of 200% based on his regular wage rate." The Omnibus Rules further provide whenever a regular holiday coincides with a Sunday, an additional
(Sec. 9) that "A regular holiday falling on the employee's rest day shall be compensated
working day is created and left unpaid. In other words, while the
accordingly . . . and where a regular holiday falls on a Sunday, the following day shall be
considered a special holiday for purposes of the Labor Code, unless said day is also a regular said divisor may be utilized as proof evidencing payment of 302

working days, 2 special days and the ten regular holidays in a days (such as transportation strikes, riots, or typhoons or other natural
calendar year, the same does not cover or include payment of calamities), or cause not imputable to the worker. And as also earlier
additional working days created as a result of some regular pointed out, the legal provisions governing monthly compensation are
holidays falling on Sundays.” evidently intended precisely to avoid re-computations and alterations in
7. He pointed out that in 1988 there was "an increase of three (3) working days salary on account of the contingencies just mentioned, which, by the way,
resulting from regular holidays falling on Sundays;" hence Wellington are routinely made between employer and employees when the wages are
"should pay for 317 days, instead of 314 days." By the same process of paid on daily basis.
ratiocination, respondent Undersecretary theorized that there should be 11. The public respondents argue that their challenged conclusions and
additional payment by Wellington to its monthly-paid employees for "an dispositions may be justified by the Implementing Rules, giving the
increment of three (3) working days" for 1989 and again, for 1990. What he Regional Director power “to order and administer (in cases where
is saying is that in those years, Wellington should have used the "317 employer-employee relations still exist), after due notice and hearing,
factor," not the "314 factor." compliance with the labor standards provisions of the Code and the other
8. The theory loses sight of the fact that the monthly salary in Wellington — labor legislations based on the findings of their Regulations Officers or
which is based on the so-called "314 factor" — accounts for all 365 days of Industrial Safety Engineers (Labor Standard and Welfare Officers) and
a year; i.e., Wellington's "314 factor" leaves no day unaccounted for; it is made in the course of inspection, and to issue writs of execution to the
paying for all the days of a year with the exception only of 51 Sundays. appropriate authority for the enforcement of his order, in line with the
9. The respondents' theory would make each of the years in question (1988, provisions of Article 128 in relation to Articles 289 and 290 of the Labor
1989, 1990), a year of 368 days. Pursuant to this theory, no employer opting Code...”
to pay his employees by the month would have any definite basis to 12. The respondents beg the question. Their argument assumes that there are
determine the number of days in a year for which compensation should be some "labor standards provisions of the Code and the other labor
given to his work force. He would have to ascertain the number of times legislations" imposing on employers the obligation to give additional
legal holidays would fall on Sundays in all the years of the expected or compensation to their monthly-paid employees in the event that a legal
extrapolated lifetime of his business. Alternatively, he would be compelled holiday should fall on a Sunday in a particular month — with which
to make adjustments in his employees' monthly salaries every year, compliance may be commanded by the Regional Director — when the
depending on the number of times that a legal holiday fell on a Sunday. existence of said provisions is precisely the matter to be established.
10. There is no provision of law requiring any employer to make such 13. In promulgating the orders complained of the public respondents have
adjustments in the monthly salary rate set by him to take account of attempted to legislate, or interpret legal provisions in such a manner as to
legal holidays falling on Sundays in a given year, or, contrary to the create obligations where none are intended. They have acted without
legal provisions bearing on the point, otherwise to reckon a year at authority, or at the very least, with grave abuse of their discretion. Their acts
more than 365 days. As earlier mentioned, what the law requires of must be nullified and set aside.
employers opting to pay by the month is to assure that "the monthly
minimum wage shall not be less than the statutory minimum wage HELD: WHEREFORE, the orders complained of, namely: that of the respondent
multiplied by 365 days divided by twelve," and to pay that salary "for all Undersecretary dated September 22, 1993, and that of the Regional Director dated
days in the month whether worked or not," and "irrespective of the number July 30, 1992, are NULLIFIED AND SET ASIDE, and the proceeding against
of working days therein." That salary is due and payable regardless of the petitioner DISMISSED.
declaration of any special holiday in the entire country or a particular place
therein, or any fortuitous cause precluding work on any particular day or



31. Caltex Regular Employees v. Caltex (¥) required to work in excess of forty (40) hours in any week shall be compensated in
15 August 1995 |Feliciano, J. | Rest Days as stipulated in the CBA accordance with Annex B of this Agreement. (D/N: Annex B just enumerated the
Petitioners: Caltex Regular Employees t Manila Office, Legazpi Bulk formulae for the computation of the different kids of pay. The Annex included a
Depot and Marinduque Bulk Depot - (MACLU) computation for a “Second Day Off”)
Respondents: Caltex and NLRC 3. Sometime in August 11986, the Union allied Caltex’s attention to alleged
Summary: The Union andCaltex entered into a CBA agreement in 1985 violations by Caltex of Annex “B” of the1985 CBA such as non-payment of
to be effective until midnight of 31 December 1988. Included in the CBA night-shift differential, non payment of overtime pay and non-payment at
is a provision of work hours which indicated that employee shall have 1 ‘first day-off rates’ for work performed on a Saturday.
rest day, however, the Union alleges that Caltex violated provisions of the 4. Caltex’s Industrial Relations manager immediately evaluated the Union’s
CBA when Caltex paid them at Regular rates on Saturdays instead of “first claims and informed it that differential payments would be timely
day-off” rates as indicated in Annex B of the 1985 CBA. A complaint was implemented. In the implementation of the re-computed claim, however, no
then filed, in which the LA ruled in favour of the Union, saying that as differential payment was made with respect to work performed on the first 2
indicated in Annex B which supersedes the provision on work hours, the ½ hours on a Saturday.
parties actually agreed on 2 rest days, hence Saturday should be paid at 5. The Union then instituted a complaint for unfair Labor practice against
“first day-off” rates. The NLRC however, reversed the LA, saying that its Caltex allegingviolations of the provisions of the 1985 CBA.
decision was unsupported by the evidence on record. SC agreed with the a. Union changed Caltex with shortchanging its employees when
NLRC. The 1985 CBA expressly stated that employees old have only 1 Caltex compensated work performed on the first 2 1.2 hours of
rest day. And even though the 1970 CBA indicated that there were 2, the Saturday, an employee’s day of rest, at regular rates, when it
subsequent CBAs no longer contained such provision, hence indicating the should be paying at “dy of rest” or “day off” rates.
parties’ intention of making the rest day only 1 day. The Annex B was not b. Caltex denied this. It averred that Saturday was never designated
meant to superseded the CBA since it only has a subordinate role. as a day of rest, much less a “day-off”. It maintained tat the 1985
Moreover, the second day of only applies to certain types of employees, CBA provided only 1 day of rest at the Manila Office as well as
i.e. the operational staff who are required to be at work 7 days straight. employees similarly situated at the Legazpi and Marinduque Bulk
Doctrine: Under [the] CBA, Saturday is not a rest day or a "day off." It is depots. This day of rest was Sunday.
only when an employee has been required on a Saturday to render work in 6. LA ruled in favour of the Union, while finding at the same time that Caltex
excess of the forty (40) hours which constitute the regular work week that was not guilty of any unfair Labor practice. LA interpreted Art. III and
such employee may be considered as performing overtime work on that Annex “B” of the 1985 CBA by concluding that the employees where given
Saturday. 2 days of rest, with the result that work performed on the employee's first
day of rest, viz Saturday, should be compensated at “first day-off” rates.
7. On appeal, NLRC set aside the decision of LA and found that the decision
FACTS: of the latter was unsupported by the evidence on record. NLRC, interpreting
1. In 1985, the Union (petitioners) and Caltex entered into a CBA (“1985 the provisions of the 1985 CBA, concluded that it only granted 1 day of
CBA”) which was to be in effect until midnight of 31 December 1988. rest, i.e. Sunday. The MR wa denied, hence, this petition.
2. The CBA included the ff. provision: ISSUE:
Art. III - HOURS OF WORK: In conformity with the Labor Code of the Philippines, 1. W/N the employees were granted only 1 day of rest under the 1985 CBA -
as amended, the regular work week shall consist of eight (8) hours per day, seven (7) YES
days, Monday through Sunday, during which regular rates of pay shall be paid in HELD: Petition is dismissed.
accordance with Annex B and work on the employee’s one ‘Day of Rest,’ shall be
considered a special work day, during which ‘Day of Rest’ rate of pay shall be paid RATIO:
as provided in Annex B. Daily working schedules shall be established by 1. SC agrees with the NLRC that the intention of the parties to the 1985 CBA
management in accordance with the requirements of efficient operations on the basis was to provide only 1 day of rest. The plain and ordinary meaning of the
of eight (8) hours per day for any five (5) days. Provided, however, employees language of Art. III is that CAltex and the Union had agreed to pay “day of

rest” rates for work performed on “an employee’s one day of rest.” To the only to employees stationed at the refinery and associated facilities
Sc’s mind, the use of the word :one” describing the phrase “day of rest” like depots and terminals which must be in constant twenty-four 24
emphasises the fact that the parties had agreed that only a single day of rest hours a day, 7 days a week, operation, hence necessitating the
shall be scheduled and shall be provided to the employee. continuous presence of operations personnel. The work of such
2. The SC noted that the contract clauses governing the previous CBAs, operations personnel required them to be on duty for 6 consecutive
namely, the 1973, 1976, 1979, and 1982 ones, all contained provisions days. Upon the other hand, "First Day-off rates" and "Second Day-
parallel, if not identical to those set out in art. III of the 1985 CBA (Refer to off rates" are not applicable to personnel of the Manila Office
Fact No. 2). which consisted of other groups or categories of employees (e.g.,
a. In all these CBAs, Art. III provides that only "work on an office clerks, librarians, computer operators, secretaries, collectors,
employee’s one day of rest" shall be paid on the basis of "day of etc.), since the nature of their work did not require them to be on
rest rates." The relevant point here is that Union had never duty for 6 consecutive days.
suggested that more than 1 day of rest had been agreed upon, and c. SC also noted that the LA merely suspected that the parties agreed
certainly Caltex had never treated Article III or any other portion to provide 2 days of rest on the ground that they had so stipulated
of the CBAs as providing 2 days of rest. It is well settled that the in their 1970 CBA. A principal difficulty with this view is that it
contemporaneous and subsequent conduct of the parties may disregards the fact that Article III of the 1985 CBA no longer
be taken into account by a court called upon to interpret and contained a particular proviso found in the 1970 CBA. In fact, all
apply a contract entered into by them. the CBAs subsequent to 1970 (1973, 1976, 1979, 1982) had
3. LA, in justifying its ruling, held that when Annex "B" referred to "First similarly deleted the proviso in the 1970 CBA providing for 2
Day-off Rates" and "Second Day-off Rates, these were meant to express an days-off. To the Court’s mind, such deletion means only one thing
agreement that the parties intended to provide employees 2 days of rest. He — that is — the parties had agreed to remove such stipulation.
then declared that Annex "B" should prevail over Article III because the Accordingly, the proviso found in Article III of the 1970 CBA
former was a more specific provision than the latter. ceased to be a demandable obligation. Union cannot now
a. SC: An annex expresses the idea of joining a smaller or unilaterally re-insert such a stipulation by strained inference from
subordinate thing with another, larger or of higher importance. An Annex "B."
annex has a subordinate role, without any independent significance 4. SC also ruled on the issue of overtime work by defining it.9
separate from that to which it is tacked on. Annex "B," in the case a. Held that node the 1985 CBA, hours worked on a Saturday do not,
at bar, is one such document. It is not a memorandum of by that fact alone,necessarily constitute overtime work
amendments or a codicil containing additional or new terms or compensable at premium rates of pay. These are normal or regular
stipulations. Annex "B" cannot be construed as modifying or work hours, compensable at regular rates of pay, as provided in the
altering the terms expressed in the body of the agreement 1985 CBA; under that CBA, Saturday is not a rest day or a "day
contained in the1985 CBA. It did not confer any rights upon off." It is only when an employee has been required on a Saturday
employees represented by Union; neither did impose any to render work in excess of the forty (40) hours which constitute
obligations upon Caltex. In fact, the contents of Annex "B" have the regular work week that such employee may be considered as
no intelligible significance in and of themselves when considered performing overtime work on that Saturday. SC considers that the
separately from the 1985 CBA. statutory prohibition against offsetting undertime one day with
b. Moreover, Annex "B" was intended to serve as acompany-wide
guide in computing compensation for work performed by all its 9 Overtime work consists of hours worked on agiven day in excess of the
employees, including but not limited to the Manila Office applicable work period, which here is eight (8) hours. It is not enough that the
employees represented by Union. Caltex also points out that the hours worked fall on disagreeable or inconvenient hours. In order that work
mathematical formulae contained in Annex "B" are not all may be considered as overtime work, the hours worked must be in excess of
applicable to all classes of employees, there being some formulae and in addition to the eight (8) hours worked during the prescribed daily work
applicable only to particular groups or classes of employees. Thus, period, or the forty (40) hours worked during the regular work weekMonday
"First Day-off rates" and "Second Day-off rates" are applicable thru Friday.

