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Tibke. Sandra M.

From: Thissen-Milder, Mary (MOE) [[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 1143 AM
To: Tibke, Sandra M.; [email protected]
Cc: Thissen-Milder, Mary (MOE)
Subject: postponement

I'm going to be unable to be on the conference call this afternoon - so I need to send this email to let you know where
MN stands.

I am so disappointed that Sandy is receiving so much backlash concerning this conference. I have been down that road
often and certainly can understand all she is going through. I believe it is a good conference with a defendable research-
based agenda.

That being said, I have discussed the situation here and we have made the determination that it is best to postpone this
event until the conclusion of the session. We have low numbers at this point, so lets use that as justification.

Political climates are vulnerable everywhere right now - MN too is dealing with the potential of loosing our minor consent
law - Comp sex ed has been introduced, but hasn't even been granted a hearing.

Since the election many folks in our field have said our goal is to hold our ground and try not to move backwards.
Although the intention of this conference is a good one, the fall out and negative consequences to years of progress
could be of far greater loss. State Departments of Education are under fire in so many states - the timing of this is just
too tough. Let's wait and do it some other time.

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Tibke. Sandra M.

From: [email protected] .edu

Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 12:21 PM
To: Tibke, Sandra M.
Cc: 'Kurt Conklin'
Subject: Re : FW: postponement

Hi Sandy-
I·m so sorry things have come to this. I totally understand the rationale and wouldn · t want
the conference to do anything to jeopardize the status of legislation or put programs back.
It·s just a disappointment that folks can exert enough pressure to have this be the result .

Please let me know how you·d like me to proceed with covering the airfare cost we've laid out
and getting a credit on the airline for when this is rescheduled.

Many thanks,
PS - Seems like we·ll have a lot to talk about after dinner, with a cocktail at TISHE! :- )
> We are going to have to postpone the conference since MN is pulling out.
> Sandra Tibke, M.A.
> Health Education Coordinator
> Coordinated School Health
> North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
> (ph) 701-328-2098
> (fax) 701-328-4770
> [email protected]
> Coordinated School Health website
> . shtm
> "A child miseducated is a child lost. " John F. Kennedy
> Confidentiality Notice: This email communi cation and any attachments
> may contain proprietary and privileged information fo r the use of the
> designated recipient(s) named abo ve. Any un authorized review, use,
> disclosure or distributions is strictly prohibited. If you are not
> the intended recipient, please contact the sender by repl y email and
> destroy all copies of the original message.
> From: Thissen-Milder, Mary (MOE)
> [mailto : mary,thissen [email protected],us]
> Sent: Monday, Mar ch 28, 2011 11 : 43 AM
> To: Tibke, Sandra M.; [email protected]
> Cc : Thissen - Milder, Mary (MOE )
> Subject: postponement
> I ' m going to be unable to be on the conference call thi s afternoon
> so I need to send this email to let you know where MN stands.
> I am so disapPointed that Sandy is receiving so much backlash
> concerning this conference. I have been down that road often and
> certainly can understand all she is going through. I believe it is a
> good conference with a defendable research-based agenda.
> That being said, I have discussed the situation here and we have made
> the determination that it is best to postpone this event until the
Tibke. Sandra M.

From: Kurt Conklin [[email protected]]

Sent: Monday. March 28, 2011 1:51 PM
To: [email protected] .edu; Tibke, Sandra M.
Subject: RE: FW : poslponemenl

Oh, so sorry to hear this news. I understand, of course. I hope we'll find a way to re-group
and make this happen when conditions are more supportive!

Kurt Conklin, MPH, CHES

School Health Project Coordinator
212-819-9770 x322

From: [email protected] [[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 1:21 PM
To: Tibke, Sandra M.
Cc: Kurt Conklin
Subject: Re: FW: postponement

Hi Sandy-
I'm so sorry things have come to this. I totally understand the rationale and wouldn't want
the conference to do anything to jeopardize the status of legislation or put programs back.
It's just a disappointment that folks can exert enough pressure to have this be the result.

Please let me know how you'd like me to proceed with covering the airfare cost we've laid out
and getting a credit on the airline for when this is rescheduled.

Many thanks,
PS - Seems like we'll have a lot to talk about after dinner, with a cocktail at TISHE! :-)
> We are going to have to postpone the conference since MN is pulling out.
> Sandra Tibke, M.A.
> Health Education Coordinator
> Coordinated School Health
> North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
> (ph) 701-328-2098
> (fax) 701-328-4770
> smtibke@nd . gov
> Coordinated School Health website
) www . / health / index.shtm

) "A child miseducated is a child lost." John F. Kennedy

) Confidentiality Notice: This email communication and any attachments
) may contain proprietary and pri vileged information for the use of the
> designated recipient(s) named above. Any unauthorized review, use,
> di s closure or distributions is strictly prohibited. If you are not
> the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and
> destroy all copies of the original message .

) From: Thissen-Milder. Mary (MOE )

> [mailto:mary.thiss en-milder@state . mn . us]
Tibke. Sandra M.

From: [email protected] .us

Sent: Monday. March 28, 2011 12:58 PM
To: Tibke, Sandra M.
Subject: RE : postponement

Can me at 230

From: Tibke, Sandra M. [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, March 28, 2.01112.:12. PM
To: Beshara, Amy
Subject: FW: postponement

We are goi ng to have to postpone the conference since MN is pulling out.

Sondra Tibke, M.A.

I.l ealth Education Coordinator
Coordinated School Health
North Dakota Department of Puhli c In struction
(ph) 701 ·328· 2098
(fax) 70 1-32U-4770
Coo rd in ated School Heal th website

"A child misedu ca ted is a child lost." John F. Kennedy

Confidentia lity Notice : This email commun ication and any att~chme nts may contain proprietary and privileged information for
the use of the designated recipient(s) named above. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distributions is strictly
prohibited. If yo u are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all co pies of the original

From: Thissen-Milder, Mary (MDE) fmailto:[email protected]

Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 11 :43 AM
To: Tibke, Sandra M.; [email protected]
Cc: Thissen-Milder, Mary (MDE)
Subject: postponement

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