overtime another day has no application in the case at bar.

b. The company practice of allowing employees to leave thirty (30)
minutes earlier than the scheduled off-time had been established
primarily for the convenience of the employees most of whom
have had to commute from workplace to home and in order that
they may avoid the heavy rush hour vehicular traffic. There is no
allegation here by petitioner Union that such practice was resorted
to by Caltex inorder to escape its contractual obligations.
5. In sum:
a. The parties’ 1985 CBA stipulated that employees at the Manila
Office, as well as those similarly situated at the Legazpi and
Marinduque Bulk Depots, shall be provided only one (1) day of
b. Sunday, and not Saturday, was designated as this day of rest.
c. Work performed on a Saturday is accordingly to be paid at regular
rates of pay, as a rule, unless the employee shall have been
required to render work in excess of forty (40) hours in a calendar
week. The employee must, however, have in fact rendered work in
excess of forty (40) hours before hours subsequently worked
become payable at premium rates.


32. A. Soriano Aviation v. Employees Association of A. Soriano Aviation (Jen)

holidays was a form of protest by the Union, hence, deemed a concerted action.
August 14, 2009 | Carpio Morales, J | Rest Periods and Holidays The strike was declared illegal. 8 months into the second strike company filed
PETITIONER: A. Soriano Aviation against respondents before LA praying for the declaration as illegal of the strike
RESPONDENTS: Employees Association of A. Soriano Aviation et al. due to force and violence and for the loss of their employment. LA declared the
2nd strike as illegal; the 1st strike violated the No-Strike No-Lockout clause in the
SUMMARY: CBA and there’s no strikeable issue. NLRC affirmed. CA reversed NLRC ruling.
A. Soriano and the Union entered into a CBA. On May 1 & 12 and June 12, 1997, The issue is whether the strike is illegal due to alleged commission of illegal acts
which were legal holidays and peak season for the company, 8 mechanic-members and violation of the “No Strike-No Lockout” clause of the CBA - YES The Court
of the Union refused to render overtime work. Petitioner treated the refusal to notes that, as found by the Labor Arbiter in NLRC Case No. 07-05409- 97,
work as a concerted action which is a violation of the "No-Strike, No-Lockout" the first strike or the mechanics' refusal to work on consecutive holidays was
clause in the CBA. It thus meted the workers a 30-day suspension. It also filed a prompted by their disagreement with the management-imposed new work
complaint for illegal strike in the NLRC which was dismissed to give way to schedule. Having been grounded on a non-strikeable issue and without
settlement without prejudice to refiling. Settlement being futile, the Union filed a complying with the procedural requirements, then the same is a violation of
Notice of Strike with NCMB. Union went on strike. The company filed a Motion the "No Strike-No Lockout Policy" in the existing CBA. Court holds that the
to Re-open the Case in NLRC which was granted. LA said that the newly second strike became invalid due to the commission of illegal action in its course.
implemented work-shift schedule was a valid exercise of management prerogative. The exercise of the right of private sector employees to strike is not absolute.
and the refusal of herein individual respondents to work on three consecutive


5. Eight months into the "second strike", petitioner filed a complaint against
FACTS: respondents before the Labor Arbiter, praying for the declaration as illegal
1. A. Soriano Aviation which is engaged in providing transportation of guests of the strike on account of their alleged pervasive and widespread use of
to and from Amanpulo and El Nido resorts in Palawan, and respondent force and violence and for the loss of their employment,
Employees Association of A. Soriano Aviation (the Union), the duly- 6. Labor Arbiter Ramon Valentin C. Reyes declared the "second strike"
certified exclusive bargaining agent of the rank and file employees of illegal. Taking judicial notice of the September 28, 1998 Decision of Labor
petitioner, entered into a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Arbiter Asuncion, he noted that as the Union went on the "first strike" on a
2. On May 1 & 12, and June 12, 1997, which were legal holidays and peak non- strikeable issue — the questioned change of work schedule, it violated
season for the company, eight mechanics-members of respondent Union, its the "No-Strike, No-Lockout" clause in the CBA and, in any event, the
herein co-respondents Aguila, Amimita, Balisbis, Barco, Bungabong, Union failed to comply with the requirements for a valid strike. Labor
Espino, Neri and Ramos refused to render overtime work. Arbiter went on to hold individual respondents were deemed to have lost
3. Petitioner treated the refusal to work as a concerted action which is a their employment due to violent 2nd strike.
violation of the "No-Strike, No-Lockout" clause in the CBA. It thus meted 7. NLRC affirmed.
the workers a 30-day suspension. It also filed on July 31, 1997 a complaint 8. CA: the appellate court reversed and set aside the NLRC ruling, holding
for illegal strike against them, docketed as NLRC Case No. 07-05409-97, that the acts of violence committed by the Union members in the course of
which was later dismissed at its instance in order to give way to settlement, the strike were not, as compared to the acts complained of in these cases
without prejudice to its re-filing should settlement be unavailing. was applied by the Labor Arbiter in his Decision of September 28, 2008
4. The attempted settlement between the parties having been futile, the Union where the acts of violence resulted in loss of employment, concluded that
filed a Notice of Strike with the National Conciliation and Mediation Board the acts in the present case were not as serious or pervasive as in these
(NCMB) on October 3, 1997, attributing to petitioner the following acts: (1) immediately-cited cases to call for loss of employment of the striking
union busting, (2) illegal dismissal of union officer, (3) illegal suspension of employees.
eight mechanics, xxx (9) constructive dismissal of the Union President, a. Took note that when the company filed its complaint 8 months
Julius Vargas (Vargas). Despite conciliation, no amicable settlement of the after the commencement of strike; acts of violence were committed
dispute was arrived at. The Union went on strike. only during 9 non-consecutive days.
5. pursuant to its reservation in NLRC Case No. 07-05409-97, petitioner filed b. These does not warrant a declaration of the strike as illegal and
a Motion to Re-Open the Case which was granted by Labor Arbiter Manuel would not result in the loss of employment of the strikers.
P. Asuncion. c. Name-calling and using banner imputing negligence and crim acts
6. By Decision rendered in petitioner's complaint in NLRC Case No. 07- to comp. And officers: not grave or serious to warrant the loss of
05409-97, the Labor Arbiter declared that the newly implemented work- emploment
shift schedule was a valid exercise of management prerogative and the 9. Petitioner insists that, contrary to the appellate court's finding, the
refusal of herein individual respondents to work on three consecutive questioned acts of the strikers were of a serious character, widespread and
holidays was a form of protest by the Union, hence, deemed a concerted pervasive; and that the Union's imputation of crime and negligence on its
action. Noting that the Union failed to comply with the formal requirements part, and the prolonged strike resulted in its loss of goodwill and business
prescribed by the Labor Code in the holding of strike, the strike was 10. Apart from the acts of violence committed by the strikers, petitioner bases
declared illegal. its plea that the strike should be declared illegal on the violation of the "No-
4. Union appealed to the NLRC which was dismissed. Strike-No- Lockout" clause in the CBA, the strike having arisen from non-
strikeable issues. Petitioner proffers that what actually prompted the holding


of the strike was the implementation of the new shift schedule, a valid employees to strike is not absolute. Thus Section 3 of Article XIII of the
exercise of management prerogative. Constitution provides: it shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-
organization, collective bargaining and negotiations and peaceful concerted
activities, including the right to strike in accordance with law. Xxx
ISSUE: 6. Indeed, even if the purpose of a strike is valid, the strike may still be held
1. Whether the strike is illegal due to the alleged commission of illegal acts illegal where the means employed are illegal. Thus, the employment of
and violation of the “No Strike-No Lockout” clause of the CBA - YES violence, intimidation, restraint or coercion in carrying out concerted
activities which are injurious to the right to property renders a strike
1. The Court notes that, as found by the Labor Arbiter in NLRC Case No. 07- illegal.And so is picketing or the obstruction to the free use of property or
05409- 97, the first strike or the mechanics' refusal to work on consecutive the comfortable enjoyment of life or property, when accompanied by
holidays was prompted by their disagreement with the management- intimidation, threats, violence, and coercion as to constitute nuisance.
imposed new work schedule. Having been grounded on a non-strikeable 7. The appellate court found in the present case, as in fact it is not disputed,
issue and without complying with the procedural requirements, then the that the acts complained of were the following: shouted "insults and other
same is a violation of the "No Strike-No Lockout Policy" in the existing abusive, vulgar and foul-mouthed word" with the use of a megaphone,
CBA. thrown gravel and sand to the car owned by Celso Villamor Gomez, lead
2. Respecting the second strike, where the Union complied with procedural man of the Company etc.
requirements, the same was not a violation of the "No Strike- No Lockout" 8. It cannot be gainsaid that by the above-enumerated undisputed acts, the
provisions, as a "No Strike-No Lockout" provision in the Collective Union committed illegal acts during the strike. The Union members'
Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is a valid stipulation but may be invoked repeated name-calling, harassment and threats of bodily harm directed
only by employer when the strike is economic in nature or one which is against company officers and non- striking employees and, more
conducted to force wage or other concessions from the employer that are significantly, the putting up of placards, banners and streamers with vulgar
not mandated to be granted by the law. It would be inapplicable to prevent a statements imputing criminal negligence to the company, which put to
strike which is grounded on unfair labor practice. doubt reliability of its operations, come within the purview of illegal acts
3. In the present case, the Union believed in good faith that petitioner under Art. 264 and jurisprudence.
committed unfair labor practice when it went on strike on account of the 30- 9. That the alleged acts of violence were committed in nine non-consecutive
day suspension meted to the striking mechanics, dismissal of a union officer days during the almost eight months that the strike was on-going does not
and perceived union-busting, among others. render the violence less pervasive or widespread to be excusable. Nowhere
4. As held in Malayang Samahan ng mga Manggaggawa sa M. Green􏰀eld v. in Art. 264 does it require that violence must be continuous or that it should
Ramos: On the submission that the strike was illegal for being grounded on be for the entire duration of the strike.
a non- strikeable issue, that is, the intra-union con􏰂ict between the 10. The appellate court took against petitioner its filing of its complaint to have
federation and the local union, it bears reiterating thatwhen respondent the strike declared illegal almost eight months from the time it commenced.
company dismissed the union officers, the issue was transformed into a Art. 264 does not, however, state for purposes of having a strike declared as
termination dispute and brought respondent company into the picture. Xxx illegal that the employer should immediately report the same. It only lists
Even if the allegations of unfair labor practice are subsequently found out to what acts are prohibited. It is thus absurd to expect an employer to file a
be untrue, the presumption of legality of the strike prevails. complaint at the first instance that an act of violence is alleged to be
5. Court holds that the second strike became invalid due to the commission of committed, especially, as in the present case, when an earlier complaint to
illegal action in its course. The exercise of the right of private sector have the refusal of the individual respondents to work overtime declared as


an illegal strike was still pending — an issue resolved in its favor only on the commission of violent acts during the illegal strike in the case of union
September 25, 1998. members, the records do not indicate. While respondent Julius Vargas was
11. The records show that the Union went on strike on October 22, 1997, and identi􏰀ed to be a union o􏰁cer, there is no indication if he knowingly
the 􏰀rst reported harassment incident occurred on October 29, 1997, while participated in the illegal strike. The Court not being a trier of facts, the
the last occurred in January, 1998. Those instances may have been sporadic, remand of the case to the NLRC is in order only for the purpose of
but as found by the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC, the display of placards, determining the status in the Union of individual respondents and their
streamers and banners even up to the time the appeal was being resolved by respective liability, if any.
the NLRC works against the Union's favor
12. The acts complained of including the display of placards and banners RULING: WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Court of Appeals
imputing criminal negligence on the part of the company and its o􏰁cers, Decision and Resolution dated April 16, 2004 and January 25, 2005, respectively,
apparently with the end in view of intimidating the company's clientele, are, are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Resolutions dated October 31, 2001 and
given the nature of its business, that serious as to make the "second strike" December 14, 2001 of the National Labor Relations Commission a􏰁rming the
illegal. Specifically with respect to the putting up of those banners and Decision of the Labor Arbiter in NLRC-NCR Case No. 00-06-04890-98 are
placards, coupled with the name-calling and harassment, the same indicates AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION in light of the foregoing discussions. The
that it was resorted to to coerce the resolution of the dispute — the very evil case is accordingly REMANDED to the National Labor Relations Commission for
which Art. 264 seeks to prevent. the purpose of determining the Union status and respective liabilities, if any, of the
13. While the strike is the most preeminent economic weapon of workers to individual respondents.
force management to agree to an equitable sharing of the joint product of
labor and capital, it exerts some disquieting effects not only on the
relationship between labor and management, but also on the general peace
and progress of society and economic well-being of the State.15 If such
weapon has to be used at all, it must be used sparingly and within the
bounds of law in the interest of industrial peace and public welfare.
14. As to the issue of loss of employment of those who participated in the
illegal strike, Sukhothai 16 instructs:Any union officer who knowingly
participates in an illegal strike and any worker or union officer who
knowingly participates in the commission of illegal acts during an illegal
strike may be declared to have lost his employment status: Provided, That
mere participation of a worker in a lawful strike shall not constitute
sufficient ground for termination of his employment,
15. The liability for prohibited acts has thus to be determined on an individual
basis. A perusal of the Labor Arbiter's Decision, which was affirmed in toto
by the NLRC, shows that on account of the staging of the illegal strike,
individual respondents were all deemed to have lost their employment,
without distinction as to their respective participation.
16. Of the participants in the illegal strike, whether they knowingly participated
in the illegal strike in the case of union officers or knowingly participated in


33. Chartered Bank Employees Association v. Ople (FELI) Rule IV, Book III of the Integrated Rules and Policy Instruction No. 9
August 28, 1985 | J. Gutierrez, Jr. | Working Conditions - REST PERIODS AND are contrary to the Labor Code and are therefore invalid. The
HOLIDAYS provisions of the Labor Code on the entitlement to the benefits of holiday
pay are clear and explicit (SEE DOCTRINE). However, in Policy
PETITIONER: Chartered Bank Employees Association Instruction No. 9, the Secretary of Labor stated that the benefit is
RESPONDENTS: Hon. Blas Ople, Incumbent Secretary of Labor, and principally intended for daily paid employees, when the law clearly states
The Chartered Bank that every worker shall be paid their regular holiday pay. Moreover, while
it is in the form of a presumption, it constitutes a taking away or a
SUMMARY: On May 20, 1975, Chartered Bank Employees Association deprivation which must be in the law. Thus, since Chartered Bank
(CBEA), in representation of its monthly paid employees/members, premises its action on the invalidated rule and policy instruction, it is clear
instituted a complaint with the Regional Office No. IV of the Department that the employees are entitled to the payment of 10 legal holidays.
of Labor against Chartered Bank for the payment of 10 unworked legal
holidays, as well as for premium and overtime differentials for worked DOCTRINE: P.D. 800 ART. 82. Coverage. — The provision of this
legal holidays from November 1, 1974. Chartered Bank justified this, Title shall apply to employees in all establishments and undertakings,
alleging that all the regular monthly paid employees are receiving salaries whether for profit or not, but not to: Government employees
way beyond the statutory or minimum rates and are among the highest a. Managerial employees
paid employees in the banking industry. Moreover, the salaries of the b. Field personnel
monthly paid employees suffer no deduction for holidays occurring within c. Members of the family of the employer who are
the month. The arbitrator and the NLRC ruled in favor of CBEA. On dependent on him for support
appeal, the Minister of Labor set aside the decision of the NLRC and d. Domestic helpers
dismissed CBEAs claim for lack of merit, basing its decision on Sec 2, e. Persons in the personal service of another
Rule IV, Book III of the Integrated Rules and Policy Instruction No. 9, f. Workers who are paid by results as determined by the
which provide for certain presumptions of payment of salaries for Secretary of Labor
monthly-paid employees (see Fact #5a &b for the full provision). CBEA
alleged that the Minister of Labor abused his discretion as the guidelines When the law provides benefits for “employees in all establishments
promulgated by the Minister contravened the Code by excluding the and undertakings, whether for profit or not” and lists specifically the
members from the benefits of holiday pay, when the Code itself did not employees not entitled to those benefits, the admin agency
provide for their exclusion. The respondents argue that the guidelines did implementing that law cannot exclude certain employees from its
not deprive the members of the benefits of holiday pay, but merely coverage simply because they are paid by the month or because they
classified those whose monthly salary already includes holiday pay and are highly paid.
those whose do not. Moreover, the rationale for the guidelines is to benefit
daily paid workers who suffer deductions in their salaries for not working
on holidays. FACTS:
The issue is WON the Minister of Labor abused his discretion in 1. On May 20, 1975, the Chartered Bank Employees Association (CBEA), in
applying the provisions of Sec 2 and Policy Instruction No. 9 to deny representation of its monthly paid employees/members, instituted a
the claim of petitioners to their holiday pay. The SC held YES. Based complaint with the Regional Office No. IV of the Department of Labor (or
on Insular Bank of Asia and America Employees’ Union v. Inciong, Sec 2, Ministry of Labor and Employment/MOLE as it was called before) against

Chartered Bank for the payment of 10 unworked legal holidays, as well as b. Policy Instruction No. 9: ‘If the monthly paid employee is
for premium and overtime differentials for worked legal holidays from receiving not less than P240, the maximum monthly minimum
November 1, 1974. wage, and his monthly pay is uniform from January to December,
2. Chartered Bank alleged that under the existing CBA, the monthly he is presumed to be already paid the ten (10) paid legal holidays.
employees are paid for overtime work as follows: However, if deductions are made from his monthly salary on
a. Sec 1. The basic work week for all employees, except security account of holidays in months where they occur, then he is still
guards (who are required to be at their posts 365 days per year), entitled to the ten (10) paid legal holidays.
shall be 40 hours based on five 8-hour days, Monday to Friday. 6. Arguments of the parties
b. Sec 2. Time and a quarter hourly rate shall be paid for authorized a. Petitioners: The Minister of Labor gravely abused his discretion
work performed in excess of 8 hours from Monday to Friday, and in promulgating the above-mentioned provisions. While the
for any hour of work performed on Saturdays. Minister has the authority to promulgate rules and regulations to
c. Sec 3. Time and a half hourly rate shall be paid for authorized implement the Labor Code, the guidelines promulgated by the
work performed on Sundays, legal and special holidays. Minister contravened the Code by excluding the members from the
d. Sec 5. The provisions of Sec 1 notwithstanding, the BANK may benefits of holiday pay, when the Code itself did not provide for
revert to the 6 day work week to include Saturday for a 4 hour day, their exclusion.
in the even that the Central Bank should require commercial banks b. Respondents: The guidelines did not deprive the members of the
to open for business on Saturday. benefits of holiday pay, but merely classified those whose monthly
3. Chartered Bank also alleged that in computing the overtime pay and salary already includes holiday pay and those whose do not. The
premium pay for work done during regular holidays, the divisor used in guidelines were promulgated to avoid confusion or
arriving at the daily rate is 251 days (this was when the bank was still misconstruction in the application of Articles 82 and 94 of the
working on a 6-day work week basis). However, for computing deductions Labor Code. The rationale for the guidelines is to benefit daily paid
corresponding to absences without pay, the divisor is 365 days. workers who suffer deductions in their salaries for not working on
4. Finally, Chartered Bank alleged that all the regular monthly paid employees holidays.
are receiving salaries way beyond the statutory or minimum rates and are
among the highest paid employees in the banking industry. Moreover, the ISSUES:
salaries of the monthly paid employees suffer no deduction for holidays 1. WON the Secretary of Labor erred in promulgating Sec 2, Rule IV, Book
occurring within the month. III of the Integrated Rules and Policy Instruction No. 9 - YES
5. The arbitrator and the NLRC ruled in favor of CBEA. On appeal, the 2. WON the Secretary of Labor abused his discretion in applying the
Minister of Labor set aside the decision of the NLRC and dismissed CBEAs provisions above stated to Chartered Bank’s employees - YES
claim for lack of merit, basing its decision on Sec 2, Rule IV, Book III of 3. WON the Secretary of Labor abused his discretion in denying the claim of
the Integrated Rules and Policy Instruction No. 9. petitioners for unworked holidays and premium and overtime pay
a. Sec 2. Employees who are uniformly paid by the month, differentials for worked holidays - YES
irrespective of the number of working days therein, with a salary of RATIO:
not less than the statutory or established minimum wage shall be
presumed to be paid for all days in the month whether worked or 2. Insular Bank of Asia and America Employees’ Union v. Inciong: Sec 2,
not." Rule IV, Book III of the Integrated Rules and Policy Instruction No. 9
are contrary to the Labor Code and are therefore invalid.


a. The provisions of the Labor Code on the entitlement to the benefits employees work on a holiday, they are given an additional 100%
of holiday pay are clear and explicit (it provides for both the base pay on top of a premium pay of 50%. If the employees
coverage of and exclusion from the benefit). monthly pay already includes their salaries for holidays, they
b. In Policy Instruction No. 9, the Secretary of Labor stated that the should be paid only premium pay.
benefit is principally intended for daily paid employees, when the b. The CBA also already contemplated a divisor of 251 days for
law clearly states that every worker shall be paid their regular holiday pay computations before the presumption in the Integrated
holiday pay. Rules and the Policy Instruction was formulated.
c. Art. 4, Labor Code: All doubts in the regulations shall be 7. When the law provides benefits for “employees in all establishments
resolved in favor of labor. and undertakings, whether for profit or not” and lists specifically the
d. If the construction is so erroneous, the same must be declared null employees not entitled to those benefits, the admin agency
and void. implementing that law cannot exclude certain employees from its
3. Since Chartered Bank premises its action on the invalidated rule and policy coverage simply because they are paid by the month or because they
instruction, it is clear that the employees are entitled to the payment of 10 are highly paid.
legal holidays.
a. Government employees
b. Managerial employees
c. Field personnel
d. Members of the family of the employer who are dependent on him
for support
e. Domestic helpers
f. Persons in the personal service of another
g. Workers who are paid by results as determined by the Secretary of
5. Sec 2, Rule IV, Book III adds the exclusion of “employees who are
uniformly paid by the month”. While it is in the form of a presumption, it
constitutes a taking away or a deprivation which must be in the law. An
administrative interpretation which diminishes the benefits of labor more
than what the statute delimits is obviously ultra vires.
6. [IDK if this is an important issue] The divisor of 251 used by the Bank in
computing overtime is a result of subtracting all Saturdays, Sundays and the
10 legal holidays from the total number of calendar days. If the employees
are already paid for all non-working days, the divisor should be 365 and not
a. Any remaining doubts which may arise from the conflicting
divisors are resolved by the manner in which work actually
rendered on holidays is paid. Thus, whenever monthly paid


34. Odango v. NLRC (Lex)

June 10, 2004 | Carpio, J. | Working Conditions-Rest periods and holidays principle, it also gives rise to an invidious classification, a violation of the equal
protection clause. Sustaining their argument will make monthly-paid employees
PETITIONER: Cezar Odango in his behalf and in behalf of 32 complainants a privileged class who are paid even if they do not work. Thus, Section 2 cannot
RESPONDENTS: National Labor Relations Commission and Antique Electric serve as basis of any right or claim. Absent any other legal basis, petitioners
Cooperative Inc (ANTECO) claim for wage differentials must fail.
DOCTRINE: The Labor Code is clear that monthly-paid employees are not
SUMMARY: Odango and the other 32 complainants are monthly-paid excluded from the benefits of holiday pay. However, the basic rule in this
employees of ANTECO. Their workdays are from Monday to Friday and half of jurisdiction is no work, no pay. The right to be paid for un-worked days is
Saturday. After a routine inspection, the Regional Branch of the DOLE found generally limited to the ten legal holidays in a year.
ANTECO liable for underpayment of the monthly salaries of its employees.
DOLE directed ANTECO to pay its employees wage differentials amounting to
P1,427,412.75. ANTECO failed to pay. The 33 monthly-paid employees filed FACTS:
complaints with the NLRC Sub-Regional Branch VI, Iloilo City, praying for 1. Odango are monthly-paid employees of Antique Electric Cooperative
payment of wage differentials. The Labor Arbiter concluded that ANTECO (ANTECO) whose workdays are from Monday to Friday and half of
owed its employees the wages for 61 days, the difference between 365 and 304, Saturday.
for every year. The NLRC reversed the LA’s ruling. The CA petition was 2. After a routine inspection, the Regional Branch of the Department of Labor
insufficient in form and substance for failing to recite where and in what specific and Employment (DOLE) found ANTECO liable for underpayment of the
instance public respondent abused its discretion. monthly salaries of its employees.
3. DOLE directed ANTECO to pay its employees wage differentials
The issue before the SC: WoN the Petitioners are entitled to their money claims? amounting to P1,427,412.75. ANTECO failed to pay.
No, Odango’s claims are without basis. 4. On various dates in 1995, 33 monthly-paid employees filed complaints with
Odango et. al argues that under Section 2, Rule IV of Book III of the Omnibus the NLRC Sub-Regional Branch VI, Iloilo City, praying for payment of
Rules Implementing the Labor Code, monthly-paid employees are considered wage differentials, damages and attorneys fees.
paid for all days of the month including un-worked days. They assert that they 5. Labor Arbiter Rodolfo G. Lagoc (Labor Arbiter) heard the consolidated
should be paid for all the 365 days in a year (including Sundays, the un-worked complaints.
half of Saturdays and other days that they do not work at all). They argue that 6. The Labor Arbiter rendered a Decision in favor of petitioners granting them
since in the computation of leave credits, ANTECO uses a divisor of 304, wage differentials amounting to P1,017,507.73 and attorneys fees of 10%.
ANTECO is not paying them 61 days every year. Florentino Tongson, whose case the Labor Arbiter dismissed, was the sole
The Court has long ago declared in Insular Bank of Asia v. Inciong that Section 7. ANTECO appealed the Decision to the NLRC and the NLRC reversed the
2, Rule IV, Book III of the Implementing Rules and Policy Instructions No. 9 Labor Arbiters’ Decision.
issued by the Secretary (then Minister) of Labor are null and void since in the 8. Odango then elevated the case to this Court through a petition for
guise of clarifying the Labor Codes provisions on holiday pay, they in effect certiorari. However, it was dismissed for failure to comply with Section 11,
amended them by enlarging the scope of their exclusion. Even assuming that Rule 13 of the Rules of Court. Ondango filed motion for
Section 2, Rule IV of Book III is valid, petitioners claim will still fail. reconsideration and the Court set aside the dismissal, following the doctrine
in St. Martin Funeral Home v. NLRC and referred the case to the CA
The basic rule in this jurisdiction is no work, no pay. The right to be paid for un- 9. The CA issued a Resolution dismissing the petition for failure to comply
worked days is generally limited to the ten legal holidays in a year. Odango with Section 3, Rule 46 of the Rules of Court. The CA explained that’s claim is based on a mistaken notion that Section 2, Rule IV of Book III Odango failed to allege the specific instances where the NLRC abused its
gave rise to a right to be paid for un-worked days beyond the ten legal holidays. discretion.
Odango’s line of reasoning is not only a violation of the no work, no pay 10. The Labor Arbiter:


a. ANTECO failed to refute petitioners argument that monthly-paid

employees are considered paid for all the days in a month under RATIO:
Section 2, Rule IV of Book 3 of the Implementing Rules of the
Labor Code (Section 2). Petitioners claim that this includes not On the right of the petitioners to wage differentials
only the 10 legal holidays, but also their un-worked half of 1. Odango et. al base their claim on Section 2, Rule IV of Book III of the
Saturdays and all of Sundays. Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code.
b. The LA gave credence to petitioners arguments on the computation a. They argue that under this provision monthly-paid employees are
of their wages based on the 304 divisor used by ANTECO in considered paid for all days of the month including un-worked
converting the leave credits of its employees. The Labor Arbiter days.
agreed with petitioners that ANTECOs use of 304 as divisor is an b. They assert that they should be paid for all the 365 days in a year.
admission that it is paying its employees for only 304 days a year They argue that since in the computation of leave credits,
instead of the 365 days as specified in Section 2. The Labor ANTECO uses a divisor of 304, ANTECO is not paying them 61
Arbiter concluded that ANTECO owed its employees the wages days every year.
for 61 days, the difference between 365 and 304, for every year. 2. We have long ago declared void Section 2, Rule IV of Book III of the
11. The NLRC’s Ruling: Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code.
a. reversed the Labor Arbiters ruling that ANTECO underpaid its a. In Insular Bank of Asia v. Inciong, we ruled as follows: Section 2,
employees. The NLRC pointed out that the Labor Arbiters own Rule IV, Book III of the Implementing Rules and Policy
computation showed that the daily wage rates of ANTECOs Instructions No. 9 issued by the Secretary (then Minister) of Labor
employees were above the minimum daily wage of P124.The are null and void since in the guise of clarifying the Labor Codes
lowest paid employee of ANTECO was then receiving a monthly provisions on holiday pay, they in effect amended them by
wage of P3,788. The NLRC applied the formula in Section 2 enlarging the scope of their exclusion.
[(Daily Wage Rate = (Wage x 12) /365)] to the monthly wage of 3. The Labor Code is clear that monthly-paid employees are not excluded
P3,788 to arrive at a daily wage rate of P124.54, an amount clearly from the benefits of holiday pay. However, the implementing rules on
above the minimum wage. holiday pay promulgated by the then Secretary of Labor excludes monthly-
b. noted that while the reasoning in the body of the Labor Arbiters paid employees from the said benefits by inserting, under Rule IV, Book III
decision supported the view that ANTECO did not underpay, the of the implementing rules, Section 2 which provides that monthly-paid
conclusion arrived at was the opposite. Finally, the NLRC ruled employees are presumed to be paid for all days in the month whether
that the use of 304 as a divisor in converting leave credits is more worked or not.
favorable to the employees since a lower divisor yields a higher 4. Thus, Section 2 cannot serve as basis of any right or claim. Absent any
rate of pay other legal basis, petitioners claim for wage differentials must fail.
12. CA’s ruling: 5. Even assuming that Section 2, Rule IV of Book III is valid, petitioners
a. petition was insufficient in form and substance since it does not claim will still fail.
allege the essential requirements of the extra-ordinary special 6. The basic rule in this jurisdiction is no work, no pay. The right to be paid
action of certiorari . The Court of Appeals faulted petitioners for for un-worked days is generally limited to the ten legal holidays in a year.
failing to recite where and in what specific instance public 7. Petitioners claim is based on a mistaken notion that Section 2, Rule IV of
respondent abused its discretion. Book III gave rise to a right to be paid for un-worked days beyond the ten
b. The appellate court characterized the allegations in the petition as legal holidays. In effect, petitioners demand that ANTECO should pay them
sweeping and clearly falling short of the requirement of Section 3, on Sundays, the un-worked half of Saturdays and other days that they do
Rule 46 of the Rules of Court. not work at all.
ISSUE: a. Petitioners line of reasoning is not only a violation of the no work,
1. WoN the Petitioners are entitled to their money claims? No. Odango’s no pay principle, it also gives rise to an invidious classification, a
claim is without basis. violation of the equal protection clause.


b. Sustaining petitioners argument will make monthly-paid

employees a privileged class who are paid even if they do not
8. The use of a divisor less than 365 days cannot make ANTECO
automatically liable for underpayment.
9. The facts show that petitioners are required to work only from Monday to
Friday and half of Saturday. Thus, the minimum allowable divisor is 287,
which is the result of 365 days, less 52 Sundays and less 26 Saturdays (or
52 half Saturdays).
10. Any divisor below 287 days means that ANTECOs workers are deprived of
their holiday pay for some or all of the ten legal holidays.The 304 days
divisor used by ANTECO is clearly above the minimum of 287 days.
11. Finally, Odango cites Chartered Bank Employees Association v. Ople as an
analogous situation. Petitioners have misread this case.
a. In Chartered Bank, the workers sought payment for un-worked
legal holidays as a right guaranteed by a valid law. In this case,
petitioners seek payment of wages for un-worked non-legal
holidays citing as basis a void implementing rule.The
circumstances are also markedly different. In Chartered Bank,there
was a collective bargaining agreement that prescribed the divisor.
No CBA exists in this case. In Chartered Bank, the employer was
liable for underpayment because the divisor it used was 251 days, a
figure that clearly fails to account for the ten legal holidays the law
requires to be paid.Here, the divisor ANTECO uses is 304 days.
This figure does not deprive petitioners of their right to be paid on
legal holidays.
12. ANTECOs defense is likewise based on Section 2, Rule IV of Book III of
the Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code although ANTECOs
interpretation of this provision is opposite that of petitioners.
13. It is deplorable that both parties premised their arguments on an
implementing rule that the Court had declared void twenty years ago in
Insular Bank. This case is cited prominently in basic commentaries.
14. And yet, counsel for both parties failed to consider this. This does not speak
well of the quality of representation they rendered to their clients. This
controversy should have ended long ago had either counsel first checked the
validity of the implementing rule on which they based their contentions.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED.The Resoution of the Court of Appeals



35. Cebu Institute of Technology v. Ople (Yvonne) incremental proceeds of authorized tuition fee increases of private schools
December 18, 1987 | Cortes, J. | Service Incentive Leave provided for in section 3 (a) of Presidential Decree No. 451, and thereafter,
under the Education Act of 1982 (Batas Pambansa Blg. 232). 3(a) of Pres.
RESPONDENTS: HON. BLAS OPLE, in his capacity as Minister, Ministry of SEC. 3. Limitations. — The increase in tuition or other school fees
Labor and Employment etc. or other charges as well as the new fees or charges authorized under the
next preceding section shall be subject to the following conditions; (a) That
SUMMARY: no increase in tuition or other school fees or charges shall be approved
A case was filed against CIT by, Panfilo Canete, et al., teachers of CIT, for non- unless sixty (60%)per centum of the proceeds is allocated for increase in
payment of: a) cost of living allowances (COLA) under Pres. Dec. Nos. 525, salaries or wages of the members of the faculty and all other employees of
1123, 1614, 1678 and 1713, b) thirteenth (13th) month pay differentials and c) the school concerned, and the balance for institutional development, student
service incentive leave. CIT maintained that it had paid the allowances assistance and extension services, and return to investments: Provided That
mandated by various decrees but the same had been integrated in the teacher's in no case shall the return to investments exceed twelve (12%) per centum
hourly rate. It alleged that the payment of COLA by way of salary increases is of the incremental proceeds;
in line with PD No. 451. It also claimed in its position paper that it had paid 2. This case originated from a Complaint filed with the Regional Office No.
13th month pay to its employees and that it was exempt from the payment of VII of the Ministry of Labor against petitioner Cebu Institute of Technology
service incentive leave to its teachers who were employed on contract basis. The (CIT) by private respondents, Panfilo Canete, et al., teachers of CIT, for
Minister of Labor and Employment issued the assailed Order and held that the non-payment of: a) cost of living allowances (COLA) b) thirteenth (13th)
basic hourly rate designated in the Teachers' Program is regarded as the basic month pay differentials and c) service incentive leave. CIT contended that it
hourly rate of teachers exclusive of the COLA, and that COLA should not be had paid the allowances mandated by various decrees but the same had been
taken from the 60% incremental proceeds of the approved increase in tuition integrated in the teacher's hourly rate.
fee. CIT assailed the aforesaid Order. The Court issued a TRO on December 7, 3. It alleged that the payment of COLA by way of salary increases is in line
1981 against the enforcement of the questioned Order of the Minister of Labor with Pres. Dec. No. 451. It also claimed in its position paper that it had paid
and Employment. thirteenth month pay to its employees and that it was exempt from the
payment of service incentive leave to its teachers who were employed on
Issue: WON CIT is exempt from paying service incentive leave to its teachers contract basis.
who were employed on contract basis. NO. Not exempt. The teachers are 4. Minister of Labor and Employment held that the basic hourly rate
entitled to Service Incentive Leave (SIL). designated in the Teachers' Program is regarded as the basic hourly rate of
teachers exclusive of the COLA, and that COLA should not be taken from
DOCTRINE: the 60% incremental proceeds of the approved increase in tuition fee.
CIT’s teaching personnel cannot be deemed as field personnel which refers "to Petitioner assails the aforesaid Order in this Special Civil Action of
non‐agricultural employees who regularly perform their duties away from the certiorari with Preliminary Injunction and/or Restraining Order. The Court
principal place of business or branch office of the employer and whose actual issued a Temporary Restraining Order on December 7, 1981 against the
hours of work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty. (Par. enforcement of the questioned Order of the Minister of Labor and
3, Art. 82, LC). Hence, they do not fall under the exception and are entitled to Employment.
service incentive leave. ISSUE:
1. WON CIT is exempt from paying service incentive leave to its teachers
who were employed on contract basis. NO. Not exempt. The teachers are
entitled to Service Incentive Leave (SIL).
1. This is a consolidation of six cases involving various private schools as well 1. CIT claims that Ople etc. are engaged by the school on a contract basis as
as the then Minister of Labor and Employment in order to dispose shown by the individual teachers’ contract which defines the nature, scope
uniformly the common legal issue raised, namely the allocation of the and period of their employment. Hence, they are not entitled to the said

benefit according to Rule V of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of

the Labor Code which provides that the rule on Service Incentive Leave
does not apply to:
(d) Field personnel and other employees whose performance is
unsupervised by the employer including those who are engaged on task or
contract basis, purely commission basis, or those who are paid in a fixed
amount for performing work irrespective of the time consumed in the
performance thereof;
2. The phrase "those who are engaged on task or contract basis" should
however, be related with "field personnel" applying the rule on ejusdem
generis that general and unlimited terms are restrained and limited by the
particular terms that they follow.
3. Clearly, petitioner's teaching personnel cannot be deemed field personnel
which refers "to non-agricultural employees who regularly perform their
duties away from the principal place of business or branch office of the
employer and whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be determined
with reasonable certainty under Par. 3, Article 82 of the Labor Code.
4. CIT's claim that Ople etc. are not entitled to the service incentive leave
benefit cannot therefore be sustained.


36.. AUTO BUS TRANSPORT v. BAUTISTA (BAM) to the commutation of his accrued service incentive leave. Bautista’s cause of
16 May 2005 | Chico-Nazario | Working Conditions - SERVICE INCENTIVE action to claim the payment of his accumulated service incentive leave thus
LEAVE PAY accrued from the time when his employer dismissed him and failed to pay his
accumulated leave credits. Thus, the claim for the payment of the service
PETITIONER: Auto Bus Transport incentive leave pay has not yet prescribed since it was filed a month after
RESPONDENTS: Antonio Bautista Bautista’s dismissal.

Antonio Bautista is a driver-conductor of Autobus and was paid on commission A bus driver who is under the constant supervision of his employer while in the
basis equivalent to 7% of the total gross income per travel on a twice a month performance of his duties and is required to be at specific places at specific
basis. While he was driving Autobus No. 114 he accidentally bumped another times, even if he works away from the principal place of business, is a regular
Autobus vehicle. Bautista alleged this is because he was compelled to drive employee entitled to service incentive leave pay and not a field personnel.
although he has not slept for almost 24-hours. He was not allowed to work until
he has paid the cost of repair of both buses. After a month, he was terminated. FACTS:
Bautista then filed a complaint for illegal dismissal with money claims for non-
payment of 13th month pay and service incentive leave pay against Autobus. 1. Antonio Bautista was employed by Auto Bus Transport Systems, Inc.
Autobus argued that Bautista’s employment was replete with offenses involving (Autobus), as driver-conductor with travel routes Manila-Tuguegarao via
reckless imprudence, gross negligence, and dishonesty. It merely exercised its Baguio, Baguio- Tuguegarao via Manila and Manila-Tabuk via Baguio.
2. Bautista was paid on commission basis, seven percent (7%) of the total
management prerogative in terminating Bautista and after he was given due
gross income per travel, on a twice a month basis.
3. While he was driving Autobus No. 114 he accidentally bumped the rear
portion of Autobus No. 124, as the latter vehicle suddenly stopped at a
Whether Bautista is field personnel - NO; Whether Bautista is entitled to service sharp curve without giving any warning.
incentive leave pay - YES; Whether Bautista’s claim for the service incentive a. Bautista alleged that he was compelled by the management to go
leave pay has prescribed - NO back to Roxas, Isabela, although he had not slept for almost
twenty-four (24) hours.
SC Held that Bautista was not a field personnel but a regular employee under b. Furthermore, he was not allowed to work until he fully paid the
constant supervision while in the performance of this work. Along the routes of amount of P75,551.50, representing thirty percent (30%) of the
cost of repair of the damaged buses. His pleas for reconsideration
the Bus Company, there are inspectors who board the bus and inspect the
were ignored. After a month, he was terminated.
passengers, the punched tickets, and the conductor's reports. There is also the 4. Bautista filed a complaint for illegal dismissal with money claims for non-
mandatory once-a-week car barn or shop day. Lastly, there is a dispatcher payment of 13th month pay and service incentive leave pay against Autobus.
whose function is precisely to see to it that the bus and its crew leave the 5. Autobus argued that Bautista’s employment was replete with offenses
premises at specific times and arrive at the estimated proper time. Thus, he is involving reckless imprudence, gross negligence, and dishonesty
entitled to service incentive leave pay. As to the claim of prescription, in the case a. It presented copies of letters, memos, irregularity reports, and
of service incentive leave, the employee may choose to either use his leave warrants of arrest pertaining to several incidents wherein Bautista
credits or commute it to its monetary equivalent if not exhausted at the end of was involved.
the year. Hence, if the employee entitled to service incentive leave does not use b. in the exercise of its management prerogative, employment was
terminated only after Bautista was provided with an opportunity to
or commute the same, he is entitled upon his resignation or separation from work
explain his side regarding the accident.

6. LA dismissed the complaint but ordered Autobus to pay 13 th month pay and non-agricultural employees who regularly perform their duties away from the
the service incentive leave pay for all the years he has been in service. principal place of business or branch office of the employer and whose actual hours
7. NLRC affirmed the dismissal and payment of the service incentive leave of work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty.
pay but deleted the 13th month pay.
6. In Bureau of Working Conditions Advisory Opinion to Philippine
ISSUES: Technical-Clerical Commercial employees Association, it was elaborated
further:As a general rule, field personnel are those whose performance of
their job/service is
1. Whether Bautista is a field personnel - NO
a. not supervised by the employer or his representative, the
2. Whether Bautista is entitled to service incentive leave pay - YES
workplace being away from the principal office; and
3. Whether Bautista’s claim for the service incentive leave pay has prescribed
b. whose hours and days of work cannot be determined with
- NO
reasonable certainty;
c. hence, they are paid specific amount for rendering specific service
or performing specific work. If required to be at specific places at
specific times, employees including drivers cannot be said to be
1. The grant of service incentive leave has been delimited by the field personnel despite the fact that they are performing work away
Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Labor Code to apply only to from the principal office of the employee.
those employees not explicitly excluded 7. Autobus argues that under said advisory opinion, no employee would ever
a. According to the Implementing Rules, Service Incentive Leave be considered a field personnel because every employer, in one way or
shall not apply to employees classified as "field personnel." another, exercises control over his employees.
b. The phrase "other employees whose performance is unsupervised 8. Further, that the only criterion that should be considered is the nature of
by the employer" must not be understood as a separate work of the employee
classification of employees to which service incentive leave shall a. if the employee's job requires that he works away from the
not be granted. principal office like that of a messenger or a bus driver, then he is
c. Rather, it serves as an amplification of the definition of field inevitably a field personnel.
personnel under the Labor Code as those "whose actual hours of 9. We are not persuaded. The definition of a "field personnel" is not merely
work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty." concerned with the location where the employee regularly performs his
2. The same is true with respect to the phrase "those who are engaged on task duties but also with the fact that the employee's performance is
or contract basis, purely commission basis." unsupervised by the employer.
a. Said phrase should be related with "field personnel," applying the 10. Field personnel are those who regularly perform their duties away from the
rule on ejusdem generis principal place of business of the employer and whose actual hours of work
3. Hence, employees engaged on task or contract basis or paid on purely in the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty.
commission basis are not automatically exempted from the grant of service 11. Thus, in order to conclude whether an employee is a field employee, it is
incentive leave also necessary to ascertain if actual hours of work in the field can be
a. unless, they fall under the classification of field personnel. determined with reasonable certainty by the employer
b. Auto Bus' contention that respondent is not entitled to the grant of 12. [!] As observed by the LA and concurred in by the CA
service incentive leave just because he was paid on purely
commission basis is misplaced along the routes that are plied by these bus companies, there are its
4. What must be ascertained in order to resolve the issue of propriety of the inspectors assigned at strategic places who board the bus and inspect the
grant of service incentive leave to Bautista is whether or not he is a field passengers, the punched tickets, and the conductor's reports. There is also
personnel. the mandatory once-a-week car barn or shop day, where the bus is
5. According to Article 82 of the Labor Code, "field personnel" refers to: regularly checked as to its mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic aspects,
whether or not there are problems thereon as reported by the driver and/or

conductor. They too, must be at specific place as [sic] specified time, as 19. Thus, his cause of action to claim the payment of his accumulated service
they generally observe prompt departure and arrival from their point of incentive leave thus accrued from the time when his employer dismissed
origin to their point of destination. In each and every depot, there is always him and failed to pay his accumulated leave credits.
the Dispatcher whose function is precisely to see to it that the bus and its a. Since he filed it a month his dismissal, it is within the prescriptive
crew leave the premises at specific times and arrive at the estimated proper period.

13. The driver was therefore under constant supervision while in the
performance of this work. He cannot be considered a field personnel. He
is a regular employee who performs tasks usually necessary and
desirable to the usual trade of petitioner's business.

Whether Bautista’s claim for the service incentive leave pay has prescribed 10

14. the pivotal question to be answered is when does the cause of action for
money claims accrue in order to determine the reckoning date of the three-
year prescriptive period.
15. a determination must be made as to the period when the act constituting a
violation of the workers' right to the benefits being claimed was committed.
16. In the case of service incentive leave, the employee may choose to either:
a. use his leave credits; OR
b. commute it to its monetary equivalent if not exhausted at the end
of the year; OR
c. if the employee entitled to service incentive leave does not use or
commute the same, he is entitled upon his resignation or separation
from work to the commutation of his accrued service incentive
17. the three (3)-year prescriptive period commences from the time when the
employer refuses to pay its monetary equivalent after demand of
commutation or upon termination of the employee's services, as the case
may be.
18. Bautista did not use his service incentive leave nor demanded for its
commutation until he was terminated. Neither did Auto Bus pay his
accumulated service incentive leave pay at the time of dismissal.

10 Article 291 of the Labor Code states that all money claims arising from
employer-employee relationship shall be filed within three (3) years from the time
the cause of action accrued; otherwise, they shall be forever barred.

37. Tan v. Lagrama (JackJack) 1. Lagrama worked for Tan on a fixed piece work basis is of no moment.
Aug 15, 2002 | Mendoza | Working Conditions - Employees Paid by Results Payment by results is a method of compensation and does not define the
essence of the relation. It is a method of computing compensation,
*This case is very short so I put everything in the summary box* not a basis for determining the existence or absence of employer-
employee relationship. One may be paid on the basis of results or time
PETITIONER: Rolando Y. Tan expended on the work, and may or may not acquire an employment
RESPONDENTS: Leovigildo Lagrama and Court of Appeals status, depending on whether the elements of an employer-employee
relationship are present or not.
SUMMARY: Lagrama works for Tan for more than 10 years as a painter of 2. That Lagrama was not reported as an employee to the SSS is not
billboards and murals for the motion pictures shown at the theaters managed by conclusive, on the question whether he was an employee, otherwise Tan
Tan (Tan is the president of Supreme Theater Corporation and the general would be rewarded for his failure or even neglect to perform his
manager of Crown and Empire Theaters in Butuan City). Lagrama was then obligation.
dismissed for having urinated in his working area. Lagrama tried to explain his
side but Tan kept shouting for Lagrama to get out. Lagrama had no choice but to C. Power of Dismissal – Tan stated in his position papers that he had the right
leave. Lagrama then filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and non payment of to fire Lagrama. Tan in effect acknowledged Lagrama to be his employee.
benefits. Tan asserted that Lagrama was an independent contractor as he was
paid in piece-work basis. D. Power of Selection and Engagement of Employees – Tan engaged the
Issue is WON Lagrama is an independent contractor or an employee of services of Lagrama without the intervention of third party.
Tan? SC held he is an employee.
Next issue is WON Lagrama was illegally dismissed? SC held YES.
Applying the four-fold test:
A. Power of Control - Evidence shows that the Lagrama performed his work as The Implementing Rules of the Labor Code provides that no worker shall be
a painter and under the supervision and control of Tan. dismissed except for a just or authorized cause provided by law and after due
1. Lagrama worked in a designated work area inside the theater of Tan for process. In this case, by Tan’s refusal to give Lagrama work to do and ordering
the use of which Tan prescribed rules, which rules included the Lagrama to get out of his sight as the latter tried to explain his side, Tan made it
observance of cleanliness and hygiene and prohibition against urinating plain that Lagrama was dismissed. Urinating in a work place other than the one
in the work area and any other place other than restrooms and designated for the purpose by the employer constitutes violation of reasonable
2. Tan's control over Lagrama's work extended not only the use of work regulations intended to promote a healthy environment under Art. 282(1) of the
area but also the result of Lagrama’s work and the manner and means Labor Code for purposes of terminating employment, but the same must be
by which the work was to be accomplished shown by evidence. Here there is no evidence that Lagrama did urinate in a
3. Lagrama is not an independent contractor because he did not enjoy place other than a restroom in the premises of his work.
independence and freedom from the control and supervision of Tan and Court didn't order reinstatement anymore because the relationship between
he was subjected to Tan's control over the means and methods by which the two is strained. So just ordered separation pay and backwages.
his work is to be performed and accomplished Then they mentioned this last paragraph: The Bureau of Working Conditions
classifies workers paid by results into two groups, namely; (1) those whose time
and performance is supervised by the employer, and (2) those whose time and
B. Payment of Wages - this is the topic to focus on performance is unsupervised by the employer. The first involves an element of


control and supervision over the manner the work is to be performed, while the
second does not. If a piece worker is supervised, there is an employer-
employee relationship, as in this case. However, such an employee is not
entitled to service incentive leave pay since, as pointed out in Makati
Haberdashery v. NLRC and Mark Roche International v. NLRC, he is paid a
fixed amount for work done, regardless of the time he spent in
accomplishing such work.

DOCTRINE: Payment by result is a method of compensation and does not

define the essence of the relation. It is a method of computing compensation, not
a basis for determining the existence or absence of employer-employee
relationship. One may be paid on the basis of results or time expended on the
work, and may or may not acquire an employment status, depending on whether
the elements of an employer-employee relationship are present or not.

The Bureau of Working Conditions classifies workers paid by results into two
groups, namely; (1) those whose time and performance is supervised by the
employer, and (2) those whose time and performance is unsupervised by the
employer. The first involves an element of control and supervision over the
manner the work is to be performed, while the second does not. If a piece
worker is supervised, there is an employer-employee relationship, as in this
case. However, such an employee is not entitled to service incentive leave
pay since, as pointed out in Makati Haberdashery v. NLRC and Mark Roche
International v. NLRC, he is paid a fixed amount for work done, regardless of
the time he spent in accomplishing such work.


38. RODOLFO J. SERRANO v. SEVERINO SANTOS TRANSIT (Liz) Santos Transit, a bus company owned and operated by its co-respondent
9 August 2010 | Employees Paid by Results: Service Incentive Leave Pay Severino Santos.
2. After 14 years of service, Serrano applied for optional retirement from the
company whose representative advised him that he must first sign the
PETITIONER: RODOLFO J. SERRANO already prepared Quitclaim before his retirement pay could be released.
RESPONDENT: SEVERINO SANTOS TRANSIT and/or SEVERINO SANTOS 3. As Serrano’s request to first go over the computation of his retirement pay
was denied, he signed the Quitclaim on which he wrote “U.P.” (under
SUMMARY: Petitioner Serrano was hired as bus conductor by respondent protest) after his signature, indicating his protest to the amount of
Severino Santos Transit, a bus company owned and operated by its co-respondent P75,277.45 which he received, computed by the company at 15 days per
Severino Santos. After 14 years of service Serrano applied for optional retirement year of service.
from the company whose representative advised him that he must first sign the 4. Serrano soon after filed a complaint before the Labor Arbiter, alleging that
already prepared Quitclaim before his retirement pay could be released. As the company erred in its computation since the Retirement Pay Law (RA
Serrano’s request to first go over the computation of his retirement pay was No. 7641), his retirement pay should have been computed at 22.5 days per
denied, he signed the Quitclaim on which he wrote “U.P.” (under protest) after his year of service to include the cash equivalent of the 5-day service incentive
signature, indicating his protest to the amount of P75,277.45 which he received, leave (SIL) and 1/12 of the 13th month pay which the company did not.
computed by the company at 15 days per year of service. Serrano soon after filed a 5. RESPONDENT SEVERINO SANTOS’ CONTENTION: The Quitclaim
complaint, alleging that the company erred in its computation since under signed by Serrano barred his claim and, in any event, its computation was
Republic Act No. 7641, otherwise known as the Retirement Pay Law, his correct since Serrano was not entitled to the 5-day SIL and pro-rated 13 th
retirement pay should have been computed at 22.5 days per year of service to month pay for, as a bus conductor, he was paid on commission basis.
include the cash equivalent of the 5-day service incentive leave (SIL) and 1/12 of Respondents, noting that the retirement differential pay amounted to only
the 13th month pay which the company did not. The company maintained, P1,431.15, explained that in the computation of petitioner’s retirement pay,
however, that the Quitclaim signed by Serrano barred his claim and, in any event, five months were inadvertently not included because some index cards
its computation was correct since petitioner was not entitled to the 5-day SIL and containing his records had been lost.
pro-rated 13th month pay for, as a bus conductor, he was paid on commission 6. LA’s Ruling: Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of petitioner.
basis. I: Whether or not the 22.5 days pay per year of service is the correct a. In Labor Advisory on Retirement Pay Law, it was decisively made
formula in arriving at the complete retirement pay of complainant clear that “the law expanded the concept of “one-half month
salary” from the usual one-month salary divided by two.” “Half-
DOCTRINE: month’s pay” is “expanded” because it means not just the salary
For purposes, however, of applying the law on Service Incentive Leave, as well as for 15 days but also one-twelfth of the 13th-month pay and the
on retirement, the Court notes that there is a difference between drivers paid under cash value of five-day service incentive leave. THIS IS THE
the boundary system and conductors who are paid on a commission basis. In MINIMUM. The retirement pay package can be improved upon
practice, taxi drivers do not receive fixed wages. They retain only those sums in by voluntary company policy, or particular agreement with the
excess of the boundary or fee they pay to the owners or operators of the vehicles. employee, or through a collective bargaining agreement.” Thus,
Conductors, on the other hand, are paid a certain percentage of the bus earnings having established that 22.5 days pay per year of service is the
for the day. It bears emphasis that under P.D. 851 or the SIL Law, the exclusion correct formula in arriving at the complete retirement pay of
from its coverage of workers who are paid on a purely commission basis is only complainant.
with respect to field personnel. The more recent case of Auto Bus Transport 7. NLRC Ruling: NLRC reversed the Labor Arbiter’s ruling and dismissed
Systems, Inc v. Bautista clarifies that an employee who is paid on purely petitioner’s complaint. It, however, ordered respondents to pay retirement
commission basis is entitled to Service Incentive Leave Pay differential in the amount of P2,365.35. NLRC held that since petitioner
was paid on purely commission basis, he was excluded from the coverage
of the laws on 13th month pay and SIL pay, hence, the 1/12 of the 13th month
FACTS: pay and the 5-day SIL should not be factored in the computation of his
1. Petitioner Serrano was hired as bus conductor by respondent Severino retirement pay. Petitioner’s motion for reconsideration was denied.

8. CA: The appellate court affirmed the NLRC’s ruling holding that it was implementing rules. Thus, his retirement pay should include the
based on substantial evidence, hence, should be respected. Petitioner’s MR cash equivalent of 5-days SIL and 1/12 of 13th month pay. The
was denied. NLRC’s reliance on the case of R & E Transport, Inc. as a basis
for ruling that bus conductors are not covered by the law on SIL
ISSUE: Whether or not the 22.5 days retirement pay per year of service is the and 13th month pay is erroneous since that involved a taxi driver
correct formula? who was paid according to the “boundary system.” There is a
difference between drivers paid under the “boundary system” and
RULING: conductors who are paid on commission basis. In practice, taxi
1. Republic Act No. 7641 which was enacted on December 9, 1992 amended drivers do not receive fixed wages and retain only those sums in
Article 287 of the Labor Code by providing for retirement pay to qualified excess of the “boundary” or fee they pay to the owners or operators
private sector employees in the absence of any retirement plan in the of the vehicles. Conductors, on the other hand, are paid a certain
establishment. The pertinent provision of said law reads: percentage of the bus’ earnings for the day.
a. Section 1. Article 287 of Presidential Decree No. 442, as amended,
otherwise known as the Labor Code of the Philippines, is hereby
amended to read as follows:
i. In the absence of a retirement plan or agreement
providing for retirement benefits of employees in the
establishment, an employee upon reaching the age of
sixty (60) years or more, but not beyond sixty-five (65)
years which is hereby declared the compulsory retirement
age, who has served at least five (5) years in the said
establishment, may retire and shall be entitled to
retirement pay equivalent to at least one-half (1/2) month
salary for every year of service, a fraction of at least six
(6) months being considered as one whole year.
2. Unless the parties provide for broader inclusions, the term one-half (1/2)
month salary shall mean fifteen (15) days plus one-twelfth (1/12) of the
13th month pay and the cash equivalent of not more than five (5) days of
service incentive leaves.
3. Admittedly, Serrano worked for 14 years for the bus company which did
not adopt any retirement scheme. Even if Serrano as bus conductor was paid
on commission basis then, he falls within the coverage of R.A. 7641 and its
implementing rules. As thus correctly ruled by the Labor Arbiter, Serrano’s
retirement pay should include the cash equivalent of the 5-day SIL and 1/12
of the 13th month pay.
4. Retirement pay; applicability to employees on commission basis
a. Even if the petitioner as bus conductor was paid on commission
basis, he falls within the coverage of R.A. 7641 and its

39. Labor Congress of the Philippines v. NLRC (KARA) leave and 13th month pay,  inter alia, "field personnel and other
May 21, 1998 | Davide, Jr., J. | Working Conditions – Pakiao workers employees whose time and performance is unsupervised by the employer,
including those who are engaged on task or contract basis, purely
PETITIONER: Labor Congress of the Philippines commission basis, or those who are paid a fixed amount for performing
RESPONDENTS: NLRC, Empire Food Products, Mr. Gonzalo Kehyeng work irrespective of the time consumed in the performance thereof."
and Mrs. Evelyn Kehyeng Plainly, petitioners as piece-rate workers do not fall within this group

SUMMARY: Petitioners (rank-and-file employees) filed a case against Further, in Section 8 (b), Rule IV, Book III, piece workers are specifically
Empire Food Products for Unfair Labor Practice through Illegal Dismissal mentioned as being entitled to holiday pay.
and Underpayment of Wages. LA ruled that there was no illegal dismissal
because petitioners were guilty of abandoning their post without In addition, the Revised Guidelines on the Implementation of the 13th
permission from respondents and that there was no underpayment since Month Pay Law, in view of the modifications to P.D. No. 851 by
they are piece workers or paid on a pakiao. The only limitation for piece Memorandum Order No. 28, clearly exclude the employer of piece rate
workers or pakiao workers is that they should receive compensation no workers from those exempted from paying 13th month pay
less than the minimum wage for an eight (8) hour work. NLRC affirmed.
As to overtime pay, the rules, however, are different. According to Sec.
WoN petitioners abandoned their work? NO. 2(e), Rule I, Book III of the Implementing Rules, workers who are paid by
results including those who are paid on piece-work, takay,pakiao, or task
SC ruled that failure to work for one day, which resulted in the spoilage of basis, if their output rates are in accordance with the standards prescribed
cheese curls does not amount to abandonment of work. It is the clear, under Sec. 8, Rule VII, Book III, of these regulations, or where such rates
deliberate and unjustified refusal to resume employment and not mere have been fixed by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with the aforesaid
absence that constitutes abandonment. The burden of proving the section, are not entitled to receive overtime pay. Here, private respondents
existence of just cause for dismissing an employee, such as abandonment, did not allege adherence to the standards set forth in Sec. 8 nor with the
rests on the employer, a burden Empire Food failed to discharge. rates prescribed by the Secretary of Labor. As such, petitioners are beyond
Petitioners are therefore entitled to reinstatement with full back wages. the ambit of exempted persons and are therefore entitled to overtime pay.

WoN petitioners were underpaid? YES. FACTS:

1. The 99 persons named as petitioners in this proceeding were rank-and-file
Petitioners are entitled to holiday pay, premium pay, 13th month pay employees of respondent Empire Food Products, which hired them on
and service incentive leave. Although piece-rate workers, they were various dates.
regular employees of private respondents. First, as to the nature of 2. Petitioners filed against private respondents a complaint for payment of
petitioners' tasks, their job of repacking snack food was necessary or money claim[s] and for violation of labor standard[s] laws (NLRC Case No.
desirable in the usual business of private respondents, who were engaged RAB-111-10-1817-90). They also filed a petition for direct certification of
in the manufacture and selling of such food products; second, petitioners petitioner Labor Congress of the Philippines as their bargaining
worked for private respondents throughout the year, their employment not representative (Case No. R0300-9010-RU-005).
having been dependent on a specific project or season; and third, the 3. On October 23, 1990, petitioners represented by LCP President Benigno B.
length of time that petitioners worked for private respondents. Thus, while Navarro, Sr. and private respondents Gonzalo Kehyeng and Evelyn
petitioners' mode of compensation was on a "per piece basis," the status Kehyeng in behalf of Empire Food Products, Inc. entered into a
and nature of their employment was that of regular employees. Memorandum of Agreement 
4. On January 23, 1991, petitioners filed a complaint docketed as NLRC Case
Rules Implementing the Labor Code exclude certain employees from No. RAB-III-01-1964-91 against private respondents for:
receiving benefits such as nighttime pay, holiday pay, service incentive a. Unfair Labor Practice by way of Illegal Lockout and/or Dismissal;


b. Union busting thru Harassments [sic], threats, and interfering with conformed to the minimum wage rate for an eight-hour workday; and
the rights of employees to self-organization; petitioners were not underpaid.
c. Violation of the Memorandum of Agreement dated October 23,
d. Underpayment of Wages in violation of R.A. No. 6640 and R.A. ISSUE:
No. 6727, such as Wages promulgated by the Regional Wage 1. Whether petitioners are entitled to reinstatement? YES.
Board; 2. Whether petitioners were underpaid? YES
e. Actual, Moral and Exemplary Damages.
5. Labor Arbiter absolved private respondents of the charges of unfair labor HELD:
practice, union busting, violation of the memorandum of agreement, 1. It appear to us that the Labor Arbiter, in concluding in 27 July 1994
underpayment of wages and denied petitioners' prayer for actual, moral and Decision was moved by, at worst, spite, or at best, lackadaisically glossed
exemplary damages. Labor Arbiter, however, directed the reinstatement of over petitioner's evidence. On this score, we find the following observations
the individual complainants: of the OSG most persuasive:
6. NLRC remanded the case to LA a. The failure to work for one day, which resulted in the spoilage of
7. LA ruled: cheese curls does not amount to abandonment of work. In fact two
a. the charge of illegal lockout has no leg to stand on because of the (2) days after the reported abandonment of work or on January 23,
testimony of respondents through their guard Orlando Cairo (TSN, 1991, petitioners filed a complaint for, among others, unfair labor
July 31, 1991 hearing; p. 5-35) that on January 21, 1991, practice, illegal lockout and/or illegal dismissal. In several cases,
complainants refused and failed to report for work, hence guilty of this Honorable Court held that "one could not possibly abandon his
abandoning their post without permission from respondents. As a work and shortly thereafter vigorously pursue his complaint for
result of complainants['] failure to report for work, the cheese curls illegal dismissal
ready for repacking were all spoiled to the prejudice of b. In De Ysasi III v. NLRC (supra), this Honorable Court stressed that
respondents. it is the clear, deliberate and unjustified refusal to resume
b. The enumeration of complainants' wages in their consolidated employment and not mere absence that constitutes abandonment.
Affidavits of merit and position paper which implies underpayment The absence of petitioner employees for one day on January 21,
has no leg to stand on in the light of the fact that complainants' 1991 as testified [to] by Security Guard Orlando Cairo did not
admission that they are piece workers or paid on constitute abandonment.
a pakiao [basis] i.e. a certain amount for every thousand pieces of c. That petitioner employees are "pakyao" or piece workers does not
cheese curls or other products repacked. The only limitation for imply that they are not regular employees entitled to reinstatement.
piece workers or pakiao workers is that they should receive Private respondent Empire Food Products, Inc. is a food and fruit
compensation no less than the minimum wage for an eight (8) hour processing company. In Tabas v. California Manufacturing
work [sic]. And compliance therewith was satisfactorily explained Co., Inc. (169 SCRA 497), this Honorable Court held that the
by respondent Gonzalo Kehyeng in his testimony (TSN, p. 12-30) work of merchandisers of processed food, who coordinate with
during the July 31, 1991 hearing. On cross-examination, grocery stores and other outlets for the sale of the processed food is
complainants failed to rebut or deny Gonzalo Kehyeng's testimony necessary in the day-to-day operation[s] of the company. With
that complainants have been even receiving more than the more reason, the work of processed food repackers is necessary in
minimum wage for an average workers [sic]. Certainly, a lazy the day-to-day operation[s] of respondent Empire Food Products.
worker earns less than the minimum wage but the same cannot be 2. It may likewise be stressed that the burden of proving the existence of just
attributable to respondents but to the lazy workers. cause for dismissing an employee, such as abandonment, rests on the
8. NLRC affirmed in toto that  the claims for underpayment of wages were employer,  a burden private respondents failed to discharge.
without basis as complainants were admittedly "pakiao" workers and paid 3. Petitioners are therefore entitled to reinstatement with full back wages
on the basis of their output subject to the lone limitation that the payment pursuant to Article 279 of the Labor Code, as amended by R.A. No. 6715.
Nevertheless, the records disclose that taking into account the number of

employees involved, the length of time that has lapsed since their dismissal, Memorandum Order No. 28,12 clearly exclude the employer of piece rate
and the perceptible resentment and enmity between petitioners and private workers from those exempted from paying 13th month pay.
respondents which necessarily strained their relationship, reinstatement 9. As to overtime pay, the rules, however, are different. According to Sec.
would be impractical and hardly promotive of the best interests of the 2(e), Rule I, Book III of the Implementing Rules, workers who are paid by
parties. In lieu of reinstatement then, separation pay at the rate of one month results including those who are paid on piece-work, takay,pakiao, or task
for every year of service, with a fraction of at least six (6) months of service basis, if their output rates are in accordance with the standards prescribed
considered as one (1) year, is in order under Sec. 8, Rule VII, Book III, of these regulations, or where such rates
4. That being said, the amount of back wages to which each petitioner is have been fixed by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with the aforesaid
entitled, however, cannot be fully settled at this time. Petitioners, as piece- section, are not entitled to receive overtime pay. Here, private respondents
rate workers having been paid by the piece,  there is need to determine the did not allege adherence to the standards set forth in Sec. 8 nor with the
varying degrees of production and days worked by each worker. Clearly, rates prescribed by the Secretary of Labor. As such, petitioners are beyond
this issue is best left to the National Labor Relations Commission. the ambit of exempted persons and are therefore entitled to overtime pay.
5. As to the other benefits, namely, holiday pay, premium pay, 13th month Once more, the National Labor Relations Commission would be in a better
pay and service incentive leave which the labor arbiter failed to rule on but position to determine the exact amounts owed petitioners, if any.
which petitioners prayed for in their complaint, we hold that petitioners are
so entitled to these benefits. Three (3) factors lead us to conclude that
petitioners, although piece-rate workers, were regular employees of private
respondents. First, as to the nature of petitioners' tasks, their job of
repacking snack food was necessary or desirable in the usual business of
private respondents, who were engaged in the manufacture and selling of
such food products; second, petitioners worked for private respondents
throughout the year, their employment not having been dependent on a
specific project or season; and third, the length of time that petitioners
worked for private respondents. Thus, while petitioners' mode of
compensation was on a "per piece basis," the status and nature of their
employment was that of regular employees.
6. The Rules Implementing the Labor Code exclude certain employees from
receiving benefits such as nighttime pay, holiday pay, service incentive
leave and 13th month pay,  inter alia, "field personnel and other
employees whose time and performance is unsupervised by the employer,
including those who are engaged on task or contract basis, purely
commission basis, or those who are paid a fixed amount for performing
work irrespective of the time consumed in the performance thereof."
Plainly, petitioners as piece-rate workers do not fall within this group
7. Further, in Section 8 (b), Rule IV, Book III, 11 piece workers are specifically
mentioned as being entitled to holiday pay.
8. In addition, the Revised Guidelines on the Implementation of the 13th
Month Pay Law, in view of the modifications to P.D. No. 851 by
12 The following employers are still not covered by P.D. No. 851:
11 Sec. 8. Holiday pay of certain employees. — d. Employers of those who are paid on purely commission, boundary or task basis, and those
(b) Where a covered employee is paid by results or output, such as payment on piece work, his who are paid a fixed amount for performing specific work, irrespective of the time consumed
holiday pay shall not be less than his average daily earnings for the last seven (7) actual in the performance thereof, except where the workers are paid on piece-rate basis in which
working days preceding the regular holiday: Provided, however, that in no case shall the case the employer shall grant the required 13th month pay to such workers. 
holiday pay be less than the applicable statutory minimum wage rate.

40. David v Macasio (STREEGAN) 1. Macasio filed before the LA a complaint against petitioner Ariel L. David,
July 2, 2014 | Brion, J. | Working Conditions – Employees Paid by Results doing business under the name and style "Yiels Hog Dealer," for non-
payment of overtime pay, holiday pay and 13th month pay. He is also
PETITIONER: ARIEL L. DAVID, doing business under the name and claiming for SIL.
style "YIELS HOG DEALER" 2. Macasio alleged before the LA that he had been working as a butcher for
RESPONDENTS: JOHN G. MACASIO David since January 6, 1995. Macasio claimed that David exercised
effective control and supervision over his work pointing out that David:
SUMMARY: a. Set the work day, reporting time and hogs to be chopped, as well
as the manner by which he was to perform his work;
Macasio filed before the LA a complaint against petitioner. David, doing b. Daily paid his salary of P700.00, which was increased from
business under the name and style "Yiels Hog Dealer," for non-payment of P600.00 in 2007, P500.00 in 2006 and P400.00 in 2005;
overtime pay, holiday pay and 13th month pay. He is also claiming for c. Approved and disapproved his leaves. Macasio added that David
SIL. owned the hogs delivered for chopping, as well as the work tools
and implements; the latter also rented the workplace.
David alleged that he hired Macasio as a butcher or chopper on "pakyaw" 3. David claimed that he started his hog dealer business in 2005 and that he
or task basis who is, therefore, not entitled to overtime pay, holiday pay only has ten employees. He alleged that he hired Macasio as a butcher or
and 13th month pay pursuant to the provisions of the Implementing Rules chopper on "pakyaw" or task basis who is, therefore, not entitled to
and Regulations (IRR) of the Labor Code overtime pay, holiday pay and 13th month pay pursuant to the provisions of
the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Labor Code.
LA dismissed Macasio’s complaint. NLRC affirmed the LA Ruling. The 4. LA dismissed Macasio's complaint for lack of merit. The LA gave credence
CA, however, reversed the decision of the NLRC stating that Macasio is to David's claim that he engaged Macasio on "pakyaw" or task basis.
only excluded from the monetary benefits if he is a “field personnel”. 5. NLRC affirmed the LA ruling.
6. CA partly granted Macasio's certiorari petition and reversed the NLRC's
WoN Macasio is entitled to these labor standards benefits (holiday, SIL ruling for having been rendered with grave abuse of discretion.
and 13th month pay). YES EXCEPT for the 13th Month Pay 7. The CA explained that as a task basis employee, Macasio is excluded from
the coverage of holiday, SIL and 13th month pay only if he is likewise a
field personnel.
DOCTRINE: 8. As defined by the Labor Code, a field personnel" is one who performs the
work away from the office or place of work and whose regular work hours
In determining whether workers engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis" is cannot be determined with reasonable certainty. In Macasio's case, the
entitled to holiday and SIL pay, the presence (or absence) of employer elements that characterize a field personnel are evidently lacking as he had
supervision as regards the worker’s time and performance is the key. been working as a butcher at David's "Yiels Hog Dealer" business in Sta.
If the worker is simply engaged on pakyaw or task basis, then the 9. Hence this petition by David in the SC.
general rule is that he is entitled to a holiday pay and SIL pay unless
exempted from the exceptions specifically provided under Article 94 ISSUE:
(holiday pay) and Article95 (SIL pay) of the Labor Code. However, if 1. WoN Macasio is entitled to these labor standards benefits (holiday, SIL and
the worker engaged on pakyaw or task basis also falls within the 13th month pay). YES EXCEPT for the 13th Month Pay
meaning of "field personnel" under the law, then he is not entitled to
these monetary benefits. HELD:

1. The SC provides that the general rule is that holiday and SIL pay provisions
FACTS: cover all employees. To be excluded from their coverage, an employee must

be one of those that these provisions expressly exempt, strictly in

accordance with the exemption.
2. Under the IRR, exemption from the coverage of holiday and SIL pay refer
to field personnel and other employees whose time and performance is
unsupervised by the employer including those who are engaged on task or
contract basis.
3. Note that unlike Article 82 of the Labor Code , the IRR on holiday and SIL
pay do not exclude employees "engaged on task basis" as a separate and
distinct category from employees classified as field personnel." Rather,
these employees are altogether merged into one classification of exempted
4. The payment of an employee on task or pakyaw basis alone is insufficient
to exclude one from the coverage of SIL and holiday pay. They are
exempted from the coverage of Title I (including the holiday and SIL pay)
only if they qualify as field personnel. The IRR therefore validly qualifies
and limits the general exclusion of workers paid by results" found in Article
82 from the coverage of holiday and SIL.
5. By dismissing Macasio's complaint without considering whether Macasio
was a "field personnel" or not, the NLRC proceeded based on a
significantly incomplete consideration of the case. This action clearly
smacks of grave abuse of discretion.
6. In determining whether workers engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis" is
entitled to holiday and SIL pay, the presence (or absence) of employer
supervision as regards the worker’s time and performance is the key.
7. If the worker is simply engaged on pakyaw or task basis, then the general
rule is that he is entitled to a holiday pay and SIL pay unless exempted
from the exceptions specifically provided under Article 94 (holiday pay)
and Article95 (SIL pay) of the Labor Code. However, if the worker
engaged on pakyaw or task basis also falls within the meaning of "field
personnel" under the law, then he is not entitled to these monetary
8. Section 3 of the Rules and Regulations Implementing P.D. No. 85154
enumerates the exemptions from the coverage of 13th month pay benefits.
Under Section 3(e), "employers of those who are paid on xxx task basis,
and those who are paid a fixed amount for performing a specific work,
irrespective of the time consumed in the performance thereof" are
exempted from 13 month pay.


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